R016lKnow all Mtn big f4m Pustnts: Nor anb Jn (IIonsidPratinn of the sum of ...... ONE ... AND_N0�..1 .....00........ ............................... .........«1.00) ------ ----- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - -- dollar, .. ... ... .. . --. . . .. rs lawful money of the United States, to ....thy in hand paid by ... E. C. I Hunter ........ _ ..._. __ .... ......... .. ...._.......... ................ . ....... ....... ...... ......- ....... ............_ ..._............ ........................ ........._ ..... ................... ............ ......................................... ......._........... _... _... ..... the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ........ I ... .- .................. the undersigned, do.._._.. hereby certify and decrare: That all th ... at......... certain lot......, piece......, or parcel..... of land situate, lying, and being in the ......0Ity 0.f..91 Seguxado ........... ..._ ... . ..................... ...County of..... Los..Angeles.. ...... .... State of ..... Cs fcrnia._ ............. _...._....... ...... and bounded and described as follows, to -wit: The. Northerly.. 40 feet of Lot 11, Block 13, Tract 1685, in the ...City of El,.Segundo# County of Los Angeles, State of I. ...I ...... pd1,if oMia,...a. @.. Mr.. MOP reco..rded in.. Book ... Maps,.. on file „# .ths..office.of the Recorder of Los..,9s eles ... .1-1111 ....County.. ... ... .._ _ $ ..........hereby released from the lien of that certain mortgage made by _.Eo C• Hunter, a single roan to.... S. S. Carter 3n AV nrs .dPrFnf, - sae hereunto .set o anal the . ..................day of...... ...... �� ...�✓...., , 19� fet arh atth Drttormb to tttr Presrace of r. ....' %ls�:r3 Cowdery'e Form No . 754 — PARTIAL $ELEASE OF MORTGAGE. i III y C i S r +ylp OO Co �? Y G Y Ph a 3C K ci 2 C .e F W LS � �W t$1 R1 i�a ..r O h U V m O Y e I'. G A I d R N "d 5 U O 5 4 U O PL v R 'o +r � o a � q U V m O Y e I'. G A I d R N "d 5 U O STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, } ss. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. I, VICTOR D. MCCARTFIY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, do hereby certify that the real property described in the within instrument Is being conveyed to the City of El Segundo for public street purposes, and that the same has been duly accepted by the Board of Trustees of said City, the resolution of acceptance of the said Board of Trustees being of record in the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, at Page ._..;7R 77......thereot, under date .......... %rate of California, � COUNTY OF - - - -- X88. On toio -..... 2Rth day of ......... October ................ . ... A. D., 19..2R.r before me, ......._. - pent- ..C... o psv' t.---------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ....... a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ..&...R.XARTERoanti.. - --- w- 1- ..e..... known to me, (or proved to me on the oath of ..... these- etl:Uo2led- - -.. ...abeTe ------- ), to be the person.S whose name- .8..gr!(.;. -. -- subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that'..The-.$r executed the same. 3n Witnvoo Mbereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certjfrcate first above -u� ten. _ kla.Wa 114%4 dy°(K 491444 dGd 'a''" Notary Public in and Ion id Count State. AGKNOWLEOGMENT GenepnL— WOLCOTT FORM 233.