A080February 15, 1955
John R. Quinn, County Assessor
County of Los Angeles
155 best Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles 15, California
Attentions Thos. R. Sullivan,
Asst. Chief Real Estate Appraiser
Public Utilities Division
Dear Sirs
Please be advised that the City of E1 Segundo has issued
Quitclaim Deed to S. 9. Abrams, 1002 S. Keniston Avenue,
Los Angeles 191 California, covering his purchase of Lot 17,
Block 7, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 1, as recorded in Map Hook 18,
Page 69, from the City of El Segundo.
Very trU4 yours,
Feb. 241, 1955:
John R. Quinn, County Assessor
County of Los Angeles
155 Nest Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles 15, California
Hear Sir:
This to advise you that on December 7, 19540 the City of
&l Segundo quitclaimed to B. N. Abrams all of its interest
in Lot 17, Block 7, B1 Segundo, said property having been
tax deeded property and sold to Mr. Abrams on a contract
basis. This City, thsrefore, has no interest whatsoever
in said property, from and after said above Hate.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk*
November 17, 1954
So He Abrams
IOM South lenistan
149 ArWIss 190 California
Dow fir. Absemes
we would appmiate, hearIng fras pm as to 7ow intentions
Were Doomober 1,0 1954 so that we will not have to tuna this
matter over to the 3Avl deportmento
You mar coLU the undersigned at ZWSate 2-"70 if you have &;W
very truir rvars*
October 29, 1954
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Dear Xr, dbmm s
', "'WIRWEN -7
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J m s $o Carroll
Form 38081Ed Bev.'3 -49) j '. f ,
Receipt fors Registered Article No. _____ _r_l_ 1 Poetmaeter per %
�e� P T
Fee paid cegts. Class postage
``�y � s
Declared value _f( --- Y__Surcharge peld, $__________
Return Receipt fee _ �___ Npl. Del'y fee __________ C
Delivery restricted toad resaeo:
Inpersov__.____, corder_________ Fee Patd________
Accept If r employee will place his {nitials to space
Indlcatmg restricted delivery. o9 —rE— ro
NOTICE TO SENDER —Eater bdun name end ad&. at addressor u m id uao. Riser a eebadl
ft seseig u ease al isqu,"�ce a�pjp4�ufiaaee f n iaGmRr.
NL_. e of addressee)�P: G. and State of-