ME008IK170vi A" I vi L-1- a knowled7ed, ;alvpr�. "J. and Au7I_,zta B. "row, hi,3 .iif,­, as j 0,4L 1 .4- tcman,LS, nrantors, do ..•... Corpora-,.Ion, -ran'-­,, a'� for roadhm4y an(f. 31op,:s, ap71 rtenarn' to th,, adjaco­-., pbl'- �To`� 0-Tor and across "',at c-r ­ac": 7 of land. i portion CI 0c 7, east as per _aP 7 "e3corUPII In 007 offic" cf of r n- _'o, t_- 0, _I'os An'e 4- forr -oll o u3 un Lo a o 'a' _,7a, and descr­,,�e' as IS of a­c J. - I -ran ar- '>.S, 10 �"__o-,�,�, rk_IsC_Iva-­0n5, and cov 1, '-at aco_l ;As saic, enL vall" d and ex1 sGin-, lic. _n3es, Laac.i.= , vran"s, exc�,,pt iorE3 and I- reservations aflecti.­ said parcel o- land. 2. That said pa-rcol of lanj shall for Ii-le purpose aforesaid, and if not so .,,sed or if no+, used in accordance witn the conditions and cov�nantz 'L-.orE3inazber contained, ned, af',-,' tvi-lve '12) iicntsns7 -otj_c,,� of an;,- df3'ault and failure of '7rant-­ to mlxo such defW.Ilt said all rj7,�Jlts here's;- 7-1:ven shall cease and d:,­ormine and .'"raptors na37 therel',pon re- enter and talk' and '(_oid posses Sion. of said paxce] - ; and Crantee -in that av_-n t to re-, I ove all oarth and materials placed br it upon said parcel and to restore the same to tl)-- conrl-i'lon, J' was in prior to constrza-h-on I 4 0- said roadway fills and slopes. 3. That Crant&_ at all 'L,Lmes, siYos_-que ' to I'laprove- men' o� - ma Vista 6treeit in accordarc- ;4tj �',r I �o 1, � jDrQVjS'o - I n 1) _S of 3pecification5 No. lr 0329 of tl;a itlj of at "heir owr cos'.; and Co_-mse, Iairtain sa 6 roadway -ills and. slopes in good and safe condition and so as to prr,ven' arr displacement of said fills wad/o- the falling of any materials from t!.­_ Slopes '-hereof onto t propp- as of t!_, �, Irantea. ,4 IN lil-TiE133 W_,L2,_1fI72 these Presents are +Fxecuted as of J_jCr,q dky, of FGaRoA,,-e v _, 19 CITY OF SELUTDC By A� Its Kayor Calvert 11. Crow ATTEST: `�_ , I, 14 � 1 1r) � e4� - 2,� Aub-usta D. Crow KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTSt For a valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby so- knsvl.edged, Calvert N. Croy and Augusta D. Crew, his wife, as joint tuts, Grantors, do hereby grant to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal Corporations Grantee, an easemust for roadway fills and slopes, appurtenant to the adjasent public street, npm, over and across that certain praael of lands being a portion of Lot 7, Bleak 151 El Segundo Sheet 18 as per Nap record" in Book 189 Page 69, in the office of the Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and described as follows The westerly 6.00 feet, of Lot 71 Black 15, a* recorded in Book 28 of ps, Page 69, its the Office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. - Said easement is hereby given and aceeptsd, subject to the fol- lowing asseption, limitations, conditions, reservations, and covenantst 1. That Great** accepts saki easement subject to all Valid and existing licenses, leases, grants, exceptions and trasairvatisats affecting said parcel of land. 2. That said parcel of laic! *hail be aced 097 for this pmirpsse aforopaid, and it net so used or if taat used in aaasrdanee with the sonditions and covenants hereinafter eeutained, after twelve (12) months' notice of say default, and failvre of Grants* to ours such default within said time, all rights hereby given shall oesse and determine and Granters may thereupon re -enter and take and hold possession of said paraelf and Orontes agrees in that event to remove all earth and materiale planed by it upon said parcel and to resters the same to the condition it was in prior to the construction of said roadway fills and slopes. 3. That Grantee at all times, subsequent to the impm*- must of Lou Vista Street in accordance with the provisions of Specifications No. 560329 of the City of El Seguado, at their own east and expense, maintain said roadway fills and slop" in good and safe condition sad so as to provent say dirplaaemant of said fills and/or the falling of any materials from the el%ws thereof onto the properties of the Grantee. IN WITNESS Wti MF, these presents are hereby executed as of day of , 19 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO &Y Its Mayor Calvert N. Greer ATTESTS City "CUR Augusts. D. Crow (SEAL)