ORDINANCE 1367ORDINANCE NO. 1367 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 124TH STREET SPECIFIC PLAN ADDING PARKING AS AN ADDITIONAL PERMITTED USE AND ADDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR A PARKING USE WITHIN THE PLAN AREA (SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 03 -2) The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The Council finds and declares as follows: A. On May 28, 2003, The Aerospace Corporation filed an application for an Environmental Assessment to amend the General Plan designation and 124th Street Specific Plan zoning for 3.93 acre property located at 401 North Aviation Boulevard to allow parking as an additional permitted use; B. The Aerospace Corporation application was reviewed by the City's Department of Community, Economic and Development Services for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § §15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); D. An Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. The Initial Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any significant environmental impacts. Accordingly, a Negative Declaration ( "ND ") was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between September 18 and October 8, 2003; E. The Department of Community, Economic and Development Services completed its review and scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before this Council for October 21, 2003; F. On October 9, 2003 the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by representatives of The Aerospace Corporation; and adopted Resolution No. 2554 recommending City Council approval of the project; G. On October 21, 2003 the City Council held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, Page 1 of 3 without limitation, information provided to the City Council by representatives of The Aerospace Corporation, and adopted Resolution No. ,,A? approving Environmental Assessment No. 617 for Specific Plan Amendment No. 03 -2; and, H. The City Council considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony, and by representatives of The Aerospace Corporation. This Ordinance is made based upon the evidence presented to the City Council at its October 21, 2003 hearing including, without limitation, the staff report submitted by the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services. SECTION 2: General Plan and Zoning. The proposed project requests to amend the City's General Plan Land Use designation and the zoning regulations (124th Street Specific Plan) in the ESMC as follows: A. The Land Use Designation of the project site is 124th Street Specific Plan. The applicant proposes to amend the 124th Street Specific Plan land use designation for the site to allow parking as an additional use permitted to be developed in the area. The 124th Street Specific Plan was created in 1999 allowing only self - storage and accessory uses to be constructed. B. The ESMC zoning classification for the project site is 124th Street Specific Plan, which allows self- storage and accessory uses. The applicant proposes to amend the 120' Street Specific Plan, which acts as the zoning for the property, to allow parking as an additional use permitted to be developed in the area. SECTION 3: The 124th Street Specific Plan is amended pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 15 -26 -3. The corresponding changes as set forth in Exhibit "A" are incorporated into this ordinance. SECTION 4: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 6: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty -first (31st) day following its passage and adoption. Page 2of3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of November, 2003. -'-� IL' - Mike Gordon, Mayor APPROVED By: �/—M /kZDM ensl ey, y Attorney ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1367 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of October 2003, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of November, 2003, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Gordon, Jacobs, Gaines, McDowell, Wernick NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ��X* bjAAA 44'% Cindy MorlVesen, City Clerk P \Planning & Building Safety \PROJECTS \600 - 627 \EA - 617 \03.10 CC ORD.final.doc Page 3 of 3 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 1367 Exhibit A 124th Street Specific Plan Amended October 2003 City of El Segundo 350 Main St. El Segundo, California 90245 124th STREET SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction Page 1 A. Overview of the City 1 B. The Specific Plan Area 1 C. Impact of the Aerospace Downsizing 2 D. Relationship to the General Plan 3 II. Overview of the Specific Plan Area 5 A. Existing Land Uses (Distribution and Location) 5 B. Existing Public Transit 5 C. Existing Utilities and Infrastructure 6 1. Water Service 2. Fire Protection 3. Sewer Service 4. Gas /Electric /Telephone Service 5. Solid Waste Disposal M. Policies Standards and Guidelines 7 A. Economic Development 7 B. Land Use 8 C. Circulation 9 D. Aesthetic 9 E. Landscaping 10 F. Public Safety 10 G. Signage 10 N. Development Standards A. General Provisions B. Uses 11 11 11 C. Lot Area 11 D. Height 12 E. Setbacks 12 F. Lot Frontage 12 G. Building Area H. Walls and Fences I. Access 12 12 13 J. Hours of Operation K. Parking 13 13 L. Landscaping 14 M. Signs 14 N. Liehtine 15 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1.0 Parcel Map - Parcel B/ Specific Plan Area Exhibit 2.0 Regional Location/ Land Use Map Exhibit 3.0 -3.3 Development Plans Revised September 2003 124th STREET SPECIFIC PLAN I. INTRODUCTION A. OVERVIEW OF THE CrrY The 124th Street Specific Plan area is located in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California. El Segundo is located approximately 18 miles from downtown Los Angeles and is considered to be part of the Airport/South Bay subregion of the Los Angeles area (see Exhibit 1). The City of El Segundo is 5.46 square miles (3,494.4 acres) and is surrounded by the Los Angeles International Airport to the north, the City of Manhattan Beach on the south, the City of Hawthorne on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Based on the 2000 census data, the City of El Segundo has a population of 16,0331 and a total of 7,261 dwelling units. The City also currently has a large estimated daytime population of approximately 70,0002 which creates a unique environment for El Segundo. Overall, El Segundo has a strong residential base with a majority being single - family residences and a large portion living in multi- family units. Cities bordering El Segundo such as Manhattan Beach and Hawthorne are predominately residential neighborhoods with some commercial businesses along Aviation Boulevard. The City of El Segundo is located along a major transportation corridor that can be accessed from the 405 San Diego Freeway, the 105 Century Freeway which serves as a direct connection to downtown Los Angeles, and the Green Line Light Rail System. The Downtown area of the City is near residential areas and is a strong focal "pomt because of the presence of the Civic Center. The area consists of older industrial buildings as well as the "Smoky Hollow" industrial area. A large portion of the City south of El Segundo Boulevard and west of Sepulveda Boulevard is occupied by the Chevron Refinery, which occupies about one third of the City. There is a large single - family residential area in the northwest portion of the City and a significant amount of multi- family units located throughout. Commercial uses are scattered throughout the City while growth encourages office, research, and mixed type uses. The 124th Street Specific Plan area lies within the eastern portion of the city, which is surrounded by a combination of industrial, office, and commercial uses. This area contains the "super block" development, which is a mixture of office, research and development uses, including the Los Angeles Air Force Base3. B. THE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA The 124th Street Specific Plan area is located along the eastern border of the city, west of Aviation Boulevard, between El Segundo Boulevard and 124th Street, adjacent to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks (see Exhibit 1.0 and Figures 1 and 2 below). The area is a ' 2000 Census data (www scag.ca.gov) Z Sandra Lane, Economic Development Manager. City of El Segundo 3 City of El Segundo General Plan_ 1992 (p. 3 -2) Revised 7/9/99 rectangular strip consisting of 3.93 gross acres of land located just east of the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) and south/ southeast of the Northrop Grumman aerospace facility. The Specific Plan area consists of two parcels of land that are relatively flat and were previously used as non - required overflow parking for Northrop Grumman employees. The 124th Street Specific Plan, approved on August 17, 1999, was initially created in response to the City's growing need for economic diversity in order to attract new business without adversely impacting the success of current local revenue generators. To this end, the Specific Plan changed the zoning from Parking (P) to 124th Street Specific Plan, thereby restricting the uses to self- storage and a City operated water pumping and treatment facility. Given the recent security concerns and upgrades since September 11, 2001, particularly with respect to United States government facilities, the strict self - storage land use limitation is no longer appropriate for the Specific Plan area due to its proximity to the LAAFB located immediately west and southeast of the site. Beyond the immediate security concern, The Aerospace Corporation will benefit by increasing their overflow (non - required) parking capacities to support the research facilities located south of the Specific Plan area. Additionally, the LAAFB will benefit by securing alternate parking facilities during construction and implementation of the Space and Missile Systems (SAMS) project. Figure 1: Southerly view of site, currently vacant lot Figure 2 Northerly view of site. T C. IMPACT OF THE AEROSPACE DOWNSIZING The impact of the downsizing of the U.S. military on El Segundo has been uncertain over the years. In the early 1990s, California's defense employment was reduced by 130,000, which represented a substantial loss to the state. In the City of El Segundo, defense firms occupied 11.2 million square feet of space in 1992, with this total diminishing throughout the 1990's. Revised September 2003 2 Commercial property markets are recovering in El Segundo, and the City has had to find alternative uses for certain spaces under such economic circumstances. Redevelopment and adaptive reuse strategies are being implemented to promote the efficient use of such spaces. The 124th Street Specific Plan area illustrates an area that shares common characteristics of vacant industrial spaces. The property was previously used as surplus non - required parking for Northrop Grumman employees that became available in May of 1998. The Specific Plan area was established in response to the growing need for economic diversification and to offer the City an alternative response for dealing with the losses in the defense industry. The Specific Plan area is a positive alternative approach that illustrates the City's willingness to welcome new business ventures into El Segundo. D. RELATIONSHIP TO THE GENERAL PLAN The 1241h Street Specific Plan is meant to serve as both a regulatory and implementation document to further the goals and visions of the El Segundo General Plan. Under the California Government Code Section 65450, a Specific Plan may be prepared for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for all or part of the areas covered by the General Plan. The City of El Segundo's General Plan was adopted in December 1992, which included several goals and objectives. In the General Plan, one of the goals is to create in El Segundo a strong, healthy economic community in which all diverse stakeholders may benefit. This goal is to be met by building support from businesses and local residents to mutually agree on the benefits derived from the maintenance and expansion of the City's economic base. In relation to the General Plan, the 124th Street Specific Plan has been prepared in the same manner, which aims to implement necessary and desirable goals that will mutually benefit both residents and the City. The 124th Street Specific Plan seeks to diversify the economic base of the City without compromising the strength of existing local economies in the area. Propose$ land uses within the 124th Street Specific Plan will seek to balance economic development and offer residents alternative services. In coinciding with these goals and objectives, the 124th Street Specific Plan looks to the General Plan as the fundamental gwdmg policy for the development of its own vision and goals. The following are the goals and vision of the 124th Street Specific Plan: 1. Enhance the Economic Climate Through Diversity and Adaptive Reuse Objective 1: To allow for a strong and healthy economic community by accommodating the possibility of a diverse mix of uses from which all stakeholders may benefit. Objective 2: To allow for the adaptive reuse of targeted spaces that could potentially benefit the City without adversely affecting local viable industries. Objective 3: Support current services available within the City for its residents and various businesses. Revised September 2003 Objective 4: To support the mission/ function of The Aerospace Corporation and the Los Angeles Air Force base by providing additional parking opportunities. 2. Promote Compatible and Healthy Land Uses Objective 1: Retail current uses and attract viable and safe uses that do not nnfnnge upon the economic viability of the Downtown area. Objective 2: Ensure the protection of the public health and safety by attracting uses that will not negatively impact the City. 3. Promote a Safe, Convenient, and Cost - Effective Circulation System that Serves the Present and Future Circulation Needs of the Specific Plan Area and the City. Objective 1: Support current City services available to the Specific Plan area, the City's residents and its businesses. Objective 2: Ensure that private development associated with the area makes a conscious effort to mitigate against traffic impacts on the community. Objective 3: Support City circulation policies which intends to further implement the goals and objectives under the Circulation Element of the General Plan. 4. Accentuate the Overall Positive Image of the City Objective 1: Provide convenient services to the residents and City without negatively impacting the current surrounding community. Objective 2: Facilitate the changing image of the City by providing alternative uses that complement the current existing economic base. Objective 3: Incorporate into the Specific Plan Area, well designed landscaping, lighting, and signage elements that recognizes physical surroundings and takes them into consideration. Revised September 2003 4 II. OVERVIEW OF SPECIFIC PLAN AREA A. Existing Land Uses (Distribution and Location) The 124th Street Specific Plan area is north of El Segundo Boulevard, west of Aviation Boulevard and south of 124th Street. This 3.93 gross acre site is currently a vacant parking lot. The Specific Plan area is located south/ southeast of the Northrop Grumman facility which is located in the Public Facilities (P -F) zone. North of the Specific Plan area is the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) zone and east of Aviation Boulevard is a Corporate Office (CO) zone (see Exhibit 2.0). Railroad tracks are on the eastern border of the Specific Plan Area which parallels Aviation Boulevard. Directly adjacent to the site behind the railroad tracks east of the area are office buildings, as well as an Oroweat and Entemann's Outlet Bakery (see Figure 3 below). Figure 3 Easterly view from property, Figure 4: Looking east from the site, across the the Oroweat and Entemann s Outlets. 124th/Aviation Boulevard intersection, is a residential Railroad tracks are located near the east property line. neighborhood '- Abu— Y � Directly south of the Specific Plan Area is a Light Industrial (M -1) zone where the Aerospace Corporation currently resides, and located to the west is the Los Angeles Air Force Base. There are some single- family residential neighborhoods located just east of the Specific Plan area across the intersection of 124th Street and Aviation Boulevard (see Figure 4 above) and are within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. B. Existing Public Transit Current public transit service to the Specific Plan area is provided by fixed bus routes operated by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), a Dial - a -Ride service by the City of El Segundo, and the Municipal Area Express (MAX Transit Service) which is funded cooperatively by eight cities and Los Angeles County. Fixed MTA bus routes servicing the Specific Plan area include route 124 along El Segundo Boulevard and route 627 along Aviation Boulevard. Routes 2 and 3 are MAX transit routes operated by the Torrance Transit System on behalf of the multi- agency consortium and can be accessed along East Grand and Sepulveda Boulevard6. Route T8 is a Torrance Transit line 6 MTA Westside Area Sector Maps, 1998 and City of El Segundo General Plan 1992 Revised September 2003 that provides access to Hawthorne Boulevard and the Los Angeles Airport and can be accessed off of Douglas Street. The MTA Green Line rail system provides access at various eastern points of the City including: Marine Avenue/ Redondo Beach Boulevard, Douglas Street/ Rosecrans Avenue, and Aviation Boulevard/ I -105 Freeway7. C. Existing Utilities and Infrastructure The Specific Plan area will be served through a combination of utility services provided by the City of El Segundo and other governmental agencies. 1. Water Service Water utility service will be provided by Southern California Water Company to the Specific Plan Area. A 10 -inch water line exists 30 -feet east of the centerline on Aviation Boulevard. 2. Fire Protection Fire response service will be provided to the Specific Plan Area from Fire Station 2 which is located at 2161 E. El Segundo Boulevard. Potential life and fire hazards along with projected occupancy loads are expected to be extremely low for the area. An on -site fire hydrant will be provided within the Specific Plan area. 3. Sewer Service Sewer service will be provided to the site through connection through Los Angeles County Sanitation District Five. Currently there are two 18" sewer lines located off of Aviation Boulevard and one on the west side of El Segundo Boulevard to Imperial Highway. 4. GagMectric)Telephone Utilities There is a 30" gas main located off of Aviation Boulevard along with telephone and electric lines, which upon application and payment of applicable fees and charges will be available to provide adequate service to the project areas. i 5. Solid Waste Disposal Commercial uses within the Specific Plan area will be required to contract with a private waste disposal company. 6. Storm Drain Currently there is an underground storm drain located off of 124th, including storm drains off of Aviation and El Segundo Boulevards. 7 ibid 8 City of El Segundo, Public Works Department Revised September 2003 III POLICIES, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES The 124th Street Specific Plan is based upon a ten -year outlook for development and growth, and all zoning policies of the plan shall be implemented under the guidance of the stated goals and objectives. The Specific Plan area was developed to serve the City of El Segundo to provide new development that offers support services for existing and future businesses, including local residents. The Specific Plan supports the development of alternative uses that promote a healthy mix of uses to diversify the micro- economy of El Segundo. Such uses that are encouraged in the Specific Plan area are adaptive reuses in targeted areas, including alternative uses such as general storage, warehousing and mini- storage that help to increase the efficient use of underutilized spaces. The Specific Plan area will allow self - storage uses as well as parking uses to support The Aerospace Corporation and LAAFB. In conjunction with the development of storage facilities, the 124th Street Specific Plan would also allow the City to develop a portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility. In the event the City does not undertake the above - mentioned development, that portion of the property would then be developed by the current property owner(s) (See Development Standards Section). The Specific Plan enables new development in an area that is currently underutilized. New development can potentially benefit the area with quality uses that provide an attractive, clean, and safe use for the community. Where the 124th Street Specific Plan does not specify standards or requirements