R289FBOOK39374 PmE172
"MOLVED, that that cortajsj St,vot De d,, dptc�d the ath
day of :JU17, 1952, executed by Amoricyn Ind Cemp"1 ', a corpora
ata.®:tc, 00aveying to the City of El so 0 a municipal co W-
ation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in
the City at El Segundo, County of Los Angeleae State of
California, described not
A i feet of of
v Sheet ! k�,w . n a.
�"• Book of Naps the the County
Recorder of Its Angolan Couny, jalljorniat,
Street Dead, dated the 7th day of July, 1952, executed
by B. H. Firth, a married max, conveying to the City of
El wogundov A zm.vtii;ipal corporation of Lea t4k,3elea Couaityp
Calivarniaa, the rea_1. pwoperty In the City of El Zogundov
Courty of Las Aagelas and State of Ca."t:,.forriaav deaacribod as:
This north 540 feet of the eafat 47,25 foot of the
Nest 72.25 feet of Lot 57, Black 123$ of El Seguundlo,
Sheet No* 89 as recorded an Pagan 106 and 1O7 of
Boots 22 of Napo in the office of the County Racariar
of Los Angeloe Caunty, California;
Street Deed, dated the 30th day of J.axaa, 1952®
executed by juln Richard Stanton and Nuriel U. Stanton,
hie Map conveying to the City of El Wgunlor a municipal
corporation of :Lao Angeles Country, Califormla, the real
propwty in the City of El Wgundog County of Lae Angeles
and Ztete of California, described cot
The north 5„00 feet of the w at 46..00 feet of
the east 92.00 facet of Log 220, Block 223; of
E. Sugundo, Staect Va. 8, es rseorled on Pa az
106 and 107 of Book 22 of Napa in the office
of the County Raocodor of Ina Angelem Coaantya
Ca ifozmia
3tb'F.4.`.tk DBE 119 G rs`cgd t ;DU 25th day wi Junto ` %✓ *`^°t
Q.w"'£i l2tw.% by JiP'h"I 0, G"uani2,3.han and :s {3., y", ?.a.:'l r.,.(,. .I.°.'9zE3�ys't ::.al,
Cs'V a;:,F> Fx,<'. tR n *0 loz Anfifyalw C's z$a'.s Celik a —zia' , tiv?
pri+'r wfy in t/��:Sw qv'�1' -�f of �rz a c'J3�.,TE.n;f"+f, r,e�d'+<3�3'"T k`Jii 'e"a ie.E2 y�i"l: ej
arl i Vat4r Iuf 6V.a.i.' fti ncda' 'io isr'i1 od unto
xhV ngoth Wo foot Cc 3a& 30, r.S.rva. _ ,•?3 0''r''
r e
li,`'.; Ti "+ 3"Y",
" CJ 22 .3' 35 L'i) 3 Q`'fict,
of th" G4 •' ity F F'sc P.?rd a We is ya t so County,
t 0
BOOK39374 PAcE173
Strc°t Dead, dated the 19th day of June, 1952,
axecuted by B®rbea:•t Seerman, convoying to the City of
.N. Segundo, a munf.cipal corporation of L®a Ange$loa CM'Ity,
California, the reeal property is the City of ZI S ®goo,
County d£ Loss Angeles and State of Californian, described ass
The south 5.00 feet of Lot 7, Block 114; of El
Segundo,Shoet Bo. 5r as recorded on Pagan 124 and
315 of Book 20 of Maps in the office of the County
Rocca-der of I Angels County, CaUfoseaiag
south Mri
The • feet of the east 100*00 feet
of Lot Ilt Block 1241 of B1 Segundo, Sheet No.
5a as recordod on dC4 AwC of xf. 20
of Maps in tIva office of the County Recorder
Los Angeles County, ♦ T IT
Street Deed, dated the 24th day of Jwi*v 1952, executed
by Be He Fwmworth, a married man, iSormyW to the City of
$1 Segundo, a municipal corporation of Leis Angeles City,
California, the roal property in the City of E1 Beguando,
County of Loa Angoles mid State of California, described ass
Street Devi, dated the 30th day of dune, 1952, executed
by Be He Farmworth, a marriod man, emwaying to the City of
El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Loa Angoleas County,
California, the real property in the City of B1 Segwdoo
County of Loa Angeles and State of Ce- Wornia, described as:
The north 5.00 feet of ,T.c east 46,00 feet of
Lot 57s, Block 1231 of El Segundo,, Sheet Ea. 8.,
as recorded on Pages 0 and 0 of Book of
Maps `i the office the County Recorder of Loo
Angeles i California;
Street Deed, dated the VW -A day of Junes, 1952, exec =uted
by Be He Farznmrth, a married man, comcqIng to the City of
El S 39tusslo, a Ouni.cipal Corporation of Loa Angeles Coamty,
Cali:£ornia, the ream property in the City of U aegundoe
Ccausaty of Los Angd -'Las Md State of Califormia., diegaribed as:
e �
BOOK39374 P*174
The north 5,,00 100t of thM wVt 46.00 fo!xx, of
4an6i�°g 31$x4".'., 32: 9 o a �. c`Z.y z?, zoq : b at Sk r. as"
ns re'€40 ode fix"^ ,'"Q as IC6 FV i3 .9( of Z.;r Fn Of
Napa All the @Jft' lce of Vao 0,01nita at '1141
5tro6t DoGdo d^.f,ed then 13th d.. ;r eau Junco 1952, cxz,utcd
t-ry B. H. Farw—vrth, ta, rmrried ri€ , convasyirkg to the Cit,f of
El Segundo, a man3eipul corporation or Lc5 AFagelea Gandy D
California,, the rea. 'property in tho City of El S¢agay.doo
Cananty of Loa Bak, €a wd State of r3eliforniag rdeacribel as;
for public &L` a-q'uwt fi'+,15'rS°d(. Tzv 1"oo E ".d 'Jhc S's>;.u.. r ar- ha r'by ; -t t"^;at n-".
by and m. bokwAf at m110 City, ef M. cxe_ wdd o; aw-
BE IT F'iTdRTHER Y,MLFF , �:: thcp, C:a.ty Clari= be
is hereby aaathorim. and directed to cave said 3rie�rl�v :n,ta
to be .filet Xorr raccx'aI- as cno decu ont In the office z ?'he
Cs7wity Recozwiarr ;if Loz Angsles Cauntyr , Cz� fo ia.,t
I, Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City
at a regular meeting of said body held on the 9th day of July, 1952,
and that, as of this date, said resolution has not been repealed or
in any way amended.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of the City of E1 Segundo, California, this 11th day of
July, 1952.
',) .I,
Neva M. Elsey, City Cl k'of the
City of E1 Segundo, California