SD035I HEREFY CERTIFY THAT IF IMPRESSED WITH THE SEAL OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER, THIS IS A TRUE COPY OF TH PERMANENT RECORD F OAC ED IN 787:5 OFFICE, DATE JAN ,550 ,�'��C � C .— _COUNTY RECORDER LO AN S COUNTY, — STAVE OF CALIFORNIA (�01lllfll of 4 IS Alll`l v� ' McNOtas o.... oa,ao HC C�ERT C LEf+G +Ituarl of !!&uprruistns ?'• �f rt11 wENN.F °11 Hall n E nN sON FORD �..... ,. �[. �Oi _A,,g[,S I? 91laTON W CHACE n OG I 1r W'JE. I n,., ... ..0 o. „.. j {nhcJ ]211 148 IN RE FLOOD CONTROL: ACCEPTANCE Ob TWO EASMENTS A6'dECTING PARCEL 40. 1, L 'd0P(T7- D4,,I:4, AND PARCEL N.O. 6, IMPERIAL HIGHWAY -EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD - 1?5TH STREET DRAIN. Two easements, executed on the dates and by the parties hereinbelow stated, each granting to Los Angeles County Blood Control District a per- petual easement to construct, operate and maintain a covered storm drain znd appurtenant structures in, over and across the real property in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, particularly described in the respective easement, — are presented$ and on motion of Supervisor Chace, unanimously carried, it is ordered that the said easements be accepted and recorded in the office of the County Recorder, to wit: a o a u 2. Easement dated 11'ebruary 4, 1955, executed by The City of Los Angeles, covering: (Parcel No. 6, Imperial Highway -E1 Segundo Boulevard -135th Street Drain) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fall, true and correct copy of an order which was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County Flood Control District, on April 19, 1955, and entered in the minutes of said Board. Recorded at request of HAROLD J, OSTLT, County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles, State of California, and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Los Annelealbounty Flood Control la1 -291 �e�::a4'598 'acE• 95 XUXUAL gnaw —IL SSW= BCCf3fAM -135th S RW DRAIN 6 EASEMENT C123 181 -291 Mf 2 and 3 F.,r a va,ua'l, o c i,: lei C., -cer:p: a. clur'n la Le c e THS CM OF IM AMUR=, a,sualalpal corporation, close hereb, grant to LOS :SVGF. ,Y:S COUNTY FLOOD C(-':TRnL D;STRiCT, a bo_h corp,,ate .:nd p,. c c, s p. -it .ai ,a >orvunt o.� ;�.ic'.- operate and maintain a covered storm If' I!' and eppu rtatn, vet ilrL ere_. m, n,cr and nernss the real property in the City of Las Angel", Count, of Los State of Ccii! ; n:u, d(- h,, Ill, fnlinu's: That portion of the northerly 92 feet of the southerly 142 feat of Section 2, T. 3 S., R. 15 W., in the Rancho Sausal Redondo as shown on sap recorded in Book 1, pages 507 and 508, of Patent* in the office of the Recorder of the County of los'Angeles, within a strip of lend 20 feet wide, lying 10 feet on each side of the following described line; Beginning at the intervention of the northerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street, 50 feet ride, as said street is sham on map of 11 Segundo, recorded in Book 20, pages 22 and 23, of ]Saps in the office of said Rocordor, with a line whisk is parallel with and distant 182 feet northerly, seared at right angles, frna the southerly line of said Section 2; theme S. 89° 531 10" W. 328.34 feet, along said parallel dine, to the beginning of a tangent carve, concave to the south and having a radius of 90 feet; theme westerly along said curve 47.12 feet; theme, tangent