CONTRACT 1P SA One Page Service Agreement CLOSEDBelow you will lied a cheakist relating to Insurance and other requirements that are required for doing business with the City of 8 Segundo. Only those items checks" are MANDATORY, however t! your standard policies exceed the minimum requirements please inCNIde. Commercial general IMMINy insuranos must meet or exceed Nis MWIromenls of ISO -ML Form No. CO 00 011185 or $8. The amount of irstlrartoe set forth below will be a combined single unit per occurmm for bodily injury, personal htjury, and property danrege for the policy coverage. Liability pokies will be endorsed to now the City, its officide, and employees as "additional insurad e under said balrerm coverage and to state Viet such insurance will be don * "p mwy" such that any filter insurance that may be carried by the City wM be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "oocurmma," not a "claims made," basis and will not be concelebis or subject to reduction except upon thirty (10) days prior wMan notice to the City. Please find additional Tens and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not a purchase order or an authorization to begin work. ® Comorehersive General lJebiliht. including coverage for premises, products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury and oontractual obligations with combined single I mils of coverage of at least $1.000.000 per occurrence. ❑ Auto Liability , including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with at least $lM GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE ❑ $1.000.400 per occurrence. REQUIREMENT WAIVED: ❑ $100.000.300.000 per occurrence. ❑ As required by State Statutes. A copy of your current Polley must be submitted naa tg yourself and or your company. �j Workers' Compensation Insurance: as required by State Statutes. (Not needed if Self- employed with no employees and CONTRACTOR shpts statement to this effect.) ❑ Business License: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have a current City of El Segundo kerse on file at City Hal or pwdwse said titterse (at no cost to the city). ❑ Pte: Plans must be approved and permit(s) Issued (no fee) by the Community, Economc and Development Services Department if appropriate. Call the Building Manager 0 (310) 524.2345 if you have questions. ❑ Ccetr of valid picture I.D. (Drivers license etc.) PLEASE NOTE ALL APPLICABLE MFONATION LISTED ABOVE MUST BE OBTAHM AND ON ALE, PRIOR TO THE lS9UA M OF A CRY FUMIASE ORDER BMQ SENT TO YOU (VIA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE RISK MANAGWIMOMM AQW, THUS AUMFUNti COWAMCEIII U OF WORK FOR THE CRY. SL6m[tted by icorrwleie all blandest: COLOR COPY REQUIRED BACK TO THE CITY Company Name: By (Printnpme 4 1111e): LIBERTY CITY ERIC GREENBERG Comp Vy Street Address: Vendor' Sigma required: 18580 VANOWEN ST /14 -� City, State, TAP: Date signed: , ` RESEDA, CA 91335 L./ .IX `7 O Phone: FAX: 818344•&929 818.3448108 Vendors Email address: Vendor's Web site: www.ibe nt;o= Mall original agreement and inetaanoe to: City of El Segundo —City Clerlt 330 Main Streak Room 5, 0 Segundo, CA 902"13 Or4nalouDep dment Comm. Date indad: i� j Department Heed Daft App. Val- Fin= Approv Date Appr4id: (f` ce: euNnne irfse rteiry Ap m; rt•quvs 4 Dept. mm • Recreation, and I'aft Aff E9. wart „ef'1!!r. y M&fter, e "• at, 1MMIRAU.Y, The Materials, supplies, or senses taohacavey, 'Purchase'] covered by this services agreement and ptathM order ('br&M must be furnished by Seller subject to all the *MS and conditions contained in this order which Seiler, in accenting this order. agrees b be bound by and mmpy with in all parlccdam No other terms or conditions are binding upon the parties unless subegluently agreed b in writing. Wrltlen acceptance or shipment of sit or any portion of the Purchase covered by this order constitutes unqualified er WAncs of sit Ism and conditions in this order. The terms of any proposal mWMd to in this order are eluded and made a part of Me order Only b the extent it specified the Purdnase ordered, the price, and the delivery, and then only to ere extent that such terns are consistent with the hems and MOM d this order. 2.1l WnON. The ftdw se furnished must be exactly as specified in One order, free from ail defects in Selees performance, design. worlamanship, and materiels, and, except as otlherwiss provided, is subject b inspection and Lust by City at ail times and places, If, before Inat accepiaioe, any any Purchase is bend to be incomplete, or not as spedflock City may it, "ire Soler to correct k without charge, or require d0ory of such Punthaass at a reduction in price that is equitable under the circumstances. stances. if seller is unable or refuses tD corred such Items within a time deemed reasonable by City. City may t m*m to the order In whole or in part. Seger bears all reeks as to nejealed Purchases and, In addition to any costs for which Seder may become liable to City under other provisions of this order, must reimburse City for all trarreportatioi costa, other reeled casts kamed, or psymero to Seiler in accordance with the terms of this older for unaccepted Punchhasea. Nohritatanctng Cky's eoceptance of any Purchase, $der is Ilable for latent defects, frond, or such gross mistakes as constidrte fraud. 3.Cil MES. City may matoe changes within the general scope of this order in drawings and Vedicatims for specially manufactured supplies, place of delivery. method of shipment or pwft of the order by giving notice to salver and subsequently conlrming such changes in writing. if such changes of d the cost of or do time requmed for performance of this order, an egttiroeble a4miment in the price or delivery or body must be made. No change by Soler is allowed will 0 City's written approval. Any ciatm by Seiler for an adjusbrrent dander this section must be made In writing within #" (30) days from the data old receipt by Seller of rholfflcaton of such flange unless City waives this condition in writing. Nothing In this sectiorm excuses Seiler from proceefg with performance of the order as changed. 