ORDINANCE 1077576.5 ORDINANCE NO. 1077 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CHAPTER 20.08 (DEFINITIONS); CHAPTER 20.54 (ON -SITE PARKING AND LOADING); AND ADDING CHAPTERS 20.55 (DEVELOPER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT) AND 20.56 (EMPLOYER /OCCUPANT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT) AND CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT THEREOF. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo has conducted Study Sessions and a Public Hearing and has considered changes to the E1 Segundo Municipal Code in provisions related to Transportation Systems Management; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo has recommended the within ordinance to the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 20.08, "Definitions" of Title 20 (Zoning) of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following Sections: "20.08.027 AMENITIES. "Amenities" means employee - serving accessory uses such as restaurants, retail /personal service and recreation establishments which serve to reduce the need for employees to leave the workplace. 20.08.058 AVERAGE VEHICLE RIDERSHIP. "Average Vehicle Ridership" means the figure calculated by dividing the employee population (at a given worksite) by the number of vehicles which are driven by employees (to the worksite) arriving at the worksite between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., excluding public transit vehicles and buses serving multiple worksites. 20.08.102 BUSPOOL /SHUTTLE. BUS. "BUSpool /Shuttle Bus" means sixteen or more preassembled and prepaid subscribers commuting on a regular basis to and from work following a relatively fixed route and schedule by means of a vehicle with a seating arrangement designed to carry more than fifteen adult passengerss 20.08.102 CARPOOL. "Carpool" means two to six persons commuting together to and from work on a regular basis in a light or medium -duty passenger vehicle. 20.08.121 COMMUTER MATCHING SERVICE. "Commuter Matching Service" means any system, whether by computer, manual, or mapping methods, which matches commuters residing in one common area, working in another common area, and having approximately the same work starting and stopping times. 20.08.177 EMPLOYEE TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR. "Employee Transportation Coordinator" means an employee, tenant, property owner, property manager, contracted service, or an employer organization whose function is to promote carpools, vanpools and alternate commute modes. Coordinator shall have a permanent mailing address, daytime telephone and office convenient to the appropriate employment center. 20.08.244 HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE. "High Occupancy Vehicle" ( "HOV ") means a carpool or vanpool vehicle used for employee commuting purposes. 20.08.358 PERSONALIZED RIDESHARING PROGRAM. "Personalized Ridesharing Program" means a commuter matching service which provides personalized services, personal conversations and follow -up for employees served by the program. 5796 - 2 - 20.08.362 PREFERENTIAL PARKING. "Preferential Parking" means parking spaces designated or assigned for carool and vanpool vehicles which are provided at a reduced cost and /or are in locations considered to be the best or most desirable, such as adjacent to a building entrance or within a covered or shaded area if such is not provided to all employees. 20.08.377 RIDESHARING. "Ridesharing" means the cooperative effort of two or more people travelling together, usually to and from work. Carpools, vanpools, buspools, taxipools, trains and public transit are all methods of ridesharing. 20.08.482 TRANSIT. "Transit" means transportation service operated by a public or private agency for use by the general public that utilizes buses or railcars, following a fixed route and schedule. 20.08.483 TRANSIT SUPPORT FACILITIES. "Transit Support Facilities" means facilities including, but not limited to, transit shelters, bus transfer centers, bus bays, park- and -ride lots, and /or transit operating or fare subsidies to employees. 20.08.497 VANPOOL. " Vanpool" means seven or more preassembled employees commuting on a regular basis to and from work in a van or similar motor vehicle with a seating arrangement designed to carry seven to fifteen adult passengers. Vanpools can be formed using private vans, company -owned vans, or third -party vans." SECTION 2. Section 20.54.003, "Applicability of Chapter for Sites with Transportation Systems Management Plans ", of Chapter 20.54 (On -Site Parking and Loading) of Title 20 (Zoning) of the El Segundo Municipal code is hereby added to read as follows: "20.54.003 APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER FOR SITES WITH TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT PLANS. The number of required parking spaces (Section 20.54.020) and parking facilities location for non - residential uses (Section 20.54.060.C.(4)) may be modified subject to approval of transportation systems management plan pursuant to the procedures and requirements of Chapter 20.55 or 20.56 of this Title." SECTION 3. Chapter 20.55, "Developer Transportation Systems Management" of Title 20 (Zoning) of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, is hereby added to Title 20 (Zoning) of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, to read as follows: "Chapter 20.55 Developer Transportation Systems Management Sections 20.55.010 INTENT 20.55.020 APPLICABILITY 20.55.030 EXEMPT PROJECTS 20.55.040 REQUIREMENTS 20.55.050 PERMITTED PARKING REDUCTIONS 20.55.060 ALTERNATIVE TSM PLAN 20.55.070 ASSURANCES - 3 - 20.55.010 Intent 5767 The intent of this Chapter is to set forth requirements for major new developments to provide facilities to encourage and accommodate the use of ridesharing, transit, pedes- trian, and bicycle commuting as alternatives to single - occupant motor vehicle trips. A reduction in such trips can be expected to assist in reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and energy consumption impacts related to the new employment growth accommodated by new developments. 