ORDINANCE 1441ORDINANCE NO. 1441 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONE CHANGE NO. 09 -02, ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 09 -04, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 09 -02, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 09 -03, ADDING Ell SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE (ESMC) § 15- 3- 2(A)(6) AND AMENDING ESMC §§ 15- 3 -2(A) AND 15 -3 -1 FOR THE 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SITE REZONING AND 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares that: A. On December 1, 2009, JF El Segundo Owner, LLC, filed an application for an Environmental Assessment (EA No. 844), General Plan Amendment No. 09 -02, Zone Change No. 09 -02, Zone Text Amendment No. 09 -04, Specific Plan No. 09 -02, Development Agreement No. 09 -03, and Administrative Use Permit No. 09 -06 to re- designate and rezone an approximately 1.75 acre property at 199 North Continental Boulevard from Corporate Office (CO) Zone to 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP) to allow construction of a six -story, 71,005 square -foot hotel with 152 rooms; B. The applications from the JF El Segundo Owner, LLC, were reviewed by the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); D. An Addendum to the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration for EA No. 773 (approved by the El Segundo Planning Commission on September 25, 2008) was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines § 15164. Pursuant to CEQA, the Addendum need not be circulated for public review (CEQA § 15164(c)) however, an addendum is to be considered by the decision - making body before to making a decision on the project (CEQA § 15164(d)); E. The Planning and Building Safety Department completed its review and scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before the Planning Commission for March 18, 2010. Following the March 18th public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt this Ordinance; F. On April 6, 2010 the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony and the applicant, JF El Segundo Owner, LLC; and G. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon testimony and evidence presented to the Council at its April 6, 2010 hearing including, without limitation, the staff report submitted by the Department of Planning and Building Safety. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds and declares that the factual findings and conclusions set forth in Resolution No. 4647, adopted on April 6, 2010, are incorporated as if fully set forth. SECTION 3: Zone Change Findings. A. Based on the factual findings of this Ordinance, the proposed Zone Change is necessary to carry out the proposed project because the proposed General Plan Amendment would change the land use classification of the project site from Corporate Office (CO) to 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP). The proposed Zone Change is necessary to maintain consistency with the proposed General Plan land uses designation of 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan. B. ESMC Title 15 is intended to be the primary tool for implementing the goals, objectives and policies of the El Segundo General Plan. The zone change will maintain consistency with the proposed change in General Plan land use designation to 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan and is also consistent with the following General Plan goals, objectives and policies discussed in Section 4 of Resolution No. 4647, adopted on April 6, 2010, which is incorporated as if fully set forth: 1. Land Use Element Policy LU4 -1.2 "all commercial facilities shall be built and maintained in accordance with Health and Safety Code requirements and shall meet seismic safety regulations and environmental regulations." 2 2. Land Use Element Objective LU44 to "provide areas where development has the flexibility to mix uses, in an effort to provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments." 3. Land Use Element Policy LU4 -3.6 to "require landscaping, its maintenance, and permanent upkeep in all new office and mixed -use developments." 4. Land Use Element Policy LU5 -2.2 that "all outdoor storage shall be properly screened by masonry walls and landscaping." 5. Land Use Element Policy LU7 -1.2 in that "no new development shall be allowed unless adequate public facilities are in place or provided for." 6. Circulation Element Objective C1 -1 to "provide a roadway system that accommodates the City's existing and projected land use and circulation needs." 7. Circulation Element Policy C1 -1.2 to "pursue implementation of all Circulation Element policies such that all Master Plan roadways are upgraded and maintained at acceptable levels of service." 8. Circulation Element Policy C1 -1.5 to "implement roadway and intersection upgrades to full Circulation Element standards when needed to improve traffic operating conditions and to serve development." 9. Circulation Element Policy C1 -1.14 to "require a full evaluation of potential traffic impacts associated with proposed new development prior to project approval. Further, require the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures prior to, or in conjunction with, project development. Mitigation measures may include new roadway links on segments that would connect the new development to the existing roadway system, intersection improvements, and other measures. Mitigation measures shall be provided by or paid for by the project developer." 