PROOF OF INSURANCE (2009) CLOSEDDATE (MM,ODfYY) wt-non fr►GRTincATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ' 6 5 2009 Ic IccuFD AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION rr 1110.y.,j_".r 1,. yv■.... -- - THIS GERItrlyAl- 1- • - - -- PRODUCER ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS U EXTEND OR ht Insurance Services LLC HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, Wrs g ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW 125 W El Portal 2nd Floor San Clemente, CA 92672 ti (949) 489 - 1833_________ INSURED Cadstar, Inc. 2301 Rosecrans Ave. #4180 E1 Segundo, CA 90245 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE I INSURERA Nautilus.. Insurance_ Co - - -- - wsORERe State Compensation „_Insurance_ Fund I -! INSURER C. Underwr_ters_3t_Zltl� s - - -- INSURER D INSURER E ONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESP` THE T MIS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH THE POL ICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVY CEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVEAFOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDIN COVERAGES ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF AN MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJ -- Y FaRP$u,TiDN LIMIT$ POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS DrYr _ _ — -__may NUMBER DATE MMD $1,000,000 _ i ��aoT _._- ..� .auv.NeE EACH OCCURRENCE _ __ -L_ _TR GENERAL LI461LITY I �X��O MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY _.- CLAIMS MADE F.. OCGUR NC831637 A — i GENT,. AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRO Loc x POLICY JECT AUTOMOBILE LIABALITY • ANY AUTO i � ALL OWNED AUTOS r - - -, SCHEDULED AUTOS '4 A �X ! HIRED AUTOS NC831637 ' Y NDN- O'NNEO AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AU fO EXCESS LIABILITY - OCCUR I CLAIMS MADE DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION S WORKER$ COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY C OTHER I Professional �. FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire). MED EXP (Any O Peon) OM . 10 -13 -08 110 -13 -09 PERSONAL BADVINJURY GENERA(. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - COMPlOP AGG 110 -13 -08 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ', (Ea xrilenp BODILY INJURY IPer pelsan) 10 -13 -09 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Pe, accldmt) $ 50 , 000_ s5, 000 s 1' 000. 000 a2L000.000 $Excluded 1 AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDENT 1 $ 06 -16 -10 I EACH ACCIDENT fl 0�0 EL 000 j _.,_ f 106 -16 -09 1686900 -08 EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE 1 S1_ 0001000 - E.L DISEASE -POLICY UMIT Sl 000 000 i 6 -13 -09 06 -13 -10 $1,000,000 I DBW612 0 w $6,000 Deductible Llab111 t CLUSIONS ABED I, ENDORSEMENT,SPECIAL PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION of DPERATRONSIR ..00ATRON$NEHRCLE6JEX *10 Day Notice of Cancellation a � e event n - payment insured. of Premium *T e City of E1 Segundo is named as A i �/110 _ HOLDER ADDITIONAL RNSU —' O"URER LETTER: City of E1 Segundo Attn: City Clerk 350 Main Street O9g9 El Segundo CA 90245 -___ ACORD 25S 71 (7!9 BNOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPatw I n+^ O DAYS WRITTEN 1 DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL !i NOTICE TO THE CER'RiFRCATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SNAIL R, ITS AGENTS OR I IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY K)ND UPON' 1 REPRESENTATIVE O ACORD CO 0RWION 1988 Jun Ub Uy 1U:1bA Kobert Wright In Reproduction of Insurance Services Of�� G Form ISO FORM CG 2010 1185: (M COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ASR. ER: NC831637 POLICY NUMB ER: EXI#BIT 1 -A jNW— I SEMEN'T NUMB PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY T1YI5 ENDORSEMENT CAANGFS THE LESSEES �.p _ pERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS ADDITIONAL INSURED (FORM B) rovided under the foilowin$: This endorsement modifies insurance P COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SMDULE The City of El Segundo Attn: City Clerk 350 Main street El Segundo, CA 90245 -0984 endorsement will be shown (If no entry aPPeB� above, the information required to complete tlbs in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) arson or but only with respect to liability arising out of "`your work" WHO IS AN INSURED (Section Ie is amended to include as an insured P organization shown in the Schedule* for that insured by or for you. ModlScations to i50 form CG 201fP 1185: P ees and 1.) The insured scheduled above includes the Insured's officers, officials, emp oy volunteers. This insurance shall be primary as respects the insured shown ra the schedule above, or if 2•) chain of coverage excess of the Named Insured's scheduled excess, mall stand in an unbroken other insurance maintained by the Insured underlying primffiY coverage. In either event, any on to conmbute scheduled above shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not be called up with it shall not be canceled except after' thirty days Prior 3.) The insurance afforded by this policy ven to the Entity written notice by certified mail return receipt requested has been gi indemnity coverage for the active negligence of the 4) Coverage shall not extend to any ' t to indemnify the additional insured would be additional insured in any case of on 27a 782�the Civil Code• /. invalid under Subdivision (b} /_____I�,_____ X71 arum -^Ut" - -__` 5 W. E1 Portal 2 d F1. Address Cc 20 io 11 85 Insurance Service Offices, Inc. Form (Modified) an Information for Nautilus Insurance Company Y Center - Comp Tlact's Rating BestMark for Secure -Rated Insurers Find Ou�0 Understanding Bests Ratings Bu inc = >.`alue C.onsumPr c_onfidenc� 1-Ina�w� -- Outlook: Stable Action: Affirmed Effective Date: October 14, Rat s See rating definitions. x Denotes Under Review Rating Member ' Center Member Benefits Other Web Centers: rch. Select one I5 Print this page assigned to R�anal� Rd++9 This rating is assig in our «BEST companies that have, or opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing obligations A+ SU to policyholders. edit Ratings View Definitions 1: aa- itable firmed lobe, 14, 2008 A NeWS leases for this company and its A.M. Best Group. Reports an - ed (formerly known as Best's Company Report) •includes Visit our NewsRoom for the latest news and press r , detailed or - Insur�cga d'ess' rt along with comprehensive analytical commentary, AMB Credit Rep----- - f3es1's Financial Strength Rating ., financial data. ed Archive business overview and key Reports are available in AMB Credit Report -Insurance Professional �abndq Report Revision Date: 10/1412008 (represents the latest significant change) presentation Historical Rep v profitability, Reports (Financial Overview) -available in three versions, these p Best's Executive Summary financial performance tests including p style reports feature balance sheet, income statement, key tied as of 6/16/2009 (Quality Cross liquidity and reserve analysis. Data Status: 2009 Best's Statement File -PIC, US. Contains f call on this company. Checked). peer group of up to five other -five years of financial data sp y le Com an with a p 9 • Sin side financial analysis of this company s both the •c..omparf.s..on. • side select. companies you select. an s financials against a peer group composite. Report displays • ,Mpo5)te • evaluate this comp Y average and total composite of your selected peer group. rovides three years of key financial data presented with -° Rationale and an excerpt port also features the latest Best's Ratings, Rating AMB Credit Report - Business P_rort also - p M" colorful charts and tables. Each rep from our Business Review commentary. Data Status: Contains data compiled as of 6/16/2009 (Quality Cross Checked). - th Rating and financial data Guide Presentation Wort - includes Best's Financial Strength Best's Key Ratin Rating Guide products. as provided in Best s Key Data Status: 2007 Financial Data (duality Cross Checked). Financial and Analytical Products Best's Pro ert 1Casualt center & Canada &Reports Best's Key Rating Guide - PIC,. US Best's Sta_.tement_F_ile_ -_PIC, US. Best's_Statement File - Global US.& Canada. Bests Insurance Rep--__ s — Best's State Line - PIC, U. S — p/C US Best's Insurance�ense Exhibit (IEEC - Best's Schedule. F (Reinsurance) Best's Schedule D Munici al Bonds)- U5 Best's Schedule D.(Common._Stocks) -_US Best s Sc_h_eduIe D (Preferred Stocks P CSUS Best's Schedule P (Loss Reserves) -. .11 Best's Schedule D - H brid -PIC & L/H US Best's Schedule D (Corporate Bonds) - US Online Property I Casualty Bests Insurance RepoRS_ file.as ?ambnum= 1990 &URATINGID = 2037954... 6/16/2009 http: / /www3.ambest.com /ratings /fullpro p