SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of E1
Segundo does hereby find, determine and declare, as follows:
(a) That the location and proliferation of
newsracks in and along public streets within the
City of E1 Segundo clearly demonstrates the need
for regulations relating to the placement and
location of such newsracks; and
(b) That by virtue of certain judicial
determinations, newsracks are constitutionally
allowed to be placed in public street rights -of-
way, provided that such placement does not:
(i) interfere with the use of such
public streets by vehicular and pedestrian
traffic; nor
(ii) result in a visual blight to the
detriment of surrounding and adjacent
properties and to the residents of the City;
(c) That in order to assure that no such
visual blight is caused, and that the public street
rights -of -way are available for reasonable usage by
pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the regulations
as set forth in this ordinance are required to
further the public interest, convenience and
SECTION 2. Chapter 12.20 of the E1 Segundo
Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as
12.20.010 Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter,
certain words and phrases shall be defined as set forth in
this Section, unless it is apparent from the context that a
different meaning is intended:
A. "City Staff" shall mean the person or persons
designated by the City Manager to administer and enforce
this ordinance.
B. "Driveway" shall mean a surfaced area which
crosses a Sidewalk and /or a Parkway designed or used for
vehicular access between a Lot and a Public Street; and
C. "Newsrack" means any self- service coin -
operated box, container, storage unit or other dispenser,
designed, used or maintained for the display and /or sale of
any written or printed material, including but not limited
to, newspapers, news periodicals, magazines, books,
pictures, photographs and records; and
D. "Lot" shall have the meaning ascribed to it
pursuant to the provisions of the City's Zoning Code; and
E. "Parkway" means that portion of any Public
Street other than the area included within a Roadway; and
F. "Permit" means a Permit issued to a person
allowing the placement of a Newsrack within a specificall
designated portion of a Parkway; and
G. "Permittee" shall mean the holder of a permit
issued pursuant to this Chapter; and
H. "Public Street" means any real property which
is owned by the City in fee, or as to which the City has an
easement or license for use, which is dedicated for use as
public street; "Public Street" includes areas utilized for
Roadways, Parkways and Sidewalks; and
I. "Roadway" means that portion of a Public
Street which is improved, designed and /or customarily used
for vehicular travel; and
12.20.020 Prohibition. No person shall install, place or
maintain a Newsrack in any Public Street without first
obtaining a Permit therefor pursuant to the provisions of
this Chapter.
12.20.030 Permit Application. Any person desiring to
obtain a Permit shall file a written application therefor
with the City, on forms provided by the City. No
application shall be accepted for filing unless with such
filing, the applicant, pays or has paid a filing and
processing fee therefor, in an amount set by the City
Council. Upon the proper filing of an application, and the
payment of the applicable filing and processing fee, the
City shall cause an investigation to be conducted to
determine whether the Permit, if granted, allowing
installation and maintenance of a Newsrack at the requested
location, will conform to all of the provisions of this
12.20.040 Conditions of Issuance. City Staff may impose,
as conditions of approval upon the issuance of a Permit,
such conditions as it deems reasonably necessary to insure
compliance with this Chapter. Each Permit issued pursuant
to this Chapter shall be deemed to have imposed, as express
conditions of approval, the following:
1. That the Permittee shall forthwith
execute a document, approved as to form by the City
Attorney, agreeing to hold the City, its officers
and employees free and harmless from any claim,
demand or judgment in favor of any person,
including the Permittee, its officers, agents and
employees, arising out of the location and
maintenance of the Newsrack at the location
authorized pursuant to the Permit; and
2. That prior to the effective date of the
Permit, the Permittee shall deposit with the City a
certificate of insurance evidencing that a
liability insurance policy, in minimum amounts
approved by the City Staff, has been issued, naming
the City, its elected and appointed officers and
employees, as co- insureds; each such certificate
shall contain a provision that the policy can
neither be canceled nor the coverage substantially
altered, except upon thirty days (30) prior written
notice to the City; each such certificate shall
state the term of the policy to which it relates;
3. That at all times during the term of a
Permit, a certificate of insurance, complying with
the provisions of Subsection 2, above, shall be
maintained on file with City Staff; and
4. That if the required insurance coverage
is canceled or allowed to lapse at any time during
the term of the Permit, such shall be grounds for
the revocation of the Permit; and
5. That each Newsrack shall have placed
thereon, in a permanent manner, the name, address
and telephone number of the owner of the Newsrack
or a designated agent of the owner; and
6. That the placement of each Newsrack shall
be maintained in accordance with the provisions of
this Chapter.
12.20.050 Issuance of Permit. City Staff shall issue a
Permit if it finds that the issuance would be in compliance
with the provisions of this Chapter. The determination of
city Staff shall be final and conclusive.
12.20.060 Permit -- Location Requirements. No Permit shall
be issued for the placement of a Newsrack unless all of the
following conditions are met:
A. That the location for the placement is within
a portion of a Parkway; and
B. That a specific location is described in the
Permit; and
C. That a placement of the Newsrack will not
1. Interfere with or impede the flow of
pedestrian or vehicular traffic; nor
2. Interfere with or impede ingress or
egress from any residence or place of business
located adjacent to the Parkway; nor
3. Interfere with any public utility
facility located within the Parkway or in close
proximity thereto.
12.20.070 Installation and Maintenance Requirements. Each
Newsrack for which a Permit has been issued pursuant to this
Chapter shall comply with each of the following
A. No Newsrack shall exceed five (5) feet in
height, thirty (30) inches in width, or two (2) feet in
depth; and
B. Newsracks shall only be placed in a Parkway
near a curb or adjacent to a wall of a building. The rear
of Newsracks placed near a curb shall be placed no less than
eighteen (18) inches nor more than twenty -four (24) inches
from the face of the curb. The rear of Newsracks placed
parallel to a wall or building shall be placed not more than
six (6) inches from the wall or building. No Newsrack shall
be placed or maintained in a Parkway opposite one or more
C. Newsracks may be placed next to each other,
provided that no group of Newsracks shall extend more than
ten (10) feet six (6) inches along a curb or wall and a
space of no more or less than three (3) feet shall separate
each group of Newsracks from another group of Newsracks.
There shall be no more than three (3) of the above described
groups of Newracks located on a parkway within a block.
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Chapter, no Newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or
1. Within five (5) feet of any marked
crosswalk; nor
2. Within five (5) feet of the curb return
of any intersecting public streets; nor
3. Within five (5) feet of any fire hydrant,
fire call box, police call box or any other
emergency facility; nor
4. Within five (5) feet of any driveway; nor
5. Within five (5) feet of any designated
bus stop area or any sign marking a designated bus
stop; nor
6. Within five (5) feet of any bus bench;
7. In any location whereby the clear passage
on a Sidewalk for pedestrian traffic is reduced to
less than five (5) feet; nor
8. Within three (3) feet of that portion of
a Lot which is improved with landscaping, or within
three (3) feet of any display window in any
building abutting a Sidewalk or Parkway; nor
9. Within any area of a Public Street,
except a Parkway; nor
10. For advertising, selling or storing
material other than that dealing with the display,
sale or purchase of the publication sold therein;
E. Each Newsrack shall be maintained in a clean
and attractive condition and in good repair at all times,
and no issue or edition of any publication shall be allowed
to remain in any such Newsrack for a period in excess of the
publication period of the material offered for sale therein,
or thirty (30) consecutive calendar days after the date of
the initial issuance or publication of such material,
whichever is lesser; and
F. Each Newsrack shall be securely anchored to
the ground or sidewalk.
12.20.080 Term of Permit. The term of a Permit shall be
from the date of its issue, until the Permittee abandons the
same or until it is revoked pursuant to the provisions of
this Chapter.
12.20.090 Harmful Matter. Any Newsrack which contains
harmful matter shall be provided with blinder racks in front
of the harmful matter so that the lower two thirds (2 /3rds)
of the harmful matter is not exposed to view. "Harmful
matter" and "blinder racks" shall be defined as set forth in
Section 313.1 of the Penal Code of the State of California.
12.20.100 Permit -- Revocation. Whenever the City is
advised that a Newsrack is being maintained contrary to the
provisions of this Chapter, city staff shall notify the
Permittee of the purported violation or violations. The
notice shall state therein the nature of the violation(s)
and give the Permittee a reasonable period of time, not to
exceed seven (7) consecutive calendar days, to remedy the
A. If the violation(s) is not cured within the
period of time allotted, City Staff shall deliver to the
Permittee an order to show cause why the Permit should not
be revoked. The order shall state therein the time and
place of a hearing to be conducted by City Staff to
determine whether or not the Permit should be revoked. The
Permittee, and any person requesting the opportunity to be
heard, shall be allowed a reasonable opportunity to present
any relevant evidence tending to show that the Newsrack, at
all relevant times, is being maintained in compliance with
the provisions of this Chapter. If the preponderance of the
evidence presented at the time of the hearing shows that the
Newsrack is being maintained contrary to the provisions of
this Chapter, City Staff shall revoke the Permit and shall
promptly give written notice of the issuance of the
Revocation Order ( "Order ") to the Permittee. The Permittee
shall have a period of not less than five (5) consecutive
calendar days, after the giving of the notice, as set forth
in such Notice to remove the subject Newsrack. City Staff
may extend the time for removal for good cause shown by the
former Permittee. If the owner of the Newsrack and /or the
former Permittee fails within the time permitted to remove
the Newsrack after the issuance of the Order, City Staff
shall take the steps necessary to cause the Newsrack to be
removed and impounded.
B. The owner, or other person entitled to
possession of an impounded Newsrack, who fails, within
thirty (30) consecutive calendar days after the giving of
notice by City Staff of the fact of the impounding, to make
application to City Staff for release of the impounded
Newsrack and to pay the costs to the City as required
pursuant to Section 12.20.140 of this Chapter, shall be
deemed, conclusively, to have abandoned the Newsrack, and
the impounded Newsrack shall be disposed of in the manner
prescribed by law for the disposal of abandoned personal
property. The decision of the city staff shall be final and
12.20.110 Notice. Service. Notices required pursuant to
the provisions of this Chapter shall be given by personal
service, or by depositing the same in the custody of the
United States Postal Service, or its lawful successor,
postage prepaid, and addressed to the person to be notified
at that person's last known address. The giving of notice
under this Section shall be deemed to have occurred as of
the date of personal service, or two (2) consecutive
calendar days following the date of deposit of the written
notice in the course of transmission of the United States
Postal Service.
12.20.120 Notification to Owners of Newsracks. Immediately
upon passage of this Chapter, City Staff shall take such
steps as may be reasonably necessary to ascertain the name
and address of the owner of each Newsrack located in any
Public Street within the City. City Staff shall advise each
such person of the requirements of this Chapter, of the
effective date of this Chapter, and of the result of the
failure to timely comply with the provisions of this
Where City Staff finds that a Newsrack located in
any Public Street does not have the name, address and
telephone number of the owner thereof placed upon the
Newsrack, city staff shall make a reasonable effort to
ascertain the identity of the owner thereof. If city staff
is is unable to determine ownership, city staff shall
impound the Newsrack and hold it for disposal as abandoned
and unclaimed property as provided by applicable law.
12.20.130 Existing newsracks. Any person who owns, or is
entitled to possession of any Newsrack, located within the
City, as of the effective date of this Ordinance shall,
within ninety (90) days after said effective date either
remove the Newsrack, or alternatively, obtain a Permit
pursuant to this Chapter allowing for the continued
placement and maintenance of the Newsrack at an approved
location. If any such Newsrack remains in place without a
Permit having been issued therefor, after the expiration of
the said ninety -day period, City Staff shall conduct a
noticed hearing in the time and manner as provided in
Section 12.20.100. If, based upon the evidence at such a
hearing, City Staff finds that the Newsrack is placed and /or
maintained without the issuance of a Permit, it shall issue
an order to the owner or person entitled to possession, to
remove the Newsrack within a reasonable time, in no case
less than seventy -two (72) hours. If the order is not
complied with within the time set in such order, City Staff
shall cause the Newsrack to be removed and impounded and
shall give notice of such impounding. The owner or other
persons entitled to possession of the Newsrack may obtain
possession of such impounded Newsrack in the time and manner
set forth in this Chapter.
12.20.140 Impoundment -- Release. No Newsrack which has
been impounded shall be restored to the owner thereof or
other person entitled to possession, unless and until the
owner or person entitled to possession has paid to the City
a fee in an amount equal to the actual cost to the City of
removal, impounding and the reasonable cost of storage of
the Newsrack, as determined by City Staff.
12.20.150 Impoundment -- Disposal. The owner of any
Newsrack which is impounded by City Staff pursuant to the
provisions of this Chapter, and who fails to obtain the
release of the Newsrack in the time and manner permitted
pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, shall be deemed
to have abandoned the Newsrack, and the Newsrack shall be
disposed of by City Staff in the time and manner prescribed
by law, for the disposal of abandoned personal property.
12.20.160 Public Property Use. No person shall place,
maintain or locate a Newsrack in or upon any public
property, except as provided in this Chapter."
SECTION 3. Chapter 9.50 of Title 9 of the E1
Segundo Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be
published as required by law.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day Ja uary ,
1990 . _/,/,'
I, Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO
HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the
said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1147 is a full,
true correct original of Ordinance No. 1147 of the said City of El Segundo,
California, entitled:
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed
by the Mayor or said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a
regular meeting of the said Council held on the 16th day of January, 1989 and the
same was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Clutter,
Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: None
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933
of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance
No. 1147 was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the
City Council of said City of El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation, printed, published and circulated within said City and that the same
was so published therein on the following day, to wit:
Ronald L. Hart
City Clerk of the
City of El Segundo, California