P012116o? el Xz 4 Y' Fit 1' ARVOUM X-249- MA96100; e-&UIOTMLIF� 900"L- ' I ._ i �. hr 1 ,warm whiz: '.,r:Ii�; the 'larking Struct:cn'. P, There is presently existing on the Corner Parcel a highrise office building owned by naclarant, which Seca•: of its present size and design doss not provide sufficient narking spaces to meet the City of E1 Segundo's oarkinq requiraeents. One of the Conditions of the City of 11 Segvmdo in giving consideration to the final approval of Tentati'.*e Parcel Vvy 11008 is whit adequate parking spaces are orpvld+d for the rorner Parcel. -.^'+ 77E?tROAE, D+c:arant hereby establishes the following coo. rants, conditi•me .^.nd restrictions for the use, protect ton and''>.xefit of the ,wr.ar if the e:c,mer Parcel. Fzch and ::L of said covenants, renditions and restrictions shall Van with the land, shall inure to the benefit of the Corner Parcel and t'Pt r1ty of Tl Sr?u:teo, California and shell be binding upon and pas: viii Cie +roperty or an., portion thereof. 1. The Omer of the correr Parcel or its successors or assigns shall have the nonexclusive right to park no more than 280 passenger vehicles within the Parting structure, together with the nonexclusive right of ingrers and egress to and within the Parking Structure. +. 2. the location of the harking spaces for said 229 passen- ger vehicles shall be as reasonably designated fro-, tixe to time by the Owner of the Parking Structure. 3, yor eeeh such parking space aetuall•• used, tM Owner of the Corner Parcel shall pa; to the rwoar of the lar %i�, Structure a _fee set by the &caner of tine -larking Stzjztar . Such fee shall not exceed the rates actually charged to others frpm. time to tine for parking in the Parking Structnr> or reasonable market rates in existence from tine to tine for enclosed office building parking space in the F.1 Se?un3o area. t. The Owner of the Parking Structure shall maintaLn the Parking Structure in a clean condition and good repair in the saws runner as owners of comparable parking structures -^ f' is the el Segundo area. i _2_ v�E� `� �..�. .Y, V! 4 �' F1; F �� ��'r � Y 4 All \ \ « «° ? 2 . , v .. . :« > \ _ . . O «z q. . . . - .,y . \ \California, i . - the Comaty ftgcrdop \ • � � � \; , M t CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Dof, January 30, 1980 70: City Councilmen From: Planning Department Subiea: Special Order of Business; Item B Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC &R's) Regarding Parking Rights for Existing Structures in Subdivision 6 -79, Parcel Map 11008 Gentlemen: Tentative Parcel Map No. 11008 was approved by the Planning Commission on January 24, 1980, with the following condition: Applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City in a form satisfactory to the City Council covenanting that the parking garage located on Parcel No. 1 will be available and shall provide the necessary parking for the land uses located on both Parcel No. 1 and No. 2 and that the City receive a copy of the recorded document for their files. The subdivision will separate 898 Sepulveda, an existing eight -story office building, from the parking structure to the rear of the building. The purpose of the attached "CC &R's for Parking Rights" is to ensure that all legally required parking for the office building will continue to be provided. The provisions of the agreement more than meet City parking requirements - 231 spaces are required for 898 Sepulveda, the document gives the right to park 280 vehicles with the adjacent parking structure. The document has been reviewed by the City Attorney who recommends that, if the agreement is to your satisfaction, a motion be made to that effect. Respectfully, W. L. C n Associate Planner rt Recorded at the request of and tirher recorded mail to T;IE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 2049 Century Park East, Suite 2550 Los Angeles, California 90057 Attention: Resident Attorney DECLATIATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIOl•IS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR Pty I KINC RIGHTS THIS DECLAi2ATI01i OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PAP-XING RIGHTS is made this9"th day of February, , 1979, by The Prudential Insurance Coll;nany of America, a Neva Jersey corp0= a'tion, hereinafter cal. i ed - "Declarant" with reference to the following facts: A. Declarant is the owner of the real prope7ty described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, hereinafter aeferred to as the "Property ". Ii. Dec:i.aran•t's predecessor in interest, ll.�on Corporation, has heretofore made a2 plicat ion to the City O.'' El Seaunclo, California, for a resubdivision of Parcel. Map 2028 (Exhibit "N ") and has subI:aitted :COY approval TeIltative Parcel 14ap 1.1008. It is Decla,:ant's intention to complete the processing of said application. (:, with the acqui li tion- of title 'tri the P. fop 1-ty Decla r. arkt l s tit-le cods subject to a Deed of Tru:i% ;aheveiin Oreat W:)..3t,: -2r11 Sltvirlq., 1 and I+l)2111 Lion, a California corporation is Named Flenef- i.ciary. D. Said Dee& of Trust contains a provision for the ja:lrtia 1 reconveyance of a portion of said Property, Which portion i^ describe d in Exhibit "B" attached Hereto and is hereinafter referred to as the "Corner Parcel";, p:rov ded, that the Beneficiary ohall not br: gi)1.iC..:teC1 to I'.l;1ke any sur11 partial ro. ;Ionveyanco in violation o£ the .Subdivision Map Pict or the "rite of California :1.71 efI ect at tho tilitf± of such recon Jeyance. li. [1ClJ::C: l to t:',e COLnr:i: Parcel and to the._- E=ist, is a Ur! Si:nt1V 2xis "ting SE-:veit sLo.ry parking SLruc L.111'e GP.'Sli`i: by Declarant, which facility is hereinafter referred to as the "Parking Structure ". F. There is presently existing on the Corner Parcel a highrise office building owned by Declarant, which because of its present size and design does not provide sufficient parking spaces to meet the City of E1 Segundo's parkinrf requirements. One of the Conditions of the City of E1 Segundo in giving consideration to the final approval of Tentative Parcel Map 11008 is that adequate parking spaces are provided for the Corner Parcel. J3ml ;iiERErORE, Declarant hereby establishes the following covenants, conditiunn and restrictions for the use, protection and benefit o` the Owner of the Corner Parcel. Each and all. of said covenants, conditions and restrictions shall run with the lane'., shall inure to the benefit of the Corner_ Parcel and . the City of El Segundo, California and shall be binding upon and pass with the Property or any portion thereof. 1. The Owner of the Corner. Parcel. or its successors or assigns shall have the nonexclusive right to park no more than 280 passenger vehicles within the Parking Structure, together with the nonoyclusi.ve right of ingress and egress 'to aril within the Parking Structure.' 2. The location of the parking spaces for said 280'passen- ger vehicles shall be as reasonably designated from time to time by the Owner of the Parking Structure. 3. For each such parking space actually used, the Owner of the Corner Parcel shall pay to the Owner of the Parking Structure a fee set by the Owner or Glee Pal:l;ing Structure. Such fee shall not exceed the rates actually nharged to others from,time to time for parking in the Parking Structure or reasonable market rates in existence from time to time for enclosed office building parking space in the El Segundo area. d. The Owner of the Parking Structure shall maintain the Parking Structure in a clean condition and good repair in the same manner as owners of comparable parking structures in the E.l Segundo aria. -2- 5. Each and all. of these covenants, conditions and .restrictions shall terminate forty years from the date hereof,, provided, however, that these covenants, condi- tions and restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten years, so long as there exists on the Corner Parcel an office building or other improvement which, under any applicable governmental law, ordinance or regulation require approximately 280 parking spaces to be available in the Parking Structure. The undersigned has executed this Declaration on the date first above written. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURIzNCE COMPANY By By aOINDER IN DECLARATION The undersigned hereby 'joins in the Miio going Declaration and subordinates its right, title and interest in the Property thereto. - GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION By j. W. J. MeM' F3y76 Annette R. �lssi/stan Lice President Evans, Assistant Secretary -3- t ;7 STATE OF. CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) On February 16, 1979 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared James A. Jolly known to me to be "tile Vice President, and Japes P. McGruder known to me. to be the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature /- L,, . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF LOS' ANGELES) Or m"L W1 I HELFRIC; i s. MTAm PusL:c - CALVO7M116 FRIW -0 AL CMU M LW AWFU3 OD"Ty ccuu , E.PW ;ga,.16,1Mz On Pob. 9 , 197 J before Ina, thu undeirsigned, A Notary Public in ana for said State, personally appeared jq_,7, hir. p1_ LLAh known to me to be UM7; e+ss•r, vice rreszaent, ana ANNE'rIT R, EVANS - kno to me to be the Asst. Secretary o- t�rporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -'laws or a re�-;q-lution of its board of directors. WITNESS myhan5Yand officia./ 1'al. , � �,.- -rye ur= �4'°?;.:�.'��K�rt�:.v."•:�� env ".svfi;�4',:i SignatL`i i� s >� .ys= �i'l �.? <', t f?` VIRGIMA DR,*W IT Virginia Dela 1f 1l, ,,o;.rvruaw•c -Ca:u G14 .�.rr PRINCIPAL OFFICI IN LOS ANGELES COJ 1N ?.'.y cmurn'raini, Exp. C>. 26. 1982 t DESCRIPTION Parcels.1 and 2 of Parcel Map No. 2028, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on man filed in Book 54 Page 45 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. EXCEPTING all natural gas containel in or under or that may be produced from said land, together with the exclusive right to drill for and. produce such natural gas from said land by whipstocking or directional drilling or other sub- surface locations or an other land and the exclusive right to use the subsurface of said land for the purpose of .injecting natural gas therein for storage and for re- pressuring the formations underlying said land, but with - out the right of surface entry in any manner for the purpose of discovering or extracting such natural gas as conveyed to Standard Oil Company of California, a corpo- ration, by deed recorded July 27, 1943, in Book 20145 Page 298, Official Records. ALSO EXCEPT all oil, hydrocarbon and mineral substances;' if any, except natural gas, contained in or under or that may be produced from ^aid land, together with all those certain rights reserved by and unto the first party in that certa).n deed recorded in B00% 20145 Page 298, Offic.iL Records, but without the right of surface entry for the purposes of extracting any such oil, hydrocarbons and mineral substances nor for any other purposes, as conveyed to Chanslor- Canfield Midway Oil. Corapany, a corporation, in Book 22243 Page 336, Official Records EXHIBI`i` A. LEGAL DESCRIPJ.'10N That portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 2026, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on map filed in Book 54 Page 45 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: Beginning at the northerly terminus of that certain course described as haling a bearing and length of "North 00° 04' 2" West, 101..56 feet" in the easterly line of the land described in Parcel 60951 -1 (amended) in the Final Decree of Condemnation, a certified copy of which was recorded on November 15, 1976, is Instrument No. 4095; thence northerly, continuing along said easterly line, 60.78 feet along a curve concave easterly and having a radius of 2927.75 feet to the beginning of a second curve in the boundary of said Parcel 60951-1 (amended) described as being concave southeasterly and having a radius of 17.75 feet thence northeasterly, along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 881 48' 38 ", an arc distance of 27.51 feet to a point of tangency with the southerly line of Walnut Avenue, 60.00 feet wide; thence North 890 59'. '10'. East, along said Walnut ?venue; 91.18 feet; thence South 00° 03' 19" East, 167.79 feet; thence South 89° 59' 35" West, 3.09.69 :1600 to said certain --ourse described as having a length of 101.56 feet; thence North 00° 00' 40" Nest, along said certain course, 89.62 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT B