CONTRACT 3965 Maintenance and Repair Agreement CLOSEDJVN -18 -71009 10 ;54 ciTy of EL MtIliDO 310 414 03AV r.uu3
39 6 5. w. .` 411.*,
TES 3dLMTENANCB AMMMMa rAVMnMf I is made sad aaat W into this 1P day of
June, 2009, by wd betwM the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a geDOW law cry end MxMicipol
covotudon ("CMn and Comp no" Air 4ecWtial, an INC. Corporation
The Pubes agree u follows.
A. As partial oonaidmdoo, COMRA.CM RPM tO pexfoamn the work listed in the
SCOPE OF SFRV7=1 below,
B. As additional caun, CONTRACTOR and CITY agree to abide by the
tww and ca ditiow conftiut in this A,SroeloMl 4
C. As additional cunsideration, CITY aSrreee to pay CONTRACTOR on a P.O. bsais
an amount sa.ft& in 60 amt cW Exhibit " A," *hich is incatpatatod by
rct�rance, for CONTRACT01Vs eervicoa. CITY will pay such mom pm4ft
but not later than thirty (30) days 'al w recoiv* CONTRACTOR'S imroico.
2. TERM. The team oftbia Agracnmt wM be ftm June 12, 2009, to Juno, 2010, The
AVeamat may be ramrod upon mutual oord= of the parties,
A. CONTRACTOR VM pft£orm MTkNs noted in dw atmebaed Eddbit A.
B. CONTRACTOR will, in a wor k nuLb a manpuepc, f luxtisb aU of the Lbor,
technical, tdmiioatsbraodve. profraalomal and ot'6er peaa0000 4 ell supplies and
msr riale, equiPumt, p vehicles, ttawpoct offift space and fts iae,
and all test, and MANE e, Wculldw and all atIM mesas wb*MCMC,
eaospt as bwdn otherwise acpa;+assly apooiW to be fumiaalaod by CTY, nwoMy
or pQwa to perform and coMWe the wee eod psavido tbs pwfaAc al services
required of CONTRACTOR by this Agtecenmit.
4. PREVAMM WAGES. If required by apple state law mcluding, widwW limitaot =
Labor Code §§ 1?20,(as amended by AB 975 (2001)N 1771,177'A,,1775, and 1796,
CONTRACTOR meet pay its workers provaiYmg wages. It is tbo CON1'RACTOR's
zespoRaaNlity to hymptet ad implemftt my paw mbug wap requirmcm and CONTRACTOR
ays to Tay my Pwhy
or civil damages resatHng from s violation oaf the peevaila�ag wage taws.
page 1 of 6
JVN -12 --2009 10 :86 CITY OF $L SB MM
310 414 0939 P.004
3 9 b 5 • ,.O
In me dso co with Labor Coda 1 1773.2, copies of Ilia prevsi]ing rate of per dian wages are
available upon rogaest from C1TY'd ftmeaing Division cc the webdte for 600 of CAUftd&
Prevailing wage detcoat i d s n at A copy of the pravailing
rte of pear diem wages must be posted at the job sita
A. , By, executiq eas Agmamag, CONTRACTOR repareasm that CONMACTOR
L. TbarOughly ftw"dgated ad ow iacmd the $capa of services to be
U. Cscefidly considered bow the services should bc. pcd=ud; amd
UadeeMn b the facilities, des, and nook tiow aiding
pechrmance ofthe serview under d s Agreamernt.
B. if errvicas kwlva work ugnM any Aw COMRAMOR warrlaw that
CONTRAt:"= bas or ai11 lav the site and is or wM be Mly acquainted
wit *a eoadit aw tbece eacift& befi= coinneWag tha savioea hft=Wa.
Should CONTRACTOR diwom any latort or wb wn eonftoaas that may
MesdaW afiscc dw peador� of ft envices, CONTRACTOR will
immediately infona CITY of each fact aad will not proceed kept at
CONx"IiACTOR's own risk nat it wrW= kowdm in received ftm CITY.
