ORDINANCE 1236ORDINANCE NO. 1236 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1994 EDITION, INCLUDING APPENDICES I A, I -C, II -B, I I I A, I I I -B, III-C, II I -D, IV -A, V A, VI A, AND VI- B THEREOF; ADOPTING THE NATIONAL FIRE CODES, 1992 EDITION, VOLUMES 1 -11; REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 17.04 OF, AND ADDING CHAPTER 17.04 TO, THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH CHAPTER RELATES TO THE FIRE CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Chapter 17.04 of the El Segundo Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety. SECTION II. Chapter 17.04 is added to the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 17.04 FIRE CODE 17.04.010. ADOPTION OF UNIFORM FIRE CODE. The Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, including Appendices I A, I -C, II -B, III A, III -B, III -C, III -D, IV-A, V -A, VI A, and VI -B, promulgated and published by the International Fire Code Institute, Wrestem Fire Chiefs Association, and the International Conference of Building Officials, a copy of which has been filed in the Office of the City Clerk, is hereby adopted with the same force and effect as though set out herein in full. 17.04.020. AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE CODE. The Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, and the Appendices portion thereof, is amended by changing, adding or deleting the articles, sections and portions of sections designated in Sections 17.04.030 through 17.04.210 hereof. 17.04.030 Section 103.1.4 Appeals. Section 103.1.4 is amended by adding to and deleting portion thereof, to read as follows: 103.1.4 Appeals. To determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this code, there shall be and hereby is created a board of appeals consisting of five members composed of the Mayor and the other members of the City Council. Said members shall hold their respective memberships on said board of appeals by reason of, and concurrently with their terms of service as Council members and shall cease to be such members upon their ceasing to be such Council members. The Fire Chief shall be Secretary to the Board. The board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall render all its decisions and findings on contested matters in writing to the Fire Chief, with duplicate copy thereof to any appellant or contestant affected by such decision or finding, and may recommend to the City Council such new legislation, if any, as is consistent therewith. Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum. The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the board and in his absence the Mayor Pro Tern shall serve as chairman. Except as otherwise provided by law, the proceedings of the board shall ordinarily be conducted according to Roberts' Rules of Order; provided, however, that a failure to observe or enforce such rules shall in no manner affect the regularity, validity or legality of any action or proceeding taken by the board, and the board, in its discretion boa n brdmarrTireC,ode 95A Adopted 3/21/95 and in accordance with its right to govern its own proceedings, does hereby reserve the right to proceed at any time otherwise than as prescribed or indicated in Roberts' Rules of Order. Notices of meetings of the board shall be given by at least 72 hours notice, delivered to each member personally or by registered mail; provided, however, that any meeting of the board shall be legal for the purpose if the written consent of all of the members of the board to such meeting is executed and filed in the records of the board. The board shall have the right, subject to such limits as the City Council may prescribe by resolution, to employ at the cost and expense of the City such qualified individuals as the board, in its direction, may deem reasonably necessary in order to assist in its investigations and in making its final decisions. 17.04.040 Section 103.4 Enforcement: Section 103.4 is amended by adding subsection 103.4.7, to read as follows: 103.4.7 Any person who personally, or through another, willfully, negligently, or in violation of law, sets a fire, allows a fire to be set, or allows a fire kindled or attended by him to escape from his control, allows any hazardous material to be handled, stored or transported in a manner not in accordance with this Code or nationally recognized Standards, allows any hazardous material to escape from his control, neglects to properly comply with any written notice of the Chief, or- willfully or negligently allows the continuation of a violation of this Code and amendments thereto, is liable for the expense of fighting the fire or for the expenses incurred during a hazardous materials incident, and such expense shall be a charge against that person. 17.04.050 Section 104.2. Irnnestigations. Section 104.2 is amended to read as follows: 104.21 The fire Department is authorized to investigate promptly the cause, origin and circumstances of each and every fire occurring in the jurisdiction involving loss of life or injury to person or destruction or damage to property and, if it appears to the bureau of investigation that such fire is of suspicious origin, they are authorized to take inTrnediate charge of all physical evidence relating to the cause of the fire and are authorized to pursue the investigation to its conclusion. The chief is authorized to investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of unauthorized release of hazardous materials. When there is a hazardous materials incident or other potential life or serious property threatening situation, the Chief, as he or she deems necessary, shall investigate, request assistance from other public agencies, request reports from qualified investigators from the industry involved or require the owner or operator to hire a private fire protection or hazardous materials investigator, at the expense of the owner or operator, to provide a full report of the incident, including but not limited to such items as cause, origin, circumstances and/or proposed solution to the problem. The police department is authorized to assist the fire department in its investigations when requested to do so. 17.04.060 Article 2 - Definitions and Abbreviations. Section 209 -H. Section 209- 1 of Article 2 is amended by adding a new definition, to read as follows: HIGH RISE STRUCTURE means every building of any type of construction or occupancy with floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 feet above the lowest level having Fire Department access, except buildings used as hospitals as defined in Section 1250 of the California Health and Safety Code. 17.04.070 Section 901.4.2. Fire Apparatus Acoess Road Section 901.4.2. is amended by adding subsection 901.4.2.1 thereto, to read as follows: boa n brdnam\FueCode 9M Adopted 3/21/95 2 901.4.2.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to park, stand or stop any vehicle or to permit any obstruction of any kind or nature in the required access roadways. The property owner or lessee of said property shall paint the curbs red and post "FIRE LANE - NO STOPPING AT ANYTIME - ESMC SEC 17.04," indicating that "stopping of vehicles is prohibited" and that at the direction of the Police Chief they will be towed away at the owner's expense. 17.04.080 Section 901.4.4 Premises Identification Section 901.4.4. is amended by adding subsections 901.4.4.1 and 901.4.4.2, to read as follows: 901.4.4.1. Premises identification shall be in accordance with the U.B.C. Residential building numbers shall be no less than 4 inches in height with no less than 318 inch stroke. Commercial and industrial building numbers shall be no less than 6 inches in height, 3/4 inch stroke within 100 feet of the street, 8 inches in height with a 1 inch stroke if over 100 feet. 901.4.4.2. Buildings set back over 100 feet from the street shall have their addresses posted at the street with an arrow indicating access as well as the address posted on or next to the building. Large buildings and complexes require a directory map at a location determined by the Chief. Plans for such shall be approved by the fire department prior to installation. 17.04.090 Section 903.4.2 Requred Installations Section 903.4.2 is amended to read as follows: 903.4.2 Required installations. The location, number and type of fire hydrants connected to a water supply capable of delivering the required fire flow shall be provided on the public street or on the site of the premises or both to be protected as required and approved by the chief. See Appendix III -B. No more than one on -site fire hydrant shall be installed on a dead end main. Where fire sprinklers are not otherwise required, the Fire Chief may accept or require fire sprinkler protection in lieu of the above on -site hydrants and mains. Fire hydrants shall be accessible to the fire department apparatus by roads meeting the requirements of Section 902.2. 17.04. 100 Section 1003.3.2. Alarm Section 1003.3.2. is amended by adding a portion thereto, to read as follows: 1003.3.2. Alarms` An approved audible sprinkler flow alarm shall be provided on the exterior of the building in an approved location. An approved audible sprinkler flow alarm to alert the occupants shall be provided in the interior of the building in a normally occupied location. If the building is equipped with an evacuation alarm system a water flow alarm shall activate the evacuation signal. Actuation of the alarm shall be as set forth in the Building Code. (See UBC Standard 9-1) 17.04.110 Article 11 - GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Section 1101 - GENERAL Section 1101 of Article 11 is amended by adding subsection 1101.4, to read as follows: 1101.4. Fire Safety Officers. When, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, it is necessary for the preservation of life or property, due to the hazardous nature of an event, production, operation or function, the Fire Chief shall require the owner, agent, or lessee to employ or cause the employment of one or more fire safety officers, to be on duty at such place during the hazardous activity. See also Section 2501.19. 17.04.120 Section 1302.2 Reporting of En-ergerxies. Section 1302.2 is amended, to read as follows: boa n WdmancTtreCode 95A ,Adopted 3/21/95 3 1302.2 Reporting Emergencies. In the event a fire occurs or the discovery of a fire, smoke or unauthorized release of flammable or hazardous materials on any property occurs, the owner or occupant shall immediately report such condition to the El Segundo Fire Department. 17.04.130 Article 77 - EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS. Subsection 7701.7.2 Limits established by law. Subsection 7701.7.2 is hereby amended, to read as follows: 7701.7.2 Un is established by law. Storage of explosive materials is prohibited within the limits established by law as the limits of districts in which such storage is prohibited (see sample adoption ordinance, Section 6). The limits of districts referred to above, are hereby established as follows: In all land use zones within the City as described in Title 20 (The Zoning Code) of the "Ell Segundo Municipal Code" except by special permit granted by the Fire Chief. 17.04.140 Artide 79 - FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS. Subsection 7902.2.2.1 Locations where aboveground tanks are prohibited Subsection 7902.2.2.1 is hereby amended, to read as follows: 7902.2.2.1 Locations where aboveground tanks are prohibited Storage of Class I and II liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited within the limits established by law as the limits of districts in which such storage is prohibited (See sample adoption ordinance, Section 4). The limits of districts referred to above, are hereby established as follows: In all land use zones as described in Title 20 (The Zoning Code) of the "El Segundo Municipal Code" except M-2 zoned areas. Exception: The Fire Chief may approve storage in M-1 zoned areas. The limits of districts within the City in which new bulk plants for flammable or combustible liquids are prohibited, are hereby established as follows: All of the City. 17.04.150 Amide 82 - LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM CASES. Subsecion 8204.2 NkWmm Capacity within Established Limits. Subsection 8204.2 is hereby amended, to read as follows: Section 8204.2 MaAmurn Capacity vANn Established Un ts. Within the limits established by law restricting the storage of LP -gas for the protection of heavily populated or congested commercial areas, the aggregate capacity of any one installation shall not exceed a 2,000-gallon (7571 L) water capacity (see sample adoption ordinance, Section 5). The limits of districts referred to above, are hereby established as follows: In all land use zones within the City as described in Title 20 (The Zoning Code) of the "El Segundo Municipal Code" except M-2 zone areas. 17.04.160 Secfion 8001.3 Permits. Subsection 8001.3.2 Hazardous materials management plan. Subsection 8001.3.3 Hazardous materials inventory statement Subsections 8001.3.2 and 8001.3.3 are amended, and subsection 8001.3.4 is added, to read as follows: 8001.3.2 Hazardous Materials Management Plan. When required by the Fire Chief, each application for a permit shall include all El Segundo Fire Department forms for a Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). The location of the HMMP shall be posted adjacent to permits when an HMMP is provided. The HMMP shall include a facility site plan designating the following: boa n lordinanffireCode 95A Adopted 3Q1/95 4 1. Storage and use areas 2. Maximum amount of each material stored or used in each area, 3. Range of container sizes, 4. Locations of emergency isolation and mitigation valves and devices, 5. Product conveying piping containing liquids or gases, other than utility - owned fuel gas lines and low-pressure fuel gas lines, and 6. On and off positions of valves for valves which are of the self - indicating type. The plans shall be legible and approximately to scale. Separate distribution systems are allowed to be shown on separate pages. 8001.3.3 Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement When required by the Fire Chief, each application for a permit shall include all El Segundo Fire Department forms for a Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS). 8001.3.4 Emergency Infom ation. Hazardous Materials Business Plans, Risk Management and Prevention Program (when required) and Inventory statements shall be provided in an approved location and immediately available to emergency responders. The Fire Chief may require the information be placed near or at the entrance to the occupancy of property. 17.04.170 Section 8003.1.5 NlaAn u i quantity on site. Section 8003.1.5 is amended to read as follows: 8003.1.5 NbA, i u quantity on site. The storage of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with local zoning regulations. Tank vehicles and railroad tank cars shall not be used as storage tanks. Loading and unloading operations shall be in accordance with 7904.5, unless specifically exempted by the Fire Chief. 