A12955 July 20, 1959 Mr. Swasat Tubbs 522 N. Evergreen Los Angeles 33, Calif. Dear Mr. Tubbs: Relative to your inquiry made of the City Clerk on Friday; July 1'7t-wherein you requested a Quitclaim Deed for Lot 6, 44 Block , H Segundo Tract, to replace one ex- ecuted by the City, pursuant,to a Resolution of the City Council adopted May 17 19444 it is suggested that you sub- mit your request in writingg setting forth all the facts as you recall them. It wilt be of particular importance that you state to the City Council whether or not you have paid the taxes during the period subsequent to the convey- ance in 1944 Further, a statement of the circumstances of the deed +s loss or misplacement would be of value. Very truly yours, Auten F. Bush City Attorney AFBibmc 522 H, Zverivem ; Las Any - elea 33, calif, July 20, 1959 F- Auten F. Binh City Attorney if tom,,° f V oil c �X city of A Segundo Office of the city Attorney A Segundo, Oalirornia Dear Yr, Bush: S1 ✓ H" July 21, 1959 ATIEP TUN: MR, AUTaN F, BUSH I would like a Quitclaim Deea for my lot 6, Block 44, A Segundo. Bnclosea please tint copy of a letter I received dated ray lb, 1944, stating toe yuitcleim deed would oe nailed to ne, which I never received, I have been paying the taxes, Please hold the Q i ialrS We& _ur LE, ans I °gill call zor it. Thank you. v inocri .,. yours, +yen e, obis C I`_ Y OF EL SLR GUNDO 1�1 Segundo, Oaliioartia Yay 18, 1y,�64. rp. Ben '''d. Tubbs o2z N. Evergreen Avenue Los i.ngeies oo, Bali i. Dear Sir: Herewith City Clerk's Reeeipti 1Io, v4by, ono -Ang payr.:e.n% ir, rali ar the p. "chase price r Lo , Bloc: =4, v1 Segundo, to -wit: 416b.vC, quitclaim Deed will be nailed you just as soon as same is received rrQM Yr. Lender, Special Ci *y Attorney, wao is preparing said deed in his order, Very truly yours, Victor D, Mogarthy