A, Bela ooenmencM perbma we under taus A,gheameat and at all adw ftae fts
Agtnoment is ettbodw, CONTRACTOR wiU proem and n airnain dw Wowing
types of iommee with coverage Win coo VVW& at a minimum, with the 1hx s
sec firth belo�aw .
Q LiMiN oonhwad ann9e]
Commercial g+ml" lia AhY- S 1,000,000
Businasa wwwbUe liability S1,0000000.
Woesms oampeaaation st&=wy nq cnL
B. Commercial general, liability ksarauce will meet or ocesed the ra+quiremen% of
x.40 -COL Porno No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The aims m of W=w= sat farrh
above will be a combined siagle limit per ooCtmme, for bodily ins q. personal
i ouT, and property damage for the poNcy wvwn& LWIty policies will be
eodomed to name C hy, in officials, and etgployooe as "additiomil bmweW under
said iw=nco cow age and to stacc that such h m amee win be deemed "Prla ry"
snot► do my other km mace dbiacc may be earned by City WM be MM tha w.
Page 2 of 6
Jai -12 -2009 i 0 :66 ;I TY OF I+' SEW=
siu oiea uyay r:uutp
such inawas w wig be on an - Occaam moc," nowt at "Ch imms maW basis and win
W be ale or snbjeot m raedue dm except anon WTW ( ) days Fdw
neodm to City.
C. AMwwbile oov=V wM be an 140 aminess Auto Cava W Form CA
00 0106 92, toeolaSg s:;yt Wl I (Any Aum). =
D. COWX' CTM wM hmisb td City dnly autbeea dented CeFditm of bluranee
ewidea dzg maimW moe of the insuaance required wAw ft ASMCCM ,
cerdoc�ead a� ree�tm+ed bers�, and sueh od�x evidence of fias:anoce of oapie:
of polWeeat a my be ressm ably regained by MY farom dMO to tim btsaame
must be placed wi@z n o wgs with a ouneot Abu[. Beet CoanpwaY Rating
ee *..aleat to at toast a RatimS of "A:VW Cerii COWj) mast redfled tsar the
mmm will provide WrY (30) 4y md" Of =7 eaia OU'stion of ooveraga
CONTRACTOR ven'il rag* its im: m to modiiyi meah ceeti5cstes to delete any
aacudpaty wig mft dm ftmm of &C i ima to mail.wfcitten nod" of
won imposes nose obUtIUM mud to dai a tba wad "emdwvar with regard
to any nodoe provisions.
E. Should CONTRACTOR, jhr any mason, Sit to obtain and maintain the'os�cx
mpdxd by this Ate, City may obtain such eavmp at CONTRACTOR'S
mgpc a and deeduat tae coat of arch insurance *om pa uwU due to
CONTRACTOR uAcx this A v emmat or terminate.
7. TM FOR p&MRMANCZ. CONTRACTOR will not perform any work under this
Apeemeot nail: ,
A. CONTRACTOR fumisbw pe oof of ins mcc as requited under Sermon 6 of this
B. CrN gives CONTRACTOR a<wditm Noem do Prooeea
C. . Should CONTRACTOR be&wo* in ad==ofmaivmBwdum aftdzadm
to po aceed, any such pwfes&ioml services are at CON!'RACrOR's own risk.
A. Except w otha n provided, C LTY may tie this AVWM=t at soy Om
with or oe I&OUt cow Notice of Lamination wm be in wrift
B.. CONTRAC'TORmay ate this AXmement upon, preavidingMitten 00dae to
CO'y at ]esat'ddrty (30) day's bed" the dF=dvc tame date".
C. Sho%W do Age+eee wft be oenabu med pn oMt to tbia Section, CITY may procm*
on its sown two services sindler to those totxmmated.
Pale 3 of 6
JO-12-200s 10:56
.CITY Off' XL :b'19�UNlxl siu 414 1 WAV r:uVe
D. By eocbovting tl b dolt, CONTRAC" xOR aaEvee any and AB claims for
darnag. do might o&awlte axles tom cans man timber this serum
A. C J�►C"pOR hoidr heal i astir
oafs '(bt *It kart Mntftdm4 atssnWs fees),
hqwte, or liabUity, arldn8 orrt of this % or US pesformasice.
