R173DiEED. rre same t'--el''- -five (u�) e e t o ;,ot `ive (') i., �locV .inet, oar sheet 3 G ner , ,nap recd -Jed 0f C:irds o- LO °� E, n e1e- �onnty, n Y ifornia, on ' il' in the oe of the Jounty ltecorrler N, � eo i;rie u `1e7 i 'cr:errt� -five (- � f str;cl'y 73.03 feet of -feet o tt ou'r gar Ynet� -z Lc' ,� as Del (y�) of ;a <a-un �, Sheet 3, ma, :Ecorc.eo iiL o:: 20, Pages �., and of Ie:aos, records of Los tI1( Jounty, il'ornia, or. file in ti1e office OS title Oounty iiecerdec O S:Ii G. '.%ounty. i}i s' iu "lt oz Sesrundo is also gr- nted the rizht aXtenu a 1 c e . tzyvert bulk Bads, passes or wingwall^ n ,lc`i '(; F: YU ,; . -. ),r.: 121 the -j rp pe)^ O Ori°tY'l1C ti On and d.T .lna e 0 2.101. qt -(,.e” °::nd,.,o eaten tLle :,lope° e- cuts or fi11s ore'r the F F o .a rl_e 1ir:cit�� 1�" tklE) aid ^oeadwa'y rrhenc ✓er it r e '( , ± io so. Yrmrided., �,ociever, that the street a nr c es: zr o E ,Men t limits o' the ri ht � of ra:; die Tund0, t:,ll ri''h`., ':;0 OT' he uEldersi;ned, nom s . _ , - I ce Undo, Los >n;e es tiN1.:1 luck and 1 e, undc, �oz,^ v �;elES, Stiate of of the 'oust c)' l oc cuo a.tiou street a no r_,wa_ , uroo s es, orri o; nzbli ur. wit r 31 P.1tU a 1 E' 0 1 Y, + „ne �E , ibex to-wit. el E: U,Ae 0-- or.rli«, 0. rre same t'--el''- -five (u�) e e t o ;,ot `ive (') i., �locV .inet, oar sheet 3 G ner , ,nap recd -Jed 0f C:irds o- LO °� E, n e1e- �onnty, n Y ifornia, on ' il' in the oe of the Jounty ltecorrler N, � eo i;rie u `1e7 i 'cr:errt� -five (- � f str;cl'y 73.03 feet of -feet o tt ou'r gar Ynet� -z Lc' ,� as Del (y�) of ;a <a-un �, Sheet 3, ma, :Ecorc.eo iiL o:: 20, Pages �., and of Ie:aos, records of Los tI1( Jounty, il'ornia, or. file in ti1e office OS title Oounty iiecerdec O S:Ii G. '.%ounty. i}i s' iu "lt oz Sesrundo is also gr- nted the rizht aXtenu a 1 c e . tzyvert bulk Bads, passes or wingwall^ n ,lc`i '(; F: YU ,; . -. ),r.: 121 the -j rp pe)^ O Ori°tY'l1C ti On and d.T .lna e 0 2.101. qt -(,.e” °::nd,.,o eaten tLle :,lope° e- cuts or fi11s ore'r the F F o .a rl_e 1ir:cit�� 1�" tklE) aid ^oeadwa'y rrhenc ✓er it r e '( , ± io so. Yrmrided., �,ociever, that the street a nr c es: zr o E ,Men t limits o' the ri ht � of ra:; die Tund0, t:,ll ri''h`., ':;0 supervise or control the plantins, maintaining, trimming or removing of any trees, shrubs, flowers, grass or other plants within said city; and waive all rights to the maintaining of any improvements or obstructions within said roadway, and in acceptance of this deed by the City of E1 Segundo, nothing herein contained shall be construed as an acceptance of any improvements made in or upon said street. The grantors further grant to the said City of El Segundo, the right to place and permit the placing of poles and conduits for the placing or carrying of electric light or telephone or other wires and the right to isace or permit the placing of pipes and pipe lines therein for the service of water and gas to the public of said city. To have and to hold unto the said City of E1 Segundo, for public street, road and highway purposes, until such time as the same is formally vacated or abandoned for such purposes by the Legislative Body of the said municipality. IN �JITTdE`` ,JI -aREOF said grantors have hereunto set their hands this `� e` day of October, 1920. a ip, -2- i On this acv a day of October, 1': %20, before-.m-e.,.--- a ldotary - Public in and for said County and Mate, residing therein, duly commissioned and et:ra, personally a)geared Thomas G. Tuck and Evelyn I( truck, hip rife, known to a:e to be the persons whose names are suu-;ribed to the ,;ithin instrument, and acknowledged to me they executed the same. .JT` E,�` my ', =znd and official seal the day and year above written. County ogs iingelei —, to of California. ilT� OF CALI201 -i :CA ) C uGI1'2Y OF Los SS. I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of L1 ;Ugundo, California, do hereby certify that the property described in the ; %iithin instrument is being conveyed to the City of Ll Segundo for public street purposes and has been duly accepted. for such purpose by the 3oard of 'trustees of said City. -3-