R185FOi: A VAhUA13L�1, COLT 3E =T,A"IOY, the undersi ned,
TTBS. GIL= CUTITIS (Formerly J7rs, :.r. J, T,:Te- Donald) and
C, s' +., CTJLtTIS, her )resent husband, both of Abilene,
Dic'cinson County, ansas,ido here' ? y r ^rant to the CITY
n °CI:J, , �GJ)'��.r'_)U, 1*Il1n1C1 "Oal COT'.oration o-' t'_ -'le " -ounty
of Los Angeles, State of Jalifornia, for public street
and highway pur;)oses, the following,-- descrii -iod real estate
situated in the said City of 'l Segundo, County of -Los
Angeles, at�,,te of California, to -exit:
The northerly tl,.rentJ- .-give (25) feet
of Lot Tine (9) in 3locic iinety -lour
(94) of El Segundo, Sheet 3, as per
map recorded in Iiap Book 20, pages
22 and 2"" o_ -I aps, records o ' .Los
:Angeles County, Co.lifornia,, on file
in the office of the County ecorder
of said '_ounty.
The said City of -:71 Segundo is also granted the
right to extend any pi_,�es, culverts, bull :heads, gasses
or wingiaalls that may be necessary in the _)ro_�cr con-
struction and drainame of slid street; and to a:,tend the
sloles of cuts or fills over the street I�eyond the limits of
the s;-id roadway, whenever it may be necessa_y to do so; _uro-
vided, - iowever, that the street does not at any place ex-
tend beyond the limits of the right of 1; -lay }tiereby granted.
Grantors grant to said City of �l Segundo all.
rights to supervise or control the planting, maintaining,
trirwainZ- or removing of any trees, shrubs, flowers, grans or
other plans within said city; and waive all .rig'nt.� to the
maintaininS o£ any improvements or obstructions ,.,,ithin
+ 11 L.
FOi: A VAhUA13L�1, COLT 3E =T,A"IOY, the undersi ned,
TTBS. GIL= CUTITIS (Formerly J7rs, :.r. J, T,:Te- Donald) and
C, s' +., CTJLtTIS, her )resent husband, both of Abilene,
Dic'cinson County, ansas,ido here' ? y r ^rant to the CITY
n °CI:J, , �GJ)'��.r'_)U, 1*Il1n1C1 "Oal COT'.oration o-' t'_ -'le " -ounty
of Los Angeles, State of Jalifornia, for public street
and highway pur;)oses, the following,-- descrii -iod real estate
situated in the said City of 'l Segundo, County of -Los
Angeles, at�,,te of California, to -exit:
The northerly tl,.rentJ- .-give (25) feet
of Lot Tine (9) in 3locic iinety -lour
(94) of El Segundo, Sheet 3, as per
map recorded in Iiap Book 20, pages
22 and 2"" o_ -I aps, records o ' .Los
:Angeles County, Co.lifornia,, on file
in the office of the County ecorder
of said '_ounty.
The said City of -:71 Segundo is also granted the
right to extend any pi_,�es, culverts, bull :heads, gasses
or wingiaalls that may be necessary in the _)ro_�cr con-
struction and drainame of slid street; and to a:,tend the
sloles of cuts or fills over the street I�eyond the limits of
the s;-id roadway, whenever it may be necessa_y to do so; _uro-
vided, - iowever, that the street does not at any place ex-
tend beyond the limits of the right of 1; -lay }tiereby granted.
Grantors grant to said City of �l Segundo all.
rights to supervise or control the planting, maintaining,
trirwainZ- or removing of any trees, shrubs, flowers, grans or
other plans within said city; and waive all .rig'nt.� to the
maintaininS o£ any improvements or obstructions ,.,,ithin
+ 11 L.
t t �
said roadway, and in acce)taace of V- -is deed by the
City of 7"1 ��e ^undo, nothin-; herein contained shall be
construed as an acceptance of any improvements made
in or upon said street.
The grantors further grant to t'_ne said City of
El Segundo, the right to _place and permit the ulacing
of poles and conduits for the placing or carrying of
electric light or telo..,hone or other wires, and t1he
right to _place or permit the placing of pipes and pipe
lines therein for the service of water and gas to the
public of said city.
