PROOF OF INSURANCE (2008) CLOSEDFEB -20 -2008 11:45 From:ISU VANSA BIB7622242 To:3106150529 P.2/3 ACM. CERTIFIL. ,tTE OF LIABILI"N INSL.:ANCE o2 2D TO PROOUCOR RossotoJre 9r Casualty operty i Casuai InsUSanae Ageney, 6180 Laurel Canyon Blvd. 6270 N. Roll ood CA 91606- THIS CERTIFICATE I SURD AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE MOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND EXTEND OR aLTER THE COVERAGE AFEMIR BY THE PORRId BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INWRpII Siaetra Systeas, Inc. 147 Richmond Street >Ll Segundo CA 50245- NBURE land Casual Co NsURERROak River Insurance Cc, INSuaEac OWSRALNASRN X ORCIALOEMB ^LLLIABILITY �TCLAIMSMADB FiJOCCUR NiURFRF_ l'i'd'/ � ;'.i 1 � •7 THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTVMSTANDING ANY RFAUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCISS AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE "9N IEDUCHP AID CLAIMS. TYM W NWRAMM POLICY NYNo" Epp T" LiJa1RA LIMITS OWSRALNASRN X ORCIALOEMB ^LLLIABILITY �TCLAIMSMADB FiJOCCUR 99840805993 07/10/2007 07/10/2008 EACHOC a 1,000,000 PONDAMAOE M sm"M 1,000,000 MEONOLP A ar .nm 1 10,000 ONAL G AM IhAaY • 1,000,000 E • 2,000,000 OBN'L AoaREOAY1 LMN 1 APPLIES ►698 X Y 10c -09NMqALA0W9A7 PR -a AOe • 2,,000,000 A ANTOMOMLOLUIMUTY ANYAUTO ALL ONMBO AUTOi WHeOULBD AUTOS "mr) AUTOS NON -OWNPA AUTOS 99840845993 07/10/2007 / / / / 07/10/2008 / / / 1 COMBNEOSNGLIILIMIT 1 000, 000 BODILY "RY IMF p.I.Pn) 1 X BDOILY MUURY (PV mode ► 1 X PROPERTY DAMAGE w 1 LUMNLITY AUTO / / / / AUTO ONLY - BA ACCIOSNT • 7AWNY CTHSR THAN 161%0 AUTO ONLY' _A0144 1 i LUIMNTV OCCUR CLAIMS MAW DEDUCTIBLE R ION i / / / / �jCURRENC 1 AGOREOATE i i 1 H �U°a AND 2200006817 -081 02/13/2008 02/13/2009 X M.L SACH A CIOeNT 1 1,000,000 E L OISEA R ACA 6MP Ve01 1,000,000 E.L. ONIEAN - POLI Y LIMff 1 1,000,000 OTNBR OMRIPI OP OPMATMMA)CA'nUMV ENKLOB1WCL MUM ADMO sY ENDOIIE6NENTnpdQAL PROIMgNE oparatione of the na"d insured parloxw" for aortirLasto holder R CANCKUTION WOULD ANY OP The AM1VS MON510 POIJCga IN CANCOLUM SM'ORR TUB City Of E1 Segundo, it's officials ""RAT" DATE TNBRW. THIS MUINO IN"M NALL 100 1108 TO MAIL and employees 30 DAYS WNTTIIN NOT" TO THS cMITOMYE HOLDER NAMED TO TIRL LW, BUT Attn: City Clerks office PMLDR6 TO DO 60 MALL IMPOSM NO OBILIMTION ON LMIW.ITY OF ANY RND UPON TNI 350 Main Street MU ITS 6x98 TMOIL El Segundo, CA 90245 AYTN I,T ^mow ON IimiN % a ACORID CORPORATION 1986 c. INSOM SMIA+ 91.1cTROMIC wen FORMS, P.B. 1012 FEB-20 -2008 11:45 From:ISU VANSA 8187622242 To:3106150529 P.3/3 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(w) must be andamed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in Neu of such andorsemeM(s). N SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and condltlons of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such andorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Cenificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a Contract between the issuing Insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it alfirrnstively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. AGORD 2" (7M7) k; IN>sOM betel 01 wP I a 2 FES -20 -2008 13:27 From:ISU VANSA POLICYNUMBER:' PPS40845993 8187622242 To:3106150529 P.2/2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CO 20 10 10 01 THIS ENOORSWENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement nmditles Insurance provided under the foNowinp: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LMBILITY SCHEDULE Name of Perswt or Organk son; - - City of El Segundo, it's officials Attnz City Clarks Office 350 main Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245 and employees (if no entry appears above, Infomaton required to complete this endorsement will be shown In the DOCIar0kne se applicable to this endomement.) A, esotion N - Who N on Insured Is emended to imdude es on Mewed the person or orpa kwo shown in the 9dwWW but only with respect 10 INbilky ante ft out of your onpoNv operations psr- forrned for that hrsured. L with rasped to the insurance aflbrded to these eddlibnal Ineurads, the tbftMng m iduslon Is added: 2.En"kne This MteUranoe does not apply to "bodily In- juM a, .,proporiv diewoww"after: (1) All work, kroludlnp metertala parrs or equipment Unishad In connection with such Wok on the project (other than esrvbs, mdrAwwws or repairs) to be pw rw,. ed by or on beha0 of the addl- dorms kwursd(s) at the site of the oov Bred opwolwA has been Completed: or (2) That portion of -your work- ad of which the Injury or damaps arkres has been put to Its (Mended use by any person or orgent"M otter than another oar tractor or subcontractor on"Oul In perfornI t0 operations for a principal se a part of the same project. CO 201010 01 180 Pnopertlss, Inc., 2000 Pape 1 of 1