THIS INDENTURE, made this .26th day of May ,
A.D., 19391, by and between EDLOU COMPANY, a Corporation,
organized under and existing by virtue of the laws of the
State of California, and having its principal place of
business in the City of Los Angeles, State of California,
the party of the first part, and the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a
municipal corporation of the County of Los Angeles, State of
California, party of the second part, -
W I T N E S S E T H:
That the said party of the first part, for and in
consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), lawful money
of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by the
said party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, does by these presents grant and convey unto the
said party of the second part, a perpetual easement and right
of way for the construction, reconstruction, inspection,
maintenance, operation and repair of a sanitary sewer or
sewers or instrumentalities providing for the control, flow
and disposal of sewage, together with the necessary outlets,
manholes, ditches, drains, conduits, tunnels, channels, or
other appurtenances, in, over, upon, across and along that cer-
tain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the
City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California,
and particularly described as follows, to -wit;
The northerly 7-IZZ feet of Lot :SRR ,
Block 123, as shown upon E1 Segundo Sheet No. 8,
aTrIT (JCU9'CCe ( 1 11114" rl +i'Y ism
EF, :? €£4"NDO6 CA'L'Ixn'mT_o
'(& X18 `193
"it was moved by Councilman Germ, seconded by Councilman Hesser,
that Grants of Easement for sewer trunk line purposes, made by the Grantors
hereinafter named respecting the real property set after each name, to erite
Grant of Guaranty Liquidating Oorporatiorr., dated ?day 26th, 19390 grant "n;
to the City of El Segundo a perpetual sasement and /or right of way, for the
construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, operation and repair
of a sanitary sewer or sewers, in, over, upon, across and along the following
parcel of land, to Britt The Southerly 7j- feet of Lot 280, Block 1230 as per map
shown upon E1 Segundo Sheet No® 8, Recorded in Book 220 Pages 106 and 107 of
Mapes Records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file in the office of
the County Recorder of said County;
Grant of Palmer Building Corporation, dated may 24th, 1939, granting to
the Aty of E1 Segundo a perpetual easement and /or right of way, for the
purposes hereinabove set forth, in, over upon, across and along the following
parcel of land, towi$t The Southerly K feet of Lot 367, Block 123, as
shown upon El Segundo Sheet No. 89 Recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of
Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file.in the office of
the County Recorder of said County/
Gram: of Edlou CompW6 dated May 25,!^', 1939, granting to the City of 'l jagunao
a perpetual easement and /or right of way, for the purposes hereinabove set
forth, in, over, upon, across and along the following parcel of land, to wits
All that certain portion of Lot 118, Block 1239 as shown upon E1 Segundo
Sheet Nom 8, recorded in Book 22, pages 106 and 107 of Maps, records of Los
Angeles County, California, and on file in the office of the County Recorder
of said County, described as follawat Beginning at the southeasterly corner of
the aforementioned Lot 118, Block 123; thence along the southerly line of
said Lot 118 a distance of 3,33 feet to the point of intersection of said line
with the northeasterly line of Lot 434, Block 123, as shown upon El Segundo
Sheet No, 8, recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of Maps, records of Loa
Angeles County, California, and on file as aforesaid; thence along the north•
easterly line of said Lot 434 in a northwesterly direction a distance of 12.76
feet to a point; thence N 89052950" Best in a straight line to the point of
Intersection of said line with the easterly line of said Lot 118, Block 3.23
to the point of beginning;
Grantt of Mon. Company, dated May 26th, 1939, granting to the City of E1 Segundo
a perpetual easement and /or right of way, for the purposes hereinabove set
:Forth, in, over upon, across and along the-following parcel of Sand, togritt
The northerly ltd feet of Lot 388, Block 123, as shown upon El Segundo Sheet
No. 8, recorded in Book Nos 22, pages 106 and 107 of Haps, records of Los
