R283E;oun38737 PAGL34 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 19, 1952. that that certain Qa'''C"at T,'F 00 E;.PQ& the 10th day ok Harsh, :19520 executed ty sar.srg3 Jn Boor wand Irene .Carr, husband a.&, wife an joint t`,arwAL .0 voy'lrg to the City of F ! aegundwo a. nuDicivaP. of Lee Ango1$a County, California,, the real imes ,he City. of La Segundo, County of Lae An,geleq StKe of Cali orWas deserdhadd ao. The rtuar mWA7 05-00 feet of the folk wirsg described land- That portion of lark. 2 of ,i \, F. Fiahev,a' a Ld: >. ieio€s in Section 12 of tho Sasasa! Redondo Ranshwo in the city 01 El sag0 ndo, sounty of +ao€? Angeles sad "Mate of California, aaa par map rocorded in Hoeg 220 page 87 of Wcel&naous Rocord&a i.n the of five of the County hec€rVer of acid Gouaaty, described ae follows: Beginning at a point of Wtorsecticm. of the soy: "eta line of lot I of said J. H. Fisher's Subf3..ivision, with the went line of Grates° .Street, theaee south 00 00r 26v Last 295.00 feet, more or I= to a point in said south line of said loin 1 a? 'FiPshor ®s Subdivision; tharece South 890 589 500 WK slang said south Itne 122 feet to the point of beginning; Street Deeds c17.katea h-0 10th Eq of JuL�1, 195 2•x executed by QthuT Virar W Altnada Viren, hasbanf and as joint tenants, €onv*ay-ing to ties. City of E Segundo, € muniripal. ,of Leis Angeles Cour:ty, California, real property in they City of l'aI. 6egundog Co2.€aay of 1,ou Angeles and State. of C,alib:3rn .a, descraibod as- The "rust 25.00 feet of tkar cast V7 feet rf the north 123.33 feet of the south 24&66 fee; of that portion cl Lot 2 of 0. Yam, Fishar4o S.F`bdi- vision, Section :12, Rvre ,o i usa1 Redonda, in the Citlr of 11 Sagundo, Wunty of Los Angeles sand State of California, as per zzp recorded :.n Book 2 29 Page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, desoribed. as .Yollous; Begiraiing at the intersection of the line of said 31at tr."h the nortbe,: g psolon ati €!z of the center line of M.ar7land 'n'treot, am a"hcmn on the rap of said Tract 128187 recorded in Bcd-� 249 .Pages 24 and 25 of Mapa, thence aoutherly along said Prolongation 395 feel;, Xjore or Less, to the north Rine of said Trait 12867, thence oa;.storly wean, said north line 441.,00 fast, rare or Lasso to a line parallel KOO and distant westerly 122 feet meas;trud at right anglers., free the rest line of Center Streit, 60 feet cwide z thence noritaerly along said parallel line 395 feet, more or lees, to the north line of said lot, thence westerly along said lino 441 fast, more or leas, to the -1- 0100 tie { C B008537 AGt3V- r and Street Deed, dated the 6th day of Augunt,. 19518 executed by William K. Alberts, a *ingle man,, conveying to the City of El Segundo., a muuicip +al ccirp nation of %mss Angeles County, California, the reseal property in the City of El Segundce County of Lae Angel e*, State of California, described as. The West 23.00 feet of that portion of 'got 2 of J. H. Fisherva Subdivision in Section 12, Rancho Saul +al Redondo, in the city of Ea Segundra, county of Los Angoleaa, state of Cali - fornia, as per map recorded in book 22 gage 87 of Miscellaneous Records, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly prolongation of the center line of Bungalow Street as :shorn can rap of Tract 12687 £ss per rage recorded in beach; 249, page 24 of Nspe with a line parallel with and distant northerly 61.67 feet measured at right €eagles from the northerly line of said Tract 12887; thence easterly along; said parallel line 347 feet to a line parallel with and distant masterly 322 feet measured at right angles from the westerly line of Center Street as shown on said last mentioned map; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to a. line parallel with and distant northerly 123.33 feet measured at right angles from said northerly line of Tract 12887; thence westerly alvog :paid parallel lire 147 feet to said prolongation of the center lines of Bungalow Street; thence southerly alo=47, said prolongation to the point of be inningo and Street Deed, dated the 11th drip of Augusta 1951® executed by Florentine Oradea an unmarried woman, convey - ing to the Tity° of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Loa Angeles CeuVty, California, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of mesa Angeles, State of Cali- - fornia., described as; The East 25.00 feet of that portion of Lot 2 of A F. Fisher's Subdivision, in Seecticn 12y Rancho Saunas.l Redondo, in the City of El, Sag undo, Ce uasty of Los Angeles, Kote of California, as per map recorded in book 22 page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the county recorder of eaisi county, doecrlb,3,3. as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly prolongation of the center line of Maryland . Street, as shown can the rap of Tract R®, 128870 recorded in book 249 pages 24 and 25 of daps, in the office of said county recorders urith a line parallel with and distant northerly 61.67 feet, measured at right angles £roan the navtherly line of said Tract %o. 12897-, ti annaae ea3teariy -2- �f . ea-38537 PAGL313 along said inliel l c fe�t tc narlhColy 1001.0agaUM Of M M&K MOO K' BurgaMw Stare Q, ez shown cn M, may of Shia Tract K"o. 32,887., tiheroe , Lik-;'-g {tazd UK Mcntivned prolongaticr to a lira ;;rallel with and distant nowthorly A2,3.33 feqk,: Mea-SM"Oe at _qV fy,n SCj& noytheyly line Tract No. Y28071, thancO BJU-+r-L� 5 1�ld lFst mentioned parallel line 200 fost Oo 3M Inrther-1k prolongatiOn of thn- Street, then southc&y Benz said last an&ianei Pro>nga- tion to the PaUt of boginnAll, EXAM therefrorm t'no 11W fej!'c�; Street Dead, dated