3425A05/05105 RECORDING REQUEsnl) BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: KILROY REALTY FINANCE PARTNERSHIP, L.P. 12200 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200 Los Angeles, California 90064 Attn: Legal Department 3L� M019 05 100-01�3 (Space Above For Recorder's Use) AMENDMENT TO GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PARKING PURPOSES AND FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS This Amend-nctit to Grant of Easement for Parking Purposes and for Ingress and Egress ("Amendment") is made as of the 28 day of April 2005, by Kilroy Realty Finance Partnership, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("KR171'"). RECITALS: A. Kilroy-Freehold Industrial Development Organization, a California general partnership ("K-1`1130"), as owner of the property more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), recorded that certain Grant of Easement for Parking Purposes and for Ingress and Egress dated April 27, 1981, recorded on July 27, 1981 as Instrument No, 81-746534 in the Official Records of Los Angeles County, California, as assigned by that certain Grant and Assignment of Grant of Easement for Parking Purposes and for Ingress and Egress dated May 23, 1985, recorded on June 12, 1985 as Instrument No. 85-660015 in the Official Records of Los Angeles County, California (together, the "Grant of Easement"). B. Pursuant to that certain Grant Deed recorded on January 31, 1997 as Instrument No. 97-172766 in the Official Records of Los Angeles County, California, K-FIDO conveyed its interest in the Property to KRFP. C. Certain improvements have been made to the Property (the "Improvements"), which Improvements encroach onto certain of the easements established by the Grant of Easement. D. KRFP desires to amend the Grant of Easement to relocate such easements. E. pursuant to the Grant of Easement, the Grant of Easement may not be changed or terminated without the written consent of the City of El Segundo, or one of its designated agencies. 5)8003 03AVLA K60Zj4M-25.05/k1VU" 05/05/05 3 4 2 5A 618 Ma AQRE E M E NT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and the covenants and agreements set forth herein, KRFP hereby declares as follows: I. Ingress and Egress, Exhibit B to the Grant of Easement is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the legal description appearing in Exhibit B attached hereto, 2. Defined Terms. All capitalized terms used in this Amendment not defined herein shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Grant of Easement. 3. Full Force _and jEffect. Except as specifically set forth herein, the Grant of Easement shall remain in full force and effect. 4. gQuritertaarts. This Amendment may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which when taken together shall constitute one and same document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been executed as of the date first written above. "KRFPf' KILROY REALTY FINANCE PARTNERSHIP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership By; KILROY REALTY FINANCE, INC. a Delaware Corporation, General Partner By: Title: Al rf* f C HAWKEN LM ACCEPTED AND APPROVED: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO T RICCI �:.*S E; 4 T By: Name: Max trenn Ci M "I Its: Z APPROVED AS-TO FOW: /* CITY ATTORNEY ISO MMS 03rMLA -2- K602J-M25-25-05&1411 k* 05/05/05 May 2, 2005 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 3 On April 28, 2005, before Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk, personally appeared Mary Strenn, City Manager of the City of FJ Segundo, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to on the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her authorized capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument the person, or entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official Seat Catbyy tDann, Deputy City Clerk C foms\termig 05 1080190 05/05/05 ACKNOWLE—IN—MENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELEN on March 31, 2005, before nic, Judy LaCoss . .... , a Notary Public, personally appeared Jeffr,,,YC.14awken and .John Tj7,uc—ci personally known tome (efjffog� to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledgcd to me that helshe/they executed the same in his /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisA&F/their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity(ics) upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. JUDY LACOSS t COMM 013119111 M WjC_C'jjf.'., to W :Lea COUS #Ny Comm. I Up. It,", 13, 2005 (Seal] �Public�-- ota 05 1060190 34 05/05/05 34 5 h 04,011.4 L :X.HIBrr A All that cermigL teal property situated is the City of El Segundo, COWRY' Of Los Angeles, State of Califocnit, 4=n-t*d as follows: I)Ajtcm A: PARCEL 1. W TIM CITY Or rL Sr==' COMM OF LOS AM=$' STATE Of CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN PAICRL W $0. 14364. rr= IN BOOK 143 PAGES 23 AM 24 OF PMCZL NAPS, IN =W OFFIC8 Or THe COUNTS! RECORDER OF SAID COMM. EXCEPT ALL OIL, GM, ASPSALTUM AND OrMR MROCA730tr AM OTVM hTNVALS' WKETUER S%Kn" TO %MUX9 SPEcxnED OR k=, wiTKIN Olt THAT K%y BE PRODUCED FROM sAw LAM; pjt0VjDEU BORLM, TEAT TJM SURFACE OF SAID LAM SfMLL NEVER BE USED FOR TRZ E(PLOP ATION. DVMAPKM, ErMCTZC*I, REMOVAL. OR sTog=t of SAM OIL, GAS, ASPJALTM Al QTXER NMOCA"O)T AM OTgER mIMALS AND FURTMER PROVIDED THAT NO XMTALjAjIUj4 CONSTRUCTED THEREON SHALL BE DISTURBED IS ANY K%)rt= IW ZXMCrX= SAID pXsmmm xnmYA143, AS RIXERVED IN T= DEW FROM STMMXRD 01L COMPANY Or CALIFORNIA. AX00=0 Dv=alm 20, 1960, AS ImTR*avr Va. I622 TV BOOK D-1069 PAGE 890. oprxcxAL RECORDS. PARCEL B.- THE Now-EXCLums, PzRnruxL nGnTs mw zmm=s "PORTES"m To Am FOR THE i3nmrrT or rApj= X CXMT= AND ESTABLISHED By ZM DECLARATION DATED (TIM *DECLARATI0199 DAM JUNK 20, 19961 E==ED By XIZAOY-M== XWMTla)a4 VEVELOptMWT ORGOIZATIOIC, A CALIFORNIA 02411n PARrAERSHlp ("K-FrDo") AM FILED FOR RECURU aVVE n, 1996 AS IWSTXUMgpT po, 96-966624. W TIM OFFICE OF THE COUb-ry Rewymm or Los AwAmrs coupTy, xxmuvxm. wrmuT usa%kTow- W T%m vow-umasm, pmzTc*z lasms AND rAsvawTs To VTTLzzz txyc=m ANY km ALL pAaxnm v=mTs, VARKM CARS 09 OTRU IT" =MRED To vv%D]Wct Tm SAME) SrM_rXg&r t68) V^=NG SPACES (THE "PARIMM 8TRUCTURS SPA=" LOCAT= fmr" TER PuKm STRUCTURE ("PARKM STRUCTURE'? SITUATED UPON THE rOLwwmTG DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY: PARCEL 2, 3M TIM CITY OF EL SWUNDO. amm Or LOS mmxs, Srjav Of CALIFORNIA. 15 S80 jW On PARCEL hO 00. 14364, FXLSO IN BOOK 143 VASCS 23 AND 24 or PXX= MAPS, IV THE 'OFFICE OF THE cow= XZOORVER or LOS ANGELES ComrrY, *rQ YWAK MOTOR VEHICLES; (a) Tog NOM' -zxcxmrvz, FcmTuAL Riclas An EmDum TO VTZLIZE ANY' OR ALL or THE PARKIM STRUCTURE (n4V;qDjWG, WtTUDVr Llt=XTJ:OM, ALL ELEVATORS TH=rx) XFASOX"X,y V=$SAAy y*R vgiacVLXR "D FZDESTRW UIMS3 TO ANA =RE" PROM TSM 2APjaXG STRUC-TURN SPACES; AM 53WOS OVWLA -I- KW140V3-25-0J&lW&* 05 1060190 31.* 0.5105105 (C) TIM beOtt- EICLDSIVS. PMZTOAL RIGHTS AND "SacalTS TO UTILIZE ALL OF THE M UPON C4►910lt AXEAS (AS DEER= = TIE VE=ARAT'0N' AS E7CIST FROM TIME TO TO pM=L 2 OA PARCEL 3, IN "M CITY OF tL 56L*)`7N00, COGNTY OF LOS AN6tLY5, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL flJiP N0. 14]64, YILED IN BOOK 143 FAOSS 23 AND 24 OF PARCEL Wk)PS, L!1 TIM OFFICE OF lim CXIONTY RECXmm OF LOS Am= COUitT)f; FOR ALL YMPOSEs ASSOCIATED WITH SUC9 OOl474N ARw- SPECUICALLY Ii1CLDDING, WIICTIWT LXMITATIog, &=sS, FNtiRESS. AM E6kU$ YOU VCSTCLGS AND PEDESTRIANS M= T90SE PORTIOWS OP PARCtLS 2 MID 3 OP VARCSL NAP N0. 14364, IN = CITY OF ZL ^,=uNDO, COONTY OF LOS Ansus, STATC OF Cmafm YA, A3 PSR MAP FS'L= n' soot 143 7AGk'S 23 Avo 34 OF mm MAYS, IN Tm O"Ics IF I'm Cowity REC001DtR OF LDS ANGCLES COUNTY, DEIDCRIB$D AS FOLWWS: 11) A STRIP 4F LAW 24.00 r= W=, LY%sG 12.00 FEtt ON EUX $IDE OF THE roLLOWING D8S'CR vw CENTgRLINL:. 118GTVTM AT Tpt $OY:TNEAST COPY" OF SAID VAR= 2- TSENCE ALONG Ta NORTH LTNE ", SAID PARCP2', AM ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION 'NORTH 09 DEGREES 36 MISt1{7m 06 ETCONDS WEST 326.00 FEET. 12) 11 STRIP Of LAND 24.00 FEET WIAE, Lynn 12.00 FEET ON FAGS SIDE OF TUX FOt,ww: c DescRIBED 02MUZINE FECINMZRG AT TIC8 NOR230SAST COR K of SATO YkACYL 21 T19VMM ALONG TU ItOk= LIME CF SAID PARCEL AND ITS.R"TERLY PROLOP"TIOR NORTS 89 VEGREES 56 "MUTZ0 09 SECOND$ WEST 316..60 MET; Tgocs SOD'l7Y 00 DEGkSEs 03 MINww 07 SECONDS %SST 12.00 F3:ET TO Tim TIM ponrr OF SEOZkOUNG, TRENCL $07M 0 DEGREES 03 "LIMM 07 SECONDS HEST 93.00 FEET. (3) A STRIP Or LAND 24.00 FEET WIDE', LYING 12.60 FEEx OM ZXM SIDC OF T= FOLLA wtm DESC7tIHED CENTERLINE: $EO!IWr0 -. AT T" MOST WESTUXLY OOWSR OF SAM PAR= 31 TfLF.Nt:'S AL01+0 T68 t0m7ME.Bt'r "r "D 60051OmLLY X,*DM OF SAID PARC:m 3, SOOTS 48 o"AtCS 40 KINC)TSS 41 SE0C*Q5 EAST 33.00 r= AND SOMA IS D202E6 55 KINOTES 25 S%CAHDS EAST 112.00 FEET TO POD;)T "A' FOR PORPOSSS or ISIS Dzs= TIatj TOUM ALONG TIM WEST LIMB OF SA7A PARCEL 3 AMO ITS SODTAEItI,Y YI10LCittGhTjON $M= 00 DEGREE$ 03 KIIIDTRS SZ SECONDS VEST 36!.92 FEET TO AM II:I`ERSECTION :CITY Ta WBSTLitLY PRATIOt OF 1EE N0RT5 LIRE OF PARCEL 2 OF SAID PARCH, W0 J%VMV A SEA3:ING AM DISTANCE of A'ORTH 19 D=R= 56 Knmm 08 SECONDS %EST 147.02 F1LET1 EtCEPT T1ZE so7rhm3tUr 12.00 iYET. =340�Ovw�A -� .05 1864190 V.4021.0013- 25-051c n+W-4*4 05/05/05 TSE SIDE LINES OF SAID STRIP SHALL be PROLONGED OR SHORTENED TO TtRMINRTE N3RTHERLY IN TR£ NORT MLY LINE OP SAID PARCEL 3 AND TO t=T AT ANGLE POINTS. (3) A STRIP Or LAND 16.00 FELT,' WIDE, LYING a.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF Tar F13LLOWXNG DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: 34?5� ['0 B ?GINNING AT HEREI21 WOVE DESCRIBED POINT 'A.; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 52 SECONDS £AST 4.00 FEET ALONG TIM NORTIMRLY PROLODIGA=ON OF TSE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3. THENCE LEAVING SAID LINE NORTH 31 DEOMM 56 MINQTZrS 39 SECONDS PAST 49.45 rEET TO THE XORTHERLY LINE OF SAM PARCEL 3. THE SIDELINES OP SAID S't;RIP SHALL BE PROLONGED OR SKORTUNED SO AS To TERMINATE NORTMMY IN SAID NOXTHERLY LING of PARCEL 3 AND TO MEET AT ANGLE POINTS. EXHIBIT ACCESS EASEMENT "Dose portions of Parcel 1 and Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 14364 in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, according to a map thereof filed in book 143 pages 23 and 24 of Parcel Maps, records of said county and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Westerly terminus of that certain course shown as "North 89° 56' 08" West 147.02 feet" along the Southerly tine of said Parcel 1; thence North 890 56' 08" West, along a Westerly prolongation of said Southerly line, 23.29 feet; thence North 00° 09' 00" East 10.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 00° 09' 00" East 338.84 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 15.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 891 59' 26" an arc distance of 23.56 feet; thence North 89° 50' 26" West 77.21 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 10.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 27° 16' 55" an are distance of 4.76 feet; thence North 62° 33' 31" West 26.79 feet; thence North 64° 14' 43" West 93.43 feet to a point in the South line of El Segundo Boulevard as shown on said Parcel Map; thence South 89° 55' 25" East along said South line 38.12 feet; thence South 59° 55' 13" East 64.79 feet; thence South 89° 51' 35" East 107.76 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 5.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 54° 45' 45" an are distance of 4.78 feet; thence North 35° 22' 40" East 37.29 feet to a point in said South line of El Segundo Boulevard; thence South 89° 55' 25" East along said South line 32.10 feet to the beginning of a non- tangent curve, concave Southeasterly having a radius of 70.00 feet, a radial line to said curve bears North 160 48' 45" West; thence Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 19 40' 00" an arc distance of 24.03 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve, concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 38.00 feet, a radial line to said curve bears North 500 29' 20" West; thence continuing Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 30 22' 34" an are distance 538008 031wLA -3- 05 106000- x6021-002n- 25 -05h11A_It" 05/05/05 4 ` 3f} - , Z - all of 26.12 feet; thence South 00' 08' 06" West, tangent to said last mentioned curve 373 11 feet, more or less, to a point in said North line of Instrument No. 81-746534; thence North 890 50' 26" West along said North line 25-00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. The approximate area contained within the above described land is 13,658 square feet. 53809 03/WLA -4- 05 1060190 V 021-002n -25 -0 SA141-Imb 342 5 h. - �