17.04.180. Section 9001.3 Recogni Standards. Section 9001.3 is amended to read as follows: 9001.3 Reoogn¢ed Standards. The standards listed in Section 9003 are recognized standards. Compliance with these recognized standards shall be prima facie evidence of compliance with the standard of duty set forth in Section 9001.2. Whenever portions of this Code are not applicable for any reason or to any situation involving the protection of persons and property from hazardous material, fire or explosions, (as determined by the Fire Chief) the materials, methods of construction, installations, practices, or operations necessary to provide such protection shall, to a reasonable degree, be in accordance with nationally recognized and accepted standards, principles and tests and generally recognized and well established methods of fire protection and control, as set forth in the National Fire Codes and the following Standards. The National Fire Codes, 1992 Edition, Volumes 1 through 11, published by the National Fire Protection Association, a national authority and technical and scientific organization, are adopted by reference as part of this Code and may be applied with the same force and effect as though set out herein in full. Where conflict exists between the Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code Standards or Uniform Building Code Standards and the National Fire Codes, the applicable Uniform Code section will take precedence over the National Fire Codes. In no case shall a less restrictive requirement of the National Fire Codes apply if there is a specific requirement in a Uniform Code or Codes. boa n \ordrnancTireC,ode 95A Adopted 3/21/95 5 17.04.190 Appendx III -C. Section 1.2 - Testing Personnel. Section 1.2 of Appendix III -C is amended by adding and deleting certain portion thereof, and by adding subsection 1.2.1, to read as follows: 12 Testing Persomel. The tests established by Appendix 111-0 shall be conducted by a qualified person who has been licensed by the California State Fire Marshall, to perform the full testing procedure for the particular system or device being tested. 1.2.1 The Fire Chief may waive or modify test procedures described herein when there are conflicts with the requirements of Title 19, Subchapter 5 of the California Code of Regulations. 17.04.200 Appendix IV -B - CHRISTMAS TREES. Section 4 - Tags Section 4 is amended to read as follows: Section 4 - TAGS. Trees shall bear a tag complying with the California State Fire Marshall requirements, and stating date of placement in the public building, type of flame - retardant treatment used, name of the person who applied the flame retardant and the name of the person affixing the tag. SECTION III. Section 17.04.210 is added to Chapter 17.04 of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 17.04.210 Penalties. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Code hereby adopted or fails to comply therewith, or who violates or fails to comply with any order made thereunder, or who builds in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who fails to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Council or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall for each and every violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and the person or persons responsible shall be required to correct or remedy the violation or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each and every day that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal or abatement of prohibited conditions. SECTION IV. All changes and modifications in the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, as amended by this ordinance, are reasonably necessary because of local conditions. This finding is made pursuant to Section 17958.5 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. SECTION V. The City Council of the City of El Segundo hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word of this ordinance be declared invalid, all other portions of this ordinance independent of the elimination herefrom shall remain in full effect. SECTION VI. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. foa n WdmamWireC.ode 95A Adopted 3/21/95 6 SECnON VII. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall post or publish this ordinance in accordance with law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21St day of March, 1995. i Carl J 5Ebson, Mayor ATTEST: ity rk (seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: C-d `_ C A��r Attorney joa nAordinarxAFireCode 95A Adopted 3/21/95 7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being ORDINANCE NO 1236 is a full, true correct original of ORDINANCE NO 1236 of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1994 EDITION, INCLUDING APPENDICES IA, IC, I[-B, IIIA ,MB,IIIC',IIID,IVA,VA,VIA,AND VI-B, THEREOF; ADOPTING THE NATIONAL FIRE CODES] 1992 EDITION, VOLUMES 1 -11; REPEALING IN M ENTIRETY CHAPTER 17.04 OF, AND ADDING CHAPTER 17.04 TO, THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH CHAPTER RELATES TO THE FIRE CODE. which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor or said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 21S17 DAY OF MARCH 1995, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Weston, Councilman Robbins, Councilman Swit7, and Councilwoman Friedkin. NOES: None ABSENT: None NOT PARTICIPATING: None I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing ORDINANCE NO 1236, was posted and /or published in the manner prescribed by law. Y M EN CAy Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California