O070RESOLUTION %o® A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COIL OF THE ZITY cc EL a M-MMO 1;A MIAs caminG in AUTVZMTIC AVG YRDDWUT m A Wa- THIN CONDITIONAL EMMAMENT PIMT TO ERCROAM UPON A CERTAIA14 TOT2101M cf"? MMqll �MMT WITMIN 131CD CITre IMERSAws, there has brea to the ckq cclm� oil of the City of El Wgunda" Cla2J, Mizm, a rsqwat few Authentic FaxnMuzz Froduata far an e�� pcoman on a pcwtion of MAW Street ithin aald eltyo ae hereW&KIRr deacribed; and WEREA00 after due conalday%ticn of said matters, tho City 004neil believes that 't1ae, vaeltien herring Ver Weno oubjew to the to and canditiono hereinafter sxTreezedo to Indicabed In M promisest RM! TORE.-M-FORKv THE CM COMM VP TM CZYY W n SwID00 CALIVORNIA, now usawl- R Mvl--�v Dwr?-maw �,-M ORDER Q POLLOW29 6E4S6IM 1* TbtAat wblaut to OAQ verma and =w ditions h0,*v1r-Mftsv aet fvv,�nr, the amid app Wanzy Authentic FurviturG Froduata, is hmwvwy (i,,,1th(W1z1nWL a VwToittod to e7t- cracch uprnm, 0, eor��,aln pwtlon US& Mrset within maid cltyo GMd move particularly dewribed ce follOWS3 to UM SvGt&r-;uL,1v p" {ad. Wh Wrost 9 feat tr-ds and a0T,,b0,, feat 'aovidiaviz on the IMM Q 1ho ag'st 11ir. ce"Nazh otrast and alvl tht wath W M 11nO, PZYM1107R', to and 15064 test nev?h of the esyrm"'r line of Morilpow Avowaso herein&ter to as, tha '41E rl,�sctrnx. Mtlonmo ftor the PuTpove of Improving and uo&g the snma� �Fw pw�d�,�Ig X�rea puwjcess in thx m1wer and far the pavioe 81 heruinafter awt fouth and ctKamplated. MOTM 2* Thz-,t "Wa-"41 wvn, and aubject tc WE& tho j*zwQ hawavabroo, Ised and granted clre "Is ( A) That the amid "onorcachmant pertlonm ahnAIV, be Ipprvved by said poTmittee at = urn coat and expenae by grading the sano to gradea aa aprpvove' Tly the city Engineer of zaid City; by paving the nano W& cayheltic conerelao (B) All of said grading, work and Improvementa and All materiale MOM& ana tuysmi In coanection therwAth Wall be In atcogdance math City oC El 6efgmmaido ataril:,--ris fm such Vyve of work and improvemeat and all designs, matorlala and work Wall bQ Object to tha approsal aft and must be in- stall' and finished to the ga-tLsfaction of the City Ene..�i nser of said Citya (C) ? hat the city of El Osgundc Q to be Puz to n-3 cost or expwonzae :Lira om,,,iactlan. with (1) the ccnatountiona malmnance or rvVelr ox-r tha impmYownts In or upon said Poutiono so Sag as thia PeWt remains :IM off s® cr (2) the relocation of exiatME giro hydranua, water meters and othar utilities thAt lie HOW the Tend oashment gxortlonO. to a yooltion. or location saWsMotory to tho City Enginaer aR said Cltye (D) That said peraStee bry accvyUawti of th�& yerMY abcall the a to Indemnify and save the City of El Sagumlog Ita Officarav agents, Servanta and ea@Uyeae Warm- 11asa arm any timid a2a loaa or damago wh1ch toy A nazaalonod tot or suffered by, elt.,49r pcvsonn ar rnn)j;Qa-ty a's a reault Q? the s,' e, by pervAttes cC emy rights graxod ws dGr this Pe M, or be dvwl to the nZatence cc said Onarcacbmw No— Slides" fipyur'eneakcos aW MatTrlalg in Cr w;oa tha public thaeoughfaree W That thP; jxmmxlz -W wo,smyy W7 and Nay be revskad by the City Counall of said 0107 at mw: Ums on, 6 (60) daya Witten notlee of revclaglln 10 r-al d po,-vLJLttaav AT £; ' � Sd C� �.. Fd . il� .iii i.�,fly -1f . .: p4 . � A .# � �a: � .:. '� �'- tti %a8k. n \� i.,A S Kenneth R. Benfield q t9U ter ��` iy EI Se o. Cal$XcentU S% Eunice U. Creason STATE OF C a 11A COUMT OF Al EL' 36. CITY OF EL iEGUMD AyWI Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon and Mayor Benfield; AO DI None; AbsWZ8 Councilman Meschuk. q, e STATE olp caxporalmilt, k e rah° or 11w AMY; `A 0117 OF EL sEGUIM � ��T.I ua cmcaoap City rl �. ar he '40"Ityr of I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijIlliIll x -� !pIllill MI M;7W INA � A A :1I ";i �Y _ fk.• i'F 077012-714M `$'4. I imnlaw August .95 a ��j.