R174i� Myrtle- _D- .Underhill..anM. H-.. W. Underhii ,_her.h!l!?!Ap5j_________._ in consideration of two hundred wna..f"iIftr_d0Ii-Hra ......Dollars, to ..... _ the?! . in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do_ ....................... hereby f6raatto --- ----------------------------- -------------- ... ._.._ - — ------ - -------------------------------------------------------- all that real property situated in the Qit7 of El Segnnlo ...,____ ....County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as Follows: -- The-- [leLltJlcrly!..twelaty - -# lye -_ feet oS --- Lot ---- F.iY,o ... 1.5..) ---- i31.. Alil. Ck ... Nint- '-- frnir_(- 94). ... of.-- E7 -.Se. zndo- ,sheet. N °.:5.,.. as ... per_. mall ... recorded _ -in Book-- 20,Pages_ - -22- and 23 of Uaps,ira the ------ ------------ ....................................... _......_.._.. off. ioe. ..oP- _the..CountY..ocor:ier-. °' oaid. -Cou ..t -Y..� - -- - 9tlh.l Gt to- a .1- '_ig ht.9 pf_wag. :Asse;lent t.,.J?ti72P lziles and applir. -.._. ten aaC.es--- thereto..,runnin - .throixgt- ,,across_. or, located upon - said prem- ices_ aa. rant.eet by,...J,o- s - -.An eies,._Tru st- _ &-- Savings Bank.w corporation _._ ...... . -- and... otneas _.to....the...Axalaa.._!ater.. omp.anT- ,a�-- -corxorat on.,.ty._leei_.recor .- eQ___in_Booh 5505 -,Page 294 of Deeds,Loa Angolos County Records. - --. ---- - -- -------- -- - - --- .. .. ..... _ Suh- ject_.also to the conditions and. restrictions contained in ---- -- .. .. -- - ....- - --- ---------------------------- -- --- -. .................... .... th.e. Iee& --- crom... bou --- AnF.PIff,9 .Trl qt -- savings Aank,.a... orporat_ion ---- fOT.. h.os --- A7 elos... Tru✓ t---- Q4? !i}2.ang,a__corhoration, -to - -- Myrtle L.iJnterhili, - -----° - - --- ---- ---- :% Ie' l... fox--. recpr� ..`tPt_emher--- 6th.,lAi7,t.o which- _0_eed and the record .. ....._--- - --- --------- th.ex.00.iC.xQ;Lc<m- tuQe..is_ wade - -- for- .i'tirt_her_ part- iculars' 00 rJave aid to 1#01D to the said grantee....... h-is..___..... -- __-__-_-- __- ____........ ._.._____ -___- .. ......... heirs or assigns ARM F- W rj PlIk 4 0 47 m z L9 Z 0 LL i ARM •uxuJORIED JO aluls solD2uv SOIJ ;o sz, wo en LL, -u'o, C) 6 M ! F- W rj PlIk 4 0 47 rq ri 5 Z L9 Z 0 LL i 4�. 01' W Fr jL (n :j < U 4 r-I -i UJ Z a <w ui .4 •uxuJORIED JO aluls solD2uv SOIJ ;o sz, wo en LL, -u'o, C) 6 M ! F- W XZ F. < bi N 5 Z L9 Z 0 LL i 4�. 01' W Fr jL (n :j < U 4 r-I -i UJ Z a <w ui .4 > w Z < < z 0: VI 0 u JO p C, -0i aqj iol puu ut Dil qnl Sju;oN -17aaS pialgo puu puBq Sw sojujl]a -awes @qj pa;nioxa --- A aw --- lulqT Pa2palmompu puu juatuni4sui Puiozaaoj aqj ol paq!jasqns ... *,*,,*, -,bXt,—atuuu asoqtA ...... guosiod aqj aq ol atu o; utAou3i ........... ............. -.1 .............. ................ -...........- °- ........ -- ....... -- . ... ------------------ ................... --------- ---------- - ------ I ........ ...................... ......... ............. ........... .... I ...... ..... ..... 3auaddu uuosiad 'Sluno. .. . ..w H VU j L I q . o P113SJ04 pu'3 ul oi qnd f.MoN u I ... ............... ......... ................... 7 ......................... ............ ..................... ................................................ atu aaojaq - --- -- j#61 -- ---- ----------- A13P UO "alatiny 00:1 v ApnoT "AMIX)PIRID JO al" Z I q