the l9th day of july, 1951g, aNneutod by 14. Farr sna je&L K T=2 Habana and Me as joint tnanntz' vQMVqYKZ to the Uty of BI sogunhor'' a municipal corlarction of Loa Angelv k0cL'34' -y, Cnlifornia,, the real peclorlyin the City c2 Z! 5wgurlev Maty of Los Ange&o and State of California, dessrib0i IN The East 21.0 foot of the wast 147 03, Of the onst 20 teat of the oarth UNT feet alf the oc2ith W"4.6.66 foot of that partYD of Lot 2 of J. N, 8°leh,190 SUMV51on, QVicn 12, Qnsho Saulao, -In the City CC", .' :Lel 3agundr, Kenty of �"os '13t,&tc, aC califozMac as per map recorded in May 22, pae'o' 07 of i0sorda, in M Office of the Yurty Recorder M? said JLJzpl,ibetd an folloveg Beginning Q the Lzter2cction of the no0h Une of said Lat with the nortborly P-"�Olon awt'-isn of tho cantor Me of MaTylari btzaet,, as" sh- a xa Tract 123?7, nacardaU In Bolk 249,� Paga5 2,,,. aaO, '2�; of MayZ0 recordo of said thyace zaJohnVIV along said prcloagaticn 305 foot, mvan in lonz., to the mirth line at s0d Tract 1207 hann, 1, ea.��Qr.y aloing said nowth Use 441.00 fwatv MOM or l000v to o line parallel wit? and d ant rest- =17 122 Mot,, righ -27n., g'.e , a j�roma the We& Me V Center Strunt., 60 feet. thOnce 00rohnsly I&Dg sold perallol line 395 feet, more vr Inesm tQ the north lira ref said k)t, theace VaO'�GT27 G,10M8 said lins 441-00 Qvt, Mao M 1os3j, to the pDL-,-,t cf bagi4majjjr; TWMAV ``treat Dead, dated ths 37"h day of Molci, 1952, ew:acuteri by Clifford K SlAttler and Mrm K. 6jUler, husband and wife as Joint topamtsv to the City of El Sagundop a municipal corpCnation of Lon Anzeles Count7o California, the real property in the City of K Sagundop County of Los Angeles and State of Califonsia, described ass PARCEL NO. is The North 25.00 feet and West 25.00 feet of the east 117 feet rX Hot portion of Lot 2 of J. H. FiShw:."-'z —3— AMC& Seuml Redondo, in the City of El Camt',"� of Los Rognicso %ats K Califaunip, as per nap recorded in took 22, Fags 8? of Mi3mllaneaus Wordov dweribed w 2011saw FAROW A 3eZimminkg at thLe 09 the noith Ans of cid ..mob AM its wrtherly Y 10 jL­0' nslticz. --,f the cantez Ano sf Wyls-mid StreaO as ohown on Tmet WS57 in Vsk 249,, Pages 04 via & of Ka?o,'� UaM�- 3'DuUle��41 al= zaid nn::Iong nticn 05 Yet, ow a Imso to tho worth; lint of said tract 007'� theme wCarly along wid noyth line 411.00 AS19 Ewa or ls3s� to a ��Ama par&13,31 .�-_",'h end diVew weatorly 112 feet, asamed lalt Ago? anqg1m, frcar. the west I-Ime Gf waso 60 few'� thcc�c-., call patalle! lino 395 toot" more Sx 1090, t n o � Ily a 1]"Lao Go said lot, Uonce wootell Plans 2in',' 441.00 nor:) 'ny le3o' 'to po:Uyt of 'bh S-TkItb FAMA A. 2. x 1-poinIt ✓7d 'dch 1."' 50-'It'lerly 25.00 AW arl muterk 25-00 feet frcm the north- wwW comer m-" ti'ae abav��. , Far elil A Wish ysint of bagAming W Am the Smserior cca-..r of the A= dazerSIA p. ,el to. I- tioass stuhher3j 15.00 feet along a ldw �eZ.th he 'C',sts"t 2il"_z of to a point; thmnw� 'nort1h,eao'erly alio-ng w°c Of concave SOUIQW1217 and 7 av- ing a TOYS �wf 15XID Zoet. ",�c a Tylaich is 15.03 feet anstorly of the PHU! A be- g1mang of this parcel W I'z a D.iae th:�augl'i wid point FQ-Af JoginrAjIff of f'. ym i'.•ol to the =Oh line of mid Parcel A? Ishsnoe 15* 00 feet along saJd pazrallel 2_-_Yv 'lbo podat of beginning� and Straft Mob dated the 8th MY ch SIA 0529 axecutad by W012 Herdrich mi Bonn A Humdricha hus- band aad wiffe as j•Int to'na9t2:' to the City Of B! Segansov a 01MIApal Corpowaolan c,.. Lv:. County-0 California, the real propsity _,.ia t'aa if k,l So�nndoj County eo." Lo3 ArSalso and StaK c.:� decoribod &S. 1, FAMI MW !I The North 25.00 foet said Zan,,t 2500 feet of the vast 147 s �„ tl-te east fact, owz' thab por- tico of Lot 2 r�f & H Fisi-ijr u SanI,ion 12, tvaaaho Sausal Mando, in the City 02 El swgundqq County of Let Angairs, State of C'Af.Zomia ". per map remiled in Book 220 Pago 87 of NQU011meow n 4IF.1 of firao ce the Courly Rzoord.or cf said Caunt7q 6aseribed. as follow; 11 Wn Ain tooW, A rVarill Was of wid let .Ath Une ahoEn CL Tract 320V , recorked is We! 209, Ota-. A ;nd 25 A Am Of U'Ll-naty" QXneZ SoUnherly al=g SIM PYOUQUOUE 395 X7- Was, to UO nurty Dam if sa-01 WPM 72ARK thona".� Iizo 4LI.DD fust, Moro nazallyl AR, 'V&" di%zt")'nb' '."-,2 f "-. , reamurad at Aghly�� ".11181k;5 V 1'oK3 11n"& of Center struat, 60 feet W%-'o thu'-x�" 'r `e3 cAng aald jarallal —ILno ;"V5 7m- =lro or -z'ZIOCD W the north Aso of said 1A QeQue Wooteyk, along rAd line 40.00 fmot, w= or IOZD, to the Point A bnglrninq� tho zo-�'-�Vh tho reoZ. WAL 10s A Za a pr�iz'Ef.% TOIAch Yost and YORCRY TWO 002 Acs TLC Dorthenot of t�le above Warr And silos! A whic'n izztcr-Ior c:-,yrnar of the abovy OOZCFIOQ Solna! no 1z thence ov't'hez'].y x'�:s"% &�o-'L: a IJOn PZW02101 AtL '�'-'Ze z2!�nL of maid ParrA A to n PAUL; Wrya alvnj t ava of a curve vcneauc southsoat3oly and 0701 n nailns of 1505 fest tzi a pfIat -ok& 2 in 15,00 foot nnotorly *f the point OT bajinning cc this YaTewl &K 0 a I'Me thyanCh sadd paln.✓ of begizAng 3R& asoulle! Q QA voyth Me of 3nid Awe& A3 thence one torly 15.0C fea t along Wd parEAW live In the poindt of beP-'U=iIniIR '3 IMMM Street Mod, dated the OF day of harebo 1,52, ozecuted by Harald A Princo enj Nara Q Mace, is and wire as JMA' fxurn (.-'--71 E to We City of il sq3radq a municipal Corporation of hoc PLgolu-9 Ca'O"-f�orniao t�@ raal in the City a? EI 2agurdoov AuLty of Los kngoles mad Wato of CallfsrviaD deoWAQ aw,, FARAL No. 1z The USA 25,00 feet and tho WOO 20 cc Zook that Icatian of LA 2 of J, H. c�` `«O"I'Uon 129 Ranshc Ganss.1 tl-AiT r sty 02 "'U, County is 10-" Anz I.ec an SN"use of. �"Iifaamiza' &"'i YoT map Paceflod Im E"SOzt 222 8'? of ResuAno in the office of Who WAY Rncofdor cc said Monty, 1000PASA as folleyv-� 3;izui)" - ns at On AMOSVion 02 the cf said RA VOR tho nor Warly pwg- Anzation of thz zenter to A 'Ac rylani Asset' &S SMIM Om Tpaot woo 1207, recaraVi i7n Br.,c% 249 Fag= 24 and 25 of Ylapol, r-"9'Ordq wT oald county& thznwo southently along Osid PrOARgavion 595 feat' Mate or lasso to the roatt line of oLid Travt EX�. 12697; thence easterly alGng said ntyih t 441.00 feet, move or lags, to a line parallel with a=nd disAnt meater2y 122 tout,, measured at right anglas frqm tha meat line of Center Atriet, 60 feet AdeF, aL'u un% nn�- raco or lzn�: "'0 north line A said int, 4 ozzo ' e' _' irk th�" pwfGI" 214.6w 6t: eiasphing the oast 29v 2W of unS lar& PARCEL NX 2. &�, a pvint M 25,00 La.�tzrl 25.W 2cat fran M north- scot ounnep of the abuse 6wenTAnd Pa"vol A tc, a Y;fmlzt"� thsnc� nDrthutstorly alorg the arc ,too of a vurva 00mcava 001_1'411u'.otc�zu'x @I')-_I I'�Zvilrg a 15,00 fe&� to c ''JVint IV, feet of M point Of of thir, ppriel and 1M a line Wropgh zold 100t of be- ginr&L'L"T to QQ =0 lima of oadid Parcel A; Qvnzo ­,iaSt.z).v.!',;' 15.00 aDOInz ',3aid pai�allzl 2-':.na to the point of b��,Ayiiing,; 1101d Meet Dando dated thc; 61-," d&,ty of 119% t, 1951z' ezvcuts:l by Bil. :,'& SprLgpv.!I Z"%Tl Slon Q Gyrzgue, hueund cl'�V Y110 af; jcLit tcr?s;atz� Mnvayang to the City of EI SsEurdov a M9& :10pal ClIP02at:on of Lou (avatyv califacKer the zwci projoaqy in M City of ZI SegaVer Couutr of Lai AnFelss and Mahe N Talifornin, C ayinea zu, The *,aest. 2,5.100 fsot sf the north lQJ3 fast of the SZOV 246'o6 fvn""' C." that CV lot 2 of X H. SF` isher?z HYMN, of lectiolr� 12, Wrohn WSM Rad(rdo, in We e'; ,r me NIL of Lip Kplus sH MaIT of C'a:Ufv_"n!S' is pz":` Tlq3 Im i',mgk. 22 Page 07 of Mordn in the C0 fics ci the aeuntr vaccrinT *f zuk cozatyp ae, foll'�Wtlr' Wginring at the e"' tt� '17'Ith line af aa_-"d 2.Mb vKh the unith,03 pvolonga- t0n cc Wo qenlen lHe CT harylM MOM, ao shawn on Tynot um, 12E;2,"�., �.,.scorlsd in Wak 259 pogeG �Zh. aik"" -7,5 cf x0poo rnsurd, of said ccyntp saic) feet, zove 2 Nuav to tho Karl, Was of Seld Tract 00, 0517; Me= OSMQ7 SIUME aakl north line 441-00 fcato z*vo or lotw W a 10.9 par".alol v-".tIn 0"nel distazeu !.reste:i " _ia'2 fswL;' auluund at vigb !ug_l'eo f�'Var. t.'2s vcz"'Z' lJLZ of 7"d'dq' al in 0aid Perallal lilne 395 :�'Jlns or L"o tlaEt ax-mill line zf oayd Lot; Maroc Wastual along uNd line 141.0v VIVO M07e to MSS to Wo PI&M of WZYMMI. MARK We 015t 294 Net W caid t—Ind Orcat DeeN dad, cd thr Ord day of kugustv 1951p 0=acutsd QY War H. Eugol .oz a and kUes 14. 7Sake- e:Uxczm hus- band an wife as joint teacmtsn ccMvSyivg tq the City of El "c -I C177cution vf MI PnQeu Wrty, WK of Los Angeloo zod 3tate of _."."n'u "'zoz mom 40 A ACIVIC �;'- IT 020300. WAY111%, L 0 :0�- NY of 01100 we t> cz�-:v:;,y too 1W.1"" A00 A LW 'a',' cowlK f a 100L �-nq'�3"' a 2M in; 1AW AM Eu-" L�1- line Z coij ?past said n=1101 lint: 273 ti PlAwgroina U BMW nc Mwy. 17187', Angatinn, W; a Kut !!wo 02 T�Z0 :2027, Twase uWarly Azniq Ovid hoot sontyw! new,1301 Mnez, 274 faut W owlel CWsr 100 ''f au"L'.123;2-? s",--ld, =11000 proMagntler to tie PAW G bagAMU, Worlk SHM Dowk EE603 00 W dw A Am& 05A execusec ty HMOs A Tol-Val LK J, Te2inz9..,� L,,'Iobpxld an,e 7-"flc� Z�Z'f"'2-�t to M My V1 F3 fir' .£5;...;19 a MUMAP12 COMIC20a, M, 20al rwye7ty A too My no W sagnMq a-f a�a'd COMO-10A on-, '2 a"�� " ; .1 7r is Wh3woo 5UNdivisla-z. Sams*! RAMMy, in We City IRS! Sagunto, Qowt�' W Los AngsMs and fln a �-': ? � -7e-11:. 12, TIES 17 TJ1QW;, 2:1 Oka WAOU 03 %, &Wwn' 13fMAM! at thc e .:' 7" ' �J' ("%"' TYM 12187, au pw M, 17 CM-C in 4:11 21%, F0900 2h cot 25 a? Hwx Ts An Piz ics W'.' C,z o tt laannyzl Q right Eh. UO fins Me nwrAWAY We of to xwa&� 32M, Wall 0001MY 07M 2C 147 cantor line A WYK= -Zet� map of said Tract 12667, Kance nootkv,& &..allallr said nlolltionJ'i PVQCDgMCn to the norohavZ9, line OT said Traci 12801 thenca eaatawly klon'E said ncTsherly Kno 247 feet ty tho poiDt of beginming� . � ... . = .. , rVA bua-lf of the 01tr cc 1L WgaM3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. 1, Neva M. Elsay, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of El Segundo at a regular meeting of said Body held on the 19th day of March, 1952, and as of this date, said resolution has not been repealed or in any way amended. In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of El Segundo, California, this 21st day of March, 1952• �Y SEAL) -14 Neva M. Elseyo City Clerk -the City of El Segundo. I t..:d tr' vo. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. 1, Neva M. Elsay, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of El Segundo at a regular meeting of said Body held on the 19th day of March, 1952, and as of this date, said resolution has not been repealed or in any way amended. In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of El Segundo, California, this 21st day of March, 1952• �Y SEAL) -14 Neva M. Elseyo City Clerk -the City of El Segundo. I 77 S C A L e U O r PORTION LOT 2 J. H. FISHERS SUBDIVISION, M.R. 22 - 87 Assessment District Shown Thus FLAT OF PROPOSED DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED FOR THFj IMPROVEMENT OF WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN MARYLAND STREET AND CENTER STREET, OF BUNGALOW STREET AND MARYLAND STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT u k4 NO. 12887 AND WALNUT AVENUE, AND FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF A PUBLIC SEWER IN BUNGALOW STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT ISO. 12887 AND WALNUT AVENUE,, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. DWG. No. 510710 Dated July 10, 1951 t � O� r A M A R>1 A N joy, JTREET N N __ - - -. -- 6,. �T( 61 .66 " ._ .___ - -I 12 3._ 33" i0 34 N, 65' 23`x_ x c 54 i.67 6166 J =A L- .f� ,23.33' lGb.34� N — TREET. _H h d 108 16. L ^J -. 34 31.6' 46' 45 '� f 41 50'_; 45 40' N 1, U O r PORTION LOT 2 J. H. FISHERS SUBDIVISION, M.R. 22 - 87 Assessment District Shown Thus FLAT OF PROPOSED DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED FOR THFj IMPROVEMENT OF WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN MARYLAND STREET AND CENTER STREET, OF BUNGALOW STREET AND MARYLAND STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT u k4 NO. 12887 AND WALNUT AVENUE, AND FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF A PUBLIC SEWER IN BUNGALOW STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT ISO. 12887 AND WALNUT AVENUE,, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. DWG. No. 510710 Dated July 10, 1951 t � O� r C A L E I" v A M. A R Y It. N 3TREFT 61.6 —7- 1-61.66' 1231 3_j 10634 E,I 15, 23`L 51 13 25 61.97' 61-06 123.33, 108,34' J N o A L O W : T E E T 61 —ju-n T-- — -FZ-3—,3 -s— — 108 54'1 < 1 7 L66' 123.33'3._34 --1 46, 4 50, "s 1 45 5' 43 4 F S4 6'1 46' I 45' 1 43' I 45' 50' L _4 O� 2 2 J� C 3" E E C 3 72. 66 PORTION LOT 2 J. H. FISHERIS SUBDIVISION, M.R. 22 87 Assessment District Shown Thus PLAT OF PROPOSED DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED FOR THE L1,1PROVEMNT OF WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN MARYLAND STREET AND CENTER STREET, OF BUNGALOW STREET AND MARYLAND STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT NO. 12887 AND WALNUT AVENUE, AND FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF A PUBLIC SEWER IN BUNGALOW STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT NO. 12887 AND WALNUT AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. DWG, No. 51071• Dated July 10, 1951 STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GEORGE W. BARR and IRENE BARR, his wife, now of Middletown, Ohio, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The northerly 25.00 feet of the following described land: That portion of lot 2 of J. H. Fisherts Subdivision in Section 12 of the Sausal Redondo Rancho, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles and State of California, as per map recorded in book 22, page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of tiie County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of the south line of lot 1 of said J. H. Fisherts Subdivision, with the west line of Center Street; thence south 00 001 2611 West along the said west line of Center Street 295.00 feet; thence North 890 581 50tt West 122 feet; thence parallel with said west line North 00 001 2611 East 295.00 feet, more or less to a point in said south line of said lot 1 of Fisherts Subdivision; thence South 890 581 5011 East along said south line 122 feet to the point of beginning. Saad above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors and assigns. - 1 - 3�f O TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of El Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this 1U�, _ day of ryynatjn/ , 19 6-;), .' G�J STATE OF OHIO, ) SS. COUNTY OF On this / OrtT�, day of , 196 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared GEORGE W. BARR and IRENE BARR, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they execute the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. - 2 - W Notary Public in tWk%y-4fid-'Q:L ate JOHN W. KURTZ, Notary Public State of Ohio My Commission Expires October 9, 1953 r t 4q, - 2 - W Notary Public in tWk%y-4fid-'Q:L ate JOHN W. KURTZ, Notary Public State of Ohio My Commission Expires October 9, 1953 3 STR rT DE7D =68537 P UIR FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDER'_TION, receipt of which is hereby ack owledged, ART?i0R VIREN and tLFR,DA VIREK, his wife, now of California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter de- scribed, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a -perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of it Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The ",est 25.00 feet of the east 147 feet of the north 123,33 feet of the south 246.66 feet of that portion of Lot 2 of J. E. Fisher's Subdi- vision, Section 12, Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles and State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, Page 87 of "iscellaneous Records, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said lot with the northerly prolongation of the center line of IJaryland Street, as shown on the map of said Tract 12887 recorded in Book 249 Pages 24 and 25 of Taps, thence southerly along said prolongation 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Tract 12887, thence easterly along said north line 441.00 feet, more or less, to a line parallel with and distant westerly 122 feet measured at right angles from the west line of Center Street, 60 feet wide, thence northerly along said parallel line 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said lot, thence westerly along said line 441 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it - 1 - shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO RAVE AYD TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN ';'rzTNESS 'ArEEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this ._.L".. 'day of -- 1951. STATE OF CALIFORNIA � COUNTY OF Z bS i J� On this day of __a./✓_ 19� before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ARTFIUR VIREN and ALFREDA VIREN, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. NITNESS my hand and official se 1. Notary Pub!id il a d for sai County and State. ............ .. 50 �' J 2 - a SIR= DE=, BooK 38,537 PA6053) FOR i, 'TtuT?. rL CC ' IDEP. ^_iIOT receipt of which is hereby p" nT^ P ^��� r o r acknowledged., '.'iILLI,'._,_ %-;�.b i.,..., ,`i s'.n le i_�.an, now o:.� OS _f%NGEcES �, California, herein called the Grantor, owner of the real r)roperty hereinafter described, does hereby grant and con- vey to the CITY OF L ST,CrL"?IDO, a i- unicipal corporation, located in the County of Los 6'4n_-eles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain niece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The '.Vest 25.00 feet of that portion of lot of J. H. Fisher's Subdivision in Section 12, Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the city of E1 Se- gundo, county of Los i.'r_geles, state of Cali- fornia, as per map recorded in book 2_ page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the norther- ly prolongation of the center line of Bungalow Street as shown on map of Tract 12887 as per map recorded in book 249 page 24 of i, <<aps -with a line parallel with and distant northerly 61.67 feet measured at right angles from the northerly line of said Tract 12887; thence easterly along said parallel 'ine- 147 feet to a line parallel with and distant westerly 122 feet measured at right angles from the westerly line of Center Street as shown on said last mentioned map; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to a line parallel smith and distant northerly 123.33 feet measured at right angles from said northerly line of Tract 12887; thence westerly along said parallel line 147 feet to said .prolongation of the center line of Bun -,glow Street; thence southerly along said prolongation to the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used 1'or public street purposes only, and in the event that ,_'std land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it - 1 - shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO :,_ r °'D `^0 HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of 71 3egundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no otier purpose. iN - 1 7JT:Q�Ss '7':MEOF, the said Grantor has hereunto sub- scribed his name this �� day of /4 y ^vs , 19 S STATE OF C IIFORXI,= , ) ccT,mTv c o_J ) On this (/L day of 19 f i , be- fore me, the undersigned, a notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared i'ILLIA.' P'. ,LB'7 TS, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. 7v7TD7kS31 my hand and official seal. - 2 - <otary Public in and for said County and State. 4.iW c-;�i }.',; A!S.:• Z::;= 1,:L:> JUIy 's, 1962 STREET DEED C% T- FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FLORENTINE SHRODE, an unmarried woman, now of /cc ioo i s C A(ICA G e> , Via, herein called the Grantor, owner of the real property hereinafter described, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and des- cribed as follows: The East 25.00 feet of that portion of Lot 2 of J. H. Fisherts Subdivision, in Section 12, Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in book 22 page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly prolongation of the center line of Maryland Street, as shown on the map of Tract No. 12887, recorded in book 249 pages 24 and 25 of Maps, in the office of said county recorder, with a line parallel with and distant northerly 61.67 feet, measured at right angles from the northerly line of said Tract No. 12887; thence easterly along said parallel line 294 feet to the northerly prolongation of the center line of Bungalow Street, as shown on the map of said Tract No. 12887; thence northerly along said last mentioned prolongation to a line parallel with and distant northerly 123.33 feet, measured at right angles, from said northerly line of Tract No. 12887; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line 294 feet to said northerly prolongation of the center line of Maryland Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned prolongation to the point of beginning. EXCEPT therefrom the westerly 147 feet. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. - 1 - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has hereunto subscribed r her name this day of B , 1951- IF- STATE OF OhMPONFIA ) SS COUNTY OF 196S ) l�cyE.v/ty On this � day of � 19 °r1, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared FLORENTINE SHRODE, an unmarried woman, ]mown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. �A WITNESS aq hand and official 2 County and State. STREET DEED dQ►�Z Ste% r ait —)7O FOR F VALUABLE CONSIDER, 'HON, receipt of which is hereby ac owledged, I.I. ,iiESLEY FA�'.R and SJW�V D. FART, his wife, now of California., herein called the Grantors, own- ers as jo'.n.t tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY C_? 1. S .C77"DO, a municipal corporation, located in the Counter of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, a perpetual ea =;:went and right of ;ioay for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain niece or parcel of land sit- uated, lying and 'being in the City of ' =_1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The 'mast 25.00 feet of the west 147 feet of the east 294 feet of the north 123.33 f:et of the south 246.66 feet of that portion of Lot 2 of T. F_. Fisher's Sub- division, ectior, 12, :rancho �'ausal Redondo, in the City of hl Segundo, Cojnt; cf Los - nSeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, rage 87 of ; :iscellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: eginning at the intersection Of t'.ie north line of said Lot with the northerly prolonga'tion of the center line of :Caryland Street, as shown ors °_Tact 12887, recorded in Book , es 24 and 25 of i. "aps, records Of said county, t7 once outi "1." .y aloY paid rroio.ng_ti on 395 fe. t, _Ore or less, to the north line of said -Tact 12887; thence easterly along said north line /41.00 feet, iore or less, to a line parallel With and d.istan L. i +;6 t PiI l n lect, [ie3- sured at right angles fror�i the vaest line of Center street, 60 feet vUide; thence rortherly along said parallel line 395 feet, or less, to the north line of said lot, thence westerly along said line 441.00 feet, more or less, to the noint of beginnSng. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that saia land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it - 1 - ti 80(.)K385','1'7 r'act." 58 shall revert to the owners of the adjoining prop-arty, their heirs, executors, administrators, :successors and assigns. TO HAVE "I"D TO :-TOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of El Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN 71'r=7ESS "HEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this / 7 day of STATE OF CALI7ORTTI: , I 6t on this � day of t/ 9�� before me, the undersigne'", a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared 1% - IJESLEY FARR and JEAN B. FARR, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the ,same. :t5k°r s �CL�iES " ?'TITNESS my hand and officiak - 2 - I oLary ruuiyc An and for said Count(,y and State. Cut nni e�;nn F .a" Ate }s 31, 1954 a Weyplpm17 �. as -3$537 3J9 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CLIFFORD P. SPITTLER AND FERN M. SPITTLER, his wife, now of 61 , California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as flParcel No. 111 and "Parcel No. 2 ^: PARCEL NO. 1: The North 25.00 feet and West 25.00 feet of the east 147 feet of that portion of Lot 2 f� of J. H. Fisherfs subdivision, Section 12, Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, Page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, described as follows: PARCEL A: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said lot with the northerly prolongation of the center line of Maryland Street, as shown on Tract 12887 in Book 249, Pages 24 and 25 of Maps; thence southerly along said prolongation 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Tract 12887; thence easterly along said north line 441.00 feet, more or less, to a line parallel with and distant westerly 122 feet, measured at right angles, from the west line of Center Street, 60 feet wide; thence northerly along said parallel line 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said lot, thence westerly along said line 441.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; excepting the south 246.66 feet thereof. PARCEL NO. 2: Beginning at a point which is southerly 25.00 feet and easterly 25.00 feet from the north- west corner of the above described Parcel A which point of beginning is also the interior corner of the above described Parcel No. 1; - 1 - 1 1M EwA >� ) 5 % PAGt. ;� thence southerly 15.00 feet along a line parallel with the west line of said Parcel A to a point; thence northeasterly along the are of a curve concave southeasterly and hav- ing a radius of 15.00 feet to a point which is 15.00 feet easterly of the point of be- ginning of this parcel and in a line through said point of beginning and parallel to the north line of said Parcel A; thence westerly 15.00 feet along said parallel line to the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Granters have hereunto subscribed their names this day of 1952• STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS On this day of !%��' �� , 19.O oO', before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, person- ally appeared CLIFFORD P. SPITTLER and FERN M. SPITTLER, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument acknowledged that they execute WITNESS my hand and offi may. A �I 4) y . ..... (SEAL) - 2 - euun38537 MUL 361 STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HAROLD E. HERDRICH AND SARA K. HERDRICH, his wife, now of 1< � 6 y u� o , California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the Count of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, hying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as ItParcel No. ltt and „Parcel No. 2n: PARCEL NO. 1: The North 25.00 feet and East 25.00 feet of the west 147 feet of the east 294 feet of that portion of Lot 2 of J. H. Fisher's Subdivision, Section 12, Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Ali Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, Page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: PARCEL A: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said lot with the northerly prolongation of the center line of Maryland Street as shown on Tract 12887, recorded in Book 249, Pages 24 and 25 of Maps, Records of said County; thence southerly along said prolongation 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Tract 12887, thence easterly along said north line 441.00 feet, more or less, to a line parallel with and distant westerly 122 feet, measured at right angles from the west line of Center Street, 60 feet wide, thence northerly along said parallel line 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said lot, thence westerly along 4said line 441.