ORDINANCE 1245NO. 1245
WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo adopted a General Plan for the years
1992 -2010, and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo certified a Environmental Impact
Report as a complete and adequate document in accordance with the authority and criteria contained
in the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the
implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and adopted a Statement of Overriding
Consideration; and
WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, adopt a Negative
Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the amendments to Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20
(The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, finding that there were no environmental impacts
associated with the amendments that were not analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report
certified by the City Council for the General Plan on December 1, 1992, and
WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993 the City Council did, pursuant to law, adopt Ordinance No
1212 adopting a new Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map;
WHEREAS, on February 23, 1995, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a
public workshop to review revisions to the Subdivision and Zoning Codes, including revisions affecting
the sale of alcohol, and
WHEREAS, on July 10, 1995, the City Council did conduct, pursuant to law, a Quarterly
Update of the Subdivision and Zoning Code and directed staff to amend the Zoning Code to implement
changes in State law, and
WHEREAS, on October 26, 1995 and November 16, 1995, the Planning Commission did hold,
pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on revisions to the Zoning Map, Subdivision and
Zoning Codes, and the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and notice was given in the time, form and
manner prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, on November 16, 1995 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2369
recommending to the City Council approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -348, Zone Text
Amendment ZTA 94 -1, and Zone Change 95 -1 regarding amendments to the Zoning Map, Subdivision
Code, Zoning Code, and the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, on December 19, 1995, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly
advertised public hearing on revisions to the Zoning Map, Subdivision and Zoning Codes, and the
Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law
and the public hearing was continued until January 10, 1996, and then continued until January 16,
1995; and
WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence
for or against EA -348, ZTA 94 -1, and ZC 95 -1, the revisions to the Zoning Map, Subdivision and
Zoning Codes, and Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and
WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established.
1 The current Zoning Map designates the recently constructed Holly- Valley Park as Single -
Family Residential (R -1) Zone and the northerly 32 5 feet of the Chevron Blue Butterfly
Preserve as Multi- Family (R -3) Zone.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr ORDAINED that after consideration of the above facts and study of
proposed Environmental Assessment EA -348, ZTA 94 -1, and ZC 95 -1 the City Council finds as follows
The proposed Zoning Code amendments are consistent with the 1992 General Plan.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 65852 2, the City finds that the requirement that a
second dwelling unit on Single - Family Residential (R -1) property maintain two parking spaces
is consistent with existing neighborhood standards applicable to existing dwellings Because
the size of second dwelling units are not limited (allowing large multi- bedroom units which
tend to create the need for more than one parking space), the required parking is directly
related to the use of a second dwelling unit Requiring two parking spaces per dwelling unit
is consistent with existing neighborhood standards since two parking spaces are required in
all residential zones throughout the City Off - street parking is allowed in rear and sideyard
setback areas in the rear third of a lot and tandem parking is also permitted
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The City Council previously adopted EA -275 and Ordinance No. 1189 certifying a Final
Environmental Impact Report on December 1, 1992 for the 1992 General Plan finding that the
Final EIR was a complete and adequate document properly identifying potential environmental
impacts and potential mitigation measures to reduce the identified impacts The proposed
changes in the Zoning Code are not separate, independent land -use actions. They are changes
contemplated merely to implement the General Plan There are no changes in the floor area
ratios; and, the two land use changes are minor and consistent with the General Plan
Therefore, they are not likely to create any environmental impacts not already mitigated by
the General Plan Final EIR
The City Council hereby determines that the project is covered by the previously certified
Environmental Impact Report and the General Plan Program EIR adequately describes the
proposed project for the purposes of complying with the California Environmental Quality Act
That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the
potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or on the habitat on which wildlife
4 That within 10 days following the final adoption of the Zone Text Amendments and Zone
changes by the City Council, the City shall file a De Mtmmus Finding with the County of Los
Angeles Recorders Office, pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations and
shall file a Notice of Exemption, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Until
appropriate notices are filed with the County of Los Angeles, the project shall not be deemed
to be vested and no permits may be issued
94 -1, and ZC 95 -1 and adopts changes to the El Segundo Municipal Code as follows:
SECTION 1. The current Zoning Map is hereby amended as follows
The zoning of Lot 22 of Tract No 23195 recorded in Book 704, Page 67 of the Official
Records, County of Los Angeles, State of California, more commonly known as 356
Valley Street (Holly - Valley Park), is changed from the Single- Family Residential (R -1)
Zone to the Open Space (O -S) Zone
SECTION 2. The current Zoning Map is hereby amended as follows-
The zoning of the northerly 32.5 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 16 which include the
northerly 26 feet of the vacated street adjacent on the south and the southerly 7.5 feet
of the vacated alley adjacent on the north as recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of the
Official Records, County of Los Angeles, State of California, more commonly known as
a portion of the Chevron Blue Butterfly Preserve, is changed from the Multi - Family
Residential (R -3) Zone to the Open Space (O -S) Zone.
SECTION 3. Section 19 04.060 of Chapter 19 04, Title 19, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
The Planning Commission shall deny approval of a tentative map, vesting tentative
map or a parcel map for which a tentative map was not required, if it makes any of the
following findings consistent with Section 66474 of the California Government Code:
A That the proposed map is not consistent with applicable general and specific
plans as specified in Section 65451 of the California Government Code
B That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent
with applicable general and specific plans
C. That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development
D That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development
E That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to
cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure
fish or wildlife or their habitat
F. That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements are likely to cause
serious public health problems.
G. That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements will conflict with
easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property
within the proposed subdivision
SECTION 4. Section 19 04150 of Chapter 19 04, Title 19, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
A Expiration. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative
parcel map shall expire 24 months from the date the map was approved or
conditionally approved
B Extension- The person filing the tentative map may request an extension of an
approved tentative map by filing a written application with the Director of
Planning and Building Safety, prior to the date of expiration The application
shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Said extension request
shall be approved or denied by the Planning Commission
C Time Limit on Extensions Each extension of tentative map approval or
conditional approval shall be allowed for a period not to exceed 1 year from the
original anniversary approval date The total time extensions shall not exceed
three years. The ultimate length of the extension shall be consistent with the
Subdivision Map Act and SB428
D. Effect of Map Modification on Extension. Modifications of a tentative map after
approval or conditional approval shall not extend the time limits imposed by this
section, unless an extension is specifically granted.
SECTION 5. Section 19 16.020 B 3 of Chapter 19.16, Title 19, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
3 A plat map or maps displaying each existing and new lot or parcel,
SECTION 6. Section 19 16 030 A. of Chapter 19 16, Title 19, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
A Once an application has been deemed acceptable for filing, the Director of
Planning and Building Safety shall distribute the lot line adjustment request for
review and comment to all other appropriate City departments
SECTION 7. Section 20 04 010 of Chapter 20 04, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 04 010 PURPOSE -TITLE
A precise land use plan for the city is hereby adopted and established to serve the
public health, safety, and general welfare and to provide the economic and social
advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resources. This title shall be
known as "The Zoning Code " This code is the primary tool for implementing the goals,
objectives, and policies of the El Segundo General Plan, pursuant to mandated
provisions of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code Section 65000 et
seq ), the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code 21000 et seq.),
and other applicable State and local requirements
SECTION 8. Section 20 04 050 shall be added to Chapter 20.32, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
If any chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this title is for any
reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction or administrative body to be invalid or
unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions
of this title The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this title and
each chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the
fact that any one or more portions of this Title might be declared invalid.
SECTION 9. Section 20.08 020 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 08 020 ACCESSORY
"Accessory" means a building, part of a building or structure, or use which is
subordinate to, and the use of which is incidental to, that of the main building,
structure or use on the same lot If an accessory building and the main building share
a common wall, then the accessory building shall be considered a part of the main
SECTION 10. Section 20 08 030 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
the definition of Adult Business, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 11. Section 20 08.035 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
"Adult cabaret" means a nightclub, bar, restaurant, or similar commercial
establishment which regularly features•
A persons who appear in a state of nudity; or
B live performances which are characterized by the exposure of "specified
anatomical areas" or by "specified sexual activities ", or
C films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic
reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of
"specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas "
SECTION 12. Section 20 08.040 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
"Adult mini - motion picture theater" means an enclosed building with a capacity of less
than 50 persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an
emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to "specified sexual activities" or
"specified anatomical areas," as defined in this section, for observation by patrons
SECTION 13. Section 20 08.040 is added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows:
20.08.040 ADULT MOTEL.
"Adult Motel" means a hotel, motel, or similar commercial establishment which
A Offers accommodations to the public for any form of consideration, provides
patrons with closed circuit television transmissions, films, motion pictures, video
cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions which are characterized
by the depiction of'specified sexual activities' or'specified anatomical areas' and
has a sign visible from the public right of way which advertises the availability
of this adult type of photographic reproductions, and/or,
B Offers a room for rent for a period of time that is less than ten (10) hours;
C. Allows a tenant or occupant of a room to subrent the room for a period of time
less than ten (10) hours
SECTION 14. Section 20 08 065 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
"Sexually oriented business" means an adult bookstore, adult video or arcade store,
adult cabaret, adult motel, adult mini - motion picture theater, adult motion picture
theater, adult theater, adult sexual novelty store, escort agency, nude model studio, or
sexual encounter /rap center.
SECTION 15. Section 20.08 083 is added to Chapter 20,08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows-
"Adult Theater" means any place, building, enclosure, theater, concert hall, auditorium,
or structure, partially or entirely used for live performances or presentations, which
place, building, enclosure, theater, concert hall, auditorium, or structure is used for
presenting matter characterized by an emphasis on depicting, exposing, describing, or
relating to 'specified sexual activities' or 'specified anatomical areas' for observation by
patrons therein. Such place shall also include an adult theater wherein persons are
regularly featured appearing in a state of nudity or giving live performances which are
characterized by an emphasis on depicting, exposing, describing, or relating to'specified
sexual activities' or 'specified anatomical areas' An 'Adult Theater' shall not mean a
bona fide 'Theater, as hereinafter defined'
SECTION 16. Section 20.08 105 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
20.08105 ALLEY
"Alley" means any public way or thoroughfare more than 10 feet, but not exceeding
20 feet in width, which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
10 Tto 20'
Public Alley —
a, r
as iB Ae
3`dPo 8a de i i�ea�, a `a,a€
SECTION 17. Section 20 08 147 is added to Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows.
"Architectural building feature" means a balcony, column, door, eave, roof, soffit,
window, or other similar three - dimensional exterior element of a building or structure
that may not create interior floor area and that lends to the overall form, context and
appearance of the building or structure
SECTION 18. Section 20 08153 is added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Automobile services" means automobile repair and maintenance, which includes body
and fender work, engine overhauling and replacement, transmission work, automobile
painting, and car washing, and may also include as accessory uses- retail sales and
services, and storage of tires, car parts and other automobile supplies
SECTION 19. Section 20.08 175 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
the definition of Boardinghouse, is hereby repealed in its entirety.