to said curve, S. 590 58' 1011 W. 171.76 feet to the beginning of a tangent carve, concave to the north and having a radius of 90 feet; theme wsstsrly alongluat said curve 47.12 feet to a point of tangency in a line which is parallel with and distant 72.00 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from said southerly lim; theme S. 890 581 ION W. 846.41 feet along last said parallel lime to the beginning of a tangent oarw, concave to the north and having a radium of 90 feet; theme westerly &loos last said curve 47.12 feet; thence tangent to last said curve A. 600 Olt 5011 W. 64.96 foot; to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the south and having a radius of 500 feet; theme westerly along last said curve 178.62 feet to as intersection with the northerly prolongation of the center line of Hillorest Street, 50 feet wide, as said willerest Street is shown on map of Tmot No. 1685, recorded in Book 21, page 98, of Naps { in the office of said Recorder, a radial line to said curve at last said intervention having a hearing of A. 90 30, 0411 R., said intersection being distsut N. 00 Olt 3011 s. 176.62 foot along last said prolongation from said southerly line of Section 2. ALSO that portion of the northerly 92 feet of the southerly l42 feet of said Section 2 within a strip of land 20 feet wide, lying 10 feet on aeon side of the felledag described live and the prolongations thereof: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of the eoatherly 142 feet of said Section 2, distant a. 890 53, l0w W. thereon 384.29 feet from the intersection of said northerly line with said northerly prolongation of the center line of Hilleroot Street; theme S. 80e 58v 1011 W. 583.11 feet to a point in the northerly line of the southerly 50 feet of said Section 2, distant S. 390 561 lOw W. thereon 965.07 feat trot the intersection of last said northerly llmv with said northerly prolongation of the center line of Hiller"% street. \u r ml I D s; qY z ' n 4 r \ Y: 9� ,Illj Y Z 2 F� Y S S F � jy Y, z • -^ - vIP41rvi� Si _ e - Z 4 uFe ' a ] p4 �. y f� D z n O of t': Z Q � D 1 3•, ra' r W 12 ` . i . i F D SLO VISTA ST I ' s t S' S S F � jy Y, z • -^ - vIP41rvi� Si _ e - Z 4 uFe ' a ] p4 �. y f� D z n O of t': Z Q «L: =47598 m 98 D r r FE 1'1 (_f { O In r O D Nd 370 Ada oa ^oM 30 govt � �OZ 1 \� y r N� � �ZL m mI� o N N t � \AO. m T d0 n N 7 n 0 M n .H w LA A U f N N N a°1 NA N r. n T ill i U O J ro U O CD ,o 0 m 0 uco rt N� D �af3m %N N Cfov C w V W a' N S� tJ 1 0 tD- L 1 y r�N y r N� � �ZL m mI� m `\ d0 n N 7 D p° m � � p p 4 n� N ` ` co o " o A c =m f A N 0 i N O \/ N O y N / to 0w S = �y r °. r a 0 M n .H w LA A U f N N N a°1 NA N r. n T ill i U O J ro U O CD ,o 0 m 0 uco rt N� D �af3m %N N Cfov C w V W a' N S� tJ 1 0 tD- L 1 y r�N y r N� � �ZL m mI� n d0 n N 7 D p° m � � p p m 10 T m A N 0w S = °. r a u G a N 0 M n .H w LA A U f N N N a°1 NA N r. n T ill i U O J ro U O CD ,o 0 m 0 uco rt N� D �af3m %N N Cfov C w V W a' N S� tJ 1 0 tD- L 1 y r�N y r N� � �ZL m mI� n d0 n N 7 m � � p p S O n O �a� G 0o S'o �?r Be ,'rys N � N v i tj 21 ON x� 9 13 Do � y to F COW o I z � O n O O � m ro a I m _ z n r O W 9 f o O > 9 r zo r Oy ° 3 p o zM Om ' ` N K W FA Co n y2 x < - _ 'M 0 c s o d J off= _ � F � C U iH7Sol tl30U073 ?'A I1 +.:J 3 3MVN fib :9tld 8694V,05, SSi Wd Dz ll 91,'i �� S!0 1531C3N 1Y 03080O3tl 'ON IN3Wnn3 b O a h p M oieB Puv 6lvnoD ples got p. 