P011P March 27, 1970 9. Equitable Savings and Loan Association 328 Long Beach Boulevard Long Beach, California 90812 Gentlemen: 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ERNEST B. REID, DIRECTOR 322 -4670 At its regular meeting of March 23, 1970, the City Council approved a covenant between Equitable Savings and Loan Association, U.S.I.F. Center, Inc. and the City of El Segundo. We find that there is considerable difference in the legal descriptions of the original covenant and the one recently adopted. In a telephone conversation with the law office of Richard D. Aldrich on March 25, 1970, Mr. Aldrich informed me that the intent of said covenant as submitted and approved is to assure the City that the Equitable Savings and Loan building located at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo will provide parking as required by City regulations, However, in reviewing the legal description, and because of the way in which the description is written, it could be misinterpreted as a legal division of land. For this reason I wish to notify all concerned that the approved covenant does not constitute a division of land and describes the property for parking requirements only. Equitable Savings and Loan Association will be required in the future when it wishes to develop this property for the purpose of sale or change of ownership, to apply for a division of lands under Title 19 of the Plats and Subdivision Chapter of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code." Very truly you s, Ernest B. Reid, Director cc: Richard D. Aldrich 505 1 L hL ARTHUR E. JONES CITY MANAGER Honorable City Council El Segundo, California Gentlemen: 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 (2 13) 322.4670 February 19, 1970 CONFIDENTIAL Attached is a letter from Mr. Richard D. Aldrich, Attorney for Equitable Savings and Loan commenting on the Council's request made at the January 26 meeting with regard to the proposed covenant for seg- regation of the parking structure from the office building at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard. In reviewing this matter we have determined that the City Code as written does not require that parking facilities be kept under the same ownership as a principle use. Thus Equitable Savings and Loan could legally sell the parking structure without providing any parking facilities for 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard. They have offerred in the covenant a guarantee of a minimum of 488 parking spaces to be provided for the office building. We could not force them to make this provision; however, Equitable has shown an unusually cooperative attitude toward the City's need to require off street parking. Since we are at a legal disadvantage, we recom- mend that the covenant be accepted as proposed. The Planning Department has prepared in draft form an ordinance that will correct this weakness in the City Code. It will be presented to the Planning Commission in the near future. Respectfully submitted, &M. 6.QA Ernest B. Reid, Planning Director Arthur E. Jones, City anger AEJ:lk RlCjNRD D. ALDRICH PETER F. M,,NDKEW5 City Council City of El Segundo State of California Attention._ Unice U. Re: LAW OFFICES OF RICHARD D. ALD RICH 1509 NORTH CRESCENT HEIGH A "1S BOULEVRD LO5 ANGELES, CALIFOBN iA 90046 (2131 656 -0871 February 16, 1970 �EE1s1970 86GUFIDE W_ Creason, City Clerk 688 No Sepulveda, El Segundo, California - ApplicaSep of E9u -table Savings and Loan Association for segregation of parking structure. the City Council meeting of Monday, Gentlemen: lied undersigned appeard and app In reconstructing the the referenced parking 1970, at which tim among certain to they un permission to segregate areas of concern to the Council for perm seem to be the structure, the following to the of the Council members: a arty would like to see the City made p structure 1• They land upon which the parking proposed covenant to run with the is now situated. of the owner of the park- is about the feasibility r Parking' 2 is of the building ing structure charging the tenants drafted the above, I have re` ene- Cit of El Segundo as a b and it With referencericludenthe Y our approval, as to specifically ,,-draft will meet with y the present covenant e I believe this d Loan Association, similar ficiary thereof. Equitable Savings an patterned after a City accepted by Fri It has been p gills, when Y has been accep structure. City of Beverly owner of the parking faced with fi identical situation. covenant executed for the benefit of the even this matter National Bank was above, I have g With reference to item 2 voiced as to the own parking e The main objection for p of thought. tenants of the office building there - a great deal in the parking structure charging this position, I have caused a ,attic, may cause the tenting not to use the strut u , was that this p he city streets. In analy by congesting City Council February 16, 1970 Page 2 survey to be taken on all office buildings in the general vicinity of 888 North Sepulveda, El Segundo, California. As a result of this survey, I find that all office buildings are charging for tenant parking. This charge is either a monthly rate per space or an amortized yearly rate which is added to the gross amount of the lease. To cite examples, I direct your attention to 999 No. Sepulveda, El Segundo (Imperial Towers - Kilroy Properties) wherein the monthly rental to tenants is $13. 