SECTION 20. Section 20 08 213 is added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Caretaker unit" means a dwelling unit in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area used
for a caretaker of the property on which it is located and limited to 500 square feet in
SECTION 21. Section 20 08 267 is added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Congregate living health facility' means a residential home that provides inpatient
care to not more than 6 persons, including, but not limited to, basic services such as-
medical supervision, 24 -hour skilled nursing and supportive care, pharmacy, dietary,
and social recreation The primary need of congregate living health facility residents
shall be for availability of skilled nursing care on a recurring, intermittent, extended,
or continuous basis This care is generally less intense than that provided in skilled
nursing facilities
SECTION 22. Section 20.08 300 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
"Day care center" means any type of group day care programs, including nurseries for
children of working parents, nursery schools for children under mummum age for
education in public schools, parent cooperative nursery schools, play groups for
preschool children and programs covering after school care for school children, provided,
the establishment is licensed by the state and the city and is conducted in accordance
with state and city requirements
SECTION 23. Section 20 08.350 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
"Single family dwelling" means a detached dwelling unit with only one kitchen,
designed for occupancy by one family This definition shall also apply to one family
SECTION 24. Section 20 08 360 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
"Dwelling unit" means any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities,
including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, as required by the
Uniform Building Code, for not more than one family
SECTION 25. Section 20 08 405 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
2008405 FAMILY
"Family" means an individual or two or more persons living together as a single
household in a dwelling unit
SECTION 26. Section 20 08 407 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows.
"Family care home, foster home, or group home" means any residential facility, licensed
by the State, providing 24 -hour care for six or fewer foster children, including children
who have mental disorders or developmental or physical disabilities and who require
special care and supervision as a result of their disabilities, and children who require
non - medical care in a structured environment that is owned, leased or rented and is the
residence of the foster parent or parents, including their family, in whose care the foster
children have been placed Such services may be provided at least in part by staff
employed by the licensee
SECTION 27. Section 20 08 413 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows.
20 08 413 FLOOR.
"Floor" means the approximately horizontal level base structure of a room
SECTION 28. Section 20 08 423 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
20.08 423 FOOD- TO -GO.
"Food -to-go" means a restaurant or other such establishment designed as a take -out
facility in which no food is consumed on the premises and no provisions are made for
that purpose Provisions for deliveries, catering, drive -thru or walk -up facilities are
permitted Food -to -go uses must meet the parking requirements for retail uses
SECTION 29. Section 20 08 487 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows:
20 08 487 HOSPITAL
"Hospital" means an institution for the diagnosis, care, and treatment of human illness,
which includes surgery, room, board and other services for the ill
SECTION 30. Section 20 08 497 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Intermediate cue facility/developmentally disabled- habilitatioe" means a State
licensed facility that provides 24 -hour personal care, habilitation, developmental, and
supportive health services to developmentally disabled persons who have intermittent
recurring needs for nursing services, but have been certified by a physician and surgeon
as not requiring availability of continuous skilled nursing care
SECTION 31. Section 20 08.498 shall be added to Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows:
"Intermediate care facilityhlevelopmentally disabled- nursftg" means a State licensed
facility that provides 24 -hour personal care and nursing supervision for developmentally
disabled persons who have intermittent recurring needs for skilled nursing care but
have been certified by a physician and surgeon as not requiring availability of
continuous skilled nursing care The facility shall serve medically fragile persons who
have developmental disabilities or demonstrate significant developmental delay that
may lead to a developmental disability if not treated.
SECTION 32. Section 20 08 505 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
2008505 KITCHEN
"Kitchen" means any room or portion of a room within a building designed and/or used
or intended to be used for the cooking or preparation of food, which may also include
a sink, refrigeration, and storage.
SECTION 33. Section 20.08 517 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows-
"Cadging house" means a dwelling containing a single dwelling unit and not more than
5 guest rooms or suites of rooms, where lodging is provided with or without meals, for
compensation for more than 1 week. Guest rooms numbering 6 or greater shall be
considered a hotel
SECTION 34. Section 20.08 520 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20.08.520 LOT
"Lot" means a single legally created parcel, tract or area of land, which abuts a street.
m Lot
SECTION 35. Section 20 08 570 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
"Reversed owner lot" means a corner lot in which the street side lot line is substantially
a continuation of the front lot line of the lot upon which the rear of the reversed corner
lot abuts
I �-1 to 1 1
Side Lot Une I
j.1 Interior Lots '
s Reversed Corner a
Lot J
Street Side Lot Line F
Street —
SECTION 36. Section 20.08.575 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
20 08 575 LOT, THROUGH.
"Through lot" means a lot having street frontage on two parallel or approximately
parallel streets. Such a lot shall be considered to have two front yards The depth of
each yard shall be based upon the zoning district in wluch each front yard is located
1 I
Side I Required Front I Side
SECTION 37. Section 20.08 580 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
20 08 580 LOT WIDTH
"Lat width" means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right
at the rear line of the required front yard
Street —
Front Lot Line
d c
Through J
Lot i
i D
v �
Front Lot Line
Street —
SECTION 38. Section 20 08.676 shall be added to Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Residential facility" means any family home, group care facility or similar facility,
licensed by the State, for 24 -hour non - medical care of persons in need of personal
services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living
or for the protection of the individual
SECTION 39. Section 20 08 677 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Residential care facility" means a 24 -hour residential care facility, licensed by the
State, for persons with chronic, life threatening illness who are 18 years or older or are
emancipated minors, and for family units
SECTION 40. Section 20 08 678 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Residential care facility for the elderly" means a 24 -hour housing arrangement,
licensed by the State, chosen voluntarily by the residents, or the resident's guardian,
conservator or other responsible person, where 75 percent of the residents are at least
sixty -two years of age, or, if younger, have needs compatible with other residents, and
where varying levels of care and supervision are provided as agreed to at time of
admission or as deternuned necessary at subsequent times of appraisal
SECTION 41. Section 20 08 680 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
"Rest home," "convalescent home" or "nursing home" means a facility serving seven or
more persons in which nursing, dietary and/or other personal services are furnished 24
hours a day to convalescents, invalids and aged persons, but in which are kept no
persons suffering from a mental sickness, disease, disorder or ailment or from a
contagious or communicable disease, and in which are performed no surgery, maternity
or other primary treatments such as are customarily provided in sanitariums or
hospitals, or in which no persons are kept or served who normally would be admittable
to a mental hospital.
SECTION 42. Section 20 08 710 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
"Service station" shall mean an area which provides for the sale of gasoline, other fuels
and lubricants for motor vehicles, and the fueling of motor vehicles as the primary use
Accessory services may also be provided, such as retail mini- marts, tube and tire
repairs, battery charging, storage and sale of merchandise and supplies related to the
servicing of motor vehicles, motor vehicle washing, grease racks, and other minor motor
vehicle repairs, excluding body and fender work, engine overhauling and replacement,
transmission work and other similar activities
SECTION 43. Section 20 08 835 of Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 08 835 STREET
"Street" means any thoroughfare or public way which exceeds 20 feet in width and
which has been or may be dedicated or deeded to the public for public use
SECTION 44. Section 20.08 913 shall be added to Chapter 20 08, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
"Vehicular use area" means the paved area of a parcel used for parking spaces, loading
areas, driveways and any other areas generally accessible by vehicles
SECTION 45. Section 20 12 030 of Chapter 20 12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, mechanical or
similar equipment required to operate and maintain a building, fire or parapet walls,
skylights, towers, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, radio, television masts, radar and
other similar structures may be erected above the height limits prescribed in this title,
but no penthouse or roof structure, or any other space above the height limit prescribed
for the zone in which the building is located shall be allowed for the purpose of
providing additional floor space Any such structures in residential zones shall be for
non - commercial purposes only
SECTION 46. Section 20 12 040 of Chapter 20 12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
In any R zone, a wall, fence or hedge 42 inches in height may be located and
maintained on any part of a lot On an interior or corner lot, a wall, fence, or hedge not
more than 6 feet in height may be located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the rear
line of the required front yard. On a reversed corner lot, a wall, fence, or hedge not
more than 6 feet in height may be maintained anywhere on the lot to the rear of the
rear line of the required front yard except within the required triangular open area at
the rear constituting a part of the required side yard of the street side. The provisions
of Sections 20.12 060 and 20.12 140 shall apply to walls, fences, and hedges adjacent
to corners and driveways Wall, fence and hedge heights in non - residential zones shall
be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety
A Retaining Walls
Where a retaining wall protects a cut slope below the natural grade, the
retaining wall may be topped by a fence, wall or hedge of a height equal to that
which would otherwise be permitted at that location. This does not apply to
retaining walls which protect a fill slope
Where a retaining wall contains a fill, the height of the retaining wall built to
retain the fill shall be considered as contributing to the permissible height of a
fence, wall or hedge A protective fence or guard rail, not more than 42 inches
in height, may be erected on top of the retaining wall, provided that any portion
of the fence above the maximum height shall be an open work fence An 'open
work fence" means a fence in which the component solid portions are evenly
distributed, vertically oriented, and constitute not more than 25% of the total
surface area of the fence
B. Eoxeptions
The provisions of this section shall not apply to fences required by state law to
surround and enclose public utility installations or to chain link fences enclosing
school grounds and public playgrounds.
C Adjustments
A wall, fence, or hedge up to 8 feet in height may be allowed in residential zones
subject to the approval of an Adjustment, pursuant to Chapter 20 78,
Adjustments A Variance is required for a wall, fence, or hedge in a residential
zone which exceeds 8 feet in height.
6 HE10��
Rb' � y. RIONi YARD
42" max open work fence
42' max m 1mm yard setback
6' max to rear of from setback
SECTION 47. Section 20 12.060 of Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
For the purpose of safe visibility, all corner lots, and reversed corner lots shall maintain
a triangular area, described as follows One angle shall be formed by the front and side
property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the
front and side property lines; the third side of this triangle shall be a straight line
connecting the two other lines at their endpoints Within the area comprising this
triangle, no trees, fences, shrubs, retaining walls, buildings and structures, or other
physical obstructions shall be permitted to exceed 30 inches in height from street grade,
unless it is a tree which is trimmed to provide a minimum of 12 feet of visibility from
street grade under the canopy created by the branches
SECTION 48. Section 20 12 070 of Chapter 2012, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
A ports cochere (open carport) may be placed over a driveway in the front twenty feet
of one side yard setback, outside of the front yard setback, or attached to the front
twenty feet of one dwelling unit closest to the front lot line, provided the structure is
not more than one story in height, is unenclosed on three sides, and is entirely open
except for the necessary supporting columns and architectural features.
Every required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground up, except the
following intrusions may project 2 feet into required yards, provided the required yard
shall not be reduced to less than 3 feet in width.
A Cornices, belt courses, sills, eaves or similar architectural features Eaves may
project 6 inches into any nonconforming side yard wluch is 3 feet in width,
B Fireplace structures not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of
the wall of which it is a part, but may not encroach into an interior side yard
C Uncovered porches and platforms which do not extend above the floor level of
the first floor,
D Planting boxes or masonry planters not exceeding 42 inches in height,
E. Guard railing for safety protection around ramps,
F Mechanical equipment, such as pool heaters, water heaters, and air conditioners
not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it
is a part, and adequately soundproofed, but not encroaching into the front yard
G Bay windows, only on the first floor, not wider than 8 feet measured in the
general direction of the wall of which it is a part, and,
6' max \ \
SECTION 47. Section 20 12.060 of Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
For the purpose of safe visibility, all corner lots, and reversed corner lots shall maintain
a triangular area, described as follows One angle shall be formed by the front and side
property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the
front and side property lines; the third side of this triangle shall be a straight line
connecting the two other lines at their endpoints Within the area comprising this
triangle, no trees, fences, shrubs, retaining walls, buildings and structures, or other
physical obstructions shall be permitted to exceed 30 inches in height from street grade,
unless it is a tree which is trimmed to provide a minimum of 12 feet of visibility from
street grade under the canopy created by the branches
SECTION 48. Section 20 12 070 of Chapter 2012, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
A ports cochere (open carport) may be placed over a driveway in the front twenty feet
of one side yard setback, outside of the front yard setback, or attached to the front
twenty feet of one dwelling unit closest to the front lot line, provided the structure is
not more than one story in height, is unenclosed on three sides, and is entirely open
except for the necessary supporting columns and architectural features.
Every required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground up, except the
following intrusions may project 2 feet into required yards, provided the required yard
shall not be reduced to less than 3 feet in width.
A Cornices, belt courses, sills, eaves or similar architectural features Eaves may
project 6 inches into any nonconforming side yard wluch is 3 feet in width,
B Fireplace structures not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of
the wall of which it is a part, but may not encroach into an interior side yard
C Uncovered porches and platforms which do not extend above the floor level of
the first floor,
D Planting boxes or masonry planters not exceeding 42 inches in height,
E. Guard railing for safety protection around ramps,
F Mechanical equipment, such as pool heaters, water heaters, and air conditioners
not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it
is a part, and adequately soundproofed, but not encroaching into the front yard
G Bay windows, only on the first floor, not wider than 8 feet measured in the
general direction of the wall of which it is a part, and,
H. Greenhouse windows.
SECTION 49. Section 20.12 080 of Chapter 20 12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
Facilities or equipment shall be screened in the following manner
A All electrical, telephone, cable television and similar service wires and cables
which provide direct service to the property being developed, within the exterior
boundary lines of such property, shall be installed underground Risers on poles
and buildings are permitted and shall be provided by the developer or owner
onto the pole which provides service to said property Utility service poles may
be placed on the rear of the property to be developed only for the purpose of
terminating underground facilities The developer or owner is responsible for
complying with the requirements of this section and shall make the necessary
arrangements with the utility companies for the installation of such facilities.
B Appurtenances and associated equipment such as, but not limited to, surface -
mounted transformers, pedestal- mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets,
sprinkler manifolds and concealed ducts in an underground system may be
placed above ground, provided such appurtenances and associated equipment
are screened from public view or are located in a fully enclosed structure. All
vent pipes and similar devices which are attached to the building shall be
painted to match the building
C Mechanical equipment installed on rooftops shall be painted to match the
building and screened from public view. The height of said screening shall be the
maximum height of said equipment
D Storage areas, including those for cartons, containers and trash, shall be
provided All outdoor storage areas shall be appropriately screened from public
view as determined by the Director of Planning and Building Safety
SECTION 50. Section 20 12 100 of Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
Temporary buildings are prohibited except for the following.
A Temporary real estate a&es.
One temporary real estate office or construction trailer /mobile home may be
located on any new subdivision or development site in any Zone. The Director
of Planning and Building Safety shall be responsible for reviewing and
approving said offices or trailer /mobile home, subject to any terms, conditions
or special limitations deemed necessary.
B. Temporary Construction Buildings
Temporary structures, such as mobile homes or trailers for the housing of tools
and equipment or containing supervisory offices in connection with a valid
building or other permit issued by the Department of Planning and Building
Safety, may be established and maintained as long as the permit is valid, and
shall be removed within 60 days after completion, or 60 days after cessation of
C Other Temporary Structures
Other temporary structures are permitted only in non - residential zones,
pursuant to Section 16.04.140 Temporary structures installed or constructed for
a period of three months or more must be screened from the public view when
required by, and in a manner subject to the approval of the Director of Planning
and Building Safety
SECTION 51. Section 20 12 110 of Chapter 20 12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Temporary Construction Buildings, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 52. Section 20 12 120 of Chapter 20 12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Parking Unoccupied Recreational Vehicle, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 53. Section 20 12 130 of Chapter 20 12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Property Maintenance, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 54. Section 20.12 140 of Chapter 2012, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
To provide visibility for pedestrians and drivers, a visibility triangle shall be formed
along each side of the driveway located on the subject property Within this area
fences, walls, and landscaping shall not be allowed to exceed 30 inches in height from
street grade, unless it is a tree which is trimmed to provide a minimum of 12 feet of
visibility from street grade under the canopy created by the branches.
The triangular area shall be located adjacent to, but outside the driveway area, and
shall be described as follows• One angle shall be formed by the intersection of the
driveway and the property line abutting the street, the sides of which shall be 10 feet
in length. The third side of this triangle shall be a straight line connecting the two
other lines at their endpoints
SECTION 55. Section 20 16 010 of Chapter 20.16, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of lands and buildings, to
regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings, to regulate the area of yards and
other open spaces about buildings and to regulate the density of population, the classes
of use zones are by this title established, to be known as follows
R -1 -
Single - Family Residential Zone.
R -2 -
Two - Family Residential Zone
R -3 -
Multi- Family Residential Zone.
Medium Density Residential Zone.
P -
Automobile Parking Zone.
C -RS -
Downtown Commercial Zone.
C -2 -
Neighborhood Commercial Zone
C -3 -
General Commercial Zone.
Grand Avenue Commercial Zone
CO -
Corporate Office Zone
MU -
Urban Mixed -Use Zone
M -1 -
Light Industrial Zone
M -2 -
Heavy Industrial Zone
SB -
Small Business Zone.
MM -
Medium Manufacturing Zone
Open Space Zone.
P -F -
Public Facilities Zone
Planned Residential Development Zone
SECTION 56. Section 2018 070 of Chapter 2018, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
Five percent of the at -grade total vehicular use area shall be landscaped. Landscaping
shall conform to Chapter 13 05, Water Conserving Landscaping
SECTION 57. Section 20 19.070 of Chapter 20 19, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
Five percent of the at -grade total vehicular use area shall be landscaped Landscaping
shall conform to Chapter 13 05, Water Conserving Landscaping.
SECTION 58. Section 20.20 020 of Chapter 20.20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The following uses are permitted in the R -1 Zone:
A Single - family dwellings, provided that where a dwelling containing
700 square feet or less exists on the rear portion of the lot and was placed
thereon prior to, or for which a building permit was issued prior to December
26, 1947, in conformance to the requirements of Ordinance No 293 of this
City, a second one - family dwelling may be erected on the front portion of the
lot, whereupon the dwelling on the rear portion of the lot shall assume the
status of a non - conforming use as defined herein, but may be expanded to a
maximum of 700 square feet,
B. Parks, playgrounds, recreational areas (publicly owned and operated) but
excluding ball parks, bleachers, swimming pools or other types of facilities
where racing or contests are conducted or public amusement devices are for
C The renting of not more than two rooms to not more than four persons per
dwelling unit;
D. The keeping of animals and pets in accordance with Chapter 8.02, Animal
E. A State authorized, certified or licensed family care home, foster family home,
or group home serving six or fewer children;
F A State authorized, certified or licensed residential facility, residential care
facility, residential care facility for the elderly, intermediate care facility
developmentally disabled habilitative or nursing, or congregate living health
facility, serving six or fewer persons;
G Home occupations,
H. Small family day care homes,
I. Large family day care homes pursuant to Section 20 20.030;
J Two - family dwellings, when the side lot line forms a common boundary with
a lot or lots zoned for R -3, P, C -RS, C -2, C -3, CO, or MU. In no case shall the
property used for the two - family dwelling consist of more than one lot nor be
more than 50 feet in width;
K One mobile or manufactured home subject to the following
1 The mobile or manufactured home shall not be permitted unless it has
been certified pursuant to the National Manufactured Housing
Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, and has not been altered
in violation of applicable codes; and,
2. The mobile or manufactured home shall be installed on a permanent
foundation in compliance with all applicable building regulations and
Title 25 of the California Health and Safety Code
L. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations.
SECTION 59. Section 20 20.025 B. of Chapter 20 20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
B. Any accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the
garage, shall not be larger in gross floor area than 600 square feet, and shall
be only one floor in height. Accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or
kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping
purposes or rented or used as a separate dwelling. Prior to issuance of a
building permit for an accessory structure, except a garage, the Director of
Planning and Building Safety shall require the recording of a covenant to run
with the land, which states that the accessory structure shall not be used as
a dwelling unit or used in violation of this section,
SECTION 60. Section 20 20.030 of Chapter 20.20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
All Large Family Day Care facilities must comply with the following provisions for a
Large Family Day Care Permit
A Applications for Large Family Day Care Permits shall be submitted to the
Director of Planning and Building Safety, by a property owner or an
applicant with the consent of the owner(s);
B At least 10 days prior to the date on which the Director of Planning and
Building Safety will make a decision on the application, the Department of
Planning and Building Safety shall give written notice of the proposed use by
mail or delivery to all owners shown on the last equalized assessment roll as
owning real property, and all residents within a 500 -foot radius of the
exterior boundaries of the proposed facility, the owner of the subject property
and the project applicant,
C No public hearing shall be held before a decision is made on the application
unless a hearing before the Planning Commission is requested by the
applicant or a property owner or resident within the 500 -foot notification
radius If a hearing is requested, it shall be provided in accordance with
Section 20.90 050, except, both the owners and all residents within a 500 -foot
radius are required to be notified of the hearing The applicant shall be
required to pay an additional fee for the cost of the hearing;
D. Before a Large Family Day Care Permit may be granted, the Director of
Planning and Building Safety or Planning Commission shall make the
following findings that the proposed facility
1 Provides one off - street parking space for each employee who drives to the
facility and who requires a parking space,
2 Provides drop -off facilities as necessary to avoid interference with traffic
and to promote the safety of children,
3 Is not located within 300 linear feet of an existing Large Family Day
Care facility; provided, however, that the Director of Planning and
Building Safety or Planning Commission shall disregard this requirement
where the applicant can demonstrate that
a the existing Large Family Day Care facility is operating at full
capacity, or
b the proposed facility meets the need for a particular service not
provided by the existing Large Family Day Care facility.
4. Complies with the Noise Element of the City's General Plan,
5. Has been or will be licensed for such use by the State of California, and,
6 Complies with all State Fire Marshall requirements for Large Family
Day Care facilities, and with all local building and fire codes which apply
to single - family residences.
E. The decision of the Director of Planning and Building Safety may be appealed
to the Planning Commission, and shall be processed as provided by Chapter
20 82, Appeal or Review
SECTION 61. Section 20.20 060 B of Chapter 20 20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
B. Height
The height of all dwelling units shall not exceed 26 feet and two stories,
except as provided in Section 20 20 060H The height of all other buildings
and accessory structures, including detached garages shall not exceed 14 feet
Average of
Highest Gable
SECTION 62. Section 20 20.060 D. of Chapter 20 20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows-
D Setbacks
1 Front and rear ,yard The combined total of setbacks for the front and
rear yard shall be at least 30 feet, with no front yard setback less than
22 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet.
2. Side yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet
Accessory structures, located in the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed
zero setback on one interior side lot line.
3. Side Yard. Reversed Corner. Reversed corner lots shall have the
following side yard with a triangular area described as follows One
angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the
sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear
and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle shall be a
straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This
triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side
yard setback requirements described in 20 20.060 D 2. above
4 Rear Yard. Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet
Accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line.
5,000 sf Min
Lot Size
at Rear of
Front Yard
Combined Setback Example.
Front+ Rear = Combined
22' + 8' = 30'
25' + 5' = 30'
5. Exceptions:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20.20 060 D, the west side
yard of 618 W Oak Avenue, more particularly described as the north
142.5 feet of the south 285 feet of the east 50 265 feet of Lot 14, Block 9,
Tract No 1685, commencing 63 feet south of the front lot line and
continuing south a distance of 30 feet, shall be 3 inches in width so long
as that certain structure located along that 30 -foot distance which existed
on January 11, 1973, remains in existence Upon the removal or
destruction of said building, this property shall no longer be exempt from
Section 20 20 060 D.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20 20 060 D, the south side
yard of 724 Penn Street, more particularly described as the south 55 feet
of the north 110 feet of Lot 8, Block 92, El Segundo Sheet No. 4,
commencing 84 feet east of the front lot line and continuing east a
distance of 20 feet, shall be 3 feet in width so long as that certain
structure located along that 20 -foot distance which existed on January
11, 1973, remains in existence. Upon the removal or destruction of said
building, this property shall no longer be exempt from Section 20.20.060
Average of
Highest Gable
SECTION 62. Section 20 20.060 D. of Chapter 20 20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows-
D Setbacks
1 Front and rear ,yard The combined total of setbacks for the front and
rear yard shall be at least 30 feet, with no front yard setback less than
22 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet.
2. Side yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet
Accessory structures, located in the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed
zero setback on one interior side lot line.
3. Side Yard. Reversed Corner. Reversed corner lots shall have the
following side yard with a triangular area described as follows One
angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the
sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear
and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle shall be a
straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This
triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side
yard setback requirements described in 20 20.060 D 2. above
4 Rear Yard. Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet
Accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line.
5,000 sf Min
Lot Size
at Rear of
Front Yard
Combined Setback Example.
Front+ Rear = Combined
22' + 8' = 30'
25' + 5' = 30'
5. Exceptions:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20.20 060 D, the west side
yard of 618 W Oak Avenue, more particularly described as the north
142.5 feet of the south 285 feet of the east 50 265 feet of Lot 14, Block 9,
Tract No 1685, commencing 63 feet south of the front lot line and
continuing south a distance of 30 feet, shall be 3 inches in width so long
as that certain structure located along that 30 -foot distance which existed
on January 11, 1973, remains in existence Upon the removal or
destruction of said building, this property shall no longer be exempt from
Section 20 20 060 D.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20 20 060 D, the south side
yard of 724 Penn Street, more particularly described as the south 55 feet
of the north 110 feet of Lot 8, Block 92, El Segundo Sheet No. 4,
commencing 84 feet east of the front lot line and continuing east a
distance of 20 feet, shall be 3 feet in width so long as that certain
structure located along that 20 -foot distance which existed on January
11, 1973, remains in existence. Upon the removal or destruction of said
building, this property shall no longer be exempt from Section 20.20.060
SECTION 63. Section 20 20 060 E of Chapter 20 20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
E Lot Width
Every lot created after the effective date of this chapter shall maintain a
width of not less than 50 feet at the rear line of the required front yard
However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street
frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into two or more parcels
having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20% of
the lots fronting on its block The block is defined as the area on both sides
of the street between the nearest intersecting streets. Each parcel must have
an area of not less than 5,000 square feet.
SECTION 64. Section 20 21.010 of Chapter 20 20, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
2021010 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this zone is to provide consistency with and implement policies related
to the former Imperial Elementary School site designated Planned Residential
Development on the General Plan Land Use Map and in the General Plan tent. The
Planned Residential Development (PRD) zone is established to encourage the long -
range development of residential property under an overall development plan The
development or land use plan shall provide for not more than 29 single - family units and
36 multiple - family units arranged such that they achieve the following characteristics•
a unique living environment which will reflect the size and location of the property, a
vehicular circulation and off- street parking arrangement compatible with both the
project and adjacent development, and adequate open space to provide for recreational
and passive activities for those residents of the project To attain this result, the PRD
Zone will act as a mechanism for the establishment of development standards that will
encourage the reuse of land by providing incentives for the construction of high quality
residential housing Short -term transitional uses are also recognized as compatible
land uses.
SECTION 65. Section 20 21 020 of Chapter 20 21, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
A The following uses are permitted in the PRD Zone subject to the approval of
a PRD plan
1. Single- and multiple - family dwelling units designed as detached, semi-
detached, or attached buildings.
B The following are permitted transitional uses of existing facilities subject to
approval of a Transitional Use PRD plan and time limitations which may be
imposed by the Planning Commission or City Council
2. Day care centers,
Private clubs, fraternities, sororities and lodges,
Private schools; and,
Public or private recreation.
SECTION 66. Section 20 21.080 of Chapter 20 21, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The PRD Plan or Transitional Use PRD Plan shall be initiated by filing an application
with the Director of Planning and Building Safety. An application for a PRD Plan shall
only be accepted for property when either zoned PRD or when an application is on file
for a change of zone to a PRD zone
SECTION 67. Section 20.21 090 of Chapter 20 21, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
Upon receipt of an application for a PRD Plan or a Transitional Use PRD Plan the
Director of Planning and Building Safety shall set the matter for public hearing before
the Planning Commission in the manner provided by Chapter 20 90, Procedures for
Hearing, Notices and Fees
SECTION 68. Section 20 21 100 of Chapter 20 21, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the application for a PRD Plan
or a Transitional Use PRD Plan Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning
Commission shall recommend approval or denial of the PRD Plan to the City Council
If the Planning Commission denies the PRD Plan, no further action shall be taken on
the Plan
SECTION 69. Section 20 21 110 of Chapter 20 21, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the PRD Plan or the Transitional
Use PRD Plan the City Council shall hold a public hearing on the application The City
Clerk shall set the matter for public hearing and shall give notice of such hearing in
the manner provided by Chapter 20.90, Procedures for Hearing, Notices and Fees
SECTION 70. Section 20.21 120 of Chapter 20 21, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
Any person dissatisfied with the action of the Planning Commission on the PRD Plan
or the Transitional Use PRD Plan may file a written notice of appeal with the City
Council as provided by Chapter 20.82, Appeal and Review.
SECTION 71. Section 20 22.020 A of Chapter 20 22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows.
A. Any use permitted in the R -1 Zone,
SECTION 72. Section 20 22 025 of Chapter 20.22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use;
B Any accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the
garage, shall not be larger in gross floor area than 600 square feet, and shall
be only one floor in height. Accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or
kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping
purposes or rented or used as a separate dwelling Prior to issuance of a
building permit for an accessory structure, except a garage, the Director of
Planning and Building Safety shall require the recording of a covenant of
restriction to run with the land, which states that the accessory structure
shall not be used as a dwelling unit or in violation of this section,
C. Playhouses, and,
D Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations.
SEC'T'ION 73. Section 20.22 060 A of Chapter 20.22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows.
1 As provided by Chapter 20 12, General Provisions, and,
2 Any use permitted in the R -1 zone, when developed in the R -2 zone, shall
be constructed in accordance with R -2 site developments standards and
parking requirements
SECTION 74. Section 20.22.060 B. of Chapter 20.22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows.
B. Height
The height of all dwelling units shall not exceed 26 feet and two stories The
height of all other buildings and accessory structures, including detached
garages shall not exceed 14 feet
Average of
Highest Gable
Accessory Dwelling Unit
SECTION 75. Section 20.22 060 D. of Chapter 20 22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows.
D. Setbacks
1 Front and rear yard- The combined total of setbacks for the front and
rear yard shall be at least 30 feet, with no front yard setback less than
20 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet.
2 Side yoLrd. Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet
Accessory structures, located in the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed
zero setback on one interior side lot line
3. Side Yard. Reversed Corner Reversed corner lots shall have the
following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One
angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the
sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear
and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle shall be a
straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This
triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side
yard setback requirements described in 20 22 060 D 2 above
4 Rear Yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet.
Accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line.
A dwelling unit above a garage where the vehicular entrance is from an
alley shall maintain a minimum 1 foot setback
""" Combined Setback Example
N� Front+ Rear = Combined
20' + 10' = 30'
25' + 5' = 30'
TOW sf Min 'Y e1 "IM"
a;e� , �,
Lot Size _. 1 "
L-7e _ _J
50' Min
at Rear of
Front Yard
SECTION 76. Section 20 22 060 E of Chapter 20 22, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows.
E Lod Width
Every lot created after the effective date of this chapter shall maintain a
width of not less than 50 feet at the rear line of the required front yard
However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street
frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into two or more parcels
having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20% of
the lots fronting on its block. The block is defined as the area on both sides
of the street between the nearest intersecting streets Each parcel must have
an area of not less than 7,000 square feet.
SECTION 77. Section 20 24 020 of Chapter 20 24, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
The following uses are permitted in the R -3 Zone
A. Any use permitted in the R -2 Zone,
B Condominiums and stock cooperatives converted from multiple family
dwellings subject to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act,
C Day care centers;
D. Large family day care homes pursuant to Section 20 20 030;
E Lodging houses;
F. Multiple fannly dwellings,
G Private clubs, fraternities, sororities and lodges, excepting those the chief
activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business; and,
H Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Section 20.72, Administrative Determinations.
SECTION 78. Section 20 24.025 of Chapter 20.24, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use;
B Accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub
or shower and shall not be used for sleeping purposes or rented or used as a
separate dwelling. Prior to issuance of a building permit for an accessory
structure, except a garage, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall
require the recording of a covenant of restriction to run with the land, which
states that the accessory structure shall not be used as a dwelling unit or in
violation of this section; and,
C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 79. Section 20.24.040 of Chapter 20.24, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit
A. Any use permitted as a conditionally permitted use in the R -2 Zone,
B Private clubs, fraternities, sororities, and lodges whose chief activity is a
service customarily carried on as a business,
C Public parking area, developed and maintained as required by this chapter
when the sideline of the lot or parcel on which it is located forms a common
boundary with a lot or parcel zoned for commercial or industrial purposes,
D Senior citizen housing in accordance with Government Code Sections 65913,
65914 and 65915,
E Senior housing facilities, including, but not limited to, rest homes,
convalescent homes, or nursing homes; and,
F Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations.
SECTION 80. Section 20 24 060 of Chapter 20 24, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
A General Provisions
1 As provided by Chapter 20 12, General Provisions; and,
2 Any use permitted in the R -1 or R -2 zones, when developed in the R -3
zone, shall be constructed in accordance with R -3 site developments
standards and parking requirements
B Lot Area
A minimum of 7,000 square feet
D Setbacks
A building or structure may encroach up to 2 feet into a required yard,
provided that an equivalent volume is set back from the required yard. This
encroachment shall not be allowed in any yard adjacent to a single - family
residential zone.
Front yard- An average of 20 feet shall be provided, but in no case shall
it be less than 15 feet. Should vehicular access be through the front yard
and controlled by an entry gate, a minimum of 20 feet shall be provided
for a vehicle to temporarily stop outside the gated area prior to entering
the project.
Side yard facing a side street 5 feet nummum shall be provided, except
if parking garages or covered parking spaces face a street, then the
setback shall be 20 feet a
Side yard facing an adjacent lot 5 feet minimum shall be provided
Accessory structures, located in the rear one -third of the lot, are allowed
zero setback on one interior side lot line
n as,a "
�a .p Covered
d �
ro __ 05
4. Side Yard. Reversed Corner Reversed corner lots shall have the
following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One
angle shall be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the
sides of this angle shall be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear
and street side property lines The third side of this triangle shall be a
straight line connecting the two other lines at their endpoints. This
triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side
yard setback requirements described in 20 24 060 D 2. & 3 above.
5. Rear Yard- 10 feet minimum shall be provided
6 Rear Yard: Accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear
property line and on one interior lot side line in the rear one -third of the
m a
}aro ,aNs
o �
50' Min
at Rear of
Front Yard
7,000 sf Min
Lot Size
L d U�
F50' Min
at Rear of
Front Yard
a 15' Min
b 20'average
c If entry is gated with
wait - 20' Mm
E Lot Width
Every lot created after the effective date of this chapter shall maintain a
width of not less than 50 feet at the rear line of the required front yard
However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street
frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into two or more parcels
having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20% of
the lots fronting on its block The block is defined as the area on both sides
of the street between the nearest intersecting streets Each parcel must have
an area of not less than 7,000 square feet
F Building Area
The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be as follows.
1 On property of 15,000 square feet or less in size, one unit for every 1,613
square feet of lot area is allowed A fraction of a lot greater than 1,075
square feet will allow an additional unit.
2. On property greater than 15,000 square feet in size, one unit for every
2,420 square feet of lot area is allowed A fraction of a lot greater than
1,613 square feet will allow an additional unit
G. Fbeement ofBuldmgs and Structures
1 The distance between buildings shall be governed by the Uniform
Building Code
2 An accessory structure in the rear one -third of the lot may be located on
the rear and one interior side lot line, unless one of the following
conditions exists
a. Where the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance to
the accessory structure is from the alley, such accessory structure
shall be set back a distance measured from the opposite side of
the alley that will provide a turning radius as follows.
1 90 degrees -25 feet
11 75 degrees -21 feet
iii. 60 degrees -18 feet
iv 45 degrees -15 feet
b On the rear third of a reversed corner lot, an accessory structure
may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building shall be
erected closer than 5 feet to the property line of any abutting lot
to the rear However, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular
entrance to the accessory building is directly from the street side,
an accessory building may be built to the rear lot line
H Lot Coverage
All buildings, including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 53% of
the area of the lot.
A +B =< 53%
Open Space and Recreation Requirements
The following open space and recreational facilities shall be provided.
of Units
Open Space
Open Space
1 4 or less units
50 sq ft /unit
150 sq It /unit
2 5 -9 units
50 sq ft /unit
200 sq ft /unit
3 30 -20 units
50 sq ft /unit
250 sq It /unit
4 21 -50 units
50 sq ft /unit
250 sq ft /unit
50 sq ft /unit
5 50 and up
50 eq ft /umt
250 sq ft /unit
50 sq ft /unit
All required open space and recreational facilities shall be in addition to the
required front and street side setbacks Interior side and rear setbacks may
be considered as required open spaces and recreation facilities Landscaped
areas are considered as open space if they are physically or visually accessible
to the residents A landscaped area must be a minimum of 5 feet in both
length and width in order to be counted as open space.
J Building Wall Modulation
No plane of a building wall facing a property line shall exceed 24 feet in
height or length without at least a 2 -foot offset in the wall plane Intrusions
into the required setback areas, as described in Section 20.12 070, General
Provisions, shall not count towards meeting building wall modulation
K Condomiauu n Conversions
Condominiums and stock cooperatives converted from multiple family
dwellings shall meet all the requirements for condominiums in effect at the
time they were originally constructed. If there were no condominium
standards in effect at the time of construction, the conversion shall comply
with the condominium standards of Ordinance No. 898, adopted January 20,
SECTION 81. Section 20 30.070 is added to Chapter 20 30, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
Five percent of the at -grade total vehicular use area shall be landscaped Landscaping
shall conform to Chapter 13 05, Water Conserving Landscaping.
SECTION 82. Section 20 31060 D 3 a of Chapter 20 31, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
a If the rear yard adjoins an alley, dedicated street, public right -of -way, or
if the primary access is through the rear yard, a setback of either zero (0)
feet or a minimum of 20 feet shall be provided; and,
SECTION 83. Section 20 33 040 of Chapter 20 33, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit, as
provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit
A On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars,
B Freight forwarding,
C. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20 12.160,
D Service stations; and,
E Other similar uses determined by the Director of Planning and Building
Safety, as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 84. Section 20 34 040 of Chapter 20 34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit
A On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars,
B Freight forwarding,
C Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20 12 160,
D Service Stations, and,
E Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 85. Section 20 36 040 of Chapter 20 36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit
A On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars;
B Catering services and flight kitchens;
C. Freight forwarding,
D. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20 12.160,
E Hospitals,
F. Parking facilities, including park and ride lots,
G Recreational facilities (public and commercial),
H Service stations;
I A sexually oriented business, provided it is not located within 500 feet of
another sexually oriented business, and,
J Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 86. Section 20 41060 G of Chapter 20 41, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows-
G. WallslFences
Walls and fences in the M -2 zone shall comply with the requirements of
Chapter 20 12, General Provisions A nunimum 6 -foot high masonry wall
shall be provided along property lines for those yards abutting residential, or
commercial zones.
SECTION 87. Section 20 42 020 E of Chapter 20.42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
E Automobile service uses with up to four service bays Projects proposing a
greater number of bays shall be required to obtain an Administrative Use
SECTION 88. Section 20.42 025 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use;
B Employee recreation facilities and play areas;
C. Parking structures and surface parking lots,
D Permitted wholesale sales and services ( "will- call" types of businesses),
E Open storage incidental to a principal use,
F. Retail sales and services,
G Single caretaker units at the ratio of one per legal building site or business
establishment whichever is larger, as long as two on -site parking spaces are
provided for each dwelling unit, and,
H Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 89. Section 20.42 040 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by Chapter 20 74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit-
A Freight forwarding,
B Service stations, and,
C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 90. Section 20.42 060 A of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows•
A General Prrovisiona
1 No operations and uses conducted on the premises shall be in violation
of the El Segundo Municipal Code, State laws or environmental
regulations by reason of noise, dust, mud, odor, smoke, vibrations or
other similar causes, and
2 All uses in the SB Zone shall be conducted completely within a fully
enclosed building except
a Recreational activities customarily conducted in the open,
b Outdoor dining areas; and,
C. Surface parking lots.
3 Other provisions as required by Chapter 20 12, General Provisions
SECTION 91. Section 20.42.060 D. 1 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows•
D Setbacks
1 Front Yard. The front yard setback shall be a nummum of 3 feet and
fully landscaped Front yard building setbacks between 8 and 19 feet are
specifically not permitted unless fully landscaped. Setbacks greater than
19 feet are permitted However, the first 10 feet of the setback (nearest
the road) shall be landscaped or a 5 -foot wide landscaped buffer with a
low wall on the inside edge, or, mounded earth forms shall be provided
SECTION 92. Section 20 42 060 F of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
SECTION 93. Section 20 42.070 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
In the SB Zone, landscaping requirements shall be as follows
A A minimum of 3% of the total site shall be devoted to landscaping,
B. Landscaping shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines, bushes, flowers, ground
coverings or any combination thereof,
C. Landscaping shall not consist solely of artificial plants, turf, crushed rock,
redwood bark or decorative pavement,
D Within the first 3 feet of the front yard setback, a raised planter (2 feet
mimmum above sidewalk) shall be provided for the entire frontage, excluding
entrances to the building or parking. The raised planter shall be provided
with permanent watering facilities. Suggested plant materials may include
Italian cypress, Chinese juniper, creeping fig and geraniums for color Items
such as turf, artificial plants, astro -turf and full -size trees are not suitable for
this location; and,
E. All landscaped areas shall be provided with permanent watering facilities.
SECTION 94. Section 20 43.020 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as- follows•
E Automobile service uses with up to four service bays Projects proposing a
greater number of bays shall be required to obtain an Administrative Use
SECTION 95. Section 20 43 025 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
A Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use;
B. Employee recreation facilities and play areas,
C Open storage incidental to a principal use;
D Retail sales and services,
E. Single caretaker units at the ratio of one per legal building site or business
establishment whichever is larger, as long as two on -site parking space are
provided for each dwelling unit, and,
F Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 96. Section 20.43 040 of Chapter 20.43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by Chapter 20 74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit
A. Freight forwarding,
B Service Stations, and,
C. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety,
as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations
SECTION 97. Section 20 43 060 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
All uses within the MM Zone shall comply with the Development Standards contained
in this section.
