ORDINANCE 1286ORDINANCE NO. 1286 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -419, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 97 -3, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 97 -3, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN, VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (ZONING CODE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE, AND THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM. PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (CITYWIDE AMENDMENTS) AND HUGHES ELECTRONICS (TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS). WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo adopted a General Plan for the years 1992 -2010; and, WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo certified an Environmental Impact Report as a complete and adequate document in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and adopted a Statement of Overriding Consideration; and, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the amendments to Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, finding that there were no environmental impacts associated with the amendments that were not analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report certified by the City Council for the General Plan on December 1, 1992; and, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, adopt Ordinance No. 1212 adopting a new Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map; and, WHEREAS, on November 5, 1996, the City Council considered and initiated a Quarterly Zoning Code (text and map) Amendment program similar to the Quarterly General Plan Amendment program already in place; and, WHEREAS, on December 17, 1996, the City Council approved a list of proposed future General Plan Amendments, Zone Text Amendments and Zone Changes and directed Staff and the Planning Commission to initiate processing the proposed amendments; and, WHEREAS, the City may amend all or part of an adopted General Plan to promote the public interest up to four times during any calendar year pursuant to Government Code Section 65358; and, WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment GPA 97 -3 is the third amendment processed and proposed for 1997; and, WHEREAS, on February 16, 1996, Hughes Electronics submitted a General Plan Amendment application requesting approval of provisions for Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's); and WHEREAS, on February 22 and 29 and March 7 and 14, 1996, the Planning Commission did hold two public workshops and two public hearings, respectively, duly advertised pursuant to law, on the proposed General Plan Amendments to allow provisions for TDR's, and notice of the hearings was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 1996, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2378 recommending • approval of amendments to the General Plan to allow the Transfer of Development Rights (EA -377, GPA 96 -1), but no Zoning Text Amendment was recommended to be adopted to implement the TDR's; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 18, 19, 21, and 22 and April 2, 1996, the City Council did conduct, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on the proposed General Plan Amendments and Zone Text Amendments related to the TDR's; and, WHEREAS, on March 22, 1996, the City Council did not adopt the General Plan Amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission to allow provisions for TDR's, and directed Staff and the Planning Commission to further study the TDR provisions in both the General Plan and Zoning Code; and, WHEREAS, on July 10, 24, August 14, 28, September 11, 25, and October 9, 1997, the Planning Commission did conduct, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on revisions to the General Plan, Municipal Code, Zoning Code, and Local Coastal Program, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2402 on October 9, 1998 recommending approval of the proposed amendments and, WHEREAS, on January 3, 1998, the Planning Commission and City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public bus tour /workshop on revisions to the General Plan, Municipal Code, Zoning Code, and Local Coastal Program, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law and the joint workshop was continued until January 6, 1998; and, WHEREAS, on November 18, 1997, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public •hearing on revisions to the General Plan, Municipal Code, Zoning Code, and Local Coastal Program, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law and the public hearing was continued until December 2, January 3, 6, 20, February 3, 17, and March 3, 1998; and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against EA -419, GPA 97 -3, and ZTA 97 -3, the revisions to the General Plan, Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and Local Coastal Program; and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established: The purpose of the revisions to the General Plan, Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and Local Coastal Program are to refine and make appropriate adjustments to the development standards and other zoning and General Plan requirements in order to address concerns raised by the community about the future development of the City in furtherance of the general welfare of the City. State law requires that zoning be made consistent with the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that after consideration of the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA -419, GPA 97 -3, and ZTA 97 -3 the City Council finds as follows: GENERAL PLAN 1. The proposed General Plan, Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and Local Coastal Program Amendments are consistent with the 1992 General Plan. 3. The General Plan Amendments under GPA 97 -3 are in the public interest and will further the general welfare of the City. • ZONING CODE 1. The proposed General Plan, Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and Local Coastal Program Amendments are consistent with the existing Zoning Code. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM The proposed General Plan, Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and Local Coastal Program Amendments are consistent with the existing certified Local Coastal Program. ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS The Draft Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, 2. That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built - out urban environment; and, 3. That the City Council directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimus finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations. Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the • applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination. As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT the City Council approves EA -419, GPA 97 -3, and ZTA 97 -3, and adopts changes to the El Segundo Municipal Code as follows: SECTION 1. Section 20.08.020 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.08.020 ACCESSORY. "Accessory" means a building, part of a building or structure, or use which is subordinate to, and the use of which is incidental to, that of the main building, structure or use on the same lot. SECTION 2. Section 20.08.149 shall be added to Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.08.149 ATTIC. "Attic" means the area located between the ceiling joists of the top floor or story and the roof of a building. An attic may not be used as habitable space. 0 • SECTION 3. Section 20.08.505 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.08.505 KITCHEN. "Kitchen" means any room or portion of a room within a building designated and /or used or intended to be used for the cooking or preparation of food, which may also include a sink, refrigeration, a garbage disposal, and storage. SECTION 4. Section 20.12.040 A. of Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: A. Retaining Walls 1. Where a retaining wall protects a cut slope below the natural grade, as depicted in Figure 1, the retaining wall may be topped by a fence, wall, or hedge of a height equal to that which would otherwise be permitted at that location. This does not apply to retaining walls which protect a fill slope. 2. Where a retaining wall contains a fill and is not located in any required setback, as depicted in Figure 2, the height of the retaining wall built to retain the fill shall be considered as contributing to the permissible height of a fence, wall or hedge. A protective fence or guard rail, not more than 48 inches in height, may be erected on top of a retaining wall. An 'open work fence" means a fence in which the component solid portions are evenly distributed, vertically oriented, and constitute not more than 25% of the total surface area of the fence. 3. A retaining wall located in any required setback, as depicted in Figure 3, may retain a maximum of 3 feet of fill. An open work fence, not more than 48 inches in height, may be erected on top of a retaining wall in a side or rear setback. However, the maximum height of the fence and/or wall above the fill shall be limited to 6 feet. In a required front setback, a 6 inch wall or fence may be erected on top of a wall which retains a maximum of 3 feet. No open work fence, above the maximum 42 inch total height, shall be allowed in the front setback. rd RETAINING WALL }( 42" max, in front yard setback CONTAINING FILL Iln OUTSIDE SETBACKS 48" max open work fence 6' max. to rear of front setback • RETAINING WALL HOLDING CUT Figure 1 0 O WF OPEN WORK FENCE RETAINING WALL CONTAINING FILL IN SETBACKS Figure 3 6' max. Figure 2 48" max open work fence inside and rear setbacks only T max. above fill in side and rear setbacks; or, 6" max. above fill in front setback T max. retaining SECTION 5. Section 20.20.025 of Chapter 20.20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.20.025 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES. A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use; B. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages; C. Playhouses; and, D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 6. Section 20.20.060 of Chapter 20.20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.20.060 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. All uses within the R -1 Zone shall comply with the Development Standards contained in this section. • A. General Provisions 1. As provided by Chapter 20.12, General Provisions; 5 2. New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected; and, 3. An addition to, or extension of a dwelling unit, except a garage, must share a common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit. B. Height The height of all dwelling units shall not exceed 26 feet and two stories, except as provided in Section 20.20.060 H. The height of all other buildings and detached accessory structures, including detached garages, shall not exceed 14 feet. Average of Highest Gable ca co sip . I N �yih£':,13j�i d' Accessory Dwelling Unit Structure C. Lot Area A minimum of 5,000 square feet. D. Setbacks 1. Front and rear yard: The combined total of setbacks for the front and rear yard shall be at least 30 feet, with no front yard setback less than 22 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet. • 2. Side ,yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet. Detached accessory structures, located in the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line. 3. Side Yard Reversed Corner: Reversed corner lots shall have the following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle shall be a straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side yard setback requirements described in 20.20.060 D.2. above. 4. Rear Yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet. Detached accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line. • 0 5,000 sf Min. Lot Size Front LN 50' Min. at Rear of Front Yard Min. Combined Setback Example: Front + Rear = Combined 22' + 8' = 30' 25' + 5' = 30' 5. Exceptions: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20.20.060 D., the west side yard of 618 W. Oak Avenue, more particularly described as the north 142.5 feet of the south 285 feet of the east 50.265 feet of Lot 14, Block 9, Tract No. 1685, commencing 63 feet south of the front lot line and continuing south a distance of 30 feet, shall be 3 inches in width so long as that certain structure located along that 30 -foot distance which existed on January 11, 1973, remains in existence. Upon the removal or destruction of said building, this property shall no longer be exempt from Section 20.20.060 D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20.20.060 D., the south side yard of 724 Penn Street, more particularly described as the south 55 feet of the north 110 feet of Lot 8, Block 92, El Segundo Sheet No. 4, commencing 84 feet east of the front lot line and continuing east a distance of 20 feet, shall be 3 feet in width so long as that certain structure located along that 20 -foot distance which existed on January 11, 1973, remains in existence. Upon the removal or destruction of said building, this property shall no longer be exempt from