CONTRACT 3502 Grant AgreementADTECH South Bay K -12 Schools Grant Proposal: School Emergency Response and Crisis Management (SERCM) Program DRAFT Dept. of Education FY 2005 (CFDA #84 184E) (OMB No 1890 -0009) .July 2005 ABSTRACT Lawndale Elementary School District, the designated grant lead educational agency (LEA), and South Bay K -12 school districts are located in one of the most vulnerable areas in the United States (a list of the South Bay K -12 schools participating in this grant are included in Appendix A) In addition to the risk of earthquakes in this area, the schools are in close proximity to a number of potential terrorist targets, such as Los Angeles International Airport, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the Los Angeles Air Force base, several oil refineries, the Scattergood power generation plant, Fortune 500 company headquarters, and the Alameda Corridor In addition, two schools in the South Bay area had recent acts of violence (domestic terrorism) • In 2002, a multiple shooting occurred on a Gardena area school campus, requiring lock down of the entire school facility for eight hours • In April 2003, a Lawndale High School student was arrested for possession of bomb making materials and possession of pipe bomb 1 157 The student planned to mimic the Columbine incident locally on the anniversary of the Columbine attack The SERCM program will better prepare participating schools to anticipate and prepare for all possible hazards that could affect students, staff, families, and the local and regional communities. In addition to traditional training for earthquakes, fires and other accidental or natural disasters, or criminal violence, SERCM will integrate and prioritize those with additional potential terronst (e g , weapons of mass destruchonNUMD) and public health (e g , infectious diseases or industrial accidents) threats — based on individual schools' profiles Specific objectives of this grant proposal also include improvement of the recovery aspect of emergency response and crisis management plans, from both a physical and emotional recovery perspective and improvement of training programs for both public and private schools. In addition, this grant will be used to evaluate and recommend improvements to the current methods of parental notification and parental response in lockdown situations General Approach The South Bay schools SERCM program will be centered around three main components that are keys to proper disaster readiness 1) Comprehensive, integrated, comparative nsk analysis of threats and vulnerabilities, including those from natural disaster, accidents (industrial, transportation sectors, e g ), crime and terrorism, 2) Enhancement of district and particularly schooi -level emergency response planning and training for disaster mitigation and prevention, preparedness, response and recovery — including elements of evacuation, sheltering and parental notification programs, and 3) Provision of equipment or supplies for emergency response or crisis management 2 15$ All efforts — including regional, district and each school's response /management plans and training — will be integrated into the local emergency response and disaster planning system, coordinated with appropriate, designated local law enforcement, public safety, public health and mental health agencies. The program will also ensure emergency response planning compliance with state (SEMS) and federal (NIMS) incident management systems and goals This risk analysis, response plan enhancement and training program will be unique in its range and depth of coverage It will primarily be individual school - specific, yet tailored and integrated across a wide range of possible security /safety threats, including those emanating from the wider national, state, regional, and district levels. Threat characterization is often not sufficiently addressed in homeland security countermeasures, yet it is essential for risk analysis of manmade and naturally occurring threats with the potential for significant casualties or disruption. Such threats to be analyzed and response elements to be incorporated into schools risk analysis include terrorism and criminal violence, including threats from conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction -- chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, and high- energy explosives (CBRNE) The latter might either be deployed on a regional level, affecting a large area at once, and could emanate from ports, airports, shipping, chemical and petroleum /energy plants or storage depots, and numerous other sources There are also potential risks from naturally occurring infectious diseases or other public health cnses that might emerge Among possible future examples could be included avian influenza ( "bird flu "), SARS or similar newly - discovered diseases, food poisoning, microbial water contamination, and other emergent pathogen - related threats Need for the Project 3 159 The South Bay K -12 schools are subject to a wide array of potential security and safety threats and vulnerabilities The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, extensive chemical and petroleum processing and storage facilities, and other industrial plants are in close proximity These schools are also located close to Los Angeles International Airport, which has been a target of at least one terrorist attack,' and in an area that is generally considered at high risk for future such attempts given its global profile, large, concentrated population, and economic and symbolic values to the nation The South Bay K -12 schools are partnering with USC's Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorist Events (CREATE). CREATE has already undertaken vulnerability assessments of the Los Angeles area (see Appendix B), and in order to optimally guide emergency response and crisis management plan design for schools, CREATE will undertake risk analysis ranging from broad regional coverage to a very specific, school by school level These efforts will complement and be integrated with existing federal, state, county and district - level security plans — in cooperation with local law enforcement, public safety and other partners — and build on, in part, existing regional disaster scenario and management "playbooks" and venue - specific plans developed by the LA County Sheriffs office Terrorism Early Warning Group (TEW), as well as existing school safety plans Significance of this Proposal This grant will enable the South Bay K -12 schools to enhance their emergency response and crisis management plans with specific consideration for regional risks The benefits to the South Bay K -12 schools will be as follows ' There is at least one confirmed example, the Dec 1999 capture of Ahmed Ressam, the so- called "millennium bomber," whose purported plan was to attack the Los Angeles Airport (LAX) with explosives he was smuggling into the United States at his capture 4 160 • New comprehensive risk (including threats and vulnerabilities) analyses tailored to three levels l) individual schools; 2) districts, and, 3) region This will better prepare participating schools to anticipate and prepare for natural disaster, accidents (Industrial, transportation sectors, e.g ), crime and terrorism that could affect students, staff, families, and the local communities Two updated vulnerability assessments (a year apart) incorporating a regional and integrated approach to potential threats and disasters • Two updated SEMSMIMS plans (a year apart), integrating a range of potential naturally occurring and human - caused crises/disasters and compliant with existing federal and state mandates • Allocated funds for emergency response equipment and supplies or security or communications equipment as Identified by the vulnerability assessments and each school's own needs assessments • Analysis and evaluation of potential communication systems, security equipment or emergency response purchases at the request of the individual schools • Targeted training of designated school crisis managers /safety officers, etc — limited to allocations of staff time within roughly within the expected range for existing mandates2 and funding for staff release (i e , little if any extra staff training or drill time would be required) for both public and 2 Section 32282(a)(2)(B) of the Ed Code provides The comprehensive school safety plan shall include, but not be limited to, both of the following (a) Identifying appropriate strategies and programs that will provide or maintain a high level of school safety and address the school's procedures for complying with existing laws related to school safety, which shall include the development of all of the following, (b) Disaster procedures, routine and emergency, including adaptations for pupils with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U S C Sec 12101 at seq ) 161 private schools in the South Bay • Recommendations for and development of an improved communications systems, with particular focus on parental notification in lockdowns and shelter -in -place for both public and private schools in the South Bay • Development of an ECRM website for South Bay private and public schools that may integrate existing communications systems in the region, such as the Los Angeles County Office of Education Emergency Management Information System • School- specific recommendations for modifications to existing drill procedures based on observation of practice drills • Communication of the regional and school - specific ECRM program to parents and to the community Once method for accomplishing this will be to work toward involving middle- and high school students in the emergency response program, including the training of student peer trainers (the other training of trainers element) This might be accomplished through a mentoring program in which USC grad students and staff work with ADTECH schools' students (in cooperation with school staff) in planning disaster communication and response drills involving students, staff, parents, families, etc • Establishment of an innovative crisis risk assessment and response pilot program that will be used to attract further grant funding, particularly for future staff and student training and drills • Administration of the NIMS Awareness Course "National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction" (IS 700) to key district and school staff 6 1�i�: Formal recognition of NIMS and adoption of NIMS principles and policies The SERCM program will aid districts and /or their local governments in establishing a timeline for formally adopting the NIMS • Incorporation of plans to account for the communication, transportation, and medical needs of individuals with disabilities within their school district Quality of Program Design This grant will be developed in coordination with USG's CREATE and Poms & Associates CREATE has expertise in probabilistic risk analysis of engineered systems, game theoretic extensions of risk analysis, and expert elicitation of risks and uncertainties. The team also has substantive expertise in the risks of nuclear facilities, nuclear waste storage and transport, flammable material, environmental pollutants, earthquakes, and biological terrorism Researchers extend risk analysis to include game theoretic concepts and other methods to address the problem of the unknown probability of a specific terrorism attack In addition to its theoretical and analytical capabilities, however, CREATE also has considerable on -the- ground, practical experience working with a variety of Southern California, state and federal emergency response and management "users," including the LA County Department of Public Health, the Shenfrs Department Terrorism Early Warning Group (TEW) and a wide variety of first responder agencies (fire, police, sheriffs, EMS) and organizations. CREATE researchers who would perform central roles in the SERCM program implementation include � 16 :3 Detlof von Winterfeldt. Risk and economic analysis of terrorism, previous experience with environmental risk, creation and analysis of dirty bomb (RDD) device threat to the Ports of LA & Long Beach area Isaac Maya [fill in appropriate entry] Mike Orosz Computer simulation and design Most recently, built system architecture for CREATE /ISI Risk Analysts Workbench (RAW), a risk and scenario generator program /interface being designed • Onur Bakir Risk and economic analysis of terrorism threats to borders, including ports of entry Economics and systems engineering expertise • Terry O'Sullivan Analysis of terrorism, public health, infectious disease and biological terrorism threats and public health emergency preparation and response capabilities Additional experience more generally in security studies, organizational analysis and political economy. Poms & Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc is a highly experienced insurance brokerage and consulting firm, committed to serving the risk management needs of both public and private entities Its services and products represent a broad range, including the provision of loss control services by highly skilled professionals and general consulting services Poms has worked with a number of the South Bay K -12 school districts on loss control audits and prides itself in offering creative, innovative and flexible solutions The consultants at Poms have an impressive background of experience in safety and loss control, unsurpassed by any of the larger brokerage and consulting firms With respect to the 2005 ERCM grant, the Risk Management Consulting division of Poms & Associates will be updating the districts' SEMS /NIMS plans and assisting with drill observation and recommendations Poms has extensive experience working with school districts on development and updating of emergency and disaster plans and has performed loss control audits for a number of the South Bay K -12 school districts 8 164 Poms & Associates staff will be headed by Terne Norris, CSP, ARM, CPSI Terne is Director of Safety Services for Poms & Associates Insurance Brokers, Incorporated She has been involved in loss control and prevention since 1983 Terne is a Certified Safety Professional and holds certification in two specialty areas, Comprehensive Practices and Management Aspects She is also a Certified Playground Safety Inspector Ms Norris is a Professional Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers and serves on its Board of Directors in 2001, she was selected as the Orange County ASSE's Chapter Safety Professional of the Year, and in 2002, she was selected as ASSE's Region Safety Professional of the Year Terne is a current member of the American Society of Testing and Materials Poms will work to enhance the South Bay schools current SEMS plans and to ensure their compliance with NIMS. Furthermore, the South Bay Schools will ensure that the plans that mitigation, prevention, preparedness and response are updated and responsive to each school's specific needs One area in which the schools are deficient is in their recovery plans CREATE will work with the South Bay Schools to develop recovery plans that takes into account both physical recovery of the schools as well as the emotional recovery of students and staff CREATE will work with LAC -USC Medical Center Is developing the emotional recovery aspect of the South Bay schools' emergency response and crisis management plans Another area that will be targeted by this grant is improvement in parental notification procedures and educating parents on emergency response procedures in the event of an emergency or disaster, especially lockdowns and sheltering situations We will look into the possibility of expanding the current ham radio network in Palos Verdes and evaluate technological developments in emergency communications 9 165 Poms and CREATE will work to include the specific needs of each school In addition to the physical threats to be included in each school's vulnerability assessment, we will also take into account demographic information and work with local police to address any special crime considerations Each SEMSMIMS plan will specifically consider the needs of individuals with disabilities and special needs Appendix A also gives an ethnicity breakdown for each participating school CREATE and Poms will also observe the schools' current drill and training procedures and recommend improvements that can be made to enhance protection of students, staff and property. CREATE will provide training to both public schools and private schools in the South Bay. We have spoken to private schools, and they would be interested in training, particularly with respect to lockdowns. The South Bay schools work closely with their local cities, police and fire departments. Copies of the partnership agreements for each participating school district is included in Appendix C Quality of the management plan Appendix D includes a detailed budget and timeline with respect to the South Bay Cities grant proposal. The timeline also includes a number of meetings with parents, teachers, first responders, and the community We also plan to advertise training sessions that will be open to private schools, to ensure that all schools are invited to those open sessions. We plan to utilize the ECRM website to be developed as well as mailings to advise and inform parents and the community of developments in the schools' emergency response and cnsis management plans 10 16fi Coordination with the State Homeland Security Plan The South Bay K -12 schools are working closely with state and regional partners The South Bay Cities Council of Governments Homeland Security Task Force has a special session for schools scheduled for August 17t ", and speakers include the Deputy Director of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security, the Director of USC's CREATE, a representative from the Los Angeles County Office of Education, a representative from the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management, and a representative from the Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs. Consultation with Private Schools We spoke with several private schools in the South Bay — Chadwick School, Rolling Hills Country Day School, and Peninsula Heritage School. All are members of either the California Association of Independent Schools or the Southern California Independent Schools Business Officers Association Those associations are currently focused on lockdown situations, and the schools would welcome input, advice, and training on lockdown situations This grant proposal specifically provides for analysis of current private school drill procedures and will offer training in emergency response to private schools The schools are also interested in a regional communication system The Palos Verdes private and public schools are currently connected to local fire, police, and cities by a ham radio system Designated persons in each school hold the appropriate FCC licenses. This system could possibly be expanded on a regional basis The South Bay private schools would also have access to the ECRM website that will be developed to enhance communication between regional emergency 11 167 response resources CREATE will provide South Bay private schools with a copy of its completed regional vulnerability assessment At this time, the schools we spoke to were not interested in school- specific vulnerability assessments. Project Evaluation The South Bay schools propose to use the following methods for evaluating the application of this grant: Evaluation forms for emergency drills and documentation of improved dnll response time • Documentation of procedures developed for risks not previously addressed • Documentation of enhancements to current training procedures • Documentation of the number of school staff trained in both public and private schools • Documentation of improved partnerships between community partners and the school district such as ongoing quarterly meetings of the schools participating in the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Homeland Security Task Force • Documentation of parent and community outreach efforts Documentation of the number of vulnerability assessments conducted; 12 168 Task 0081 Regional Vulnerability Report 2005-6 (2 staff $8,000 40 hours each = $8,000) R29ional Vulnerability Report 2006 -7 $8,000 Evaluation and development of recommendations for parental $16,000 communication and notification system Implementation and maintenance of an ECRM page/website for South Bay public and private schools that may possibly utilize $13,600 LACOE's EMIS system ($200 /mo and $10,000 for development) Development of a physical recovery plan in the event of a disaster or emergency and to work with LAC -USC Medical Center to $10,000 develop a response strategy to deal with emotional needs of students and staff after any such event CREATE participation in meetings with $2,000 ADTECH CREATE participation in meetings with $4,000 private schools CREATE participation in meetings with local city, police, fire, public health agency, and mental health agency to integrate the South $6,000 Bay schools with existing emergency response resources Poms & Associates participation in meetings $2,000 with ADTECH Advertising costs (notices of trairnngs to $4,000 private schools 2 mailings to public school parents $85,000 114,000 Photocopying costs (e g , two mailings to $114,000 public school arents Project Director fee (preparing of accounts $50,000 and reports to the DOE) -18 months Project Director travel costs to Washington $6,000 DC to meet with DOE 3x Independent Project Evaluator $20,000 Miscellaneous administrative costs $5,000 TOTAL SNARED GOUTS asaa,ouu 169 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 2, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION' Consideration and possible action to support a regional application by the El Segundo Unified School District and nine other South Bay school districts for a 2005 Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Grant to enhance their local disaster preparedness (Fiscal Impact None) 1) Authorize the Mayor to sign the partnership agreement, 2) Authorize the Fire Chief and Police Chief to sign their respective sections of the partnership agreement, 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSS. Bruce Auld, Superintendent of the El Segundo Unified School District, has requested the support of the City with respect to a point effort by the South Bay School Districts (10 districts) to apply for a grant to enhance their Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERMC) plans By signing a partnership agreement, the City would agree to endeavor to educate the District about the services the City offers in the event of an emergency or disaster and to support the District's efforts under the 2005 ERCM grant This would have minimal impact on City staffs time and enable the El Segundo Unified School District to share in a proportionate amount of the $353,000 point grant, while enhancing the