R230T�5 f � 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , :O! ^ C. DUZ , is AiILDl: DU 10 =1,TA S. DUZL TL21M, IVY, 1," 1 S DT T',": �. ,�:�II,To1T, I,otiEI,Lr. DU_-,`,' LL, ;, lit°,' ?�LIIG, EI,SIE E. DUr�i .L++J t,: , 10'17A } .1i'.IIA�1 DUTE ,'URPER, J.'J:LS G. DUI-E, PRIBUD 7.1. DU'�e, - _EESS.i I.:. DU'r`.E SAYLES, 1,:MA C. DUKL 'JILLISON, 1'laintif fs, _VS- VI GIi IA i o D�iJ � 'upi'_'iUT:i, �f'7; tj A DU ter„ RESOII S. JONES, and the City or .'L SEGUIITM, a I.1unicipal Corporm ation organized under the 2at,s of the State of California, 20. 1O411119 1I3`=LOCUWO Y DECREE. Defendants. This Cause 3amo'0i1 re`; i71 r1y to le hCarL u:on the com- plaint of the above named plaintiffs, and tt_e .......'. m_ of Virzi nia 'I.!. Du - =e 'BLvntua, ifarry A. D "uha and : eSon J. Jonez, defcnd: nts, and the answor of the City of 211 3c.-und-o, defenLant, t e plain -- tiffs appea.rin by 1,00srs. .:'ott and Cross, tl cir 'Ator.neys, ar0 . tho defendants Vir, -inia ,... Du'CG Dar nU"'t, Fit:z'ry Jones a moaring by IIr. Ile Yjr,r defendant City of El Se undo P_JT)a: ._-InS by Clyde ciooai, orttl, its atto-rnay. inter hoaring t evido'nce introCmzCcd y' the i;�_e tr_� and it appearing to the Coi1:^t that all tho alle- l-Ltio 1 ) of tho Comy)laint herein are admitted in the an,`.' ie i:iled D7 i.-1i of the. defendants to the oui t, ,:',na 'shat all of tilo p�.. tics to the suit, plaintiffs and defendant's, are of fill does novi find and eciare: 1. That 'r,Iilbur i'. I'Lar }.S in IIi: lifo tine uC,ned LTn pro sescod of the f01101iinU Ceccri OC real estate s l lati�i : in Li.:. An;oles> County, California, namely; IT< .oir SU ' IO COU:r2 0 , Z171' 1 111 LIM 11OR r." , COUI: IY d? LOS 2 it 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , :O! ^ C. DUZ , is AiILDl: DU 10 =1,TA S. DUZL TL21M, IVY, 1," 1 S DT T',": �. ,�:�II,To1T, I,otiEI,Lr. DU_-,`,' LL, ;, lit°,' ?�LIIG, EI,SIE E. DUr�i .L++J t,: , 10'17A } .1i'.IIA�1 DUTE ,'URPER, J.'J:LS G. DUI-E, PRIBUD 7.1. DU'�e, - _EESS.i I.:. DU'r`.E SAYLES, 1,:MA C. DUKL 'JILLISON, 1'laintif fs, _VS- VI GIi IA i o D�iJ � 'upi'_'iUT:i, �f'7; tj A DU ter„ RESOII S. JONES, and the City or .'L SEGUIITM, a I.1unicipal Corporm ation organized under the 2at,s of the State of California, 20. 1O411119 1I3`=LOCUWO Y DECREE. Defendants. This Cause 3amo'0i1 re`; i71 r1y to le hCarL u:on the com- plaint of the above named plaintiffs, and tt_e .......'. m_ of Virzi nia 'I.!. Du - =e 'BLvntua, ifarry A. D "uha and : eSon J. Jonez, defcnd: nts, and the answor of the City of 211 3c.-und-o, defenLant, t e plain -- tiffs appea.rin by 1,00srs. .:'ott and Cross, tl cir 'Ator.neys, ar0 . tho defendants Vir, -inia ,... Du'CG Dar nU"'t, Fit:z'ry Jones a moaring by IIr. Ile Yjr,r defendant City of El Se undo P_JT)a: ._-InS by Clyde ciooai, orttl, its atto-rnay. inter hoaring t evido'nce introCmzCcd y' the i;�_e tr_� and it appearing to the Coi1:^t that all tho alle- l-Ltio 1 ) of tho Comy)laint herein are admitted in the an,`.' ie i:iled D7 i.