20.55.020 Applicability This Chapter shall apply to major new developments, defined as follows: (1) Any new office or industrial use located in the C -3, C -M, M -1 or M -2 zones which is expected to have 200 or more employees during daytime business hours. Em- ployee counts shall be based on actual employee projections or, where none are available, on the following equivalent building size: Minimum Building Size Employee to Use (Gross Square Feet) Floor Area Ratio Office /R &D 48,000 1/240 sq. ft. Manufacturing/ 100,000 1 /500 sq. ft. Industrial /Warehouse (2) The requirements shall also apply to any existing office or industrial use which proposes to increase its gross floor area by 25 percent or more above the floor area existing on the effective date of this Chapter, and which after expansion exceeds the minimum building size or employee base as defined in Section 20.55.020(1). This Chapter shall then apply to the entire development. (3) The Planning Director may, upon application and approval, grant an administrative waiver to the re- quirements of this Chapter where existing conditions make compliance infeasible. 20.55.030 Exempt Projects Projects which exceed the minimum building size or employment base as defined in Section 20.55.020, but which propose to mitigate project impacts by developing at less than 758 of the Code - permitted maximum building floor area, shall be exempt from the provisions of this Chapter. A 258 reduction is equivalent to the following floor area ratios (FAR): With ISM Without ISM Allowable Density Allowable Density Zone Code Maximum 258 Reduction C -3 2:1 FAR 1.5:1 FAR M -1 1:1 FAR 0.75:1 FAR M -2 1:1 FAR 0.75:1 FAR CM 78 to 158 8.758 to 18.75% Open Space Open Space depending on depending on site size site size per Chapter 20.36 5'7R; Subsequent expansions, which result in a site exceeding the 75% density level, would require compliance with this Chapter. The exemption provisions shall be reviewed by the Com- mission after 1 year from the adoption of this Chapter. 20.55.040 Requirements The following minimum requirements shall apply to major new developments as defined in Section 20.55.020, except that Subsection (3) shall be waived for projects within 1,000 feet of an existing retail /shopping area, upon application to and approval by the Planning Director. (1) HOV Loading Areas A staging area shall be provided for high occupancy vehicles (carpools, vanpools) that provide adequate space for passenger loading, unloading and waiting, and does not interfere with on -site circulation Patterns. Staging areas must provide points of ingress and egress which allow HOV's ease of entry and exit with little or no interference. If staging or parking for HOV's are inside a structure, clearance for parking structure shall be at least 7'2" on at least the first level of the structure to allow vans to enter the parking facility. (2) Preferential Parking Projects shall reserve and designate at least 15% of the total number of required parking spaces for preferential parking as defined in this Title. (3) On -Site Amenities or Shuttle In order to reduce the need for employees to drive personal vehicles for midday activities, the project shall provide any one or more of the following mea- sures which together shall be sized to accommodate during the course of the business day at least 20% of the on -site population: (A) On -site amenities, as defined in this Chapter. (B) Guarantee operation of a privately operated midday shuttle serving the project site for the life of the project. (4) Transit Support Facilities (Optional) Projects may provide facilities which will promote transit use. If transit facilities are provided, the number of preferential parking spaces may be reduced by up to 5 %, and the total number of required spaces may be reduced as provided in Section 20.55.050(2), upon application to an approval by the Planning Director. (5) Showers, Lockers and Bicycle _Parking (Optional) Projects may provide shower, locker and secure parking facilities for bicycle riders, motorcycle riders, and pedestrians. If these facilities are provided, the number of preferential parking spaces may be reduced by up to 3 %, and the total number of required spaces may be reduced as provided in Section 20.55.050(3), upon application to and approval by the Planning Director. - 5 - 20.55.050 Permitted Parking Reductions A major new development which provisions may be permitted a requirements, upon application Director, as follows: 579 implements the above reduction in vehicle parking and approval by the Planning (1) Preferential HOV Parking and Loading Areas Projects may reduce the total number of required parking spaces by one (1) vehicle space for every one (1) space which is marked and reserved for preferential parking, up to a maximum of 10 %. (2) Transit Support Facilities A reduction in the total number of required parking spaces of up to 1% shall be permitted for provision of a bus transit facilities, up to 2 -1/2% for rail transit. (3) showers, lockers and Bicycle Lockers A reduction in the total number of required parking spaces of up to 1% shall be permitted, based on the extent of facilities. (d) Amenities A reduction in the total number of required parking spaces of up to 1% shall be permitted, based on the extent the amenities. 20.55.060 Alternative TSM Plan The requirements and reductions established pursuant to this Chapter are based on a situation where the tenants and therefore the TSM program measures are unknown at the time of development. If the tenant (employer) is known, the developer /employer may jointly submit an alternative TSM Plan which includes program as well as physical facility measures. The TSM Plan may include any reasonable combi- nation of TSM measures, including but not limited to, employer- directed carpool, vanpool or buspool programs, subsidies to employees who rideshare, flex -time work hour programs, and parking reductions. A target trip reduction level shall be established as an informal standard for evaluating Alternative TSM Plans. The trip reduction level shall be either: a) 20 percent reduction in the base traffic generation level, projected for the project based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation 3rd Edition, or other source submitted by the applicant and approved by the Planning Director, or b) a target Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) of 1.43 employees per commute vehicle, which represents a 20 percent increase in vehicle ridership from the estimated baseline AVR. The TSM Plan shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of the building permit. In addition, the developer /tenant shall execute and record a written agreement as specified in Section 20.55.070. 20.55.070 Assurances Physical facilities shall be verified through the City's existing development review process. Initial enforcement shall consist of verification during plan check and field inspection prior to release of utilities /certificate of occupancy (to ensure that preferential parking spaces are marked, lockers are installed, etc.). 5770 Subsequent enforcement shall be per the established Zoning Code procedures. For Alternative TSM Plans the City shall require, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, that the applicant shall enter into a written agreement with the City, providing that the applicant and all successors in interest shall implement and maintain the approved TSM Plan or a subsequently approved TSM Plan which complies with the intent of this Chapter for the life of the project. The agreement shall be in a form that may be recorded and contain covenants which run with the land." SECTION 4. Chapter 20.56, "Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems Management" of Title 20 (Zoning) of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, is hereby added to Title 20 (Zoning) of the El Segundo Municipal Code, to read as follows: "Chapter 20.56 Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems Management Sections 20.56.010 INTENT 20.56.020 APPLICABILITY 20.56.030 MULTI - TENANT COMPLEXES 20.56.040 EXEMPT PROJECTS 20.56.050 REQUIREMENTS 20.56.060 PARKING INCENTIVES 20.56.070 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION 20.56.080 OFF -SITE PARKING 20.56.010 Intent The intent of this Chapter is to set forth requirements for major employers and occupants to develop and implement Transportation Systems Management programs to encourage and accommodate the use of ridesharing, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle commuting as alternatives to reduce single - occupant motor vehicle trips associated with employee commuting. A reduction in such trips can be expected to assist in reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and energy consumption impacts related to employee commuting. 20.56.020 Applicability This ordinance shall apply to every existing or future employer /occupant of (i) 200 or more persons during daytime V business hours at a common business location (a single building, group of buildings, or work locations at a single site or contiguous sites) and to (ii) less than 200 persons during daytime business hours at a common business location in a multi- tenant complex. 20.56.030 Multi - Tenant Complexes (1) Every multi- tenant complex which is the place of employment of 200 or more people shall have a Complex Coordinator (CC) designated by the property owner/ manager. The Complex Coordinator shall serve as liaison to any major employers in the complex, and shall be the central information, reporting and coordinating source for the complex. (2) Employers of 200 or more persons are required to comply with this Chapter individually, and shall coordinate with the Complex Coordinator, if there is one. 577.1 - 7 - E. Monitoring and report to the Planning Director once every 3 years. The report shall include (but need not be limited to) (1) the name and phone number of the ETC: (2) the number of employees at the worksite during the normal business hours; (3) the estimated number of vehicles used for commuting (excluding public transit); (4) an identification of any objectives in the approved TSM Plan which have not been achieved; (5) a descrip- tion of proposed measures to remedy any deficiencies. (3) Employers of less than 200 persons, which are located within a multi- tenant complex which is required to comply with this Chapter, shall either: (A) Develop an individual TSM plan; (B) Participate in a Complex -Wide Plan; or (C) Undertake the following actions: i. Provide employees with the services of an Employee Transportation Coordinator, which may be the Complex Coordinator. ii. Provide information to employees regarding alternative ways to commute to work. iii. Provide a commuter matching service. iv. Provide and administer a program of preferential parking. 20.56.040 Exempt Projects Businesses which are not office or industrial uses, and neighborhood- serving businesses which are located in the C -2 or C -RS zones. In addition, employers occupying properties which have been developed at less than 75% of the code maximum building area shall be exempt. Temporary activities (less than 90 days). The exemption provisions shall be reviewed by the Commission after 1 year from the adoption of this Chapter. 20.56.050 Requirements Employers /occupants shall be required to prepare a TSM Plan for submittal to the Planning Director according to the compliance schedule established by the Planning Director (Section 20.56.070). The applicant shall have discretion to select among a range of program measures. However, the following minimum measures shall be included: A. Employee Transportation Coordinator B. Informational and promotional programs C. Establish and administer preferential parkin g program rx«__ D. Develop and administer a personalized ridesharing _Y..�.x program with a target trip reduction of either 20% reduction in the base traffic generation level pro - jected for the worksite based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation 3rd. Edition, or other source submitted by the applicant and approved by the Planning Director, or a target Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) of 1.43 employees per commute vehicle, which represents a 20 percent increase in vehicle ridership from the estimated baseline AVR. E. Monitoring and report to the Planning Director once every 3 years. The report shall include (but need not be limited to) (1) the name and phone number of the ETC: (2) the number of employees at the worksite during the normal business hours; (3) the estimated number of vehicles used for commuting (excluding public transit); (4) an identification of any objectives in the approved TSM Plan which have not been achieved; (5) a descrip- tion of proposed measures to remedy any deficiencies. - 8 - 20.56.060 Parking Incentives 57W:'. Existing employers may petition the Planning Director for approval of parking reductions in on- and off -site loca- tions commensurate with the level of trip reduction proposed (up to a maximum of 158). A condition of approval shall be submittal of a TSM Plan and that the applicant shall enter into a written agreement with the City, pro- viding that the applicant and all successors in interest shall implement and maintain the approved TSM Plan or a subsequently approved TSM Plan which complies with the intent of this Chapter for the life of the project. The agreement shall be in a form that may be recorded and contain covenants which run with the land. 20.56.070 Implementation and Administration Implementation shall be through a permit system admini- stered by the Planning Department. The Planning Director shall establish a phased compliance schedule with priority given to: (1) new businesses; (2) business license re- newals for companies employing 1,000 or more persons; (3) business license renewals with 500 or more employees; (4) business license renewals with 200 or more employees. Companies with more than one business address shall be permitted to file one TSM Plan to cover all sites. The Planning Director shall also establish a compliance sched- ule for multi- tenant complexes, based on total complex size. The Planning Department shall mail notice of requirements to all businesses requiring a permit, based on the com- pliance schedule. Notified parties shall submit their proposed TSM Plan to the Planning Director within 45 days of receipt of notification. A filing fee may be estab- lished by Council Resolution to cover the cost of program administration. The Planning Director shall administra- tively review the TSM Plan and determine whether it reasonably complies with trip reduction objectives and standards specified herein. The Planning Director shall have the authority to require compliance audit to be prepared by any employer or Complex Coordinator upon demonstration of a reasonable basis for complaint relative to noncompliance with an approved TSM Plan. No compliance audit shall be required more often than once every 12 months. Said audit shall be submitted to the Planning Director within 30 days of his request. 20.56.080 Off -Site Parking Employers may, upon application and approval of the Planning Director, use off -site parking as part of their TSM plans. Off -site parking shall comply, at a minimum, with the following requirements: A minimum of 508 of all required parking must be provided on -site. Transportation from the satellite lot to the workplace must be detailed as part of the TSM Plan. Satellite lots must be tied to the site development that they are meeting the parking requirements of through a legal instrument, such as a covenant or deed restriction." 5'773 SECTION 5. The City Council hereby certifies the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact filed in this matter. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be pubished once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of E1 Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. 1985. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day of November, Mayor of the City of E1 Se undo, Californi ATTEST: lty clerk (SEAL) 5774 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I Ronald L. Hart , . . , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No, 1077 is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No. 10,77 , , , , , of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVEZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CHAPTER 20.08 (DEFINITIONS); CHAPTER 20.54 (ON -SITE PARKING AND LOADING); AND ADDING CHAPTERS 20.55 (DEVELOPER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT) AND 20.56 (EMPLOYER /OCCUPANT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT) AND CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT THEREOF. which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the .. 19 th, , day of .... NP,vembez 19..8.5 , , , , , , , and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers . ,Jacobson,,, Sc2;u1d , , Sipdek,,, ...... ?Pi.NPYPr. Arrostrvoe ................. NOES: Councilmembers••None• ..... ...................... .... ABSENT: ................. SynadiPp's .... ... ................ .... I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1077 , .. was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within s id City and that the same was so published therein on the following date, to . • , y Clerk of the i Segun o, California (SEAL) By......... ............................... Deputy