O050&bt:er'CBOW ION NOV —AUL A RESOLUTION OF THE OJrY C8 UCK OF IRE CITY Off' BIL it SNORCACH WV A CERTAIN PORTION OF MAC°U AV=, WITRIN RAID CITY- �rHSMSv there has bra yress:2ated to the City Council ®i the City of 21 Segued e, 01110r alas a request fr Hughes A3��c 1 Company gars an encroachment yevolt an a porUen of Haple Avers, within d 0071 au hereinafter desuribadv which request is at- companind by a Uap of a peoposed bout for parking , d0aiglated, locatlon and Went of than yvapoaad encroachman t p any. WHEWASp after due of aeld mattorg the City Council beliovea that We sc'U n '�a;relnafter° ?a# env subject to the terms and canditions hareina2tal oupreazed, is indicated in this premiss, We. Tumpaas, '(H6 CITT 00 UX :9, OF IMS CITY OF EL VSGUM00v CA%IPORMI r, DOSS RESEW WaUB, "DS°.Ca::;teU10 W OWS , € S FOLLOW ST ` MIN V That the aa..d. gasp An. PIicuY° v PEAWING MO. rX360) be received and placed On Ills in the office of the City C'veiph. W., tho Utyn of ! scga€ad;b and aB so an file that it be referred 5) and by this refe3rnenae into ynoa d herein and made a part hereof. SECTION 2® That snbjett to the &Tmo and canditi3as herein- after set ti ere the said Hughes Aircraft Companyq is heraty authorized and plowilted to - ::.noroemb uVtn a certain portion of Maple Avenue W.t;Yaia Said C itYp € R MU Particularly described as fo u ¢ . nits The northerly 6000 feet of the *��.�+ ry ateT"IV geot W.04 foot of the easterly Of E.;.W'0p8. 3q�,,c�� (at heL- � se kwon��A&By Cole �:�A�,.L?€ O) v Str390 ?` n 'gip recorded In Book Pago S of Ren *rya of Suwvoyp in the Of9joe Of tho County Recorder ot los Angeles county, calilgemymnia- �1- hereinafter Pes to as the "encroachment oO p for the zr se W., (A) TMt the wid nenwmalmntb scat" ehall be AMroved (C) That the City of SI Segtilo is to be lout to no WCowt or expense in connection -%1 (1) the eowl6nwtiono maLvitatmace or long, as this pazidt remsdna in Opectg Asa (2) the ral"ation, or stm ing fire IVdranto, water matery and othar utlUtjeo that lie ivdtkair� the Vencroachment portion". to a position or location uAtiefactory to the city &4ivleer of sold C tYO (D) Teat said permttee by aaceptanue of tMe pomit ohall (E) Thet this rnit lf� t )ems Onlv and May be ratvkzd by tho QUT Color Sn of said Olky et, �7cr tip"3 on awes ( ) Itt notice of s wilt r. < "may eab right the Ld C; ltv Council ® *%12,y reaw-ve. -2- '1' 4- That the City agarl- salmu Awnl& to Bald powittee Sb That the City C k Plal cerbi4r ,ko the ywcap Kenneth R. Benfield, Mi of the City O EI SO aC a Iry Neva M. Elsey, Cis Clerk a k El .9® $ do Isoroby cortdXj t ai,, � : A to mmgmr *gin III Wd the O.M102al OeO of d City this ;rft dW of I fag 19570 mm Neva M. Elsey, GUY Clark Of the City Of EI segundoo coilifamig -h� SATE OF CALIFURNMI, COURT O C= OF EL MMWD 1p Neva He Mayp City clerk of tho City Of and °.d Ito 09110161 seal of the City of El se "o z; Caligarnlao this 27th day of Marchn 19516 RM WA. MY Clark of the city' f El sag op °' oitn as ` hs undavoigAed jammitteep namel aivt &KIpjanud ?as the foregoing r000lutionp Ass hereby Azwj the onsTonAw- a t permit therein autboolzed and grantslp nPan and bjec#y to the tws and coaditicna tharai axpreasedo Dated at El Ag , p CAI I fw �lzp th# 5th ?re; A ril of p 1957- 'Jlt�� Plant Manager