R153Roan 1280 -3 -22 -2600 Partial Wrnnuryanrr SECURITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, a corporation, having its principal place of business at Los Angeles, California, trustee under deed of trust executed by....._ —. - -.x ihxarl- .- A,..- �!ntho.ny_ -.en$- ..Rose -- Anthony, - -- husband _ and -wife. _ Trustor_ and recorded_Ja??e. 24th,- 1926 -in Book..6268__ �age,_M_ Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of -..Los Angeles_,,,,County. in said State, having been duly and legally ordered to quit claim and reconvey that portion of the real property covered by said deed of trust hereinafter particularly described; in compliance with said order and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, DOES HERE- BY QUIT CLAIM AND RECONVEY to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, but without warranty, the real property described as: The._S.outh.Ffteen_..(.15)._. feet___of__the_North_Forty.(40) feet,_.._ of_Lot__.Sixteen (16) in 8.1.ock Nige._.(9) of ... Tract ... Nmnber_S xteen_.Hundred_Eighty five (1685). in_the,City_of E1...S.e4gu d._Q1...as..aer mgg... secor.. ded..._i,n_Book_ ?1,Page.._98. of_. MePg. ,..._in...the... ffice ... of__the The remaining property mentioned in said deed of trust shall continue to be held by said trus- tee under the terms thereof and this reconveyance shall not affect the personal liability of any person for the unpaid portion of the indebtedness mentioned as secured thereby. p 4 d � p w d V yy� O O 0 w F N Cf d0 A H V F w v „es 'sala5uy so,I 3o o Aga i' 5 Q c c �7 4 I � � J n � o � 0 c U 4 d .0 p 4 d � p w d V yy� O O 0 w F N Cf d0 A H V F w v „es 'sala5uy so,I 3o 0: ax w apQr CYi dl; V Q:. a x HI C6 N IT -ua;;i Ak anogE ;say a;Eayc ;aaa scq; ui aua.f puE Xop aq; IEas IEraiyo puE puuq .Cuz SSHN.LIm •aa;snay guns sE au3Es aq; pa;naaxa uopeiodaoa Bans ;Eg; aw o; pa2paimou3i -aE puE 'pawuu uiaaaq; uoc;Eaodaoa aq; }o }Iegaq uo ;uawna;sut 2uio2aao} puE uiq ;cm aq; pa;naaxa oqm suosaad aq; aq o; aui o; umouai puE ' ;uawna;sui 2uio2aao} puE uiq;im aq; pa;naaxa ;Eg; uoppaodioa aq; 'aa;sniL 'Nuug s211inES Ig ;snay S;unaag oq; }o Xji? ;aaaaS;uE ;sissy aq; aq o; aw o; umou31 ----- --- ----------- ----- -- --- -- -- 0 puE ';uapcsaad -aanA Dip aq of aIu o; uetowj ' - ------------ - - --------------------paauaddE djjuuosaad '.f;unoz) piEs ao} puE ut aiignd daE ;oN E ----- . ........ 5 .aui aio}aq 3I - -- }o iEp° still u0 - - q �saia6ulf sn� � fi ;unap RIUMPIRID ;a 41KO .taE ;aaaaS ;uE; sissy ;uaplsaad -a3!A ..... "-- -------------- 'aa ;snay '?INdH SJNIA'V WJLS ALIHfIDHS ,_......... -926i Tn`s 3 -- - } p... Li3L....._,...... •g� .p g ;nE jCInp o;unaaaq; 'XiviaaaaS ;uE; sissy puE ;uapzsaad -aacn s;i Xq paxTu o ;aiaq aq o; IEas puE awuu a;Eaodioa in) i pasnEa sEq 'aa;sna; sE '�IuuH s2uinES :g ;snag S ;unaaS pcEs 'AOaUHHM SSHN LIM NI amm o Aga i' o i a C- 0: ax w apQr CYi dl; V Q:. a x HI C6 N IT -ua;;i Ak anogE ;say a;Eayc ;aaa scq; ui aua.f puE Xop aq; IEas IEraiyo puE puuq .Cuz SSHN.LIm •aa;snay guns sE au3Es aq; pa;naaxa uopeiodaoa Bans ;Eg; aw o; pa2paimou3i -aE puE 'pawuu uiaaaq; uoc;Eaodaoa aq; }o }Iegaq uo ;uawna;sut 2uio2aao} puE uiq ;cm aq; pa;naaxa oqm suosaad aq; aq o; aui o; umouai puE ' ;uawna;sui 2uio2aao} puE uiq;im aq; pa;naaxa ;Eg; uoppaodioa aq; 'aa;sniL 'Nuug s211inES Ig ;snay S;unaag oq; }o Xji? ;aaaaS;uE ;sissy aq; aq o; aw o; umou31 ----- --- ----------- ----- -- --- -- -- 0 puE ';uapcsaad -aanA Dip aq of aIu o; uetowj ' - ------------ - - --------------------paauaddE djjuuosaad '.f;unoz) piEs ao} puE ut aiignd daE ;oN E ----- . ........ 5 .aui aio}aq 3I - -- }o iEp° still u0 - - q �saia6ulf sn� � fi ;unap RIUMPIRID ;a 41KO .taE ;aaaaS ;uE; sissy ;uaplsaad -a3!A ..... "-- -------------- 'aa ;snay '?INdH SJNIA'V WJLS ALIHfIDHS ,_......... -926i Tn`s 3 -- - } p... Li3L....._,...... •g� .p g ;nE jCInp o;unaaaq; 'XiviaaaaS ;uE; sissy puE ;uapzsaad -aacn s;i Xq paxTu o ;aiaq aq o; IEas puE awuu a;Eaodioa in) i pasnEa sEq 'aa;sna; sE '�IuuH s2uinES :g ;snag S ;unaaS pcEs 'AOaUHHM SSHN LIM NI amm }� }� \} /} i *} }�\ )\) go p a |E! e�l2 \ \ }\ \( /( / » »* \(�\ /[ ■r }\m m�; k§§ ozz