A029en.N ( M J NATIONAL TITLE DIVISION OF TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY 126 West Third Street • Los Angeles 13, California q� J. C. BRAND October 10, 1955 MADISON 6-4191 VIG6 PR681OWT Mrs. Neva M. Elsey City Clerk of City of El Segundo 203 Richmond E1 Segundo, California re: Order No. 388287 Dear Mrs. Elsey, Pursuant to our telephone conversation of toda;;, we would greatly appreciate it if you would furnish us with a deed to replace the one from "City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation to Detroit Products Company, a partnership" executed on about May 11, 1949 as to Lot 7, in B16ck 16 in the E1 Segundo Tract, in the city of El Segundo, as per map recorded in book 18 page 69 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County. The original of this deed was never recorded and has been lost. It would be helpful if the new deed could be dated prior to January 2, 1953• Please send us a bill for any charges with the deed. Very truly f yours S�ters Assistant Manager SP:afw NATIONAL TITLE DIVISION OF TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY 126 West Third Street • Los Angeles 13, California J. C. BRAND October 1 1 , 1955 MADISON 8 -4191 v,ee Fns.losN'r Mrs. Neva M. Elsey City Clerk of City of E1 Segundo 203 Richmond E1 Segundo, California re: Order No. 388287 Dear Mrs. Elsey, Enclosed is our check for v5.00 to cover your charge for issuing a new deed to Detroit Products Company as to Lot 7, Block 16 of E1 Segundo Tract. Thanks again for your help. afw Very truly yours 4�6t Sam tter Assistant Manager Z'01e,v 5 //ecei/,, /—/ X30 X17 mailed to Mr. Sam/Patterson - October 13, 1955 sc me, Sam Patterson �' Aseiebant I.Xbnqer National Tittle Di lion of Title Incurs I- Trust Company 1.26 Wost Thl 4 trout Los Angeles 13, California Res Order No. 388287 Dear Sir: As requested in your coamunicatlon of October 10th, 1955 and our telephone conversation of the same date, I hand you here- with Qaitolalm Heeds mmouted on the part of }roper officials of the City of El Segundo, conveying to Detroit Products Compsmy, a partnership, Lot ?, Block 16, El Segundo Tract. The ;Special City Attorney for the City of E1 Segundo has advised me that the date of execution of the deed must be the current date and cannot be dated back. However, you will note it recites in the deed that same is given in lieu of the original deed dated VU;year 1950 , which should satisfy the requiremments of the Title Company, I Also enclose City Clerk's Receipt showing payment of $5900 for said duplicate deed. very truly your$, City Clerk. Oct. 13, 19550 Mr, Sam Patterson Assistant Minager National Title Division of Title Insurance r,nd Trust Company 126 West Thir?. "otreet Los Angeles 13, California Res order No. 388287 Dear Sir: As requested in your communication of October 10th, 1955 and our telephone conversation of the same date, I hand you here- with Quitclaim Dead, executed on the part of proper officials of the City of E1 Segundo, conveying to Detroit Products Company, a partnership, Lot 7, Block 16, E1 Segundo Tract. The Special City Attorney for the City of E1 Segundo has advised me that the date of wtecution of the deed must be the current date and cannot be dated back. However, you will note it recites in the deed that same is given in lieu of the original deed dated 'lh.year 1950 , which should satisfy the requirements of the Title Company. I Also enclose City Clark's Receipt showing payment of $5.00 for said duplicate deed. Very truly yours, City Clerk. LIST OF TAX DMM MPn?INS SOLD W TIM CITY OF EL SIMMO, CAUPM[IA, MAYO 1949. (o P APow old'during Nbut.6s of Nareb and DAM Sold D=grt-L Sol. Ifty 11, 1949 Lot 90 sLoek l6, E1 Sogmado Nar Cyr Detroit Prodnats Co., a sop rt"rably 3m West El Sod+mdo 81rd.0 Nl Sagado, Calif. No (Costrast basis) ta-1/r,t/#�?