The Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows
SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares as follows
A This Ordinance is consistent with the City's procedures and standards as set forth
in the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") and State mandates regarding
Second Unit housing
B Amendments to the ESMC affecting second dwelling units complies with the
Land Use Element of the General Plan by providing alternative means of housing
for our divergent and expanding populace
C Amending the ESMC will not have a significant adverse impact upon local or
regional housing needs, but will help to provide a variety of housing types, from
single living to convalescent care, and will aid in meeting regional housing needs
D It is in the public interest to adopt this Ordinance in compliance with Government
Code § 65852 2
E As demonstrated in the recently adopted Circulation Element (EA No 579 and
GPA No 02 -1), and its accompanying FEIR (certified September 7, 2004) traffic
volume continues to increase within the City's jurisdiction and numerous
intersections are currently at less than desired levels of service, requiring, among
other things, improvements to a number of traffic intersections, street
construction, and other mitigations which are not projected to be completed for an
extended period of time
F There are currently approximately 16,033 residents in El Segundo The residential
zones in El Segundo are located within approximately 84 square miles of an
approximately 5 46 square mile City which results in a relatively lugh density of
housing in a relatively small area and resulting in intense on- street parking. The
remainder of the City is zoned for industrial and commercial uses which are not
suitable for housing
G To help avoid additional significant traffic impacts, preserve the enjoyment of the
R -1 Zone consistent with the goals and policies of the current General Plan, and
avoid the adverse noise and parking impacts associated with increasing the
density of the R -1 Zone, the City Council believes that it is in the public interest
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to continue to limit construction of second dwelling units within R -1 zones to the
particular areas that are currently allowed under ESMC §§ 15 -4A -2 (A) and (J),
15- 4B -2(B), and 1540 -2
SECTION 2 A new definition is added to ESMC § 15 -1 -6 to read as follows
"'Second dwelling unit' means independent living facilities of limited
size (based upon lot coverage which includes the size of the second
dwelling unit as well as the primary dwelling unit on the parcel) that
provides permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and
sanitation located on the same parcel as a single - family dwelling and
either attached or detached from the single - family dwelling but share no
common interior passageways "
SECTION 3 Anew Article E is added to ESMC Chapter 15 -4 to read as follows
15 -4E -1 Purpose
This Article is adopted pursuant to Government Code § 65852 2 for the purpose
of consolidating, clarifying, and implementing the City's regulation of second
dwelling units Because second dwelling units tend to increase the volume of
vehicle traffic within the City, street parking, noise, and other negative impacts,
this Code restricts the location of second dwelling units within single family
residential zones as set forth in this Article and elsewhere within this Title
Increased traffic not only impacts existing public infrastructure, such as streets
and intersections, but degrades air quality, increases noise, and can introduce
pollutants into the City's storm drains Further, the density of housing within the
City's junsdiction, when coupled with the industrial, commercial, and airport uses
prevalent throughout the City, impacts aesthetics, public health and safety, and
public welfare by increasing the demand for public services Moreover, because
of the limited parking throughout the City, this Article makes the findings needed
by the Government Code to require additional off - street parking for second
dwelling units to single - family residential zones
15 -4E -2 Location in R -1 Zones
In accordance with § 15- 4A -2(J), second dwelling units are allowed as a matter of right
anywhere within an R -1 zone if they meet the following zone requirements
A Lots upon which the second unit is to be constructed when the side lot line must
form a common boundary with a lot or lots zoned for R -3 [Multi -Family
Residential], P [Automobile Parking], C -RS [Downtown Commercial], C -2
[Neighborhood Commercial], C -3 [General Commercial], CO [Corporate Office],
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MU -N [Urban Mixed -Use North] or MU -S [Urban Mixed Use South], and,
B The real property proposed for the second unit cannot consist of more than one
lot, and
C The real property cannot be more than fifty (50) feet wide, or,
D Where a single family dwelling unit containing seven hundred (700) square feet
or less exists on the rear portion of the lot and was placed thereon prior to, or for
which a building permit was issued prior to December 26, 1947, in conformance
to the requirements of Ordinance 293 of the City a second detached unit may be
erected on the front portion of the lot, whereupon the dwelling on the rear portion
of the lot shall assume the status of a nonconforming use as defined herein, but
may be expanded to a maximum of seven hundred (700) square feet
15 -4E -3 Location in R -2 and R -3 Zones
In accordance with the requirement of §§ 15- 4B -2(B) and 15 -4C -2, second dwelling units
are allowed as a matter of right anywhere within R -2 and R -3 Zones as these zones
already allow for more than one dwelling unit This Section 15 -4E -3 does not grant
additional rights to construct second dwelling units beyond the rights already set forth in
Title 15
15 -4E -4 General Requirements
A Lot Area All lots must conform with the lot area, width and depth requirements
of the underlying zone
B. Minimum Yard Requirements The minimum front, side and rear setbacks of the
underlying zone provisions apply to any second unit
C Design Each unit must be designed to be compatible with the main dwelling The
design must consider the use of the same exterior materials, roof covering, colors,
and other architectural features as the main residence
D The second unit must comply with applicable building, health and fire codes
E It is prohibited to have more than one second dwelling unit per lot A second
dwelling unit may only be built on a site which contains another residence or in
conjunction with the construction of a main residence
F Access The second unit must be served by the same driveway access to the street
as the existing main dwelling
G Common entrance If the second unit is attached to the main dwelling, both the
second unit and the main dwelling must be served either by a common entrance or
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a separate entrance to the second unit must be located on the side or at the rear of
the main dwelling
15 -4E -6 Parking for R -1 Zones
A Pursuant to Government Code § 65852 2, the City finds that the requirement that
a second dwelling unit on Single- Family Residential (R -1) property maintain two
parking spaces is consistent with existing neighborhood standards applicable to
existing dwellings, Because the square footage of second dwelling units are not
limited except by lot coverage restrictions (allowing large multi- bedroom units
which tend to create the need for more than one parking space), the required
parking is directly related to the use of a second dwelling unit Requiring two
parking spaces per dwelling unit is consistent with existing neighborhood
standards since two parking spaces are required in all residential zones throughout
the City Off - street parking is allowed in rear and side yard setback areas in the
rear third of a lot and tandem parking is also permitted
B Offstreet Parking Off - street parking spaces must be provided for a second
dwelling unit in addition to that required for the main residence The number and
type of parking spaces must comply with § §15 -15 -3 and 15 -15 -5 as they relate to
two - family dwellings The required parking space may not block any required
existing enclosed space for the existing underlying zone, nor conflict with access
to a required parking space
15 -4E -7 Plan review process.
A The review process is necessary to ensure that development standards are
complied with and that proposed buildings, structures and uses maintain the
integrity of the zone and are compatible with other buildings and structures in the
B A plan must be filed with the Planning and Building Safety Department on a form
supplied by that department and contains the following information
1 The use to which the property will be put,
2 An accurately dimensioned plot plan showing existing and proposed
topography, all existing and proposed buildings and structures, off - street parking,
landscaping areas, walls and fences, and all existing or proposed streets adjacent
to the property,
3 The dimension of all yards, setbacks, parking areas, driveways, walls and
fences, and square footage of all building or other structures, and
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4 The floor plans, sections and elevations of all buildings and structures
proposed with a notation of the type of material to be used, the color, and a
material sample
C The applicant must pay a filing and processing fee, in an amount set by city
council resolution when filing an application for plan approval
D The Planning and Building Safety Director will provide the applicant with a
written decision regarding the application The decision of the director is final
unless an appeal is filed in accordance with this Code
SECTION 4 The term "Two Family Dwelling" in Section 15 -4A -2 (J) is replaced with the
term "Second dwelling unit "
SECTION 5 If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of
competent Jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the
effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this
Ordinance are severable
SECTION 6 Repeal of any provision of the El Segundo Municipal Code does not affect any
penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of
penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date Any such repealed
part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring
before the effective date of this Ordinance
SECTION 7 The City Council determines that this ordinance is exempt from review under the
California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq ,
"CEQA ") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§
15000, et seq , the "State CEQA Guidelines ") because it consists only of minor revisions and
clarifications to an existing zoning code and specification of procedures related thereto and will
not have the effect of deleting or substantially changing any regulatory standards or findings
required therefor This ordinance is an action that does not have the potential to cause significant
effects on the environment
SECTION 8 The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance,
cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances, make a note of
the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting, and, within fifteen (15) days after the
passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with
California law
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SECTION 9. This Ordinance will take effect on the 31st day following its final passage and
day of February 2005
Kelly McDowell,
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify
that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the
foregoing Ordinance No 1381 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular
meeting held on the 1st day of Feb, 2005 and was duly passed and adopted by said
City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of
same was so passed and adopted by the following vote
February 2005, and the
AYES McDowell, Gaines, Boulgarides, Busch, Jacobson
Cindy Mdpfesen, City Clerk
r �
Mark D Hensl , Cy
By l
Karl H Berger, Assis
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City Attorney