N01471 21 31 M a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ROBT. E. ROSSKOPF ATTORNEY AT LAW BEVERLY HILLS Curus wCeDwOumv City Attu ears am* so W 65K , Special counsel, 141E DOCUMENT TO WHkK THIS CERTIFICATE IS AT Attorneys for Plaintiff, TACHED IS A FULL,, TRUE AND .CORRECT COPY OF THE $721 Sunset BOA., ORIGINAL ON FILE AND OF REC IN MY OF ,IBC - lax `EIEU. leo 46R Calif SAME HAVING BEEN FILET% /. •l8%f•�"/�- Adshaw '. 'i�isss AND ENT D v:Is /i�5� iC2hestViev 1 -1457 t JUDGMENT OK. _ .� PAGE ....4 �ApTpTf�EST,` 7 •./ 'i'�A- 19. &. Attorneys for Plaintiff !k lU�� � G it aunty Clerk aI 1 kof rri Supe of Ik 4aur! or the Slate of Celrfornia, in and he o ty of Ang--Jes. BY ... 7a .....�.... �.t, .... DEPUTY IN Tttzr: ,Iii, aitloh IL83idAT OV T111'."' �iTATS OF QAJJ 'OiiN$A IN AND it TIU COUNTY tits 14W ANG4LI CITY OF SIB S4GUXV00 a Hunial l ) NO* Ingi, 0 11 e corporation* +tilt 861 *, } Ts A MEMO= City of 21 SoI California,, for a public Lwep to-wits for public p&I parpooas,, all of that certain real property in the City of a u; < state or desorl'bad as follows, to-witz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ROST. E. ROSSKOPF ATTORNEY AT LAW BEVERLY HILLS Im The fee title to % aat portion lying above a depth s# comer, "A"; thmoc &iw& the Westerly line of said Lot "A* South 40060"W �aat point A � fit parallel with the southeasterly line or said WAO North x' E L*t Q4,"; tuance along said lfao parallel to and 100 root Southerly or th o Northerly lime of i oat "An # 40rul SU052#070 a+ st to the 60At �:� .. Ivnimimmmmit x lot *A*; thence along the 4orthorly a or said Let "AA South 89*52#07t, woot 357.23 foot and South ,. il. That said use is a public L o and a use authorized by 1116 That Stan and affil Company of Callro iA, a aorparatlon, is the, ovner of the Pallswi g desorlbod real prop arty in the City *f M �* , Cwmty of Los AyWolav, itaa,ta of California,, to -vit The � fee title to that ,kartl n lying below a, depth WE 1 of 3300 foot measured vertically frox the ssari'ease 2 thereof of that portion of lot *A" of Traot Ada►. 3 2111, in the City of Sl :leg , County of Los 4 Angel000 State of California, as par map reeorded. 5 in book 220 Pago 141 of ,taps, in the office of the 6 County aaaaerder or id County described as f°el3.owst 7 Beginning at the Northwest oorner of said Lot 8 44 "3 thence along than Westerly line of said Lot 9 "A ", wouth 0006* 340 Zen% 191.15 feet to ra Point 10 in the Westerly line of said Lot "4 "; thence 11 parallel with the oath steady limas of said ldat 12 "A* North 70016 *410 last to a line parallel to 13 and 100 feet ,'atotzth or the ';OrthorlT line of said 14 lot OAR; thence along said list parall l to sad 15 100 Coot MUMMY of t a Northerly 1.:Ane of 16 lot VAN North 890521070 srt to the South- 17 easterly 2.inj of aaaK Lot "A *; thence North - 18 easterl.,y' raltaa& tha* lirada of said 19 lot "A" to the Most ': alt ar lye ourner of said 20 hot "A"; to nce alarm;; than Northerly limas of said 21 fist OA" south 190 6 107" ; fit Q7.23 feet and oa "t 22 80054033" loat. .325.€ 4 feet to the point or beginning, 23 1Y . 24 That said Standard Oil Uoiy anX or Californian shall have 25 no ri htaa to the -asa of any yort on of the real property Which is 26 hernia €$Endai Mmuod to ha£ ; ve of plaintiff, or etY%.y portion of the 27 sarrratae theMot for drilling.. o1plorwa^tion or other purposes, 28 29 That A zif is Ol arota 1 ; il.ad r Compaa , aaa arpo ti , 30 axaca 410 r lght, ti'tlev Intea °r;<at, lion or ontdataa in or to any pertidrs 31 of of the real property in too City or z jj,,tndceo � o,at1 of Los 32 Angoleas Mate of California, esorlb*d as follows: ROBT. E. ROSSKOPF ATTORNEY AT LAW BEVERLY HELLS u 1 2 3 4 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ROBT. E. ROSSKOFF ATTORNEY AT LAW BEVERLY HILLS tMace along the wostarly line of said lot "Apo soath 0a0034" last 101,10 feet to as point in the Westerly line of said Lot "A"; thonoo parallel With M 60"AaaASKY line Uf Said lot "A" North 70*18*41" dust to a lint parallel to and too feet loath of the Northerly WO of said Lot 11"; them" along aaid Aus purullol to uad 1 feet 'scant l7° of the Northorly Ms cc Ut "A"O NorK Soo 52*070 �.�azt lwit taw iouthmusturij lino A said Lot PA*; thenoa AI.Orthoustorly alo.'qr' the noutbaustorly line or 3 i 11A)t WAY tea ilo-A i.,AOU."Oly Oornar of *uId J. Ot "41"; Z444OU U10% W NOKAO&Y lino of said lot OA" With E90321071 vast 357,ij Coat aad houth 6504133" 40st USM foot L, the point of bagInning, said dereniant MMI, ilwctvia nallway joapunyo a corporatlon* successors as answigu, Ur u fooevar burrod and astoppod from asseeting any rijbto WOO 14tapwato Unn or estate thavolno Q. that a anotirind copy Q this Final toorao be filed In the WOO of the ctl- hat"y WOOKOr w, Lk4 4 .U'q;0148 ca"inly" lkzul 00010000 thO OKI Property &YAnabma described shall yogt In plaintiff, Im rZ3 Im