Shots CI'T'Y be na Md k atiy colt, or sboald my dns be braftm Againa It
by srdt or o&erwlmy wtidbfr flee tame bs grogadim or sat, aridn: ont of
this Ages st; or ib pwi'M=ce, CONTRACTOR will de wd CXTY (at
TX's r+egaest and wift cemaet to CTm and wx ladem*
C'1'y for sap► jrrdgmeat raawwred wina it or say sw" paid oet in
seetlesoaant or aderwt&
B. For ptnposas of this iftd n "CITY" inctndes Wrs officers, of'idds,
ems mesa. 110FUlAwws, end ow-d&d voluactwt
C. It i#. cq m* vmdwood end %a" *9 ft fmvgoiag proms will 0xvive
tden 4u daa of ft Aveaq*&
10 DMUM UN COMAMR. Cry end CMMLkCM agree 64
CONTRACTOR wM act w an mdependant aoah=W sad will have caatrol of ati wO& em►d the
maomer in W%c), is it ped=s& CONTRACTORtwill be &ee to oontsaat for N miler w vim to
be rft&=O ftO&WCO&Y m%*& =ft =c=twft =., CONTRACMLaIM an
ggw or rmpi"m of MY sad is not 0*106 to.pettinipote in sw poo sm pan t�bYS % tbet
bon= or similes bend a CITY pxovi&s fO't its =& yaw Any P = AVOMMOd
my Qpmr to give CTTY tlw d& to dkam CONTRACTOR as to the MAW of doiD9 the work
or to exercise a measure of control ova the wo& mean *apt CONTRACTOR wiii tbilow $0
dkecfm of the Crry ae to and resnlb 6f to wo* 061y.
A. All notices gives or regWrod to be givm pntsnt tb ebb Aamw�w wiU be in
wdtiag w d may bo given by pacsooai delivaY Or by mail. Notice scat by rail
wM be oddtossod as follows:
To CITY: City of M Segundo
El Sep do, CA
8. Wbea, adddx+ ued in eoomdanae with tzars paw no*m wM be deemed smm
upon deposit in U United Sues mad, Pos W PtgR4 in aII other isaaees,
nodose wM be dmmcd given ai dm time of Owd delivery.
P&V 4 of 6
J79 -12 -2009 L0:6�:. C1 7Y o y;�,,ag QQ1fJ70
Stu. 414 UNAd k•NIJV
C• Cbengss may be made in &a nww or addreatet of persM W whole Dodoes era
to be *van by Sivin zodec Is the manmacpreaadbad in this path.
13. WA><Vli�it. A waivar.bY CfTY of =Wb Mwh of any term, oov�cnant, or condition oontarned
io *b . will eat be deemed to be a waiver of air tWORUMA kWh of &C name or any
odtar tam, CwMwd' or Condition contained is tlria APOMW. wl>g&w of the cone ar-diifaranc
14. CONSMCTiON. Tb* 1MPW of each pot of tilde AXMMOsuot will be hued simplY
WA 1000rdia8 to itit ft nnnaui & and dda AFMWS wilt never be coottraed either fix, or
Apho either poty.
15. SZVEL43 E• If any of :deft AgtaeMM- is duiarad- by a aooxt of oa f
judWation ' to bo invalid or vaaas&sccetble. dten such Portion wdl be damned mocii8cad to the
extol Boc WKY in tits opinion of the coat to render such portion eoforaame and, a so
modifled,.snoit portion and the bttoe of this ApeouOt w411 conthm in full fo=ve and effwt.
16. CAMONS. The oaptiaw of the p=VVU of thin Apee meat are for oanve z of
resetbadca only and WM not affect to kmptetation of this AgeeamaM
17. WAtV M- Waiver of any provision of this Agtsac OU wW not be deemed to ea Ndt ate a
waiver of =7 odtar provision, nor WM shah waiver Coustitift a waiver.
18. R>t'ItRTATION. Tbis A,ffsa sw wu drafted In, and will be cone mad in am+dews,
with the lawn of the State of Celiforadq and exelusdve v+e = ft any acdon-iavolving this
agmarnem will bo in Les ADS." County.