'v031FIm a noge 3s,n; ieari put Sup ayl ie,, lewill° Put Pue4 ,iw ssaui!A\ - .eml.»np 3o pnrnq su '1° c .m s.nrl mou ae Put ut 1uensmd luawn.il�u! myPm aq1 P':no.��a uoi7eiodaoO yens 3�{1 am of pi9P [ � P paweu ucaiayl uo!1eiodaoi ayi 30 jlegaq uo 3uawnRSw wgl!-a ayt palnaaxa oy,u suoslad a41 aq o1 lua=xlsu! uiggm aq1 painaaxa leyl uo!le.iod.ioa a4I am of umou>t Pull _ _... _ ._ 'S818JX� -B1 r JD UM SM a41 ;o jjftVM XjIItD /;7a9 0l aw vl umou>f put „� .SOY�jj -...t` aq 01 am of un+ouDI p ... adde gnvuosaad'.S1unoO pies ao; put m ailgn _. +Mo"z e _. :�... _..._.. y....f 10 .Sep.. ..._._s243 uO ,am aso ;aq `�- �'BI � J saga uy so•I jo diunop ' V I"ZHOAI'IdO 3O :51V IS 66 ; oa RfiSLt :.er; N r Cr' a I m _ z n r O W 9 f a r zo r Oy ° 3 o ' ` N Co n x _ 'M u. c s o d J off= 1 r �1 J' \ iH7Sol tl30U073 ?'A I1 +.:J 3 3MVN fib :9tld 8694V,05, SSi Wd Dz ll 91,'i �� S!0 1531C3N 1Y 03080O3tl 'ON IN3Wnn3 b O a h p M oieB Puv 6lvnoD ples got p. 'v031FIm a noge 3s,n; ieari put Sup ayl ie,, lewill° Put Pue4 ,iw ssaui!A\ - .eml.»np 3o pnrnq su '1° c .m s.nrl mou ae Put ut 1uensmd luawn.il�u! myPm aq1 P':no.��a uoi7eiodaoO yens 3�{1 am of pi9P [ � P paweu ucaiayl uo!1eiodaoi ayi 30 jlegaq uo 3uawnRSw wgl!-a ayt palnaaxa oy,u suoslad a41 aq o1 lua=xlsu! uiggm aq1 painaaxa leyl uo!le.iod.ioa a4I am of umou>t Pull _ _... _ ._ 'S818JX� -B1 r JD UM SM a41 ;o jjftVM XjIItD /;7a9 0l aw vl umou>f put „� .SOY�jj -...t` aq 01 am of un+ouDI p ... adde gnvuosaad'.S1unoO pies ao; put m ailgn _. +Mo"z e _. :�... _..._.. y....f 10 .Sep.. ..._._s243 uO ,am aso ;aq `�- �'BI � J saga uy so•I jo diunop ' V I"ZHOAI'IdO 3O :51V IS 66 ; oa RfiSLt :.er; N r Cr' xc f4i598 Fza 96 AM that portion of that part of the,paruel of land in Seutioa,20, Los 3_3., esrecorded in Boot =9 =page 136, of in he office offsaid �Aaeoeyder, bounded on the north by the southerly line of the northerly bq feet of said Section 10, bounded on the soutberest by the northeasterly of that parcel of lead described in deed to She State of California a- recorded in Boot 26716, page 314, of Official Records in the office of m said Recorder, within a strip of land 20 feet ride, lJing lO feet on each s side of the follcving described line: �' v+ Begindng at a print in the northerly line of said Section 10, distant B. 890 58, 1411 R. thereon 8.31 feet froa the southeasterlY burner of the parcel of land in Section 3, T. 3 S., R. 15 W. described in ease' -_. -cent deed to City of Vanden recorded in Boot 5533, page 259, of Official Records in the office of said Recorder; thence S. 670 240 50° Y. 848.24 feet. m.. 21Id 3ubtect to the right of the city of los Angeles to open, establish, and maintain a public street, at any time, ever all or any portion of the above - described property. Together with the further rl5ht t.. antcr upon and n, pass and repass over and along said land and to deposit tools, impli�mrnt� and .;!her ma:erlak thereon by said District, its officers, .nL an.: e.nph,yca;• ;nod he 11, 1" ra under e' tiiac•. t� ith it ami their empluyces whenoem I wherever necessary Ln the purposes above set forth. It is understood that each of the undersigned granters - r:utla said e-; ;rmcut only in, over and aeross that portiun of the at .:e doscrihed land which is rev: reed by said grantor or in which .;:rid grantor has an intcrect. Dated February 4 ,19.55 Till OM OF LOS alsl�s: City � art r•