WHEREAS, that certain real property described on Exhibit A ( "Area A and B ") is
currently located within the City of El Segundo and is the location of Los Angeles Air
Force Base ( "LAAFB ") facilities and adjacent properties; and
WHEREAS, Area B is adjacent to a portion of the LAAFB which is known as Area
A and which is proposed to be detached from the City of El Segundo and annexed to
the City of Hawthorne; and
WHEREAS, the LAAFB is home to several commands which encompass
functions related to research and development and the procurement of military space
systems; and
WHEREAS, the Air Force has received congressional authorization to relocate
the mission and support functions housed in the facilities on Area A of the LAAFB to
state -of- the -art facilities to be construction in the City of El Segundo on Area B; and
WHEREAS, the cost of construction of the new facilities on Area B is to be
funded in part from the sale of Area A to a private developer and converted to private
WHEREAS, having state -of- the -art facilities serves to promote the retention of
the LAAFB; and
WHEREAS, the LAAFB generates approximately 13,000 jobs and over $8 billion
in annual contracts to area aerospace firms and is a vital part of the South Bay
economy; and
WHEREAS, the loss of the LAAFB facilities would have a significant adverse
effect on the economy of the entire South Bay area and could harm local property tax
values; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the City of El Segundo to take all
reasonable steps to help preserve jobs and local businesses that are dependent on the
LAAFB; and
WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the conversion of Area A to private residential
use, actions have been undertaken to detach Area A from the City of El Segundo and
annexed by the City of Hawthorne; and
WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the relocation of mission and support functions
from Area A to Area B within the City of El Segundo and the conversion of Area A to
private residential use within the City of Hawthorne, it has been proposed that Area A
and B be included into the existing Hawthorne Redevelopment Project No. 2 by
amendment of the Redevelopment Plan for that Redevelopment Project; and
WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code §33213)
permits the legislative body of a community to authorize by ordinance the
redevelopment of an area within its territorial limits by another community if such area is
contiguous to such other community; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33213, the City of El
Segundo desires to authorize the City of Hawthorne to undertake redevelopment of
Area A and B subject to the provisions of this Ordinance.
SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
1. The City Council of the City of El Segundo hereby authorizes the inclusion
of Area A and B into the Redevelopment Area of the Hawthorne
Redevelopment Project No. 2 of the Community Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Hawthorne, as set forth in, and subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in the Third Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan
for the Hawthorne Redevelopment Project No. 2 attached as Exhibit B.
2. The City of El Segundo shall not be required to comply with any
requirements of the Community Redevelopment Law with respect to the
Amendment of Hawthorne Redevelopment Project No. 2 to include Area A
and B.
SECTION 2: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court
of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the
effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions
of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 3: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original
ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting;
and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it
to be published or posted in accordance with California law.
SECTION 4: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty -first (31 st) day following
its passage and adoption.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd ay of Sept.. 2003.
Mike Gordon, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the
whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance
No. 1366was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of
August , 2003, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and
signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the 2nd day of Septembe2003, and the same was so passed and adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Gordon, Jacobs, McDowell
NOES: Wernick
ABSENT: Gaines
0&kaia &M* I GI)
Cindy Mdrtesen, City Clerk
Area A
Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 34 of Tract No. 16663, in the City
of Hawtborm. e, County of Los Angeles, as shown on map recorded in Book 511, Pages 15
through 19F, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County, said comer being on the
southeasterly lint of the Pacific Electdc Railway Company's 80.00 -foot right of way, said
comer being a common point in the boundaries of the City of B1 Segundo and the City of
Bawthome, as both boundaries existed on April 15, 2003 and having established grid
coordinates of North 1,791,789.84 feet, E dug 6,449,11&06 feet, Zone 5 of the California
State Coordinate System (NAD83); thence along said southeasterly line, South 62 °25'00"
'Jest 2659.14 feet to the westerly line of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 3
South, Range 14 West of the Rancho Sausal Redondo as per map filed in Case No. 11629
of the Superior Court of the State of California; thence along said westerly line, North
00 013'08" East 1188.48 feet to a line parallel with and 25.00 Peet northwesterly of the
southeasterly line of the land described in Book 4215, Page 316 of said Deeds; thence
along said parallel line North 11 °21'00" East 421,61 feet to the northerly line of said
Section 17; thence along said northerly line, South 89 °45'00" East 1211.46 feet to the
southerly prolongation of the westerly line of Isis Avenue, 60 feet wide, as shown on Tract
No 14749, in the City of Ei Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 368, pages 18 through
22, inclusive of said Maps; thence along said southerly prolongation, South 000 1119"
West 50.00 feet to a line parallel with and 50.00'feet southerly of said northerly line of
Section 17; thence along said parallel line, South 89 °45'00" East 477.18 feet to the
westerly line of the "Triangle No. 1 Annexation" to the City of Hawthorne as samc existed
on March 14, 1957, said westerly line being the beginning of a non - tangent curve, concave
northeasterly, having a radius of 140.00 feet and to which beginning a radial line bears
South 89 027'05" West; thence along said most westerly line of the "Triangle No. 1
Annexation" to the City of Hawthorne, the following three courses: Southeasterly 245.85
feet along said curve, through a central angle of 98 °34'09 ", North 8I 023'56" East 348,02
feet, South 18 °34'12" East 250.23 feet to the point ofbeginning.
Containing an area of 50.10 acres, more or less.
bert C Olson, PLS 5490
Page I of l
W. %LAAFU%54156%[KEA020100\gu vey%LAFCOUiEDEVELOPMEPIP HAW'n{DNNr dot
Area B
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Section 7, Township 3 South, Range
14 West of the Rancho Sausal Redondo as per map filed in Case No. 11639 of the Superior
Court of the State of California and a line parallel with and 1415.20 feet westerly of the
easterly line of said Section 7 and having established grid coordinates of North
1,792,168.43 feet, Easting 6,44534926 feet, Zone 5 of the California State Coordinate
System (NAD83), thence northerly along said parallel line, North 00 100'53" East 2008.61
feet; thence South 89 059'07" East 339.18 feet; thence South 00 °00'53" West, 182.00 feet;
thence South 89 059'07" East 289.64 feet; thence South 00 °00'53" West 67.93 feet; thence
South 89 °58'15" East 458.82 feet; thence North 49 006'45" East 38.19 feet; thence South
89058'15" East 73.81 feet; thence North 67'20'15" East 38.39 feet; thence North
89 1159'22" East 59.86 feet; thence North 89 °59'22" East 101.20 feet; thence South
00 110'18" West 360.00 feet; thence South 89 °59'22" West 100.21 feet; thence South
00 000'53" West 1390.25 feet; thence South 89 °54'07" East 186.40 feet; thence North
00 010'18"
thence North
89 °59'22"
00 010'18"
thence South
00 010'18"
001 10'18" West 228.85 feet; thence North 89 °54'04" West 12.03 feet to the beginning; of a
non - tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet and to which
beginning a radial line bears North 00 °05'56" East; thence southwesterly 39.24 feet along
Page 1 of 2
May G, 2003
said curve through a central angle of 89 °55'38 "; South 00 010'18" West 67A3 feet; thence
North 89 054'04" West 6,00 feet; thence South 00 010'18" West 1321.85 feet; thence North
89 054'07" West 50.57 feet; thence South 11 018'32" West 50.97 feet; thence North
89054'07" West 99.45 feet to the beginning of a non- tangent curve concave to the west,
having a radius of 2834.93 feet and to which beginning a radial sine bears South 83 °59'40"
East; thence southerly 18.10 feet along said curve through a central angle of 00 °21'57 ";
thence North 89 °54'07" West 253.27 feet; thence North 48 °02'05" West 8.99 feet; thence
North 89 054'07" West 457.16 feet; thence South 00°05'53" Wrest 10.0:0 feet; thence North
89 054'07" West 150.66 feet; thence North 78 °10'58" West 31.66 feet; thence North
85 005'08" West 18.69 feet; thence North 89 054'07" West 322.97 feet; thence North
66 °02'02" West 158.17 feet to the Point of Beginning
Containing an area of 61.09 acres, more or less.
FobertOlson, PLS 5490
Page 2 of 2
May 6, 2003
J DC ode
�.�: ate• z� �
4 No. 54-90 'D
* Exp.9.30 -2004
The Redevelopment Plan for the Hawthorne Redevelopment Project No. 2
originally adopted November 26,1984, by Ordinance No. 1330, and amended on
December 27, 1994, by Ordinance No. 1580 (First Amendment), and August 11,
1997 by Ordinance No. 1639 (Second Amendment) is hereby further amended as
1. Section 100 is hereby amended to read as follows:
This Redevelopment Plan for the City of Hawthorne
Redevelopment Project No. 2 consists of the text (Sections 100
through 1000), the Redevelopment Plan Map which consists of the
Original Project Area (Exhibit "A "), the Redevelopment Plan Map
of the Added Area which consists of the area added by this third
amendment (Exhibit "B "), the Legal Description of the Original
Project Area (Exhibit "C "), the Legal Description of the Added
Project Area (Exhibit "D ") and the Amended List of Proposed
Redevelopment Projects and Activities (Exhibit "E "). This Plan has
been prepared by the City of Hawthorne Redevelopment Agency
pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of
California, and all applicable laws and ordinances.
All references contained hereinabove shall be renumerated
appropriately as described above.
2. Add the definition of "Added Project Area" as item A of Section
200, as follows:
A. "Added Project Area" means the area to be added to the
Project Area by the Third Amendment to the
Redevelopment Plan, commonly known as Subarea A and
Subarea B as shown on the Added Area Redevelopment
Plan Map (Exhibit B) and described in the Legal Description
of the Added Area (Exhibit D).
3. Reletter items A through E of Section 200 to items B through F.
HAW _AmdRedevP1an_v3 doc 8/13/03
4. Revise the definition of current Item E of Section 200 as follows:
F. "Map" means the Redevelopment Plan Maps as attached as
Exhibits A and B for the City of Hawthorne Redevelopment
Project Area No. 2.
5. Add the definition of "Original Project Area" as item G of Section
200, as follows:
G. "Original Project Area" means the portion of the Project
Area so designated on the Redevelopment Plan Map
(Exhibit A) and described in the Legal Description of the
Original Project Area (Exhibit C).
6. Revise the definition of current item I of Section 200 as follows:
K. "Project Area" means the Original Project Area and the
Added Project Area.
7. Reletter items F through K of Section 200 to items H through M.
8. Section 300 is hereby amended to read as follows:
The boundaries of the Project Area are illustrated on the Maps
contained in Exhibits A and B. The legal description of the
boundaries of the Project Area are as enumerated in Exhibits B and
C, attached hereto.
9. Paragraph 3 of Section 403 is hereby amended to read as follows:
No eminent domain proceeding to acquire property within the
Original Project Area shall be commenced after twelve (12) years
following the date of adoption of the ordinance approving and
adopting the Second Amendment to this Redevelopment Plan. No
eminent domain proceeding to acquire property within the Added
Project Area shall be commenced after twelve (12) years following
the date of adoption of the ordinance approving and adopting the
Third Amendment to this Redevelopment Plan. No eminent
domain proceeding to acquire property within Subarea B of the
Added Project Area shall be commenced unless the City Council of
the City of El Segundo has, by a vote of two- thirds of all the
HAW_AmdRedevP1an_v3 doc 2 8/13/03
members of the City Council, ratified the resolution of necessity
adopted by the governing board of the Agency under Section
1245.220 of the California Code of Civil Procedure for such
proceeding. Such time limitations may be extended only by
amendment to this Redevelopment Plan.
10. A new fourth paragraph is hereby added to Section 403 as follows:
The Agency shall not purchase, lease, obtain option upon or
otherwise acquire real property located within Subarea B of the
Added Project Area unless the City Council of the City of El
Segundo has, by vote of a majority of its members, approved such
acquisition. Notwithstanding this paragraph, the commencement of
an eminent domain proceeding by the Agency shall be ratified by
the City Council of El Segundo as provided above.
11. Section 404 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Generally personal property shall not be acquired. However,
where necessary in the execution of the Plan, the Agency is
authorized to acquire personal property in the Project Area by any
lawful means including eminent domain, provided, however, that
no eminent domain proceeding to acquire property within Subarea
B of the Added Project Area shall be commenced unless the City
Council of the City of El Segundo has, by a vote of two- thirds of all
the members of the City Council, ratified the resolution of necessity
adopted by the governing board of the Agency under Section
1245.220 of the California Code of Civil Procedure for such
12. Section 430 is hereby amended to read as follows:
The Agency may, inside or outside the Project area, acquire land,
donate land, improve sites, or construct or rehabilitate structures in
order to provide housing for persons and families of low or
moderate income. The Agency may also provide subsidies to, or
for the benefit of, such persons and families or households to assist
them in obtaining housing within the City. It is contemplated that
the Agency will be able to meet and satisfy its low- and moderate -
income housing, inclusory housing, and replacement housing
obligations under the Community Redevelopment Law without
resort to Subarea B of the Added Project Area. Therefore,
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v1doc 3 8/13/03
notwithstanding this Section 430 and Sections 431, 432 and 434, the
Agency shall not exercise any of its powers to assist, create,
develop, increase, improve, preserve, construct, rehabilitate,
relocate, replace or otherwise facilitate dwelling units affordable to
persons and families of low- and moderate- income within Subarea
B of the Added Project Area.
13. Section 501 is hereby amended to read as follows:
In addition to illustrating the location of the Project Area
boundaries, the Map also illustrates the proposed land uses and
street layout to be permitted in the Project Area. (See Exhibit A)
Except for Subarea B of the Added Project Area, the location of
such proposed land uses including proposed rights -of -way and
easements is consistent with the General Plan and zoning of the
City, and may be altered from time to time by changes to the
General Plan or zoning regulations of the City. Although Subarea
B is within the Added Project Area, it remains within the
jurisdiction and boundaries of the City of El Segundo. Therefore,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Sections 501 through
524, inclusive, the location of proposed land uses including
proposed rights -of -way and easements within Subarea B are and
shall be consistent with the City of El Segundo's General Plan and
Zoning Ordinance, as may be altered from time to time by changes
to the General Plan or Zoning Ordinance of the City of El Segundo.
Furthermore, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Sections
501 through 524, inclusive, neither the City nor the Agency shall
have or exercise any land use or permitting authority within
Subarea B of the Added Project Area and all land use, building, and
other permits, approvals and entitlements required for any project
within Subarea B of the Added Project Area shall be applied for to,
and considered, approved, disapproved, or conditionally
approved, and issued by the City of El Segundo. Except as
provided in the following sentences and notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in Sections 501 through 524, inclusive, the Agency
shall take no action on a project located within Subarea B of the
Project Area without the prior approval of the City Council of the
City of El Segundo by a majority vote of its members. The
foregoing limitation shall not apply to any action the Agency may
take pursuant to or in furtherance of projects or programs the
purpose of which is to assist with the relocation of the Space and
Missile Systems Center ( "SAMS ") of the Los Angeles Air Force Base
HAW_AmdRedevP1an_v3.doc 4 8/13/03
( "LAAFB ") from Subarea A to Subarea B, including, without
limitation, the approval of an owner participation agreement and
issuance of bonds in furtherance of such purpose. However, the
Agency cannot amend the Redevelopment Plan with respect to
Subarea B, nor can the Agency take any action that allows for any
land use on Subarea B other than the LAAFB without the prior
approval of the City of El Segundo.
14. Section 513 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Except as may otherwise be provided in Section 501 with regard to
Subarea B of the Added Project Area, the number of buildings in
the Project Area shall be as permitted by the General Plan of the
City. The approximate number of dwelling units in the Original
Project Area and Subarea A of the Added Project Area shall
conform to the City of Hawthorne General Plan as it may be
amended from time to time. The approximate number of dwelling
units in Subarea B of the Added Project Area shall conform to the
City of El Segundo General Plan, which currently does not provide
for any dwelling units and is not contemplated to provide for any
dwelling units in the future, as it may be amended from time to
15. The first phrase of section 602 is hereby amended to read as
The taxes levied upon taxable property within the Project Area
(excluding Subarea B of the Added Project Area and any taxes
levied upon taxable property therein) each year by or for the
benefit of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, City of
Hawthorne, any district, or other public corporation (hereinafter
sometimes called "taxing agencies ") after the effective date of the
ordinance approving this Redevelopment Project or amending this
Redevelopment Plan to add territory, as the case may be, shall be
divided as follows:
16. Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Item 3 of Section 602 is hereby amended to
read as follows:
No loan, advance or indebtedness to be repaid from such allocation
of taxes established or incurred by the Agency to finance in whole
or in part the Project shall be established or incurred after twenty
HAW_AmdRedevPlan_ 0 doc 5 8/13/03
(20) years following the date of adoption of the ordinance
approving and adopting this Plan for the Original Project Area, and
twenty (20) years following the date of adoption of the ordinance
approving and adopting this Third Amendment for the Added
Project Area.
As required by Ordinance No. 1580, in accordance with Health and
Safety Code Section 33333.6(c), except as provided in subdivisions
(g) or (h) of the Health and Safety Code Section 33333.6, the Agency
shall not pay indebtedness or receive property taxes pursuant to
Health and Safety Code Section 33670 with respect to the Original
Project Area after November 26, 2034. Pursuant to Health and
Safety Code Section 33333.2, the Agency shall not pay indebtedness
with respect to the Added Project Area or receive property taxes
pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33670 with respect to
Subarea A of the Added Project Area after September J 2048
(forty -five (45) years after the ordinance approving and adopting
this Third Amendment). The Agency shall not receive or be eligible
to receive any property taxes pursuant to Health and Safety Code
Section 33670 with respect to Subarea B of the Added Project Area.
17. Add a new Section 604, as follows:
D. (Sec. 604) Limitation on Receipt of Tax Increment
Notwithstanding any other provision of Article VI of this Plan,
including without limitation, section 602, no taxes shall be allocated
to the Agency from any portion of the Added Project Area which
remains within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of El Segundo.
18. Section 900 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Except for the nondiscrimination and nonsegregation provisions
(which shall run in perpetuity), the provisions of this Plan shall be
effective and the provisions of other documents formulated
pursuant to this Plan may be made effective for forty (40) years
from the date of adoption of this Plan by the City Council with
respect to the Original Area, and thirty (30) years from the date of
adoption of this Third Amendment by the City Council with
respect to the Added Project Area, except as may otherwise be
provided herein for Subarea B of the Added Project Area.
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v3 doc 6 8/13/03
The provisions of this Plan and the power and authority of the
Agency hereunder shall be effective within Subarea B of the Added
Project Area for the lesser of either: (1) a period being thirty (30)
years from the date of adoption of the Third Amendment by the
City Council; or (2) an undetermined period commencing on the
date of adoption of the Third Amendment by the City Council and
expiring on the occurrence of any of the following:
A. By March 31, 2004, the developer of SAMS Subarea B
Facilities (defined below) has not executed an owner
participation agreement with the Agency and an agreement
with the federal government obligating the developer to
undertake and complete the relocation of the SAMS facility
from Subarea A to Subarea B, including, but not limited to,
the construction of approximately 560,000 square feet of
administrative and special use facilities on Subarea B
meeting the specifications of the Air Force ( "SAMS Subarea
B Facilities ").
B. By December 31, 2007, the developer of the SAMS Subarea B
Facilities has not commenced construction of the SAMS
Subarea B Facilities.
C. At a time when the Agency has no further legal obligations
to provide financing for the SAMS Subarea B Facilities that
requires Subarea B to remain in the Redevelopment Area.
19. Section 1000 is hereby amended to read as follows:
This Plan may be amended by means of the procedure established
in Sections 33450 - 33458 of the Community Redevelopment Law or
by any other procedure hereafter established by law. No
amendment of the Plan affecting Subarea B of the Added Project
Area shall be valid, binding, and effective until it has been
considered and approved, by the City Council of the City of El
Segundo, by majority vote of its members.
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v3 doc 7 8/21/03
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v3 doc Exhibit A 8/14/03
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v3.doc Exhibit B 8/14/03
Scale: I' - A�'x. encrim B:p#3nTC�rlf �� t���l11��1�1 11�hoot I of , Sheet
R- adev*' ,tapmwnt r* � "t No 2
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300' 0 1 300' 600'
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S 18'34'12" E
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N 11'21'00" E 421.61 N 0'13'08" E 1188.48' --�
of Bk 4215 pg 316, Deeds 8/14/50 8/28/01
DATE: 04/15/03 REVISED ON:
Annexation Arco JOB No: IKEA020100 Task 116
Itil1.1m a,m/
scaw.. 300'Amen-ding Boundary of
Redevelopment Project N(
Containib -81,09 Acres
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S89'58'1 5•'E
!67'20'15 "E
N89'59'22 "E
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DATE: 05/06/03 REVISED ON:
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Annexation Area a
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HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v3 doc Exhibit C 8/11/03
All those portions of the City of Hawthorne, County of Los
Angeles, State of California within the following described
Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the northwesterly one
quarter of Section, 20, Township 3 South, Range'•14 West, San
Bernardino Base and Meridian, said southwesterly corner also being
the point of intersection of the centerlines of Aviation
Boulevard, 80 feet wide, and Compton Boulevard, 80 feet wide;
thence northerly along said centerline of Aviation Boulevard to
the southwesterly corner of section 17 of said township; thence
continuing northerly along said centerline to the northerly line
of the south 50 feet of said last mentioned Section; thence
easterly along said last mentioned line to the southeast corner of
Lot 121, of Tract No. 20263 as per map recorded in Bock No. 550,
pages 1 through 4, of records in the Office of the County Recorder
of said County; thence northerly along the easterly line of Fsid
lot to the southerly corner of Lot 122 of said Tract; thence
northeasterly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 127
of said Tract; thence easterly In a direct line to the southwest
corner of Lot 134 of said Tract; thence northerly following the
easterly right of way line of Glasgow Place as shown on said map
to the southwest corner of Lot 175 of said tract; thence
continuing northerly in a direct line to the northwest corner of
Lot 7 of Tract No. 20033 as per map recorded in book 544 page 1 of
said records; thence continuing northerly along said easterly
right of way line to the southerly corner of Lot 31 of Tract No.
16663 as per map recorded in Book 511, pages 15 through 19 of said
records. thence continuing westerly, easterly and westerly along
said right of way line. of Glasgow F3ace and the contiguous
property linos of Lots 31 thru 35 of said last mentioned tract to
the southwest corner of said Lot 35; thence northwesterly along
the 'southwesterly line of said lot to the northwest corner of said
Lot; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of said
Lot to the northeast corner of Lot 34 of said Tract; thence
northwesterly along the mutual boundaries of the City of E1
Segundo and the City of Hawthorne as they existed on August 1,
1984 to the northerly right -of -way line of the San Diego Freeway;
thence continuing southwesterly, northwesterly and northerly along
the various courses of said mutual boundary line and northerly
right -of -Way line of said freeway, to the boundary line of the
County of Los Angeles as it existed on said date, said boundary
line being parallel to and distant 30 feet southerly from the
centerline of E1 Segundo -Boulevard, 100 feet wide; thence
easterly, southerly, southeasterly, southwesterly and southerly
along the various courses of said boundary line to the northerly
line of Lot 23 Tract No. 2542 as per map recorded in Book No. .26,
page 73, of said records; thence Easterly along the northerly
line of said lot to a point on said northerly line distant 80 feet
W&Sterly, from the northeast corner of said Lot 23; thence
-page 1 -.
southerly parallel to and distant 80 feet westerly of the easterly
line of said Lot 23 to the northerly line of Lot 20 of said Tract;
thence easterly in a direct line to the' northwest corner of Lot 2
of said tract; thence northerly in a direct line to-the northwest
corner of Lot 41 of said tract; thence easterly in a direct line
to the northwest corner of Lot 42 of said tract; thence northerly
in a direct line to a point on the southerly line of Lot 86 of
said- tract, said point lying distant easterly 80 feet from the
southwest corner of said Lot 86; thence easterly along the
southerly line of said Lot 86 to a point distant 40 feet Westerly
from the southeast corner of said Lot 86; thence northerly
parallel to and distant 40 feet westerly of the easterly'line of
said .Lot 86 of said tract to a point on the northerly line of said
Lot 86; thence easterly along the northerly line of said lot to a
point lying distant westerly 25 feet from the northeast corner'of
said Lot 86; thence northerly parallel to and distant westerly 25
feet from the easterly line of Lot 119 of said tract to a point on
the northerly line of said Lot 119; thence westerly along said
northerly line to a point lying distant easterly 90 feet from the
northwest corner of said lot 119; thence northerly in a direct
line to a point lying on the northerly line of Lot 155 of said
tract, said point lying westerly 24 feet from the northeast corner
of said lot, said point also lying on southerly right of way line
of 139th Street (formerly Buckeye Avenue), 40 feet wide; thence
easterly along the southerly right of way line of 139th Street and
the easterly prolongation thereof, to its intersection with the
centerline of Inglewood Avenue, 80 feet wide; thence northerly
along said centerline of Inglewood Avenue to its intersection
with the easterly prolongation of the northerly right of way line
of 137th Street (formerly Hazelton Avenue), 50 feet wide, thence
westerly along said easterly prolongation and northerly right of
way line to the southwest corner of Lot 12 of Block 12 of Tract
No. 6490 as per map recorded in Map Book 70, pages 72 and 73 of
said records; thence northerly in a direct line to the southwest
corner of Lot 12, Block 6 of said tract; thence westerly along
the northerly right of way line of 135th Street (formerly
Connecticut Avenue), 50 feet wide; to the southwest corner of Lot
18 of said block 6; thence northerly in a direct line to the
northwest corner of Lot 6 of said block 6;, thence easterly along
the southerly right of way line of 134th Place (formerly Gaines
Avenue), 50 feet wide to the northeast corner of Lot 7 of said
block 6; thence northeasterly along a direct line between the
northeast corner of said Lot 7 of said block 6 and the northwest
corner of Lot 204 of Ingledale Acres as per map recorded in Map
Book 20, pages 182 and 183 of said records, to its intersection
with. said centerline of Inglewood Avenue; thence northerly along
said lest mentioned centerline to its intersection with the
easte -rly prolongation of the northerly right of way line of 131st
Street, 50 feet wide; thence westerly along said last mentioned
easterly prolongation and right of way line to the southwest
corner of Lot 12, Block 9 of Tract No. 5755 as p-er map recorded in
Book 63, pages 10 and 11 of said' records; thence northerly in a
direct line to the southwest corner of lot 9 of said block 9;
thence westerly along the southerly line of lot 6 of said block 9
—page 2—
a distance of 40 feet; thence northerly parallel to and distant
40 feet westerly from the easterly line of said lot 6 to the
northerly line of said lot 6; thence easterly in a direct line to
the northeast corner of said lot 6; thence northerly to the
southwest corner of Lot 17 of Block 3 of-said Tract; thence
easterly along the southerly line of said lot 17 and the easterly
prolongation thereof to said centerline of Inglewood Avenue;
thence northerly along said centerline to its intersection with
the easterly prolongation of the northerly right of tray line of E1
Segundo Boulevard .(formerly Ballona Avenue), 100 feet wide;
thence Westerly along said northerly prolongation of E1 Segundo
Boulevard to the southerly prolongation of the westerly right of
way line of said Inglewood Avenue; thence northerly along said
last mentioned southerly prolongation and westerly right of way
line of said Inglewood Avenue and its northerly prolongation to a
point 25 feet southerly of the centerline of West Broadway
(formerly Broadway) 50 feet wide as shown on map of Town of
Hawthorne recorded in book 15 pages 110 and 111 of said records;
thence easterly in a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot 20
of Block Z of said Town of Hawthorne; thence easterly along the
southerly right of way line of Broadway to a point on said last
mentioned right of way line distant westerly 164 feet from the
easterly line of said Lot 20; thence southerly parallel to and
distant 164 feet westerly of the easterly line of said Lot 20, to
the northerly line of Lot 19 of said block and tract; thence
easterly along the northerly line of said Lot 19 to a point
distant 116 feet westerly from the northeast corner of said lot;-
thence '-southerly parallel to and distant 116 feet westerly from
the easterly line of said Lot 19 to a point 60 feet northerly from
the southerly line of said Lot 19; thence easterly parallel to
and distant 60 feet northerly from the southerly line of said lot
19 to the easterly line of said Lot 19; thence northerly along th
easterly line of sad lot 19 to the northeast corner of said Lot 19
of said block and tract; thence easterly along the northerly line
of Lot 2 of 'said block and tract to the westerly right of way line
of Eucalyptus Avenue (formerly Redondo Avenue), 50 feet wide;
thence. southerly along said westerly right of way line to the
southerly line -of Lot 3 of said block and tract; thence westerly
a distance of 150 feet along the southerly line of said Lot 3;
thence southerly parallel to and distant 150 feet westerly of the
westerly right of way -line of Eucalyptus Avenue to the southerly
line of Lot '4 of said block and tract; thence westerly in a
direct line to the southwest• corner of said Lot 4; thence
southerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 9 of
said block and tract; thence easterly in a direct line to the
northeast corner of Lot 2 of Tract No. 7252 as per map recorded in
Book . 80, Page 76, of said records; thence continuing
northeasterly in a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot 5 of
Tract No. 7706 as per map recorded in Book 98, Page 11, of said
records; thence easterly to the northeast corner of lot 4 of said
tract; •thence northerly along the northerly prolongation of the
easterly line of said lot 4 a distance of 15 feet; thence
easterly parallel to and distant northerly 130 feet from the
northerly right of way line of El Segundo Blvd. 100 feet wide a
-page 3-
distance of 50 feet; thence southerly in a direct line to 1
northwest corner of Lot 3 of said Tract 7706; thence continu:
easterly in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 1 of s;
tract; thence continuing southeasterly in a'diredt line to t
northwest corner of Lot 6 of Tract No. 5482 as per map recorded
Book 100,: Page 98 of said records; thence continuing easterly
a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 1 of said tract
thence northerly along the westerly right of way line of Grevill
Avenue (formerly Sausal Avenue) 50 feet wide to its intersects
with the northerly' right ofl way line of West Broadway, 50 fe
wide; thence easterly in a direct line to the southeast corner
Lot 4, Tract No. 2006 as per map recorded in Book 21, Page 105
thence northerly in a direct line to the northeast corner of sa
Lot 4; thence continuing northerly along the prolongation of t
easterly line of said lot,' 4 a distance of 52.5 feet; then
westerly parallel to and distant 52.5 feet northerly frory t
northerly line of said Tract No. 2006 to a point distant easter
185.02 feet from the easterly right of way line of Grevill
Avenue; thence northerly parallel to and distant 185.02 fe
easterly from said easterly right of way line of Grevillea to t
southerly line-of Lot 30, Block R,-Town of Hawthorne Tract, as p
map recorded in Book 15, Pages 110 and 111 of said records
thence westerly along said southerly line of said Lot 30 to
point distant easterly 150 feet from said easterly right of w.
line of Grevillea Avenue; thence northerly parallel to a
distant easterly 150 feet from said easterly right of way line
Grevillea Avenue to the southerly line of Lo't 31 of said block a
tract; thence westerly along said southerly lot line to a poi•
distant easterly 130 feet from said easterly right of way line
Grevillea Avenue; thence northerly parallel to and dicta)
easterly 130 feet from said easterly right of way line to tl
southerly line of lot 32 of said block and tract; thence easter:
along said southerly lot line to a point distant easterly 160.(
feet from said easterly right of way line of Grevillea Avenue
thence northerly parallel to distant easterly 160.06 feet from t)
easterly right of way line of Grevillea Avenue -to a point on t)
southerly line of Lot 33 of slid block-and tract; thence easter:
to a point on said southerly lot line distant easterly 185.04 fet
from the easterly right of way line of Grevillea Avenue; then(
northerly parallel to and distant easterly 185.04 feet from sa-
easterly right of way line of Grevillea Avenue, a distance of 52,
feet; thence westerly parallel to and distant northerly 52.5 fee
from the southerly line of L'ot 33 of said block and tract to
point distant easterly 115 feet from said easterly right of wz
line of Grevillea Avenue; thence northerly parallel to ar
distant easterly 115 feet from said easterly right of way line c
Grevillea Avenue to the southerly line of Lot 34 of said block ar
tract; thence easterly along said southerly line to a poir
distant easterly 176.08 feet from the easterly right of way lir
of Grevillea Avenue; thence northerly parallel to and distar
easterly 176.08 feet from said- easterly right of way line c
Grevillea Avenue to a Point on the southerly line of Lot 35 c
said block and tract; thence westerly along said southerly lc
line to a point distant easterly 160.09 feet from said easter]
-page 4-
Revised Scpt. 25,1J984
right of way line of Grevillea Avenue; thence northerly parallel
to and distant ]60.09 feel easterly from said easterly right of
way line to the southerly line of Lot 37 of said block and tract;
thence easterly along said souther]y lot line 'to a point distant
easterly 200.11 feet from said easterly right of way line of
Grevillea Avenue; thence northerly parallel to and distant 200.11
feet 'easterly of said easterly right of way line of Grevillea
Avenue to the norpherly right of way line of 120th Street
(formerly Raymond Avenue), 80 feet wide; thence
said northerly right of way line to the southeast ecorner yoflLot
No. 1' of Tract No. 9498 as per map recorded in Book 128, Pages 10
and 11, of said records; thence northerly in a direct line to the
northeast corner of Lot 30, Block S; of said Town of Hawthorne
Tract; thence westerly along the northerly line of said lot and
prolongation thereof to said westerly right of way line of
Grevillea Avenue, 50 feet wide; thence northerly along'said
westerly right of way line to the southerly right of way line of
118th Street (formerly Wallace Street), 60 feet wide; thence
westerly along said southerly right of way line to the westerly
right of way line of Ramona Avenue, 60 feet wide; thence
northerly along said last mentioned westerly right of way line to
a point distant 40 feet northerly of the centerline of 116th.
Street (formerly Miramar Street) 60 feet wide as shown on Tract
No. 7963 recorded in Book 85 pages 75 and 76 of said records;
thence easterly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot
135 of Belleview Tract as recorded in Book 9 page 77 of said
records; thence easterly along the northerly right of way line of
116th. Street 80 feet wide to the westerly right of way line of
Grevillea Avenue, 60 feet wide; thence northerly along said
westerly right of way line to the southeast corner of Lot 47 of
said Belleview Tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of Lot 66 of said tract; thence southerly along
the westerly line of Lot 67 of said Belleview Tract a distance of
20 feet; thence westerly 'in a direct line to the northeast
corner of Lot 13 of said Tract No. 7963; thence westerly along
the southerly right of way line of the alley as -shown on said map
of Tract No. 7963 and its westerly prolongation to its
intersection with the westerly right of way line of Eucalyptus
Avenue 50 feet wide; thence northerly along said last mentioned
westerly right of way line to a point distant northerly 125 feet
from the southeast corner of Lot 21 of Tract 1543 as per map
recorded in Book I8, Page 198, of said records; thence westerly
In a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 22 of said tract
1543; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 20 of said tract 1543, said point lying on the
westerly right of way lime of Gale Avenue 50 feet wide; thence
westerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of said Lot 20;
thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest - corner of said
lot 20; thence westerly parallel to and distant southerly 30 feet
from the centerline of Imper-lal Highway (formerly Belleview
Avenue), 100 feet wide, said line being the boundary line between
the Cities of 11awthorne and Los Angeles, to the southerly
prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 368, Tract No. 324 as per
map recorded in Book 141 Page 84 .of of said records; thence
—page 5—
Rev isen bcpt. Lo,1vb4
northerly in a direct line to the northwest corner of said Lot
368; thence easterly along the northerly line of said lot and the
easterly prolongation thereof, to the centerline of said Inglewood
Avenue, variable 66 to 60 feet wide; thence northerly along said
last mentioned centerline to its intersection with the westerly
prolongation of the northerly line of Lot No. 106,.-Tract No. 957
as per map recorded in Book 16, Pages 198 and 199, of said
records; thence easterly along said last mentioned northerly
line and its easterly prolongation to the centerline of Dalerose
Avenue, 50 feet wide, said last mentioned centerline also being
the easterly line of said Lot 106 and lots 107, 108, and 109 of
said Tract 957; thence southerly along said centerline to its
intersection with the westerly prolongation of the northerly line
of Lot 91 of said tract 957; thence easterly along said northerly
lot line to a point on the northerly line of Lot 90 of said tract
957, said point lying distant easterly 139 feet from the north west
corner of said lot 90; thence northerly in a direct line to a
point on the southerly line of Lot 87 of said tract 957, said last
mentioned point being distant 139.24 feet from the southwest
corner of said Lot 87; thence easterly along said last mentioned
southerly lot line and prolongation thereof to the centerline of
Truro Avene, 50 feet wide said centerline also being the easterly
line of Lot 88 of said Tract 957; thence southerly along said
centerline to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of
the northerly line of Parcel B of Parcel Map No. 3349 as per map
recorded in Parcel Map Book 42, Page 30 of said records; thence
easterly along said northerly parcel line to the centerline of
Firmons Avenue ( formelly Fir Avenue), 50 feet wide; thence
southerly along said last mentioned centerline to a point distant
30 feet southerly from the centerline of said Imperial Highway 100
feet wide; thence easterly parallel to and distant 30 feet
southerly from said last mentioned centerline to its intersection
with the southerly prolongation of the easterly right of way line
of Burin Avenue (formerly Mansfield Place), 40 feet wide as shown
on Tract No. 1698 recorded in Book 24 page 46 of said records;
thence northerly along said easterly right of way line to the
northwest corner of Lot 101 of said tract 1698; thence easterly
along the northerly line of said Lot 101 .a distance of 5 feet;
thence northerly along the easterly line of the westerly 25 feet
of Lots 11 and 12 of said Tract 957 a distance of 83 feet; thence
westerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 17 of
Tract No. 6553 as recorded in Book 71 page 78 of said records;
thence westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 17 and 22 of
said Tract No. 6553, to the centerline'of Grevillea Avenue, 50
feet wide; thence northerly along said lapt mentioned centerline
to the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 53 of
said Tract No. 957; thence westerly along said southerly line to
the easterly right of way line of Mansel Avenue, 40 feet wide,
said easterly right of way line also being distant .40 feet
easterly and parallel to the west—erly lines of said Lots 53 and 54
of said Tract 957; thence northerly along said easterly right of
way line to the southerly line of Lot 55 of said tract; thence
westerly along said southerly line to the southwest corner of
said Lot 55; thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest
—page 6—
Revised Sept. 25,7984
corner of Lot 60 of said tract; thence easterly along the
northerly line of said lot to the centerline of said Grevillea
Avenue, 50 feet wide; thence southerly along said centerline to
its intersecton with the westerly prolongation of the southerly
line of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 6553; thence easterly along the
southerly line of Lots 1 through 6 inclusive of said tract and the
easterly prolongation thereof 'to the easterly right of way line of
said Burin Avenue, 50 feet wide; . thence northerly along said
easterly right of 'way line to the southerly right of way line of
111th Street (formerly Center Avenue), 50 feet wide; thence
easterly along -said southerly right of way line to the westerly
right of way line of Hawthorne Boulevard (formerly Hawthorne
Avenue), 135 feet wide said westerly right of way line being
distant 65 feet westerly and parallel to the centerline of said
Hawthorne Boulevard; thence southerly along said last mentioned
westerly right of way line to its intersection with the westerly
prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 31 of Hawthorne Acres
Tract as per map recorded in Book 9, Page 128, of said records;
thence easterly along said westerly prolongation and southerly
line of said lot 31 to the westerly right of way line of.Acacia
Avenue, 50 feet wide, said westerly right of way line also being
the westerly line of the easterly 25 feet of Lots 32,33,34, and 35
of said Hawthorne Acres; thence southerly along said westerly
right of way line to the westerly prolongation of the northerly
line of Lot 37 of said tract; thence easterly along said last
mentioned westerly prolongation and northerly line of Lot 37 and
its easterly prolongation to the centerline of Larch Avenue
(formerly Birch Avenue), 40 feet wide; thence northerly along
said centerline to its intersection with the westerly prolongation
of the northerly line of Lot 106 of said tract; thence easterly
in a direct line to a point on the northerly line of Lot 110 of
said tract, said point lying distant 147.7 feet westerly from the
westerly right of way line of Freeman Avenue, 55 feet wide;
thence northerly parallel to and distant westerly 147.7 feet from
said westerly right of way line of Freeman Avenue, a distance of
100 feet; thence easterly to said westerly right of way line of
Freeman Avenue; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Lot
111 of said tract; thence westerly along said northerly line, a
distance of 147.7 feet; thence northerly parallel to and distant
147.7 feet westerly of said westerly right of way line of Freeman
Avenue to the southerly line of Lot 114 of said tract; -thence
easterly along said southerly -lot line to a point on said lot
line, distant westerly 136 feet from said westerly right of way
line -of Freeman Avenue; thence northerly parallel to and distant
136 feet westerly from said westerly right of way line of Freeman
Avenue a distance of 140 f.eet; thence easterly parallel to and
distant 8 feet northerly from the southerly line of Lot 115 of
said tract, to said westerly right of way line of Freeman Avenue;
thence northerly along said westerly right of way line to its
intersection with the- northerly line of the southerly 12 feet of
lot 116 of said Hawthorne Acres Tract* and its easterly
prolongation; thence easterly along said last mentioned
prolongation to its intersection with the centerline of said
Freeman Avenue; thence northerly along said last mentioned
-page 7-
Revised Sept. 25,1'
centerline to the westerly prolongation of a line lying paral:
to and distant 66 feet northerly from the southerly line of 1
140 of said tract; thence easterly along said last mention
prolongation and parallel line and its easterly prolongation
the centerline of Eastwood Avenue, 50 feet Wide said centerli
also -being the westerly line of Lots 149 thru' 158 of se
Hawthorne Acres Tract; thence-southerly along said last mentior,
centerline to the northwest corner of Lot 153 of said tract
thence easterly along the northerly line of said lot 153 to t
centerline of Osage Avenue (formerly Oxford Avenue), 40 feet wid
thence southerly along said last mentioned centerline to t
westerly prolongation of a line parallel to and distant 47 fe
northerly of the southerly line of Lot 185 of said'tract; then
easterly along said last mentioned parallel line, a distance
172 :85 feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant 152.85 fe
easterly from the westerly line of said lot 185 to the souther
line of said Lot 185; thence easterly along said last mention
southerly line to the centerline of York Avenue, 50 feet vid
said last mentioned centerline also being the easterly lines
lots 184 thru 188 of said Hawthorne Acres Tract; thence souther
along said last mentioned centerline to the southerly right of w
line of said Imperial Highway, 100 feet wide; thence - easterly
along said southerly right of way line to the easterly right
way line of Prairie Avenue (formerly Centennalia Aveue), 100 fe
wide; thence northerly along said easterly right of way line
the northerly line of Lot 1 of Tract No. 1615 as per map record,
in Book 20, Page 104, of said records; thence easterly along sa:
northerly lot line to the northeast corner of Lot 2 of said trac-
thence southerly along the easterly lot line of said Lot 2 to tl
southerly right of way line of said Imperial Highway, 100 fet
wide; thence easterly along said southerly right of way line to
point lying _330 feet easterly of the northeast corner of Lot 1
Tract No. 12030, as per map recorded in Book 227, Pages 25 the
27, inclusive of said records; thence southerly parallel to ai
distant- 330 feet easterly from the easterly line of said tra(
12030 to the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lo,
23 through 32 inclusive of said tract 12030; thence wester:
along said last mentioned prolongation to the centerline i
Kornblum Avenue, 50 feet wide; thence northerly along t)
easterly line of said tract to the southerly line of the 20 fo(
alley as shown on said tract 12030; thence westerly along sa:
southerly right of way line and'the westerly prolongation there(
to the westerly right of way line of Doty Avenue, 55 wide; then(
northerly along said last mentioned right of way line to t)
southeast corner of Lot 671 of Tract No. 2603 as per map records
in Bobk 26, Page 64, records of Los Angeles County; then
westerly to the northeast corner of Lot 682 of said tract, sa:
point being distant 150 feet easterly of the centerine of sa:
Prairie Avenue, 100 feet wide; thence southerly parallel to a]
distant 150 feet easterly from said centerline of Prairie Aveni
to the centerline of 120th Street, variable 65 to 70 feet wid(
said centerline also being the the northerly line of the sou-
-page 8—
o'ne half of Section 10 of said Township; thence easterly along
said last mentioned centerline to the centerline of Crenshaw
Boulevard, 100 feet wide said last mentioned centerline also being
the easterly line of said Section 10; thence continuing easterly
along said centerline of 120th. Street a distance bf 50 feet;
thence southerly' a distance of 705 feet along a line parallel to
and distant 50 feet easterly from said last mentioned centerline;
thence westerly parallel to and distant 705 feet southerly from
said centerline of. 120th Street to a point distant easterly 50
feet from said centerline of Prairie Avenue, 100 feet wide;
thence southerly along a line parallel. to and distant 50 feet
easterly from said last mentioned centerline to the northerly
right of way line of E1 Segundo Boulevard, 100 feet wide; thence
easterly along said last mentioned northerly right of way line to
the northerly prolongation of the westerly right of way line bf
Cordary Avenue, 50 feet wide; thence southerly along said
westerly right of way line to a point 319.18 feet southerly of`the
southerly right of way line of E1 Segundo Boulevard, 100 feet
wide; thence westerly parallel to and distant 319.18 feet from
the southerly right of way line of E1 Segundo Boulevard to the
westerly line of Lot 13, Tract h1o. 874, Division A, as per map
recorded in Book 17, Pages 110 and 111; thence northerly along
said westerly lot line, a distance of 10 feet; thence westerly
parallel to and distant 309.18 feet southerly from said southerly
right of way line of E1 Segundo Boulevard to the easterly right of
way line of Roselle Avenue 50 feet wide, said right of way line
being the easterly' line of the west 25 feet of Lot 114 of said
Tract 874 Division A; thence northerly along said easterly right
of way line to a point distant 173.51 feet southerly, from said
southerly right of way line of E1 Segundo Boulevard; thence
westerly parallel to and distant 173.51 feet southerly from said
southerly right of way line of E1 Segundo Boulevard, a distance of
187.5 feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant westerly
162.5 feet from the centerline of said Roselle Avenue to the
northerly line of Lot 36 of Tract No. 5545 as per map recorded in
Book 87, rages 38 and 39; thence westerly along said northerly
line tp the northwest corner of said lot 36; thence southerly in
a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 23 of said tract
5545; 'thence westerly along the southerly line of Lot 22 of said
tract, a distance of 15 feet; thence southerly parallel to and
distant 150 feet easterly from said centerline of Prairie Avenue
to the northerly line of Lot 64 of said Tract No. 874, Division A;
thence easterly along the northerly line of said lot 64, a
distance of 20 feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant 170
feet easterly from said centerline of Prairie Avenue to the
northerly line of Lot 72 of said last mentioned division and
tract; thence easterly along said northerly line a distance of 40
feet; thence southerly parallel to and 'distant 210 feet easterly
from said centerline of Prairie Avenue to the northerly line of
Lot 80 of said last mentioned division and tract; .thence
westerly' along said northerly line, a distance of 30 feet; thence
southerly parallel to and distant 180 feet easterly from said
centerline of Prairie Avenue, a distance of 88 feet; thence
westerly parallel to and distant 40 •feet northerly of the
-page 9-
northerly line of Lot 88 of said last mentioned division and
tract, a distance of 12.5 feet; thence southerly parallel to and
distant 167.5 feet easterly from said centerline of Prairie Avenue
to the northerly line of Lot 96 of said last mentioned division
and tract; thence easterly along said northerly lot line, a
distance of 12.5 feet; thence southerly parallel to' and distant
180 feet easterly of said centerline of Prairie Avenue to the
northerly line of Lot 112 of said division A. of tract 874; thence
easterly along said northerly line, a distance of 10 feet; thence
southerly parallel to and distant 190 feet easterly from said
centerline of Prairie Avenue to the northerly line of Lot 128 of
said last mentioned division and tract; thence easterly along
said northerly lot line and the easterly prolongation thereof to
the centerline *of Roselle Avenue, 50 feet Wide, said centerline
also being the easterly line of said Lot 128; thence southerly
along said last mentioned centerline and the prolongation thereof
to the northwest corner of Lot 14, Tract No. 874, Division B, as
per' map recorded in Book 17, Pages 110 and 111 of said records;
thence easterly in a direct line to the northeast corner of said
lot 14; thence southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner
of said lot; thence westerly in •a direct line to-the southwest
corner of said lot 14; thence southerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of Lot 11, of said last mentioned division and
tract; thence easterly in a direct line to the southeast corner
of said Lot 11; thence southerly in a direct line to the
southeast corner of Lot 301 of said division and tract; thence
westerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of said lot and
tract; -thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest corner
of said lot 301; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot
320 of said division and tract to a point 50 feet easterly of said
-. enterline of Prairie Avenue, 100 feet wide; thence southerly
darallel to and distant 50 feet easterly from said last mentioned
centerline to the southerly line of Lot 316 of said division and
tract; thence easterly along the southerly line of said lot 316,
a distance of 255 feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant
305 feet easterly from said centerline of Prairie Avenue, a
distance of 60 feet; thence easterly parallel to and distant 68
feet northerly from the southerly line of Lot 315 of said division
and tract a distance of 25 feet; thence southerly parallel to and
distant 330 feet easterly from said centerline of Prairie Avenue
to the northeast corner of Lot 311 of said division and tract;
thence easterly along the northerly lines of Lots 310, and 291 and
their easterly prolongation and the northerly line of lot'290 of
said division and tract to the westerly right of way line of Doty
Avenue, 55 feet wide; thence northerly along said westerly right
of way line to the southerly line of Lot 287 of said division and
tract; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Lot 274 of said
division and tract; thence'continuing easterly to the northwest
corner of Lot 7 of Tract No. 13911 as per map recorded in Book
292, Page 26, of said records; thence southerly to the southwest
corner of Lot 8 of said tract; thence easterly to the southeast
corner of Lot 19 of said tract; thence continuing northeasterly
in a direct line to a point on the easterly right of way line of
Kornblum Avenue, 50 feet wide, said point lying distant 42 feet,
—page 10—
• northerl of Revised Sept. 25,3984
Y the northerly line of Lot 252 ,
Tract 874; thence easterly of said Division
feet from said Y parallel to and distant -northerly
lot line to the westerly line. of Lot 248 }• 42
division and tract; thence southerly along
to the southwest corner of said westerly °f said
thence easterly aloe Lot 249 of said Diviion and Tract;
distance of 101.IO feet; line southerly line of
101.10 feet thence southerly said Lot 249, a
easterly of thence } Parallel to and distant
and tract to the northerly right line of Lot 250 of said division
100 feet wide; thence easterly along Line of Rosecrans Avenue,
line to the westerl 8 said northerly right of way
wide; thence northerl right of way line of Yukon Avenue, 50 feet
the northerly line ofY alon said westerly Tight of wa
said Lot 249 of said division and tract;
thence easterl Y line to
59, Division in a direct line to the northeast corner of tot of Tract No. 874 as per map recorded in Boob lg
southerly to the
corner of Lot 60 of said '
Page 136 of said records; thence
along the northerly division and tract; northeast
the westerly right Y line of Lot 61 of said division and tractro
thence northerly aloof way line of Lemoli Avenue, 45 feet wide;
southeast corner of along said westerly right of way line to the easterly in a direct of said division and tract; thence
said division and tract.line to the southeast corner of Lot
of said lot 98• thence northerly•to the northeast corner
thence thence easterly
corker of Lot 138 Y in a direct line to the northwest
of said division and tract•
wide g 40hetOeasterly right of way line of thence southerly
45 feet to Chadron Avenue, variable
variable 99.5 to 200 feet wide; line of Rosecrans Avenue,
mentioned northerly right of wa; thence easterly along
westerly from the g Y line to a said last
tract; thence northeasterly line of Lot 14point distant 210 feet
Y parallel to and distant 210dfeetlwesterly
from said easterly line of said Lot 140 to
Lot 139 of said division and tract; the northerly Y
line. to the northeast corner of said Lot easterly inyaldireCt
a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot 159 of in
and tract; thence id division
159, a distance easterly along the northerly line of said lot
distant 120 °f 120 feet; thence northerl
division and feet easterly of the westerly line of Lota160lofosand
Los Angeles and to the mutual boundary said
City of Hawthorne as they line of the County of
said boundary line also g the survey on said date,
Street (formers being
Y the Avenue variable centerline of 135th.
thence easterly along said ) ariable 60 to 65 feet wide;
Crenshaw Boulevard boundary Line to the centerline of
thence southerly formerly to Avenue
Y along said last �' 100 feet wide;
northerly right of way mentioned centerline to the
wide; thence southwesterly line of the Dominguez Channel 125 feet
to the westerly along said northerly right of wa
in Book 20, Y line of Lot 221,Tract No. 993 as per ma Y line
direct line Page 178 of said records- P P recorded
to the northwest corner of Lot 222eofesaidttract in
thence westerly in a direct line to the northeast
127 of said tract 993• corner of Lot
northerly line of thence continuing
the centerline said lot 127 and westerly westerly along the
of Lemoli Avenue ( formerl Olive prolongation to
Y Olive Street), 50 feet
—page 11—
Revised Sept. 25,1984
wide; thence southerly along said last mentioned centerline to
its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the souherly
line of Lot 122 of said tract 993; thence westerly in a direct
line to the southeast corner of Lot 72 of said tract-993; thence
northerly in a direct line to the northeast corner of said lot 72;
thence westerly in a direct line to the southeast corner'of Lot 4
of said tract 993; thence• northerly in a direct line to the
northeast. corner of - said *Lot 4 of said Tract 993; thence westerly
along the northerly line of said Lot 4 to the easterly right of
way line of Yukon Avenue, 60 feet wide; thence northerly along
said easterly -right of way line to the southerly right of way line
of said Rosecrans Avenue, 100 feet wide; thence westerly along
said southerly right of way line to the centerline of Prairie
Avenue, 100 feet wide, said centerline being the mutual boundary
be teen the Cities of Hawthorne and Lawndale as they existed on
said date; thence northerly, northwesterly, and westerly
following said mutual boundary line, to the northerly line of Lot
978, Burleigh Tract, as per map recorded in Book 13, Pages 122 and
'123 of said records; thence continuing westerly in a direct line
to the northwest corner of Lot 960 of said Burleigh Tract; thence
northerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 882 of
said Burleigh Tract; thence easterly in a direct. line to the
southeast corner of said lot 882; thence northerly to a point on
the easterly line of Lot 877 of said tract, said point lying
113.84 feet southerly of the northeast corner of said lot 877';
thence "easterly parallel to and distant 113.84 feet southerly from
the northerly line of Lot 878 of said Burleigh Tract, a distance
of 44 feet; thence northerly in a direct line to a point on the
northerly line of said Lot 878 being distant 6 feet westerly of
the easterly line of said Lot 878; thence westerly in a direct
line to the northwest corner of said Lot 877 of said Burleigh
Tract; thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest corner
of Lot 490 of said Burleigh Tract; thence easterly in a direct
line to the northeast corner of said lot 490; thence northerly in
a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 485 of said Burleigh
Tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the northwest corner
of said lot 485; thence northerly in a direct line to a point on
the northerly line of Lot 18 of Tract No. 1418 as per map recorded
in Book 18, Page 147, of said records, said point lying westerly
50 feet from the northeast corner of said lot 18; thence westerly
in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 2, Burleigh Tract,
as per map recorded in Book 13; Pages 118 and 119 of said
records,- said point also lying on the westerly right of way line
of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide; thence northerly along said
westerly right of way line to the southerly right of way line of
E1 Segundo Boulevard, 100 feet wide; thence westerly along said
southerly right of way line to its intersection with the southerly
prolongation of the easterly right of way line of Birch Avenue, 68
feet wide; thence northerly glong said southerly prolongation
and easterly right of way line to the northwest corner of Lot 63
of the First Addition to the Town of Hawthorne, as per map
recorded in Book 9, Page 28, of said records; thence easterly
along the northerly line of Lots 63 and 84 and the easterly
prolongation of said line to its intersection with the easterly
—page 12—
Revised Sept. 25,1984
right of way line of Cedar Avenue, 50 feet wide; thence southerly
in a direct line to the southwest corner .of Lot 113 of said
Addition; thence easterly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 292 of said Addition; thence northerly in a direct
line to the northeast corner of Lot 45, Block I.of the Town of
Hawthorne Tract as per map recorded iri Book 8, Page 158 of said
records; thence easterly in a direct line to the northwest corner
of Lot 12 of said Block 1; thence easterly along the northerly
line of Lot 12 of said block and tract to the southerly
prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 7 of said block and
tract;' thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest corner
of Lot 7 of Block H, of said Town of Hawthorne Tract; thence
westerly along the northerly line of Lot 6 of said block and tract
to the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 45 of
said block and tract; thence northerly in a direct line-to the
northeast corner of Lot 298, Second Addition to the Town of
Hawthorne as per map recorded in Book 9, Page 160, of said
records; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot 298 of
said tract to the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of
Lot 304 of said tract; thence northerly along the said southerly
prolongation and westerly line of said lot 304 and the northerly
prolongation thereof to the northerly right of way line of 120th
Street (formerly Raymond Avenue), 80 feet wide; thence easterly
along said northerly right of way line to the westerly line of Lot
20 of Tract No. 3044 as per map recorded in Book 29, Page 49 of
said records; thence northerly in a direct line to the southwest
corner of Lot 15 of said tract; thence easterly along the
southerly line of said lot 15 to the westerly right of way line of
Prairie Avenue, 100 feet wide; thence northerly along said
westerly right of way line to the southeast corner of Lot 1 of
Parcel Map No. 11869 as per map recorded in Parcel Map Book 115,
Page 89 of said records; thence westerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of said lot 1; thence northerly in a direct line
to the northwest corner of said lot 1; thenc easterly in a direct
line to the southwest corner of Lot 23 of ract No. 6713 as per
map recorded in Book 71, Pages 41 and 42 of said records; thence
northerly in a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot 5 of
said tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 52 of said tract; thence northerly in a direct line
to the northeast corner of Lot 51 of said tract; thence westerly
in a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot 94 of said tract;
thence continuing westerly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 266 of 'the Fairfax Park Tract, as per map recorded
in Book 20, Pages 138 and 139 of said records; thence continuing
we.sterly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 74 of
said tract; thence southerly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 75 of said tract; thence westerly in a direct line
to the northwest corner of Lot 76 of said tract; thence southerly
in a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot 82 of said Fairfax
Park Tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 33 of said tract; thence northerly in a direct line
to the northeast corner of Lot 31 of said tract; thence westerly
in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 30 said tract;
thence southerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot
—page 13—
Revised Sept. 25,1984
48 of said tract; thence easterly along the northerly right of
way line of 118th Street (formerly Wallace Street), 60 feet wide,
B distance of 12.5 feet; thence southerly, par ?llel to and
distant -easterly 132.5 feet 'from the easterly right of way line of
Hawthorne Boulevard 180 feet i+ide, to the northerly right of wa'y
line of West 119th. Street,(formerly Kenwood Avenue) 60 feet wide;
thence easterly 'along said northerly right of way line a distance
of 7.5 feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant easterly
140 'feet from the easterly right of way line of said Hawthorne
Boulevard 180 feet wide to the centerline of West 120th. Street 80
feet wide; thence westerly along said centerline to the northerly
prolongation of the westerly right of way line of said Hawthorne
Boulevard, variable 170 to 180 feet wide; thence southerly along
said westerly right of way line and southerly and northerly
prolongation thereof to the centerline of said E1 Segundo
Boulevard, 100 feet wide; thence easterly along said centerline
to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of the westerly
7 feet of lot 14 of said Burleigh Tract as recorded in Book 13
pages 118 and 119 of said records; thence southerly along said
northerly prolongation and easterly line and its southerly
prolongation to the northerly line of Lot 50 of said Burleigh
Tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the northwest corner
of said lot 50; thence southerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of Lot 95 of said tract; thence easterly in a
direct-.line to the southeast corner of Lot 96 of said tract;
thence southerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot
120 of said tract; thence easterly in a direct line to the
southeast corner of said lot 120; thence southerly in a direct
line to the southeast corner of Lot 151 of said tract; thence
_westerly in a direct line, to the northwest corner of Lot 238 of
_said tract; thence Southerly .in_a direct lirie_to the southwest
corner of Lot 161 of Tract..-ND- �'�91--a s Der may recorded'fii-B-o -o-k
21, Nage`� of said records; thence easterly along the sout}ier3`y
line of said''Iot 161 to the.northerly prolongation of the westerly
line of Lot 160 of said tract; thence southerly in a direct line
to the southwest corner of Lot 132 of said tract; thence easterly
in a direct line to the southeast corner of said lot 132; thence
southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 105 of
said tract; thence easterly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 106 -of said tract;• thence southerly in a direct
line to the southeast corner- of Lot 103 of said tract; thence
westerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 104 of
said tract 1391; thence southerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of Lot 48 of said tract; thence easterly along
the southerly line of said -lot 48, a distance of 40 feet; thence
southerly parallel to and distant 40 feet easterly from the
westerly line of Lot 21 of said tract to the northerly right of
way line of said Rosecrans Avenue, variable 98 to 100 feet wide;
thence westerly along said northerly right of way line, a distance
of 40 feet; thence southerly along the southerly prolongation of
the westerly line of said lot 21 to the southerly right of way
line of said Rosecrans Avenue; thence westerly along said
southerly right of way line to a line parallel to and distant 67
feet easterly of the easterly right of way line of Hawthorne
-page 14-
Revised Sept. 25,1984
Boulevard (formerly Railroad Avenue
southerly along said last mentioned parallel li'nettowide ;northence
line of Lot 1, Block 27 of Lawndale Acres, as per map recorded in
ine to, the Page 122 of said records; it in
northwest corner of �saidelot westerly in a direct
along the easterly right of way line of said Hawthorne Boulevard, 195 feet wide to a p ard,
centerline of RosecransoiAvenue,ng10southerly 120 0thefeet from the
Parallel to and southerly 120 feet from the centerlinewOf tsai y
Rosecrans Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 21 of Bloc
said Lawndale id
Acres, as per map recorded in Book 9, Page 1229
said records; thence northerly along
of the easterly lines of t 21, the northerly prolongation
tract to the northerly right of way line ,
said Rosecra block and
10'0 feet wide; thence westerly along said northerly right Aofnue,
line to the westerly line of Lot 306, Tract No. 2049 as way
recorded in Book 22, Page 1 of said records per map
a direct line to the northwest corner Ofsaidelot 306therly in
easterly in a direct line to•the northeast corner of Lot thence
said tract; thence northerl 307 of
corner of Lot 178 of said tract. in a direct line to the northeast
to the southeast corner of Lot �28tofnBlocksi ofyTract direct
per map recorded in Book 64, Page 44 5 as
northerly to the northeast corner of Lot l�ofssaidrblocksH ofthence
tract;• thence westerly along the of
line of said lot 1 to
the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of lot t1
Ingledale Acres as per map recorded in Book 20, Page 21 of s of
records; thence northerly in a direct line to the northeast
corner of Lot 76
northerly line 7 act; thence westerly along the
rirhterof parallel to1 and ldistant 171 feetawestofromf feet; thence
g Y line of Hawthorne Boulevard the westerly
Avenue), 180 feet wide, to the southerly line ofo Lot r295 of said,
Ingledale Acres, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 182 and d
Of said records; 183
thence easterly to the southeast corner of Lot
295 of said tract; thence northerly
said lot 295; thence westerly along the the of
lot 295, a distance of 8 feet; thence northerly parallel to
distant 175 feet westerly from said westerly right of way line and
Hawthorne Boulevard *to the southerly line of Lot 572 of In le of
Acres, as per map recorded in Book 21, Pages 78 and 79 of dale
records; thence westerly in a direct line to the southwest said
of Lot 594 of said tract• st corner
westerly prolongation of the southerly olineuof gsaidLlotY594oto the
easterly line of Lot A of said tract; thence northerly o the
last mentioned easterly line to the southerly right of way said
said E1 Segundo Boulevard, 100 feet wide; Y line of
said southerly right of way line to a thence westerly along
265 feet from the easterly ri Point lying distant easterly
80 feet wide; g� of way line of Inglewood Avnue,
easterly from; said southerly, parallel to and distant 265 feet
line of Lot 5sa easterly right of way line to the northerly
said Iast mentioned said Acres;
thence westerly along
•feet from the northeast corner ofp Lot t5411Of saidatract; thy
-page 15-
Revised Sept. 25,1984
southerly parallel to and distant easterly from the 'easterly line
of said lot 541 and the southerly prolongation thereof to the
southerly right of way line of 129 th. Street, (formerly Maine
Avenue) 40 feet wide; thence westerly along said southerly right
of way line to a point lying distant easterly 105 feet from the
easterly right of way line of Inglewood Avenue 80 feet wide;
thence southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot
396 of said tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the
northwest corner of Lot 326 of said tract; thence southerly in a
direct line to the southwest corner of said lot'326; thence
easterly to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line oX .Lot
32,2 of said tract; thence southerly in a direct line to the
southeast corner of said lot 322; thence westerly in a direct
line to the northwest corner of Lot 261 of said t -ract; thence
southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 144 of
said Ingledale Acres as per map recorded in book 20 page 21 of
said records; thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot 143
of said tract to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line
of Lot 1 of Block A, Tract No. 6095 as per map recorded in Book
64, Page 44 of said records; thence southerly in a direct ,line to
the southeast corner of Lot 11 of said block and tract;
—page 16—
'Revised Sept. 25,1984
thence westerly along
the southerly line. of said lot 11 to the northerly prolongation of
the easterly line of Lot 3 of Blocic I of said tract; thence
souther-ly in a direct line -to the southeast corner of said lot 3
and block thence westerly. in a direct line to the northwest
corner of Lot 3 of Tract No. 2049 as per map recorded in Book 22,
Page 1, of said records; thence southerly in a direct line to the
northeast corner of Lot 123 of said tract; thence easterly in a
direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 140 of'said tract;
thence southerly along the easterly line of said lot 140 to the
northerly right of way line of Rosecrans Avenue 100 feet wide;
thence southerly in a direct line to the intersection of the
southerly right of way line of said Rosecrans Avenue with the
easterly line of lot 2 of tract no. 856 as per map recorded in
Book 16 page 96 of said records; thence southerly in a direct
line to the southeast corner of Lot 10 of said tract; thence
westerly along the southerly line, of said lot 10 to a point
distant easterly 140 feet from the easterly right of way line of
Condon Avenue (formerly Sixth Street), 40 feet wide; thence
northerly parallel to and distant 140 feet easterly from said
easterly right of way line to the northerly line of said lot 10;
thence westerly along said northerly lot line to a point lying
distant easterly 127.26 feet from said easterly right of way line
of Condon Avenue; thence northerly parallel to and distant 127.26
feet easterly from said easterly right of way line to the
northerly line of Lot 7 of said tract; thence westerly along the
northerly fines of Lot 5, 6, and 7 of said tract and the
prolongation thereof, to a point lying distant westerly 20 feet
from the centerline of Inglewood Avenue, 80 feet wide, said point
also lying on the mutual boundary line between the Cities of
Hawthorne and Lawndale as they existed on this date; thence
southerly westerly and southerly following the various courses of
said boundary line to a point lying distant southerly 262 feet
from the easterly prolongation of the southerly right of way line
of 147th Street, 80 feet wide; thence westerly parallel to and
distant 262 feet souxherly from said southerly right of way line
to the easterly right -of wav line of the San Diego Freeway, 288
feet wide; thence southeasterly along said easterly right of way
line to the centerline of Compton Boulevard 80'feet wide; thence
westerly long said centerline to the true point of beginning.
Beginning at the center point of Section 11, T3S, R14W, San
Bernardino Base and Meridian; thence westerly along the east -west
centerline of said Section 11 a distance of 40 feet;' thence
southerly along a line parallel to and distant westerly 40 feet
from the north -south center line of said section 11, said parallel
-page 17-
Revised Sept. 25,1984
line also being the westerly right of way line of Van Ness Avenue,
80 feet wide, a distance of 750.7 feet (+ or*-) to_the point of
intersection with the northerly right of way line of the Southern
pacific Railway, said point of intersection being the true point
of beginning; thence northerly along said westerly right of way
line to a point lying distant southerly 60 feet from the southerly
right of way line 'of 120th Street, 60 feet wide; thence easterly
parallel to and 60 feet southerly from said southerly right of way
line, a distance of 402.7 feet; thence southerly parallel to and
distant 322.7 feet easterly from the easterly right of way line of
said Van Ness Avenue to the northerly right -of -way line of the
Southern pacific Railway; thence southwesterly along said
northerly right -of -way line to the true point of beginning. f
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1 of Tract No. 13523 as
per map recorded in Book 377, pages 19 and 20 of said records;
thence southerly along the easterly line of said lot and the
southerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 615 feet; thence
easterly parallel to and distant southerly 615 feet from the
southerly line o£• £1 Segundo Boulevard 100 feet wide, a distance
of 105 feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant 285 feet
easterly from the easterly line'of Yukon Avenue, variable 50 to 60
feet wide, a distance of 130 feet; thence westerly parallel to
distant 745 feet southerly from said southerly right of way line
to said easterly right of way line of Yukon Avenue; thence
southerly along said easterly right of way line to the easterly
prolongation of the southerly line of 132nd Street, 55 feet wide;
thence westerly along said easterly prolonghation and southerly
right of way line to a point lying distant westerly 90 feet from
the westerly right of way line of said Yukon Avenue, 60 feet wide;
thence' northerly parallel to and distant westerly 90 feet from
said westerly right of way line to the southerly line of Lot 47 of
Tract No. 874, Division A, as per map recorded in Book 17, pages
110 and 111 of said records; thence westerly in a direct line to
the southwest corner of said lot 47; thence northerly in a direct
line to the northeast corner of Lot 30 of said tract; thence
westerly along the northerly line of said lot 30 to the easterly
right of way line of Kornblum Avenue, variable 40-to 50 feet wide;
thence southerly along said easterly right of way line, a distance
of 76 feet; thence westerly parallel to and distant southerly 78
feet from the northerly line of Lot 29 of said tract to the
westerly line of said lot 29; thence northerly in a direct line
to the northeast corner of Lot 28 of said tract; -thence westerly
in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 20 of said tract;
thence northerly along the easterly right of way line of Doty
Avenue, variable 40 to 60 feet wide, to the westerly prolongation
of the northerly right of way line of 130th Street, 20 feet wide;
thence easterly along said westerly prolongation and northerly
right of way line to the westerly line of Lot 6 of the forth
Moneta Garden Lands Tract as per map recorded in Book 5, page 54,
of said records-; thence northerly along said westerly line of lot
-page 18-
Revised Sept. 27,3 984
6 and prolongation thereof, to the northerly right of way line of
said E1 Segundo Boulevard, 100 feet wide; thence easterly along
said last 'mentioned northerly right of way line to the southerly
prolongation of the westerly right of way line of Yukon Avenue 50
feet' wide; thence northerly along said last mentioned southerly
prolongation and westerly right of way line to the southerly right
of way line of the -Southern Pacific Railway, 80 feet wide; thence
easterly along said southerly.right of way line a distance of 480
feet; thence southerly parallel to and distant easterly 430 feet
from the easterly right of way' line of said Yukon Avenue to the
southerly right of way line of said El Segundo Boulevard; thence
westerly along said last mentioned right of way line to true point
of beginning.
Beginning at the southeast corner o-f Lot 1 of Block 45 of Lawndale
Acres as per map recorded in Book 10, Page 122 of of said records;
thence easterly along the southerly line of Lat 8 of said block
and tract and the easterly prolongation thereof, to the easterly
right' of way line of Prairie Avenue (formerly Avenue Six), 100
feet Wide; thence• southerly along said easterly right of way line
to the south.West corner of Lot 357 of Tract No. 17639 as per map
recorded in Book 436, Pages 5 thru 9 inclusive of said records;
thence easterly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot
352 of said tract; thence southerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of Lot 343 of said tract; thence easterly along
the southerly line of said lot 343 to the northerly prolongation
of the westerly line of Lots 373 through 380, inclusive of Tract
No. 15754 as per map recorded in Book 409, Pages 42 through 50 of
said records, said line also being the easterly right of way line
of the 30 foot alley as shown on said tract; thence southerly
along said last mentioned easterly right of -way line to the
northerly line of Lot 445 of said tract; thence westerly along
the southerly right of way line of said 30 foot alley and the
westerly prolongation thereof, to a point lying distant 20 feet
easterly from the westerly right of way line of said Prairie
Avenue, 100 feet wide; thence southerly parallel to and distant
20 feet easterly of said westerly right of way line to the
easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 18 of Block 46
of said Lawndale Acres Tract; thence westerly along said easterly
prolongation and southerly line to the southwest corner of said
lot 18; thence northerly along a line parallel to and distant
115.5 feet westerly from 'said westerly right of way line of
Prairie Avenue to the southerly right of way line of,Compton
Boulevard ( formerly Chicago Avenue), 80 feet wide; thence
northerly in a direct line to the intersection of the northerly
right of way line of said Compton Boulevard with the westerly line
of lot 5 of said tract; thence northerly in a direct line to the
true point of beginning.
-page 19-
Revised Sept. 27,1964
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 74, Tract No. 6441 as per
map recorded in Book 70, Wage 69 of said records; thence easterly
in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 75 of said tract;
thence northeasterly to the northwest corner of Lot'6 of Tract No.
1543 as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 198 of said records;
thence easterly in a direct'line to the northeast corner of said
lot 6; thence southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner
of Lot 10 of said tract; thence continuing southerly to the
northeast corner of Lot 53 of Tract No. 1084 as per map recorded
in Book 17, -Pages B2 and 83 df said records; thence continuing
southerly along the easterly line of Lots 53 through 62 inclusive
of said tract and the southerly prolongation thereof, to the
southerly right of way line of 120th Street (formerly Raymond
Avenue), 80 feet wide; thence westerly along said southerly right
of way line to the easterly right of way line of Inglewood Avenue,
80 feet wide; thence southerly along said easterly right of way
line to the easterly prolongation of the northerly right of way
line of 121st Street, 60 feet wide; thence westerly along said
easterly prolongation and northerly right of way line to the
southwest corner of Lot 26 of Tract No. 13435 as per map recorded
in Book 270, Page 48 of said records; thence northerly in a
direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 24 of said tract;
thence westerly in'a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 23
of said tract; thence northerly along the westerly line of said
lot 23 and the northerly prolongation thereof, to the northerly
right of way line of 120th Street, 76 feet wide; thence easterly
along said northerly right of way line to the westerly line Lot 2,
of Tract 2704 as per map recorded in Book 27, Page 52 of said
records; thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest
corner of Lot 151 of said tract; thence continuing northerly
along the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said lot
to the northerly right of way line of 118th Street (formerly
Wallace Street), 50 feet wide; thence easterly along said
northerly right of way line to the southwest - corner of Lot 112 of
said Tract No. 6441 as per map recorded'in Book 70, Page 69 of
said records; thence northerly in a direct line to the true point
of beginning.
Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 63 of Tract No. 874,
Division C, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 136 of said
records; thence northerly in a direct line to the northwest
corner of Lot 67 of said tract and division;' thence easterly in a
direct line to the northeast corner of said lot 67; thence
northerly in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 68 of
said division and tract; thence easterly in a direct line to' the
northeast corner of Lot 93 of-said division and tract; thence
southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 95 of
said division and tract; thence westerly in a direct line to the
easterly right of way line of Lemoli Avenue, variable 40 to 45
feet wide; thence southerly along said easterly right of way line
to the southwest corner of Lot 98 of said tract; thence westerly
in a direct line to the true point of beginning.
-page 20-
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v3 doc Exhibit D 8/14/03
Area A
Beginning at the most northerly comer of Lot 34 of Tract No. 16663, in the City
of Hawtborm. e, County of Los Angeles, as shown on map recorded in Book 511, Pages 15
through 19, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County, said comer being on the
southeasterly line of the Pacific Electdc Railway Company's 80.00, foot right of way, said
comer being a common point in the boundaries of the City of El Segundo and the City of
Hawthorne, as both boundaries existed on April 15, 2003 and having established grid
coordinates of North 1,791,789.84 feet, Easting 6,448,118.06 feet, Zone 5 of the California
State Coordinate System (NAD83 ); thence along said southeasterly line, South 62 °25'00"
West 2659.14 feet to the westerly Line of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 3
South, Range 14 West of the Rancho Saus31 Redonda as per reap filed in Case No. 11629
of the Superior Court of the State of California; thence along said westerly line, North
00 013"08" East 1188.48 feet to a line parallel with and 25.00 feet northwesterly of the
southeasterly line of the land described in Book 4215, Page 316 of said Deeds; thence
along said parallel line North 11 021'00" East 421.61 feet to the northerly line of said
Section 17; thence along said northerly line, South 89 °45'00" East 1211.46 feet to the
southerly prolongation of the westerly line of Isis Avenue, 60 feet wide, as shown on Tract
No 14749, in the City of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 368, pages 18 through
22, inclusive of said Maps; thence along said southerly prolongation, South 00 °11'19"
West 50.00 feet to a line parallel with and 50.00'feet southerly of said northerly line of
Section 17; thence along said parallel line, South 89°45'00" East 477.18 feet to the
westerly line of the "Triangle No. 1 Annexation" to the City of Hawthorne as same existed
on March 14, 1957, said westerly line being the beginning of a non - tangent curve, concave
northeasterly, having a radius of 140.00 feet and to which beginning a radial line bears
South 89 027'05" West; thence along said most westerly line of the "Triangle No. 1
Annexation" to the City of Hawthorne, the following three courses; Southeasterly 245.85
feet along said curve, through a central angle of 98 °34'09 ", North 81 °23'56" East 348.02
feet, South 18 °34'12" East 250.23 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing an area of 50.10 acres, more or less.
Bert C. Olson, PLS 5490
n¢!s zzz>3
Page 1 of 1
W."AFa15415MI KEA0201001ttirvey"FCO%REDE Vf1APMENT_tA WTt{oRNLdm
April 15. 2003
Area B
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Section 7, Township 3 South, Range
14 West of the Rancho Sausal Redondo as per map filed in Case No. 11629 of the Superior
Court of the State of California and a line parallel with and 1415.20 feet westerly of the
easterly Line of said Section 7 and having established grid coordinates of North
1,792,168.43 feet, Easting 6,44534926 feet, Zone 5 of the California State Coordinate
System (NAD83); thence northerly along said parallel line, North 00 °00'53" East 2008.61
feet; thence South 89 059'07" East 339.18 feet; thence South 00 000'53" West, 182.00 feet;
thence South 89 °59'07" East 289.64 feet; thence South 00 °00'53" West 67.93 feet; thence
South 89 °58'15" East 458.82 feet; thence North 49 °06'45" East 38.19 feet; thence South
89 058'15" East 73.81 feet; thence North 67 °20'15" East 38.39 feet; thence North
89 059'22" East 59.86 feet; thence North 89 °59'22" East 101.20 feet; thence South
00 °10'18" West 360.00 feet; thence South 89 °59'22" West 100.21 feet; thence South
00 000'53" West 1390.25 feet; thence South 89 °54'07" East 186.40 feet; thence North
00 010'18" East 1750.61 feet; thence North 89 059'22" East 118.00 feet; thence South
00 010'18" West 78.14 feet; thence South 00'10'18" West 80.00 feet; thence South
000 10'l 8" West 228.85 feet; thence North 89 °54'04" West 12.03 feet to the beginning of a
non - tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet and to which
beginning a radial line bears North 00 °05'56" East; thence southwesterly 39.24 feet along
Page 1 of 2
May G, 2003
said curve through a central angle of 89 055'38 "; South 00 010'18" West 67.03 feet; thence
North 89 °54'04" West 6.00 feet; thence South 00 °10'18" West 1321.85 feet; thence North
89 054'07" West 50.57 feet; thence South 11 018'32" West 50.97 feet-, thence North
89°54'07" West 99.45 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve concave to the West,
having a radius of 2834.93 feet and to which beginning a radial line bears South 83 °59'40"
East; thence southerly 18.10 feet along said curve througb a central angle of 00 °21'57 ";
thence North 89 °54'07" West 25327 feet; thence North 48 002'05" West 8.99 feet; thence
North 89 054'07" West 457.16 feet, thence South 00005'53- West 10.00 feet; thence North
89 154'07" West 150.66 feet; thence North 78 °10'58" West 31.66 feet; thence North
85 105'08" West 18.69 feet; thence North 89 °54'07" West 322.97 feet; thence North
66 °02'02" West 158.17 feet to the Point of Beginning
Containing an area of 61.09 acres, more or less.
i .rte
C. Olson, ..0
a No. 5490
Exp. 9-30-20u
Page 2 of 2
May 6, 2003
J DC.Jdc
1. Land acquisition, construction, maintenance, operations and
administration costs to provide Senior Citizen Housing.
2. Acquisition, construction and landscaping of off - street parking spaces.
3. Commercial rehabilitation loan and grant fund, either in the form of an
interest write down for a low cost loan or some type of a grant.
4. Industrial rehabilitation loan and grant fund, either in the form of an
interest write down for a low cost loan or some type of a grant.
5. Residential rehabilitation loans or grants, either in the form of an interest
write down for a low cost loan or some type of a grant.
6. Land write down pool for commercial and industrial development.
7. Replacement housing pool for dilapidated units in Project Area.
8. Construction of new streets and reconstruction of existing asphalt concrete
roadways. Includes clearing and grubbing, removal, hauling and disposal
of excess material, raising of manholes and valve boxes to grade, grading
and fine grading, and construction of structural section.
9. Storm drainage improvements - includes cutting of pavement, trenching
and backfill, repaving, installation of all storm drains and appurtenances.
10. Alley improvements - includes clearing and grubbing, removal, hauling
and disposal of excess material, raising of manholes and valve boxes to
grade, grading and fine grading, installation of valley gutter, and
construction of structural section.
11. Construction and replacement of curb, gutter and sidewalk - includes
clearing and grubbing, sawcutting of existing pavement, removal, hauling
and disposal of excess material and construction of concrete curb, gutter,
sidewalk and driveway.
HAW_ AmdRedevPlan_v1doc Exhibit E 8/11/03
12. Construction of water improvements - includes cutting of pavement,
trenching and backfill, repaving, installation of all sewer lines and
13. Construction of sanitary sewer improvement - includes cutting of
pavement, trenching, backfill, repaving, installation of all sewer lines and
14. Construction of traffic signals - includes all work necessary for this
installation and upgrading of traffic signals and signal systems.
15. Recreation facilities - includes all work necessary to construct or upgrade
16. Land acquisition for development of commercial and industrial facilities.
17. Public Building - land acquisition and construction of facilities necessary
to provide for the safety and welfare of the general public.
18. Improvements to provide mobility for the handicapped.
19. Undergrounding electrical utility lines.
20. Hazardous waste /materials removal and remediation.
21. Provision of landscape screening including sound walls.
22. Civic Center landscape
Complete landscape design integrating civic center buildings and parking
lot areas. This will include soil preparation, irrigation, removal, hauling,
walk pavements, parking lot improvements, seating areas with park
setting, lighting, trees, shrubs, ground- covers, painting and
23. Main gateways
Includes cutting of pavement, installation of over - the - roadway main
gateway signs welcoming people to the City of Hawthorne, having a
maximum height of thirty (30) feet, vertical clearance of seventeen (17)
feet, illuminated and stylish.
HAW_AmdRedevP1an_v3.doc 6 8/14/03
24. Landscape median at entrances to City
Includes demolition, hauling, installation of soft and hard surfaces,
irrigation, lighting and plantings. .
25. Landscape parkways to create park walk and quiet park across the street
Includes demolition, hauling, installation of soft and hard surfaces,
irrigation, lighting, seating areas in park -like setting, trees, ground shrubs
and area signs.
26. Landscape Hawthorne Boulevard
Includes design parkway planting for better visibility to storefront, cutting
of parkway, hauling, installation of irrigation lines and appurtenances,
hard and soft surfaces, seating areas, trees, ground shrubs and signs.
27. Linear Park on Excess Freeway Right Of Way Land
Includes design, grading, installation of soft and hard surfaces, access
roads, bathrooms, and utility storage rooms, irrigation, barbeques, trees,
ground shrubs and area signs.
28. International Business District
Provides a partial low interest loan or grant for a complete renovation of
commercial buildings along major boulevard to create international
business area; complete with street shops, cafes, entertainment areas, etc.,
comprising various European themes.
29. Design and construction of replacement facilities for the Los Angeles Air
force Base
30. Various other public facilities and activities as may be determined
necessary and essential.
HAW_AmdRedevP1an_v3 doc 7 8/11/03