TO HAVPP� iOTD TO 7';OLD unto the said City of El
Segundo, for public street, road and hi,?IviaV pur-noses,
until such time as t,-).e s me is formally vacated or
abandoned for such pur�)osrs by the Legislative �.ody of
the said munici)ality,
said ;;rantors have here-
unto set their hands this day of
C r
A I 1a
On this day of 9 1923,
before me _._,. �, a Notary
ublic i "zi for . ^aid county and St .te, residing
therein, duly commissioned and sworn, person,.11y appeared -
iTRS . GILLI'' CU ITI C, (formerly T'irs , 1.1% J. T:TeDona.ld) and
C. -=. CUI?`.TIS, her ,.resent husband, Inovrn to me to be
the ;.)ersons whose names are subscribed to the within
instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same.
,?ITIT ":l S my hand and official seal the day
and year first above written.
N a ib }'c i.n and for the County
My COmmisgion Ex,res 1,,. 19, 192-/ of IrAcIcinson, State of 1<2ns?S.
------ 000 ------
I, VICTOR D. 7.1cCARTIY, City Clem: of the City
of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the
property described in the within instrument is being con-
A .r
I . a
veyed to the City of L1 Segundo for i)ublic street purposes
and has been duly accey,)tcd i'or such nur)ose by the Board
of Trustees of s,�id City.
Dated this C�rd ay of ,1923.
i'al i
"IT ijnde-,Ei -sne6,
b C) �,e
i e at
-,Ilicic,l orati o the! OIL
+c) 0
real c,--t�Ae Ejtjate-] i_� th- d
of lo- Ari --ele 0, Ftatc o f
I D- w i 1, :
feet Of
Kock four ( 94
oZ 1,11 _e -i),,Ic;.), Sheet 3, Ocr fll&,P
recofac, ifi IlLp Book 20, p,--e-- 22 aid
O Pcords of LO,-
on file in the office of t'le
r,-,q,jt, -,,ecorclEr of said County.
o !-:1 ondo i- �A S30 ranted. tho cjiTht tr,
X uulvertc, biIM eads, L s ar lvinI -,val
e rec—. -ar-y in )ro)er FOnstruc -Lion and dr,i,Il
ct-ee- an 1(i t,-C -li0PeS 01 GjjL,,-_ or filly over the street
limits of the 2,,,,id roadw,,,, whenever it ffja,-7 be
necoscary To do 20. -rovided, however, that the street does not.
Q 11. ,,
ezte'Ld be-ond the limits of the ricT,t of way h e r e r,) y
-�-,,,mtorc -rai,.t to City of El Segundo, alL ricTh-ts to
t-ijoer,ice or control t",,e pl-nting, maintaininz, trim -ins or
re,liDvia? Of any trees, -bs, _lowers, grass or other plants -.:ithin
clt,,.T; _ -.ncA waive ,),'Ll rishts to the maintaininFr of any impl-oVe-
mt�nt, acre Ptance of
- )- obstruction, sFiid roadway, and. in .
t cleea 1". the -,it" of EL Segundo, nrothin,- herein Contained
shall be construed as an acceptance of any improvements made in or
iioon said street.
The grantors further ,grant to the said City of El Segundo,
the rizht to place
for the solacing or
wires, and the rig
pipe lines therein
of said city.
and permit the placino- of ooles and conduits
carrying of electric light or telephone or other
,it to place or hermit the placing of pipes and
for the service of water and gap, to the public
To have and to hold unto the said City of L1 Segundo, for
public street, road and highway purposes, until such time as the
same is formally vacated or abandoned for such purposes by the
Legislative body of the said municipality.
Ip "IITNECe 77EREOF said grantors have hereunto set their hands
this day of;;1920. .
personally appeared 11 may S.- ZZo ��/ L "J ('�
-;5��— known to me to be the persons whose names
are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
'.7ITNES1 my hand and official Beal the day and year first
above written.
C 1 and for the County
s State of "rrrra.
141L (-ate
_ "I I l / Idet &C
�+✓LSQ.a ) �_. S
this �� day of
„ 1920,
before me,
a ivotary
Public in and for said
County a d
State, residing th
rein, duly
commissioned and worn,
personally appeared 11 may S.- ZZo ��/ L "J ('�
-;5��— known to me to be the persons whose names
are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
'.7ITNES1 my hand and official Beal the day and year first
above written.
C 1 and for the County
s State of "rrrra.