PROOF OF INSURANCE (2003 - 2004) CLOSED09/17/'2003 07:31 9096267768 Sep 15 03 12144p CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Thra G n1flr; that ❑ STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington. Illinois Fia STATp FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois I ,I STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Scarborow7h, Ontario j STATIL FARM FLORIDA INSURANCE COMPANY. Winter Hnvnn, Florida ❑ STATE FARM LLOYDS, DAIIAS Texas m:urnri the foliow r%q policyholocr for thu covernanS mdicAad below. PAGE 03 p.2 6 L Nsrnr±of poltCyholdcr MOt3Il,A': 't, JOHN JOLE)Pll DBA KTRRY CONESULTING (:ROUE Addrr__,339of po!icyholdnr 1' U W. 1:0Cn'I1ILL Arvin. r'r•I:P1:u?JNI'. r'n '_�l'�li-- '.' /tl', _ - - Lor_;lrlon or opUraiiOnr. Dewipbon of eperatons Thr policn3i. iInWC Mow Kivu W orl ir:uurd 10 tht) policyholdor for tho policy pc:nodt. a,hown. Tho inner :3ncu dllscribod in thue.0 policies it, e ubJ�ct to nil the terms exclualona, and condlt;onn of (nose pollcloo. The limits of Iiability shown may havo been reduced by any paid clams. THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE It NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR N- nA:tVELY AMENDS. EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY ANY POLICY DESCRIBED HEREIN. •CDDi rtor)A� r r: _!i cu If ony of the do:Cribed policies are canceled borore its expirntion date, State Form will IN to mail n writt+on noUcf) to thy, corti icatu hoidur :iq d: +y: buforu Narrw and Addros„ of Certificate FtOldur cancellation, It hewevdr, wo fall It) m311 sucn notice, no obhAabon cr liability will be Imposed on Stntn CITY 01; i.:L SY.CUNDO, Flan or its nijunt:: or roDrca.(!nljtivn::. ITS OFFLCLRS, li-MOI.UYLLS AND VOLUNTEERS AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS 350 VAIN STREET, It11 5 CL suc:uNDO. CA 9024; -3895 „N.nrd 3 'A.iiO) P.inrn0 i, U S.A Signahiro of Authorizoa K&vec .enbtiw, ni : mr,l, Aganrs Code Stamp ^FO Coax F414 SEP -1 r- 0077 08 : "Is 9t795?5 X758 99', �3�3G P.03 POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE Effoctivo Date Expiry ton Dato (al beginning of policy poriod) �empr�hCiftalvn BODILY INJURY AND ;:- .v-'b7S3 -6 c Bunlne9sLiaoildy_... 01/01/9'_ .. 101/^,4' PROPERTY DAMAGC ..... .. .............. TMr: mrur;,nc r 3nCIUCrn. ......... ....... .....;........... . .. [, P(04u7tZo - Corrplutud Opnr)t.oA,3 Contractual LI.10ility ❑ Underground Hzz,vd Covvoae Eneh Occurruncc $ i, Ono, OOC %j Po .on:)I Injury Advcrtisino Injury General A.ggrugato 3 2, uao, 000 ❑ Explosion Hnzard Cover,gn ❑ Coil,tD!:n t .v .,rrd Covnragr Products - COmplctcd 3 �v,,Lunhi� p1pu� 3 OperationsAlgrugotc OOOILY INJURY AMC) PROrERTY C-AMACt_ POLICY PERIOD EXCESS LIABILITY EHoctivo Date Explrabon DvW (Comtlined Sirx)te Lirrlr,) ❑ Umorcila Each Occurrence S n Olhur AQGrr n�lp Part 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY '12 P7- 5.3611 -r, Workers' Cornpon�tation 1 /0 /04 and Emotoycrs L ability Erich Accldunt $ 1 ;OU, 000 Disease Ench Empleye,u S JOD - Policy Limit S L. ou' , UuU POLICY NUMBER TYPC OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD Effoetivo Dato i Expiratlon Oato LIMITS OF LIABILITY (at beginning of policy poriod) Ar)'TQ INUVPANCP 0l /lb /03- 01;26/04 L MILLION SENCLY /LZNT'1' THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE It NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR N- nA:tVELY AMENDS. EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY ANY POLICY DESCRIBED HEREIN. •CDDi rtor)A� r r: _!i cu If ony of the do:Cribed policies are canceled borore its expirntion date, State Form will IN to mail n writt+on noUcf) to thy, corti icatu hoidur :iq d: +y: buforu Narrw and Addros„ of Certificate FtOldur cancellation, It hewevdr, wo fall It) m311 sucn notice, no obhAabon cr liability will be Imposed on Stntn CITY 01; i.:L SY.CUNDO, Flan or its nijunt:: or roDrca.(!nljtivn::. ITS OFFLCLRS, li-MOI.UYLLS AND VOLUNTEERS AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS 350 VAIN STREET, It11 5 CL suc:uNDO. CA 9024; -3895 „N.nrd 3 'A.iiO) P.inrn0 i, U S.A Signahiro of Authorizoa K&vec .enbtiw, ni : mr,l, Aganrs Code Stamp ^FO Coax F414 SEP -1 r- 0077 08 : "Is 9t795?5 X758 99', �3�3G P.03 09,x'17!2 -1003 07: 31 3096267769 i:;CG PAGE O'2 00/17/03 WED 09:16 FA3; 816 998 0656 WJUUI CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE INSURED JOHN JOSEPH MORIARTY 100 W FOOTBALL BLVD CLAREMONT CA 91711 Date: 09117►03 This cer lftate Is l9aued as a matter of Information only and confers no rights upon the certiflt:llte holder. This certificate does not amend, extend or Alter the coverage afforded by the polices below. PRODUCER COMPANY AFFORDING COVERAGE 0. G. Kocher, Agent/Broker Nutmeg Insurance Company 3130 Broadway PO Box 41813'1 Kansas City, MO 64141 -9131 COVERAGES This is to certify that the policy of insurance listed below has been Issued to the insured named above for the policy period indicated, notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document with the respect to which this certiflUte may be Issued or may pertain, the Insurance afforded by the policles doverlbad herein is subject to all the terms, exclusl0me and conditions of such policies. Limits shown rM have been reduced by paid claims. TYPE OF INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY FOR SOUCATORS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE AND PREMISES LIABILITY LIMIT OF LIABILITY $1,000,000 LIMIT $3,000,000 AGGREGATE POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE 12/02/02 POLICY NUMBER 37EENOB1814 $27077 DEDUCTIBLE $1000 POLICY EXPIRATION DATE 12/02/03 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ITS OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES & VOLUNTEERS CITY CLERKS OFFICE 350 MAIN ST RM ttt5 EL SEGUNDO CA 90246 -3896 Should the above policy be cancelled before the expiration date therooty the bluing company will endeavor to mail 30 days written notice to die Certificate holder and/or =y additional insured, but fkilure to mail such notice shall unpo3c no obliption or liability of any kind upon the company, its agentil or reprCsmu ktives. Authorizod Representative 9EP -17-2!083 D8:51 98957-67 758 99% P. 02