-1i of the. defendants to the oui t, ,:',na 'shat all of tilo p�.. tics to the suit, plaintiffs and defendant's, are of fill does novi find and eciare: 1. That 'r,Iilbur i'. I'Lar }.S in IIi: lifo tine uC,ned LTn pro sescod of the f01101iinU Ceccri OC real estate s l lati�i : in Li.:. An;oles> County, California, namely; 1 2 3 4 5 6 n 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1l PL..TC Ol I. iDt `- '' ?''_QG t �) 1n B10ul_ m = �.en t t 10 Of' $;.O P.a -_,- 'ra�'G, in the City o =- Los "_n?e2 rjs, Co'1nty. Gf I.c, 1:n,,, c1es, S t a t c 01. l "..`_'..! 7.i 0i:Si -Lt D91. ma'p recorded in 13 0o'� 7, p . e^ 26 and 27, : iscellane Otis 1:ec Ords Of ..aid '30-C, r Soutl:5 °rcot qu-�.rter of the ort,n "es� quarter of the SOLLth 1�ast q_Aarter Of Section seven (i 'hree (3) South -,an?;e Fourteen (1 °t) ;,est, S. B. B. w L ., in 1h0 City of E1 Se-undo, County of LO- ^.n,eles, State Of California. 11. 'hat said 'I lbur art_ died in tho C:ittr and County of Los :'.ngeies, State Of California, on or about J-:nuary 9th, 1913, possessed of the above described :,--cal e:VµLey that proceedings in the natter of the probate of the estate of said "Vilbur F. Uanrlis deceased were cOmrlenced on February 3rd, 1913, in the Superior Court of Lbs An alos County, C-11for'nia, case rl Ea. 22380 :?eti1 Probate,' end on :?pril loth, 191^ , a d c'" e Of distribution was made and entered by said Superior Court in the Estate of Wilbur F. `:ark deceased, distribut -in tle above de- scribed real estate to-other with all Other pro )erter t0 Geo_^ e 0. Duke, .S' illiam Fenton Duke, seas G. Duke, 2riend 7.1. Du..e, ",.SSa 71 . Duke Sayles, Emma C. Duke ',7illison, Charles Duke, Vir;inia i,_. Dukc Barnuns and Harry A. Duke, to each an undivided one-ninth of said parcels 1 and 2 above described, as tenants in common; that a copy of said decree of distribution was recorded in the Eccorder's office of Los An.-eles County, California, on pri.l 21st, 1914, in Back 5777 of Deeds, pa-e 22=3, Tlec OrdS of said County; tlat under and by virtue of said decree of distribution said nine parsons last above named became owners of said narcols 1 and 2 above described as tenants in common, each with an undivided one-ninth interest in said parcels I and 2. r12, That 'Jilliam Fenton Dul-a died on IDovornbar 71h, 1515, intestate leaving him surviving as his only hairs and neat Of .in 2 1 � /�� I 2 3 & s M 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 z 22 23 2 25 2E z 2e 29 30 31 Done in open aou t tjjia 2 w clay of -L922. =m .q Juaa Bona referees *mm 1e J. 2rem me #A 1«�!OU'" Ga e1;� 5z� ,o 7G both in A r and substance, L the e a I( se e #aE by the :m:t Amt »GaA.m «ce :e: 5emtz 1vez by Flo the parties. G% =m De' \ c : , «G A a: , 1 2 W. t `a y c �: El =r b Elaer ym 2 :m- Ll m:a. ±�e:=um, ri L.. =ULeLl."IE se:o; G Jones. :tea c loth ,Attorney &t ;:ney a= City of El =e» ar