19. A=OVY"f jKQDngCA1TOTL ?has Agreeoa m may be s*eot to and coadmoned
upon approval and jW&#A= by the in Stxdo CW Corom& This A&VMent is not b�iesg
apon Ci'i'Y nerd aotaoutad by to city ,Mmftw The Parties repMnot attd wumat *a Oil
nooeasa13 action hag been W= by 69 Puff to amttormo tie =demigtned 10 eaaaroo tills
III L t attd to Corp in the acdpee .4ftgdbod. bateau. Tbbt AWM9M MW bs modified by
writoen ap m Mt. Cnrs O*Mmnwn*y ac�a = my'smh==*aead anbdtaifOMMY.
20. ,A,CCIWTANCZ OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. The Par'des Agrsa Chet this Agreement,
a6m masts ancilLwy to dtia Agreement. and related doasments to be atered into in won
with this Ascemeat grill be oon" red erred when dw aura of a PAM is d9 Trod by
file ttmmbdan- Such fscits sipem wiu be townd in all =espeob as having rho
same egoct as an original sib.
Page 5 of 6
31'0 ' 414' 0829 P. 008
21. V C . Inge Of UW conmot or npm =m g
la amd0000umae�, tie's older,
� � � w,�emeok will �avmi and 00MV01.
U CAZT'IONS. Ties csPtioos ofmis Ahem
i o*w4' +illnlot it�ot 9tis i eip
ofdom► A�'aeme+oot ik
23. FORiCE MAJSUBL• 0ad "oc MMMY , &e nova Wdam,
eoc orlon, im, AC% r.eebar�o. ,
ola=; or olm alas Gomm beyoed the paeliaa ao�ota+ok dum tha A � avzu
;�y a ovithou� obl�eion of either ptrb► to to odsar.
•ooent and its aoa � �0 sole
apumea 24. � �►�'�r' Mp�l boa To th+: exteeot
bet%l m� COMMCTM and C�FY
. t� ad oagciitito g ="bled is fabibit "e the W* not in o n"o
gut em ate addidaoal a if g* set U* Aov& Thos are no air
wig tblt .Asamamt, those pmt a�rreoed
�md�stsmrdia�, '� ar � amts aorpreseod or impli�cd, cal o� w�itaa. .
W Wl'x MW W�p me pro b* brr° axaatoed � °an°a'ot t4�e � alnd �
�� ►. a 7 =E
La.= D. A
H. fir, CztyAY
re r l .. ..r - r i�
To"m ID N0. '% I 1 -n TD'3
par 6 of 6
El Segundo Fire Department, Station 01
Attn: Ken Schuft
314 Mann Street
E18egundo, CA 90246
3101624 -2269 fax 31 01414-0929
1340 Simpson Circle
Anaheim, CA 928064531
(714) 991 -8800 fax (714) 9914120
Typical annual service includes changing the oil, purification cartridges, test the functions of the
compressor and electrical system, take an air sample, calibrate t be sent monitor, ut to, you In luda quarterly is
quote is the NFPA recommended quarterly air testing program
We have all parts above good in stock. We currently have you on the schedule for this Friday, May
Beat Regards,
SHaww %wn6e*A&
Vice President
Compressed Air Specialties, Inc.
Quotation for Annual Service
CL751 -1 Galion Chemlube 751
34P7 0
x25670 Purification cartridge
x266751 Purification cartridge
x254951 Purification cartridge
AS 60 Series purification o -rings
NI 913-F Intake filter
LS- 901572 Quarterly NFPA Grade E air testing program
mete oil disposal
Hours, labor and travel
Sub -total
Service charge
Shipping wf too k t)
Typical annual service includes changing the oil, purification cartridges, test the functions of the
compressor and electrical system, take an air sample, calibrate t be sent monitor, ut to, you In luda quarterly is
quote is the NFPA recommended quarterly air testing program
We have all parts above good in stock. We currently have you on the schedule for this Friday, May
Beat Regards,
SHaww %wn6e*A&
Vice President
Compressed Air Specialties, Inc.