lOF A :'Ai, WLE I The
�O TRUST & M71TAS 311M,
a Corporation, of -.cos Angeles, Cal ifornia,
does hereby grant to The City of El SegunCo jor )ublic road and
hiqhway purposes, the following described real property situate
in the County of Los Angeles, State of California,
The 7ortherly 77enty-file t'5) feet of
LoT -Six W) Df look _in:ty-fjor [K)
Sheet _.,tuber -Area (3), El SeEnndo, as
per lop recorded in look 20, ?�Les 22
W 73 af. V8 DS is 0C office of the
Nu: ty Recorlee •Y said Tuanty.
The Mt S oF 71 Segundo to also granted +he oyht to ex-
tend any jpes, culverts, bulkheads, wasnes or iii: .is thpt may
be necessaTy ir the nroper construction nrd drainage of said road;
pri fo exte-d tte slones of cut or fill of the road beyond the
limits of z3nia roads;ay h: never it nay be necesse-y to do so, pro-
vided, however, that the road aroger does not, -t any place, extend
ltyon? the limits of the right-of-vay heyei�: grFnted, "he 5rantor
;rants to said 7it• all rights to sunervise or control the planting,
naintaining, trimming or rezoving of any trees, shrubs, flowers,
6rass, or other visnts %ifAir said roadway; rnd valves all rights
to the 7aintaining 3f any inprovements or obstructions rithin said
roadway; and in !he acceptance of this Deed by the Tity nothi,
%...rein contained sheh be coastrued as an acceptance of any Mprove-
ments Amde in or uqon said roadway.
r- %, 111AW TnMEW , snid LWS
has hereunto affixed its ouryor;ote nPre
and Assistant - ecfetar; , V anduatc !nil
of September 1 1520.
_.U6 A�l
1 �
MLM .1 LOS ATUhnz6,
nn! one! ly its Mce p7 dent
unthopized, t7 is 30th day
" U V ce
i / , K
CA this , Ist day of QtobAr , AN, 1920, before
M Mullne Hudson 2 a -otary Public in Pnd for snY Nn-ty
of Los A77elee, State of Mifornia, reoiding therein, duly com-
rlissioned arl gunlified, personally appeared
!noon to me to be the Vice President and C. 2. 1. CEi1s,
to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the LOS A'-Gl;LES 7_-,0_ST
1 6AVITG6 BAM, the corporation that enecnte6 ?he Yifhin inst-u-e-4-
" - - 41
known to me to be the
e persons who exected v
the illlin instrunent c",
bchulf of 1=.Je corporolion Q"rclr rayed, v I w07:1.1,n td ve oh5t
UUCP corluMion enuciled 'he Ran&.
.10hoo ny hp•d or! Gfficial &cal.
�f for 2ce ".ngeles
County, California.
) SS.
I, Victor D.
Segundo, California, d o
described in the withi n
City of E1 Segundo for
duly accepted for such
said city.
McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of :mil
hereby certify that the property
instrument is being conveyed to the
public street purposes and has been
purpose by the Bogrd of Trustees of