A078Jum 27v 1955 155 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. WASHINGTON BLVD, AT HILL ST. (Dung of Was Anoetes JOHN R. QUINN ASSESSOR 1T.Ins fingeles 15, California February 14, 1955 City of EL Segundo 203 Richmond Street E1 Segundo, California Attention: Mrs. Neva El.sey, City Clerk Gentlemen: Will you please submit as soon as possible after the first Monday in March, lists in duplicate of con- tracts for sale of land owned by the City of EL Segundo in compliance with Section 467, Revenue and Taxation Code. If deeds were given for any of the properties as of the first Monday in March, please make note of same. Very truly yours, JOHN R. QUINN, County Assessor Asst. Chief Real Estate Appraiser Public Utilities Division ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO JOHN R. QUINN. COUNTY ASSESSOR Feb. 240 1955. John R, Quinn, County Assessor County of Los Angeles 155 Latest Washington Blvd, Los Angeles 150 Cal- Att. : Thos. R. Sullivan, Asst, Chief Real Est44 Appraiser — Public Utilities Division Dear Sir: Pursuant to request contained in your commmication of February 14, 19550 you are advised that the City of E1 Segundo presently has no contracts for sale of land owned by said City, hence there will be no list to subad.t at this time or as of March let, 1955. You are further advised that on Varch 120 19540 this City quitclaimed to Gunner R, and Helen Waseman0 Lots 7 and 89 Block 41, El Segundo, which property was reported as being on contract sale on March 1, 1954. Very truly yo'ux se City Clerk,