A140RECORU)iII17G, REQM157?;D BY Idiff!"" RYCOPMED MAIL TO QUIVCLA17 rErl) 1''MIDERATIM of 05. 03, receipt K which is hereby acknoulel-Q, Vo CITY OF EL SEGUNDO; a nuricipal corporation,, locatod V 2l u3 ",o-t�n.y of Los AnCeles, State K California, does 1mraby raniso, release and forever quitclai.,a ',,o F. RA-77DALL and ':ALVI','A Jo RA' MALL, his wifot 0 . as ' joint nonants that certain ea,someni� pipes and conduits Ar the distribution of water as -yamtei to Arma Water Conpany by decd recorded in Book 5502, Page 204 of Doeds of Los Au;elos County, California* (of whibi said eaan4o" said City of El Serundo,. by :-.xsno assi:--Iments of record is o%y ow-mr) insofar as said easemo"L pertains to and alfects 0v "ellowlin described real propepty located in the City of 71 So7unlvs Ccunty of Los Anaeles, State of California, only,, to wit: lot 89 Block N of Q Sonunan, in 4 My c, Ll Segundo, County of Los Annelos, 30ate of California, as per map recordoa in Dook 20* Pages 22 and 23 of ''Laps, V 0c office of V� c County necordor of said Lour. yo The offoct of CAM need in 44c nuitVaiminz o! tic" said easemont only over said above describel property _00, and this deed is to be -iven in fuxIther, other or different cNoct. WITC the said City K El Se -undo has MESS Idl!"RAOFM hereunto caused its corpera;.c rvaT,,c and anal to be hereunin sub- scribed and Mixed by 05 proper offlcem first thereunto duly authorized. (SEAL) Dated this 8t5 day nT June, !Q�9, C!7,� OF EL SEGJ:M,'-.P KUM Notav'r ptib],ic 1'.n nad for Cho Unte, renfl; Verain, duly commisaloNwA and appospod M A. to n'i" ic--' "':17- J'k'vY'.':t TATIVICC h� OWAWA�' "-nc--Wn to �� to he the City Aura W Unc My W 11 A von, Calirornia,, the Corp OwWor lhal, VMMUMI tpn w1twis 4",.. 'airs to W VS persons wn !XCUUM", the AzVn Kasurnent on behalf of the sunicips! and ac; qvwlcQad to -a Q&t suo; ccrTarac.n-, OnSCUUM Lit sswn� I.. JUNINA JIMATO 1 nave 5awv�nvo nen xy Vu .,,' WAX01 -; official sell the day ;xnd vay no ��!, 0-701- ;w v b TO WHOM IT MAY CONC7.0J7: JUNE 11, 1959 We are requesting a quit claim title from the A1UNA WATER COMPANY. The description of this property is as follows: Lot 8 of blk. 97 of E1 Segundo, in the city of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 20 Pages 22 and 23 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder. All rights of way, easements, pipe lines and appurtenances thereto running through, across or located on said land, as granted to Arena Water Company by deed recorded in Book 5502 Page 294 of Deeds. RESPECTnT LILLY, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT I1. �STi WATT/TWA DAIMATT C" W. Y. 1. Aw_ in_ Q .R.Mlm 1%.9it_ N° 1318 DESCRIPTION FUND SOURCE AMOUNT Qaitelaim Dssd for Hater s on Lot Sp B1k.970 $. S. #F09 #093274 $5600 TOTAL $5.00 au( ll7ti 701 4 `i 3 CLERK xa US VALIDATION: b G dYf