ORDINANCE 1259ORDINANCE NO. 1259 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AMENDING CHAPTER 9.08, SECTIONS 9.08.010 AND 9.08.020 AND ADDING SECTIONS 9.08.030, 9.08.040, AND 9.08.050 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18 AND SUBJECT TO COMPULSORY SCHOOL FROM LOITERING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:30 A.M. AND 1:30 P.M. WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, AND PROHIBIT ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18 FROM LOITERING AFTER 10:00 P.M. UNTIL SUNRISE AND TO AUTHORIZE COST RECOVERY FOR SAID VIOLATIONS WHEREAS, truancy and loitering are problems that plague our schools and create a burden for the City and its residents; WHEREAS, the unexcused absences of students from school results in a loss of State and Federal funding to the detriment of all students; WHEREAS, truant students may involve themselves in unsafe and criminal activities by loitering in residential neighborhoods, business districts and malls; WHEREAS, truant students become a burden on law enforcement services personnel who must return them to school, wait for parents to pick them up, and investigate any and all criminal activity related to a student's truancy; WHEREAS, the intent of the City Council in enacting this Ordinance is to prohibit any minor, under the age of 18, who is subject to compulsory education or to compulsory continuation education, subject to specific exceptions, to loiter in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds, or other public grounds between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on days when said student's school is in session; WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council to amend and recodify City of El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 relating to Curfews to simplify the administration of this Ordinance; WHEREAS, it is further the intent of the City Council to provide appropriate criminal sanctions against any minor who violates this Ordinance by making a violation of this Ordinance an infraction. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 9.08 of the El Segundo Municipal Code is hereby amended to read: joa: n \ordinanc \curfew.796 rev 9/16/96 1 1259 "CHAPTER 9.08 CURFEW Sections: 9.08.010 DAYTIME CURFEW 9.08.020 NIGHTTIME CURFEW 9.08.030 VIOLATION 9.08.040 COST RECOVERY 9.08.050 RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS OR GUARDIANS 9.08.010 Daytime Curfew. (a) No minor under the age of eighteen (18), who is subject to compulsory education, pursuant to section 48200 et seq. of the Education Code as that Code now exists and may hereafter be amended, or to compulsory continuation education, pursuant to section 48200 et seq. of the Education Code as that Code now exists and may hereafter be amended, shall, alone or in concert with others, loiter, idle, wander, stroll, drive or play in or in any other manner be in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds, or other public grounds, public places, public buildings, places of amusement and eating places, vacant lots or any place open to the public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. of the same day on days when said minor's school is in session. (b) Exceptions. The provisions of subsection (a) of this Section 9.08.010 shall not apply when: 1. The minor has in his or her possession a written excuse from the minor's parent(s), legal guardian(s), or other adult person(s) having the legal care or custody of said minor, which excuse provides a reasonable explanation, as determined by the court, for the minor's absence from school; 2. The minor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person over the age of eighteen having the care and custody of the minor; 3. The minor is on an emergency errand directed by his or her parent or guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of the minor; 4. The minor is going to or coming directly from his or her place of gainful employment; 5. The minor is going to or coming from a medical appointment; 6. The minor has permission to leave campus for lunch or a school - related activity and has in his or her possession a valid, school- issued, off - campus permit or is supervised by school personnel; 7. The presence of such minor in said place or places is connected with or required with respect to a business, trade, profession or occupation in which the minor is lawfully joa. n:\ordi nanc \curfew.796 rev 9/16/96 2 1 25 9 engaged. 9.08.020 Nighttime Curfew. (a) No minor under the age of eighteen (18) shall, alone or in concert with others, loiter, idle, wander, stroll, drive or play in or in any other manner be in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds, or other public grounds, public places, public buildings, places of amusement and eating places, vacant lots or any place open to the public between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and sunrise the following day. (b) Exceptions. The provisions of subsection (a) of this Section 9.08.020 shall not apply when: 1. The minor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person over the age of eighteen having the care and custody of the minor; 2. The minor is on an emergency errand directed by his or her parent or guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of the minor; 3. The minor is going or coming directly from or to his or her place of gainful employment; 4. The minor is going or coming to or from a medical appointment; 5. The minor, with the approval of the minor's parent, legal guardian, or other adult person having the legal care or custody of the minor, is returning directly home from a meeting, eating establishment, place of public entertainment (such as a movie, play, or sporting event), recreational, church or school activity, dance or other such event. 