Section 20.20.060 D. E. Lot Width Every lot created after the effective date of this chapter shall maintain a width of not less than 50 feet at the rear line of the required front yard. However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into two or more parcels having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20% of the lots fronting on its block. The block is defined as the area on both sides of the street between the nearest intersecting streets. Each parcel must have an area of not less than 5,000 square feet. F. Building Area No minimum requirement. G. Placement of Buildings and Structures 1. The distance between buildings shall be governed by the Uniform Building Code; and, 2. A detached accessory structure in the rear one -third of the lot may be located on the is rear and one interior side lot line, unless one of the following conditions exists: a. Where the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory structure is from the alley, such detached accessory structure shall be set back a distance measured from the opposite side of the alley that will provide a turning radius as follows: I. 90 degrees -25 feet ii. 75 degrees -21 feet iii. 60 degrees -18 feet iv. 45 degrees -15 feet b. On the rear third of a reversed corner lot a detached accessory structure may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building shall be erected closer than 5 feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear. However, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory building is directly from the street side, a detached accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. H. Lot Coverage All buildings, including detached accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 40% of the lot area. This coverage may be increased to 47% if the height of the structure is limited to 18 feet. If a building exceeds 18 feet in height, the lot coverage shall not exceed 40% under any circumstances. Building Wall Modulation Architectural building features, in conformance with Section 20.08.147, must be included to modulate the building walls subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. J. Detached Accessory Buildings 1. Any detached accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the garage, shall not be larger in gross floor area than 600 square feet; 2. Detached accessory buildings shall be limited to one floor, but may include an attic, which may be used for storage purposes only, provided access to the attic is not from permenantly fixed stairs (pull -down type stairs are permitted), no plumbing is permitted, and electrical fixtures are limited to the minimum required by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and National Electrical Code (NEC); 3. Detached accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping purposes or as an "R" Occupancy, as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), except that they may contain a sink and a toilet; • 4. Detached accessory buildings shall not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit; and, 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a garage, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall require the recording of a covenant to run with the land, which states that the accessory structure shall not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this Section. SECTION 7. Section 20.22.025 of Chapter 20.22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.22.025 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES. A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use; B. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages; C. Playhouses; and, D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 8. Section 20.22.060 of Chapter 20.22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.22.060 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. All uses in the R -2 Zone shall comply with the Development Standards contained in this section. A. General Provisions 1. As provided by Chapter 20.12, General Provisions; 2. Any use permitted in the R -1 zone, when developed in the R -2 zone, shall be constructed in accordance with R -2 site developments standards and parking requirements; 3. New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected; and, 4 An addition to, or extension of a dwelling unit, except a garage, must share a common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit. B. Height The height of all dwelling units shall not exceed 26 feet and two stories. The height of all other buildings and detached accessory structures, including detached garages, shall not exceed 14 feet. Average of Highest Gable X +3.. �' T N Accessory Dwelling Unit Structure W] • C. Lot Area A minimum of 7,000 square feet. Lots less than 4,000 square feet in area shall be occupied by only 1 dwelling unit, provided all other requirements of this title are met. D. Setbacks 1. Front and rear: The combined total of setbacks for the front and rear yard shall be at least 30 feet, with no front yard setback less than 20 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet. 2. Side yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet. Any detached accessory structures, and attached garages on 25 foot wide lots only, located on the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line. 3. Side Yard. Reversed Corner: Reversed comer lots shall have the following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle shall be a straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side yard setback requirements described in 20.22.060 D.2. above. 4. Rear Yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet. Detached accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line. A dwelling unit above a garage where the vehicular entrance is from an alley shall maintain a minimum 1 foot setback. 50 Min. at Rear of Front Yard E. Lot Width Every lot created after the effective date of this chapter shall maintain a width of not less than 50 feet at the rear line of the required front yard. However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into two or more parcels having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20% of the lots fronting on its block. The block is defined as the area on both sides of the street between the nearest intersecting streets. Each parcel must have an area of not less than 7,000 square feet. F. Building Area No minimum requirement. 10 . G. Placement of Buildings and Structures 1. The distance between buildings shall be governed by the Uniform Building Code. 2. A detached accessory structure in the rear one -third of the lot may be located on the rear and one interior side lot line, unless one of the following conditions exists: a. Where the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory structure is from the alley, such detached accessory structure shall be set back a distance measured from the opposite side of the alley that will provide a turning radius as follows: I. 90 degrees -25 feet ii. 75 degrees -21 feet iii. 60 degrees -18 feet iv. 45 degrees -15 feet b. On the rear third of a reversed corner lot, a detached accessory structure may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building shall be erected closer than 5 feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear. However, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory building is directly from the street side, a detached accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. 0 H. Building Wall Modulation 1. Lots greater than 4.000 square feet in area: No plane of a building wall facing a property line shall exceed 24 feet in height or length without at least a 2 -foot offset for a minimum length of 6 feet in the wall plane. When expanding or adding onto the height or length of an existing building wall, only the expansion or addition shall not exceed 24 feet without wall modulation. Below is an example of wall modulation for walls up to 30 feet: TOTAL WALL LENGTH OR HEIGHT MAXIMUM LENGTH OF UNBROKEN WALL PLANE MINIMUM LENGTH OF 2 FOOT OFFSET 24 feet 24 feet 0 feet 25 feet 24 feet 1 feet 26 feet 24 feet 2 feet 27 feet 24 feet 3 feet 28 feet 24 feet 4 feet 29 feet 24 feet 5 feet 30 feet 24 feet 6 feet 2' N 11 2. Lots 4.000 square feet or less in area: Architectural building features must be included to modulate the building walls subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. Lot Coverage All buildings, including detached accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 50% of the area of the lot. J. Detached Accessory Buildings 1. Any detached accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the garage, shall not be larger in gross floor area than 600 square feet; 2. Detached accessory buildings shall be limited to one floor, but may include an attic, which may be used for storage purposes only, provided access to the attic is not from permenantly fixed stairs (pull -down type stairs are permitted), no plumbing is permitted, and electrical fixtures are limited to the minimum required by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and National Electrical Code (NEC); 3. Detached accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping purposes or as an "R" Occupancy, as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), except that they may contain a sink and a toilet; 4. Detached accessory buildings shall not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit; and, 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a garage, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall require the recording of a covenant to run with the land, which states that the accessory structure shall not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this Section. i SECTION 9. Section 20.24.025 B. of Chapter 20.24, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: B. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages; 12 SECTION 10. Section 20.24.060 of Chapter 20.24, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.24.060 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. A. General Provisions 1. As provided by Chapter 20.12, General Provisions; 2. Any use permitted in the R -1 or R -2 zones, when developed in the R -3 zone, shall be constructed in accordance with R -3 site developments standards and parking requirements; 3. New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected; and, 4. An addition to, or extension of a dwelling unit, except a garage, must share a common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit. B. Lot Area A minimum of 7,000 square feet. C. Height The height of all buildings and structures shall not exceed 26 feet. Average of Highest Gable FEf x CU c C { N Building D. Setbacks A building or structure may encroach up to 2 feet into a required yard, provided that an equivalent volume is set back from the required yard. This encroachment shall not be allowed in any yard adjacent to a single - family residential zone. 1. Front yard: An average of 20 feet shall be provided, but in no case shall it be less than 15 feet. Should vehicular access be through the front yard and controlled by an entry gate, a minimum of 20 feet shall be provided for a vehicle to temporarily stop outside the gated area prior to entering the project. 2. Side yard facing a side street: 5 feet minimum shall be provided, except if parking garages or covered parking spaces face a street, then the setback shall be 20 feet. 3. Side yard facing an adjacent lot: 5 feet minimum shall be provided. Detached accessory structures, located in the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line. 4. Side Yard, Reversed Comer: Reversed corner lots shall have the following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle • shall be a straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side yard setback requirements described in 20.24.060 D.2. & 3. above. 13 0 r � U Front Enclosed Covered rn _ _ rn 5. Rear Yard: 10 feet minimum shall be provided. 6. Rear Yard: Detached accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line and on one interior lot side line in the rear one -third of the lot. Front m a 7,000 sf Min. Lot Size Front at Rear of Front Yard i. a. 15' Min b. 20' average c. If entry is gated with wait - 20' Min. E. Lot Width Every lot created after the effective date of this chapter shall maintain a width of not less than 50 feet at the rear line of the required front yard. However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into two or more parcels having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20% of the lots fronting on its block. The block is defined as the area on both sides of the street between the nearest intersecting streets. Each parcel must have an area of not less than 7,000 square feet. F. Building Area The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be as follows: 1. On property of 15,000 square feet or less in size, one unit for every 1,613 square feet of lot area is allowed. A fraction of a lot greater than 1,075 square feet will allow an additional unit. 2. On property greater than 15,000 square feet in size, one unit for every 2,420 square feet of lot area is allowed. A fraction of a lot greater than 1,613 square feet will allow an additional unit. 14 • G. Placement of Buildings and Structures 1. The distance between buildings shall be governed by the Uniform Building Code. 2. A detached accessory structure in the rear one -third of the lot may be located on the rear and one interior side lot line, unless one of the following conditions exists: a. Where the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory structure is from the alley, such detached accessory structure shall be set back a distance measured from the opposite side of the alley that will provide a turning radius as follows: I. 90 degrees -25 feet ii. 75 degrees -21 feet iii. 60 degrees -18 feet iv. 45 degrees -15 feet b. On the rear third of a reversed corner lot, a detached accessory structure may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building shall be erected closer than 5 feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear. However, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory building is directly from the street side, a detached accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. P • H. Lot Coverage All buildings, including detached accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 53% of the area of the lot. WIN A +B =< 53% Open Space and Recreation Requirements The following open space and recreational facilities shall be provided: Number of Units Private Open Space Common Open Space Recreational Facilities 1. 4 or less units 50 s . ft. /unit 150 s . ft. /unit 2. 5 -9 units 50 s . ft. /unit 200 s . ft. /unit 3. 10 -20 units 50 s . ft. /unit 250 s . ft. /unit 4. 21 -50 units 1 50 s . ft. /unit 1 250 s . ft. /unit 1 50 s . ft. /unit 15 5. 50 and up 1 50 s . ft. /unit 1 250 s . ft. /unit 1 50 s . ft. /unit All required open space and recreational facilities shall be in addition to the required front and street side setbacks. Interior side and rear setbacks may be considered as required open spaces and recreation facilities. Landscaped areas are considered as open space if they are physically or visually accessible to the residents. A landscaped area must be a minimum of 5 feet in both length and width in order to be counted as open space. J. Building Wall Modulation No plane of a building wall facing a property line shall exceed 24 feet in height or length without at least a 2 -foot offset for a minimum length of 6 feet in the wall plane. When expanding or adding onto the height or length of an existing building wall, only the expansion or addition shall not exceed 24 feet without wall modulation. Below is an example of wall modulation for walls up to 30 feet: TOTAL WALL LENGTH OR HEIGHT MAXIMUM LENGTH OF UNBROKEN WALL PLANE MINIMUM LENGTH OF 2 FOOT OFFSET 24 feet 24 feet 0 feet 25 feet 24 feet 1 feet 26 feet 24 feet 2 feet 27 feet 24 feet 3 feet 28 feet 24 feet 4 feet 29 feet 24 feet 5 feet 30 feet 24 feet 6 feet 2' N K. Condominium Conversions Condominiums and stock cooperatives converted from multiple family dwellings shall meet all the requirements for condominiums in effect at the time they were originally constructed. If there were no condominium standards in effect at the time of construction, the conversion is shall comply with the condominium standards of Ordinance No. 898, adopted January 20, 1976. 16 0 L. Detached Accessory Buildings 1. Detached accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping purposes; 2. Detached accessory buildings shall not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit or as an "R" Occupancy, as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), except that they may contain a sink and a toilet; and, 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a garage, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall require the recording of a covenant to run with the land, which states that the accessory structure shall not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this Section. SECTION 11. Section 20.33.060 F. of Chapter 20.33, Title 20, of the EI Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 1.0 or an FAR 1:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. 10,000 Sf F.A.R. = 1.0 Bldg. Area = 10,000 sf ", 100' SECTION 12. Section 20.34.060 F. of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 0.8 or an FAR 0.8:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. 1 f 1 = 10,000 sf K ErE b F.A.R. = 0.8 t ° Bldg. Area = 8;000 sf J 100' 17 SECTION 13. Section 20.36.060 F. of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 1.3 or an FAR 1.3:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. SECTION 14. Section 20.38.060 F. of Chapter 20.38, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the . property multiplied by 1.3 or an FAR 1.3:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. \ = 10,000 sf ti3 R oo F.A.R. = 1.3 3 „ Bldg. Area = 13,000 sf 100, SECTION 15. Section 20.40.060 F. of Chapter 20.40, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings, as defined in Chapter 20.08, on any parcel or lot shall not exceed the total square footage of the parcel or lot area multiplied by 0.6, thereby giving a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.6:1. However, additional FAR may be granted by the City upon the preparation and approval of a specific plan, consistent with Section 65450 et.al of the California Government Code, or, for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with the approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. The total net floor area of high and medium bay labs may be multiplied by a factor of 0.5 to determine the allowed net floor area, if an agreement is recorded which ensures that the use and the number of employees is consistent with the definition in 20.08.467. In a , "vt3lMF` = 10,000 sf F.A.R. 1.3 o ° = Bldg. Area = 13,000 sf - 100, SECTION 14. Section 20.38.060 F. of Chapter 20.38, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the . property multiplied by 1.3 or an FAR 1.3:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. \ = 10,000 sf ti3 R oo F.A.R. = 1.3 3 „ Bldg. Area = 13,000 sf 100, SECTION 15. Section 20.40.060 F. of Chapter 20.40, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings, as defined in Chapter 20.08, on any parcel or lot shall not exceed the total square footage of the parcel or lot area multiplied by 0.6, thereby giving a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.6:1. However, additional FAR may be granted by the City upon the preparation and approval of a specific plan, consistent with Section 65450 et.al of the California Government Code, or, for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with the approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. The total net floor area of high and medium bay labs may be multiplied by a factor of 0.5 to determine the allowed net floor area, if an agreement is recorded which ensures that the use and the number of employees is consistent with the definition in 20.08.467. In E F , 100, = 10,000 sf F.A.R. = 0.6 Bldg. Area = 6,000 sf SECTION 16. Section 20.45.025 of Chapter 20.45, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.45.025 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES. A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use; B. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages; and, C. Other similar use approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 17. Section 20.45.060 A. of Chapter 20.45, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: A. General Provisions 1. As provided by Chapter 20.12, General Provisions; 2. New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected; and, 3 An addition to, or extension of a dwelling unit, except a garage, must share a common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit. SECTION 18. Section 20.45.060 E. of Chapter 20.45, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: E. Lot Coverage All buildings, including detached accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 53% of the area of the lot. 19 0 • SECTION 19. Section 20.45.060 J. of Chapter 20.45, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: J. Detached Accessory Buildings 1. Detached accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping purposes; 2. Detached accessory buildings shall not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit or as an "R" Occupancy, as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), except that they may contain a sink and a toilet; and, 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a garage, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall require the recording of a covenant to run with the land, which states that the accessory structure shall not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this Section. SECTION 20. Section 20.54.060 B.(11) of Chapter 20.54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: (11) Schools, private (a) Pre - school, elementary through junior high level: (b) High school level: 1 space for each 1 classroom, plus 1 space for each employee and faculty member. 7 spaces per classroom plus auditorium or stadium parking requirements. (c) Adult level, college, 1 space for every 50 square feet of gross floor area or 1 business and trade: space for every 3 fixed seats - whichever is greater; or, as modified by a Parking Demand Study. SECTION 21. Chapter 20.64 shall be added to Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 20.64 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Sections: 20.64.010 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. 20.64.020 DEFINITIONS. 20.64.030 PROHIBITIONS. 20.64.040 APPROVAL OF TRANSFERS - PROCEDURE. 20.64.010 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. It is the purpose of this Chapter to facilitate orderly business development and provide for the public benefit without increasing the total NFA permitted under the General Plan. The goal of Transfer of Development Rights is to reduce the impacts of potential increased development on properties west of Sepulveda Boulevard and allow new development east of Sepulveda Boulevard, while minimizing traffic impacts and maximizing the public benefit. This Chapter provides for the transfer of a minimum of 25,000 square feet of Net Floor Area (NFA) between properties under common ownership. Transfers M • may only occur from properties west of Sepulveda Boulevard, located in the C -3 and C -O Zones, to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard and located in the C -3, CO, MU -N, and M -1 Zones. 20.64.020 DEFINITIONS. The following terms, whenever used in this Chapter, shall apply only to the transfer of development rights procedures as provided for in this Chapter: A. "Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's)" means allowing a property to increase its building square footage above that permitted by the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) standards by purchasing allowed building square footage from another site. B. "Transfer" means the transfer of the unused allowable NFA of a parcel from a Donor Site(s) to a Receiving Site(s), which is approved in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. C. "Transfer Plan" means a plan that identifies and describes the Donor Site(s), Receiving Site(s), amount of the NFA to be transferred, the proposed uses of the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s), the public benefit of the transfer, and the proposed conditions of approval. D. "Donor Site(s) "means a parcel located west of Sepulveda Boulevard and located within the C -3 or CO Zone from which NFA is being transferred pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. . E. "Receiving Site(s)" means a parcel located east of the easterly right -of -way line of Sepulveda Boulevard, which does not abut or take access from Sepulveda Boulevard, and located within the C -3, CO, MU -N, or M -1 Zone that receives NFA from a Donor Site(s) pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. F. "Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ)" means a specific area in the City of El Segundo which has been identified for traffic study and mitigation purposes. 20.64.030 PROHIBITIONS. A. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter to the contrary, no building permit shall be issued for any project that is inconsistent with the zoning restrictions on the lot, except for FAR restrictions. B. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter to the contrary, only properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, which do not abut or take access from Sepulveda Boulevard, can qualify as Receiving Site(s). 20.64.040 APPROVAL OF TRANSFERS - PROCEDURE. A. Application. Any person(s) who own both the Donor Site(s) and the Receiving Site(s) may apply for a Transfer of NFA by submitting a written application for a Transfer to the City Planning and Building Safety Department that identifies the Donor Site(s), Receiving Site(s), the amount of NFA proposed to be transferred, and the proposed uses of the Donor Site(s) and • Receiving Site(s). 21 • B. Review by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve or deny a Transfer Plan. The Planning Commission shall use the following criteria in making its determination: 1. That the Transfer Plan is in accord with the objectives of this title and the purposes of the zone in which the sites are located. 2. That the proposed Transfer Plan will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and, 3. That the proposed Transfer Plan complies with each of the applicable provisions of this chapter; and 4. That the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) are located within the same Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) as identified in Exhibit A; and 5. That the total square footage of the transfer may not exceed 10% of the total buildout square footage for each zone, as specified in the General Plan Summary of Buildout (Exhibit LU -3); and, 6. That the proposed Transfer Plan recognizes and compensates for potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed Transfer, such as aesthetics, noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards; and, 7. That the proposed Transfer Plan provides a public benefit such as improved traffic circulation, open space, recreation facilities, landscaping, pedestrian access, or other improvements which benefit the public; and, 8. That the proposed Transfer Plan is consistent with the General Plan. C. Notice and Hearing. Upon filing of an application for a Transfer Plan by a property owner or an applicant with the consent of the owner(s), the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall give public notice, as provided in Chapter 20.90, Procedures for Hearings, Notice and Fees, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of a Transfer Plan. The notice shall be provided for the areas surrounding both the donor and receiving sites. D. Appeal to City Council. The applicant or any person affected by the Planning Commission's decision respecting a Transfer Plan can appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council pursuant to Chapter 20.82, Appeal or Review. E. Final Approval. A Transfer Plan approved by Planning Commission and/or City Council shall become final upon the completion of all applicable conditions of approval and the following: 1. Recorded Covenant. A Covenant in a form approved by the City Attorney shall be recorded against the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) setting forth the details of the Transfer Plan and any conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission and /or the City Council. The Covenant shall be executed by all parties that have a legal or equitable interest in the Donor Site(s) or the Receiving Site(s). The Covenant shall reflect that from the date of recording of the covenant that the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) shall thereafter in perpetuity be burdened by the Covenant and the FAR for the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) will be set in the Covenant pursuant 22 E to the FAR allowed at the time of approval of the Transfer Plan. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may approve the removal of the Covenant from the properties if the Transfer has not been utilized by the Receiving Site(s) and the legal and equitable owners of the property execute a request for removal in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Any modification to an approved Transfer Plan must be submitted to the City for review utilizing the procedures set forth in this Chapter for approval of a Transfer Plan. Recording, modifying or removing a Covenant shall require a title insurance policy as set forth below. 2. Title Insurance. Prior to recording, modifying or removing a Covenant pursuant to Section 20.64.040 E.1. The applicant shall secure a title insurance policy benefiting the City in an amount equal to the value of the NFA being transferred. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with procuring title insurance, including without limitation the cost of appraising the value of the NFA proposed to be transferred. SECTION 22. Section 20.78.010 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.78.010 GRANTING. Whenever a strict interpretation of the provisions of this Title or its application to any specific case or situation pertaining to the following items would result in the unreasonable deprivation of the use or • enjoyment of property, an adjustment may be granted subject to the following restriction and in the manner hereafter provided. Adjustments may be granted to allow: 23 A) A fence, wall or hedge up to a maximum height of eight (8) feet; and, B) Architectural Landscape Features which exceed the standards set forth in Section 20.12.170. SECTION 23. Section 20.78.020 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.78.020 PROCEDURE. The applicant for an adjustment shall apply in letter form, stating the adjustment desired and explaining that the strict interpretation of this title would result in the unreasonable deprivation of the use or enjoyment of his property. The applicant shall submit the application with the required filing fee to cover the cost of investigation and processing. SECTION 24. Section 20.78.030 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.78.030 SETTING FOR HEARING. The Director of Planning and Building Safety shall set the matter for public hearing by mailing notice thereof to the applicant and the owners of abutting property by first class mail at least 10 days prior to the hearing. The requested adjustment shall be heard before the Director of Planning and Building Safety or his/her designated representative. SECTION 25. Section 20.78.050 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.78.050 CONDITIONS. Whenever any adjustment is granted, the Director of Planning and Building Safety or his/her designated representative shall impose such conditions as may be necessary to safeguard the interests of the neighborhood or district, and in all cases shall impose the following conditions: A. That the adjustment shall not become effective until 7 days from the granting thereof has elapsed or, if an appeal is filed or a review called, until final determination has been made on the appeal or review; and, B. That the adjustment shall become null and void if the privileges granted thereunder has not been utilized within 180 days from the effective date thereof. SECTION 26. Section 20.78.060 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.78.060 HEARING. A determination on an adjustment shall be made by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or his/her designated representative within 10 days after the hearing. 