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; excepting the south 246.66 feet thereof. PARCEL NO. 2: Beginning at a point which is southerly 25.00 feet and westerly 25.00 feet from the northeast corner of the above described Parcel A which point of beginning is also the interior corner of the above described Parcel No. 1; thence southerly 15.00 feet along a line parallel with the east line of said Parcel A to a point; thence northwesterly along the are of a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 15.00 feet to a point which is 15.00 feet westerly - 1 - BUur,385,77 PAa')G - of the point of beginning of this parcel and in a line through said point of beginning and parallel to the north line of said Parcel A; thence easterly 15.00 feet along said parallel line to the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, names on this day of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES.) the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their 1952. i On this _ day of - , 195 �; before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared HAROLD E. HERDRICH and SARA K. HERDRICH, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknow- ledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. - 2 - Notary Public in and for said County and State. FOR A VALUABLE STREET DEED 8U08537 pASE363 , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HAROLD W. PRINCE and HERA B. PRINCE, his wife, now of .Et J- G ytJt7o , California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as "Parcel No. 1" and "Parcel No. 211: PARCEL NO. 1: The West 25.00 feet and the North 25.00 feet of that portion of Lot 2 of J. H. Fisherts Subdivision of Section 12, Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles and State of Cali- fornia, as per map recorded in Book 22 Page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: PARCEL A: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said lot with the northerly prolongation of the center line of Maryland Street, as shown on Tract No. 12887, recorded in Book 249 Pages 24 and 25 of Maps, records of said county; thence southerly along said prolongation 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Tract No. 12887; thence easterly along said north line 441.00 feet, more or less, to a line parallel with and distant westerly 122 feet, measured at right angles from the west line of Center Street, 60 feet wide; thence northerly along said parallel line 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said lot; thence westerly along said line 141.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; excepting the south 246.66 feet of said land; also excepting the east 294 feet of said land. PARCEL NO. 2 Beginning at a point which is southerly 25.00 feet and easterly 25.00 feet from the northwest corner of the above described Parcel A which point of beginning is also the interior corner of the above described Parcel No. 1; thence southerly 15.00 feet along a line parallel with the west line of said Parcel A ,to a point; thence northeasterly along the are of a curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 15.00 feet to a point which is 15.00 feet easterly - 1 - of the point of beginning of this parcel and in a line through said point of beginning and parallel to the north line of said Parcel A; thence westerly 15.00 feet along said parallel line to the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this 0� day of , 1952• "WPI STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) SS. COUNTY OF-LOS ANGELES.) On this 6day of &eaeclz , 19 � before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared HAROLD W. PRINCE and HERA B. PRINCE known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge thgf they executed the same. n u° WITNESS my hand and official seal. f otary Public in and f said County and State. My Ccm-^ ssinr r ° -+ree Oct. 9; w (SEAL) STRE 'T DEED Boox38537 PAGEM5 FOR T_ L ^RLE C -5— E"'_e'10" , receipt of �, :Bich is hereby acknowledged, BILL. L. SPRr,GUE and ELL1,2T G. S-, RAG,L, his wife, now of SCsI$uaDD , California, ;lerein called the Gran - tors,owners as joint tenants, of the real i0roperrty hereinafter described, do i -ereby A °rant and convey to the CITY OP EI S" = TN30, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los '_ngeles, State of California:, a perpetual aaseuent and right of way for a public street in, cver., u?Dor: Wlnj across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lyiP.- anu. lrleinS ir_ the City of El Se- gund.o, CouuJty of Los Angeles, uLatc of California., bounded and described as follows: The Jest 25.00 feet of the north 123.33 feet of the south 246.CI6 feet of that portion of lot 2 of J. H. Fisher's Subdivision of Section 12, d Rancho Sausal Redon:lo, in the city of rl Segundo, county of Los ':nae.les and s „ate of Ca'iifornie., as per map recorded if; book 22 ;;ace 87 of As- cellaneous ecords, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said lot with the northerly prolongation of the center line of Laaryland street, as shown on Tract No. 12887, recorded in book 249 pages 24 and 25 of ITaps, records of said county; thence southerly along said prolongation 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Tract No. 12887; thence easterly along said north line 441.00 feet, more or less, to a line parallel with and distant westerly 122 feet, measured at right angles from the west line of Center street, 60 feet ,vide; thence northerly along said parallel line 395 feet, more or less, to the north line of said lot; thence westerly along said line 441.00 feat, more or less to the point of beginning EXCEPT the east 294 feet of said land. Said above described land is to be used for Public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not useLJ for public street purposes or if after being, so used, the same is abandoned for such nur_r.oses and vacated as a public street, it - 1 - STREET DF ED wou3£537 m;30 FOR A VALU23LE HYSTDER TI07, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ik= B. T(L S'. and T122AWT J. T.U'',,, his ),vif e, now of 2LN/ �Ji�iz�^�Gf California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property 'herein- after described, So hereby g ant and convey to the CITY OF n SEGU7DO, a municipal corporation, located inthe County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and be!ng in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows; The -.Test 25.GO feet of that portion of Lot 2 of J. T. Fisher's Subdivision in erection 12,°.ancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of El `'epundo, County of Los Angeles and State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, Page 87 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office cf the County Recorder of said County, described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 13 of Tract 12887, as per map recorded in Book 249, Pages 24 and 25 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence northerly along the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said Lot 13, to a line parallel with and distant northerly 61.67 feet, pleasured at right angles from the northerly line of said Tract 12887, thence ,Westerly along said parallel line, 147 feet to the northerly prolongation of the center line of T_Zaryland Street, as shown on the map of said Tract 12887; thence southerly along said last mentioned prolongation to the nottherly line of said Tract 12887; thence easterly along said northerly line 147 feet to the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it - 1 - shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO HAVE .1hM TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN ,VITNESS 7,- iEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this -, day of 1951. C / STATE OF C .LIF01=A, ) \\ ) ss . COU1�?TY OF R"10. g, c e 1 On this day of � ` ,o, „g�; , 19.5, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared TAMES B. TA= and N,ARGAR.T J. TALZaSAN, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscri- bed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. 77ITNEZES my hand and official seal. I t,' - Notary Public in and for said County and State. 5� f-t; /SNP 1`iS� - 2 - shall revert to the ovine.rs of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO HAVE . ":T "D TO HOIL i all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of El Segundo, its successors and assigens, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN s'17ITNESS "•.',REOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this fc day of , 1951. a ✓"mot, t � ' /� t�•` ,,•k.. .+�. ✓�t^d,cu+"..._. i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF < -yo / i5( On this day of z} i, 1951, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared BILL SPUGUE, and ELI:EN G. SPRAGUE, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknoiA,,ledEed that they executed the same. 'TITNTESS my hand and official seal. f _ Notary Public in and for said .County and State. - P - soox38537 PA%36"7 , S ,, yt', �_ 77T Ur.?dD 11 OR : °. V,, J1 'Jf3LE: CCT. aIilF,R_AT ICF, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, OSCAR h NGRLFO N and 2,110 U. 7NG L==ORN, his wife, now of � California, herein called the Gran- tors, owners k! joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF AL SEGUNDO , a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street in, over, upon and across that certein piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Se- gundo, County of Ios inZeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The lest 25.00 feet of the westerly 147 feet of that portion of lot 2 of J. A. Fisher's Subdivision, in Section 12, Rancho Sazsal Redondo, in the City of E1 Segundo, county of Los = nneles, state of California, as per map recorded in book tit page 87 of Miscella- neous Records, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning, at the intersection of the northerly pro- longation of the center line of Maryland Street as shown on the man of Tract 12887, recorded in book 249 pages 24 and 25 of Taps, with a line parallel with and distant northerly 61.67 feet, measured at right angles, from the northerly line of said Tract 12887; thence easterly along said parallel line, 294 feet to the northerly prolongation of thecen- ter line of Bungalow Street as shown on the map of said "Tact 12887; thence northerly, along said last mentioned prolongation, to a line parallel with and distant northerly 123.33 feet, measured at right angles, from said northerly line of Tract 12887; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line, 194 feet to said northerly prolon- gation of the center line of Maryland Street, thence southerly along said last mentioned pro- longation tc the point of beginning. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purr osec and vacated as a public street, it - i - shall .revert to the o-,rners of the ad,joininrr property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. TO TUX7 yT TO uO?,Da11 and singular, the said premises unto the said City of El Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. I',' ',TITYEFF- TT REOF, the said ^grantors have hereunto subscribed their name this s ?ay of 1951. Or STATE: OF G_AIIFORilA, )) COTJT_v'T`i OF On this Iq— day of 1951, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and. for said County and State, _personally appeared OSC,' -R -I. L'iTGELHOFtN and ALICE Y. �T- GELHOPh', known to me to be the persons vlhcse names are subscribed. to the -�iithin instrument and acknowledged that they executed the 7IT'TESS my hand and official seal. - 2 - Ond for Public in ,Yttary said County and State.