6. The presence of such minor in said place or places is connected with or required with respect to a business, trade, profession or occupation in which the minor is lawfully engaged. 9.08.030 Violation. (a) Each violation of the provisions of Sections 9.08.010 and 9.08.020 shall constitute a separate offense and shall be an infraction, and the peace officer shall be authorized to issue a citation to appear in a juvenile traffic court of competent jurisdiction or to file a juvenile application for a petition to be filed under Section 601 or 602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, at the discretion of the peace officer. (b) A minor cited for an infraction under this chapter must attend a court hearing on the infraction and must be accompanied at the hearing by his or her parent(s), legal guardian(s), or other adult person(s) having the legal care or custody of said minor. If any such parental or custodial person(s) fails to attend the hearing with the minor, and joa nAordinm6curfew. 796 rev 9/16/96 1 25 9 unless the interests of justice would otherwise be served, the court shall continue the hearing and shall issue a citation to said parental or custodian person(s) directing said person(s) to appear at the continued hearing with the minor. Any person convicted of willfully violating this ordinance is guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 for the first offense within a one year period, not exceeding $200 for the second offense within a one year period, and not exceeding $500 for the third offense within a one year period and/or performance of community service for a total time not to exceed ten (10) hours over a period not to exceed thirty (3 0) days, during times other than his or her hours of school attendance or employment. The court may continue the imposition of the sentence described herein and if, after sixty (60) days, the minor has had no unexcused absences from school during that period, and the minor produces proof of that fact to the court, the court shall cause the imposition of the fine imposed to be set aside. 9.08.040 Cost Recovery. A minor who violates Sections 9.08.010 or 9.08.020, as well as the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of such a minor, shall be jointly and severally liable for the costs of the law enforcement services as provided in Welfare and Institutions Code Section 625.5. The City Council shall adopt a resolution to implement this Section 9.08.040 as provided in Welfare and Institutions Code Section 625.5. 9.08.050 Responsibility of Parents and Guardians. Every parent, guardian or other person having the legal care, custody, or control of any person under the age of eighteen (18) years who knowingly aids, abets, or encourages such a person described in Section 9.08.010 and Section 9.08.020 to violate any provisions of said sections, is guilty of a misdemeanor." SECTION 2. Severability of Provisions. If any severable provision of this Ordinance or any application thereof is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect notwithstanding such invalidity. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 1996. MAYOR ATTES SEAL) CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO C TY ATTORNEY joa.n \ordinanc\curfew.796 re .9/16/96 1259 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Lora Freeman, Deputy City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being ORDINANCE NO. 1259 is a full, true correct original of ORDINANCE NO. 1259 of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.08, SECTIONS 9.08.010 AND 9.08.020 AND ADDING SECTIONS 9.08.030, 9.08.040, AND 9.08.050 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18 AND SUBJECT TO COMPULSORY SCHOOL FROM LOITERING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:30 A.M. AND 1:30 P.M. WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, AND PROHIBIT ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18 FROM LOITERING AFTER 10:00 P.M. UNTIL SUNRISE AND TO AUTHORIZE COST RECOVERY FOR SAID VIOLATIONS. which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 6TH DAY OF AUGUST. 1996, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Jacobs, MayorProTem Wernick, Councilwoman Friedkin, Councilman Weston, and Councilman Gordon NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing ORDINANCE NO. 1259, was posted and /or published in the manner prescribed by law. RA FREEMAN, eputy City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) 1259