24 SECTION 27. Section 20.78.070 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended • to read as follows: 20.78.070 NOTIFICATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW. Copies of the findings and decision of the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall be mailed to each member of the Planning Commission and to the applicant. Written determinations on adjustments, made by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or his/her designated representative, shall be placed as receive and file items on the next available agenda of the Planning Commission. Any Planning Commissioner may request that an item be discussed and a decision on the application be made by the Planning Commission instead of received and filed. No decision of the Director of Planning and Building Safety is final until the decision is received and filed or acted upon by the Planning Commission or upheld on appeal. SECTION 28. Section 20.92.040 A. of Chapter 20.92, Title 20, of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: A. Jurisdiction. Upon receipt of an application for a CDP and prior to permit approval, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with the regulations specified in this Chapter, except for minor developments pursuant to Section 20.92.065; SECTION 29. Section 20.92.065 shall be added to Chapter 20.92, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: • 20.92.065 WAIVER OF PUBLIC HEARING. A. A Planning Commission public hearing may be waived for minor developments which meet the following criteria: The minor development is consistent with the City's certified Local Coastal Program, including the land use resource protection policies and the zoning standards; and, 2. The minor development requires no discretionary approvals other than a Coastal Development Permit; and, 3. The minor development has no adverse effect either individually or cumulatively on coastal resources or public access to the shoreline or along the coast. B. Additionally, the public hearing may be waived only if all of the following occur: 1. Notice that a public hearing shall be held upon written request by any person is provided to all persons who would otherwise be required to be notified of a public hearing, as provided by Section 20.92.050, as well as any other persons known to be interested in receiving notice; 2. No request for a public hearing is received by the Department of Planning and Building Safety within 15 working days from the date of sending the notice pursuant to Section B.1, above; and, 3. The notice provided in Section B.1, includes a statement that failure by a person to request in writing a public hearing may result in the loss of that person's ability to 25 appeal to the Coastal Commission any action taken by the City of El Segundo on a Coastal Development Permit application. C. The Director of Planning and Building Safety shall be authorized to grant approval of a CDP for minor developments. The Director's determination shall be placed as a receive and file item on the next available agenda of the Planning Commission. SECTION 30. The Land Use designations of the Land Use Element are hereby changed to allow the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to be exceeded for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard with a Transfer of Development Right's (TDR) Plan. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 31. Land Use Element Policy LU 5 -4.1 is hereby added to address permitting the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's). The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 32. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof. SECTION 33. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law. • PASSED, APPROVED ;AN ADOPTED this day of March 1998. Sa Jacobs, or ATTESTED: of the City of 1 gundo, " California ndy Morte n ity Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: �C f, Mark D. Hensley City Attorney pAzoning \ea419 \ea419.ord • 26 • City Council Ordinance No. 1286 EXHIBIT A LAND USE DESIGNATIONS Following is a discussion of each type of land use designation found in the City. Each contains a short description and an indication of the maximum land use density or intensity allowed. Land use density refers to the number of dwelling units per acre of land (du /ac). This distinction is generally used only for residential designations. Land use intensity refers to the quantity of building on a specific lot size. For example, a 3,000 square foot single- family home would be considered a more intense use than a 1,600 square foot home on the same size lot. An example of non- residential intensity would be a multi -story building, which is considered a more intense use than a single -story building on the same sized lot. For non - residential uses, intensity is expressed in terms of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) which describes the ratio of the lot size to the building size or as otherwise defined in the Zoning Code from time to time. For example, typically a lot with a land area of 10,000 square feet and a FAR of 1.0, would allow a building area of 10,000 square feet. The allowed FAR may be exceeded for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval • of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. E General Plan 9 Land Use Element Page 3 -5 & 3 -6 Page 1 of 1 PAzoning\ea419 \exhibits \tdr's \exh- b &c.cc • City Council Ordinance No. 1286 EXHIBIT B Policy 1-11.15 -4.1 Develop guidelines for permitting the Transfer of Development Rights (TDB's) with clearly identified public benefit objectives. General Plan • Land Use Element Page 3 -27 is P:\zoning \ea419 \exhibits \tdr's \exh- b &c.cc • Page 1 of 1 n LJ n U CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being ORDINANCE NO. 1286 is a full, true correct original of ORDINANCE NO. 1286 of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -4191 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 97 -3, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 97 -3, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN, THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 9 AND 20 (PEACE, SAFETY AND MORAL AND THE ZONING CODE), AND THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (CITYWIDE AMENDMENTS AND HUGHES ELECTRONIC (TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 17TH DAY OF March, 1997, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Jacobs, Mayor ProTem Wernick, Councilwoman Friedkin, Councilman Weston, and Councilman Gordon. NOES: None ABSENT: None NOT PARTICIPATING: None I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing ORDINANCE NO. 1286, was posted and /or published in the manner prescribed by I. iNDY MA*ESEIV City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL)