SECTION 1. Title 7, consisting of Chapters 7.04, 7.08,
7.12, 7.16, 7.20, 7.24, 7.26, and 7.28, is added to the "El Segundo
Municipal Code" to read as follows:
7.04.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this title is to protect the
public health, safety and welfare by providing for beneficial public
use of the City sewer system through regulation of sewer construc-
tion, sewer use and industrial wastewater discharges; to prevent any
discharge which may reasonably interfere with the operation of the
system; to provide for equitable distribution of the sewer system
costs; to provide procedures for complying with requirements placed
on the City by state and federal laws; and to provide funds for the,
operation and maintenance of the City sewer system by imposing a
service charge upon the users of these facilities.
7.04.020 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this title,
certain words and phrases shall be construed herein as set
forth in this section, unless it is apparent from the context
that a different meaning is intended:
(1) "Average daily flow" means the number of gallons of
sewage discharged into the public sewers during a twenty -
four hour period.
(2) "BOD" or "biochemical oxygen demand" means the measure of
decomposable organic material in domestic or industrial
wastewaters as represented by the oxygen utilized over a
period of five days at twenty degrees centigrade and as
determined by the appropriate procedure in "Standard
Methods ".
(3) "Cesspool" means excavation or underground structure
which receives any discharge of a drainage system and is
constructed to retain organic matter and solids dis-
charged therein but which permits the liquids to seep
through the bottom and sides.
(4) "Chimney" means a vertical section of a sewer pipe
extending either from a tee set ninety degrees to the
main line or from a wye and a one quarter bend set
vertically at the curb or property line, and in either
case suitably reinforced with concrete.
(5) "Chlorine demand" means the difference between the amount
of chlorine added to a wastewater sample and the amount
remaining at the end of a thirty minute period as deter-
' mined by the procedures given in "Standard Methods."
(6) "Clarifier" or "Interceptor" means a device or structure
which separates and retains suspended solids, settleable
solids, deleterious, hazardous, or undesirable matter
from wastes prior to discharge into public sewer.
(7) "Clarification" means the process of removal and reten-
tion of turbidity, settleable solids, deleterious,
hazardous, or undesirable matter from wastes by
sedimentation or floatation.
(8) "COD" or "chemical oxygen demand" means the measure of
chemically decomposable material in domestic or
industrial wastewater as represented by the oxygen
utilized as determined by the appropriate procedure
described in "Standard Methods."
(9) "Commercial use" means any commercial or business
establishment, office, hotel, motel, or hospital.
(10) "Contamination" means an impairment of the quality of the
underground or surface waters by sewage or industrial
waste to a degree which creates a hazard to the public
health through poisoning or the spread of disease.
(11) "Discharger" means any person who discharges or causes a
discharge to a public sewer.
(12) "Dissolved solids" or "dissolved matter" means the solid
matter in solution in wastewater as obtained by evapora-
tion of a sample from which all suspended matter has been
removed by filtration as determined by the procedures in
"Standard Methods."
(13) "Domestic wastewater" means the water carried wastes not
produced from commercial or industrial activity and which
result from normal human living processes.
(14) "Effluent" means the liquid flowing out of any facility
operated for treatment of sewage or industrial waste.
(15) "Facility" means a pipe or structure constructed for the
purpose of collecting, conveying, pumping, treating and
disposing of industrial wastewater and sewage.
(16) "Gross annual income of the household" means the income
of every member of the household received during the year
for which the refund is claimed and shall include but not
be limited to wages, salaries, bonuses, tips, gross
amount of pensions and annuities, retirement benefits,
social security payments, disability payments, life
insurance benefits, interest, capital gains and
(17) "Gross floor area" means the area included within the
exterior of the surrounding walls of a building or
portions thereof, exclusive of courts.
(18) "House connection sewer" or "Lateral" means that part of
the sewer piping within the street or public right -of-
way which extends from the house sewer to a connection
with the public sewer.
(19) "House sewer" means that part of the sewer piping
beginning two feet from the exterior wall of a building,
structure or foundation and extending to its connection
with the house connection sewer.
(20) "Industrial connection sewer" means a house connection
sewer used primarily for the discharge of industrial
(21) "Industrial use" means any manufacturing or processing
activity, airport or railroad.
(22) "Industrial waste" means liquid or solid waste, except
domestic sewage, including radioactive substances and
explosives, and noxious or toxic gas in the sewer
(23) "Industrial waste pretreatment or treatment facility"
means any works or device for the treatment of industrial
waste, prior to discharge into the public sewer.
(24) "Industrial wastewater" means all water carried wastes
and wastewater excluding domestic wastewater and uncon-
taminated water, and shall include all wastewater from
commercial, manufacturing, institutional, agricultural,
or other operations where it includes significant
quantities of wastes of non -human origin.
(25) "Inspector" means a person authorized by the Public
Works Director to inspect wastewater facilities.
(26) "Licensed" means licensed and registered by the State.
(27) "Lot" means any parcel of land occupied or to be occupied
for use permitted by this Code.
(28) "Manhole" means an access structure to a public sewer or
storm drain, usually located in a street right -of -way,
covered by a flat metal hatch.
(29) "Other use" means any use not defined, including school,
churches, and the like.
(30) "Parkway" means that portion of a public street which is-
not improved, designed, and ordinarily used for vehicular
(3i) "Peak flow" or "peak flow rate" means the maximum thirty
minute rate of sewage flow to be generated from the
premises as estimated by the Public Works Director.
(32) "Person" means every owner, tenant, occupant or person
having the care or control of any premises in the City
and shall include the federal, state and county govern-
ment and all cities and districts except the City of E1
(33) "pH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight
of hydrogen ion in grams per liter of solution.
"Pollution" means an impairment in the quality of the
underground or surface water by sewage or industrial
waste which adversely affects the use of such waters for
domestic, industrial, agricultural, or other beneficial
"Pretreatment or treatment facility" - see industrial
waste pretreatment or treatment facility.
"Public sewer" means a main line sanitary sewer, dedi-
cated to public use and owned by the City.