4. TEM MY ML City may terminate this order at any time, either verbally or in writing, with or wilfmod cauuse. Shoald termination occur, City will pay solar as full performance urdit such termination the unit or pro rata order price for the performed and accepted portion of the Purchase. City may provide written notice of termination for Seller's default if Seller refuses or tale ID comply with tits order. if Seller does not ass such failure withn a reasonable lien period, or fads tri perform the Purchase with the time specified (or allowed by extension), Seiler will be liable to City for any excess costs Incurred by City. S.TW EXTMIM City may extend the time for completion I, in City's ode clarrnnaton, Seiler was delayed becmuuee of causes beyond Seller's control and w*W Seters fbult or negligence. In the event delay was caused by (Xty, sellers sole remedy is limited to mwve ft money actudlyr and necessarily expended by Seller because of the delay; there is no right to recover an* OW profit. 6 MMM 011MULAWL City's rights and remedies under this order are inch; erosive and are in addition to any rights and remedies provided by law. 73fTT.E. TWO to �mhaseriels and supplies purchased under this order pass in* from Seiler to City upon Cilys won acceptance following LPAYMBNF. UN Whig pay bMW aver reoeamg aecOPWO nnvomces for materials and supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and accepted City we not pay cartage. shipping. Packaging or boxing eW rAes unless specified in this order. Drafts will not be honored. tLiNTlE1hY+ MAWK Sailer agrees to indemnify and hold City hamnless from and ag" any claim, actim damages, casts (kwkd mg, without Imitation, attw Ws fees), ihoies, or liability. arising out of the Purchase or the order, or their performance. Should City be named in any suit, or should any dairn be brought against I by suit or othenisa, whether the name be gocmdiess or not, arising out of the Purchase or order, or their perlonnru>ce, Seller will defend City (at City $ request and with counsel solidectory to City) and icderrnly City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section'Ciii%' includes City's officers, elected officials, and employees. it is s* u* understood and agreed that the foregoing p vAuons will sunive btu nation of this order. The m*enw* as to the types and b to of insurance coverage to be maintained by Seller, and any approval of such insurance by City. are not intended b and will not in any manner limit or qm* the liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by Seller pursuant: to this order, inckudng, wh'thout limitation, to the provisions concerning Mertnificalm . 10WARRANfY. Soler agrees that the Purchase is owered by ire most kmmbb corn menial warranties the Seller gives to any customer for the same of &*dm ialyr sudsier supplies or services, or such other more favorable warranties so is specified in this order. Warranties will be edecNe roWAhdmxing any inspection or acceptance of the Purchase by City. 11.AMMENT. City may assign this order. EMW 89 b any payment due hander this order, Seiler may not assign or subcontract the order without CiVe written approval. Should City give consent, it oil not (slew Seller from any oblgatons under this order mid any transferee or ubmMmcbr will be considered Sellers agent AMISURANCE. Seiler must provide has Insurance indicated on the face sheet of this Services Agrsemernt. I&PERIY'T& Seller must procure all necessary permits and licenses, and abide by all federal, state, and local laws, for performing this order. 14 9W PENDENT CONMACTOR. City and Stier agree that Seller will act as an independent oontracsor and wN have eordrd of all Mark and the manner In which is it performed. seller will be free to contact for similar service to be perictmed br other employers while under contract with City. Seller is not an agent or enpbyee of City and Is not milted b participate in any pension plan, Ineurarm, bonus or similar benefits City provides for Its employees. Any provisioi in this order that may appear to give City the right to direct Seiler as to the details of doing the work or to exercise a measure of co lrol over the work means that Seller will follow the direction of ter City as to end results of the work only. Cdys review or acceptance d, or payment for, work prorhact prepared by Seller under this order wE not be construed b operate as a waiver of any dgft City may have hander this Agreement or of any cause of action arising from Seller's performance. A waiver by City of any breach of any team, covenant, or condition contained in tits order v dt not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition co &kW in this order, whether of the same or different character. ib.INTERPRETA'TXK This Agreement was drafted n, and will be oonctruW in accordance with the laws of the State of CaaEomia, and exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement will be in Los Angeles County. . � ry ff .,J3 u..ir ,. 77 with check boxes R&P # 09 -0301 EXHIBIT "A" — SCOPE OF SERVICES Contractor agrees to perform the following services: Provide live band entertainment for the annual Summer Concert Series at Library Park from 1:OOpm (sound check) and from 2.00pm to 4 :00pm (live band) for the following dates: ■ July 12, 2009 (Surfin Safaris) for invoice amount of $1100. • July 19, 2009 (Doo -Wah Riders) for invoice amount of $1100. ■ July 26, 2009 (Susie Hansen Latin Band) for invoice amount of $1 100. a August 2, 2009 (Ronny & The Classics) for invoice amount of $1100. • August 9, 2009 (Jumpin' Joz Band) for invoice amount of $1100. Signed: Date: