R287BUOK392'76 PAGE 20 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 25, 1952• "RESOLVED, that that certain Strout Deed, dated the 24th day of June, 1952, executed by El Segundo Unified School District of Loa Angeles County, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: The south 5.00 feet of Lots 6 and 7. Block 115E of El Segundo, Sheet No. 5, to recorded on Pages 734 and 715 of Book 20 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Loos Angeles County, California; M Street Deed, o2mczxted by Roy H. Reynolds and Thelma Reynolds, Fits wife, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of Ei Segundo, County of Loa Angeles and State of California, described ass Street Deed, dated the 14th day of June, 1952, executed by Wesley Winfrey Conover and Margaret Virginia Conover, his wife, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California,, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles and Stage of California,, described ass The north 5.00 foot of Lot 1688 Block 123, except the ;vest 81.50 fact and also except the east 27.50 feet thereof; of El Segundo, Sheet No. Bp as reccrdit1 on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 Of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; -j Street Deed, dated the 71th day of June, 1952, executed by Chester T. Currey, an unmarried man, conveying to tine City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation! of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles and State of California, described ,sa: The south 5.00 feat of the *asst 61.54 feet of Lot 10, Block 314; of x»1 Segundo, Sheet No. 5, elw a€s recorded on Pages 114 and 215 of Boric 20 of Maps in the office of the County Racordor of Los Angeles County, California; r 1 BOON39276 PAGE 21 Street Deed, dated the 12Lh day of June, 1952, executed by Lao W. Schasfor and Lelia W, Schaeferq Us uifej coanviny dnag to the City of U Segundo,, as municipal corporation of Los Angeles CojMq, California, the real property in the City of El Seguzrdto, County of Los lan.geles and State 'Of Califoridaa, described aea The south 5.00 feet of Lot 90 Block 115; of 1•:.1 Segundo, Sheet No. 5, as recorded on, Pages 114 and 115 of Hook 20 of Maps in the, office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; D Street Deed,, dated the 12th dreg of June, 1952, euecutod by Holley C. Smith and Clara J. Smith, his wife, conveying to the City of E3. Segundo., a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of El Segwgo, County of Los Angeles and State of California, described as; The north 5.00 feet of the west 45 *00 feet of Lot 1126 Block 123; of El Segundo, Sheet Do. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 grad. 107 of Book 22 of Kaps in than office of the Cowaty Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; Stroot Deed,, dated the 12th day of June, 3.952, executed by Roland Blakeman and Fine C. 13lakeaau, leis caiffe, ;on ay ing to the City of ;Ul Segundo, a municipal corporation of is Angeles County, California, then real property in the City of El Sagundo, Couaaty of Lori Angeles and State of California,, described ass The north 5.00 font of Lot 1, Block 123; of El Segundo, Sheet No. S. as recorded on Pages 206 awl 107 of Hook 22 of Maps in the office of the Cousety Recorder of Less Angeloa Conyty, California; 0 Street Deed, dated the 12th € ey of Jugs, 19529 cmecute4 by Henry W. Hager.sloker and H rgaret X. .Hagensiaker, his wife, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a ssunicipal corporation of .Los ; Angeles County, California the real property in the City of El Segundo, Caimty of, Los Angeles,, and State of Califonia, described ass F?17' The north 5.00 felt of the woot 47.25 feet of the eaot 72.,25 feet of Lot 274, Block 123; of El Sagtwda'. Shut no. 63, as recorded on Pages 206 and 107 of Book 22 of M&ps in the office; of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County*,, California; -2- ♦ • 8001(39276 °AGE 22 Street Deed., dated the 11th day of Jame, 1952, executed by John H. Ksdow a:ad Ruth 0. Kadoaa, his wife, conveying tot the City of E1 2 sg.vi do, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, CaL forsnias, than real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles and State of California., described ass FAFICEL 110. is The south 5.0 ) feet of the west 1/2 of Lot lop 31ock 114, ass; also this south 540 facet of the vac t 20.00 foist of the east 1/2 of Lot 109 Block 1U.; of El Se rondo, Sheet No. 5, an recorded on Pages 1U. and 115 of .look 20 of Maps in the of- fice of the CFnaaaty Recorder of Los Angeles County,, California. PAF'CEL kd0. 2s Tae, north 5.01) feet of the vast 46.00 foot of Lot X140 BlDcl- 123, of E1 Segundo, Shoot No. S, +aa recorded on Pages lJ6 and 107 of Book 22 of Haw -in the o five of the County Recorder of Los A>drelas Coutnty, California; S rset Deed, dated the 11th day of June, 1952, executed by Robort Henry lmiiz and Marylyn E. Lewis, his wife, eonvay- Ing to the City of El. Segundo, a municipal corporation of Loins Anylos County, �:a3.ifornia, the real property in the City of El Segun;do, Coen ;4 of Los Angolas and State of California, described ass The north 5400+ foot of thaw east 143.25 feet of the west 94925 feet of Lot 56, B1o,,,k 123; of &L Segundo, Shaasat No. g, as recardod on Pages 106 and 1.07 of Book 22 of Nape in the office of the County Recorder of Lose Angeles CountyM Cali- for -da; "MT Straot Deed, dated the 17th day of June, 1952, executad by Wilbert di. Po:sle and Alsim. W. Poolep his wife, convey-Ing to the City of E; Segundo,, a mnaicipal corporation of Los Angs]lecs Coaaaaty, California, the real properly in the City of El Sogaaaxdo, County of Los Imsoles and State of California, described ass The south 5..00 feet of the west 63.03 fast of seat 1l, Block. ;Ills.; of El Segundo., shoot Woo 5, as; recorded on Pages 114 and 115 of Book 20 of ME.p,.a in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California-, M Strewst Deeds dated the 16th day of June, 15552, exoeute;rd by Ralph °d. RVO a sidower, convoying to the City of E1 Ser,aun wl a mwa).cilsal corpora >i.on of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angerlee and State of California, deacribed ass T ,o sautes 5.00 boot of Lot 120 Block 1140- of .l'= :<<iEr3d31xza5, x,y' fins 5, r va'uEiiZ 4055 Pkgeas 214 and 115 of Book; 20 ofP23asoaa in the office Of the County 3ecorder of Los Angeles Countyp CaUfornia; -3- 0 0 t<f BOOK39276 PAGE 23 btaasot I eM, dated the Atth day of MOO 1152, executed by Mpronvo R„ 110 larva. amd Siva L'o:3lar d, his Was convoy- ing tc, ?,£io City of El Segundo, a mun cQaral corporation of Lee Argolem Crrmtg, California, the real pr.•ojer°ty in the City of El Sogw,,dc, County of Lao .Angoloaa and State of CeallfCax'viv, domar bob am "s'h:9 omth, ;;nC3 feet, of 1,ot 8'.n Black :1,53 of 11 Segundo °dot A. i, at racordod on Pages 731r sad 11; of Book 20 of Hurn In the office of t_ho county Quovdcr of ISO tngola CounwyF Cali - f'aaay iag M ®t met D , leatoC t£.sa Wth 07 of Juneq 1952s ozeou'r,e dd by 'Haranar•a fns Tlzy a ens.'. viry',:m S. Mcftbm, hiz lAfo, carrtr rj- bag uo the ClAy of BI Segundo,,, a momicipal corporation of Los Argolea Crourty, , Ce f r ia; t1m reel prejayty in the 0113' of 1 sagum o,, Casa y of Lao Angeles and state of Califon las dezoribcsd as�a the eaamt €r 5.03 feet of the east 81,54 flat, of let 8, h'isa €:&: 1143 of &1 Sri o, 51mot No, 5, to r ocaar vIK ca Pages IS amd 115 of Boos 20 of j:adaaa in UP o`<'.fics K tho ConMy Records, of Loa A.ngaalez Cmmt „ -f, Cus1.3.toz'%0-a= TTTM Valet Dew:, iat€td th.a {:fro UT, s 4 rn'z' � » 9 e by Dorar.�W C, r.. °,rk and Isla 3:a'ee Mort, ;n: 3 ,r'U'6 %” ,,.T.,"e 3'je the City of 31 yeg. +r dvj, a amMiVol omporstim O ;s.� ea S aca County, CaliforrIal tha real ja'srp,.anQ m'_T� j'Rc :a:2ty o`t' g1 (a°®$rr.'b td' of jX-'Z& .&i gol aa, V,v� M = F "t�s a"a' s.m Thus e auth 1.00 foot of the West 81.54 flat rf Lot C, t'lmoc k 1241 CC gl Scagu ins, shM !£t. 5, to recur e" ca Pages 11 a and 115 How sit of Fv,m :Ens, this olLfice of t£so Goayty her=d,-)r of Loa Angeles County, Tallfornizz 1 2trort .'`''.sic.,, '. sted. the SO AT paf e7Bneq X9529 e=6;m',- d" by i g� zda Mn V71t' ompr eq a widows canate wag ts; t2ho City ("t El Sa[2 0h s; a saminipal corps etion of Loa Aar, eloa County, Californlat the x°ssrl property in the City of El Segsraadaa, County of Los A geloo and State of Cali fo . a, s£oac;; lb €ad as: TO raar•th ';mO That of the wont 45 *00 feat of lot 56;, Block 321£ of Rl Segundo, Shoot g,es S, as reccrded can Peres 106 and 107 of DOOR 22 of a£aa in the aB'f'ice of tin County Pzcordoi of ion Asap - slov,, C y, Calfkforw..q m Strust Dot, l ated tbo 1. ".nth MY Of June, 1952, exomr ad Q D, la'1tzgerall and B3471 j. Fitzgcrald, his ing to the City of El Sogundov a municipal corporation, of Uri Ls .5B 0 42 , - "" _,fie . �'_ xw ` k.@: n•4 fez., i i .i_ , Sagan dc, County of Los Hgeloe and. Ste +.tu .af° Ca Ai orrrtia� ' tdu+3a. vi be kl au 1 -4- �w I BooK39276 PAGE 24 0 0 -�� of ths mab fect at thi anot 1 425 fect N of Lag t`.`. 11�q Blo d: Ot Jria. S�jq pir-100 Meat o. SV ae peowded on pagm 136 end 1Aq *:? Scon 22 of Aayji: in txfi,,�o of t:,,.r, Cuftunt�! 