"Public Works Director" means the Director of Public
Works of the City or his duly authorized representative.
"Radioactive material" means material containing chemical
elements that spontaneously change their atomic structure
by emitting any particles, rays or energy forms.
(39) "Residential use" means any single or multiple family
(40) "Seepage pit" means an excavation in the ground which
receives the effluent from a septic tank and permits the
effluent to seep through the ground.
(41) "Septic tank" means a water -tight receptacle which
receives the discharge from a sewer system, which
retains solids, digests organic matter, and permits the
liquids to discharge into the soil through a cesspool,
leach -field or other method.
(42) "Sewage" means the wastewater of the community received
by the sewer system consisting of the liquid and water
carried wastes from residences, commercial and industrial
buildings, and institutions, and of such a character as
to permit satisfactory disposal without special treatment
into the public sewer system.
(43) "Sewer" means the conduit that carries sewage in the
sewer system.
(44) "Sewer system" means all of the property involved in the'
collection, treatment and disposal of sewage of the com-
munity including land, sewers and appurtenances, pumping
stations, treatment works and equipment.
(45) "Shall" is mandatory. "May" is permissive.
(46) "Solid wastes" means wastes that are not water carried
and that are suitable for disposal with refuse at sani-
tary landfill refuse disposal sits.
(47) "Standard Methods" means the current edition of "Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,"
published by the American Public Health Association.
(4-8) "Storm Drain" means a conduit or channel which carries
storm and surface waters and drainage other than polluted
(49) "Suspended solids" or "suspended matter" means the
insoluable solid matter suspended in wastewater that is
separable by filtration in accordance with the procedure
described in "Standard Methods."
(50) "Tapping" means the forming of a connection to a public
sewer after the sewer is in place.
(51) "Tee saddle" means a short pipe fitting with a shoulder
at one end to allow the application of the fitting to a
hole tapped in the public sewer forming a ninety degree
angle to the public sewer pipe.
(52) "Toxic or poisonous substance" means any solid, liquid,
or gas in sufficient quantity or concentration, either
singly or by interaction with other wastes, which tends
to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process,
constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, creates a
public nuisance, or creates any hazard in the receiving
waters of a sewage treatment facility.
(53) "Trade secrets" means any formulas, plans, processes,
tools, mechanisms, procedures, compilations of informa-
tion, or other materials or methods which are not
patented, which are known only to certain individuals
within a commercial concern and are used to fabricate,
produce or compound an article of trade or a service
having commercial value, and which provide an opportunity
for a business advantage over competitors.
(54) "Uncontaminated water" means any water utilized by the
community which is not contaminated or polluted with
wastewater or sewage and which is suitable or could
readily be made suitable for discharge to the storm water
drainage system.
(55) "Wastewater" means the water carried wastes of the
community derived from human or industrial sources
including domestic and industial wastewater. Rainwater,
groundwater, or drainage of uncontaminated water is not
(56) "Watercourse" means a natural or artificial channel for
the flow of storm or surface waters.
(57) "Wye saddle" means a short pipe fitting with a shoulder
at one end to allow the application of a fitting to a
hole tapped in the public sewer forming a forty -five
degree angle to the public sewer pipe.
7.04.030 APPLICABILITY - FACILITIES. This title shall
apply to all sewer facilities in the City, including house
connection sewers, house sewers, industrial connection sewers,
interceptors, sewage and industrial waste treatment plants,
sewage pumping plant, and their appurtenances, except that
nonconforming facilities may be continued in use for one year
from the effective date of this title, or until such longer
time as may be permitted by the Public Works Director, if they
complied with the applicable provisions of law before this
title became effective.
7.04.040 APPLICABILITY - DISCHARGES. This title shall
apply to the direct or indirect discharge of all liquid carried
wastes to the sewer system of the City. This title shall also
apply to discharges of all liquid wastes into the City's storm'
drainage system and all waters of the State.
7.04.050 SCOPE. This title provides for the regulation
of:discharges into the City sewer system through the issuance
of- permits for industrial wastewater discharge containing
specific discharge requirements, as well as other permits, and
through enforcement of general discharge prohibitions; imposes
regulations for waste pre- treatment and for sewer construction
within the City; authorizes monitoring and enforcement activ-
ities; imposes reporting requirements on specific permits; sets
the quantity and quality of discharged wastes; establishes
penalties for violation of provisions of this title; and sets
fees for the recovery of program costs. This title is appli-
cable to all discharges within the City of E1 Segundo and to
all persons outside the City who discharge into the City's
sewer system. Except as otherwise provided, the Public Works
Director of the City shall administer, implement and enforce
the provisions of this title.
Generally, liquid wastes originating within the City will be
removed by the City sewer system, unless the wastes cause
damage to structures, create nuisances such as odors, menace
public health, impose unreasonable collection, treatment or
disposal costs on the City, violate quantity and quality re-
quirements prescribed by state and federal laws, interfere
with wastewater treatment processes, violate applicable state
and federal laws, or detrimentally affect the environment.
SEPTIC TANKS. The disposal of sewage by means of septic tanks
and cesspools or leach fields is a nonconforming sewer facility
in the City and their use is to be discontinued pursuant to
Section 7.04.030 of this chapter. If it can be demonstrated to
the public "orks Director that the continued use of such facil-
ities is necessary because of geographical or other conditions
then such use shall be permitted until public sewers are
installed making it unnecessary to use cesspools and septic
USE. The highest and best use of the City sewer system is the
conveyance, treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater. The
use of the City sewer system for the discharge of industrial
wastewater is subject to further regulation by the City.
TION. In compliance with requirements of federal and state
agencies, the City is or may be committed to a policy of
wastewater and reuse in order to provide an alternate source of
water for nondomestic use and to reduce costs of wastewater
treatment and disposal.
WASTEWATER. In conformance with policies of federal and state
agencies which establish higher standards of treatment plant
effluent quality, provisions are made in this title for the
regulation of industrial wastewater discharges. This title
establishes quantity and quality limitations on industrial
wastewater discharges which may adversely affect the City sewer
system or effluent quality. Fees to recover costs from indus-
trial wastewater dischargers are also established where the
dischargers impose inequitable collection, treatment or dis-
posal costs on the City. Optimum use of the City facilities
may require the Public Works Director to limit certain
industrial wastewater discharges to periods of low flow in the
sewer system.
and industrial waste treatment plants and facilities shall only
discharge effluents to the City sewer system that meet the
requirements of the Public Works Director as described in an
industrial wastewater discharge permit. If the discharge is to
a storm drain system, the requirements of the California
Regional Water Quality Control Board must be met.
PLANTS, AND APPURTENANCES. All house connection sewers, house
sewers, industrial connection sewers, clarifiers, sewage and
industrial waste treatment facilities, private pretreatment
plants, sewage pumping plants, and their appurtenances shall be
maintained in good operating condition and in conformity with
applicable law by the owner of the property which such facil-
ities serve.
7.04.130 STRICT INTERPRETATION. The provisions of this
title and of all rules, regulations and permits promulgated or
issued hereunder shall be strictly construed and applied.
7.08.010 VIOLATIONS. It shall be unlawful to violate
any provision of this title, the conditions or limitations of
any permit issued under this title, or any rule or regulation
prescribed and adopted pursuant to this title.
7.08.020 NOTICE. Before requesting a criminal com-
plaint, the Public Works Director may notify any person found
to be in violation of this title or of any limitation or
requirement of a permit issued hereunder.
Public Works Director shall administer and enforce the provi-
sions of this title and supervise the construction of public
sewers in streets and public sewer easements owned by the
Works Director may prescribe rules and regulations not incon-
sistent with this title as are reasonably necessary for the
lawful and efficient operation of the City sewer system
including but not limited to rules and regulations mandated by
state and federal laws. Such rules and regulations shall
become effective when adopted by resolution of the City
Council. Such rules and regulations shall consider the quan-
tity, quality and means of disposal of sewage and industrial
wastes as well as geographic, topographic, and physical con-
struction factors and treatment methods in the sewer system and
the beneficial uses of the water in the system or of waters
receiving discharge therefrom.
Works Director shall serve on each person holding a permit
under this title; a copy of all rules and regulations adopted
by the City Council that are applicable to said permit.
7.08.060 RECORDS. The Public Works Director shall keep
complete records of all permit applications and permits issued
under this title, including the location, plans and specific
description of the use; the names and addresses of applicants
and permittees; and records of all fees paid pursuant to this
title, with the names of the persons making payments, dates of
payments, purposes and amounts of the payments. These records
shall be open to public inspection.
7.08.070 TRADE SECRETS. To the extent permitted by
State law, any record, report, or information that may become
known to the City in the course of implementation or enforce-
ment of the provisions of this title which if made public would
divulge methods or processes entitled to protection as trade
secrets, shall not be made public by the City if the person
from whom said data is obtained requests in writing that the
City maintain the confidentiality of said data.
administering and enforcing the provisions of this title, the
Public Works Director, bearing proper credentials and identi-
fication, may at any reasonable hour enter upon any premises,
subject to approval of the occupant. If the owner or occupier
refuses to allow entry, the Public Works Director may do so
after obtaining an appropriate warrant.
MEANOR. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Public Works
Director has reasonable cause to believe that there are vio-
lations of this title occurring that are so hazardous, unsafe
or dangerous as to require immediate inspection to protect the
public health or safety, the Public Works Director shall have
the right to immediately enter and inspect such property, and
may use any reasonable means required to effect such entry and
make such inspection, whether such property is occupied or
unoccupied and whether or not permission to inspect has been
obtained. If the property is occupied, he shall first present
proper credentials to the occupant and demand entry, explaining
his reasons therefor and the purpose of his inspection. No
person shall fail or refuse to permit reasonable inspection.
7.08.100 INSPECTION. Inspection of every facility
involved with the discharge of wastewater to the City sewer
system may be made by the Public Works Director. These
facilities shall include but not be limited to sewers, sewage
pumping plants, pollution control plants, all industrial
processes, industrial wastewater generation, conveyance and
pretreatment facilities, and similar facilities. Inspections
may be made to determine whether such facilities comply with
the provisions of this title.
Access to such facilities shall be given to authorized per-
sonnel of the City at all reasonable times and whenever
emergency conditions exist. Any obstruction to access to the
sewage facility to be inspected shall promptly be removed by
the facility user or owner at the written or verbal request of
the Public ;forks Director and shall not be replaced.
No person shall interfere with, delay, or refuse entrance to
authorized City personnel attempting to inspect any facility
connected directly or indirectly to the City sewer system.
7.08.110 PURPOSE OF INSPECTION. The Public Works
Director may, as herein provided, enter private property to
exercise any power vested in him by this title, including the
power to determine:
(1) The size, depth and location of any connection with a
public sewer or storm drain;
(2) The quantity, quality and nature of industrial waste,
sewage, or surface waters being discharged into a public
sewer, storm drain, or watercourse;
(3) The effectiveness of any device used to prevent waste
prohibited by this title from entering any sewer, storm
drain or watercourse;
(4) The location of roof,
- and whether they are
drain, or sewer;
(5) The nature of liquids
equipment which are a
swimming pool, and surface drains,
connected to a street gutter, storm
and the condition of processing
potential hazard to the City sewer
(6) Whether there is compliance with the provisions of this
7.08.120 MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS. The Public Works
Director may inspect, as often as he deems necessary, every
public sewer, sewage pumping plant, sewage or industrial waste
pretreatment or treatment facility, industrial connection
sewer, clarifier, dilution basin, neutralization basin, or
other similar appurtenance, to ascertain whether such facil-
ities are maintained and operated in accordance with the
provisions of this title.
Works Director may require a control manhole of a design he
approves to be furnished and installed by any industrial
wastewater discharger to facilitate inspection and sampling by
the City or other governmental agencies. Such manholes shall
be constructed at locations approved by the Public Works
Director and authorized City personnel shall'have unrestricted
access thereto at all times consistent with the provisions of
Section 7.08.090. Access of others to such manholes shall be
restricted by appropriate security measures.
7.08.140 CHEMICAL SHUT -OFF REOUIREMENT. A means shall be
provided to affect immediate cessation of discharge of liquid
chemicals, process solutions, or spent process solutions into
the City sewer as a result of spills, overflows, leaks, failure
of containers or inadvertent discharges. Such means of cessa-
tion shall include but not be limited to installation of
automatic valves, gates, or bypasses to impervious containers
which when activated will stop water supply to and the dis-
charge from industrial processes. The discharger shall submit
details of the proposed measures and drawings before installa-
tion and obtain approval from the Public Works Director.
7.08.150 ACCESS. No person shall install, construct, or
place any permanent or temporary object or structure in a
location where it will interfere with ready and easy access to
any pretreatment or treatment facility, sampling compartment,
manhole, flow metering device, or any instrumentality for which
a permit is required by this title. Any such obstruction shall
be removed upon order of the Public Works Director by the
person responsible for it, at no expense to the City.
Public Works Director is satisfied that all work done under a
permit issued pursuant to this title has been constructed
according to and meets the requirements of this title and such
other applicable provisions of law, and that all required fees
have been paid, he shall, upon request therefor, issue to the
permittee constructing such work a certificate of final in-
spection, which shall recite that the work covered by the
permit has been constructed according to this title and is
7.08.170 SEWER FUND. All fees received by the City under
this title shall be deposited in a Sewer Fund maintained by the
City Treasurer. The monies received and the interest thereon'
shall be used for the operation, maintenance and expansion of
the City sewer system.
7.12.010 PERMIT. No person shall connect to or tap a
public sewer of the City or maintain a connection or tap to
such sewer without obtaining a permit from the Public Works
7.12.020 EXCAVATIONS. No permit to connect to or tap a
public sewer shall be issued unless a permit is also obtained
pursuant to Chapter 12.04 of this Code, if applicable.
7.12.030 6MEN EASEMENT REQUIRED. No permit shall be
issued to connect a house sewer or house connection sewer to a
public sewer if the connection or any portion thereof is in,
under, or on a lot not owned by the person whose house is to be
connected and no recorded easement exists authorizing the
connection of such lot.
7.12.040 EXCESSIVE DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE. No permit shall
be issued to connect to or tap a public sewer unless said sewer
has sufficient sewage capacity to receive the intended dis-
charge. The Public Works Director may require the discharger
to restrict the discharge until sufficient capacity is avail-
able, or to construct a public sewer to provide sufficient
capacity. The Public Works Director may refuse service to
persons locating facilities in areas where their proposed
quantity or quality of sewage or industrial wastewater is
unacceptable to the available treatment facility..
7.12.050 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT. No permit to con-
nect to or tap a public sewer shall be issued if the proposed
use of the public sewer may have a significant effect on the
environment unless the environmental review process has been
completed pursuant to the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act.
7.12.060 SEVIER CONNECTION FEES. Except as otherwise
provided in this title, no permit to connect to or tap a public
sewer shall be issued unless the prescribed sewer connection
fees have been paid to the City. The sewer connection fee
shall be fixed and established from time to time by the City
Council by resolution.
7.12.070 INCREASE OR REDUCTION OF FEE. The City Council
may, for good cause, increase, remit or reduce all or any
portion of any fee or charge prescribed by this title.
7.12.080 TAPPING PUBLIC SEWER. When, in the opinion of
the Public Works Director, a house connection sewer should be
connected to a public sewer at a point where there is no con-
nection facility, application for a public sewer tap shall be
submitted and a sewer connection fee for each tap shall be paid
before the permit is issued for construction of the house
connection sewer.
CITY EMPLOYEE. All tapping of public sewers shall be made by a
licensed sewer contractor in the presence and to the satis-
faction of an inspector acting under the authority of the
Public Works Director.
7.12.100 SPECIFICATIONS AND GRADES. Connections to
public sewers shall comply-with the following:
(1) House connection sewers shall be made with pipe of cast
iron, clay or other material, approved by the Public Works
(2) The pipe of the house connection sewer shall be laid in
conformity with City specifications for public sewers;
(3) The pipe shall be laid in a straight alignment and at a
uniform slope, and shall have a fall of at least one foot
in fifty feet unless the Public Works Director determines
that an exception is warranted;
(4) The pipe must be at least three and one -half feet below an
established street or alley grade where it crosses the
property line on the date of installation unless the
Public Works Director determines that an exception is
(5) The alignment of the house connection sewer must be at
right angles from the connection to the public sewer
unless the Public Works Director determines that an
exception is warranted;
(6) A collar wye or tee saddle shall be installed in tapped
public sewers by cutting a properly proportioned hole in
the public sewer and fitting the saddle tightly in place.
Wye saddles shall be placed in the side of the public
sewer with the wye branch so pointed as to direct the flow
from the house connection sewer downstream at approxi-
mately a forty -five degree angle with the public sewer,
and tilted upward at approximately forty -five degrees from
the horizontal. Tee saddles shall be used for the con-
struction of chimney pipes and for connections to twelve
inches diameter and larger public sewers and tilted upward
at approximately forty -five degrees from the horizontal or
as approved by the Public Works Director;
(7) No house or industrial waste connection to a public sewer
shall be made, except through a wye or tee branch without
written permission from the Public Works Director.
No more than one lot shall be connected to any one house
connection sewer.
shall connect any cesspool, seepage pit or septic tank to any
public sewer or to any house sewer or house connection sewer.
Public Works Director may disconnect any house connection sewer
installed or maintained in violation of the provisions of this
title. Reconnection of such a disconnected sewer shall be made
only upon issuance of a permit as provided in this title.
Before such permit is issued or considered, the applicant shall
reimburse the City for all cost resulting from the discon-
who unlawfully obstructs, damages, destroys, or removes any
public sewer, or appurtenance thereof, shall reimburse the City
for the reasonable cost of necessary flushing, cleaning,
repairing and reconstruction of the sewer within thirty days
after written request from the Public Works Director to do so.
7.16.010 OPENING MANHOLE. No person shall open, enter,
or allow to remain open, any manhole in any public sewer
without a permit from the Public Works Director.
7.16.020 DISPOSAL OF CESSPOOL EFFLUENT. No person shall
deposit cesspool effluent or any waste or sewage into a manhole
without a permit from the Public Works Director. The Public
Works Director may permit disposal of cesspool effluent into
designted manholes by operators of cesspool pump trucks holding
valid County Health Department Certificates of Registration
upon payment of a disposal fee of Two Hundred and Fifty
Dollars for each truckload; provided the effluent contains no
substance which he determines to be deleterious, and further
provided that the cesspool wastes originated from cesspools
within the City.
7.16.030 METHOD OF DISPOSAL. Cesspool effluent deposited
into a manhole in accordance with Section 7.16.020 of this
title shall be discharged through a pipe or hose in such a
manner that none of the effluent adheres to the sides or shelf
of the manhole. If any effluent adheres to the sides or shelf
of the manhole, it shall be removed by the operator of the
cesspool pump truck. Said operator shall leave the sides and
shelf of the manhole clean.
7.20.010 INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT. No person shall dis-
charge any industrial waste into any City sewer or storm drain
without first obtaining an industrial waste permit from the
Public Works Director in the case of discharge to the sewer,
and from the California Regional eater Quality Control Board in
the case of discharge to the storm drain.
person chooses to dispose of industrial waste material by haul-
ing said material to an authorized disposal site, he shall
apply for an industrial waste permit as provided herein.
Applications for industrial waste permits shall be filed in
writing with the Public Works Director and shall be supple-
mented by such additional information as he may require.
7.20.040 PERMIT FEE. Applictions for permits shall be
accompanied by an application fee of One Hundred Dollars
payable to the City.
7.20.050 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS. The Public Works
Director shall review all applications for industrial waste
permits to determine that the proposed discharge of waste will
not violate any provision of this title or state and federal
7.20.060 ACTION ON APPLICATIONS. Within 30 days after
the Public Works Director receives an application for an
industrial waste permit he shall, pursuant to this title, grant
or deny the permit and notify the applicant of the action
taken. Such time limit may be extended by mutual agreement
between the Public Works Director and the applicant.
7.20.070 CONDITIONS MAY BE IMPOSED. The Public Works
Director, in granting a permit, may impose conditions con-
sistent with the purpose of this title, including but not
limited to pretreatment of wastewater before discharge,
restriction of peak flow discharges or of discharge of certain
substances, limitation of discharge to certain hours, and pay-
ment of additional charges to defray increased costs to the
City created by the dischage.
waste permit shall be granted if the proposed use of the public
sewer may significantly affect the environment, unless the
environmental review process has been completed pursuant to the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.
7.20.090 CONDITIONS MAY BE CHANGED. Whenever the
operators of the treatment facilities, through which effluent
from the City's sewerage system is discharged, require any
modification of the conditions or composition of the effluent,
the Director of Public Works may impose conditions upon any
industrial waste permit in order to conform with such require-
ments or may revoke or suspend any such industrial waste
permit. when possible, the permit holder shall be allowed 60
days after notice within which to comply with the conditions of
the permit.
person shall directly or indirectly discharge industrial waste
into the City sewer system unless the Public Works Director has
determined that the substance to be discharged will not violate
the provisions of this title or the water quality standards for
receiving waters established by other government agencies.
7.20.110 FEES - EXCEPTIONS. The fees established in
Sections 7.20.120 and 7.20.130 shall be applicable to all sewer
connections within the City and all sewer connections to the
City's system whether within or without the City, except that,
those portions of the City within the Los Angeles County South
Bay Sanitation District or Los Angeles County Sanitation Dis-
trict No. 5, shall not be subject to any of the fees set forth
in the foregoing sections, where a fee for similar service is
imposed by the Los Angeles County South Bay Sanitation District
or Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 5.
7.20.120 ANNUAL INSPECTION FEE. Every person granted an
industrial waste permit under this title shall pay an annual
Lee to the City for inspection and control and such fee shall
be fixed and established from time to time by the City Council
by resolution.
granted an industrial waste permit under this title shall pay
an annual quality surcharge fee for wastes discharged into the
sanitary sewer system pursuant to the following formula:
C = V [a(SS -250) + b(BOD - 230)] k
where "C" is the quality surcharge fee;
"V" is the average daily volume of waste discharged in
gallons, based on (1) the volume of water supplied to the
premises less an amount determined by the Public Works
Director to account for water not discharged into the
sanitary sewer system, or (2) the metered volume of waste
discharged into the sanitary sewer system according to a
measuring device approved by the Public Works Director, or
(3) a figure determined by the Public Works Director based
on any other equitable method;
"SS" is the suspended solids in the waste discharged,
expressed in ;milligrams per liter;
"BOD" is the five day biochemical oxygen demand of the
waste discharged, expressed in milligrams per liter;
"a" is the cost assessed for each pound of suspended
solids, and such cost shall be fixed and established from
time to time by the City Council by Resolution;
"b" is the cost assessed for each pound of biochemical
oxygen demand, and such cost shall be fixed and
established from time to time by the City Council by
"k" is 385 X 8.34
1,000,000 a dimensional constant to convert C to
If the term containing SS or BOD is negative, a value
of zero shall be used for that term.
SS and BOD analyses shall be made in accordance with
"Standard Methods." In determining the annual quality sur-
charge fee, the Public Works Director may use industrial
averages for SS and BOD values. The Public Works Director
may group permit holders into discharge volume ranges.
Where volume measurement at the premises of a permit holder
is impractical for physical, economic or other reasons,
these volume ranges may be used in establishing the quality
surcharge fee.
Any permit holder whose annual quality surcharge fee has
been determined in the manner provided and who believes the
discharge volume range applied to his premises is incorrect,
may submit engineering data to the Public Works Director.
If the Public Works Director finds the discharge of the
permit holder differs significantly from the volume range
which was applied, he may adjust the fee.
Public Works Director shall annually review the rates
assessed in Section 7.20.130 for SS and BOD and make a
written recommendation to the City Council concerning rate
adjustments necessary to recover revenue from industrial
waste dischargers 'Co pay the cost to the City of treating
sewer discharge in excess of domestic quality.
7.20.160 ANNUAL COST OF TREATMENT FEE. An annual cost
of treatment fee of from Twenty -Five Dollars to One Thousand
Dollars for a fee per unit of offending constituent as set
by the Public Works Director shall be paid by permit holders
who discharge wastes that impose unusual monitoring, main-
tenance, or capital costs on the City which are unrelated to
total flow volume, SS or BOD, or peak flow rates. Such fees
shall be calculated to defray costs attributable to such
7.20.170 DUE DATES.
ity surcharge fee, and the
paid annually in advance of
If the permit is
granted between:
The annual inspection fee, qual-
cost of treatment fee shall be
one of four dates as follows:
The due date of the
annual fee shall be
January 1 and March 31, inclusive April 1
April 1 and June 30, inclusive July 1
July 1 and September 30, inclusive October 1
October 1 and December 31, inclusive January 1
fees are not paid on or before the last day of the month in
which they are due, an additional charge of twenty -five per
cent of the required fees, but not less than Ten Dollars,
shall be imposed and become payable as part of the annual
fees. If said fees and additional charges are not paid on
or before thirty days after the last day of the month in
which said fees were due, the permit shall be revoked pur-
suant to Section 7.20.190 of this chapter.
Public :forks Director shall suspend the permit of any permit
holder who fails to comply with the conditions of his permit
or any provision, rule, or regulation of this title. Any
person whose permit has been suspended shall immediately
discontinue the discharge of industrial waste, and shall not
resume such discharge or deposit until the permit has been
reinstated. The Public Works Director shall revoke any
permit suspended pursuant to this section which is not
reinstated within one year from the date of suspension.
7.20.200 REINSTATEMENT OF PERMIT. The Public Works
Director shall reinstate a suspended permit when all viola-
tions have been corrected and all new conditions have been
met. Before any revoked permit is reissued, all delinquent
fees and additional charges due and owing to the City shall
be paid.
Permits issued under this title shall be transferred to the
successor in title or interest of the premises for which the
permit was granted if the same business is continued and the
successor files with the Public Works Director a written
statement agreeing to comply with the conditions of the
permit, pays an application fee, and provides satisfactory
evidence of the transfer of title or interest.
Permits issued under this title are not transferable from
one location to another.
The Public Works Director may require any person discharging
or proposing to discharge industrial waste in a public sewer
to furnish information respecting the origin and nature of
such waste, and to provide and maintain facilities for
sample collection and recording.
Periodic measurements of flow rates, flow volumes, BOD and
SS to determine the annual quality surcharge fee and such
measurements of other constituents as required by the Public
Works Director shall be made by industrial waste dis-
chargers. Such sampling, analyses and flow measurements of
industrial wastes shall be performed by a State certified
independent laboratory; or by a laboratory of an industrial
waste discharger approved by the Public Works Director; or
by City personnel, at the discretion of the Public Works
Director, upon written request of the discharger, and on
condition that the discharger shall reimburse the City for
all costs incurred by the City. Data from the laboratory of
an industrial waste discharger shall be submitted only after
verification by an administrative official of such dis-
charger under penalty of perjury.
All wastewater analyses shall be conducted according to the
procedures stated in "Standard Methods." If no procedure is
contained therein, the standard procedure of the industry or
a method approved by the Public Works Director shall be
used. Independent laboratories or the discharger performing
tests shall furnish data on test methods or equipment as
requested by the Public Works Director.
Dischargers making periodic measurements shall install at
the control manhole or other location a calibrated fume,
weir, flow meter or similar device approved by the Public
Works Director to measure the wastewater flow rate and
volume. A flow indicating and recording register may be
required by the Public ;forks Director.
In =lieu of wastewater flow measurement, the Public Works
Director may accept records of water use and adjust the flow
volumes by suitable factors to determine peak and average
flow rates.
Sampling analysis and flow measurement procedures and equip-
ment shall be subject at any time to inspection by the
Public Works Director. Industrial plants with large
fluctuations in quality and quantity of wastewater may be
required to provide sampling, analysis, and flow measurement
data for each work day.
Industries producing a discharge with a fluctuating pH shall
install a continuous pH monitor and alarm system to alert
the discharger of any discharge with a pH higher than eleven
or lower than five and five - tenths. The discharger shall
maintain the records of the monitoring system, incidents of
discharge contrary to the permissable limits and corrective
and preventive measures implemented. These records shall be
available for inspection by the authorized City
representative at all times.
Tanks and containers for chemicals or other substances that
might by process, leakage or spillage reach the City sewer
shall be plainly identified by number and contents.
Public Works Director shall make measurements on a random
basis to verify the constituents or quantities of waste
flows reported by industrial dischargers. Additional City
costs resulting from violations shall be paid by the
Dischargers shall furnish a report to the Public Works
Director concerning the disposal of industrial wastes which
the Public Works Director has prohibited from discharge into
the City sewer system. The report shall include the date of
the disposal, tanks or containers emptied, name of the
disposal agency, and signed receipt.
7.20.240 FOOD WASTES. Food wastes processed or ground
by grinders with a rated horsepower of one horsepower or
more are industrial wastes and subject to the provisions of
this title.
7.20.250 TEMPERATURE OF WASTE. No person without
specific authorization from the Public Works Director shall
discharge into a public sewer any industrial waste having a
temperature greater than one hundred forty degrees Fahren-
7.24.010 PROHIBITED WASTE. No person shall discharge,
permit the discharge, cause the discharge, or contribute to
the discharge directly or indirectly into the City sewer
system or storm drain system industrial waste containing
hazardous, flammable, toxic or poisonous substances in
sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with
other wastes, to be injurious to humans or animals, or to
create a hazard or public nuisance, or any waste of such a
nature or quality as to interfere with the effective oper-
ation of the City sewer system or storm drain system or with
the water quality requirements placed on the City by other
governmental agencies.
WASTES. The Public Works Director shall from time to time
prepare a list of allowable quantities or concentrations of
certain constituents in industrial wastewater flows and
shall issue directions for meeting requirements of this
from swimming pools during maintenance operations may be
made into City sewers, as determined by the Director of
Public Works if the discharge is properly neutralized so as
not to have a detrimental effect on the sewer, and the
receiving waters thereof. A permit for the discharge shall
be obtained from the Public Works Director. The fee for
such a permit shall be Ten Dollars.
TEMPORARY PERMITS. No person shall negligently, willfully
or maliciously discharge, throw or deposit water on any
street in such manner as to obstruct or damage the street,
or to create a nuisance or hazard to persons or property, or
to prevent or interfere with the free and uninterrupted use
of the street by the public; provided however, that the
Public Works Director may grant and issue permits for the
temporary discharge of water upon the street, upon such
terms and conditions as he may deem necessary to protect the
City and public from damage and injury.
7.24.050 UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGE. No pdrson shall
discharge any waste or sewage into any watercourse, flood
control channel or tributaries or into the ground by
percolation or injection without a permit from the Public
Works Director.
7.24.060 UNLAWFUL POLLUTION. No permit shall be
issued for, nor shall any person discharge or deposit waste
or sewage which creates a public nuisance, a menace to the
public safety, pollution or contamination of underground or
surface waters, or impairs the use of any public sewer,
storm drain channel, or public or private property.
who unlawfully discharges or causes wastewater to be dis-
charged into the public sewer or storm drain systems is in
violation of this chapter and is therefore liable for all
damages, costs, fines or charges incurred.
The Public Works Director may suspend an Industrial Waste-
water Permit when such suspension is necessary in order to
stop a discharge which presents an imminent hazard to the
public health, safety or welfare, to the local environment,
or which either singly or by interaction with other dis-
charges, is an imminent hazard to the sewer system, the
storm drain system, or the Waters of the State, or places
the City in violation of its NPEDS permit.
Any discharger notified of a suspension of that discharger's
Industrial Wastewater Permit shall immediately cease and
desist the discharge of all industrial wastewater to the
sewer system.
In the event of a failure of the discharger to comply vol-
untarily with the suspension order, the Public Works
Director may take such steps as are reasonably necessary to
ensure compliance. These include, but are not limited to,
immediate blockage or disconnection of the discharger's
connection to the sewer system.
In- addition, the Public Works Director, in the event of
violation of this Chapter, may serve the discharger with a
notice of an intended order suspension, stating the reasons
therefor, the opportunity for a hearing with respect
thereto, and the proposed effective date of the intended
Any discharger suspended or served with a notice of an
intended order of suspension may file with the City Clerk a
request for a City Council hearing with respect thereto.
Filing of such a request shall not stay a suspension. In
the event of a suspension of a permit due to imminent hazard
related to continued discharge, the discharger may request a
hearing, and the City Council or a hearing examiner desig-
nated by the City Council for that purpose shall conduct a
hearing within three days of receipt of the request. In the
event of hearing requests, for other than an imminent hazard
suspension, the City Council shall hold a hearing on the
suspension within 14 days of receipt of the request. At the
close of the hearing the City Council shall make its deter-
mination whether to terminate, or conditionally terminate
the suspension imposed by the Public Works Director, or the
City Council may cause the permit to be revoked. Except in
the case of a hearing within three days being required as
above provided, reasonable notice of the hearing shall be
given to the suspended discharger in the manner provided for
in Section 7.26.050.
In the event that the City Council fails to meet within the
time set forth above or fails to make a determination within
72 hours after the close of the hearing, the order of sus-
pension shall be stayed until a City Council determination
is made with respect to the action of the Public Works
The Public Works Director shall reinstate the Industrial
Wastewater Permit upon proof of compliance which ends the
emergency nature of the hazard created by the discharge that
had been cause for the Public Works Director to initiate the
suspension, provided that the Public Works Director is
satisfied that all discharge requirements of this Chapter,
City Council Rules and Regulations, and any City Council
order will be implemented.
The City Council may revoke an Industrial Wastewater Permit
upon finding that the discharger has violated any provision
of this title or the Council Rules and Regulations. No
revocation shall be ordered until a notice and hearing on
the question has been held by the Council as provided in
Sections 7.26.040 and 7.26.050.
Public Works Director shall have full power and authority to
take any necessary precautions including but not limited to,
decontamination, sewer closure, packaging, diking, and
transportation of materials, in order to protect life, pro-
tect property, or prevent further damage resulting from a
condition that is likely to result in a discharge which
presents an imminent hazard to the public health, safety or
welfare; or which either singly or by interaction with other
discharges, is an imminent hazard to the sewer system; or
which places the City in violation of its NPDES permit. In
the pursuit of such an operation, City personnel, any party
contracting with the City, or duly authorized representative
of another government agency shall have immediate access to
the premises. The Public Works Director may prohibit
approach to the scene of such emergency by any person,
vehicle, vessel or thing, and all persons not actually
employed in the extinguishment of the condition or the
preservation of lives and property in the vicinity thereof.
EXAMINER. With respect to permit revocation or suspension
hearings, the City Council may conduct the hearing or may
appoint one or more examiners or designate one or more of
its members to serve as hearing examiners and to conduct a
hearing with respect to any appeal or protest filed. At
such hearing the discharger may appear personally or through
counsel, cross - examine witnesses and present evidence in the
discharger's behalf.
The hearing examiner or examiners, if other than the City
Council, shall submit a written report and recommendations
to the City Council together with a brief summary of the
evidence considered and conclusions reached with respect
thereto. The City Council, after considering evidence
presented at such a hearing, and any report submitted to it
with respect to such a hearing, or after any hearing which
it conducts, shall adopt findings supported by the evidence,
and may adopt, reject, or modify the report in whole or in
part, make its decision, and issue its order. If the City
Council's order is to revoke the discharger's Industrial
Wastewater Permit, the order may be effective forthwith, or
at a later specified date. The discharger shall be notified
in writing of the City Council's action.
Any discharger whose Industrial Wastewater Permit has been
revoked shall immediately cease and desist all discharge of
any wastewater covered by the Permit. The Public Works
Director may disconnect or permanently block the dis-
charger's connection if such action is necessary to ensure
compliance with the order of revocation.
After_ revocation of a discharger's Industrial juste Permit,
there shall be no further discharge of industrial wastewater
by that discharger into the sewer system, the storm drain
system, or the Waters of the State unless there has been a
new application filed, all fees and charges that would be
required upon an initial application and all delinquent
fees, charges, penalties and other sums owed by the dis-
charger and /or the applicant to the City have been paid to
the City, and a new Industrial Wastewater Permit has been
issued. Any costs incurred by the City, including admini-
strative costs and investigative fees, in revoking the
Permit and disconnecting the connection if necessary, shall
also be paid for by the discharger before issuance of a new
Industrial Wastewater Permit.
7.26.050 NOTICE OF HEARING. Notice of the hearing
shall be given to the discharger at least ten (10) days
prior to the date of hearing. Unless otherwise provided
herein, any notice required to be given by the Public Works
Director under this Title shall be in writing and served in
person or by registered or certified mail addressed to the
addressee's last known address with request for return
receipt. Where no address is known, service may be made
upon the owner of record of the property upon which the
alleged violation occurred or by posting the notice con-
spicuously on the property.
Notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time the
written notice is deposited, postage prepaid, in the United
States mail at El Segundo, California.
person who attempts to commit an act which is in violation
of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable
by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the
County Jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or
by both such fine and imprisonment.
7.26.070 CONFLICT. Provisions of this Title shall
prevail over any other inconsistent or conflicting provi-
sions of this Chapter.
7.28.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to
provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the City
sewer system by imposing a City sewer use fee upon the users
of these facilities. This charge is to be reviewed at least
bi- annually.
7.28.020 IMPOSITION OF SEWER USE FEE. Every person
discharging sewage, effluent, industrial waste, or other
waste matter into a public sewer shall pay a sewer use fee
to the City. This fee shall be in addition to any other fee
imposed by this title.
7.28.030 DETERMINATION OF FEE. The sewer use fee
shall be computed and determined on the basis of water sup-
plied to the premises and shall be fixed and established
from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.
imposed by this chapter shall be collected by adding the
same to the water bills rendered by the Director of Finance
of the City. The period covered by each billing shall be
the same period for which the water bill is rendered and
shall be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the
water bill.
7.28.050 DELINQUENCIES. Bills for sewer use fee set
forth on water bills shall be delinquent if not paid when
the water bill is due; otherwise, within fifteen days from
the date the bill is delivered or mailed.
7.28.060 JOINT OCCUPANCY. When there is more than one
dwelling unit, business, industry, or other use on any prem-
ises served by a single water meter, the sewer use fee will
be billed to the water user. In those instances where the
water user fails to pay such sewer use fee the owner shall
be liable to the City of E1 Segundo for payment thereof.
delinquency in payment of the sewer use fee, the sewer
lateral shall be plugged. The lessor or the owner shall be
responsible for payment of all fees incurred in plugging or
unplugging of the sewer lateral in addition to the delin-
quent charges.
7.28.080 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION. Where no portion
of the water supplied to any premises enters a public sewer
of the City, no fee shall accrue under this chapter if an
application for exemption is filed with the Public Works
Director and he finds that there is no discharge of any
sewage, effluent, industrial waste or other waste matter
from such premises into a public sewer of the City.
The senior citizen and handicapped discount shall meet the
identical criteria included in the water rate resolution and
will be equal to 500 of the monthly charges for sewer use.
case where it is believed that a sewer use fee imposed by
this chapter is excessive, the person responsible for paying
such fee may apply to the Public Works Director for an
adjustment. The applicant shall, by affidavit and sup-
porting testimony, show that the fee is discriminatory,
unreasonable or unfair. The fee shall be deemed to be
nondiscriminatory, reasonable and fair if the following
percentage of water supplied to the premises on an annual
basis enters a public sewer:
Use of Premises
Residential 400 or more
Commercial 60o or more
Industrial 600 or more
Other 40a or more
Measured discharge 100%
The Public Works Director shall conduct an investigation and
make findings of fact from which he shall determine whether
the fee is fair and reasonable. If he determines that the
fee is excessive, he shall adjust the fee so that it is
fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory. If the fee has
already been paid, he shall order a refund of the excess
paid during the twelve months or any portion thereof imme-
diately preceding the date of application for adjustment.
Fees which are delinquent for more than ninety days shall
not be subject to adjustment.
7.28.100 DEBT; PENALTY FOR NONPAYMENT. The sewer use
fee imposed by this chapter shall constitute a debt owed to
the City and, in the event suit is brought to recover such
fee, shall be subject to a delinquent penalty of twenty -five
SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of El Segundo
hereby finds, declares and determines that the sewer connection fee,
the sewer use fee, the annual inspection fee, the annual quality
surcharge fee and any and all fees established by this ordinance and
any resolutions promulgated pursuant to this ordinance are fees
which are directly related to the public service for which the fee
is imposed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective at
midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final
passage and adoption hereof.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and
adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in
the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of
the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at
which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen days
after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be
published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation, published and circulated within said City of E1
Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of
January 1987.
or of the City of E1 Segundo,
A NAa�t .
(City Clerk)
I, Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of
the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing
ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1093 is a full, true and correct
original of Ordinance No. 1093 of the said City of E1 Segundo,
California, entitled:
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council,
approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by
the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said
Council held on the 20th day of January, 1987, and that the same
was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt,
West, and Mayor Siadek
NOES: None
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions
of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of
California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1093 was dully and
regularly published according to law and the order of the City
Council of said City in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within
said City and that the same was so published therein on the
following date, to wit: 1119197
City Clerk of the
City of E1 Segundo, California