district's emergency planning efforts Being able to demonstrate such City support through signature of partnership agreements by the Mayor, Fire Chief and Police Chief is a grant requirement The City of El Segundo has signed such partnership agreements for previous applications by the El Segundo Unified School District and by doing so does not incur any financial responsibilities ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- Draft 2005 Emergency Response and Crisis Management Grant jointly submitted by the ten South Bay School Districts FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase, Appropriation Required- —Yes No ORIGINATED BY: DATE- 07127/05 LChief N rm An elo, Fi REVIEWE DATE: 07/27/05 Jeff ity Manager 156 2005 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT GRANT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Authorized signature representing LEA: Name: Bruce Auld Title: Superintendent NameofLEA: E1 Segundo Unified School District Below is a signature of the head of our local government (i.e. the county executive, the mayor, the county manager, head of the town council) and reflecting that partner's commitment to sustainability and c #�ny�us Oproyment of the plan: Signature: Title: Date: Jul y 26, 2005 Will endeavor to educate the LEA about the services it offers the community in the event of an emergency or disaster and to support the LEA's efforts under the 2005 ECRM grant We are unable to include this signature for the following reason(s): 2005 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT GRANT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Authorized signature representing LEA: Signature: Print Name: Bruce Auld Title: Superintendent Name of LEA: E1 Segundo Unified School District Date: July 26, 20 Below is a signature representing our community -based law enforcement agency (i.e. local police, sheriff's office whose jurisdiction covers a majority of the schools in the district) and reflecting that partn m .tment sustainability and continuous improvement of the plan: Signature: Date: July 26 2005 Title: Description of roles and responsibilities in the strengthening and improving of the plan: Will endeavor to educate the LEA about the services it offers the community in the event of an emergency or disaster and to support the LEA's efforts under the 2005 ECRM grant We are unable to include this signature for the following reason(s): 2005 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT GRANT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Authorized signature representing LEA: Signature: Print Name: Title: Name of LEA Date: Bruce Auld Superintendent E1 Segundo Unified School District Below is a signature representing our local community -based public safety agency (i.e. Emergency Management Services or Fire Department) and reflecting that partner's commitment to sustainability and continuous improvement of the plan: Signature: Date: July 26, 2005 Title: a ( rj John W. Gilbert, Adminstrative Battalion Chief Will endeavor to educate the LEA about the services it offers the community in the event of an emergency or disaster and to support the LEA's efforts under the 2005 ECRM grant We are unable to include this signature for the following reason(s): 2005 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT GRANT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Authorized signature representing LEA: Name: Bruce Auld Title: Superintendent NameofLEA: E1 Segundo Unified School District Below is a signature of the head of our local government (i.e. the county executive, the mayor, the county manager, head of the, town council) and reflecting that partner's commitment to sustainability and c� myqus Oproyment of the plan: Signature: Title: N Date: July 26, 200 Will endeavor to educate the LEA about the services it offers the community in the event of an emergency or disaster and to su port the LEA's efforts under the 2005 ECRM grant We are unable to include this signature for the following reason(s): 2005 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT GRANT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Authorized signature representing LEA: Signature: Print Name: Bruce Auld Title: Superintendent NameofLEA: E1 Segundo Unified School District Date: July 26, 2005 Below is a signature representing our community -based law enforcement agency (i.e. local police, sheriff's office whose jurisdiction covers a majority of the schools in the district) and reflecting that partn m 'tment t sustainability and continuous improvement of the plan: Signature: / Date: July 26 2005 Title: - Description of roles and responsibilities in the strengthening and improving of the plan: Will endeavor to educate the LEA about the services it offers the community in the event of an emergency or disaster and to support the LEA's efforts under the 2005 ECRM grant We are unable to include this signature for the following reason(s): 2005 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT GRANT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Authorized signature representing LEA: Signature: Print Name: Rruro Mild Title: Superintendent NameofLEA: E1 Segundo Unified School District Date: Below is a signature representing our local community -based public safety agency (i.e. Emergency Management Services or Fire Department) and reflecting that partner's commitment to sustainability and continuous improvement of the plan: Signature: �� Date: July 26, 2005 Title: %� � � ��,� John W. Gilbert, Adminstrative Battalion Chief Will endeavor to educate the LEA about the services it offers the community in the event of an emergency or disaster and to support the LEA's efforts under the 2005 ECRM grant We are unable to include this signature for the following reason(s):