WHEREAS, on September 27, 1989 an application was received from Continental Development
Corporation for EA -206, Sub 90 -10, Precise Plan 89 -2, and a Development Agreement to allow a 6-
story office building and associated parking structure, and a 6 -story, 182 room residence inn with
kitchen facilities or a full- service hotel, for property at 2301 -2381 Rosecrans Avenue/ 810 -820
Douglas Street; and
WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation was filed on February 6, 1990 for preparation of the
Environmental Impact Report and duly circulated and noticed as required by law; and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Report identified significant adverse cumulative
traffic /circulation and air quality impacts which cannot be mitigated to an insignificant level by
conditions imposed on the project; and
WHEREAS, on August 23 and September 13, 1990 the Planning Commission did hold,
pursuant to law, duly - advertised public hearings on such matter, and notice of hearing was given
in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and
WHEREAS, on September 13, 1990 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2291
recommending to the City Council certification of EA -206 an Environmental Impact Report and
adoption of a statement of overriding considerations, approval of Precise Plan No. 89 -2, approval
of Subdivision No. 90 -10 /Lot Line Adjustment for Parcel Map No. 17158, and approval of a
Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, on October 2 , October 16, and November 6, 1990 the City Council did hold,
pursuant to law, duly- advertised public hearings on such matter, and notice of hearing was given
in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and
WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report (EA -206) has been prepared and the City
Council has considered and certified the Final EIR and incorporated statements of overriding
consideration by adoption of Resolution No. 1157 : and-
WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary
evidence for or against EA -206, Precise Plan 89 -2, Sub 90 -10 and the Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts and findings were established:
1. The project site consists of 9.69 acres that are proposed for subdivision into lots of 6.75 acres
and 2.94 acres.
2. The existing M -2 zoning for the site is inconsistent with the existing General Plan Land Use
designation of the site for Commercial Manufacturing uses, and a Precise Plan application is
one of several procedures available whereby consistency between the zoning and General Plan
can be achieved.
3. The City council previously adopted Ordinance No. 1107 on March 1, 1988 denying Precise
Plan 87 -1 as insufficient detail for the development on Lots 2 and 3 was provided; and
approving the proposed subdivision and precise plan for the development of Lot 1 with
commercial office space at a maximum FAR of 1.0, after dedications, not to exceed 196,000
sq. ft..
4. Surrounding zoning and General Plan land use designation in the City of El Segundo is C -M,
Commercial Manufacturing. In the City of Manhattan Beach, zoning is M -2 and CPD
(Commercial Planned Development). Zoning in the City of Hawthorne is R -1 north of
Rosecrans Avenue, and M -1 and M -2 to the south. Surrounding land use is general office, light
manufacturing, and "R &D ", with single - family residential use east of Aviation Boulevard.
5. A long -term goal of the adopted General Plan Land Use Element is the replacement of heavy
industry which has detrimental noise, odor and aesthetic effects with clean, quiet, hightech
oriented manufacturing and research uses, and replacement of obsolete buildings with well -
planned, high - quality developments including landscaping, high architectural standards,
underground utilities, adequate parking and pedestrian improvements.
6. The fiscal impact analysis prepared for the project indicates that the project will generate
annual municipal revenues of approximately $786,726.50.
7. The proposed Development Agreement will be for an initial 5 year period. The applicant may
apply for one additional 5 year extension subject to discretionary review and approval by the
Planning Commission and /or City Council.
8. The proposed Precise Plan, land uses, design standards and improvements are consistent with
the existing General Plan Land Use designation of Commercial Manufacturing and with long-
term General Plan objectives for replacing heavy industry with clean, quiet, well- planned high
quality development.
9. The Precise Plan establishes development standards for the site including permitted uses,
building height, floor area ratio, lot coverage, open space, setbacks, that are consistent with the
General Plan designation for the site.
10. The project will have building heights of 84 feet maximum, parking in conformance with code
requirements, and a maximum floor area ratio of 1.0, after dedications.