A General Provisions
1 No operations and uses conducted on the premises shall be in violation
of the El Segundo Municipal Code, State laws, or environmental
regulations by reason of noise, dust, mud, odor, smoke, vibrations or
other similar causes, and,
2 All uses in the MM Zone shall be conducted completely within a fully
enclosed building except
a. Recreational activities customarily conducted in the open,
b Outdoor dining areas, and,
C Surface parking lots
3. Other provisions as required by Chapter 20 12, General Provisions.
B Lot Area
Every lot in the MM Zone shall be a minimum of 11,200 square feet. If a lot
was of legal record prior to December 1, 1974, the minimum lot size shall not
C Height
No building or structure within the MM Zone shall exceed a height of 35 feet
However, buildings providing enclosed or rooftop parking or utilizing a
parapet wall on top of the eave of the top floor in order to hide rooftop
equipment shall not exceed 40 feet Buildings incorporating certain elements
as outlined in the lot consolidation provisions (Section 20 46.030 F ) may, with
the concurrence of the Planning Commission, exceed the stated height limit
by up to 10 feet. This provision may also be applied to special accessory
structures ancillary to the basic use at the Planning Commission's option
_ m
m �
D Setbacks
1 Front Yard In the MM Zone, the front yard setback shall not be less
than 10 feet for 75% of the total front wall, the remaining 25% of the
setback shall be a minimum of 5 feet These setbacks shall be fully
landscaped and maintained in accordance with Section 20 43.070 No
parking shall be allowed in this setback area
2. Side Yard No side yard setback is required unless one of the following
conditions exists, in which case the stated setback schedule shall be
a Such side yard abuts one of the following dedicated streets
Street Set a k (suitably landscaped)
El Segundo Boulevard 50% shall be setback 4 feet
Franklin Avenue 50% shall be setback 8 feet
Grand Avenue 50% shall be setback 8 feet
b Such side yard abuts any other dedicated street, in which case a
5 -foot suitably landscaped setback is required.
C Where the abutting property on the side yard is in another zone,
in which case an 8 -foot setback is required.
+ Streets a/b
a EI Segundo Blvd
. _ a 50% Shall Be Setback 4'
Min b Franklin Ave
25% M M Zone Grand Ave
j 11,200 5 f 5' ' 50 % Shall Be Setback 8'
`c Mm
LL i m 5' Any Other Dedicated streets
`m 10'f a
roMln ...._,.w..,_ ...............
3 Rear Yard- No rear yard setback is required, unless where the abutting
property is in a different zone, or is a dedicated street, in which case an
8 -foot setback is required
4 Setback Related to Alleys Where either a side or rear yard abuts a
dedicated alley, a minimum 5 -foot setback is required. Said yard may be
used for off - street parking, loading and vehicle access.
5 Setbacks for Combined Lots Where two or more legally established
building sites at the time of adoption of these regulations are combined
into one site, the minimum yard area for the new site shall be the
aggregate of yard areas that would have been required for each of the
original sites under these regulations
E Lot bl-m tcaw
No requirement
SECTION 98. Section 20 43 070 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
20.43 070 LANDSCAPING.
In the MM Zone, landscaping requirements shall be as follows
A A minimum of 7% of the total site's square footage shall be devoted to
B Landscaping is not required in side yard setbacks unless the side yard abuts
a dedicated street or abuts a different zone,
C Landscaping shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines, bushes, flowers, ground
coverings or any combination thereof,
D Landscaping shall not consist solely of artificial plants, artificial turf, crushed
rock, redwood bark or decorative pavement,
E. In the front yard setback, an at -grade or raised planter landscaping shall be
employed A permanent evergreen ground cover (turf, ivy) and trees are the
basic material recommended One 15- gallon tree shall be provided for every
25 feet of lot frontage on a dedicated street, and,
F All landscaped areas shall be provided with permanent watering facilities
SECTION 99. Section 20 44 060 D of Chapter 20 44, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows•
D Setbacks
1 Front yard- A minimum 15 foot fully landscaped setback is required
2. Side ar • A minimum 15 foot fully landscaped setback is required
3 Rear yard No rear setback is required, except where the rear yard
abuts a dedicated alley, a minimum 5 -foot setback is required Said yard
may be used for off - street parking, loading and vehicle access
SECTION 100. Section 20 44 070 of Chapter 20 44, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows-
A In the 15 -foot front yard setback, a raised planter, utilizing common brick as
accent or veneer application, shall be provided for a minimum of 50% of the
total front yard setback area Items such as turf, artificial plants, astro -turf,
crushed white rock and pavement are not suitable for this location;
B Landscaping shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines, bushes, flowers, evergreen
ground covers or any combination thereof,
C Landscaping shall not consist solely of artificial plants, turf, crushed rock,
redwood bark or decorative pavement;
D Five percent of the total at -grade vehicular use area shall be landscaped; and,
E All landscaped areas shall be provided with permanent watering facilities
SECTION 101. Section 20.44110 of Chapter 20 44, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
A market survey shall be conducted in connection with any proposal for activating this
zone which demonstrates to the City Council's satisfaction that proposed uses will not
erode the commercial market for downtown businesses. A finding to that effect must
accompany the approval
SECTION 102. Section 20 45 060 H of Chapter 20 45, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows.
H Open Space and Recreation Requirements
The following open space and recreational facilities shall be provided
of Units
Open Space
Open Space
1 4 or less units
50 sq ft /unit
150 sq ft /unit
2 5 -9 units
50 sq ft /unit
200 sq It /unit
3 10 -20 units
50 sq ft /unit
250 sq ft /unit
4 21 -50 units
50 sq ft /unit
250 sq ftlumt
50 sq ftlumt
5 50 and up
50 sq ft /unit
250 sq ft /unit
50 sq ft /unit
All required open space and recreational facilities shall be in addition to the
required front and street side setbacks Interior side and rear setbacks may
be considered as required open spaces and recreation facilities Landscaped
areas are considered as open space if they are physically or visually accessible
to the residents A landscaped area must be a minimum of 5 feet in length or
width direction to order to be counted as open space.
SECTION 103. Section 20 45 070 of Chapter 20 45, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 45 070 LANDSCAPING.
A. Five percent of the total at -grade vehicular use area shall be landscaped; and,
B All landscaped areas shall be provided with permanent watering facilities
SECTION 104. Section 20 46 030 E 2 of Chapter 20.46, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows-
2. Design of Parking Spaces
a Tandem Spaces
Each tandem space shall be a minimum of 9 feet in width by 20
feet in length.
b Visitor Spaces
Visitor or non - tandem spaces shall be a mimmum of 8 5 feet in
width by 18 feet in length.
Parallel Parking
Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 8 5 feet in width
by 24 feet in length
d Minimum dimensions for regular non - tandem parking layouts.
A maximum 2 -foot overhang into the landscaped area in front of
wheel stops may be counted in calculating space length.
16' -0"
11'- 3 -3/4"
9'- 4 -1/4"
8' -6"
SECTION 105. The "Applicability" subsection of Section 20 46 030 G. of Chapter 20 46, Title
20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows
The Open Space/Bulk Guidelines are specifically restricted to use only in the MM
District and for properties in excess of 30,000 square feet. Development in the SB
District and in the MM District under 30,000 square feet do not have to comply with
these guidelines
SECTION 106. Section 20 52.050 A. of Chapter 20 52, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
A A legal description of each designated cultural resource, the names and
addresses of all owners of designated cultural resources, and assessor's parcel
numbers of designated cultural resources;
SECTION 107. Section 20 54 020 of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows:
A No use or building shall be established, erected, enlarged or expanded unless
on -site parking and loading facilities are provided and maintained as required
by this chapter
B. Parking facilities shall be designed so that a car within a facility will not have
to enter a street to move from one location to any other location within the
same facility
C Bumpers or tire stops a minimum 6 inches in height shall be provided in all
parking lot areas abutting a building, structure, sidewalk, planting area,
street or alley
D All tandem parking spaces, where allowed, shall be clearly outlined on the
surface of the parking facility
E Parking facilities in non - residential zones shall be designed in such a manner
that any vehicle on the property will be able to maneuver as necessary so that
it may exit from the property travelling in a forward direction However, cars
may exit onto an alley travelling in a reverse direction
F. Where vehicular access is provided by an alley, parking may intrude into the
required rear yard, provided, however, the amount of setback intruded upon
shall be replaced by increasing the other required yards on -site by an
equivalent amount
G Where the application of the following cumulative parking schedules results
in a fractional space, then the fractions shall be rounded to the nearest whole
H No required guest parking space for any residential use shall be located, in
whole or in part, in any required front yard or front two - thirds of any
required side yard
I. No person, company or organization shall fail to maintain the facilities
required to be provided by this chapter, or by any applicable provision of prior
laws, variance, use permit, or precise plan heretofore or hereafter granted by
the Planning Commission or City Council No required parking shall be
utilized in any manner so as to make it unavailable for the occupants, their
clients or visitors of a building or use during the hours such building or use
is normally occupied This meaning shall not be construed to prohibit
security devices
J. Waiting spaces, where required, are to be located adjacent or near to the
required loading spaces in order to accommodate trucks waiting for loading
dock space.
K Loading spaces shall be designed so they will not interfere with vehicular
L Loading spaces shall be sited to avoid views from public streets
M All permanent on -site parking, loading, vehicle storage and vehicle sales areas
shall be paved with approved concrete or asphaltic concrete. On -site parking
areas to be used for no longer than one year shall be surfaced and maintained
with an impervious material acceptable to the Director of Planning and
Building Safety so as to eliminate dust and mud All on -site parking areas
shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water in accordance
with the Uniform Building Code
N Any lights provided to illuminate any parking area or vehicle sales areas as
permitted by this code, shall be arranged so as to direct the light away from
any premises upon which a residential dwelling unit is located.
SECTION 108. Section 20 54 030 of Chapter 20 54,1htle 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The number of on -site parking spaces required for the establishment of a building or
use shall be provided and thereafter maintained at the following ratios; provided,
however, that for any building or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional
parking facilities shall be required only for such enlargement or increase Additional
parking facilities need not be provided in R zones unless such enlargement or increase
results in the addition of a dwelling unit. Unless stated otherwise, parking shall be
based on net floor area as defined in Section 20 08 420.
A. Residential Uses
(1) Single - family and
2 spaces for each unit and one additional
two - family dwellings-
space for dwelling units exceeding 3,000 sq ft
of gross floor area.
(2) Condominiums,
2 spaces for each unit plus 1 visitor space for
residential co -ops and
the first 5 dwelling units and 1 visitor space
multiple - family
for each additional 3 units (e.g. 1 -5 units = 1
visitor spaces, 6 -8 units = 2, 9 -11 units = 3,
Motels, auto courts,
12 -14 units = 4, etc).
(3) Lodging houses, rooming
1 space for each sleeping room.
houses, and guest houses:
B. Nomwesidential Uses
11h spaces for each bed.