related to the development of self - storage uses, the Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zoning Code development standards shall apply. Similarly, where the 124th Street Specific Plan does not specify standards or requirements related to the development of parking uses, the Parking (P) Zoning Code development standards shall apply. A. Economic Development In September of 1993, the Economic Development Strategic Plan was prepared for the City of El Segundo in response to growing economic concerns caused by the dramatic defense cutbacks within the City and across the nation. The need for the strategy was developed to address the decline in the City's business activities and, correspondingly, a decline in the City's tax base9. According to a study by Municipal Resource Consultants, in 1990, 68% of the general fund revenues were paid by businesses and almost 50% of the general fund revenues were contributed by the aerospace/ defense industries'O. In 1990, almost 20% of general fund revenues were paid by a single business and almost 40% were paid by ten businesses, all of which are "at- risk" today". This illustrates the highly concentrated revenue base of the City during those times. Those trends still impact the City's economy today which have driven the need for new strategies that 9 Economic Development Strategic Plan, City ofEl Segundo. Chabm► Concepts. Inc. & Economic Strategies Group September 1993 ° ibid " ibid Revised September 2003 will offer a more diverse mix of tenants for El Segundo. Therefore, the economic development program was created and the following are a list of the objectives of the program: ♦ To diversify the economy against cycles and seasonality, ♦ To provide jobs for residents and markets for local businesses, ♦ To enhance the City's tax and revenue base, ♦ To create a higher quality of life, ♦ To support community development oNectives, ♦ To be an avenue for developing City -wide leadership, To implement public / private leadership, ♦ To monitor the local economy by providing early warning about shocks and opportunities, and ♦ To pro - actively direct the City's economic future. In corresponding with the objectives of the Economic Development Strategic Plan, the 124th Street Specific Plan seeks to expand the City's economic base by providing alternative development within an underutilized area. The development proposed in the 124th Street Specific Plan aims to provide an effective level of service to the community in order to maintain the quality of life of its residents. It is evident that the City must undertake intervention methods before revenue losses force cutbacks in residential and business services, which would detrimentally affect the City's competitiveness. Thus, the Specific Plan area and any development within its boundaries will seek to complement the objectives set forth in the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Furthermore, the Specific Plan will not impede or infringe upon the economic success associated with the "Downtown" environment. B. Land Use The development within the 124th Street Specific Plan shall be compatible with surrounding and adjacent uses in order to further the goals and policies established in the City's General Plan. The 124th Street Specific Plan area has been rezoned from the Parking (P) zone to the 124th Street Specific Plan (124th Street SP) zone and shall encourage, if appropriate, the development of self - storage or parking uses, including the option for the City to develop a portion of the property as a water pumping and treatment facility. The change in zone is based on the following findings: 1. The area is currently underutilized. Consequently, expanding the zoning designation's use options for the site will provide the City with zoning flexibility thereby creating the potential for a more efficient use of the site. 2. The Specific Plan zoning designation will provide the opportunity to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the site and will allow for desirable urban design elements and improve the overall image of the area. 3. Adjacent uses are compatible with the zoning proposed by the 124th Street Specific Plan since surrounding uses are light manufacturing, public facilities, and commercial offices. Residents to the east of the project area off of Aviation Boulevard are also located more than Revised September 2003 8 150 feet from the Plan area and are further shielded by the natural slopes adjacent to the railroad tracks which screens the majority of the Specific Plan area from properties east of Aviation Boulevard. 4. A re- designation or a re -zone of the area will not negatively impact the view, recreation, or the quality of life associated with the community or residents within a one -mile radius of the site. C. Circulation The 124th Street Specific Plan area is located at the northwest corner of El Segundo and Aviation Boulevard south of 124th Street. Aviation and El Segundo Boulevards are both major arterials that experience heavy congestion during weekday peak periods and at critical tunes of the day operate beyond capacity at this intersection. Impacts associated with the development of the Specific Plan area shall be minimal. In fact, except for temporary construction impacts, there should be minimal additional trips associated with the self - storage or parking uses proposed. The parking use would be for overflow use by existing business in the area and not associated to any expansion of use. Development within the Specific Plan area shall abide by the following policies: 1. Ingress and egress to the Specific Plan area shall be taken off of 124th Street. 2. Emergency vehicles only will be allowed access from El Segundo Boulevard. 3. Entry to the Specific Plan area may be controlled and limited by providing access through the LAAFB security gate on 124th Street, and across the base to the Specific Plan area. 4. In the event that access via the LAAFB should become unavailable, alternate access directly from 124th Street shall be provided by the property owner. 5. The traffic generated by development within the Specific Plan area shall not generate more than 184 new trips per day. 6. Circulation of the Specific Plan area shall not interfere with the ingress and egress of the Northrop Grumman facility. 7. All parking required by new development within the Specific Plan area shall be provided within the Specific Plan area, and no on -street or off- prenuse parking will be allowed. D. Aesthetic The design and development of the Specific Plan area provides the opportunity to enhance the aesthetic image of the area and its surrounding properties. Development of self- storage could be conducive to the site because it is currently underutilized and furthermore, will not be intrusive to the area. The design of all buildings will pay particular attention to the appropriate treatment of facades and any new development within the plan area will also incorporate Revised September 2003 consistent designs and use quality materials throughout the premises (refer to Exhibits). If the City decides to develop the water pumping and treatment facility, the facade appearance, use of colors and materials will remain consistent with the design of other buildings in the plan area. Overall, the development and design of the Specific Plan area alms to blend within its surroundings and make a positive contribution to the community. E. Landscaping Landscaping will be adequately provided within the Specific Plan area to maintain a pleasing atmosphere for visitors and surrounding residents. There will be adequate and contemporary landscaping which will minimize impacts and enhance view sheds from adjacent properties. If self - storage uses are developed on the site, landscaping will be provided between buildings, along the property lines, and within parking areas in order to enhance the overall design of the site and increase the image of the area. F. Public Safety Development within the 124th Street Specific Plan shall ensure that the activity proposed and the use of the property will not endanger the public's general welfare, health and/or safety. Any activity or development within the plan area shall not create or pose any public nuisance to the City or its surrounding community. The following policies shall be followed to ensure public safety: 1. Lighting shall be adequate and shielded to minimize off -site illumination and shall conform with the Development Standards set forth in this Plan (refer to Section IV Development Standards). 2. Site design, building configurations, and operational procedures shall comply with City police safety policies to ensure public safety on site and its adjacent uses. 3. Development shall consider alternative or appropriate designs that will mitigate and minimize the negative impacts associated with views, noise, odor, light, and glare. 4. Security fencing shall be provided along the perimeter of the Specific Plan area to ensure public safety. If parking uses are located on the site the security fencing may be required only on the north, east, and south perimeters. G. Signage Signage within the Specific Plan area shall encourage the effective use of signs as a means of identification in order to maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the City's ability to attract sources of economic development and growth; improve pedestrian and traffic safety; minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property; and enable the fair and consistent enforcement of sign restrictions set forth under the Development Standards within this plan (refer to Section IV). The development standards established within the 124th Street Specific Plan shall further specify and conform with the policies and guidelines set forth in Section 20.60 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Revised September 2003 10 N. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The 124th Street Specific Plan Development Standards shall apply to all uses within the Specific Plan area. In the event that the Specific Plan document does not address specific standards for new development, of self - storage and/ or water pumping and treatment facilities the new development shall comply with development standards set forth in the Urban Mixed -Use North Zone (MU -N) of Section 20.36.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. In the event that the Specific Plan document does not address specific standards for new development, of parking facilities the new development shall comply with development standards set forth in the Parking Zone (P) of the El Segundo Municipal Code. The Specific Plan area will be developed to consist of self- storage uses or parking uses. In conjunction with the development of either use, the 124th Street Specific Plan would also allow the City to develop a portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility. In the event the City does not undertake the above - mentioned development, that portion of the property would then be developed by the current property owner(s). The following development standards shall apply to the 124th Street Specific Plan area: A. General Provisions All uses shall be subject to an administrative site plan review to ensure design compatibility. B. Uses a. Uses within the Specific Plan Area shall be limited to parking, self - storage and a custodial convenience unit, except for the City's option to develop a water pumping and treatment facility on a designated portion of the site (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) b. In the event of self - storage, the proposed development will consist of approximately 83,000 gross square feet of development, which includes, 73,530 grosg square feet of self - storage facilities and approximately 9,500 square feet for the City's development of a water pumping and treatment facility. c. In the event of a parking facility, the proposed development could include as many as 491 spaces intended as non - required overflow parking for The Aerospace Corporation or existing development on the LAAFB. d. In no event shall the parking facility be utilized for airport parking. e. In the event the City does not choose to develop that designated portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility, the site could be developed by the current property owner subject to administrative review and approval by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services. C. Lot Area a. The minimum lot area includes the entire Specific Plan area (3.93 gross acres) b. No subdivision of land is permitted in the Plan area, except as may be required for the City's water pumping and treatment facility. Revised September 2003 11 D. Height Storage and water pumping and treatment uses: a. There will be a total of seven one -story storage buildings within the Specific Plan area. All one -story self- storage buildings within the Specific Plan area shall not exceed 13 feet in height. b. In the event the City does not choose to develop that designated portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility, an additional one -story self- storage building will be developed and shall not exceed 13 feet in height. c. There will be one, two- story, self- storage building within the Specific Plan area, and it shall not exceed 25 feet in height. d. The water treatment building and the cylindrical storage tank shall not exceed 25 feet in height (see Site Plan Exhibit). Parking use: a. Buildings and structures shall not exceed 25 feet in height. E. Setbacks Storage and water pumping and treatment uses: a. Front yard: shall have a variable setback from 30-35 feet (along El Segundo Boulevard). b. Side yard: shall have varying setbacks along the westerly property line from 10 -28.5 feet. (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) c. Side yard: shall have varying setbacks from 5 - 33.5 feet along the easterly property line (refer to Site Plan Exhibit). d. Rear yard: shall have a 35 -foot setback from the southern line of the access easement (refer to Site Plan Exhibit). Parking use: a. None required. F. Lot Frontage # " a. Frontage on El Segundo Boulevard shall be as depicted on the Site Plan Exhibit. G. Building Area a. Total net floor area in the 124th Street Specific Plan shall not exceed a Floor/ Area Ratio of .47:1.0 for the self - storage facilities. b. In the event the City does not choose to develop that designated portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility, total net floor area shall not exceed a Floor /Area Ratio of .54:1.0. H. Walls & Fences a. Eight -foot high metal security fencing shall be provided along the east, south and west property lines. b. Any other wall, fence or hedge to be constructed within the Specific Plan area shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services. Revised September 2003 12 I. Access Storage uses: a. Primary access to the Specific Plan area shall be provided from 1241h Street only. Pubhc access off of Aviation Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard is prohibited. b. Emergency exit access only shall be provided off of El Segundo Boulevard. c. Six -foot high traffic controlled gates shall be constructed at the entrance /exit along El Segundo Boulevard (for emergency access) and at the 124th Street / Aviation Boulevard entrance /exit (alternate access). d. Minimum 20-25 -foot wide drive aisles shall be provided within the Specific Plan Area to allow for adequate access and circulation (refer to Site Plan Exhibit). Parking and water pumping and treatment uses: a. Primary access to the Specific plan area may be controlled and limited by providing access through the LAAFB security gate on 124th Street or El Segundo Boulevard, and across the base to the Specific Plan area. b. In the event that access via the LAAFB should become unavailable, alternate access directly from 124th Street shall be provided. c. Emergency exit access only shall be provided off of El Segundo Boulevard. d. Six-foot high traffic controlled gates shall be constructed at the entrance /exit along El Segundo Boulevard (for emergency access) and at the 124th Street/ Aviation Boulevard entrance/ exit (alternate access). e. Minimum 20-25 -foot wide drive aisles shall be provided within the Specific Plan Area to allow for adequate access and circulation (refer to Site Plan Exhibit). J. Hours of Operation Storage uses: a. The operation hours shall be limited from 7:00 AM to 7 :00 PM daily. Parking and water pumping and treatment uses: a. No limitation. K. Parking Storage and water pumping and treatment uses: a. A total of 24 parking spaces shall be provided for the storage uses within the Specific Plan Area, which includes one disabled "van" stall, 3 standard stalls, and 20 parallel stalls. Two additional stalls will be provided in the event the water pumping and treatment facility is constructed. b. One additional space for loading purposes shall also be provided and shall be 12 feet wide and 30 feet long with a vertical clearance of 16 feet. c. The maximum number of vehicles on -site during peak demands shall not exceed 13 cars. d. Parking shall be provided within the Specific Plan area and no on -street or off - premise parking will be allowed. Revised September 2003 13 Parking use. a. Drive aisles providing back -up space for 90 degree parking stalls, shall be 24 feet in width. b. The proposed development could include as many as 491 spaces intended as non- required overflow parking for The Aerospace Corporation or existing development on the LAAFB. L. Landscaping Storage and water pumping and treatment uses: a. A minimum of 12% landscaping of the total net area of site shall be provided at all tunes within the Specific Plan area (18,900 square feet). b. A 30-35 foot minimum landscaped parkway shall be provided along the frontage of the lot along El Segundo Boulevard to act as a buffer from the public right -of -way and to reduce the visual impact of development on the site. c. The side yard setbacks along the easterly property line shall be landscaped with approved plants as depicted on the Site Plan Exhibit. d. The side yard setback along the westerly property line (starting at variable setback of 10- feet) shall be landscaped. e. Additional landscaping shall be provided between parking spaces along the westerly property line. f. The 35 -foot minimum rear yard setback (which begins at the southern line of the access easement) shall have a 20 -foot minimum landscaped buffer with trees and other approved plants. g. Planting areas will be provided between buildings located on -site as specified on Exhibits. h. Permanent irrigation shall be provided for all landscape areas Parking use: a. Landscaping shall include a minimum of 26 tree wells located along a north south axis through the center of the site and 4,000 square feet of landscaping'dispersed throughout the site. b. Permanent imgation shall be provided for all landscape areas. M. Signs Storage and water pumping and treatment uses: Sign Area and Height a. Monument signs shall be allowed in the Specific Plan area. Monument signs shall not exceed 300 square feet in size and no more than one double -sided ground monument sign shall be permitted on each street. b. One wall sign shall be permitted on the two -story building located internal to the site. c. Design, Construction and Maintenance d. All signs shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with Title 15 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Revised September 2003 14 e. Signs in the Specific Plan area shall be consistent in color scheme, lettering or graphic style, location, lighting, materials and sign dimension as indicated in the Sign Plan Mow. Directional Signs f. An "Emergency Exit Only" sign shall be located along the frontage of El Segundo Boulevard as well as a public access sign that directs patrons to the 1241h Street entrance. Sign Plan g. A Sign Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safety and be in conformance with the standards described in Title 15 General Permit Procedures of the El Segundo Municipal Code. h. Unless otherwise stated, all signs within the Specific Plan area shall conform with the standards, procedures, exemptions and other requirements as set forth in Title 15 Signs of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Parking uses: a. Signs shall be in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 18 of Title 15 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. N. Lighting a. Lighting shall be adequate throughout the Specific Plan area and shielded to minimize off-site illumination. b. A minimum amount of illumination provided shall be 1 -foot candle for parking areas. c. Lighting fixtures shall be mounted on all buildings with down - facing lens to minimize off -site illumination. d. On -wall fixtures shall be mounted no higher than 15 feet on single story buildings. Revised September 2003 13 t ±* ev nit s 1q li I.r..3+ �I Ii x [d N r. 03 U O V IU Q. 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