10.Circulation Element Policy C1 -3.2 to "ensure that the development review process incorporates consideration of off - street commercial loading requirements for all new projects." 3 11. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.3 to "encourage new developments in the City to participate in the development of the citywide system of pedestrian walkways and require participation funded by the project developer where appropriate." 12. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.4 to "ensure the installation of sidewalks on all future arterial widening or new construction projects, to establish a continuous and convenient link for pedestrians." 13. Circulation Element Policy 3 -1.1 to "require all new development to mitigate project - related impacts on the existing and future circulation system such that all Master Plan roadways and intersections are upgraded and maintained at acceptable levels of service through implementation of all applicable Circulation Element policies. Mitigation measures shall be provided by or paid for by the project developer." 14. Circulation Element Policy C3 -1.8 to "require the provision of adequate pedestrian and bicycle access for new development projects through the development review process." 15. Circulation Element Policy C3 -2.1 to "ensure the provision of sufficient on -site parking in all new development." SECTION 4: Zone Text Amendment Findings. Based on the factual findings of this Ordinance, the proposed Zone Text Amendment is necessary to carry out the proposed project to create the proposed 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP) Zone, which would allow commercial development of the project site. Without an amendment to the ESMC, the current zoning would not permit a hotel development with a 0.92 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). An amendment to ESMC § 15- 3 -2(A) to create the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP) is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. Additionally, an amendment to ESMC § 15 -3 -1 to list the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP) Zone as a zoning classification with the City is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. SECTION 5: Specific Plan Findings. A. Based on the factual findings of this Ordinance, the proposed creation of the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP), which would allow commercial development of the project site, is necessary to carry out the proposed project. Without an amendment to the ESMC, the current zoning would not permit a hotel development with a 0.92 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). An 4 amendment to ESMC § 15- 3 -2(A) to create the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP) is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. Additionally, an amendment to ESMC § 15 -3 -1 to list the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP) Zone as a zoning classification with the City is necessary for consistency with the General Plan. The General Plan Land Use Designation of the project site is 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan (NCBSP). This designation is for hotels not to exceed 0.92 floor area ratio (FAR), and general office, research and development, restaurants and cafes, medical - dental offices, not to exceed 0.80 floor area ratio (FAR). SECTION 6: Development Agreement Findings. Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 3268, adopted June 26, 1984, the City Council finds that: A. The project is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan. The Development Agreement would provide the following public benefits in exchange for valuable development rights (eight -year entitlement): 1. Development of a property that is currently vacant and underutilized. 2. Increasing and further stabilizing the City's tax base through development of a new hotel. 3. Increase in employment opportunities for the City's residents. 4. Increasing City revenues through the generation of taxes that outweigh the City cost of services. 5. Development of a project that is consistent with the Elements of the General Plan. 6. Development of a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified building. 7. Improvements to roadways and intersections in the project vicinity. 8. Contribution of $75,000 to the Recreation and Parks Department for capital improvement projects that will benefit children. 9. Contribution of $19,881.40 in police, fire, and library mitigation fees to offset the impacts of the project on public services, or such amount as may be required when the City issues certificates of occupancy. 10. Contribution of $217,940.00 in traffic impact mitigation fees (Zone 1 $2,564 per PM peak trip) traffic impact mitigation fees to offset the impacts of the project on public roadway infrastructure, or such amount as may be required when the City issues certificates of occupancy. 5 B. The project is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use district in which the real property is located. The proposed project includes a new land use designation and zoning classification, which establishes the permitted uses and development standards that would apply to the project. These uses and development standards are similar and compatible with the other commercially zoned districts in the City. C. The project will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare. The proposed project will not create any negative environmental impacts. The mitigation measures listed in the mitigated negative declaration are sufficient to reduce all identified environmental impacts to less than significant levels. D. The project will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values. The proposed 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan development standards and development agreement will ensure that the project will be developed in an orderly fashion. All mitigation measures will be implemented at the time and place impacts occur. SECTION 7: Approvals. A. The City Council adds ESMC § 15- 3- 2(A)(6) to read as follows: "6. 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan There is one zone intended to be used within the boundaries of the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan. The zone is: NCBSP - 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan" B. The City Council amends the current Zoning Map to reflect a change of the Project area which is bounded by and fronts on North Continental Boulevard to the east; 101 North Continental Boulevard to the south and west, and 201 North Continental Boulevard to the north from Corporate Office (CO) to 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan. The corresponding changes to the Zoning Map as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. C. The City Council adopts the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan, as set forth in attached Exhibit "B," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. 1.1 D. The City Council adopts the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo, and JF EL Segundo Owner, LLC, as set forth in attached Exhibit "C," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. SECTION 8: Environmental Assessment. Resolution No. 4647 adopted an Addendum to previously adopted Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS /MND) for this Project which, among other things, properly assesses the environmental impact of this Ordinance, and the Project, in accordance with CEQA. This Ordinance incorporates by reference the environmental findings and analysis set forth in Resolution No. 4647. SECTION 9: Repeal or amendment of any provision of the ESMC will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 10: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 11: Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. 7 SECTION 12: Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty - first (31st) day following its passage and adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April 2010. Ay Kelly McDowell, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1441 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of April 2010, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of April 2010, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: McDowell, Busch, Brann, Fisher, Jacobson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Cindy Mgfi6sen, City Clerk as E:3 I 199 North Continental Boulevard Proposed Zone Change City of El Segundo Zoning Map 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan 4 r $W t S Prepared for: CAMBRIA SUITES ( '.',;„',';;;'; JF El Segundo Owner, LLC By The City Of El Segundo March 2010 CITY COUNCIL -; o � v�4 ORDINANCE EXHIBIT B sZ c 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN No. 09-02 EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA APPLICANT JF EL SEGUNDO OWNER, LLC PREPARED BY TRAYCI NELSON CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY MARCH 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... ..............................1 1.1 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY ................................................................. ..............................1 1.2 PROJECT HISTORY ............................................................................. ..............................2 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... ..............................2 1.4 CEQA COMPLIANCE .......................................................................... ..............................3 1.5 CURRENT GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING .............................................. ..............................3 2.0 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ................................................................... ..............................4 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND ADJACENT LAND USES ................................ ..............................4 2.2 CIRCULATION .................................................................................... ..............................5 2.3 UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................ ..............................5 3.0 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................... ..............................5 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION ............................................. ..............................8 4.1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ................................................................ ..............................8 4.2 RELATIONSHIP TO THE ESMC ............................................................ ..............................8 4.3 AMENDMENT ...................................................................................... ..............................8 TABLES 1 PROJECT COMPARISON ...................................................................... ..............................2 2 DEVELOPMENT THRESHOLDS ............................................................. ..............................3 FIGURES 1 CAMBRIA SUITES HOTEL .................................................................... ..............................2 March 2010 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURES PAGE 2 CURRENT GENERAL PLAN .................................................................. ..............................3 3 CURRENT ZONING DESIGNATIONS ....................................................... ..............................4 4 RELIEF MAP ...................................................................................... ..............................4 5 LOCATION MAP .................................................................................. ..............................4 6 AERIAL VIEW FROM THE SOUTHWEST ................................................. ..............................4 March 2010 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo ® 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN 1.0 SUMMARY This Specific Plan has been prepared to allow flexibility in the development of a hotel or development of other uses consistent with the adjacent zoning district. The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan provides detailed text and exhibits which describes the hotel project and the improvements that are envisioned to occur within the project. The Specific Plan will guide the build - out of the project site in a manner that is consistent with City and State policies and standards and ensures that the project is developed in a coordinated manner. 1.1 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY The purpose of this Plan is to provide a foundation for the proposed land uses on the subject property through the application of regulations, standards and design guidelines. The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan provides text and exhibits which describe the proposed land uses and associated guidelines. This Specific Plan must be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Government Code §§ 65450 through 65457, which grants local governments authority to prepare Specific Plans of development for any area regulated by a General Plan. Government Code §§ 65450 through 65454 establishes the authority to adopt a Specific Plan, identifies the required contents of a Specific Plan, and mandates consistency with the General Plan. According to Government Code § 65450, a Specific Plan must include text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space within the area covered by the plan. The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the land area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects and financing measures necessary to carry out the above items. A discussion of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. A thorough review of the El Segundo General Plan shows that this Specific Plan is compatible and consistent with the goals and policies outlined in the General Plan. This Specific Plan will further the goals and policies of the General Plan. This Specific Plan was prepared to provide the essential relationship between the policies of the El Segundo General Plan and actual development in the project area. By functioning as a regulatory document, the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan provides a means of implementing and detailing the City of El Segundo's General Plan. All future development plans and entitlements within the Specific Plan boundaries must be consistent with the standards set forth in this document. March 2010 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 1 ® 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN 1.2 PROJECT HISTORY On September 25, 2008, the El Segundo Planning Commission approved Environmental Assessment No. EA 733 and Conditional Use Permit No. 07 -07 to allow construction of a six - story, 61,104 square - foot hotel on a 1.75 acre site located at 101 Continental Boulevard (new address of 199 North Continental Boulevard), at the northwest corner of El Segundo Boulevard and Continental Boulevard, immediately north and adjacent to the Northrop Tower (formerly the Xerox Tower). The Hotel (Aloft Hotel) was approved for a total of 167 rooms at a maximum FAR of 0.80 as permitted in the Corporate Office Zone. In August 2009, JF El Segundo Owner, LLC, submitted a new project requesting minor modifications to the original approval. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 1.75 acre 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan area is paved with parking and was originally part of a larger 10.58 acre site which included the 101 Continental Boulevard property. A lot line adjustment created the 1.75 acre plan area. The project consists of a 71,005 square foot, 152 - room hotel with a 0.92 FAR; essentially a slightly larger hotel with a smaller footprint and overall building mass. Figure 1 Cambria Suites Hotel March 2010 The revised project is similar to the original project and has some additional benefits: (1) the project generates fewer vehicle trips; (2) provides more favorable economic development; and (3) provides better hotel amenities. This Specific Plan implements the desire to support the revised project with an FAR in excess of that permitted by the Corporate Office (CO) Zone. A comparison is shown in Table 1; differences are highlighted in bold text. Table 1 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 2 1.4 CEQA COMPLIANCE Under the original proposal (Aloft Hotel), the El Segundo Planning Commission adopted an Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS /MND) pursuant to CEQA § 15070. Since the project underwent minor modifications, the City prepared an addendum to the original IS /MND. Pursuant to CEQA, an addendum to an adopted Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration is needed if minor technical changes or modifications to the proposed project occur (CEQA Guidelines § 15164) and only if those minor changes do not result in any new significant impacts or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant impacts. The addendum need not be circulated for public review (CEQA guidelines § 15164[c]); however, an addendum must be considered by the decision - making body before making a decision on the project (CEQA Guidelines § 15164[d]). An addendum for the revised Project was prepared and found that the project revisions do not result in significant modifications. Thus, the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the previously approved project located on this same site, with addendum, will serve as the CEQA documentation for the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan. This environmental review is also applicable to future hotel development projects that are processed in conformance with this Specific Plan, thus requiring no further environmental documentation as noted in Sections 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The document establishes the following development thresholds shown in Table 2 below. Table 2 Development Thresholds IS/MND Addendum Gross Floor Area Hotel 71,005 with a 0.92 floor area ratio FAR All other permitted uses As determined by the allowed by the 199 0.80 floor area ratio North Continental (FAR) Boulevard Specific Plan The Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration analyzes the effects of a 71,005 square -foot hotel development with a 0.92 FAR. All other development within the Specific Plan area is subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 1.5 CURRENT GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ' CORI'�RATE tlFFliX ,,. J CORPORATE DFFIC E GRAND AVE E EL SEGUNDO BLVD Figure 2 General Plan Land Use Element CORPORATE OFFICE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL OPEN SPACE _ PARKING The El Segundo General Plan land use classification and the zoning district designate the property as Corporate Office. This designation is intended to allow for general office and hotel uses and a mixture of food - serving uses with limited retail uses. March 2010 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 3 ® 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN 0 m 0 z E GRAND AVE E EL SEGUNDO BLVD Figure 3 Zoning Designations 1 Coip.mte Office (CO) Light MenU1..1ln9 (M -1) Open Space D.S) _ Perkinp(P) 2.0 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT m r z . z z O The 1.75 acre project site slopes gently west and varies in elevation from approximately 117 feet to 134 feet above mean sea level, from west to east. Figure 4 Relief Map 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND ADJACENT LAND USES Regionally, the subject site is located in the northeast portion of the City of El Segundo, approximately one mile north of the boundary with March 2010 the City of Manhattan Beach. The project site is approximately one - quarter mile east of Sepulveda Boulevard (Highway 1), one mile west of the San Diego Freeway (Interstate 405), and one mile south of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Figure 5 Location Map Locally, the project site is located on the northwest corner of El Segundo Boulevard and Continental Boulevard, immediately north of and adjacent to a 16 -story office tower currently occupied by Northrop Grumman. Various commercial, hotel, general office, light industrial uses, and associated parking lots surround the site. Figure 6 Aerial View from the Southwest 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 4 LOB AN O E L E B IMPERIALMrW IMPERUILAVE MAPLEAVE z L MARIPOSA ORAFDAVE S 0 _ O O i EL SEGIL-WO BLVD c 1 m O tz R H A• 7 H A N E Orrnk t- ROSECRANSAVE B E A C H MANHATTAN Figure 5 Location Map Locally, the project site is located on the northwest corner of El Segundo Boulevard and Continental Boulevard, immediately north of and adjacent to a 16 -story office tower currently occupied by Northrop Grumman. Various commercial, hotel, general office, light industrial uses, and associated parking lots surround the site. Figure 6 Aerial View from the Southwest 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 4 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN 2.2 CIRCULATION Access to the Specific Plan area will be via two driveways. Primary access would be from Continental Boulevard and secondary access would be from El Segundo Boulevard. A reciprocal access agreement is in place with the adjacent office tower for shared driveway access. Additionally, the existing westbound through lane at the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Continental Boulevard must be re- striped and converted to a right -turn only lane with signage. 2.3 UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE A. Water Service Water service is provided by the City Of El Segundo Public Works Department, Water Division and is currently available within the Specific Plan Area. A 16 -inch water line is available for use within Continental Boulevard located immediately east of the site. Additionally, south of the site and along El Segundo Boulevard there are several water lines ranging from 12- inches to 24- inches and a 42 -inch reclaimed water line. A 6 -inch reclaimed water line is currently under construction on Continental Boulevard between El Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue. The construction is scheduled for completion in May 2010. B. Sewer Service Sewer service within the project area which is east of Sepulveda Boulevard is provided by the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. Service connections can be made to the existing 21 -inch sewer line traversing Continental Boulevard via one of the 12 -inch lateral connections. C. Solid Waste Disposal Solid waste disposal is provided to commercial and industrial users by a variety of private haulers. Development within the Plan area would contract with a provider. Landfill capacity is adequate for the assumed population and commercial growth within Los Angeles County. The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan would not March 2010 exceed any assumptions for either population or commercial growth in the region. D. Gas Service Gas service is provided by Southern California Gas Company. There is an existing 6 -inch gas line located within Continental Boulevard and a 12 -inch and 20 -inch line within El Segundo Boulevard. E. Electric/Telephone and Cable Service Electric service is provided by Southern California Edison via existing underground lines along Continental Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard. Telephone service is provided by AT & T and Sprint via existing lines in adjacent streets and cable service is provided by Time Warner Cable. F. Fire Suppression The El Segundo Fire Department (ESFD) provides fire protection services and emergency medical service to the City. The Specific Plan area is approximately one - quarter mile(s) from the newly constructed Fire Station 2 which is located within the Corporate Campus Specific Plan project area. The provision of water for fire suppression is available from existing water lines via adjacent hydrants. G. Drainage On -site drainage must comply with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. 3.0 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan must be administered in accordance with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC"), except as noted herein. A. Permitted Uses The following uses are permitted in the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan: 1. Hotels not to exceed 0.92 FAR. 2. General offices. 3. Medical - dental offices. 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 5 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN 4. Public uses, including, but not limited to fire and police stations, post offices and libraries. 5. Recreational facilities (public and private). 6. Research and development uses. 7. Restaurants and cafes. 8. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. B. Permitted Accessory Uses 1. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use. 2. Cafes. 3. Limited support service retail uses. 4. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. C. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit 1. The off -site sale of alcohol at limited support service retail establishments as an accessory use. 2. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15 -22. D. Prohibited Uses The following uses are prohibited in the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan: 1. Drive - through restaurants. 2. Freight forwarding. 3. Helicopter landing facilities. 4. Service stations. 5. Video Arcades. E. Site Development Standards The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan standards apply to all uses in the Plan area. Where the Specific Plan does not regulate, new development must comply with the applicable sections of the ESMC. Otherwise, this Specific Plan regulates the primary development guidelines for the Specific Plan area. March 2010 1. General Provisions The development standards of the Specific Plan are intended to be consistent with the adjacent Corporate Office (CO) Zone with the added flexibility to allow the development of a hotel use with a 0.92 floor area ratio. 2. Lot Area The minimum lot area is 10,000 gross square feet. 3. Height No building or structure can exceed two hundred feet (200'). 4. Setbacks a. Front Yard., twenty five feet (25') minimum b. Side Yard. Fifteen feet (15') minimum, unless one of the following exists: i. If the side yard adjoins a dedicated street, a minimum of twenty five feet (25') must be provided; ii. If the side yard abuts a property with a different classification, the side yard setbacks must be the average of the two (2) side yard setbacks, but not less than ten feet (10'). c. Rear Yard. Ten feet (10'), unless one of the following conditions exists: i. If the rear yard adjoins an alley, dedicated street, public right of way, or if the primary access is through the rear yard, a minimum of twenty five feet (25') must be provided; ii. If the rear yard abuts a property with a different classification, the rear yard setbacks must be the average of the two (2) rear yard setbacks, but not less than ten feet (10'). 5. Lot Frontage Each Lot must have a minimum frontage on a street of one hundred feet (100'). 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 6 ® 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN 6. Building Area/Floor Area Ratio (FAR) a. Hotels: The total net floor area of all buildings cannot exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 0.92. b. Other Uses: The total net floor area of all buildings cannot exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 0.80. 7. Walls and Fences All walls and fences must comply with the provisions of ESMC § 15- 5E -7(G) and § 15 -2 -4. Decorative masonry, open work wrought iron and similar materials are permitted. The use of chain link and razor wire is prohibited. 