ORDINANCE 1469ORDINANCE NO. 1469 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONE CHANGE NO. 10 -01; ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 10 -06; SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 10- 03; AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 10 -02; ADDING ESMC § 15- 3- 2(A)(7) AND AMENDING ESMC §§ 15 -3 -1 AND 15- 3-2(A); APPROVING SUBDIVISION NO. 10 -01 (VESTING TENTATIVE MAP NOS. 71410 AND NO. 71582) FOR THE 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AT 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares that: A. On September 9, 2010, Mar Ventures, Inc., filed an application on behalf of the El Segundo Unified School District, for an Environmental Assessment (EA No. 890); General Plan Amendment No. 10 -03; Zone Change No. 10 -01; Zone Text Amendment No. 10 -06; Specific Plan No. 10 -03; Development Agreement No. 10 -02; and Subdivision No. 10 -01 for Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) Nos. 71410 (7 lots) and 71582 (31 lots) to re- designate and rezone a 5.65 acre property at 540 East Imperial Avenue from Planned Residential Development (PRD) Zone to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) to allow construction of one of two possible options (a 304 -unit senior housing community development with a multi - family component (Option 1) or a 58 -unit mixed residential development of single - family and multiple - family uses (Option 2) (collectively, the "Project "); B. The Project application was reviewed by the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § §15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); D. An Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. The Initial Study demonstrated that the project could cause significant environmental impacts. Accordingly, a Draft Environmental Impact Report ( "DEIR ") was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between November 3, 2011 and December 19, 2011 in compliance with CEQA Guidelines § 15087; E. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15161; F. The Planning and Building Safety Department completed its review and scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before the Planning Commission for January 26, 2012. Following the January 26th public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2714 recommending that the City Council approve the Project including, without, limitation, adopting this Ordinance; The 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan was considered by the Airport Land Use Commission ( "ALUC ") at its hearing on February 22, 2012. ALUC adopted a Resolution finding the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan consistent with the Airport Land Use Plan. ALUC expressed its preference that the applicant utilize Option 1 for developing the Project site and also requested that the City provide notice to successor landowners regarding the Project site's proximity to the airport; the air easement affecting the property; and that these factors may affect any successor's property interests. G. On March 6, 2012 the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony and representatives of Mar Ventures, Inc. and the El Segundo Unified School District and continued the public hearing to March 20, 2012; H. On March 20, 2012 the City Council held a continued public hearing; and; I. On March 20, 2012 City Council introduced Ordinance No. 1469 approving Zone Change No. 10 -01, Zone Text Amendment No. 10- 06, Development Agreement No. 10 -02, and Subdivision No. 10 -01 for Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) No. 71410 (7 lots) and VTM No. 71582 (31 lots) for the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan; J. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon testimony and evidence presented to the Council at its March 6, 2012 and March 20, 2012 hearings including, without limitation, the staff report submitted by the Department of Planning and Building Safety. SECTION 2: Environmental Assessment. Resolution No. 4772 adopted a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and a Statement of Overriding K Considerations (SOC) for this Project which, among other things, properly assesses the environmental impact of this Ordinance, and the Project, in accordance with CEQA. This Ordinance incorporates by reference the environmental findings and analysis set forth in Resolution No. 4772. SECTION 3: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds and declares that the factual findings and conclusions set forth in Resolution No. 4772, adopted on March 20, 2012, are incorporated as if fully set forth. SECTION 4: Zone Change Findings. A. Based on the factual findings in Resolution No. 4772, as incorporated into this Ordinance, the proposed Zone Change is necessary to carry out the proposed project because the proposed General Plan Amendment would change the land use classification of the project site from Planned Residential Development (PRD) to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP). The proposed Zone Change is necessary to maintain consistency with the proposed General Plan land use designation of 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. B. ESMC Title 15 is intended to be the primary tool for implementing the goals, objectives and policies of the El Segundo General Plan. The zone change will maintain consistency with the proposed change in General Plan land use designation to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan and is also consistent with the General Plan goals, objectives and policies set forth in Section 4 of Resolution No. 4772. Those findings of consistency are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth below. SECTION 5: Zone Text Amendment Findings. Based on the factual findings in Resolution No. 4772, as incorporated into this Ordinance, the proposed Zone Text Amendment is necessary to implement the Project and establish the proposed 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) Zone. An amendment to ESMC § 15 -3 -1 to delete the Planned Residential (PRD) Zone and to list the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) Zone as a zoning classification within the City is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. An amendment to ESMC § 15- 3- 2(A)(7) to create the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. Additionally, an amendment to delete ESMC § 15 -4D -1 to delete the Planned Residential Development (PRD) Zone development standards in its entirety is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. SECTION 6: Specific Plan Findings. Based on the factual findings in Resolution No. 4772, as incorporated into this Ordinance, the proposed creation of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP), which would allow an assisted 3 living /senior housing development on the project site, is necessary to carry out the proposed project. Without amending the ESMC, the current zoning would not permit a senior housing use with a 0.75 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). An amendment to ESMC § 15- 3 -2(A) to create the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. Additionally, an amendment to ESMC § 15 -3 -1 to list the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) Zone as a zoning classification with the City is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. The General Plan Land Use Designation of the project site is 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP). This designation is intended for senior housing consisting of apartments or condominiums, senior housing consisting of assisted and /or independent living units, single - family and /or multi - family housing units consisting of market rate apartments or condominiums. As conditioned, the proposed project Option 1 or Option 2 would be compatible with the General Plan. SECTION 7: Development Agreement Findings. Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 3268, adopted June 26, 1984, the City Council finds that: A. The project is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan. The Development Agreement would provide the following public benefits in exchange for valuable development rights (ten -year entitlement with a five year option): 1. Development of a property that is currently vacant and underutilized. 2. Increase in employment opportunities for the City's residents. 3. Increasing housing, in particular much needed senior housing for area residents. 4. Providing an option for an assisted living facility to meet community need. 5. Development of a project that is consistent with the Elements of the General Plan. 6. Development of a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified building. 7. Developing a property that includes affordable housing for the community with a 15 percent housing set aside for low, very low, and extremely low income qualified senior households for Option 1 and a 10 percent set aside for Option 2. 4 B. The project is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use district in which the real property is located. The proposed project includes a new land use designation and zoning classification, which establishes the permitted uses and development standards that would apply to the project. These uses and development standards are similar and compatible with the other commercially zoned districts in the City. C. The project will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values. This project is surrounded by previously developed neighborhoods and will help improve the value of the neighboring properties. The proposed 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan development standards and development agreement will ensure that the project will be developed in an orderly fashion. All mitigation measures will be implemented at the time and place impacts occur. SECTION 8: Subdivision Findings. A. The proposed map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans as specified in Government Code § 65451. As set forth in Section 4 of Resolution No. 4772, as incorporated by this Ordinance, the Project meets the goals and objectives of the General Plan and it is consistent with the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) No.71410 for project Option 1 proposes seven new lots and VTM No. 71582 for project Option 2 proposes 31 new lots. The proposed lots vary in size and meet the minimum lot sizes stated in the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. B. The design of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. As set forth in Section 4 of Resolution No. 4772, as incorporated by this Ordinance, this project meets the goals and objectives of the General Plan. C. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development in that, after the proposed grading, the areas outside the required setbacks on each individual lot will be relatively flat. The proposed lots meet the size and dimension requirements to allow the subdivision of the existing parcel. The previous land use and zoning designation for the property was Planned Residential Development. The new 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan continues the residential use at a mix that is more in line with the surrounding single - family and multi - family residential uses. D. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The proposed project involves a subdivision of a 5.65 I.1 acre parcel into either a 7 lot subdivision (Option 1), or a 31 lot subdivision (Option 2). The proposed maximum density (53 DU /acre) is consistent with the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. Each new lot will meet or exceed the minimum size and dimension requirements. E. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements is unlikely to cause substantial damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The proposed project site is a former elementary school located in an urbanized area surrounded by existing single - family and multi - family residences. There are no fish or wildlife habitats on the site that could be damaged by the proposed subdivision or new development. F. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The proposed subdivision is not anticipated to conflict with any known easements located at, or near the property. No easements have been identified on the subject site. SECTION 9: ESMC § 15- 3 -2(A) is amended to add subsection 7 to read as follows: 7. 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan There is one zone intended to be used within the boundaries of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. The zone is: EIASP -East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan" SECTION 10: ESMC § 15 -3 -1 is amended to delete "PRD planned residential development zone." SECTION 11: ESMC Chapter 15 -4D is deleted in its entirety. SECTION 12: The current Zoning Map is amended by changing the Project site from Planned Residential Development to "540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan." The corresponding changes to the Zoning Map are set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. SECTION 13: The "540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan" is adopted as set forth in attached Exhibit "B," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. SECTION 14: The Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District, as set forth in attached Exhibit "C," and incorporated into this Ordinance by reference, is approved. The Mayor is authorized to execute the Development Agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney. SECTION 15: Additional Approvals. To the extent they are not otherwise adopted or approved by this Ordinance, and subject to the conditions listed on attached Exhibit "D," which are incorporated into this Ordinance by reference, the City Council approves Zone Change No. 10 -01, Zone Text Amendment No. 10 -06, Specific Plan No. 10 -03, Development Agreement No. 10 -02, and Subdivision No. 10 -01. SECTION 16: Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and determinations in this Ordinance are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 17: Limitations. The City Council's analysis and evaluation of the Project is based on the best information currently available. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. One of the major limitations on analysis of the project is the City Council's knowledge of future events. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. Somewhat related to this are the limitations on the City's ability to solve what are in effect regional, state, and national problems and issues. The City must work within the political framework within which it exists and with the limitations inherent in that framework. SECTION 18: Summaries of Information. All summaries of information in the findings which precede this section, are based on the substantial evidence in the record. The absence of any particular fact from any such summary is not an indication that a particular finding, is not based in part on that fact. SECTION 19: Effectiveness of SSMC. Repeal or amendment of any provision of the ESMC will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 20: Recordation. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. 7 SECTION 21: Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 22: Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty - first (31st) day following its passage and adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of April 2012. nc Bush, Mayor 0 ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1469 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of March 2012, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of April 2012, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Busch, Fisher, Brann, Fuentes, Jacobson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney By: v'^� Karl H. Berger, Assistant City Attorney 9 540 East Imperial Avenue SpeCrtc Plan March 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 10 -03 EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA APPLICANT EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT .. i% LAX p W116, "- =zQ/ r. � .w�r•si?e.,r, zm�a ar... • ..i . -,• v +rr +nrel6i �. '�` ..�y, . �.. - .. . V' PREPARED BY `;rift ;`r PAW k =igure 3 -2 Project Site and Surrounding Land Use: ATKINS LISA KRANITZ, ESQ, WALLIN, KRESS, REISMAN & KRANITZ, LLP MAR VENTURES, INC. KIMBERLY CHRISTENSEN, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TRAYCI NELSON, SENIOR CONTRACT PLANNER, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MARCH 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... ..............................1 1.1 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY ................................................................. ..............................1 1.2 PROJECT GOALS ............................................................................... ..............................3 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION AND ADJACENT LAND USES ................................ ..............................3 1.4 PROJECT SITE HISTORY ..................................................................... ..............................4 1.5 EXISTING SITE ................................................................................... ..............................4 1.6 CEQA COMPLIANCE ........................................................................... ..............................4 1.7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... ..............................5 1.8 ENTITLEMENTS .................................................................................. ..............................5 2.0 CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN ................................................... ..............................7 2.1 LAND USE ELEMENTS ........................................................................ ..............................7 2.2 HOUSING ELEMENT ............................................................................ ..............................8 3.0 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT ................................................................... ..............................9 3.1 CIRCULATION .................................................................................... ..............................9 3.2 UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................ ..............................9 4.0 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ......................................... .............................11 4.1 DISTRIBUTION AND LOCATION OF LAND USE ........................................ .............................11 4.2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ................................................................ .............................14 4.3 MODIFICATIONS .................................................................................. .............................20 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION .............................................. .............................22 5.1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... .............................22 March 2012 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project City Of El Segundo 5.2 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW CONTENTS ................................ .............................22 5.3 SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE .......................................................... .............................22 5.4 SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA .............................................................. .............................23 5.5 APPROVAL CRITERIA .......................................................................... .............................24 5.6 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ................................................................. .............................24 5.7 AMENDMENT ....................................................................................... .............................24 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT PAGE 1 PROJECT SITE AND ADJACENT USES .................................................. ..............................3 2 SENIOR HOUSING COMMUNITY /MULTI- FAMILY (R -3) OPTION 1 ............. .............................12 3 MIXED RESIDENTIAL UNIT DEVELOPMENT OPTION 2 ............................. .............................13 March 2012 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project City Of El Segundo 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 1.0 SUMMARY This Specific Plan was prepared to provide guidance and to allow flexibility when developing a 5.65 acre parcel located on a former El Segundo School District Site at 540 East Imperial Avenue (the "Project Site ") consistent with the adjoining uses. Under this Specific Plan, the Project Site can be developed with one of the following conceptual project options a Senior Housing Community with a Multi - Family Residential (R -3) component, or a Mixed Residential Development, as further defined in Section 1.7 "PROJECT DESCRIPTION." Detailed text and exhibits which more fully describe the conceptual options and improvements envisioned for construction are included in this Specific Plan. The Specific Plan will guide the build -out of the Project Site in a manner that is consistent with City and State policies and standards and ensures that the Project is developed in a coordinated manner. 1.1 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY OF SPECIFIC PLAN The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide a foundation for the proposed land uses on the subject property through the application of regulations, standards and design guidelines. The 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan provides text and exhibits which describe the proposed land uses and associated guidelines. This Specific Plan has been adopted in accordance with the provisions of Government Code §§ 65450 through 65457 which grant local governments authority to prepare Specific Plans of development for any area regulated by a General Plan. These sections also identify the required contents of a Specific Plan and mandate consistency with the General Plan. According to Government Code § 65450, a Specific Plan must include text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: • The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space within the area covered by the plan. • The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the land area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. • Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. • A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects and financing measures necessary to carry out the above items. • A discussion of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN A thorough review of the El Segundo General Plan shows that this Specific Plan is compatible and consistent with the goals and policies outlined in the General Plan. This Specific Plan will further the goals and policies of the General Plan as more fully described below. This Specific Plan was prepared to provide the essential relationship between the policies of the El Segundo General Plan and actual development in the project area. By functioning as a regulatory document, the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan provides a means of implementing and detailing the City of El Segundo's General Plan. All future development plans and entitlements within the Specific Plan boundaries must be consistent with the standards set forth in this document. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 2 1.2 PROJECT GOALS The goal of this Specific Plan is to develop housing within the City of El Segundo which will help the City achieve its Regional Housing Needs Allocation, including the opportunity to develop much needed senior housing and affordable housing. 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION AND ADJACENT LAND USES Regionally, the Project Site is located in the northwest quadrant of the City of El Segundo, adjacent to the City's northern border along Imperial Avenue. The Project Site is almost one mile east of Sepulveda Boulevard (Highway 1) and the entrance to the Century Freeway (Interstate 105), approximately 2.4 miles east of the San Diego Freeway (Interstate 405), and immediately south of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Locally, the Project Site is located on the south side of East Imperial Avenue between Sheldon Avenue and McCarthy Court. Immediately to the west of the Project Site on Imperial Avenue is a mortuary in the Neighborhood Commercial (C -2) Zone; single - family residences abut the remainder of the western boundary of the Project Site. Immediately to the east of the Project Site are R3 lots with multi - family residences; a sump lies about half -way down along the eastern side of the property and single - family residences lie at the southeastern property line. The Project Site borders R -3 with multi - family residences on the southern property line (Exhibit 1). Exhibit 1 Project Site and Adjacent Land Uses MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 3 1.4 PROJECT SITE HISTORY The 5.65 -acre 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan site (project site) comprises six lots and is currently developed with the Imperial Avenue Elementary School. The elementary school was built in 1956. Because of declining enrollment in the El Segundo Unified School District ( ESUSD), the school campus was closed in 1975 and in 1979 was declared Surplus Property by ESUSD. In 1984, it was used as an employee training facility for the Hughes Aircraft Company. In 1997, the school campus was re- opened under a lease to the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) as a special needs school, but was closed again a few years later. In 2007 the ESUSD Board of Education established a 7 -11 Surplus Property Committee to determine what should be done with the site. The Committee work developed in three phases: information gathering; public input; and discussion. Based on the Committee's work, in 2009 the District began the process to entitle the site for development, including the option of a senior housing community. In September 2010 the District applied for various land use entitlements that would allow the site to be developed with a Senior Housing Community. In November 2010 the District revised its applications to provide for the option of building either a Senior Housing Community or a Mixed Residential development. Before approving this Specific Plan and other related applications, the General Plan designation and the zoning of the site was Planned Residential Development (PRD) which allowed a maximum of 29 single - family units and 36 multi - family units to be built on the entire 5.65 acre site. The change of both the General Plan and zoning to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan allows for either option (discussed above) to be developed. 1.5 EXISTING SITE The proposed Project Site is currently developed with eight (8) single -story structures (totaling 22,488 square feet) that served as administrative offices and classrooms. Existing structures at the Project Site extend from the northern to the southern portion of the site, along the eastern property line. Development on the Project Site also includes open space and recreational facilities in the form of playground equipment and an approximately 0.50 -acre baseball field on the west - northwest portion of the property. While the school has remained unoccupied, the baseball field is currently utilized for little league baseball on weekends between January and June. Several scattered trees line the western portion of the project site with ground cover near the baseball field. Generally, the project site slopes from a high point at the northwest corner of the site, along East Imperial Avenue, to a low point at the southeast corner of the site along Walnut Avenue. The site is graded into two pads with a 2:1 slope separating them. The overall slope of the site from northwest to southeast is roughly 5 percent. Impervious surfaces on the site consist of asphalt parking areas and building roofs. Pervious surfaces on the proposed project site consist of open space and a ball field. The Specific Plan area will encompass the entire 5.65 acre site. 1.6 CEQA COMPLIANCE In compliance with CEQA an EIR was prepared for this Project. The EIR analyzed two separate Options: a Senior Housing Community consisting of 150 assisted living units and 150 senior MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 4 apartments /townhomes with four townhomes built on the southern portion of the property; and a mixed residential development consisting of 24 single - family homes and 34 multi - family homes. In accordance with Government Code § 65457, any residential development that is developed consistent with this Specific Plan is exempt from further CEQA analysis unless an event specified in Public Resources Code § 21166 occurs as to the Specific Plan. 1.7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 540 East Imperial Avenue site will be developed in substantial conformance with one of the Options described below. Senior Housing Community /Multi - Family Residential (R -3) Option (Specific Plan Option 1) The Senior Housing Community /Multi - Family Residential (R -3) Option (Specific Plan Option 1) would consist of the following types of development, with the assisted living and senior residential both restricted to individuals fifty -five (55) years or older: o On 5.32 acres: an assisted living development consisting of dwelling units made up of: assisted and /or independent living units which will provide common facilities such as a common kitchen and dining room, game playing area, library, exercise room, pool and restrooms, as well as individual kitchenettes which at a minimum will include a refrigerator, sink and microwave; and a senior residential development consisting of apartments and /or condominiums. The development would include a maximum of 150 assisted /independent living units and 150 senior apartments /townhomes. o The southern .33 acres of the Project Site which fronts on Walnut Avenue would be developed under Multi - Family Residential (R -3) standards. Four (4) townhomes would be built on the remaining 0.33 -acre parcel, located at the southern end of the project site. While the four townhomes are part of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan development, they would be re -zoned and developed separately from the larger assisted /independent living complex and senior apartments /townhomes, pursuant to the Multi - Family Residential (R -3) development standards. Mixed Residential Development Option (Specific Plan Option 2) Under the Mixed Residential Development Option (Specific Plan Option 2) the property could be developed with a maximum of twenty -four (24) single - family and thirty -four (34) multi - family units on private streets. The multiple - family units would front East Imperial Avenue on the northern portion of the project site. The single - family residences would be located on the southern portion of the project site. 1.8 ENTITLEMENTS The following entitlements were granted in conjunction with this Specific Plan. • General Plan Amendment changing the land use designation from Planned Residential Development (PRD) to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN • Zone Text Amendment to: 1) delete the Planned Residential (PRD) Zone from El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 15 -3 -1; 2) add 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan to ESMC § 15 -3 -1; 3) add a new ESMC § 15- 3- 2(A)(7) "540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan "; and 4) delete ESMC Chapter 15-4D (Planned Residential Development (PRD) in its entirety. • Zone Change to rezone Property from Planned Residential Development (PRD) to 540 East Avenue Imperial Specific Plan. • Development Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District. • Vesting Tentative Map No. 71410 - dividing the Specific Plan Area into seven (7) new parcels or Vesting Tentative Map No. 71582 dividing the Specific Plan Area into thirty one (31) new parcels. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 6 2.0 CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Government Code § 65454 requires that the Specific Plan be consistent with the General Plan. Government Code § 65451 requires a statement of relationship between the Specific Plan and the General Plan. As documented by the EIR, the Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan. The two elements that are most related to the Project are the Land Use Element and the Housing Element; the consistency with these two elements is discussed below. 2.1 LAND USE ELEMENT The City amended the General Plan designation and zoning of the Project Site to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan to allow the development options set forth in this Specific Plan of either a Senior Housing Community with a multi - family component or a Mixed Residential development. The Senior Housing Community /Multi - Family Residential (R -3) Option (Option 1) may consist of an Assisted Living development and /or a Senior Residential development. Although the Senior Housing Community would allow the opportunity for more development than the previous zoning, senior housing does not generate significant noise, traffic or other impacts that would be detrimental to neighboring residential uses. Due to the size and slope of the property, the Senior Housing Community would be designed in such a way so as to minimize the visual impacts on the surrounding residential uses. The Specific Plan also provides that the Mixed Development Option (Option 2) will be limited to not more than twenty -four (24) single - family units and not more than thirty -four (34) multi - family units. This is very similar to what was previously allowed and therefore this use remains consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element. Like the previous Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning on the property, the Specific Plan will allow design flexibility and will continue to provide transitional uses that are consistent with the surrounding residential uses which will help protect one of the City's greatest attributes, its residential area. More specifically, the Specific Plan promotes the following from the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan: • Goal LU3: Proper Distribution of Residential Land Uses — Promote the health, safety and well being of the people of El Segundo by adopting standards for the proper balance, relationship, and distribution of the residential land uses. Objective LU3 -2 — Preserve and maintain the City's low- medium density residential nature, with low building height profile and character, and minimum development standards. Policy LU3 -2.1 - Promote construction of high quality Multi - Family Residential developments with ample open space, leisure and recreational facilities. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 7 Policy LU3 -2.2 - Multi- family developments will be located only in appropriate places and evaluated carefully to insure that these developments are not detrimental to the existing single - family character. Policy 1-1.13 -2.3 - Appropriate buffers such as walls, landscaping, or open space, shall be provided between residential and non - residential uses. Policy 1-1.13 -2.4 - Low density areas shall be preserved and zone changes to higher density shall be carefully investigated for compatibility to existing uses. 2.2 HOUSING ELEMENT The City of El Segundo currently has a larger proportion of seniors than the County of Los Angeles as a whole (12.3% vs. 9.7 %).' In 2009, the City adopted the most current version of its Housing Element which recognizes this trend in population growth of the senior community and the need for expanded housing programs for seniors, including assisted living facilities. The Housing Element also recognizes the Project Site as an underutilized site, development of which will help satisfy the City's housing needs. The Specific Plan will allow the opportunity for even more housing of a much needed type to be built than the 65 units previously allowed under the Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning. More specifically the Specific Plan implements the following goals of the Housing Element (as adopted in 2009): • Goal 2: Provide sufficient new, affordable housing opportunities in the City to meet the needs of groups with special requirements, including the needs of lower and moderate - income households. Policy 2.1- Establish and maintain land use controls to accommodate the housing needs of elderly, disabled and other special needs households. • Goal 3: Provide opportunities for new housing construction in a variety of locations and a variety of densities in accordance with the land use designations and policies in the Land Use Element. Policy 3.1 — Provide for the construction of 168 new housing units during the 2006 -2014 planning period in order to meet the goals of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). Policy 3.3 — Permit vacant and underdeveloped property designated as residential to develop with a diversity of types, prices and tenure. Policy 3.4 — Encourage new housing to be developed within the Smoky Hollow Mixed -Use district, and on the Imperial School site. I The reference noted here is taken from the City of El Segundo Housing Element (2009) which defines seniors as age 65 and older. "I'his project will provide senior housing for persons age 55 and older which increases the percentage and the total number of seniors in F1 Segundo as noted in § 4.2 (Affordability) of this Specific Plan. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 3.0 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 CIRCULATION Senior Housing Community /Multi - Family Residential (R -3) Option (Option 1) In order to reduce traffic impacts along Walnut Avenue, a .33 acre lot on the southerly side of the Project Site will be created for multi - family housing which will be physically separated from the rest of the Project Site. Access to the remaining 5.32 acres, which will house the Senior Housing Community, will be via two driveways on East Imperial Avenue which will provide circulation and emergency access throughout that portion of the Project Site. Mixed Residential Development Option (Option 2) The Mixed Residential Development will provide for the multi - family units to front and take access from East Imperial Avenue and the single - family units to take access from Walnut Avenue which will minimize traffic impacts on the surrounding streets. The circulation system for the single - family homes will be developed so as to be adequate for emergency vehicles. 3.2 UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE A. Water Service Water service is provided by the City of El Segundo and is currently available within the Specific Plan Area. The site is currently served by connections to an existing 6" diameter main in Walnut Avenue and 10" main in Imperial Avenue. The Project would maintain these connections, add connections as necessary and provide for on -site domestic and fire water services. B. Sewer Service Sewer service within the project area, which is west of Sepulveda Boulevard, is provided by underground sewers maintained by the City of El Segundo. The site is currently served by an 8" sewer running along the easterly property line, which drains to an existing 8" main in Walnut Avenue. The Project would continue to drain to Walnut Avenue. C. Solid Waste Disposal Solid waste disposal is provided to commercial users by a variety of private haulers and to residential users by Consolidated Waste Disposal. The Assisted Living development within the Specific Plan area would contract with a provider. Landfill capacity is adequate for the assumed population and commercial growth within Los Angeles County. The 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan would not exceed any assumptions for either population or commercial growth in the region. D. Gas Service Gas service is provided by Southern California Gas Company. A 2" service line is available in Walnut Avenue. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN E. Electric/Telephone and Cable Service Electric service is provided by Southern California Edison. Telephone service is provided by AT&T, Verizon and Sprint via existing lines in adjacent streets and cable service is provided by Time Warner Cable, Direct TV and Dish Network. F. Fire Suppression The El Segundo Fire Department (ESFD) provides fire protection services and emergency medical service to the City. The Specific Plan area is approximately 1 mile from Station 1 located at 314 Main Street in Downtown El Segundo and approximately 1.8 miles from Fire Station 2 located at 2261 Mariposa Avenue. Water for fire suppression is available from existing water lines via hydrants adjacent to the Project Site. Private hydrants will be installed if required to provide coverage for approved structures. G. Police Services The El Segundo Police Department provides police protection services to the City. The Specific Plan area is approximately 1 mile from the police station located at 348 Main Street. H. Drainage On -site drainage must comply with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 10 4.0 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.1 DISTRIBUTION AND LOCATION OF LAND USE SENIOR HOUSING COMMUNITY /MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R -3) OPTION (OPTION 1) Under this option, the southern .33 acre "tail' of the property which fronts on Walnut Avenue will be developed in accordance with the provisions of the R -3 (multi - family) zone and will be physically separated from the remainder of the Project Site. There are two types of housing that will be developed under the Senior Housing Community: Assisted Living and Senior Residential which may be placed on the remaining 5.32 acres in substantial conformance with the approved concept site plan provided that the overall development does not exceed the total square footage and FAR set forth below and meets all of the other Development Standards set forth in Section 4.2. The following graphical depiction provides a concept for the Senior Housing Community with Senior Housing that provides for 150 assisted and /or independent living units on the northern portion of the Project Site and 150 Senior Dwellings on the southern portion of the Project Site. The .33 acre R -3 (multi - family) "tail' piece is also shown (Exhibit 2). This concept may be modified in accordance with the procedures for minor and major modifications set forth in Section 4.3 below. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 11 IMPERIAL AVE v Nadiiiiti�iiiit: i �� QC�=1� •pa0 •• a � on �� 101 111 • �1 • _ � .,,' 101 'il~ - 4 �,�: �IOSOSV�V� �Q�1AT�- �TAt�"tgi:J ii as�s�i�a .:aad�a�� c • • c i Exhibit 2 - Senior Housing Community /Multi - Family (R -3) Option 1 MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 12 MIXED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPTION (OPTION 2 Under this development option, multi - family lots would be created fronting East Imperial Avenue. The remainder of the property to the south would be developed with single - family lots that would be accessed from Walnut Avenue. The following provides a concept of the Mixed Residential Unit Development. This concept may be modified in accordance with the procedures for minor and major modifications set forth in Section 4.3 below. 0 rp IMPERIAL AVE. WALNUT AVE. -- -- _ _l i Exhibit 3 - Mixed Residential Unit Development Option 2 MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN b' - "'^' - - -" GUEST PARKING. TP •. ai b � a b a .1r 4 NJ �VATE STREET Scab. 1' aG -a 0 40 60 120 160 13 4.2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Except as otherwise provided, this Specific Plan must be administered pursuant to the ESMC. The development standards set forth herein for both development options are intended to provide flexibility in the development while providing consistency with adjacent uses. Where this Specific Plan does not specifically regulate, development must comply with the ESMC. AFFORDABILITY The City of El Segundo 2009 Housing Element identified a need for affordable housing to provide for a growing senior population. As envisioned in the element, based on that need Option 1 would set aside fifteen (15) percent of the total units as affordable units for extremely low, very low and low income senior households and Option 2 would set aside ten (10) percent of the total units as affordable units. The set aside is characteristic of the 55 and older senior population in the City of El Segundo which (based on the 2000 Census) represents 15.7 percent (2,519) of the total 16,033 population. Based on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), El Segundo is required to provide 168 additional housing units during the current housing cycle (2006- 2014). The allocation of the 168 units is broken down into five categories as follows: 22 extremely low income households, 22 very low income households, 27 low income households, 28 moderate income households, and 69 above moderate income households. The City has a total of 43 units that can be credited toward the above moderate income requirements for the current 2006 -2014 planning period. The units in this project will be used to meet a portion of the need in the extremely low, very low, and low income household category which represent a proportional total of 31 percent, 31 percent, and 38 percent respectively, of the total RHNA allocation for the lower income categories. These same percentages were applied to the unit totals for this project. Accordingly, if 304 units are built under Option 1, a total of 46 units would be required as follows: 14 units (31 % of the total 15 %) for the extremely low income senior household category; 14 units (31 % of the total 15 %) for the very low income senior household category; and 18 units (38% of the total 15 %) for the low income senior household category to be split equally between the assisted living and town h ome/a partment units. If all 58 units are built under Option 2, a total of 6 units comprised of 2 units in each income category would be required (extremely low — 31 % of the total 10 %; very low — 31 % of the total 10 %; and low — 38% of the total 10 %). Developer must still provide 15% set aside for the total number of units constructed for Option 1 and 10% set aside for the total number of units constructed for Option 2 should fewer units than the maximum allowed be constructed. The units must be distributed in the same percentage ratios as specified above in the low, very low, and extremely low income categories. Percentages for the total number of units and for each income category must be calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number not to exceed the maximum required percentage. Any affordable housing units that are required based on the single - family component of Option 2 may be satisfied by developing the requisite number of units in other components of the project. The developer must submit an income and verification monitoring plan to the Director of Planning and Building Safety before building permits are issued. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 14 SENIOR HOUSING COMMUNITY /MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R -3) OPTION (OPTION 1) The southern .33 acre "tail' of the Project Site will be developed in accordance with the existing provisions of the Multi - Family Residential (R -3) Zone. The remaining 5.32 acres will be developed in accordance with the following: A. Permitted Uses 1. Senior Dwellings consisting of apartments or condominiums. 2. Senior Housing consisting of assisted and /or independent living units. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. B. Permitted Accessory Uses 1. Wireless communication facilities subject to ESMC Chapter 15 -19. 2. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. C. Site Development Standards 1. Lot Coverage /Density The Senior Housing Community development on the 5.32 acre parcel cannot exceed a total of 175,000 square feet combined, with a 0.75 total FAR. The exact mix of housing options is determined through the Site Plan Review application procedure submitted in accordance with the Specific Plan but the development totals cannot exceed the maximum density analyzed in the EIR. 2. Lot Area The minimum lot area is 15,000 gross square feet. 3. Height No building or structure can exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height, with the exceptions of parapets and other auxiliary structures that cannot exceed forty - five (45) feet in height. 4. Setbacks a. Front Yard along East Imperial Avenue: 20 -foot minimum. b. Side Yard: 40 -foot minimum. C. Rear Yard: 40 -foot minimum between the southern side of the Specific Plan area and the R -3 uses to the south. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 15 d. Between Uses: The minimum setback between the Assisted Living on the north and the Senior Residential on the south side of the Specific Plan area is 10 feet to each property line. 5. Lot Frontage Each Lot must have a minimum frontage on a street of 75 feet. 6. Building Area /Floor Area Ratio (FAR) The total net floor area of all buildings cannot exceed the total square footage of the property multiplied by 0.75. 7. Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces Off - street parking and loading spaces, including parking for employees and visitors must be provided as follows: Senior Dwellings (Market Rate): • 1 space per studio /1 bedroom units • 2 spaces per 2 bedroom units Senior Dwellings (Affordable): • 0.5 space per studio /1 bedroom units • 1 spaces per 2 bedroom units Senior Housing Assisted Living Units (Market Rate): • 1 space per 2 units /2 beds Senior Housing Assisted Living Units (Affordable): • 1 space per 3 units /3 beds D. Design Features Assisted Living facilities will contain the following design features: • Kitchen • Dining Room • Library • Restrooms • Exercise Area • Recreational Facilities consisting of: • Game Playing Area • Pool • Open Space consisting of: landscaped courtyards and other passive recreational areas o Within each individual dwelling unit a kitchenette consisting of a minimum of refrigerator, sink and microwave MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 16 Senior Residential facilities will contain the following design features: • Pool • Community Room • Lobby • Mail Room MIXED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPTION (OPTION 2) A. Permitted Uses 1. Single- Family units and /or multi- family housing units consisting of apartments, townhomes, or condominiums. 2. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. B. Permitted Accessory Uses 1. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use. 2. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. C. Site Development Standards 1. Density The Mixed Unit Development cannot exceed a maximum of twenty -four (24) single - family units and thirty -four (34) multi - family units. The exact mix and layout of housing is determined through the Site Plan Review application procedure submitted in accordance with the Specific Plan. 2. Lot Area The minimum lot area for single family residential is 5,000 gross square feet. The minimum lot area for multi - family residential is 7,000 gross square feet. 3. Height Single- family residential dwelling units must comply with the existing height standards set forth in ESMC Chapter 154A. Multi- family residential dwelling units cannot exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 17 4. Setbacks Setbacks for single - family residential dwelling units, in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15 -4A for multi - family residential dwelling units, in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-413. 5. Lot Frontage Each lot developed with multi - family residential dwellings must have a minimum frontage on a street of 50 feet. Each lot developed with single - family residential dwellings must have a minimum frontage on a street of 50 feet. 6. Building Area /Floor Area Ratio (FAR) The maximum net floor area permitted for single- family residential buildings and multi - family residential building must comply with ESMC Chapters 15 -4A and 15- 4C, respectively. 7. Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces Off - street parking and loading spaces must be provided in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15 -15. D. Timing Building permits cannot be issued for Option 2 until September 1, 2013. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR EITHER DEVELOPMENT OPTION A. Landscaping Landscaping must be provided as required by the existing provisions of ESMC Chapters 10 -2 and 15 -2. B. Walls and Fences All walls and fences must comply with ESMC § 15 -2 -4, Decorative masonry, open work wrought iron and similar materials are permitted. The use of chain link and razor wire is prohibited. C. Access All development projects must provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. In addition, all development projects must provide pedestrian access between buildings and transit facilities located on site and /or off site, if within adjoining public rights -of -way. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 18 D. Signs Signs located in the Specific Plan area must comply with the requirements of ESMC Chapter 15 -18. E. Energy Standards The development must be built to a minimum of LEED Certified standard or such other equivalent standard determined by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. LEED stands for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and provides a suite of standards for environmentally sustainable construction. F. Design Standards The following minimum design standards must be incorporated in all projects within the Plan area: All colors, textures, and materials on exterior elevation(s) must be coordinated to achieve a continuity of design throughout the 5.32 acre portion of the Project Site, regardless of whether the units are developed at the same time. 2. The buildings must have contrasting accent features that use at least two primary exterior building materials (including, without limitation, stucco, stone, rock, and brick) and /or two exterior colors. 3. Building materials must be of non - reflective coatings and glazings and windows must use low- reflectivity glass. 4. Plans must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety for compliance with these Design Standards. If the Director finds that such plans are non compliant, an applicant may appeal that decision in accordance with the ESMC. G. Phasing The housing on the entire 5.65 acre Project Site may be developed in one or more phases. H. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Option 1, the Senior Housing Community /Multi - Family Residential (R -3) project, must provide two bulletin boards, display cases or kiosks displaying transportation information located where it is visible to the greatest number of residents and employees (one within the assisted living development and one within the senior residential development). Information in the area must include, without limitation, the following: Current maps, routes and schedules for public transit routes serving the site; MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 19 2. Telephone numbers for referrals on transportation information including numbers for the regional ridesharing agency and local transit operators; 3. Ridesharing promotional material supplied by commuter - oriented organizations; 4. Bicycle route and facility information including regional /local bicycle maps and bicycle safety information; and 5. A list of facilities available for carpoolers, vanpoolers, bicyclists, transit riders, residents and pedestrians at the site. 4.3 MODIFICATIONS The following requirements apply to Option 1 and to Option 2: A. Minor Modifications /Administrative Approvals The Developer may make minor changes to the Project and Project Approvals ( "Minor Modifications ") without amending this Specific Plan upon the administrative approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, provided that such modifications are consistent with the Development Standards, Applicable Rules and Project Approvals. B. Major Modifications Unless such modification is approved in accordance with subsection A above or is a use approved subject to an Administrative Use Permit, any proposed modification to the Project which results in any of the following do not constitute a Minor Modification but constitute a Major Modification and require an amendment to this Specific Plan: 1. Any decrease in the required building setbacks; 2. Any increase in the total developable square footage or FAR of the entire Property for either project option; 3. Any increase in height of buildings or structures on the Property above thirty -five (35) feet with the exception of parapets and other auxiliary structures that cannot exceed forty -five (45) feet in height; 4. Any decrease in the minimum required lot area; 5. Any decrease in the minimum required lot frontage; 6. Any change in use to a use which is not permitted herein; 7. Any deviation from the uses and development standards or limitations set forth in Section 4.1 and Section 4.2 of this Specific Plan, except to the extent these Sections specifically provide for the Council or the Director to approve of such changes; MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 20 8. Any material modification to Developer's obligation to provide LEED certification, or such other equivalent standard as determined by the Director of Planning and Building Safety for the Project;.or 9. Any material modification that requires modifications to the EIR other than an Addendum. 10. Other than the Major Modifications listed above, all other modifications to the Project are considered "Minor Modifications." MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 21 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION 5.1 OVERVIEW In order to develop a project that is in conformance with the uses, density and FAR approved in this Specific Plan, a Site Plan Review ( "SPR ") application must be filed with the Department of Planning and Building Safety. The plans must be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual plans. 5.2 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW - CONTENTS The Site Plan Review Application must be submitted in conformance with applicable City application requirements and must include all information deemed necessary by the Director of Planning and Building Safety to address site plan review criteria. The plans must be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual plans. 5.3 SITE PLAN REVIEW — PROCEDURE A. The Director of Planning and Building Safety must review an application to ensure there is consistency with the Specific Plan within 30 days after it is submitted. B. CEQA Review, if required, must be conducted within the time frames set forth in the Public Resources Code and the California Code of Regulations. C. The Site Plan Review must be timely scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission, which date cannot exceed 30 days after the completion of the public review period of the environmental documentation, if any, or within 30 days from the date the application is deemed complete if no further environmental review is required. The Planning Commission must render its decision in writing, either approving, approving with conditions, or denying the Site Plan Review application, stating the reasons for such action. The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed to the City Council. D. Any aggrieved person may appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. Such appeal must be filed in writing with the Department of Planning and Building Safety within ten days after the date of the written decision by the Planning Commission. Upon receiving such an appeal and the payment of the appropriate filing fee, the matter must be scheduled for consideration by the City Council not more than 45 days after the date of receipt of the appeal. E. The Site Plan is valid for two years from the date of approval. If construction has not commenced within such time, but the applicant has diligently pursued the project plan review process, the Director of Planning and Building Safety may extend the precise plan of design for up to one additional year. F. Subsequent to the approval of the Site Plan, the Director of Planning and Building Safety may approve minor changes in the Site Plan or the conditions thereof if he finds that there are practical reasons for such changes, that such changes do not substantially vary from the previously approved site plan and applicable City codes and that such changes do not involve deviations from the design's intent. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 22 5.4 SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA The purpose of the Site Plan Review procedure is to ensure that the development provides a cohesive visual identity and coordinated design character for the Specific Plan area of high quality. The overall coordinated design character must be expressed in the site planning, architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage. The architectural design is to be compatible in character, massing and materials consistent with the conceptual plan depicted in this Plan. The architectural design must provide a residential character that complements the surrounding uses and integrates the residential uses with the neighborhood to ensure that the project does not have the appearance of a suburban subdivision with a single uniform architectural building design. A minimum of two distinct architectural styles and building designs must be used for the single - family uses in Option 2 and two distinct architectural style and building designs must be used for the multi - family uses in Option 2. The site design should maximize setback distances of buildings and parking spaces from the existing surrounding residential development to the east, west and south to the extent feasible, minimize the reduction of on- street parking in relationship to driveway placement, and distribute the placement of required landscaping throughout parking areas, In approving the Site Plan Review the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, must consider the following factors: A. The dimensions, shape and orientation of the parcel; B. The placement of buildings and structures on the parcel; C. The height, setbacks, and bulk of buildings; D. The building materials and design; E. The distance between buildings or structures; F. The location, number and layout of off - street parking and loading spaces; G. The internal traffic patterns and pedestrian safety features; H. The location, distribution, amount and type of landscaping materials and the sustainability of the landscaping material with the El Segundo climate in compliance with the applicable climate zone; The placement, height and direction of illumination of light standards; The location, number, size and height of signs; K. The location, height and materials of walls, fences or hedges; and L. The location and method of screening refuse and storage areas, roof equipment, pipes, vents, utility equipment and all equipment not contained in the main buildings of the development. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 23 5.5 APPROVAL CRITERIA The Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, will approve the Site Plan if it finds that the site plan, architecture and landscape design, with conditions if necessary are consistent with the Project Description and development standards set forth herein. 6.6 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Unless regulated by this Specific Plan, development will be administered and enforced by the City in accordance with the ESMC. This Specific Plan supersedes any conflicts with ESMC zoning regulations. A. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative use permits in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15 -22. B. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may make other administrative determinations using the same procedures set forth in ESMC Chapter 15 -22. C. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant adjustments and administrative adjustments in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15 -24. 5.7 AMENDMENT In accordance with the Government Code §§ 65450 - 65457, Specific Plans must be prepared, adopted and amended in the same manner as General Plans except that Specific Plans may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance. This plan may be amended as necessary by ordinance. Said amendment or amendments do not require a concurrent General Plan amendment unless the Director of Planning and Building Safety determines that the proposed amendment would substantially affect General Plan goals, policies, objectives or programs. MARCH 2012 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 24 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 EXEMPT FROM RECORDER'S FEES Pursuant to Government Code § 6103 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (540 E. IMPERIAL AVENUE SITE) THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE RECORDED WITHIN TEN DAYS OF EXECUTION BY ALL PARTIES HERETO PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF GOVERNMENT CODE §65868.5 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 1469 Exhibit "D" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "), the El Segundo Unified School District, agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Environmental Impact Report for Environmental Assessment (EA No. 890), General Plan Amendment No. 10 -03, Specific Plan No. 10 -03, Zone Change No. 10 -01, Zone Text Amendment No. 10 -06, Development Agreement No. 10 -02, and Subdivision 10 -01 for Vesting Tentative Map Nos. 71410 and 71582 ( "Project Conditions "). Planning and Building Safety Department Before building permits are issued, the applicant must submit plans demonstrating substantial compliance with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. A maximum of 304 units are permitted in Option 1 and a maximum of 58 units in Option 2. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved, including the site plan, floor plan, elevations, landscaping and materials, must be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety to determine whether the Planning Commission should review the proposed modification. 2. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must obtain all the necessary approvals, licenses and permits and pay all the appropriate fees as required by the City. 3. The applicant must comply with all mitigation measures identified in the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Project. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was prepared as part of the environmental review for the project and is attached as Exhibit "B" to this Resolution. The mitigation measures of the MMRP are incorporated into these conditions of approval by reference. All mitigation measures and conditions of approval must be listed on the plans submitted for plan check and the plans for which a building permit is issued. 4. Any changes to the colors and materials of the exterior fagade of the building must be in compliance with the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Section 4.2(F) Development Standards and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. -1- 5. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit final landscaping and irrigation plans to the Planning and Building Safety Department and the Parks and Recreation Department for review and approval to demonstrate compliance with the City's Water Conservation regulations and Guidelines for Water Conservation in Landscaping (ESMC §§ 10 -2 -1, et seq.). The plant materials used in landscaping must be compatible with the El Segundo climate pursuant to Sunset Western Garden Book's Zone 24 published by Sunset Books, Inc., Revised and Updated 2001 edition, which is available for review at the Planning and Building Safety Department. Additionally, the landscaping and irrigation must be completely installed before the City issues a final Certificate of Occupancy. Additionally, the final landscaping and irrigation plans must comply with the following: • Reclaimed water must be used as the water source to irrigate landscaped areas, if feasible. To that end, dual water connections must be installed to allow for landscaping to be irrigated by reclaimed water, if feasible. Efficient irrigation systems must be installed which minimize runoff and evaporation and maximize the water which will reach plant roots (e.g., drip irrigation, automatic sprinklers equipped with moisture sensors). Automatic sprinkler systems must be set to irrigate landscaping during early morning hours or during the evening to reduce water losses from evaporation. Sprinklers must also be reset to water less often in cooler months and during the rainfall season so that water is not wasted by excessive landscaping irrigation. 6. Selection of drought - tolerant, low -water consuming plant varieties must be used to reduce irrigation water consumption, in compliance with ESMC §§ 10 -2 -1, et seq. 7. The applicant must provide a sufficient number of bicycle racks to accommodate storing at least 8 bicycles. 8. Employees must be provided current for public transit routes serving the referrals on transportation informatic regional ridesharing agency and local promotional materials; and bicycler Two kiosks with such information m maps, routes and schedules site; telephone numbers for i including numbers for the transit operators; ridesharing Me and facility information. st be provided for Option 1 with one Kiosk located in the senior portion of the project and the -2- second kiosk located in the assisted living facility to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. One kiosk must be provided in Option 2 in the senior housing /multi - family portion of the project site to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 9. Trash and recycling enclosures must be provided and shown on the site plan that are sufficiently large enough to store the necessary bins required for the regular collection of commercial solid waste and recyclable materials. The site plan with the location and dimensions of the trash and recycling enclosure and an elevation view of the enclosure must be provided to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval before the City issues building permits. Separate trash and recycling facilities must be provided for each of the three components of Option 1 (senior housing, assisted living and multi - family). Separate trash and recycling enclosures must be provided for the multi - family portion of Option 2. 10. Ground level mechanical equipment, refuse collectors, storage tanks, generators, and other similar facilities must be screened from view with dense landscaping and walls of materials and finishes compatible with the overall design of the project and any ancillary buildings. 11. Exterior lighting must be designed to minimize off -site glare. 12. The building must be designed to comply with all ESMC standards for the attenuation of interior noise. 13. Before the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant must provide the Planning and Building Safety Department a status report on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification process that includes the GBCI scorecard. The Director of Planning and Building Safety will determine if the items identified on the scorecard and report, show a good faith effort to obtain LEED certification and warrant release of this condition. Within one month of receiving LEED certification, the applicant must furnish proof of certification to the Planning and Building Safety Department. 14. The applicant agrees to set aside 15% of the total number of units constructed for Option 1. The units must be distributed as follows: 31% of the total 15% for the extremely low income senior household category; 31 % of the 15% for the very low income senior household category; and 38% of the 15% for the low income senior -3- household category to be split equally between the assisted living and condominium /apartment units. Percentages for the total number of units and for each income category must be calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number not to exceed the maximum required percentage. The Developer must submit an income verification monitoring plan to the Director of Planning and Building Safety before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 15. The applicant agrees to set aside 10% of the total number of units constructed for Option 2. The units must be distributed as follows: 31% of the total 10% for the extremely low income senior household category; 31 % of the 10% for the very low income senior household category; and 38% of the 10% for the low income senior household category to be split equally between the multi - family condominium /apartment units. Any affordable housing units that are required based on the single - family component of Option 2 may be satisfied by developing the requisite number of units in other components of the project. Percentages for the total number of units and for each income category must be calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number not to exceed the maximum required percentage. The Developer must submit an income verification monitoring plan to the Director of Planning and Building Safety before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 16. The applicant must provide a marketing implementation plan that includes, without limitation, notification to residents of El Segundo regarding the availability of affordable housing in the project, eligibility requirements, application requirements, and access to application materials to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 17. A minimum of two building materials must be provided in each component of each project option (Option 1 and Option 2) to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 18. The project must meet all design criteria of the Specific Plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. Building Division Conditions 19. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must submit a geotechnical /soils report, along with an associated grading plan that addresses the current code to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. -4- 20. Before grading permits are issued, the applicant must submit a soils report to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. 21. Before grading permits are issued, the applicant must submit a grading plan to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. Before building permits are issued, plans must show conformance with the 2010 California Building Code, 2010 California Mechanical Code, 2010 California Plumbing Code, 2010 California Electrical Code, and 2010 California Energy Code, all as adopted by the ESMC. 22. Before building permits are issued, plans must show compliance with accessibility requirements per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 23. The applicant must provide a complete pool enclosure that encompasses the pool per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 24. The applicant must provide a disabled access lift to access the pool per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 25. At least one stairway must access the roof per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 26. The Applicant must execute a restrictive covenant, in a form approved by the City Attorney, subjecting development of the real property affected by the Project to the air easements imposed by the final judgment in Los Angeles Unified School District v. City of Los Angeles, et al., LASC Case No. 965,067 filed January 7, 1980 and recorded as Document No. 80 -55139 with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office. Fire Department Conditions 27. The project must comply with all applicable requirements in the 2010 California Building and Fire Codes, and the 2009 International Fire Code as adopted by the ESMC and El Segundo Fire Department regulations. 28. Construction of any cafeteria or kitchen facilities in the assisted living facility must include installation of a grease interceptor capable of removing fats, oils, and grease from the kitchen waste stream. If the Los Angeles County Health Department determines -5- that the food preparation area does not require the installation of grease interceptors, then this condition will not be required. 29. Construction activities must include a storm water pollution prevention plan addressing non -storm water run -off, debris removal, track -out and protection of storm water system. 30. Any diesel - powered generators must be approved by the Fire Department, Environmental Safety Division, and provide for secondary containment, placarding, spill detection and prevention. Underground tanks require additional environmental monitoring requirements. 31. The applicant must provide the Environmental Safety Division of the El Segundo Fire Department an inventory of any and all chemicals used for laundry, pool or house cleaning, emergency generators or other devices. 32. The applicant, or designee, must contact Underground Service Alert before digging or excavating. 33. Any demolition must proper notifications to (SCAQMD). Public Works Department Conditions be screened for asbestos and lead, with South Coast Air Quality Management District 34. All onsite utilities including, without limitation, water, electricity, gas, sewer and storm drains, must be installed underground. Contact Southern California Edison for required service and underground requirements (Mr. John Deng at (310) 783- 9305). 35. Before the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must ensure that all curb, gutters, asphalt and concrete pavement and driveway aprons fronting 540 East Imperial Avenue and the property frontage along Walnut Avenue will be replaced as required by the Public Works Department. 36. Before the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy, all damaged or off -grade curb, sidewalk and pavement must be removed and replaced as required by the Public Works Department. 37. The applicant must secure any required encroachment permits from the Public Works Department before commencing any work in the public right -of -way. IQ 38. The project must comply with the latest National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sediment control, construction material control and erosion control. 39. Before the City issues a building permit, the location and sizes of all proposed water meters must be approved by the City's Water Division. 40. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must clean and inspect (via remote TV camera) the project sewer lateral. If found impaired, the applicant is responsible for the replacement of the lateral. 41. A registered civil engineer must provide storm (hydrologic and hydraulic) calculations for appropriate storm drain facilities to control on -site drainage and mitigate off -site impacts, as follows, subject to review and approval from the Public Works Department: ■ The design must follow the criteria contained in both the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Hydrology Manual 2006 and Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan or most recent editions. Flows must remain in their historical drainage pattern so as not to impact neighboring properties. ■ New development must not increase the rate of flow (cubic feet per second) or velocity (feet per second) of site run -off water to any off - site drainage areas beyond the measured or calculated pre - project rate and velocity. 42. Construction related parking must be provided on -site. 43. All record drawings (as -built drawings) and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Public Works Department before scheduling the project's final inspection. Police Department Conditions 44. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit a photometric light study to the Police Department for review and approval. A site plan must be provided showing buildings, parking areas, walkways, and the point -by -point photometric calculation of the required light levels. Foot candles must be measured on a horizontal plane and conform to a uniformity ratio of 4:1 average /minimum. The photometric study must be point -by -point and include the light loss factor (.7). Lighting levels must be -7- adjusted to meet the minimum foot candle requirements within each area of the site. All interior or exterior corridors, passageways and pedestrian walkways and open parking lot shall be illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained one foot - candle of light on the walking surface. 45. A schematic plan of the security camera system must be submitted and approved by the El Segundo Police Department before the City issues a building permit, and must be included as a page in the stamped approved set of plans. 46. Lighting devices must be enclosed and protected by weather and vandal resistant covers. 47. Stairways must be illuminated with a minimum maintained one foot - candle of light on all landings and stair treads at all times. 48. Recessed areas of building or fences, which have a minimum depth of two feet, a minimum height of five feet, and do not exceed six feet in width and are capable of human concealment, must be illuminated with a minimum maintained 0.25 foot - candles of light at ground level during the hours of darkness. This requirement applies to defined recessed areas which are within six feet of the edge of a designated walking surface with an unobstructed pathway to it, not hindered by walls or hedge row landscaping a minimum of two feet in height. 49. All types of exterior doors must be illuminated during the hours of darkness, with a minimum maintained one foot - candle of light measured within a five -foot radius on each side of the door at ground level. The light source must be controlled by a photocell device or a time -clock with an astronomic clock feature and capable of operating during a power outage. 50. The addressing, open parking lot and trash dumpster must be illuminated with a maintained minimum of one foot - candle of light on the ground surface during hours of darkness. 51. Street addressing must be a minimum of 6 inches high and must be visible from the street or driving surface, of contrasting color to the background and illuminated during hours of darkness. Addressing must also be shown on plan elevations. 52. All landscaping must be low profile around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways so as not to limit visibility or provide 10 climbing access. Dense bushes cannot be clumped together in a manner that provides easy concealment. 53. Stairwell doors exiting onto the street must have a minimum 100 - square inch vision panel, with a minimum five inch width, to provide visibility into the area being entered. Vision panels must meet the requirements of the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. Vision panels must preclude manipulation of the interior locking device from the exterior. 54. Interior stairwell doors must have glazing panels a minimum of five inches wide and 20 inches in height and meet the requirements of the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. Guest rooms must have a deadbolt lock, a secondary security latch and a wide angle (190 -200 degree) door viewer, not to be mounted more than 58 inches from the bottom of the door. 55. Exterior mounted ladders are prohibited except: (1) ladders with a minimum 1/8 inch thick steel plate, securely attached to the ladders edge on each side, and extending to within two inches of the wall for a height of ten feet above ground level. A door and cover must be securely attached to the front of the ladder, and be constructed of minimum 1/8 -inch steel, extending from ground level to at least ten feet high. The ladder must have non - removable hinge pins and be locked securely against the side wall by a locking mechanism with a minimum five pin tumbler operation; or (2) the bottom of the ladder must begin ten feet above the ground surface. 56. All pool entrances must be posted with "No Trespassing" signs. 57. Any pool restroom and shower doors must have access control as reviewed and approved by the El Segundo Police Department. 58. Exterior gates leading to the pool must be secured by electronic access control. 59. When a specific project option is selected, the ESPD may require the applicant to comply with more specific requirements as they pertain to: doors /hardware, windows, mailboxes, lighting, landscaping, addressing, stairwells, trash dumpsters, parking, other possible requirements they may pertain to a specific assisted living facility layout (access controls). In Construction Conditions 60. Before any construction occurs the perimeter of the property must be fenced with a minimum 6 -foot high fence. The fence must be covered with a material approved by the Planning and Building Safety Department to prevent dust from leaving the site. 61. Public sidewalks must remain open at all times. 62. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard. 63. NOx emissions during construction must be reduced by limiting the operation of heavy -duty construction equipment to no more than 5 pieces of equipment at any one time. 64. Staging of construction vehicles and vehicle entry and egress to the site must be approved by the Public Works Department. Temporary construction driveways must be approved by the Public Works Department. Temporary construction driveways must be removed before the City issues a certificate of occupancy. 65. Construction vehicles cannot use any route except the City's designated Truck Routes. 66. The applicant must develop and implement a construction management plan, as approved by the Public Works Department, which includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD: • Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference. • Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e.g., flag person). • Re -route construction trucks away from congested streets. • Maintain equipment and vehicles engines in good condition and in proper tune as per manufacturer's specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize dust emissions. • Suspend use of all construction equipment during second stage smog alerts. Contact SCAQMD at (800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts. • Use electricity from temporary power poles rather than temporary diesel or gasoline - powered generators. -10- • Diesel- powered equipment such as booster pumps or generators should be replaced by electric equipment, if feasible. • Catalytic converters must be installed, if feasible. • Equipment must be equipped with two -to- four - degree engine time retard or pre- combustion chamber engines. • Use methanol or natural gas powered mobile equipment and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily available at competitive prices. • Use propane or butane powered on -site mobile equipment instead of gasoline if readily available at competitive prices. 67. During construction and operations, all waste must be disposed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed, regulated disposal site by a licensed waste hauler. 68. All leaks, drips and spills occurring during construction must be cleaned up promptly and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations to prevent contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away into the storm drains. 69. If materials spills occur, they must be cleaned up in a way that will not affect the storm drain system. 70. The project must comply with ESMC Chapter 5 -4, which establishes storm water and urban pollution controls. 71. Before anticipated rainfall, construction dumpsters must be covered with tarps or plastic sheeting. 72. Inspections of the project site before and after storm events must be conducted to determine whether Best Management Practices have been implemented to reduce pollutant loadings identified in the Storm Water Prevention Plan. 73. The owner or contractor must conduct daily street sweeping and truck wheel cleaning to prevent dirt in the storm drain system. 74. Storm drain system must be safeguarded at all times during construction. 75. All diesel equipment must be operated with closed engine doors and must be equipped with factory- recommended mufflers. -11- 76. Electrical power must be used to run air compressors and similar power tools. 77. The applicant must provide a telephone number for local residents to call to submit complaints associated with the construction noise. The number must be posted on the project site and must be easily viewed from adjacent public areas. 78. During construction, the contractor must store and maintain equipment as far as possible from adjacent residential property locations northwest of the site. 79. As stated in ESMC Chapter 7 -2, construction related noise is restricted to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at anytime on Sunday or a Federal holiday. Impact Fee Conditions 80. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time library services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 81. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time fire services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 82. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time police services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 83. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time park services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. -12- 84. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay the required sewer connection fees (as specified in ESMC Title 12 -3). 85. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before the City issues a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must pay a one time traffic mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4443. 86. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay the required School Fees. This condition does not limit the applicant's ability to appeal or protest the payment of these fees to the school districts(s). Miscellaneous 87. The vesting tentative maps (VTM No. 71410 and VTM No. 71582) will expire pursuant to Government Code § 66452.6 and ESMC § 14 -1 -12. Only one VTM may be recorded. 88. The El Segundo Unified School District, agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. 890, General Plan Amendment No. 10 -03, Specific Plan No. 10 -03, Zone Change No. 10 -01, Zone Text Amendment No. 10 -06, Development Agreement No. 10 -02, and Subdivision No. 10 -01. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. 890, the El Segundo Unified School District., agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. -13- By signing this document, Geoff Yantz on behalf of the El Segundo Unified School District., certifies that he read, understands, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Geoff Yantz, Superintendent El Segundo Unified School District P: \Planning & Building Safety \Planning - Old \PROJECTS (Plan n i ng)\876-900\EA-890\City Council April 3 2012 \EA - 890.CC.conditions of approval.04.03.12.doc -14- CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 1469 Exhibit "D" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "), the El Segundo Unified School District, agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Environmental Impact Report for Environmental Assessment (EA No. 890), General Plan Amendment No. 10 -03, Specific Plan No. 10 -03, Zone Change No. 10 -01, Zone Text Amendment No. 10 -06, Development Agreement No. 10 -02, and Subdivision 10 -01 for Vesting Tentative Map Nos. 71410 and 71582 ( "Project Conditions "). Planning and Building Safety Department Before building permits are issued, the applicant must submit plans demonstrating substantial compliance with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. A maximum of 304 units are permitted in Option 1 and a maximum of 58 units in Option 2. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved, including the site plan, floor plan, elevations, landscaping and materials, must be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety to determine whether the Planning Commission should review the proposed modification. 2. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must obtain all the necessary approvals, licenses and permits and pay all the appropriate fees as required by the City. 3. The applicant must comply with all mitigation measures identified in the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Project. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was prepared as part of the environmental review for the project and is attached as Exhibit "B" to this Resolution. The mitigation measures of the MMRP are incorporated into these conditions of approval by reference. All mitigation measures and conditions of approval must be listed on the plans submitted for plan check and the plans for which a building permit is issued. 4. Any changes to the colors and materials of the exterior fagade of the building must be in compliance with the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Section 4.2(F) Development Standards and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. -1- 5. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit final landscaping and irrigation plans to the Planning and Building Safety Department and the Parks and Recreation Department for review and approval to demonstrate compliance with the City's Water Conservation regulations and Guidelines for Water Conservation in Landscaping (ESMC §§ 10 -2 -1, et seq.). The plant materials used in landscaping must be compatible with the El Segundo climate pursuant to Sunset Western Garden Book's Zone 24 published by Sunset Books, Inc., Revised and Updated 2001 edition, which is available for review at the Planning and Building Safety Department. Additionally, the landscaping and irrigation must be completely installed before the City issues a final Certificate of Occupancy. Additionally, the final landscaping and irrigation plans must comply with the following: • Reclaimed water must be used as the water source to irrigate landscaped areas, if feasible. To that end, dual water connections must be installed to allow for landscaping to be irrigated by reclaimed water, if feasible. • Efficient irrigation systems must be installed which minimize runoff and evaporation and maximize the water which will reach plant roots (e.g., drip irrigation, automatic sprinklers equipped with moisture sensors). • Automatic sprinkler systems must be set to irrigate landscaping during early morning hours or during the evening to reduce water losses from evaporation. Sprinklers must also be reset to water less often in cooler months and during the rainfall season so that water is not wasted by excessive landscaping irrigation. 6. Selection of drought - tolerant, low -water consuming plant varieties must be used to reduce irrigation water consumption, in compliance with ESMC §§ 10 -2 -1, et seq. 7. The applicant must provide a sufficient number of bicycle racks to accommodate storing at least 8 bicycles. 8. Employees must be provided current maps, routes and schedules for public transit routes serving the site; telephone numbers for referrals on transportation information including numbers for the regional ridesharing agency and local transit operators; ridesharing promotional materials; and bicycle route and facility information. Two kiosks with such information must be provided for Option 1 with one Kiosk located in the senior portion of the project and the -2- second kiosk located in the assisted living facility to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. One kiosk must be provided in Option 2 in the senior housing /multi - family portion of the project site to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 9. Trash and recycling enclosures must be provided and shown on the site plan that are sufficiently large enough to store the necessary bins required for the regular collection of commercial solid waste and recyclable materials. The site plan with the location and dimensions of the trash and recycling enclosure and an elevation view of the enclosure must be provided to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval before the City issues building permits. Separate trash and recycling facilities must be provided for each of the three components of Option 1 (senior housing, assisted living and multi - family). Separate trash and recycling enclosures must be provided for the multi - family portion of Option 2. 10. Ground level mechanical equipment, refuse collectors, storage tanks, generators, and other similar facilities must be screened from view with dense landscaping and walls of materials and finishes compatible with the overall design of the project and any ancillary buildings. 11. Exterior lighting must be designed to minimize off -site glare. 12. The building must be designed to comply with all ESMC standards for the attenuation of interior noise. 13. Before the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant must provide the Planning and Building Safety Department a status report on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification process that includes the GBCI scorecard. The Director of Planning and Building Safety will determine if the items identified on the scorecard and report, show a good faith effort to obtain LEED certification and warrant release of this condition. Within one month of receiving LEED certification, the applicant must furnish proof of certification to the Planning and Building Safety Department. 14. The applicant agrees to set aside 15% of the total number of units constructed for Option 1. The units must be distributed as follows: 31% of the total 15% for the extremely low income senior household category; 31 % of the 15% for the very low income senior household category; and 38% of the 15% for the low income senior -3- household category to be split equally between the assisted living and condominium /apartment units. Percentages for the total number of units and for each income category must be calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number not to exceed the maximum required percentage. The Developer must submit an income verification monitoring plan to the Director of Planning and Building Safety before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 15. The applicant agrees to set aside 10% of the total number of units constructed for Option 2. The units must be distributed as follows: 31% of the total 10% for the extremely low income senior household category; 31 % of the 10% for the very low income senior household category; and 38% of the 10% for the low income senior household category to be split equally between the multi - family condominium /apartment units. Any affordable housing units that are required based on the single - family component of Option 2 may be satisfied by developing the requisite number of units in other components of the project. Percentages for the total number of units and for each income category must be calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number not to exceed the maximum required percentage. The Developer must submit an income verification monitoring plan to the Director of Planning and Building Safety before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 16. The applicant must provide a marketing implementation plan that includes, without limitation, notification to residents of El Segundo regarding the availability of affordable housing in the project, eligibility requirements, application requirements, and access to application materials to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 17. A minimum of two building materials must be provided in each component of each project option (Option 1 and Option 2) to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 18. The project must meet all design criteria of the Specific Plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. Building Division Conditions 19. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must submit a geotechnical /soils report, along with an associated grading plan that addresses the current code to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. -4- 20. Before grading permits are issued, the applicant must submit a soils report to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. 21. Before grading permits are issued, the applicant must submit a grading plan to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. Before building permits are issued, plans must show conformance with the 2010 California Building Code, 2010 California Mechanical Code, 2010 California Plumbing Code, 2010 California Electrical Code, and 2010 California Energy Code, all as adopted by the ESMC. 22. Before building permits are issued, plans must show compliance with accessibility requirements per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 23. The applicant must provide a complete pool enclosure that encompasses the pool per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 24. The applicant must provide a disabled access lift to access the pool per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 25. At least one stairway must access the roof per the 2010 California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 26. The Applicant must execute a restrictive covenant, in a form approved by the City Attorney, subjecting development of the real property affected by the Project to the air easements imposed by the final judgment in Los Angeles Unified School District v. City of Los Angeles, et al., LASC Case No. 965,067 filed January 7, 1980 and recorded as Document No. 80 -55139 with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office. Fire Department Conditions 27. The project must comply with all applicable requirements in the 2010 California Building and Fire Codes, and the 2009 International Fire Code as adopted by the ESMC and El Segundo Fire Department regulations. 28. Construction of any cafeteria or kitchen facilities in the assisted living facility must include installation of a grease interceptor capable of removing fats, oils, and grease from the kitchen waste stream. If the Los Angeles County Health Department determines -5- that the food preparation area does not require the installation of grease interceptors, then this condition will not be required. 29. Construction activities must include a storm water pollution prevention plan addressing non -storm water run -off, debris removal, track -out and protection of storm water system. 30. Any diesel - powered generators must be approved by the Fire Department, Environmental Safety Division, and provide for secondary containment, placarding, spill detection and prevention. Underground tanks require additional environmental monitoring requirements. 31. The applicant must provide the Environmental Safety Division of the El Segundo Fire Department an inventory of any and all chemicals used for laundry, pool or house cleaning, emergency generators or other devices. 32. The applicant, or designee, must contact Underground Service Alert before digging or excavating. 33. Any demolition must be screened for asbestos and lead, with proper notifications to South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Public Works Department Conditions 34. All onsite utilities including, without limitation, water, electricity, gas, sewer and storm drains, must be installed underground. Contact Southern California Edison for required service and underground requirements (Mr. John Deng at (310) 783 - 9305). 35. Before the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must ensure that all curb, gutters, asphalt and concrete pavement and driveway aprons fronting 540 East Imperial Avenue and the property frontage along Walnut Avenue will be replaced as required by the Public Works Department. 36. Before the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy, all damaged or off -grade curb, sidewalk and pavement must be removed and replaced as required by the Public Works Department. 37. The applicant must secure any required encroachment permits from the Public Works Department before commencing any work in the public right -of -way. Ia 38. The project must comply with the latest National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sediment control, construction material control and erosion control. 39. Before the City issues a building permit, the location and sizes of all proposed water meters must be approved by the City's Water Division. 40. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must clean and inspect (via remote TV camera) the project sewer lateral. If found impaired, the applicant is responsible for the replacement of the lateral. 41. A registered civil engineer must provide storm (hydrologic and hydraulic) calculations for appropriate storm drain facilities tc control on -site drainage and mitigate off -site impacts, as follows, subject to review and approval from the Public Works Department: ■ The design must follow the criteria contained in both the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Hydrology Manual 2006 and Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan or most recent editions. Flows must remain in their historical drainage pattern so as not to impact neighboring properties. ■ New development must not increase the rate of flow (cubic feet per second) or velocity (feet per second) of site run -off water to any off - site drainage areas beyond the measured or calculated pre- project rate and velocity. 42. Construction related parking must be provided on -site. 43. All record drawings (as -built drawings) and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Public Works Department before scheduling the project's final inspection. Police Department Conditions 44. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit a photometric light study to the Police Department for review and approval. A site plan must be provided showing buildings, parking areas, walkways, and the point -by -point photometric calculation of the required light levels. Foot candles must be measured on a horizontal plane and conform to a uniformity ratio of 4:1 average /minimum. The photometric study must be point -by -point and include the light loss factor (7). Lighting levels must be IVA adjusted to meet the minimum foot candle requirements within each area of the site. All interior or exterior corridors, passageways and pedestrian walkways and open parking lot shall be illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained one foot - candle of light on the walking surface. 45. A schematic plan of the security camera system must be submitted and approved by the El Segundo Police Department before the City issues a building permit, and must be included as a page in the stamped approved set of plans. 46. Lighting devices must be enclosed and protected by weather and vandal resistant covers. 47. Stairways must be illuminated with a minimum maintained one foot - candle of light on all landings and stair treads at all times. 48. Recessed areas of building or fences, which have a minimum depth of two feet, a minimum height of five feet, and do not exceed six feet in width and are capable of human concealment, must be illuminated with a minimum maintained 0.25 foot - candles of light at ground level during the hours of darkness. This requirement applies to defined recessed areas which are within six feet of the edge of a designated walking surface with an unobstructed pathway to it, not hindered by walls or hedge row landscaping a minimum of two feet in height. 49. All types of exterior doors must be illuminated during the hours of darkness, with a minimum maintained one foot - candle of light measured within a five -foot radius on each side of the door at ground level. The light source must be controlled by a photocell device or a time -clock with an astronomic clock feature and capable of operating during a power outage. 50. The addressing, open parking lot and trash dumpster must be illuminated with a maintained minimum of one foot - candle of light on the ground surface during hours of darkness. 51. Street addressing must be a minimum of 6 inches high and must be visible from the street or driving surface, of contrasting color to the background and illuminated during hours of darkness. Addressing must also be shown on plan elevations. 52. All landscaping must be low profile around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways so as not to limit visibility or provide ME climbing access. Dense bushes cannot be clumped together in a manner that provides easy concealment. 53. Stairwell doors exiting onto the street must have a minimum 100 - square inch vision panel, with a minimum five inch width, to provide visibility into the area being entered. Vision panels must meet the requirements of the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. Vision panels must preclude manipulation of the interior locking device from the exterior. 54. Interior stairwell doors must have glazing panels a minimum of five inches wide and 20 inches in height and meet the requirements of the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. Guest rooms must have a deadbolt lock, a secondary security latch and a wide angle (190 -200 degree) door viewer, not to be mounted more than 58 inches from the bottom of the door. 55. Exterior mounted ladders are prohibited except: (1) ladders with a minimum 1/8 inch thick steel plate, securely attached to the ladders edge on each side, and extending to within two inches of the wall for a height of ten feet above ground level. A door and cover must be securely attached to the front of the ladder, and be constructed of minimum 1/8 -inch steel, extending from ground level to at least ten feet high. The ladder must have non - removable hinge pins and be locked securely against the side wall by a locking mechanism with a minimum five pin tumbler operation; or (2) the bottom of the ladder must begin ten feet above the ground surface. 56. All pool entrances must be posted with "No Trespassing" signs. 57. Any pool restroom and shower doors must have access control as reviewed and approved by the El Segundo Police Department. 58. Exterior gates leading to the pool must be secured by electronic access control. 59. When a specific project option is selected, the ESPD may require the applicant to comply with more specific requirements as they pertain to: doors /hardware, windows, mailboxes, lighting, landscaping, addressing, stairwells, trash dumpsters, parking, other possible requirements they may pertain to a specific assisted living facility layout (access controls). In Construction Conditions 60. Before any construction occurs the perimeter of the property must be fenced with a minimum 6 -foot high fence. The fence must be covered with a material approved by the Planning and Building Safety Department to prevent dust from leaving the site. 61. Public sidewalks must remain open at all times. 62. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard. 63. NOx emissions during construction must be reduced by limiting the operation of heavy -duty construction equipment to no more than 5 pieces of equipment at any one time. 64. Staging of construction vehicles and vehicle entry and egress to the site must be approved by the Public Works Department. Temporary construction driveways must be approved by the Public Works Department. Temporary construction driveways must be removed before the City issues a certificate of occupancy. 65. Construction vehicles cannot use any route except the City's designated Truck Routes. 66. The applicant must develop and implement a construction management plan, as approved by the Public Works Department, which includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD: • Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference. • Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e.g., flag person). • Re -route construction trucks away from congested streets. • Maintain equipment and vehicles engines in good condition and in proper tune as per manufacturer's specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize dust emissions. • Suspend use of all construction equipment during second stage smog alerts. Contact SCAQMD at (800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts. • Use electricity from temporary power poles rather than temporary diesel or gasoline - powered generators. -10- • Diesel- powered equipment such as booster pumps or generators should be replaced by electric equipment, if feasible. • Catalytic converters must be installed, if feasible. • Equipment must be equipped with two -to- four - degree engine time retard or pre- combustion chamber engines. • Use methanol or natural gas powered mobile equipment and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily available at competitive prices. • Use propane or butane powered on -site mobile equipment instead of gasoline if readily available at competitive prices. 67. During construction and operations, all waste must be disposed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Toxic wastes must be discarded at a licensed, regulated disposal site by a licensed waste hauler. 68. All leaks, drips and spills occurring during construction must be cleaned up promptly and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations to prevent contaminated soil on paved surfaces that can be washed away into the storm drains. 69. If materials spills occur, they must be cleaned up in a way that will not affect the storm drain system. 70. The project must comply with ESMC Chapter 5 -4, which establishes storm water and urban pollution controls. 71. Before anticipated rainfall, construction dumpsters must be covered with tarps or plastic sheeting. 72. Inspections of the project site before and after storm events must be conducted to determine whether Best Management Practices have been implemented to reduce pollutant loadings identified in the Storm Water Prevention Plan. 73. The owner or contractor must conduct daily street sweeping and truck wheel cleaning to prevent dirt in the storm drain system. 74. Storm drain system must be safeguarded at all times during construction. 75. All diesel equipment must be operated with closed engine doors and must be equipped with factory- recommended mufflers. -11- 76. Electrical power must be used to run air compressors and similar power tools. 77. The applicant must provide a telephone number for local residents to call to submit complaints associated with the construction noise. The number must be posted on the project site and must be easily viewed from adjacent public areas. 78. During construction, the contractor must store and maintain equipment as far as possible from adjacent residential property locations northwest of the site. 79. As stated in ESMC Chapter 7 -2, construction related noise is restricted to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at anytime on Sunday or a Federal holiday. Impact Fee Conditions 80. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time library services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 81. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time fire services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 82. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time police services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 83. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay a one -time park services mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4687. The fee amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. -12- 84. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay the required sewer connection fees (as specified in ESMC Title 12 -3). 85. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15- 27A -1, et seq., and before the City issues a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must pay a one time traffic mitigation fee in accordance with Section 5.4 of the Development Agreement and Resolution No. 4443. 86. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must pay the required School Fees. This condition does not limit the applicant's ability to appeal or protest the payment of these fees to the school districts(s). Miscellaneous 87. The vesting tentative maps (VTM No. 71410 and VTM No. 71582) will expire pursuant to Government Code § 66452.6 and ESMC § 14 -1 -12. Only one VTM may be recorded. 88. The El Segundo Unified School District, agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. 890, General Plan Amendment No. 10 -03, Specific Plan No. 10 -03, Zone Change No. 10 -01, Zone Text Amendment No. 10 -06, Development Agreement No. 10 -02, and Subdivision No. 10 -01. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. 890, the El Segundo Unified School District., agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. -13- By signing this document, Geoff Yantz on behalf of the El Segundo Unified School District., certifies that he read, understands, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Geoff Yantz, Superintendent El Segundo Unified School District P:\Planning & Building Safety\Planning - Old \PROJECTS (Planning) \876 - 900 \EA - 890 \City Council April 3 2012 \EA - 890.CC.conditions of approval.04.03.12.doc -14-