Angeles County, California, and on file in.the office of the County Recorder
of said County;
Grant of Edlou Oompany, dated May 26th, 1939, granting to the City of Bl
Segundo a perpetual easement and /or right of vmy, for the purposes hereinabove
set forth, in, Over, upon, across and alon� the following parcel of land, /
to -w1*4 The northerly 74a feet of Lot 373, Block 1230 as shoran upon El Segundo
Sheet No. 8, reoorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of Haps, records of
Los Angeles County, California, and on file in the office Of the County Recorder
of said County;
Grant of Edlou Company,daE %aL Ilq- 26'n e, IMS, granting to tho City of D I Segundo
a perpetual easement and /or right of way, for the purposes hereinabove set forth,
in, over, upon, across and along the following parcel of land, to -wit:
The northerly 712 feet of Lot 333, Block 123, as shown upon El Segundo Sheet No. at
recorded in Book 22, pages 106 and 107 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County,
California, and on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County;
Grant of Edl.ou Ca nyanq'u dated mar 201hp ID 392 Ming and 00=0106 u1 so
the CS•tgr of El, ;lcagundo a peyaaeWal aasceran.t and rIght e&' way for tom;;
ao Waot: ono AXOPOKiop.o ani&oxamoea oTowati.az and p iow
of a sanitary sewer at moverat 06 CMOs, VTpue ®.cxoss and along that
certain piese or passel of lando zi.tum=g lying and 'being in the 011V
of al 91,00V County as Lac a 5 tc W 00130ralaa and pM0100awly
1e0esr00 so lo9.3.avat Tho m*karrlr of test of Lot =.D ''ylAak AQ Boo
)0 920 pages 246 and 10V of HhVao waaordaa of We Anoe&3 Clu tyo Onli$'a3rtlao
and on file In the offias; of the County Hoarder of said Dountyo
Gran' of Zdlom Compagra daatad May 26tap 19010 gnmaling to the Wr at Z11
3egutdo a perpetual, o Who Stott of "may e ibr try ou
met fortho tug overo upona ac so and along the fulloving 9earael at 10149
to is The aaouther5r It feat of lost W96 Slook : p as elan u n
Segundo Sid No* So reoordaad in Dook 222 Vages 200 'an€i. 107 us Maps, z oorae
of Lou Aviles CotL+nty'p Galiib=dau and osa file In tho cai'TWO at the Crush
R000rder of said Oaun y5
Grant of Rdlou Conpanyo dra-Wd ley £Ctls 1959, aranting to the City of U
Segundo a, perpetual easomemi amdjov vlgbt of ayo for tho Durposes ins urYYovai
sot foltho inp owe rp aTO, across and along Aha folloRing paxool of l+aQ
to i.ta The southerly 9W .rates, oe Lot PAN Wok 223, as s&zm Upan Erl
wX' ='dc 5h at 'Cte„ :a rc,cunica in Jack 22� jagno 90Z esad °'CV esr z1en r('40r: =a'.
of Los Anamies Counly,, Ca'+.i.eamas , and an file A the STWea of the County
Recorder of said Coun*
Groat of Frank xith. and Tiney .'mouth his vie v dated F:+eay 29th„ 19U90 ev=e inO
to the city of El SaGando a noxp. -ttuaj eumcnest raad/os "_U_.ht re toy, fd_
purposes hmvoinabova set i'aa°HO in, Ovo a ajoOn, awro z W along th
following jaroal. of WHO tonW10 The saaWhe&Y j 200 of last 427, Dloek 123te
as shown upon El Sagumdo Shv t No, Go .Re coed ed in aa"SWp.P. 2S, Vigor We ata
107 of Hapsp r000rdo of Los Angolow Couatra Cal ands„ cut ow WID In tih
attioe of the County Reacadon of said Oa n j �
Grant of Hanke Lo Patterson, p a cafe csr, dca °::cam 8th, 19 9, =. t t.3
the City of El Segundo ca :rp t ^ate, easamont IV rjojt o2 Warp fog tic,
purposes haoreiaaaboVo mot W_ w1P 01-V 3rpo p agr=osas a :ng th alai j ; i L3
paxool of °nv n to-wit s sae qo +.t3�irl1 'rya; Hot f Dn4 30% al D 7 ajzsa
t.s ; "harm: ''4'aa a a�ss__;adc e`iL+'itt in, g ig a`14vC&id+'a 'dal �k3+'°om 22t pages 101 :u«
lof Ue Map, r000 s cc ins d"iw,G0100 00:H7, QU'IDIn j as and 04 file ju u."trl
0010o of the County kit3oor8or a= said 0i+W16
be and the same C.'+"t Fi hereby L„'3.,M^pa, on 3G`!ha.. (,5.iy v(''$ City at 2! swo. "vgyp 1'.:4?Ct
She City WK to and he is haxoby d1 toff. to eenuno the Astannanis to to
010 for roaaaard. In the otfiao of ;-he Orn&y= Waordsr° W l�On .ss Y10F aaeysL4yo
CITY OF EL 5305 G �
Cite Clark of the city of 21 sP3et'andog ca l arniap do taaroby certify that
the foregoing racolution to a 0114 We and oarxet ea,py we a xetsolxtW4
aadolde d by the City WWI of the 70y of I �� ".d ip sat a Tt.-ag'i1 zngt r' v
uf anic Body hold on U.sj 50 day of Jaye 109„ anti that ,sic Wonslntich
was adapted tw the 90U, >ea voeso a
Area? Counolkon Gerawa Hseuoer, Lorou Salbyr a4d c os D 1duse
Boost 0ouncilmon W00
W ff.rU5is`"3S t3%3OTU'07 l have hereanbo set ny had aW Wi.alal, nwekal
this let der of Novermberp Ac aD, AUK