11. The Precise Plan as proposed provides sufficient detail to determine that the proposed
development will implement the General Plan through standards for high - quality architecture,
extensive landscaping, underground utilities, open space, pedestrian plazas and paths, and street
circulation systems consistent with objectives for high - quality design. The Precise Plan will
limit building height to 84 feet, which conforms to prevailing heights of similar projects in the
area. The Precise Plan will control building bulk through establishment of a 1.0 floor area
ratio, required landscaped setbacks and open space standards.
12. The Precise Plan includes improvements for water, sewer, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy
conservation, streets, public transit and pedestrian facilities necessary to support the land uses
and density proposed for the site.
13. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development. The site is
level and is not located in an area of unstable topography, flood hazards, or fault rupture study
zone. The parcels created by the proposed subdivision have adequate frontage on public
streets, and exceed the minimum parcel size established for the underlying M -2 zone.
14. With the provision of reciprocal access easements, the proposed Precise Plan will provide
adequate access through and use of the subdivision.
15. The design of the Precise Plan and improvements are not likely to cause serious public health
problems. The project is required to be connected to the County Sanitation District sanitary
sewer system and will be directed to the District's Carson sewage treatment plant, which has
sufficient capacity to serve the project waste water flow.
16. That certain changes or alterations are required in the project to completely or partially
mitigate significant environmental impacts identified in the Final EIR and that adoption of
statements of overriding consideration with regard to unavoidable traffic /circulation and air
quality impacts are necessary due to economic, social and other considerations which make
infeasible certain mitigation measures and the project alternatives identified in the Final EIR
as enumerated in Resolution No. 1157 .
17. That a waiver is appropriate from Section 20.08.245 of the Zoning Code to allow for kitchen
facilities in the Residence Inn suites due to the unique nature of the operation which caters
to business travelers who desire amenities similar to those found in a residential setting.
SECTION 2. The City Council hereby approves Precise Plan 89 -2 subject to the following
conditions and mitigation measures:
1. Prior to issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, applicant shall pay to the City of El
Segundo a one -time traffic improvement fee in the amount of $1.00 per square foot of that
building's gross floor area. The purpose of the traffic improvement fee is to fund traffic system
improvements to mitigate the adverse impacts on traffic circulation attributable to the project.
Fees shall be used for the construction of capital improvements within a one -mile radius of the
project site, as identified in the General Plan, Capital Improvement Program or other local
and /or regional transportation improvement plan, as determined by the City Council. This fee
shall be adjusted annually, beginning January 1992, to reflect the Consumer Price Index
published by the United Stated Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Los Angles Basin /Long
Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area.
2. Pay to the City of El Segundo one -time fire /life safety mitigation fees in order to maintain
acceptable levels of service, as follows:
A. Prior to issuance of each building permit, 14 cents per square foot of that building's
gross floor area. This fee shall be acjusted annually, beginning January 1992, to reflect
the Consumer Price Index published by the United Stated Bureau of Labor Statistics
for the Los Angles Basin /Long Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area.
B. In addition to the fee noted above, and recognizing that the fee noted above will not
fully support the on -going demands the proposed project shall place upon the City's
fire /life safety service capacity, the applicant shall, prior to issuance of each Certificate
of Occupancy, provide to the City a one -time capital contribution to purchase capital
equipment and facilities for suppressing fires or providing paramedic services. This one-
time capital contribution shall be agreed upon by the applicant, the City Manager, City
Attorney, and the Fire Chief, but shall not exceed in value a fee equal to 14 cents per
square foot of that building's gross floor area.
3. Pay to the City of El Segundo a one -time police service mitigation fee to maintain acceptable
levels of service, as follows:
A. Prior to issuance of each building permit, 10.5 cents per square foot of that building's
gross floor area. This fee shall be adjusted annually, beginning January 1992, to reflect
the Consumer Price Index published by the United Stated Bureau of Labor Statistics
for the Los Angles Basin /Long Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area.
B. In addition to the fee noted above, and recognizing that the above noted fee will not
fully off -set additional man -hour costs, the applicant shall, prior to issuance of each
Certificate of Occupancy, pay to the City an additional one -time contribution. This one-
time contribution should be agreed upon by the applicant, the City Manager, City
Attorney and Police Chief, but shall not exceed in value a fee equal to 10.5 cents per
square foot of that building's gross floor area.
4. Prior to issuance of each building permit, pay a one -time library service mitigation fee of 3
cents per square foot of that building's gross floor area. This fee shall be adjusted annually,
beginning January 1992, to reflect the Consumer Price Index published by the United Stated
Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Los Angles Basin /Long Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area.
5. Prior to issuance of each building permit the applicant shall pay to the County Sanitation
District that building's sewer connection fee.
6. As required previously by Ordinance No. 1107, participate on a fair -share basis in the cost of
the traffic signal interconnect and upgrade project on Rosecrans Avenue between Sepulveda
Boulevard and Inglewood Avenue. Participation shall consist of applicant depositing a fair -
share amount with the City, not to exceed $10,000, upon notification that traffic timing plans
for interconnection have been completed and traffic signal equipment has been identified, based
on the project's percentage contribution to existing traffic volumes (as described in the EIR)
on Rosecrans Avenue between Aviation and Douglas. The Department of Public Works shall
coordinate the timing of traffic signal modifications to the extent feasible in order to maximize
cost savings. Payment shall be made within 60 days of the City's request. Payment shall
constitute satisfaction of this condition.
7. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107, provide a bus stop and shelter immediately west
of Aviation Boulevard in conjunction with the deceleration /right -turn lane (no separate turnout
is recommended), to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer.
8. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107, provide suitable easement or dedication and
construct a concrete curb, gutter and five -foot wide (minimum) concrete sidewalk along
Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street frontages. Walks shall connect to handicap ramps at all
intersections to satisfaction of the City Engineer.
9. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107, install a pedestrian crosswalk and pedestrian
signal heads immediately to the north of the project's Douglas Street driveway, to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to occupancy of the hotel or office, whichever is first.
10. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107, bear the cost of installing emergency vehicle
preemptive signalization at the intersections of Rosecrans /Aviation, Douglas / Rosecrans and a
third intersection to be selected jointly by the City Traffic Engineer and Fire Chief. This
shall be considered the applicants fair -share contribution to the City's OPTICOM System, and
shall not exceed $18,000. Payment shall be made within 60 days of the City's request.
Payment constitutes satisfaction of this condition.
11. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107, design, construct and dedicate to the City of El
Segundo a new 14 -foot wide continuous deceleration /right - turn -only lane along the north side
of Rosecrans Avenue and the east side of Douglas Street, beginning approximately at the
easterly property line and continuing to the proposed driveway on Douglas. The design and
specifications shall be approved by the City Engineer and any dedication shall be included in
the final parcel map prior to recordation.
12. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107 design and install a street lighting system along
street frontages to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to Certificate of Occupancy.
13. Plans shall be submitted prior to issuance of the first building permit that indicate the project
driveway on either Douglas Street or Rosecrans Avenue, or both, will be signalized subject to
the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. Said signalization shall be
completed prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
14. As previously required by Ordinance No. 1107, construct a new minimum ten -inch water main
line in Douglas Street between Rosecrans Avenue and Park Place. Replace 271 ± feet of the
existing eight -inch water main line in Rosecrans with a ten -inch water main line to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
15. Should conflict arise with Condition Nos. 6 through 14, inclusive, and the requirements of
Ordinance No. 1107, the provisions of Ordinance No. 1107 shall prevail.
16. Modify and relocate traffic signals and pavement striping as required by the City Traffic
Engineer to accommodate the project access and subdivision improvements (bond or improve).
17. Prior to issuance of each building permit, plans shall indicate to the satisfaction of the Fire
Chief that sufficient radii will be provided to accomodate fire vehicles. Plans shall also indicate
fire vehicle access will be provided within 150 feet of the main entrance of all buildings by a
public street or approved fire lane. Where adequate access is not provided on -site fire hydrants
shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief.
