A005` A 'TCFi , TQ GBANTOR, CITY OF EL SSOUNDO, r Hunieipal Corporation, hereby grants to the SOUTHEPH CALIFOPNIA EDISON COMPANY, a corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, vase, maintain, replace, alter, and/or remove, in, on, under and over the real property of the Grantor, situated in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, an underground electric systea consisting; of underground conduits, together with the wires therein and necosss.ry app rtan anosvp and an electric line, consisting of poles, necessary guys sand anchors, cros>arma, virus and other fixtures and appliances, for Can eying electric energy to be uaed for light, heat, power, telephone and/or other purposes. The Grantee sha�3l have the right to glace and maintain on said pole line and in Enid underground conduits as math wires and other necessary appliances as it shall desire to do in the conduct of its business. Said pole line- shall be erected and maintained within a strip of land 10 feet in ..idth lyirij within a portion of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 3 South, Range lk West, S.B.B. M. wrh0h per- t tion is described in the deed to the Grantor herein recorded A_, -.ail 11, 1950 a ° in Book 32811, page 79 of Official Records, records of said County of Los I Angeles; the centerline of said strip is jescribed as falavro: W Beginning at az point on the northerly line of El Segundo Boulevard as now established, distant thereon westerly 180 rent: from the east- erly line of said Grantor's ;property; thence northerly parallel with w said easterly line a distance of 141.5 feet to Point W; thence continuing northerly a distance of 5.5 feduto Point W; thence con - tinuing northerly to the northerly line of said property. 5 O Said underground conduits shall be installed and maintained within 2 strips N; of land each 4 feet in width lying thin said Grantor's property; the center - lines of said strips are described as follows: AAM 1. Inginninq at said Point "An; thence }westerly parallel with said �i northerly line of El Segundo Boulevard a distance of 60 feet. 0 3 £ 2. Beginning at said Point HB" ; thence westerly parallel with said northerly line of Ll Segundo Boulevard sa distance of 33 feet. The Grantee, its successors and aasigns, vaid itE; euployeeu and agents sitri_'. at any times when necessary and at all reasonable times have free access to said strip of Land, electric line, and all portions thereof, for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted, provided however, that in making any excavation on any part of saii property of the Grantor, the Grantee herein shall make the swine in such a manner gas % ii ;. cause the least injury to the surface of the earth round such exca - vation, and shall replace the earth no removed bg it in as nour the same condition as it was prior to such excavation as is posuiblc and shall have the right to tr& or top such trees as may endanger or interfere with said electric line. IU ilUES5 WHEBEI', the Grantor has executed this instrument this 13t day of March hill . ATTEST: CITY OF a S"tGW)O r D. McCarthy, City Clerk, d)IAl U 7"f- f 51 u - -Z Vo -1 / =P /s" 1 L t 0 1 1 C A] T-" e It r7 SER. r09M RW 46 2M 4-50 J. O. lo I 1 40 4 M. S. -54,9 -(%� w e It r7 SER. r09M RW 46 2M 4-50 J. O. lo I 1 40 4 M. S. -54,9 -(%