00 per space. According to Mr. Luick, the manager of the property, office space is rented without parking and tenants rent parking space to whatever extent they wish with the understanding that rates will be competitive with other properties, such as Tishman Airport Center on Century Boulevard. The Tishman buildings on Century Boule- vard, comprising three structures with more planned, charge a monthly rate of $15. 00 per space. TRW, who occupies one or more of those buildings and who is also the major tenant of 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard, pays for all employee parking in the Tishman building. There are also certain occu- pants of the 888 No. Sepulveda Boulevard building who presently pay a monthly rental of $10.00 per space in the parking facility for surface parking facilities on the parcel immediately adjacent to the office building. The parking lot is run by A. P. C. O. A. and the charge is $10.00 per month. From the above, it appears that this parking charge has not had the effect of turning tenants out into the city streets in the past. There is also a drafting problem in attempting to bind the owner of the office building to include a specific number of parking spaces in future leases. The parties to such an agreement I assume would be Equitable Savings and Loan Association and the owner of the office building. However, I question what right Equitable would have to enforce such a contract once the building is sold. Should the City be made a party to such a contract it is also questionable in my mind from a legal standpoint what standing, if any, the City would have to enforce such an agreement. It further comes to mind that policing such an agreement would be extremely costly and time consuming, if not impractical and impossible. As a practical matter, all of the leases at the present time provide for a monthly charge for parking to commence in approximately a year and a half. The tenants of the building were aware of this at the time they entered into leases and I am certain that they fully intend on paying for their employees' parking The fact that they are to receive free parking for the first segment of their leases and then were to pay thereafter was also a negotiated factor which I am informed figured heavily in the negotiation of the lease price charged to the tenants. I believe when all of these factors are considered, in view of the practicalities of the situation, the Council will agree that this segre- gation will pose no threat to the occupancy and use of the building. I, To: From: Subject: Art: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER- DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Date January 21, 1970 Arthur E. Jones, City Manager Ernest B. Reid, Director of Planning Equitable Savings and Loan Association Parking Covenant - 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard Chapter 20.54 of the Zoning Regulations states, "No use, building or structure shall hereafter be established, erected, enlarged or structurally altered unless there be provided improved, located and thereafter maintained in connection therewith usable off- street automobile parking facilities in accordance with the requirements provided in this title." In reviewing the conditional use permit approved by the Planning Commission on June 10, 1964, I see no conflict between the proposed covenant as submitted and Resolution No. 588, and Section 20.54 of the Zoning Regulations. I would suggest that Equitable Savings and Loan be required to provide the City with a map depicting the parcels described in the attached legal descriptions, and the map be attached to the City's copy of the covenant. I think perhaps the covenant between Equitable and U.S.I.F. Center Company should spell out the minimum number of parking spaces that would be provided for the office building by the owners of the parking garage. RespeLctfully il L 4 - Ernest B. Reid Director of Planning EBR:cc Recommend Approval: Arthur E. Jones, Uty Manager P.S. For your information, I am attaching a copy of Resolution No. 588. City Council February 16, 1970 Page 3 therefore, respectfully request the permission of thi s Equitable Savings and Loan Association's application structure. Council to grant to segregate this RDA /k ccs: Mark C. Allen, Jr., Esq., Arthur E. Jones, City Manager h EQUITABLE SAVINGS 0 LOM MORU MMUM 8150 SUNSET BOULEVARD • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90046 U TELEPHONE 654 -5551 Mr. Arthur E. Jones City Manager 350 Main Street El Segundo, California Re: Equitable Highrise 888 South Dear Mr. Jones: January 16, 1970 Savings and Loan Association - El Segundo Office Building