18. Prior to the issuance of each grading permit, the applicant shall submit a construction traffic
routing plan to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, which will route construction traffic away
from noise sensitive areas. Construction access to the project shall also be designed so as to
minimize interference with existing traffic and prevent truck queuing adjacent to local
receptors. Construction access shall also be designed to avoid conflicts with access to or from
750 S. Douglas Street.
19. Structures, obstructions or other private improvements shall not be constructed within the
public right -of -way as stipulated in Section 12.04.050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code.
20. All work within the public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the
Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard
Specifications. No work shall be performed in the public right -of -way without first obtaining
a Public Works permit.
21. Prior to issuance of a building permit all aspects of the site's sewer system, such as design,
hook -up, etc. are to be approved by the City Engineer. All costs associated with the sewer
system are to be borne by the applicant.
22. Each lot shall have a separate connection to the County Sanitation District's sanitary sewer
main, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
23. All sewer laterals in the public right -of -way shall be a minimum of six (6) inches inside
diameter. Material shall be 'vitreous clay pipe ". Each lateral shall have a six (6) inch clean -
out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped. A B3 size box shall be placed
around the C.O. for protection. The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word "sewer ".
If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved. (All planned sewer connections shall be
checked for elevation prior to starting construction).
24. Design and construct surface water drainage facilities for collection and disposal to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer. These improvements shall be "on -site" and shall be
constructed prior to issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy.
25. Prior to issuance of each building permit, plans shall indicate that all existing and proposed
utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
26. Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Public Works Department for demolition
haul -off. Permit must be obtained at the same time the permit for demolition is issued. An
encroachment permit for grading is also required when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty
(50) cubic yards. Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit.
27. Prior to each Certificate of Occupancy furnish and install required street signs (i.e. parking
restriction, pedestrian crosswalks, etc.) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
28. Prior to issuance of each building permits survey boundary monuments shall be relocated to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
29. Prior to issuance of each building permit, plans shall show trash compactors and enclosures
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
30. Prior to issuance of each building permit, plans shall show the utilization of low -flush toilets,
lower - volume water faucets, drinking fountains equipped with self - closing valves, plumbing
fixtures which will reduce water loss from leakage due to damaged or faulty washers and the
installation of restrictions on all plumbing fixtures to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
31. Prior to issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy all cracked, broken, off -grade and otherwise
damaged curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches, wheel chair ramps and pavement shall be
removed and replaced or repaired. Existing driveways not to be incorporated into the
construction shall be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk. All work shall
be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
32. A cash deposit or surety acceptable to the City Attorney of $14,000 for Lot 2 and $45,000 for
Lot 3 to be retained by the City for one (1) year from date of completion and acceptance by
the City Engineer. This money will be used for correcting latent street damage resulting from
construction activities. All money not committed at the end of the one (1) year period shall
be refunded. It is the responsibility of the permittee to request refund of deposit. Said funds
shall be paid to each Certificate of Occupancy.
33. Prior to issuance of each building permit, a Fire /Life Safety plan shall be submitted to and
approved by the Fire Chief, indicating compliance with the Fire Prevention Bureau Standard
P -1 -a, Project Development Guidelines, revised October 1985, or similar guidelines in effect at
that time.
34. Implement dust control measures required by the AQMD during construction, including
maintaining adequate soil moisture as well as removing any soil spillage onto traveled roadways
through site housekeeping procedures.
35. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the office, plans shall indicate that the parking
facility ventilation rates shall comply with code requirements.
36. Construction and demolition activities shall comply with the City of El Segundo Noise and
Vibration Regulations Chapter 9.06.
37. Days and hours of construction activity shall comply with the provisions of the El Segundo
Municipal Code, Chapter 9.06.
38. That prior to issuance of each building permit plans shall indicate compliance with Title 24
of the California Administrative Code, Energy Conservation, to the satisfaction of the Building
Official. The project shall be designed in as energy - efficient manner as feasible including, but
not limited to, the following energy conservation measures:
A) Thermal insulation in compliance with standards established by the State of California
(Title 24).
B) Tinted glass, solar reflective glass and insulated glass shall be evaluated in the project
design and shall be used where appropriate to reduce heating and cooling loads.
C) Fluorescent lighting shall be used where appropriate rather than less efficient lighting.
D) Public area lighting, both interior and exterior, shall be time - controlled and limited to
that necessary for safety and protection but shall not preclude reasonable recreation and
"ambient" lighting for facade and landscape enhancements.
E) Lighting switches and multi- switch provisions for control by occupants and building
personnel shall be used to permit optimum energy conservation.
39. During construction, a project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence. Gates
shall be located at driveways and shall not open out over sidewalk /public right -of -way. No
material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by permit issued by the Public
Works Department.
40. Site development shall comply with the following development standards:
Permitted Uses. Land uses shall be limited to business parks, research and development
facilities, commercial offices, residence Inn with kitchen facilities or a full service hotel,
restaurants, and retail sales and services.
Floor Area Ratio. As defined by E.S.M.C. Section 20.08.193, floor area shall not exceed the
total square footage of the net parcel, excluding dedication for deceleration and acceleration
lanes. No transfer of building area between parcels is allowed.
Height. Structures shall not exceed a height of 84 feet, as defined in E.S.M.C. Section
20.08.080. The parking structure shall not exceed six stories above grade, except that
additional stories occupied by recreational uses may be located within the parking structure,
not to exceed 84 feet in height.
Open Space. A minimum of 20% of the total square footage of each lot shall be devoted to
landscaped open space. For purposes of this requirement, open space shall mean areas which
are landscaped, open air amenities to the public including the proposed residence inn /hotel
pool area and surrounding courtyard. Surface parking lots, interior roadways, penthouses,
paved plaza areas, and areas provided on rooftops do not constitute open space. Meandering
pedestrian walkways up to 5 feet in width may be included in open space, subject to approval
by the Director of Planning.
Rosecrans Avenue Frontage: Along Rosecrans Avenue a fully landscaped and maintained
yard of 30 feet measured from the property line abutting Rosecrans Avenue after any
Douglas Street Frontage: Along Douglas Street, Lot No. 2 shall have a fully landscaped and
maintained yard of 25 feet measured from the property line abutting Douglas Street after any
dedication, except that the southerly one -third of the setback area may be reduced to 10 -feet
to accommodate open parking spaces. Lot No. 3 shall have a fully landscaped and maintained
yard of 25 feet measured from the property line abutting Douglas Street after any dedication.
Santa Fe Railway Right -Of -Way: Along the north - easterly property line of the proposed
subdivision, (adjoining the Santa Fe Railway right -of -way), a yard area of not less than 20 feet
shall be maintained. This area may be used for fire lane, pedestrian bridge to the proposed
light rail station, landscaping, recreation, open parking spaces or such other purposes as
approved by the Director of Planning.
Interior Private Driveway: A yard of not less than 10 feet measured from the curb line of
the interior private driveway. This area shall be landscaped and maintained, and shall include
a pedestrian sidewalk.
Interior Lot Lines: All other interior property lines separating Lots 1, 2 and 3 shall have
no setback requirement.
Allowable Setback Intrusions. Setback areas shall be fully landscaped except for the following
intrusions: Pedestrian bridges; walkways; recreational amenities.
Landscaping: Landscaping requirements shall be as follows:
Landscaping for the purposes of this section shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines,
bushes, flowers, ground coverings, or any combination thereof. Landscaping shall
not consist of artificial plants or turf.
Landscaping at intersections of streets, alleys, private drives and all other
vehicular roadways shall comply with Section 20.58.090.
All landscaped areas shall be provided with permanent watering facilities.
All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat, clean and healthy
condition. This shall include proper pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal
of litter, fertilizing and replacement of plants when necessary.
Drought tolerant plants and landscaping material shall be utilized.
General Regulations: All lot development shall be regulated as follows:
Electrical, telephone, C.A.TY. and similar service wires or cables which provide
direct service to the property being developed within the exterior boundary lines
of such property, shall be installed underground. Risers on poles and buildings
are permitted and shall be provided by the developer or owner onto the pole
which provides service to said property. Utility service poles may be placed on
the rear of the property to be developed only for the purpose of terminating
underground facilities. The developer or owner is responsible for complying with
the requirements of this section and shall make the necessary arrangements with
the utility companies for the installation of such facilities.
Appurtenances and associated equipment such as, but not limited to, surface
mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets,
sprinkler manifolds, and concealed ducts in an underground systems may be
placed above ground providing such appurtenances and associated equipment are
screened from view in a similar manner as set forth in Section 20.35.140(2). All
vents, pipes and similar devices which are attached to the building shall be
painted to match the building. Said appurtenances and associated equipment
and screening shall not be located and /or screened so as to be visible from the
public right -of -way.
Mechanical equipment installed on rooftops shall be attractively screened from
view. The height of such screening shall meet the maximum height of said
A storage area for cartons, containers and trash shall be provided and shielded
from view within each building or within an area enclosed by a wall on each lot,
the size and location subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and City
41. Prior to issuance of each building permit, submit a Landscape and Irrigation Plan, subject to
approval by the Director of Planning, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Chief of Police.
The project's irrigation system shall be automated and shall be operated and maintained to
dispense water efficiently as dictated by a program designed to satisfy the variety of needs of
the project's plant materials. Said plan shall indicate, as a minimum, the following:
A. Landscaping around the perimeter of the project that highlights architectural features
in terms of texture and color as well as buffering the site from adjacent properties.
B. Street trees planted in accordance with City's street tree planting standards including
root barrier protection requirements.
C. Information indicating the location, specific type, and size of landscaping materials
D. The utilization of automatic landscape watering systems.
E. That all open areas not used for buildings, surface parking lots, interior roadways,
penthouses, paved plaza areas, walls, recreation areas and areas provided on rooftops,
shall be attractively landscaped.
F. The use of trees, shrubs, vines, bushes, flowers, ground coverings, or any combination
thereof. The use of artificial plants or turf is not permitted.
G. Landscaping at intersections of streets, alleys, private drives and all other vehicular
roadways shall comply with Section 20.58.090.
H. Drought tolerant plants and landscaping material shall be utilized.
All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat, clean and healthy condition.
This shall include proper pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing and
replacement of plants when necessary.
42. Prior to issuance of each building permit, a lighting plan shall be submitted to and approved
by the Director of Planning and Police Chief. The plan shall indicate the location, means and
intensity of all lighting. As a minimum, lighting around the parking lot shall be 1 foot candle
minimum maintained for personal and vehicle safety. Low intensity lighting shall be used
throughout the exterior of the project to the degree feasible.
43. Prior to issuance of each building permit, a security plan shall be submitted to and approved
by the Police Chief. As a minimum, the plan shall incorporate the following measures:
A. Each building shall be addressed by a numeral or letter, a minimum of 8 inches in
height, of contrasting color to the background and clearly visible from the street,
parking and walkways. The number or letter shall be illuminated during dark hours and
those numbers or letters should correspond with those on the directory map.
B. Pool and spa shall be barred for safety and visibility. Hours for usage and pool rules
shall be posted.
C. All main entry doors to the suites shall be of solid core construction with a minimum
thickness of 1 -3/4 inches thick.
D. A panoramic door viewer (180 -190) shall be installed in the main entry door for each
hotel suite.
E. Each main entry door shall have a deadbolt with a 1 inch projection. The cylinder
guard shall be of case hardened steel, with the outer edge angled or tapered and free
spinning. The exterior part of the lock shall be connected to the inside portion of the
lock with bolts at least 1/4 inch in diameter and constructed of steel. The locking
mechanism should contain a minimum of a 5 pin tumbler.
F. Main entry doors with glass constructed in or within 40 inches (including windows along
side entry door) of the locking mechanism shall use a double cylinder deadbolt with a
retaining key feature OR reverse the swing of the door OR reverse the position of the
G. Strikeplate shall be made with a heavy metal and mounted with a minimum of 4 -1/2
inch screws off -set.
H. First story windows and sliding glass doors for the hotel shall have a secondary locking
device to insure against burglary.
I. Addressing for each hotel suite shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height, of contrasting
color to the background and clear and visible for emergency purposes.
J. A site directory map shall be posted by entrance(s) to indicate access and locations for
suites, this would be used for emergency response of Police, Fire and Paramedics.
44. Prior to installation, each project shall submit a Sign Plan to ensure compatibility with
surrounding area and the aesthetic objectives of the General Plan, as well as to ensure that
signs do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. Said sign plan shall be subject to the approval
of the Director of Planning.
45. Prior to issuance of each building permit, the applicant shall submit to the Director of
Planning and Director of Recreation and Parks for review and approval, a recreation plan that
complies with the City's Industrial Development Recreation Standards and Guidelines, dated
January 2, 1987.
46. Prior to issuance of each building permit the developer /applicant shall submit to the Director
of Planning and City Traffic Engineer for approval, plans which demonstrate compliance with
Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation System Management. In addition to the minimum
requirements cited in Chapter 20.55, the plan shall incorporate provisions for employee
showers, lockers and bicycle parking areas. Construction of the physical facilities required by
the approved plan shall be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy.
47. Prior to issuance of a business license, each project tenant shall submit to the Director of
Planning and City Traffic Engineer for approval, a plan which demonstrates compliance with
Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems Management.
48. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for both Lots 2 and 3, plans shall show to the
satisfaction of the Director of Planning that a minimum of 185 on -site parking spaces will be
provided for the residence inn /hotel, and a minimum of 967 on -site parking spaces in a parking
structure will be provided for the office building. Said parking spaces shall be permanently
maintained and may not be reduced by further lot line adjustments, shared parking agreements
with other properties, etc. Parking along the interior driveway shall be prohibited.
49. Prior to the issuance of each building permit plans shall show the use of minimally- reflective
glass and all other materials used on the building's exterior should be selected with attention
to minimizing reflective glare.
50. Prior to issuance of a building permit for either Lot 2 or Lot 3, the applicant shall submit to
the Director of Planning for administrative review and approval final plans indicating
substantial compliance with the development standards and conditions of approval imposed by
this Ordinance and the Development Agreement. The Director of Planning shall circulate the
plans to appropriate City staff /departments for approval. Significant changes, as determined
by the Director of Planning, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for final review
and approval.
51. Prior to issuance of any building permit a phasing plan shall be submitted to and approved by
the Director of Planning. Said plan shall incorporate a requirement that no building permit
will be issued for the office building prior to permits being issued for the residence inn /hotel
and substantial construction progress made. Said plan shall indicate appropriate and specific
provisions ensuring that all required fees, plans, and improvements will be complied with.
52. The developer shall record reciprocal easement agreements to share and maintain common
fire/life safety systems as required by the Fire Chief prior to occupancy of the first building.
53. The Development Agreement shall be revised to incorporate provisions providing that the
rights granted by this approval may not be transferred from Continental Development
Corporation to any other entity.
SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and
after the final passage and adoption hereof.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; shall
cause the same to be entered in the book of original Ordinances of said City; shall make a minute
of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and
adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to
be published once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published
and circulated within said City of El Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose.
PASSED, APP"VEY AND ADOPTED this 6th day of November, 1990.
City of El
City of El Segundo
EA- 206.ORD
I, Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five;
that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1157 is a full, true correct original of
Ordinance No. 1157 of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled:
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the
Mayor or said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of
the said Council held on the 6th day of November, 1990, and the same was so passed and
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Dannen, Clutter, West, Wise and
Mayor Jacobsen
NOES: None
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the
Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1157 was
duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said
City of El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published
and circulated within said City and that the same was so published therein on the
following day, to wit:
Ronald L. Hart
City Clerk of the
City of El Segundo, California