'ialwrdez A Loz JW'-plas Colj"'Yqj Cali- Acniat, RMST I Stxaet ikodt,, i18had Ma 15th day of Am, 19520 amculod by Zl-mxzc"' 'J. c4)zrtwOn aad LOO MM "'U. QZ�6rtzon" "'AD wife', CO2- VVY03 to ha or III S*gv.rA'*q a MUMISPA carpmatilon of Loa� G%mmAy WORTH, tha roal prlap6r,Y in the City of K Agrados CwAAq A 16v Angoluo ami Stw o i Df Galiforrdia,, da3cri�),,.d lv vc�r�t 5�,'Y' fw:; Of tno Qair� 4-5-5c, fevt of I'N"�Ae teln'v lar rllo 'I 02 Sagandop Szvmwi;t 3o. Ca ag ranwdl:,d,, 4-,-A pa gog IIS ", IM ol, 300 Zo of Ann Ln th-'z fuPfiue of t�ic Cowt4r �ai:orduv a? Lalz Cowity" Cali- 1�-xrntag naafi I 5":lreet, l;zted the TIt"'a dAf of Wwwr 19520 cialmut"s-Ild by !"wrold it. Wilike W YargarJ ?, Ul"U'lital, illie wiflu" oc-a- VOYAg to 7 i o &MY of ZI Tagmados, a MRx".cipal rabm ation a)f !A%a AA+NIso Ooim;�j, CWa :",-Tmm:L20 thl� 1%'Nal ;QrOjel'by Jx, the cIt"T of III llegurAn,, Gxntg q? We An,,pIlDo tjwi 5ttut,e �I Cc`�Ilforzlla, doscrilei vaq TA th 5,0( 3 of X man <e L�A v� F11 3�cz-gpivlt)" shoot No. S� -lnccr'e If"'d 0g; arSu 117,41 u"'' 22 of Ssh th* oifi'vq lot tlt, (7fvY.q Roi�or,,Icr of Loo md vztw�l ' ho c."f "T ') r ".952", by Dw-min A. Zle:-y """, 'acTrrvi% 'r to tha city ('W K iagumAoj A. lwr pox a"' :-o of Lau jwglvla:6 Um thlz "Jity �g BI $Ugund' Gam "y of .0 c:?'% L; :L deocr�j�ol as &A, Man mr1h 51k t'69fz, VI" tat, tv%V�:o IFS,,r,;'J Vc&-t, Off tim 30;3t Sl.?! fWTA, Of rl.�,14 21'i, Bin c!2`4 I;t zrt it A6.QJ AS of tho O&A 91.25 Hot; a! F1 5 1g�'umlcl' Ne. 84, Z s CIlTxii'ty : Uaxondc- Ok Lf)s Angplo", County, C&Ii- Awala?, Cr t :ilii ordEv, ce Lou Anjoica County, Ca} ll- TA th 5,0( 3 of X man <e L�A v� F11 3�cz-gpivlt)" shoot No. S� -lnccr'e If"'d 0g; arSu 117,41 u"'' 22 of Ssh th* oifi'vq lot tlt, (7fvY.q Roi�or,,Icr of Loo md vztw�l ' ho c."f "T ') r ".952", by Dw-min A. Zle:-y """, 'acTrrvi% 'r to tha city ('W K iagumAoj A. lwr pox a"' :-o of Lau jwglvla:6 Um thlz "Jity �g BI $Ugund' Gam "y of .0 c:?'% L; :L deocr�j�ol as &A, Man mr1h 51k t'69fz, VI" tat, tv%V�:o IFS,,r,;'J Vc&-t, Off tim 30;3t Sl.?! fWTA, Of rl.�,14 21'i, Bin c!2`4 3agwadv, Sweeec, Tio. 9" �w mvwl{xl' x . -.kd ICI? a! Bov;- Napa Ix" 'U'to olff.tads of CIlTxii'ty : Uaxondc- Ok Lf)s Angplo", County, C&Ii- Awala?, -5- 0 0 BOOK39276 PAGE 25 Meet iitiMO dated the 23rd day of Jere, 19520 execiY' ed by Cl€trenco & QlAr aid HarTi att Do 0100 We 02% aoMay... Ing tt; the city of Al Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angalos Ccri nQ1,, CaUf taxies, the reel property in the City of Fl. Safvadoo Carty of Lon Angeles za 3 ,ta;;a of California,, deo,ax°f.b1.zd ar t They nor:tBa - =.0 7 foes. s?„ Lst I& TV, Wurc:h 123„ Qx- ceQ Us most 93.00 feet, rad rlera cccaeplw the ca,zrt 2!,iv C•.0 feotg 1,V 30 U "Mo +`R'i:`alr•)'i- Voo 8" t;&s rPora€sordef oar Falp s 106 and 107 of Back 2 cif Hips in twa Office of the county Etei9;oxider of Loa iLrgvles Gaunty u C011gra°n a-, M WsaM DION late] tie 24th d of .1-a .09 1952" oxecut od by WfOlra a +. .tartar and Wrou F. stxrt•''as`at, I2cs 11TMife" convoy.'.aag to tin t; ,vy o 3.1 3eg :dear a Eamit'.' jel ccgopor°ation of Los AM902se Ctau€atym Csl.:Ll.'srs°nisq the rO&l pOorros' 7 in W 007 Of '4 Mu "i q ir`!i'�3rtQ of Los Angeles E;'md state of Wi. °oS'S3i.w rYvss=^Kbod not Tho nor t';,i 5.0 feet If 7.ar'e. Mo Block 123o o x- fh<troao g mt' 1 Scagundss Sheet Me, 8, ae recorded cm Psgry W6 and 107 of Bock 22 of naps in the f s ro of t he County Recorder of lea Aneloo Gp, Vyv "„liforniny �'tj °S tt c'V ,a 'aton the 20h J -l' -o -'? J$d6Q, 19529 C':nio.fxe;. convey- ing to n5'se C:7.".ty of 21 4scgundo, � ° "�f1r".^.�.i` i.�. ot; rrnurat ic'n 6t:" Los Azgc Les CBctwZpr, Gtgl;rcrniaq the rcs:l �P.'ir:to�t,^;9 in tiles Cite of H1 5ogyrdoe w=57 of rice Angei&s and HOW :1 California,' deacr2bad an: Thn north 5.02 foot & the the w"actP 0.23 foot of lot • . &'Ioat Fier® 8S a 306 sni 107 a! Boclt ;22 of i tf tlz County How der of IBM iza•t a9'm25 Bret of I120 Block 123; of r'ecordQ on Pages aF+� in the O'rice as Angeles Cluntyn Street WaQ latei tie Ath MY nab o e" 19520 axecu "od L t wads Sa? h,, a, oarriod rntn, owa s ing to the City of EP, Seg;;asado, c. ranicIp-_1 or,ration of Loa trageles Colree.y$ fon71r,, 'tho ;° ai. pavlorty in the City €f Fl. `is oa Cour!',y of W Angeles and State of C'allfwnia„ WoMbed aa: FARM NO. 1: The couch 2.01 Bret of We 70 8, J nnd I4, Flavk 2.13? of Fl S ndog Sht No. Q. at Yo- carded on Pagos 12 a o nd x15 of Book 20 of Naga In the Wff vas of the County Recorder of Los A rtg,,elmo Go?.mt, r, Cclifornis. PASTEL 40. 2S IM nnath SM fort nz 111Z 112 --1 AM Clock 113; of M Segundoe Sheet No. Sv as r¢ aided on -6- BOOK39276 PAGE 26 1 igas 106 aal 107 of 300k 22 of Maps in the Mien of the CounQ7 ;decor +ier of LLos Angeles v .JU7':3t7, California; and ,host s *19 hated the 20th QV of June, 1952, executed by ;aina aenw*r:, 2 vidamw, c rgyinL; to the City of El Sagunda, a via aninipal. vacp=ttion of lion Ang;aa10B Countys California, the real .'at p * ;zrty the City of 6 {?11 Seg+tndo, County of Los AAgyelea and State €;Y California, dsacriiod art :•xe &ou`.h 5.O1.' feat of the onat 91..05 foot of Lit 109 Me& 115; of El Saguiado, Sheet X, 5, as recorded aP Pages 124 asad :L15 of See: 20 of Hapo in this oz'fico of the Oounaty Recru�dcr of 14ae Angfilos Ccun1t;y, California. T'aes &Vbh 5.00 feat of Lsgt 9, Block 114; of El Segundo, Sheet Q. 5, as recorded an Pages 1 "t4, and 315 of Book 20 of Hapa in the office of tlaa Coaanty liorordo:r of Los Angeles County, Cali - for juhlQ s5reat purpoaws, be and the =game are- hereby arcaptad by and on behalf at the City of El aogundo® end Ba 2T Pi)RTHER RZ101 M, that ;ate C' t, C: €oy* be amd eha e hereby euthov sed tmd directed Q a Cauca o id. inatrurvats to be filed or age:ox°d Ea; ona� do:tamn�s in thsa 0 1 e of the Cosask:cp`3 Recv.'Ua,r 0;:` f,otl Cr, wtye STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said body held on the 25th day of June, 1952, and that, as of this date, said resolution has not been repealed or in any way amended. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of E1 Segundo, California, this 27th day of June, 1952. -rk'1 Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk f the City of El Segundo, Cal forma. -7-