and Parking Structure - Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo, California In accordance with our meeting on January 14, 1970, wherein we discussed the El Segundo highrise office building and parking structure owned by Equitable Savings and Loan Association, I herewith submit this letter in order to outline the relevant facts concerning 'Equitable's present position with regard to this property with the request that the City of El Segundo grant permission to sell the highrise office building separate and apart from the adjacent seven -story parking structure subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. In the interest of time, I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Mark C. Allen, Jr., the City Attorney for the City of El Segundo. This property was originally acquired by Equitable through fore- closure proceedings. At the time of the foreclosure and sale to Equitable, there was a highrise twelve -story office building located thereon with surface parking on an adjacent parcel. Equitable was informed immediately after acquiring this structure that the parking was inadequate for the office building according to the city ordinances of El Segundo. Equitable there- after expended approximately $1, 000, 000 in the construction of a seven - story highrise parking structure presently located on the property. After completion of the structure, however, it was found that the dollars Equitable had invested in the office building and the adjacent parking structure had priced the package out of the market. Although the property has been for sale for over a year, no one has been even interested in purchasing it since the income from the building would not be sufficient to carry the debt service on an asking price of approximately $6, 500, 000. It was therefore decided that the only economical way of selling either of these structures was to separate the parking structure from the office building and sell the building as a separate unit. This would allow a purchaser to buy the building for approximately $5, 500, 000 and a later purchaser could purchase the park- ing structure for approximately $1, 000, 000. In this way, Equitable could at rA ), MAIN OFFICE ry Mr. Arthur E. Jones January 16, 1970 Page 2 least salvage the money which it has invested in the property. Quite obviously from the City's point of view, the segregation of the building from the parking structure might have the effect of stripping the building from its parking facility. The building would, therefore, be in violation of city ordinances of the City of El Segundo. In order to cure this deficiency plans were formulated to establish on the parking structure a covenant to run with the land thereunder in favor of the owner of the office building. The covenant would provide, in essence, that the owner of the park- ing structure would always provide sufficient parking for the adjacent office building so that the building would be in conformity with all applicable governmental laws and regulations when the building was fully occupied. This would have the effect of allowing the owner of the office building to always be in a position to force the owner of the parking structure to supply him with adequate parking sufficient to meet all applicable laws and regu- lations. Quite obviously the owner of this building would always want to enforce this covenant since failure to do so would result first, in the building having inadequate parking to meet the laws referred to above and, second, it would have the effect of allowing the City to force the owner of the building to vacate enough of said building so that the building would meet the city ordinance. We also must consider the fact that the only way such a covenant could be removed from the property would be with the consent of the owner of the building (a very unlikely occurrence) and with the acquiesence of the planning commissioner of the City of El Segundo. In order to further protect the owner of the building I have proposed to Equitable that Equitable, as the owner of the parking structure, enter into a ninety -nine year lease with the owner of the building wherein Equitable would be bound contractually with the owner to provide a minimum of seven hundred and thirty four parking spaces for the building. The total capacity for the parking structure at the present time is eight hundred spaces and it is my opinion that seven hundred and thirty four spaces would be more than adequate parking for the building and would bring the building well within the require- ments of applicable law. On December 29, 1969, an escrow was opened at Equitable Savings and Loan between U. S. I. F. Center Corporation (hereinafter "Center ") and Equitable for the sale of the highrise office building. Paragraph two of the agreement provides in part as follows: "Escrow shall close within ten (10) days after Seller has deposited in escrow the required permission of the City of El Segundo as hereinafter described, Paragraph four of the agreement provides in part as follows: "4. Seller informs Buyer that it is necessary to obtain the permission and approval of the planning commission and /or city council of the City of El Segundo, California, to sever and sell as a separate unit the office building here being sold separate and apart from the parking Mr. Arthur E. Jones January 16, 1970 Page 3 structure which was constructed on the adjacent parcel." Paragraph five (a) provides in part as follows: . . at all times the Seller will make available the spaces required for the structure being bought and sold as may be required by any governmental agency. Subparagraph five (a) further provides: 1. . . The Seller shall provide to the tenants of the building all services connected with the parking structure that it is now providing to its tenants. However, Seller shall have the right to provide such spaces in another building no further from the demised premises, with same or similar access and quality. The continuing obligation on the part of the Seller shall be for a period of 99 years following the close of escrow. " Contemporaneous with the execution of the agreement for the purchase and sale of the highrise office building and escrow instructions, there was executed by Equitable as owner of the parking structure a covenant to run with the land, a copy of which is attached hereto for your examination. You will note that the covenant is all- inclusive and was patterned after a covenant used by City National Bank in obtaining permission from the City of Beverly Hills to build its home office building on Sunset Boulevard. It was realized that prior to the construction of that building that there would be inadequate parking facilities for the tenants of the bank's building. An agreement, therefore, was reached with a parking structure located across the street and a covenant to run with the land of the parking structure was recorded. This was accepted by the City of Beverly Hills. It is felt that in allowing this segregation both the building and the parking structure can be sold as separate units and each will produce sufficient revenue so as to make both investments good, sound business transactions. The reason that the parking structure is an unsound business investment at the present time is that the major tenant of the building, TRW, has included in their lease the right to use the parking structure free of charge. The first segment of their lease expires in approximately one year and following that time the owner of the parking structure will be able to charge for this parking. Equitable is willing to carry the burden of the parking structure for this one -year period until such time as the TRW lease does expire and a charge can be made for the parking spaces. It is felt that based upon the parking rates for comparable parking facilities in the area a person buying the parking structure at the end of that one -year period would have a good business investment. Mr. Arthur E. Jones January 16, 1970 Page 4 Since the escrow on the building cannot close until we have a decision from the City of El Segundo, your early attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, EQUITABLE SA AN ASSO.C. ION RICHARD D. AID General Counsel RDA /k Enc. cc: Mark C. Allen, Jr. , Esq. and Mr. George Edwards AS CONVEY"'--D M Ola- U }E_0,:, i %. A CJ 0, ".T ` 0: , 1) p, F BY DE, --- "ULL) C JD j --. 20 -5 /. P C, 2 13 1 1 1- C Oh" D S ALSO A.LL 0. D IF 01) fit' UNDE., I lAY GE P ir) D t I,- F 1) 1:11 i I S.-J1-1 L z"-:1 I a 'I G 1 R 1! fli i k�i I. 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Page 2 of 4 EXCEPY ALL-NATURAL GAS COATAINEA IN 02 URDER 01 THAT M•Y BE PRODUCED FROA SAID LAYU: TOGETHER UITH THE EXCLUSIVE nWi CO DKILL.FOR AN PRODUCE SUCH N!YUAZL GAS FRON SAID LAND BY UHIPSTOOKYNG OR DIRECTIONAL DRYLLING OR OTHEE SUBSURFACE LOCATIONS OR ON OTHER LHAD AND THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE SUBSURFACE OF SAYD LAPP FOR THE PURPOSE UF !NJECYING NATURAL GAS THEREIN FOa STUIAGE AND FOR REPRESSURIRG THE F0nOAY]O•S UWAaLYW Se D LAND BUY slYHOUT THE RI GUY OF SURFACE ENTRY IN INY NAHNER FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCOVERING OR EXTRACTING SUCY NATURAL GAS AS CONVEYED TO STANDnRD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA: A COAPORATIqU W DEED RECORDED JULY 27P 1943Y lH BOOK 20145 PASE 2902 OFFICIAL WCORD0 ALSO EXCEPT ALL OILY HYDROCARBON ANP MINERAL SU3SYANCES5 A AM EXCEPT UnTUIAL GnS2 CONTAIVED 1W OR UNDER Oa THAT MkY BE PRODUND FnUN SAYD LAUD, TOSEYHEY VITH ALL THOSE CERTAIN RIGHTS RESERVED BY AND UNTO THE FIRST PARTY IN THAT .CEATAXN DEED RECOWED IN BOOK 20145 PACE 2985 OFFICIAL REWDS. BUT U11ECUY THE RICH! OF SURFACE ENTRY FOR THE PURPOSES OF EXTRACTING hAY Wn OILv HyDSOSARDOIS LrW 4111;ERAL SUBSTANCES WOR FO ANY OTHER PURPOSESv AS CONVEYED TO CNhNSLOl—CAWFIELW NIDRAY OIL COAPANQ A COZPORATIUM, IN BOOK 2243 PAGE 336.., OFFICIAL RECORD& Y. Page 3 of 4 - rJ. ' r I t c\ �-,-y This r no surre; c,` Pl . /ern bf1i is coJ , l -✓ for- ormallon h/ the / Idle /uar&. —C end 7rusl Co l p =n/ fr ,l c�.r:. sl., rn by ci /icia! rccoru':. P£:`ri? 4 of 4 i COVENANT i I THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23rd day of December, 1959, by and between EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION (hereinafter "Equitable ") and U.S.I.F. CENTER, INCORPORATED, a Delaware corporation to be formed (hereinafter "Center ") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Equitable and Center have executed a document entitled "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and`Escrow Instructions" under the terms of which Equitable has agreed to sell and Center has agreed to purchase that real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in length; and WHEREAS, there exists a seven story parking structure situated on that real property described in Exhibit "B ";-attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in length; and WHEREAS, Equitable and Center are cognizant of the fact that certain parking spaces are required under city, county or governmental ordinances, regulations and laws to service the office building described in Exhibit "A" to that Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions; and WHEREAS, prior to the execution of the documents referred to herein, the parking structure has been used to provide parking for the adjacent office building is the subject of the aforesaid "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions "; and WHEREAS, a material consideration for the execution of that document entitled "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions" is the covenant by Equitable herein that the parking i structure described herein shall provide sufficient parking for said office building so as to conform to all governmental regulations, codes and laws; NOW,'THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and conditions herein and for other valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I Equitable covenants as the owner of the parking structure referred to in the recitals herein to provide. sufficient parking spaces for the office building described in Exhibit "A" so that the office building will have the use of sufficient parking spaces so as to comply with all applicable codes, regulations, laws of any governmental agency. I I Equitable shall have the right to designate from time to time the exact location of said spaces to be furnished to Center in said parking structure. I I I That Equitable shall have the right to construct additional parking facilities on property adjacent with and contiguous to that property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which parking facilitie: shall be equal to the parking facilities herein in type, quality and utility and upon the completion of said parking facilities Equitable shall have the right to substitute said facilities for the covenant herein. I V This covenant shall rug with the land described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executed on the day and date' set out first above. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. U.S.I.F. CENTER, INCORID RATED, A Delaware Corporation to be forme By BKM340c806 minimum of 488 parking spaces; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and conditions herein and for other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do agree as follows: I Equitable covenants as the owner of the parking structure referred to in the recitals he: cin to provide a minimum of 488 parking spaces, or a sufficient number of parking spaces for the office building described in Exhibit "A' , whichever number is greater, so that the office building will have the use of sufficient parking space:: so as to comply with all applicable codes, regu- lations, laws of any governmental agency. IT Equitable shall have the right to designate from time to time the exact location of said spaces to be furnished to Center in said parking structure. III That Equitable shall have the right to construct additional parking facilities on property .id,jacent with and contiguous to that property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which parking facilities shall be equal to the parking, facilities herein in typr, -,.nacty and utility and upon the completion of said parking facilities Equitable shall have the right to substitute said facilities for the c,venant herein. IV This covenant shall run with the land described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein and shall be binding upon all successive owners of the land described in Exhibit "B". V This covenant is made expressly for the benefit of the parties hereto, including the City of El Segundo. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. F,ICENTF.R, INCORPORATED A Del are Cor oration A CITY OF El, SEGUNDO ATTEST: !+ Mayor -1 City . er (SEAL) -2- i BKM340c806 minimum of 488 parking spaces; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and conditions herein and for other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do agree as follows: I Equitable covenants as the owner of the parking structure referred to in the recitals he: cin to provide a minimum of 488 parking spaces, or a sufficient number of parking spaces for the office building described in Exhibit "A' , whichever number is greater, so that the office building will have the use of sufficient parking space:: so as to comply with all applicable codes, regu- lations, laws of any governmental agency. IT Equitable shall have the right to designate from time to time the exact location of said spaces to be furnished to Center in said parking structure. III That Equitable shall have the right to construct additional parking facilities on property .id,jacent with and contiguous to that property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which parking facilities shall be equal to the parking, facilities herein in typr, -,.nacty and utility and upon the completion of said parking facilities Equitable shall have the right to substitute said facilities for the c,venant herein. IV This covenant shall run with the land described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein and shall be binding upon all successive owners of the land described in Exhibit "B". V This covenant is made expressly for the benefit of the parties hereto, including the City of El Segundo. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. F,ICENTF.R, INCORPORATED A Del are Cor oration A CITY OF El, SEGUNDO ATTEST: !+ Mayor -1 City . er (SEAL) -2- 01 u OHO Eoc :E Z 0 Z2 Ruo OLA0 1� r, I Ij verccl 1. M3448%809 A pjjy-ce]. of land r.ituittorl iyl the City O;_ ju 5Cqt1ndo, in U,( •oonzy of Los Angeles, Stiltc Oj' tl,=It c(­*C_,,.;„ 2().OS7 acre Pax•o). No. 5, as on Vccor01 of SurvCY Mz;p, of ;, portion of the North bi-Af. Of t"CCL:lO'l 7, 1iv..mf1jjp 3 Sovi;" I., vlcr;t, ill the Rullcho skia"O. Rcdonclo, x7h.'t.C11 MnJ, is f0c,"7 in Ix,d. 66, pi;cjc: 50 Record of SurvcY.", in the oFf.1"ce of the Comity of raid Cuunty and being mo,:v Vs )joCjnni)jq at the southwv:lt Coxllvr of said lliweL.1 No. 5; tlwncc. 34,i: )h 0nC0120" V%­t 202.50 rcc:L along il,� lino of :r.`Ia No. 5 to tile h7urOjerly lino of ill(' SmlLhcr-ly 20 %.50 fcc"L o" sZlicl )' arca I NC. 5; th(MCO NO)-01 Sgo';9'20" J;W;i )60.00 ic•ct il'o'lel Pr, c!, I:'1y line: to Et Iill-­ iti)cl I'a.-,Lci3y K0.00 fc:, f.I c,.:, that Cox-1 Z1171 courbo in tho Wc n Lc,rly lilv-- of said No. 5 on raid Ylc,.jj as bilvil-ig D lIz,ar;*tnCj vncl 3ong".11 D., 0oU' ) 1 2 3 c 12 34. 11 feet t),o), co Son U1 0000' 20" S %.29 f j1v3:zJ)o1. I..".no to the Northerly line of the v(ml-L))C I'J; 150.'2 fo.. C)" raid ml parcel No. S*, thence llortll 11"C., )wA mend Oncc7 Nortil-rly )-iric to 11 3 inu imul OisLi­-, riwterly 242.00 foc-t fx-oill that ccaln;c- 51, t)l,-. 1 ef�:(..Oy lit,, of said Tai cC.l No, 5 C1C; cc; ,jbCCl; South Clo00,20" ),Uf;j, 150,>1 fCCL VIMg SZL.i(I )jf;i: mci,Honc-d Line to LlIc s"lli-lim-ly line Of rule] 11cCt:CII lit). 5; So\ltb $ %:o.ni ,M2.00 Fool, along the Sooillw-)y Of ;o. 5 to Cho Point of illore"yo:11 !m viu;c1110,11" Fo; the soutbcr1y 30.00 feet or th,(, )),uro."LlAIC:For(m c7oscril,ed Laid, EX1111311, "A" lv I S Y fF 9KM344M7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) On this 19th day of March, 1970, before me, HARRY H. WEBER, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared FLOYD CARR, JR., known to me to be the Mayor, and EUNICE U. CREASON, known to me to be the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, the municipal corporation that executed the within instrument on behalf of the municipal corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. X i (SEAL) _ W- Y F!. -,� ACury n,iru[ rL. roeNiA •`� LOS AN,,[-'FS C IJHTY Vy[ 2�..n 2i.. Rom' ;, a Sepndo. C6t~90 %d5 '. i . t 1 F P NotarS rumic in and for said oun y and State. J7 M� °KM3448Pc808 r A'I't, OF CALIFORNIA Vs, )I V "I'Y OF. __ A)n Ma IC}I 191 1970 Irrhm me, the noJ i¢nrd mry Public in end fnr mid st.r.. L..•w � n. IM d,r SF..__.. .__�IGE—rr'.id'nt, end _ YIRG.L�2IA_ I�GLESly _. A5SIST. _ 5,..rturr of ti,, rnrlmrm inn that rx,n,d rM wilhi' rnommenr, th,.t+ ....... whu rvl thr within Ic•u u,n.nt tam h'helf of tln, r..... nrmf'n•i11r1 n.un.d, and i "dpi mix Ldn.d t„ u• Thal .u,h r „nwrel inn' •,w.d th. w'nhin it. 6, 1"., L d Y,. �- 1•,75ff. ". ^. ^ �.PXrr.NLYNd� R'I'I\FSb p 1, ml a J ffi 1 .1. J. Ci0929 y} /' jj �i NO., " F'; GLIyORNIA i Vyn 1 1 ��• "/ _ L• ' ^e— ! OS AN ffice w LOS AN COV,:r , OOROIHY J. NOSIE, MY 4etnmiwOn Eapi'm Mwxb JO. two Nome (Typed m i'rimed) 1TJ..•r wr .M'.1 .... wn ro .uc ' (COrpnrelinn) t STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF._____7A9 Angeles On __ _ March 1911970 _ Iwlnre me, the endera{ Sid. a NMer/ F eblk L sad la eeid titer', p"ry nelly aTomu'J _ IW GHT R. HELSFj,_. to me to be the VICE 11..idmc, and PHILIP .Cf %Q71 I1FF ASSISTANT w known lu me to 1< 4<relery ul the norpoM{oe that eeem ed the within InMrumsnt. Ln, n b. me to le• th,• iwr.... whu ex'cmed thm within w In•trun...v m, h'hnlf ul the mnpornt..,n therein nemrd, end a,knoxi'dR.•d m nn ILeI .uch 'oq. =pion eueumJ the within mmwa pur.uenl m il. LYlaw.. ur a resolution of il. h„erJ 1 r WITNESS DOROTHY J. AUPOI t{ ITNF.yS my hayl and ofhe.el .eJ, t' "T"e % ✓. NOTARY NStIC • GIIMRI/1A PRINCIPAL OPPICR W LOS ANGELES COUNTY S,Ennlute�Y�L t� OOROIHy J. HONL. My Co. IIY ma" A IWO ` Nome (Typed or Pr{nHd) lrM. ww r.nrW ..e.W rt 101 Annwn I" I* C 0 LI.ND CO1:S-UL7AN75 AND CIVIL LNG1NELUS . 17 {30 SO Ur I; V 1 :.lr 1 e -_ /.VL 1:uc • 7oRrLr :C L. C/. 1.1 f0 . — F. Ii 1/. F3:n ul[v: O -L EFG lleceml?er 22, 1969 Lanco Job No. 5083 ` P3:F.LIDiINAP.Y . ` LEGAL DESCRIPTIOi� OF PARCEL ONE ns A parcel of land situated in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of Caliornia. Being a portion of that certain 20.057 acres Parcel No, 5 as'shown on- Record of Survey DIap of a portion of the North half of Section 7; Township 3 South, Range 14 West, in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, which map is' filed, in Book 6,6 Page 5 of Record of Survey, County of Los Angeles'anct described as follows; 1 Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of said Parcel 5 the true- point of beginning; thence North 0° 00' 20" West 202.50 • feet; thence North 89° 59' 20" East 160.00 feet; thence South 00 00'.20" East 52.29 feet; thence North 890 59' 20" East 82.00 feet, thence South 0° 00' 20" East 150.21 feet; thence South 89° 59' 20" ..• West 242,00 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPT an easement with right of ingress and egress to and from said easement, said easement being described as the Southerly 35.00 feet of the previously described Parcel C.. I.1. LEONARD -- R.C.E. 13167 Approved Title Co. - - -'- Easterly 161.60 feet (measured on the north line) of the NorthcYly 232.01 fect'(mcahrea at right angles to the north line) of the combined land described as follav7s: PARCEL Iz AN IRREGULAR SHAPED PARCEL OP LAND SITUATED IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUMDOr IN THE CCRKYY OF LOS ANIELES7 STATE 00 CALIFOW& BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 20.057 i.CRF %P;*,.RCEL Q. 5 - AS SHO15! ON RECOAD OF SUATEY NAP OF A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 7D TOSMSMIP I SOWYn, RAYGE it UES& IN THE RANCHO SAUSAL REDONDOr 101CM MW IS FILED IH 0001 66 PIGE 5; RECORD OF-SUIVEYS OF SAID COUNTY AND nEIVG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRBED AS FOLLOYS- BETINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OE SAID PAWL NO- 5; 64EI�.'CE MOaTH,Ow 001 20u VEST hLUNG WE UESTERLY LINE OF SAID PAACEL NO. 59 WYANCE 05 106.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 890 591 20" EAST PARALLEL UIYH THP SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL ED., 5: 200•00 FEET; THENGE SOUTH 00 001 20" EAST .52.25 FEET; THENCE PORYH 813 591 20" EAST 153.87 FEET; TO A POINT ON THE UESTWLY LINE OF TW CEVTAIU-WBS57 ACREE PARCEL DESCRIBED IN PARCEL A Cl- WHO Ti THE ATCHINS00. TOPER AND SANTA FE RATLUAY COKPANY FR OA S•WK FE LhAD 3WAUVENEN-1- COEPANYf nECOaDEV FEURUAIY 15v 1957 IN E; 1. 51662 PI GE 1272 OFFICIAL nECUnDSv 1U THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUaYYv SAID POINT UEIXG Oa A CURV& CWCOVE NORTHEASTERLY AN'D A RADIUS OF 23037 FFFTv, "A RADIAL LINE OF SAID CURVE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 610 40" 25N UEST; THENCESOUTWASTERLY ALONG SATD CURVE WROGUN A CENTRAL ANSLE OF 4NO 541 45% A DISTARGE OF 210VO FEE n MWE OR LESS, TO A POIRT IN THE SOUTHERLY LIVE OF SAID PARCEL N& 5; THENCE .LEAVING SAID OFSTERLY LIKE WSAID PARCFL A SOUTH •90 591 20" HEST hLONG THE SOUWVQ�V LINE OF SAID PAWL NO� 5v SAID SOUTHERLY LXNE BEING ALSO THE HORYNERLY LINE 07 THAT CERTAIN 1.6593 ACRE PARCEL DESCRILED IN DEED FROM SANTA FE LAUD IMPROKAGNT COAPARY TO AMERICAN SEKYWS COWNYo RECOWD AUGUST 16, 1,955 W DOO! 4SC65 P"m 20s, OFACm- nECOaDSv IN YPE OFFICE OF TEE COMPTY RECORDW OP SAID COUP Y. A DISTANTE OF 527X57 FEET TO THE POINT OF 0 EGINNIH0 EXCEPT ALL NATURAL GAS CWTAIPED,ate. 01 UNDER OR THAT MAY BE PROWCED FnON Skin LAND2 YOGETHEn UITX-YHH EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO DRILL -Oa END PAWKE SUCH NAVURAL GAS FRO• SAID LAND BY WHIPSTLTAXEG 02 UHRECY16YAL URILLINS 02 OTHER SUBSURFACE OPERATIOKS CUPOWTED FROM SUAFKE LOGATTONS CN OTHER LAND AND THE EXCLUSYVE WNY.T0 USE TXE SUQUAFACE OF SAID LAND FOR W PUnPOSE OF lKWECTINGUAYWL GAS THRAWN FDA STORAGE AMO 01 WASS•ZING YES FOR•IYWIS UV0EWVQG KID LAXD BUT FITHOUT THE Wal yo,suppaw Em", _fM F02 THE PURPUSE OF DISCOVERENS W F27RAWYEG SUGN NA•RAL GAS Page 1 of 4 n 7 'x,574 of " IA! G R ne P,E ^D'II8 , OF LO 6 ::ILitf COVENANT 30"' II Aht VAR 216 1970 °.... RAY E. LSE, ��c .Raxrdvr THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this L3rd day of December, 1989, by and between EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION (hereinafter "Equitable "), U.S.I.F. CENTER, INCORPORATED, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter "Center "). and the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, (hereinafter' City "). It ( N WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Equitable and Center have executed a document entitled "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions" under the terms