S054Approved as I. form by Chief Counsel Form A -315 9-8-434 May 15, 1925 9-8-434
19bi.1 - InUnture made this 11th day of ileptember, 1925.
U, between PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, a California Corporation, party of the first part,
and The City of El Segundo, a Municipal corporation, also of said State,
party of the second part:
WItneogetb: That said party of the first part hereby grants to said party of the second part, ease-
ment for sanitary sewer
purposes, hereinafter termed system, across that part of the right of way or property of said party of the
first part in the City of E1 Segundo County of LOS Angeles,
State of California, described as follows:
A strip of land 7.5 feet in width - -- - -- -being a portion of
Lot "D" of Sh =yet 7, E1 Segundo, as per map recorded on pages 54 and 55
in Book 22 of baps, Los nngeles County records, said strip of land being
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Lot "D "; thence
northeasterly and easterly along the southeasterly and southerly line
of said Lot "D" to the easterly line of Maryland Street, as said
Maryland Street is shown upon said Sheet 7, L1 Segundo; thence north-
erly along the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of said
Maryland Street to a line parallel with and 7.5 feet northerly from
the southerly and southeasterly line of said Lot I'D "; thence westerly
and southwesterly along said parallel line to the west line of said
thence southerly along the west line of said Lot D
Lot I'D " \to the point of beginning.
The above described strip of land 7.5 feet in width being shown
colored red on plat CEZ 1172 hereto attached and made a part hereof.
TOGETHER with the right to enter upon and to pass and repass over and along said strips of land and
to deposit tools, implements and other material thereon by said party of the second part, its officers, agents
and employees and by persons under contract with it and their employees, whenever and wherever ;
necessary for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, reconstructing, inspecting, operating and repair-
ing said system.
IT BEING expressly understood and made a condition of this grant that the right of the party of the
first part, its successors or assigns to maintain its present and any future tracks along these parcels shall
be recognized as prior in time to this grant.
IN CONSIDERATION of the foregoing grant the party of the second part hereby agrees to indemnify
and save harmless the party of the first part, its successors and assigns from any and all damages, claims,
demands and liabilities whatsoever growing directly or indirectly out of the construction, reconstruction,
maintenance, operation, or removal of said system.
The party of the second part agrees to construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, remove and alter
said system in such manner that it will not interfere in any way whatsoever with the operations of said
party of the first part, its successors or assigns, and that the location of said system and all work in con-
nection with the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, operation, removal, alteration, etc., of said sys-
tem shall be done in a first class workmanlike manner.
The party of the second part agrees that upon completion of any work in connection with said system,
as much as possible of the earth excavated from the trenches thereof shall be thrown back into the trenches
and the remainder shall be removed from the premises or spread out evenly and smoothly over the surface
of the ground, and that all of said back - filling shall be thoroughly packed so that the ground will not sink
or cave in after said back - filling is completed.
THE GRANT hereby made is upon the further condition subsequent that the premises aforedescribed
shall at all times be used by the party of the second part for the purposes hereinbefore set forth, and none
other, and if at any time such use shall be abandoned or discontinued, all rights and privileges hereby
granted shall forthwith cease and determine and the party of the first part, its successors and assigns shall
be restored to its former estate in said premises.
THIS INSTRUMENT is subject to all valid existing contracts, leases, liens or encumbrances which
may affect the property and the word "grant" as used herein, shall not be construed as a covenant against
the existence of any thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused respective corporate names and seals to
be affixed hereunto and these presents executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, the
day and year first above written.
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estate of California l
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countp of Roil 21noefes
�By ....... .............. .f ... ..... :. ... _. ......... .................... _ ..... _ .... _......
Vice- President.
. .
By .............._..__................................................................. ... ................................. ......... _._....
„i Secretary.
President, Board of Trustees,
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Attest :
C#-fy Clerk and ex —o is er o£
the Board of tTruste s of the ty
of E1 Segundo, California.
Onthis _.......__.IL /.... __ ...... .day of ..... ............ _ ................ .....__. ..._._.__.__...._.__......._... _............_. ...._.._._._..._......._....... 'before 19x, me,
said County, personally appeared ......... _. ..... ........... _._.. 1 ..... K__\ d....._..._ L ...... ......___.....__........_....._
known to me to be the.......... _........'....President,
Notary Public in and for
known to me to be the __ ..... ....................._Secretary of the PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, the
Corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and known to me to be the persons who
executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that
such Corporation executed the same.
101fttelio my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written.
NOTARY PMLIC in and for the Cod'nty of Los Angeles, State of California.
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