R181ALOS ANGELES TRUST & SAVINGS BANK TRUST & SAVINGS BUILDING IMP LOS ANGELES D E E D I;GR A VAL-_,AB..E The A U1" - , � S -r IT L 'J'S .1 J. a Curpurat-ioa, of cos A-Geles, lei, -.1 does 'hereby grant to 'lie City of 1AL ';et�unl`o 1br >ublie road and o- hiz ' hirvay -purposes, tile followinfollowing eal-ribed real pruoerty situate i,n the County of Los Angeles, State of California, 'he !-ortfierly e " I �l-- 1r � Ly- � e , - - 1) �ee t Of lo--k i I--- + y - )ur r �-t ) , S "',ee 7 -, v e e ( 3 Ell -3 e n6l, 0 h , t e2 22 —7, + Se.-,Ardo '-,3 also _,ranted "ht to ex.- or may te-d on- I �� - - cuve-to, 'e ec e o sa ry I- "'e, 6-raing6e ( Sa ICL -,j �1-` 10 exle-d slopes of cut fill t"rle roa,,'� 'beyorj(1 the T :�r is of s•"2 voad,,.�ay -:1-lenever It .,,ay I)e neoero;<-oy +0 �o so, pro- V 4 rj_ ho,, -Tever, ttiat the roroad ,)rooe-v �5oes not, =t any pip-le, extend -it jqy heve--,- -he �rantcr 6 �yon tine li-,T:its u' t�'Le ri,�T -of-v �-, F, aped. 'ra n I s 1-1 said 'it 1 all riTJits to ou,)ervise -,r co'ntrLl the plFntinp,-, triimning or re: .)Vi- �jg, 0� E,--,✓r trees, ol. I- j'Q 13 f r S rags, Or ctl.ei !: ts oa-'rj. --Coadway; r a s all i g ht 3 to -.aj1-it8'!!i`sF -f any io,.)roxrements of 0115tvuct10r6 J th in se, i d rwadvay; n;,,d I - '.11F : acceptsnce of tl"is Deed by tlle "Jity nothinc t -a,-.strued a-, an ac,�eptpnce lr---�cin c toined be inen+s ::ade in or u-pon s�,,id roadviay. E has 1-ercarto affixed 111r3 --ts -,ice PrlciAe-lt �ind L, r 30th day of September 192v . /: C/-i-11 &s th fi_ Ist dp Of 0C `Cb-r Pauline Hudson 70tary PL , I i0,, 1 rd f o C 1,7lc-leo , ..'cite ifor ni, re 31Oi, g therein, ('1uly CO )ersona"Iy apeared ,i ss io red r; nrl qu,5�1 -d non t -m e d o to be the 'rice jlresider�t ci �1 C. 7n to ine to be the Assistant lecretarl, of the 1,0S A-GLI�10S 'R,1,UT CL 6AVI-G.°Z') 13,Pill-K, the +nt ""t, .., - -1 ... -e! -L L 1, 1,11�3 Lru ri ow n to �Iie to ':.e the ,)ersons wl,,o e-,eeote^ Jl— t _uC n ,i1 e-1 -;c e(% CL or -a o q- ix - Q I e s t Y 1 1 o ' n 1 E. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LOS AiTaLLLES, ) I, Victor D. Segundo, California, d o described in the withi n City of El Segundo for duly accepted for such said city. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of :mil hereby certify that the property instrument is being conveyed to the public street purposes and has been purpose by the Bogrd of Trustees of