ORDINANCE 1310ORDINANCE NO. 1310 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON PIPELINES WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS WHEREAS, on the 27"' day of January, 1992, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ( "SCE ") , a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, filed with the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, an application in writing for a franchise to use and to construct, lay, operate, test, maintain, use, renew, repair, replace, move, change the size and number of, remove or abandon in place a system of pipelines and appurtenances, for the purpose of conducting, transporting, conveying and carrying gas, oil, petroleum products, water, waste water, and other petroleum based substances on, along, in, under and across public streets, ways, alleys, and places within the City of El Segundo ( "City "), and requested the City Council to advertise the fact of the application; and, WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo had previously granted two oil pipeline franchises to SCE, Ordinance Nos. 666 (expired 7/26/92 with annual renewals) and 967 (expires 2/15/2004) ; and the City Council desires to combine the two franchises into one franchise for ease of administration and to consolidate franchise fee payments for the existing pipeline system; and, WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 4119, adopted on the 15th day of June, 1999, declared its intention to grant said pipeline franchise to Southern California Edison Company, and did set July 20, 1999 as the date of the pubic hearing thereon; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did, by aforesaid resolution, authorize and direct the City Clerk to publish a notice of intent to grant a franchise that state all the facts and matters in connection with the granting of the Franchise and is entitled: NOTICE OF INTENT TO GRANT A PIPELINE FRANCHISE TO LAY, OPERATE, TEST, MAINTAIN, USE, RENEW, REPAIR, REPLACE, MOVE, CHANGE SIZE AND NUMBER OF, AND REMOVE OR ABANDON IN PLACE A SYSTEM OF PIPELINES AND APPURTENANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING, TRANSPORTING, CONVEYING, AND CARRYING GAS, OIL, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, WATER, ORDINANCE NO. 13 10 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 1 WASTE WATER, AND PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS, ON, ALONG, UNDER AND ACROSS PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS, AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO; and, WHEREAS, the City Clerk did publish said notice as directed by the City Council before any further action on said Franchise was taken by the City Council and affidavit of publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk; and, WHEREAS, on the 20th day of July, 1999, a public hearing was held and it was determined by the City Council to grant said pipeline Franchise to Southern California Edison Company; and WHEREAS, Southern California Edison Company will deposit with the City Treasurer the sum of $5,000 to cover the costs incurred in connection with the granting of said Franchise; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. NATURE OF FRANCHISE. City hereby grants a non - exclusive Franchise ( "this Franchise ") to Grantee for a twenty -five (25) year term from the effective date to construct, install, operate, test, maintain, use, renew, repair, replace, move, change the size and number of, and remove or abandon in place a system of pipelines and appurtenances, for the purpose of transporting gas, oil, petroleum products, water, waste water, and other petroleum based substances, on, along, in, under, and across public streets, ways, alleys, and places (collectively the "streets "), within the City of E1 Segundo (Exhibit "A "). This Franchise shall automatically renew for two successive ten year terms upon the expiration of the initial twenty five year term unless either party shall notify the other in writing of its intention not to renew the Franchise for the next successive term, at least one hundred and eighty calendar days before the expiration of the then current term, but no sooner than one year before the expiration date. This Franchise is hereby granted to Grantee and its lawful successors and assigns subject to the terms hereof. SECTION 2. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCES, RULES, AND LAWS. The Grantee shall construct, install, and maintain all pipes, ORDINANCE NO. 13 1 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 2 conduits, poles, wires, and appurtenances in accordance and in conformity with all the ordinances and rules adopted by the legislative body of the municipality in the exercise of its police powers and not in conflict with the paramount authority of the State, and, as to state highways, subject to the laws relating to the location and maintenance of such facilities therein. SECTION 3. APPURTENANCES. Grantee shall have the right, to construct and maintain such traps, manholes, conduits, valves, appliances, attachments and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient for proper maintenance and operation of the pipelines. Appurtenances shall be kept flush with the surface of the Streets and located so not to interfere with the use of the Streets. Grantee shall have the right to make all necessary excavations in the Streets for construction and repair of the pipelines and appurtenances. Grantee shall obtain all necessary and applicable permits from the City to complete such work. SECTION 4. LOCATION OF THE FACILITIES. So far as is practicable, the Facilities shall be located along the edge or shoulder of the Streets or in parking areas adjacent thereto so as to not unreasonably disturb the flow of traffic, and where possible shall be laid in the unpaved portions of the Streets, if any. SECTION 5. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITIES. A. Terms of Construction The Facilities shall be installed, maintained and inspected by Grantee in a satisfactory, safe, and workmanlike manner, of good material, and in conformity with any applicable ordinances, rules or regulations now or hereafter adopted or prescribed by the City, state or federal authorities. The Facilities shall conform to applicable standards for pipelines imposed by the California State Fire Marshal and any other applicable regulatory authority, including but not limited to those standards under the California Pipeline Safety Act of 1981 (Government Code §51010 et seq.). B. Restoration of the Streets The work of laying, constructing, maintaining, operating, renewing, repairing, excavating, restoring, changing ORDINANCE NO. 13 1 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 3 and moving any segments of the Facilities, and all other work in exercise of the rights under this Franchise, shall be conducted with the least practicable hindrance or interference to use of the Streets by the public or City, and Grantee shall provide all necessary warning, safety and traffic control devices as are or may be required by applicable City, county, state or federal regulations. All excavations shall be back filled and adequately compacted. The surface of the streets shall be placed in as good and serviceable condition as existed before commencement of the work. If Grantee fails to restore the excavation as required, City or its agents may, at the City's sole discretion, restore the excavation site to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer. Within forty -five (45) days after receipt of the City's itemized bill Grantee shall pay to City, on demand, the reasonable cost of all repairs to public property made necessary by any of the operations of the Grantee under the Franchise. SECTION 6. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED. A. Maps Within ninety (90) days following the execution of this Agreement, Grantee shall file with City a map or maps, in such form as may be required by the City Engineer, showing accurately the locations and sizes of all of the Facilities currently in place, and shall, upon installation of any additional facilities or upon removal, change or abandonment of all or any portion thereof, file with City a revised map or maps showing the locations and sizes of all such additional and /or abandoned facilities as of that date. B. Documents To and From Government Agencies Upon request by City, Grantee shall, at Grantee's sole expense, provide to City any report, document, or writing (including, but not limited to, report of incidents, inspections, safety, reports, and permit applications or documents) to or from any government agency concerning the facilities as necessary. SECTION 7. COMPENSATION TO THE CITY. A. Annual Franchise Fee As consideration for the granting of this Franchise, Grantee shall pay an annual Franchise Fee to City. The Franchise Fee shall be paid annually to City in lawful money of the United ORDINANCE NOI 310 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 4 States by April 15 of each calendar year. Any neglect, omission or refusal of Grantee to pay the Franchise shall constitute grounds for declaration of a forfeiture of this Franchise and all rights hereunder. Acceptance by City of any payment of the Franchise Fee shall not be construed as a release, waiver, acquiescence or accord and satisfaction of any claim City may have for further or additional sums payable under this Franchise or for the performance of any other obligation hereunder. The Grantee shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City, in lawful money of the United States and in the manner provided by law, an annual franchise fee in an amount determined in accordance with Section 6231.5 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 6231.5 (c), the 1989 Base Rate franchise fee is $4,130.73. The amount of each franchise fee payment shall be determined each calendar year as follows: (1) The amount of the payment shall be adjusted at the time payment is due by multiplying the 1989 Base Rate by the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles - Anaheim- Riverside Area as published by the United States Department of Labor, Office of Information, for the month of September immediately preceding the month in which payment is due and payable, and dividing by the Consumer Price Index for June 30, 1989, which is declared to be 100.0. Under no circumstances shall the multiplying factor be less than one. (2) If the United States Department of Labor, Office of Information, discontinues preparation or publication of the aforesaid Consumer Price Index for such Area, and if no translation table prepared by the Department of Labor is available so as to make those statistics which are then available applicable to the Index for June 30, 1989, City shall prescribe a rate of payment which shall, in its judgment, vary from the rates specified in this Section in approximate proportion as commodity consumer prices then current vary from consumer prices current in December, 1988. On this point, the City's reasonable determination shall be final and conclusive. (3) If said Office of Information shall revise said Index, the parties hereto shall accept the method of revision or conversion recommended by said Office. ORDINANCE NO. 1 '41 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 5 B. Administrative Fee for Processing this Franchise In consideration for the granting of this Franchise, and to reimburse City for its administrative expenses in preparing, advertising and approving the documents for this Franchise, Grantee shall pay City Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of this Franchise. SECTION 8. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS. A. Spill Prevention and Response Planning 1. At all times during the life of the Franchise and to the extent required by law, as the law relates to the Facilities, Grantee shall maintain: a. An oil spill prevention and response plan consistent with and conforming to California Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response Regulations (OSPR) of Title 14, Division 1, Subdivision 4, Chapter 2, Subchapter 3, 9§815 -817 of the California Code; b. A Business Plan pursuant to Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code; C. A Chemical Inventory pursuant to Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code; and d. Pipeline maps and diagrams, and a contingency plan for pipeline emergencies pursuant to California Government Code §51015. 2. Grantee shall also comply with any requirements for similar plans lawfully imposed by any federal, state or local authority during the term of this Franchise and shall pay all applicable fees for review of such plans. 3. Upon request, Grantee shall meet with the City Fire Chief or Fire Chief's designee as requested to discuss and review the above described plans and response plans for pipeline emergencies. All emergency response work performed by Grantee shall be performed in accordance with the applicable plans and in cooperation with the City Fire Department. ORDINANCE NO. 131 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 6 B. Operational Requirements a. Grantee shall cause the Facilities to be secure against unauthorized entry and tampering. b. Grantee will maintain and submit to the City a California State Fire Marshal approved contingency plan for pipeline emergencies as required by California Government Code, Chapter 5.5 (The Elder California Pipeline Safety Act of 1991. SECTION 9. OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. To the extent required by law, Grantee shall operate, maintain and repair the Facilities in accordance with the California Pipeline Safety Act (Government Code § §51010- 51019), U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Regulations (49 C.F.R. Part 195) and any and all other applicable federal and state rules. Grantee shall immediately make all repairs to the Streets and City property made necessary by any of the operations of Grantee, upon obtaining all necessary City permits. SECTION 10. REARRANGEMENT OF FACILITIES. A. Expense of Grantee 1. If any portion(s) of the Facilities shall, endanger the public in the use of the Streets or interfere with or obstruct the use of any street by the public or for public purpose, City shall have the right to require Grantee to move, alter or relocate such portion(s) to avoid such danger, interference or obstruction, in conformity with written notice from the City Engineer, at Grantee's sole expense. In such an event, City agrees to provide Grantee with a reasonable alternative location to relocate such portion(s) of the Facilities so as to provide an unbroken connection between the relocated portions and the portions that remain in place. 2. Whenever, during the term of this Franchise, the City, including any water, electric, gas or other utility system hereafter owned or operated by City, any community facilities or assessment district, or any other agency established by City in its ministerial capacity, shall change the grade, width, alignment or location of any street, way, alley or place, or improve any said street in any manner, including but not limited ORDINANCE NO. 13 10 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 7 to the laying of any city sewer, storm drain, conduits, gas, water or other pipes, pedestrian tunnels, subway, viaduct or other work of City (the right to do all of which is specifically reserved to City without any admission on its part that it would not otherwise have such rights) , Grantee shall, at its own cost and expense, do any and all things to effect such change in position or location of any portion(s) of the Facilities in conformity with the written approval of the City 'Engineer, including but not limited to removal or relocation of any portion(s) of the Facilities, if and when deemed necessary by the reasonable determination of the City Engineer. B. Expense of Others 1. City shall also have the right to require Grantee to rearrange any part of the Facilities for the accommodation of any private person, firm or corporation. When such rearrangement is done for the accommodation of any private person, firm or corporation, the cost of such rearrangement shall be borne by the accommodated party. Such accommodated party, in advance of such rearrangement, shall deposit with Grantee cash in an amount, as in the reasonable discretion of Grantee, necessary to pay all the costs of such rearrangement. 2. The rearrangement referred to in subsection 1 of subparagraph B of this Section shall be accomplished in conformity with the written notice of the City Engineer and plans approved by the City Engineer. C. Rearrangement of Other Facilities. Nothing contained in this Franchise shall be construed to require City to move, alter or relocate any of its facilities upon any of the Streets, at its own expense, for the convenience, accommodation or necessity of any other public entity, person, firm or corporation now or hereafter owning a public utility system of any type or nature, or to move, alter or relocate any part of its system upon any of the Streets for the convenience, accommodation or necessity of Grantee. D. Notice. Grantee shall be given not less than one hundred eighty (180) days written notice of any rearrangement of any portion(s) of the Facilities which Grantee is required to make under this Section. Such notice shall furnish final, approved plans detailing the necessity for the rearrangement of such portion(s) of the Facilities, specify in reasonable detail the work to be done by Grantee, and shall specify the time that ORDINANCE NO. 131 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 8 such work is to be accomplished. In the event that City shall change the provisions of any such notice given to Grantee, Grantee shall be given an additional, reasonable period of time to accomplish such work. SECTION 11. REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES. At the time of non - renewal, revocation or termination of this Franchise or the permanent discontinuance of use of the Facilities or any portion thereof, Grantee shall, sixty (60) days thereafter, make a written application to the City Engineer to either: (1) abandon all, or a portion, of the Facilities in place, or (2) remove all, or a portion of the Facilities. Such application shall include a closure plan, which shall demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer and City's Fire Chief that any regulated materials which have been stored or transported in the Facilities or such portions(s) thereof have been or will be transported, disposed of or reused in a manner consistent with public health and safety, and shall describe the portion(s) of the Facilities desired to be abandoned by reference to the map or maps required by Section 6, hereof and shall also describe with reasonable accuracy the relative physical condition of such portion(s) of the Facilities. Thereupon, the City Engineer and the Fire Chief reasonably shall determine whether any proposed abandonment or removal may be effected without detriment to the public interest or under what conditions such proposed abandonment or removal may be safely effected and shall notify Grantee, according to such requirements as shall be specified in the City Engineer's and the Fire Chief's order to either: 1. Remove all or a portion of the Facilities, or 2. Abandon in place all or a portion of the Facilities, subject to reasonable conditions imposed by the City Engineer, and Fire Chief to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to protect City against future liability. If any portion(s) of the Facilities to be abandoned in place subject to the prescribed conditions are not abandoned in accordance with all such conditions, the City Engineer may make additional appropriate orders, including, as the City Engineer deems desirable, an order that Grantee shall remove all such portion(s) of the Facilities in accordance with applicable requirements. If any portion(s) or all of the Facilities are abandoned, all right, title and interest in those abandoned shall ORDINANCE NO1310 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 9 remain with Grantee, and City shall not acquire any possessory, equitable or other interest therein. SECTION 12. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Liability Insurance. The Grantee shall, provide proof of a Commercial General Liability Insurance, including pollution liability insurance, and excess automobile liability insurance, including all coverage's, with no special limitations affecting City. The limit for all coverage's under this policy shall be not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence. It is agreed that the Grantee is allowed to lawfully self insure automobile liability. City, its employees, officials and agents, shall be named as additional insureds by endorsement to the policy. Grantee shall also provide proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance with statutory limits and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $5,000,000. Grantee is allowed to lawfully self insure Workers' Compensation. Grantee shall provide proof of any self insurance. SECTION 13. INDEMNIFICATION BY GRANTEE. Grantee shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its officials, employees, agents and officers from and against any and all liability claims, demands, losses, costs, fines, penalties, expenses, causes of action, or damages (collectively referred to as "damages ") for damages proximately resulting from Grantee's exercise of this Franchise or any operations of the Facilities; and be liable to the City for all damages proximately resulting from the failure of said Grantee well and faithfully to observe and perform each and every provision of this Franchise and each and every provision of Division 3, Chapter 2 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. Additionally, except to the extent agreed to or caused by acts or omissions of City, its elective and appointive boards, officials, officers, employees, volunteers, assigns, successors, and agents, Grantee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its elective and appointive boards, officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, assigns and any successor or successors to City's interest from and against all claims, demands, losses, defense costs, reasonable attorney fees, fines, penalties, expenses, causes of action and judgments at law or in equity, damages, losses or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or death or property damage, and ORDINANCE NO. 1310 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 10 other expenses, and the cost of any required or necessary repair, cleanup or detoxification, or the preparation and implementation of any response, remedial, removal, closure or other required plans (regardless of whether undertaken due to government action) arising out of or attributable to the presence, use, generation, storage, transportation, release, or disposal of Hazardous Material arising out of Grantee's exercise of this Franchise or the operation of the Facilities, regardless of whether any act or omission is authorized, allowed or prohibited by this Franchise. As used in this Section, Hazardous Material means any substance, product, waste or other material of any nature whatsoever which is or becomes listed, regulated or addressed pursuant to: (1) the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. §9601, et seq. (CERCLA); the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. §1801, et seq.; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. §2601, et seq.; the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251, et seq.; the California Hazardous Waste Control Act, Health and Safety Code §25100, et seq.; the California Hazardous Substance Account Act, Health and Safety Code §25330, et seq.; the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, Health and Safety Code §25249.5, et seq.; California Health and Safety Code §25280, et seq. (Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances); the California Hazardous Waste Management Act, Health and Safety Code §25170.1, et seq.; California Health and Safety Code §25501, et seq. (Hazardous Materials Response Plans and Inventory); or the Porter- Cologne Water Quality Control Act, Water Code §13000, et seq., all as amended; or (2) any other federal, state or local law regulating, relating to, or imposing liability or standards of conduct concerning any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance or materials, as now is, or at any time hereafter may be, in effect; or (3) any rule or regulation adopted or promulgated under or pursuant to any of said laws. SECTION 14. TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT. The Grantee shall file with the legislative body of the municipality within thirty (30) days after any sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of the Franchise or any part thereof, or any of the rights or privileges granted thereby, written evidence of the transaction certified to by the Grantee or its duly authorized officers. If any transfer, assignment, lease, or sale of the Franchise is to a person or entity that is a non public utility pipeline, then City approval is required, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the City approves that ORDINANCE NO.1 31 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 11 sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of this Franchise, then the City may change the annual Franchise payment to an amount otherwise authorized by applicable state law. Upon approval, the new Grantee shall pay to the City a sum of money sufficient to reimburse it for all expenses incurred by it in connection with the approval of the sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of this Franchise; said payment to be made within thirty (30) days after the City shall have furnished said Grantee with a written statement of such expenses. SECTION 15. WAIVER OF BREACH. No waiver of the breach of any of the covenants, agreements, restrictions or conditions of this Franchise by City shall be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other covenants, agreements, restrictions or conditions of this Franchise. No delay or omission of City in exercising any right, power or remedy herein provided in the event of default shall be construed as a waiver thereof, or acquiescence therein, nor shall the acceptance of any payments made in a manner or at a time other than is herein provided be construed as a waiver of or variation in any of the terms of this Franchise. SECTION 16. VIOLATION OF FRANCHISE, COMPLIANCE, FORFEITURE A. Violation of Franchise; Demand for compliance; Forfeiture. If the Grantee fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with any of the provisions or conditions prescribed in PUC Section 6291, and does not within ten (10) days after written demand for compliance, or after such beginning does not prosecute the work with due diligence to completion, the City, by its legislative body, may declare the franchise forfeited. SECTION 17. SCOPE OF RESERVATION. Nothing herein contained shall ever be construed so as to exempt Grantee from compliance with all applicable ordinances of City now in effect or which may be hereafter in effect which are not inconsistent with the terms of this Franchise. The enumeration herein of specific rights reserved shall not be construed as exclusive, or as limiting the general reservation herein made or as limiting such rights as City may have or hereafter have in law. ORDINANCE NO. 131 0 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 12 SECTION 18. NOTICE. Any notice required to be given under the terms of this Franchise, the manner of service of which is not specifically provided for, may be served personally, sent by an overnight delivery service, or by depositing same with First Class postage prepaid in the United States Mail addressed as follows: To City: Director of Public Works City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 94250 To Grantee: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY Attention: Director Legislative and Local Governmental Affairs 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Room 312 Rosemead, CA 91770 SECTION 19. SUCCESSORS. The terms of this Franchise shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind, as the case may be, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. SECTION 20. INTERPRETATION. This Franchise is granted upon each and every condition herein contained, and shall be strictly construed against the parties. This Franchise shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of California. SECTION 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Franchise contains the entire understanding between City and Grantee. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations or representations not expressly set forth herein are of no force or effect. Subsequent modifications to this Franchise shall be effective only if in writing and signed by all parties. If any term, condition or covenant of this Franchise is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Franchise shall be valid and binding. SECTION 22. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FRANCHISE. This Franchise shall not be in effect unless and until the ordinance of the City Council granting this Franchise is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Franchise to be executed by their authorized representatives as of the Effective Date hereof. ORDINANCE NO. 13 10 SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO. 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1999. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ( "City °) I by: J' MIKE GORDON, MAYOR ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY Q I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. i I 10 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of July 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of August 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Gordon, Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, Council Member McDowell NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Gaines, Wernick ABSTAIN: None Cindy M esen, City Clerk Ordinance No. 1310 EXHIBIT "A" PIPELINE ROUTE General Description Commencing in Rosecrans Avenue at a point 809.57 feet west of the centerline of Ball Avenue; thence easterly in Rosecrans Avenue to a point near the centerline of Elm Avenue; thence southerly to the northerly boundary of the City of Manhattan Beach.