8. Access All development projects must provide adequate access and facilities for various modes of transit. All development projects must comply with the City's transportation demand management program, ESMC Chapter 15 -16. In addition, all development projects must provide pedestrian access between buildings and transit facilities located on site and /or off site, if within adjoining public rights -of -way. If the building is part of a multi - building development project, then pedestrian access must be provided between buildings. 9. Landscaping Landscaping must be provided as required by ESMC Chapters 10 -2 and 15 -2. 10. Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Off - street parking and loading spaces must be provided as required by ESMC Chapter 15 -15. 11. Signs Signs located in the Specific Plan area must comply with the requirements of ESMC Chapter 15- 18 except as follows: comply with all other requirements of ESMC Chapter 15 -18. F. Design Features for Hotels The following minimum features must be included in all hotels within the Plan area: Hotels must include a minimum of 1,000 square feet of meeting room space. 2. Hotels must include a minimum of 1,000 square feet of indoor fitness facilities. 3. Hotels must include outdoor recreational amenities, including a minimum of one of the following: pool, spa, tennis court, racquetball court, or similar recreational or athletic facilities, as approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 4. Hotels must include a restaurant or cafe for hotel patrons. G. Design Standards The following minimum design standards must be incorporated in all projects within the Plan area: 1. All colors, textures, and materials on exterior elevation(s) must be coordinated to achieve a continuity of design. 2. Exterior building materials and design must be contemporary in nature and compatible with developments in the vicinity. 3. The buildings must have contrasting accent features that use at least two primary exterior building materials (including, without limitation, stucco, stone, rock, and brick) and /or two exterior colors. 4. Building materials must be of non - reflective 1. Not more that two off site monument coatings and glazings and windows must signs are allowed: one at the El use low- reflectivity glass. Segundo Boulevard entrance and one at the Continental Boulevard 5. Plans must be reviewed and approved by entrance. These two signs must the Director of Planning and Building Safety March 2010 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 7 199 NORTH CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN for compliance with the Design Standards specified in Section 3(G) of this Plan. If the Director finds that such plans are noncompliant, an applicant may appeal that decision in accordance with the ESMC. H. Phasing All development projects must be completed in one phase of construction. 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION A. Procedures In order to implement the Specific Plan, review and approval of the following applications is required: B. General Plan Amendment A General Plan Amendment (GPA 09 -02) is required to change the land use designation from Corporate Office (CO) to Specific Plan. C. Specific Plan The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan rezones the project area to Specific Plan and thereby establishes this Specific Plan (SP 09 -02) as the regulatory document governing the development of the site. The Specific Plan requires Planning Commission recommendation to City Council. D. Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration An Addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration must be considered by the decision - making body before making a decision on the project. E. Zone Change and Zone Text Amendment A Zone Change (ZC 09 -02) to create the Specific Plan designation to replace the existing Corporate Office (CO) Zone designation and a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA 09 -04) to add the 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan to ESMC § 15- 3-1 and 15 -3 -2 is required. Both require City Council approval. March 2010 F. Development Agreement A Development Agreement (DA 09 -03) is required. 4.1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION The 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan must be administered and enforced by the City of El Segundo in accordance with the ESMC. A. Administrative Determinations Administrative Determinations must comply with ESMC Chapter 15 -22. B. Land Use Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to uses in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15 -22. 4.2 RELATIONSHIP TO THE ESMC This Specific Plan augments the development regulations and standards of the City of El Segundo's zoning regulations. When an issue, condition or situation occurs which is not covered or provided for in this Specific Plan, the zoning regulations that are most applicable to the issue, condition or situation apply. Therefore, the Corporate Office (CO) zoning would apply. This Specific Plan supersedes any conflict with ESMC zoning regulations. 4.3 AMENDMENT In accordance with the Government Code §§ 65450- 65457, Specific Plans must be prepared, adopted and amended in the same manner as General Plans except that Specific Plans may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance. This plan may be amended as necessary in the same manner it was adopted, by ordinance. Said amendment or amendments do not require a concurrent General Plan amendment unless the Director of Planning and Building Safety determines 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 8 that the proposed amendment would substantially affect General Plan goals, policies, objectives or programs. March 2010 199 North Continental Boulevard Specific Plan City Of El Segundo 9