This side letter memorializes an agreement reached between the City of El
Segundo ( "City") and the El Segundo Police Officers' Association ( "ESPOA "), to reflect
agreed upon amendments to the July 1, 2008 — September 30, 2011 Comprehensive
Memorandum of Understanding ( "MOU ") entered into between the City and ESPOA.
All other terms and conditions of the existing MOU shall remain in full force and effect.
The changes are as follows:
Section 7.02 shall be replaced with the following:
Section 7.02 Court On -Call Pay
A. Except as set forth below, off -duty personnel who are placed in on -call
status for court during either the morning or the afternoon session will
receive three hours of paid overtime at a rate of time and one -half his/her
regular rate of pay as defined in this MOU for each session the officer is in
an on -call status. Off duty personnel who are placed in on -call status for
.co urt- during both the morning and the afternoon sessions will received six
hours of paid overtime at a rate of time and one -half his/her regular rate of
pay. During the remainder of the term of this MOU, employees eligible
for court on -call pay shall receive limited use time off (as defined below)
in lieu of pay on a time and one -half basis.
Officers will not receive on -call pay or limited use time off in lieu of pay
if they are:
1. Called into court that session (in which case the employee will
receive call -back pay):
2. Ordered to report to work;
3. Already receiving pay from the City for any other reason (e.g.,
IOD, administrative leave).
A. Officers shall not have the option of reporting to work in
lieu of being in an on -call status.
B. Officers who are in an on -duty status are not eligible for
court on -call pay.
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Limited use time off is time off that can be taken only when no overtime backfill
is required. Limited use time may not be cashed out, although any unused limited
use time in one calendar year may be carried over to the next calendar year.
Section 7.04.shall be replaced with the following:
Section 7.04 Court Call -Back Pay
A. An officer called into court while off duty shall be paid overtime for all
time served plus travel time (per Department General Order) or three
hours (at time and one - half), whichever is greater. "Off -duty" for the
purposes of this section means the officer is not on duty, on paid
administrative leave, on paid IOD leave, or being paid for any other
reason. During the remainder of the term of this MOU, employees eligible
for court call -back pay shall receive limited use time off (as defined in
Section 7.02 above) in lieu of pay at the same rate.
B. The City will pay $2.00 per meal for police officers required to be in
attendance at court during meal periods.
Section 10.03 shall be replaced with the following:
Section 10.03 Firearms Qualifications
Police Officers and Police Sergeants will be compensated at their regular hourly
rate of pay for firearms qualification as follows:
Class Hours per Quarter Q Calendar Months)
Distinguished Expert 8 hours
Expert 6 hours
Sharpshooter 4 hours
Marksman 2 hours
Qualifying 0 hours
During the remainder of the term of this MOU, employees eligible for Firearms
Qualification compensation shall receive limited use time off (as defined in
Section 7.02) at the same rate in lieu of pay.
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Section 12.04 shall be replaced with the following:
Section 12.04 Annual Sick Leave Payout
On or about. December 10 of each year, employees who maintain a balance of
1056 hours of sick leave accrual shall be paid for one half the sick leave
accumulated and not used during the preceding twelve month period. Effective
July 15, 2006, the annual sick leave payout will be increased to 75 %. During the
remainder of this MOU, effective with the payout in December 2010, employees
shall receive limited use time off (as defined in Section 7.02) in lieu of pay on a
straight time basis.
Section 13.03 shall be replaced with the following:
Section 13.03 Vacation Sell Back
The City will allow employees in the Association to sell back 100% of their
annual vacation accrual at the regular rate of pay during a single payroll period to
be determined each fiscal year by the employee. The vacation sell back option is
available for.use by the employee after completion of one year of service with the
City. The vacation sell back option shall not be allowed during the remainder of
the term of this MOU.
Section 17.01 shall be replaced with the following:
Section 17.01 Provision & Annual Allowance
The City shall provide required uniforms and safety equipment to eligible
employees. For purposes of this article, safety equipment shall include a weapon
selected by the Police Chief. Employees eligible for a uniform cleaning
allowance shall receive $325.00 per year. Effective August 1, 2004, the uniform
cleaning allowance will be increased to $450.00 per year. Effective August 1,
2005, the uniform cleaning allowance will be increased to $500.00 per year.
Effective July 15, 2006, the uniform cleaning allowance will be increased to
$675.00 per year. Effective July 15, 2007, the uniform cleaning allowance will be
increased to $715.00 per year. Uniform cleaning allowances shall not be paid
during the remainder of the term of this MOU.
Section 18.02 shall be replaced with the following:
Section 18.02 PERS Pickup Reported as "Compensation Earnable"
The City shall pay on behalf of each employee his or her required 9% "employee
contribution" to CalPERS. Additionally, the City shall report a set dollar amount
equal to the nine percent (9 %) "employee contribution" to the California Public
Employees' Retirement System as compensation earnable. Said contributions
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will also be paid on holiday pay received by eligible employees. For the
remainder of the term of this MOU, the City shall pay on behalf of each
employee, either:
a. 6% of the required employee contribution (with the employee
paying the other 3 %); or
b. 7% of the required employee contribution (with the employee
paying the other 2 %). Under this option, the employee agrees to
another 20 (twenty) unpaid furloughs hours in addition to the
unpaid furlough hours required under Section 27.01 of this MOU
and subject to the same conditions. Employees shall choose either
option and may not change their choice once made. An employee
who does not make a choice within two (2) weeks of ratification by
the City Council of the side letter adopting these options, shall be
placed in option (a) for the duration of the term of this MOU.
Article 27 is added to the MOU as follows:
Section 27.01 Mandatory Unpaid Furloughs
During the remainder of the term of this MOU, each unit employee shall have 93
(ninety- three) unpaid furlough hours. Furlough hours shall be scheduled with the
primary concern being the needs of the Department and shall be approved by the
Chief of Police.
During any furlough period, the employee shall not receive his or her base pay,
but shall receive all special pays and other forms of compensation, as well as
maintain all insurance benefits.
Patrol Division — In the event that a patrol shift falls below Departmental staffing
needs on a previously scheduled furlough day, personnel from other Divisions
may be temporarily re- assigned to augment the patrol function.
The City shall monitor the number of furlough hours taken during the remainder
of the MOU. If the City determines that it is unlikely that the number of furlough
hours will meet the ninety -three (93) hour per employee requirement before the
September 30, 2011 deadline, employees shall authorize the City to reduce the
employee's check by amount needed to cover the unpaid furlough hours.
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Article 28 is added to the MOU as follows:
Section 28.01 No Layoffs Before September 30, 2011
The City agrees to guarantee that no layoffs of unit members will occur during the
remainder of Fiscal Year 2010/2011 unless at any time during the remainder of
the fiscal year general fund revenues fall ten percent (10 %) below the adopted
budgets as to any quarter in the fiscal year.
El Segundo Police Q>i'ficers' Association
I-Afi .
Sgt. Mike G 11; OA President
DC.i . a9 )DID
451647.1 EL140 -001
City of El Segundo
Tack Wayt, Cdy Manager
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