1 space for each of the first 100 rooms, 3/4
space for each of the next 100 rooms, and 1h
space for each room above 200 rooms.
Motels, auto courts,
1 space for each sleeping unit.
motor lodges, and tourist
cou ;ts
Seniors' communities,
1 space for each 2 beds.
rest homes, convalescent
1 space for each 300 sq ft for the first 25,000
sq ft
Offices, commercial, and
1 space for each 350 sq ft for the second
food -to -go uses.
25,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 400 sq ft. for the area in
excess of 50,000 sq ft
Restaurants, bars and
1 space for each 75 sq ft.
cocktail lounges-
No parking is required for restaurants under
500 sq ft which do not provide sit -down
eating accommodations.
Manufacturing, research
1 space for each 500 sq ft for the first 50,000
and development
sq ft.
(includes office with on-
1 space for each 1,000 sq ft. for the area in
site testing facilities)-
excess of 50,000 sq. ft.
Medical/Dental offices
1 space for each 200 sq. ft.
and clinics
Warehouses and storage
1 space for each 1,000 sq ft for the first
20,000 sq ft
1 space for each 2,000 sq ft for the second
20,000 sq ft
1 space for each 4,000 sq. ft. for the area in
excess of 40,000 sq ft
Automobile repair
2 spaces for each service stall plus 2 spaces
garages, body shops, and
for office
service stations
Schools, private
(a) Pre- school,
1 space for each 1 classroom, plus 1 space for
elementary through
each employee and faculty member
junior high level.
(b) High school level:
1 space for each 3 students, plus 1 space for
each employee and faculty member
(c) Adult level, college,
1 space for each 5 students, plus 1 space for
business and trade-
each employee and faculty member
Places of public assembly
including, but not limited
to theaters, auditoriums,
banquet facilities,
meeting rooms, clubs,
lodges and mortuaries.
(a) With fixed seats
1 space for every 3 seats
(b) Without fixed seats
1 space for every 30 sq ft of floor area used
for assembly purposes.
ti space for every 4 seats.*
Based upon the Uniform Building Code, areas having fixed benches or
pews shall have 1 seat for each 18 inches of length. Dining areas shall
have 1 seat for each 24 inches of booth length, or major portion thereof.
Compact parking shall be allowed for office and industrial uses to a maximum of
twenty (20 %) percent of required parking spaces. All parking spaces provided in excess
of the required number shall be standard size. Compact parking shall not be allowed
for retail uses
The Planning Commission may reduce the required amount of parking in the SB, MM,
Grand Avenue Commercial and Medium Density Residential Zones up to 10%
The Planning Commission may modify the required number of parking spaces based
on the submittal of a parking demand study Additionally, for any use for which the
number of parking spaces is not listed, the Director of Planning and Building Safety or
Planning Commission shall specify the required number of spaces based on a parking
demand study.
SECTION 109. Section 20.54 050 A of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
A Stall sizes and aisle widths
(1) The parking stall sizes shall be as follows
ler�= dCiMii3m
8ifz feet 18 feet
End parking stall adjacent
to an obstruction 91z feet 18 feet
Compact Parking Spaces 71/2 feet 15 feet
Residential (outside dimensions)
Single - family Residential (R -1)
10 feet
20 feet
Mobilehome in a mobilehome park
9 feet
20 feet
Two - family Residential (R -2)
9 feet
20 feet
Two - family Residential (R -2) on a
Aisle Width Parking Stall
substandard lot
81h feet
20 feet
Multi- family Residential (R -3)
8i/2 feet
20 feet
(2) Aisle width for angled parking spaces shall not be less than the
Angles of Parking
Parallel to 30°
Aisle Width Clear
12 feet
15 feet
18 feet
25 feet
* Measured perpendicular to aisle
Parking Stall Depth*
16 feet
19 feet
20 feet
18 feet
Three feet of the length of a parking space may overhang into a landscaped area
if the landscaped area provides a 6 inch tall curb That portion of landscaping
will not be considered as contributing to required landscaping
SECTION 110. Section 20 54.050 D of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
D. Underground (Subterranean) Parking Facilities.
The following maximum lot coverage shall apply to communal underground
parking facilities
Aisle Width Parking Stall
Parking Stall
No setbacks, provided facility is completely
Tire Stop
Clear Depth
12' 16'
16' -0'
15' 19'
11' -3 314'
4' to Property Line
18' 20'
9' -4114'
2' in Smoky Hollow
25' 1s'
8' -6'
more than 4 feet
SECTION 110. Section 20 54.050 D of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
D. Underground (Subterranean) Parking Facilities.
The following maximum lot coverage shall apply to communal underground
parking facilities
No setbacks, provided facility is completely
covered and subsurface
Parking facility cannot intrude into
No more
required setbacks
than 2 feet
Parking facility cannot intrude into required
No more than 5 feet
setbacks and the area surrounding the outside
and an average of no
wall shall be landscaped
more than 4 feet
Residential Parking facility cannot intrude into 40% Over 5 feet
required setbacks and the area surrounding
the outside wall shall be landscaped
Commercial No setbacks, provided facilities are completely None None
subsurface and covered
Industrial No setbacks, provided facilities are completely None None
subsurface and covered
SECTION 111. Section 20 54 050 E. of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
E. Parking of Licensed Recreational Vehicles and Habitable Vehicles.
Parking of any mobile home, camper, house trailer or other habitable vehicle
outside of an authorized mobile home park or licensed recreational vehicle
parking facility is prohibited except that such vehicles may be parked on any
public street subject to any applicable parking restrictions or on any
developed residential lot as long as the vehicle, if parked in a front yard, is
parked on a nonporous surface pad adequate to accommodate the parked
2. No habitable vehicle may be occupied for residential purposes for longer
than 72 hours (outside of an authorized mobile home park) No habitable
vehicle may be occupied for commercial purposes except as provided by
Section 16 04 140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code.
SECTION 112. Section 20 54 050 F of Chapter 20.54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
F Entrances and Exits
The location and design of all driveway entrances and exits shall be subject to the
approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and shall comply with the
criteria listed below
All Zones, N/A
except R -3
R -3 5 feet minimum in front 2/3rds
of lot Entrance or exit on or
from an alley may be less
Minimum 10 feet
Maximum 30 feet
Minimum 12 feet
No more than 20%
of lot width or maximum
30 feet
SECTION 113. Section 20.54 050 G. of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows•
G Handicapped parking shall be provided in accordance with Part 2 of Title 24 of
the California Administrative Code.
SECTION 114. Section 20 54 080 of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
A. All parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or building site as the use
for winch such spaces are required, except within the boundaries of the Smoky
Hollow Specific Plan (see Section 20 54 130), provided, that such parking spaces
for non - residential uses may be located on a different lot or lots, all of which are
less than a distance of 300 feet from the use for which they are required. Such
distance shall be measured along a straight line drawn between the nearest
point on the premises devoted to the use served by such parking facilities and
the premises providing such parking facilities. A covenant as described in
Section 20.54 080 B 3 of this chapter shall be recorded in the office of the
County Recorder, and may include such reasonable conditions as the Planning
Commission or Director of Planning and Building Safety may impose
B The Planning Commission may authorize, through a discretionary permit
procedure, the joint use of parking facilities under the following conditions
1. Up to 50% of the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a
daytime use may be used to satisfy the parking facilities required by this
chapter for a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use
A covenant as described in Subsection 3 shall be recorded in the office of
the County Recorder, and may include such reasonable conditions as the
Planning Commission may impose.
When parking is to be provided off the regularly subdivided lot on which
the structure, or some portion thereof, is located, the owner or lessee of
record of the development site shall furnish satisfactory evidence to the
Director of Planning and Building Safety that he or she owns or has
available sufficient property to provide the minimum off - street parking
required by the provisions of Section 20 54.030 Whether parking is to
be provided on property owned by the applicant or is in another
ownership, there shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder,
prior to the issuance of any building permit, a covenant executed by the
owners of such property for the benefit of the City, in a form approved by
the City Attorney, to the effect that the owners will continue to maintain
such parking space so long as such structure, improvement, or use exists
for which the parking is intended Such covenant shall also recite that
the title to and right to use the lots upon which the parking space is to
be provided will be subservient to the title to the premises upon which
the structure is to be erected and shall warrant that such lots are not
and will not be made subject to any other covenant or contract for such
use without the prior written consent to the City In the event the
owners of such structure should thereafter provide parking space equal
in area within the same distance and under the same conditions as to
ownership upon a lot other than the premises made subservient in a
prior such covenant, the City will, upon a written application therefore,
accompanied by the filing of a similar covenant, release such original
subservient premises from such prior covenant, and the owners shall
furnish at their own expense such title reports or other evidence as the
City may require to ensure compliance with the provisions of this
SECTION 115. Section 20.54.110 of Chapter 20 54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
In the C -RS Zone, Section 20 54 030, spaces required, shall be fully applicable to all
buildings constructed or enlarged after January 1, 1971 All buildings constructed prior
to January 1, 1971, which do not meet the requirements of Chapter 20 54 may comply
with these provisions in the following manner.
Existing uses in an existing building may change to any other use enumerated in the
PERMITTED USES section of the C-RS Zone without providing additional on -site
parking spaces, provided, however, that all existing on -site parking spaces, provided in
connection with the building or structure, shall be continued and available for use with
the subject building or structure
SECTION 116. Section 20 70 050 of Chapter 20 70, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
All legal or legal non - conforming structures within any Residential Zone, in existence
as of the effective date of this Title, which are now legal non - conforming or become
legal non - conforming due to changes in the land use designation or zoning criteria
under this Title, shall be permitted to continue and remodel or rebuild provided all of
the following requirements are met
A Where a side yard setback is non - conforming, the width of the existing side yard
shall not be decreased or made more non - conforming due to remodeling or
reconstruction, and,
B A non - conforming structure may expand, provided the expansion meets all the
applicable criteria of this title.
SECTION 117. Section 20 70 070 A 3. of Chapter 20 70, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows
If any such non - conforming use vacates for any reason for a period of
more than 12 consecutive months, any subsequent use shall conform to
the regulations specified by the Specific Plan for the zone in which such
land is located Buildings which are actively available for lease and
occupancy, or are being remodeled pursuant to a permit or subject to
Section 20,70 030, shall not be considered vacant for the purposes of this
section, and,
SECTION 118. Section 20 72 060 of Chapter 20 72, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
Written determinations on non - alcohol related permits, made by the Director of
Planning and Building Safety, shall be placed as receive and file items on the next
available agenda of the Planning Commission Any Planning Commissioner may
request that an item be set for a formal public hearing before the Planning Commission
in the manner prescribed in Chapter 20.90 No decision of the Director of Planning and
Building Safety is final until the decision is received and filed by the Planning
Commission or upheld on appeal.