of whici! Eq uitahle has agreed to sell and Center has agreed to purchase that rea, property lescribed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth in length. and WHERF.A °, there exists a seven story parking structure situated on that real property described in Exhibit 'R attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in length; anu WHEREAS. Equitable and Center are cognizant of the fact that certain parking spaces are required under �itv. a n,y or governm,�ntal ordinances, regulations and laws to service the office building described in L.xhibit "A' to that "Agreement of Purchase. and Sale and Escrow Instructions "; and WHEREAS, prior to the execution of the documents referred to herein, the parking structure has been used to provide parking for the adjacent office ouilding which is the subject of the aforesaid "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions "; and WHEREAS, a material consideration for the execution of that document entitled "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions" is the covenant by Equitable herein that the parking structure described herein shall provide sufficient parking for said office building so as to conform to all governmental regulations, codes and laws; and WHEREAS, pursuant to applicable laws of the City, in order for the real property described in Exhibit "A" to be maintained at full occupancy, it is required that there be available for tenants of said high rise office building a a iW FtF 2V �Y COVENANT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23rd day of December, 1969, by and between EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION (hereinafter "Equitable "), U. S. I. F. CENTER, INCORPORATED, a Delaware corporation to be formed (hereinafter "Center "), and the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, (hereinafter "City "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Equitable and Center have executed a document entitled "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions" under the terms of which Equitable has agreed to sell and Center has agreed to purchase that real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth in length; and WHEREAS, there exists a seven story parking structure situated on that real property described in Exhibit "B ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in length; and WHEREAS, Equitable and Center are cognizant of the fact that certain parking spaces are required under city, county or governmental ordinances, regulations and laws to service the office building described in Exhibit "A" to that "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions "; and WHEREAS, prior to the execution of the documents referred to herein, the parking structure has been used to provide parking for the adjacent office building which is the subject of the aforesaid "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions"; and WHEREAS, a material consideration for the execution of that document entitled "Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions" is the covenant by Equitable herein that the parking structure described herein shall provide sufficient parking for said office building so as to conform to all governmental regulations, codes and laws; and WHEREAS, pursuant to applicable laws of the City, in order for the real property described in Exhibit "A" to be maintained at full occupancy, it is required that there be available for tenants of said high rise office building a minimum of 488 parking spaces; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and conditions herein and for other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties to agree as follows: I Equitable covenants as the owner of the parking structure referred to in the recitals herein to provide a minimum of 488 parking spaces, or a sufficient number of parking spaces for the office building described in Exhibit "A ", whichever number is greater, so that the office building will have the use of sufficient parking spaces so as to comply with all applicable codes, regu- lations, laws of any governmental agency. II Equitable shall have the right to designate from time to time the exact location of said spaces to be furnished to Center in said parking structure- III That Equitable shall have the right to construct additional parking facilities on property adjacent with and contiguous to that property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which parking facilities shall be equal to the parking facilities herein in type, quality and utility and upon the completion of said parking facilities Equitable shall have the right to substitute said facilities for the covenant herein IV This covenant shall run with the land described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein. V This covenant is made expressly for the benefit of the parties hereto, including the City of El Segundo. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN M CITY OF EL SEGUNDO IM U. S. I. F. CENTER, INCORPORATED, A Delaware Corporation to be formed. 0 -2-