Written determinations on alcohol related permits, made by the Director of Planning
and Building Safety, shall be placed as receive and file items on the next available
agenda of the City Council Any City Council member may request that an item be set
for a formal public hearing before the City Council in the manner prescribed in Chapter
20 90 No decision of the Director of Planning and Building Safety is final until the
decision is received and filed by the City Council.
SECTION 119. Section 20.74 090 of Chapter 20 74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 74 090 HEARING - RECORD
The formal resolution of the Planning Commission announcing its findings shall become
a permanent record in the files of the Planning Commission
SECTION 120. Section 20 74 110 of Chapter 20 74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
The action of the Planning Commission in granting or denying a variance or conditional
use permit shall become final and effective the day following the end of the ten day
appeal period, unless a written appeal is filed with the City Council as provided by
Chapter 20 82, Appeals or Review.
SECTION 121. Section 20 74120 of Chapter 20 74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Transmission of Record, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 122. Section 20 74 130 of Chapter 20.74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Adverse Decision by City Council, is hereby repealed in its entirety.
SECTION 123. Section 20 74 140 of Chapter 20 74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Announcement of Decision by Resolution, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 124. Section 20 74 150 of Chapter 20 74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code,
entitled Notice of Decision by City Council, is hereby repealed in its entirety
SECTION 125. Section 20 78 010 of Chapter 20 78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 78 010 GRANTING
Whenever a strict interpretation of the provisions of this Title or its application to any
specific case or situation pertaining to height or location of a wall, fence, or hedge would
result in the unreasonable deprivation of the use or enjoyment of property, an
adjustment may be granted in respect to height or location of a wall, fence, or hedge,
subject to the following restriction and in the manner hereafter provided
No adjustment shall be made to permit a wall, fence, or hedge to exceed 8 feet in
SECTION 126. Section 20 78 020 of Chapter 20 78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
20 78 020 PROCEDURE
The applicant for an adjustment shall apply in letter form, stating the adjustment
desired and explaining the strict interpretation of this title would result in the
unreasonable deprivation of the use or enjoyment of his property The applicant shall
submit the application with the required filing fee to cover the cost of investigation and
SECTION 127. Section 20 78 090 is added to Chapter 20 78, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
All appeals shall be processed as provided by Chapter 20 82, Appeal or Review
SECTION 128. Section 20 82 015 is added to Chapter 20 82, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
Any individual may appeal a decision or determination of the Director of Planning and
Building Safety to the Planning Commission The appeal shall be made within 10
calendar days of the date after the Planning and Building Safety Director's decision by
filing a letter of appeal, with the required appeal fee, with the Secretary of the
Planning Commission Any appeal of an Administrative Use Permit must be received,
with the required appeal fee, prior to the decision being received and filed by the
Planning Commission All appeals shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there
was an error or abuse of discretion by the decision maker or where a decision is not
supported by the evidence in the record
Following the receipt of an appeal, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall
transmit to the Planning Commission the letter of appeal, the application and all other
papers constituting the record upon which the action of the Director of Planning and
Building Safety was taken The Planning Commission shall hold at least one public
hearing, in the manner prescribed in Chapter 20 90, on the decision of the Director of
Planning and Building Safety, which has been appealed The hearing shall be held
within 40 calendar days of the appeal request The project applicant shall provide the
list of property owners, radius map and any additional information required for the
public hearing to the Department of Planning and Building Safety The Planning
Commission may affirm, reverse, or modify a decision of the Director of Planning and
Building Safety The decision of the Planning Commission is appealable to the City
Council, pursuant to Section 20 82 020
SECTION 129. Section 20 82 020 of Chapter 20 82, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
Any individual may appeal a decision of the Planning Comnussion to the City Council
The appeal shall be made within 10 calendar days after the date of the Planning
Commission decision by filing a letter of appeal, with the required appeal fee, with the
City Clerk. The appeal shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there was an error
or abuse of discretion by the body making the decision or where a decision is not
supported by the evidence in the record Following the receipt of an appeal, the
Director of Planning and Building Safety shall transmit to the City Council the letter
of appeal, the application, and all other papers constituting the record upon which the
action of the Planning Commission was taken.
SECTION 130. Section 20 82 032 is added to Chapter 20 82, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows-
If the City Council, upon appeal of a Planning Commission decision, proposes an action
that is in any way contrary to the recommendations of the Planning Commission, it
may, before final action is taken, request further information from the Planning
Commission on the matter Failure of the Planning Commission to report to the City
Council within 40 calendar days after the request may be deemed to be approval by the
Planning Commission of any proposed change
SECTION 131. Section 20 82.035 is added to Chapter 20.82, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows
The City Council, upon appeal of a Planning Commission decision, shall announce its
decision by resolution not more than 40 calendar days following the termination of
proceedings of the hearing, or, upon receipt of a report from the Planning Commission,
pursuant to Section 20 82.032, if the matter was referred back to the Planning
Commission The resolution shall recite and order, among other things, that the
application be granted or denied or modified, subject to the conditions or limitations
that the City Council may impose The project approval shall become effective the date
of the City Council action approving said application
SECTION 132. Section 20 82 037 is added to Chapter 20 82, Title 20, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code to read as follows-
Following the adoption of a resolution ordering that a project application be granted or
denied, a copy of the resolution shall be mailed to the applicant and to any other
parties requesting notice of the action, and one copy shall be attached to the Planning
Commission's file of the case and the file returned to the Planning Commission for
permanent filing
SECTION 133. Section 20 86.070 of Chapter 20 86, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows.
The action of the Planning Commission to recommend denial of an application for an
Amendment to the City Council or deny approval of a precise plan shall be final and
effective the day following the end of the 10 day appeal period unless, a written appeal
and appeal fee, is filed with the City Council as provided by Chapter 20 82, Appeal and
SECTION 134. Section 20 90 050 of Chapter 20 90, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
Applications requiring a public hearing shall contain specific information and be
distributed as in the manner prescribed below
A Notification Process
Notice shall be provided in all of the following ways
Notice of the hearing shall be mailed or delivered at least 10 days prior
to the hearing to the owner of the subject real property or the owner's
duly authorized agent, and to the project applicant
Notice of the hearing shall be mailed or delivered at least 10 days prior
to the hearing to each local agency expected to provide water, sewage,
streets, roads, schools, or other residential facilities or services to the
project, whose ability to provide those facilities and services may be
significantly affected
3 Notice of the hearing shall be mailed or delivered at least 10 days prior
to the hearing to all owners of real property as shown on the latest
equalized assessment roll within 300 feet of the real property that is the
subject of the hearing In lieu of utilizing the assessment roll, the local
agency may utilize records of the county assessor or tax collector which
contain more recent information than the assessment roll If the number
of owners to whom notice would be mailed or delivered pursuant to this
paragraph or paragraph 1 is greater than 1,000, the City, in lieu of
mailed or delivered notice, may provide notice at least 10 days prior to
the hearing by placing a display advertisement of at least one - eighth
page in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the local
agency in which the proceeding is conducted.
4 If the notice is mailed or delivered pursuant to paragraph 3, the notice
shall also either be
a Published at least 10 days prior to the hearing pursuant to
Section 6061 of the California Government Code, in at least one
newspaper of general circulation within the local agency which is
conducting the proceeding
b. Posted at least 10 days prior to the hearing in at least three
public places within the boundaries of the local agency, including
one public place in the area directly affected by the proceeding.
5. For mailing lists containing 10 or more different owners of real property,
notices returned undeliverable shall be resent to the resident or occupant
of the real property
6 In addition to the notice procedures listed above, the City may provide
notice of the public hearing in any other manner it deems necessary or
B. Contents ofNotWadim
The contents of the public hearing notice shall include
1. A title stating "Notice of Proposed " (with the blank space
containing the title of the application);
2 The date, time and place of a public hearing,
3 The identity of the hearing body,
4 A general explanation of the matter to be considered; and,
5. A general description, in text or as a diagram of the location of the
SECTION 135. Section 20 90 090 of Chapter 20 90, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
is amended to read as follows
A summary of all pertinent testimony offered at public hearings held in connection with
an application filed pursuant to this title, any exhibits presented at pubic hearings, and
the names of persons testifying shall be recorded and made a part of the permanent
files of the case.
SECTION 136. Mayor Carl Jacobson and Councilman Michael Robbins do abstain from and
did not participate in the deliberations and decision on the following portions of the Zoning Code
1) Section 20 08.040 - Adult Motel - Definition
2) Section 20 08 065 - (Adult Related) Sexually Oriented Business - Definition
3) Section 20.08 083 - Adult Theater - Definition
4) Section 20 08 153 - Automobile Service - Definition
5) Section 20 08 213 - Caretaker Unit - Definition
6) Section 20 08 423 - Food -to -Go - Definition
7) Section 20 08 487 - Hospital - Definition
8) Section 20 08 710 - Service Station - Definition
9) Section 20 08 913 - Vehicular Use Area - Definition
10) Section 20 12 080 - Screening
11) Section 20 12 100 - Temporary Buildings
12) Section 20.12 110 - Temporary Construction Buildings
13) Section 20 12.120 - Parking Unoccupied Recreational Vehicle
14) Section 20 12 130 - Property Maintenance
15) Chapter 20 18 - OS Zone
16) Chapter 20 30 - PF Zone
17) Chapter 20 33 - C3 Zone
18) Chapter 20 34 - CO Zone
19) Chapter 20 36 - MU Zone
20) Chapter 20.40 - MI Zone
21) Chapter 20 41 - M2 Zone
22) Chapter 20 42 - SB Zone
23) Chapter 20 43 - MM Zone
24) Chapter 20 44 - GAC Zone
25) Chapter 20 45 - MDR Zone
26) Chapter 20 46 - Smoky Hollow Specific Plan
27) Chapter 20 54 - Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces
28) Section 20 70 070 - Non - Conforming Buildings and Uses
SECTION 137. Councilman Richard Switz did abstain from and did not participate in the
deliberations and decision on the following portion of the Zoning Code-
1) Section 20 20 060 E - R -1 Lot Width
SECTION 138. This ordinance shall become effective at nudnight on the thirtieth (30) day from
and after the final passage and adoption hereof.
SECTION 139. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall
cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City, shall make a note of the
passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted,
and shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or
posted in accordance with the law
1 • ' 1 011 1 1 1 • 011 .: .
ndy Moi en
City Clerk (SEAL)
• • 1 011 1 1
Leland C. Dolley
City Attorney
of the City
p zoning \a endm t \ZTA94 -1 ord
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five;
that the foregoing ordinance, being ORDINANCE NQ 1245 is a full, true correct original
of ORDINANCE NO. 1245 of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled:
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by
the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular
meeting of the said Council held on the 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1996, and the
same was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Weston, Councilman
Switz, Councilman Robbins, and Councilwoman
NOES: None
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the
Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing ORDINANCE NO. 1245,
was posted and /or published in the manner prescribed by law.
City Clerk of the
City of El Segundo, California