ORDINANCE 1038F=7R ORDINANCE NO. 1038 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE "EL SEGUNDO MUNI- CIPAL CODE" BY AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) RELATING TO THE LIGHT MANUFACTURING (M -1) ZONE; AND PROVIDING INTERIM ZONING FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 20.08.262 is added to Chapter 20.08 of Title 20 (The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance) of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" to read as follows: 20.08.262 LIGHT INDUSTRY. "Light Industry" means those industrial activities involving the processing, hand- ling and manufacturing of products and research and techno- logical processes. Light industrial uses are largely devoid of nuisance factors, such as noise, vibration, glare, heat, dust, humidity, odor or any type of potential air or wastes pollution and have no potential to be hazardous beyond the site's property lines. SECTION 2. That Chapter 20.40 of Title 20 (The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance) of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" is amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 20.40 LIGHT MANUFACTURING (M -1) ZONE 20.40.010 INTENT. This zone is intended to pro- vide for the location and grouping of light industrial acti- vities, research, and technological processes, and related offices and auxiliary uses performing support services for existing and permitted establishments, companies or busi- ness firms within the zone. 20.40.020 PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES. No building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected or structurally altered, except for one or more of the follow- ing uses: (1) Light industrial uses and related offices; (2) Transfer, moving and storage, warehouses, freighting or trucking yards or terminals; (3) Commercial offices and establishments for re- search, professional and technical services; (4) Restaurants, coffee shops and cafes; (5) Public facilities, including, but not limited to, fire and police facilities, post offices, and libraries; (6) Public utilities, including, but not limited to power substations and telephone exchanges; and (7) Recreational facilities (public and private). 20.40.030 LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USES. Every use permitted in the M -1 Zone shall be subject to the fol- lowing conditions and limitations: (1) No operations and uses conducted on the premises shall be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibrations or other similar causes; and 5559 (2) All uses in the M -1 Zone shall be conducted completely within a fully enclosed building except: A. Recreational facilities customarily conducted in the open; B. Exterior storage provided that it is in compliance with Section 20.40.120 (b); and C. Special uses to the degree the Conditional Use Permit granting such use expressly permits opera- tion in other than a fully enclosed building. 20.40.040 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES. An accessory use shall not be permitted for any building or structure not customarily incidental to the permitted principal use; pro- vided, however, that storage use shall be limited to acces- sory storage of supplies or commodities sold or used in the production of a product produced on the premises. 20.40.050 HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS. No building with- in the M -1 Zone shall exceed the allowable floor area by virtue of the building height. No building may exceed two hundred feet in height. No building or structure shall ex- ceed these limits except when expressly authorized in ac- cordance with a procedure requiring approval of the Plan- ning Commission or the City Council. No building may ex- ceed both the allowable floor area and height limits under any circumstances. 20.40.060 AREA REQUIREMENTS. (a) Front Yard. Each lot shall have a fully landscaped and maintained front yard of not less than twenty -five feet. No encroachment shall be allowed except when expressly authorized in ac- cordance with a procedure requiring approval of the Plan- ning Commission or the City Council. (b) Side Yard. Each lot shall have a fully landscaped and maintained side yard of not less than fifteen feet. Where side yards abut property in a different zone, the zone with the most restrictive side yard requirement shall pre- vail, but in no case will the side yard be less than fifteen feet. No encroachment shall be allowed except when ex- pressly authorized in accordance with a procedure requiring approval of the Planning Commission or the City Council. (c) Rear Yard. Each lot shall have a fully landscaped and maintained rear yard of not less than ten feet. Where rear yards abut an alley, dedicated street, public right -of- way, or when the major access to the site is accomplished through the rear yard, the yard shall be twenty -five feet. No encroachment shall be allowed except when expressly au- thorized in accordance with a procedure requiring approval of the Planning Commission or the City Council. (d) M -1 Minimum Lot Size and Frontage. Each lot in the zone shall be a minimum of ten thousand square feet and have a minimum frontage of one hundred feet on a dedicated street; provided, however, that if a lot of lesser size was of legal record prior to (effective date of this ordinance) this requirement shall not apply. 20.40.070 BUILDING AREA. The total floor area of the buildings, as defined in Chapter 20.08, Section 20.08.193, on any parcel or lot shall not exceed the total square footage of the parcel or lot area, thereby giving a floor area ratio of one to one, (1:1). 20.40.080 OFF- STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES. Off- street parking and loading spaces shall be provided as required by Chapter 20.54 except when expressly authorized in accordance with a procedure requiring approval of the Planning Commission or the City Council. 20.40.090 SIGNS. Signs in the M -1 Zone shall be in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 5.32 and Chap- ter 16.24. -2- -.140 20.40.100 FENCES. Fences in the M -1 Zone shall be in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 20.58. 20.40.110 STREET REQUIREMENTS. Prior to the is- suance of a building permit, the owner shall submit to the City Engineer a proposed method for the dedication, develop- ment and construction of all streets abutting on property, controlled by the owner on the block on which the building is proposed to be constructed. Such portions of streets shall be improved to the standards for extension and widen- ing as shown in the current Circulation Element of the E1 Segundo General Plan. No building permit shall be issued until the City Engineer has approved such a plan and the owner has either improved said streets in accordance with the approved plan or entered into an agreement with the City secured by a security deposit to assure that said streets will be so improved. 20.40.120 GENERAL REGULATIONS. (a) All build- ings located on corner or reversed corner lots in the M -1 Zone shall be in compliance with the requirements of Chap- ter 20.58. (b) The storage of equipment, materials, supplies and trash shall be shielded from public view within the building or within a fully enclosed structure. All equipment, mater- ials, and supplies that are unsuitable for interior storage must be shielded from public view in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Department. (c) All electrical, telephone, C.A.T.V. and similar service wires and cables, which provide direct services to the property being developed within the exterior boundary lines of such property, shall be installed underground. Risers on poles and buildings are permitted and shall be pro- vided by the developer or owner onto the pole which pro- vides service to said property. Utility service poles may be placed on the rear of the property to be developed only for the purpose of terminating underground facilities. The developer or owner is responsible for complying with the requirements of this section and shall make the necessary arrangements with the utility companies for the installation of such facilities. For the purpose of this section, appurtenances and as- sociated equipment such as, but not limited to, surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, and concealed ducts in an underground system may be placed above ground provided such appurtenances and associated equipment are screened from view in a similar manner as set forth in Subsection (b) of this Section. (d) Plantings, when used as a temporary screen, shall consist of evergreen plants, or plants of a similar nature to form a solid screen not to exceed twelve feet in height in the commercial and manufacturing zones. Temporary screens adjoining residential zones shall comply with Chap- ter 20.58. (e) Landscaping consisting of trees, shrubs, vines, bushes, flowers, ground coverings or any combination there- of, shall be planted and maintained subject to the follow- ing: (1) A minimum of five percent of surface parking lots; (2) Landscaping at intersections of streets, alleys, private drives and all other vehicular roadways shall be in compliance with Chapter 20.58; (3) Permanent watering facilities shall be provided for all required landscaped areas; and -3- (4) Required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean and healthy condition. This shall include proper pruning, mowing of the lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing and re- placement of plants when necessary. SECTION 2. That each and every M -1 zoned parcel located in the area bounded on the south by El Segundo Boulevard, on the east by Sepulveda Boulevard, on the north by Holly Avenue, and on the west by Standard Street, be and the same are hereby zoned C -M. Said zoning to remain in ef- fect until December 15, 1984, at which time said zoning shall revert to M -1. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of E1 Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. ATTEST: (SEAL) PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of December , 1982. ��2 .Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo, California. -4- :� :41 5.7; 42 STATE OF CAL ?FORNIA, ) COUNT' OF LOS ANGELES, ) C;TY OF EL SEGUNDO, vALERIE_ A. BDRROwESp p o 0 0, o , City Clerk of the C;ty er E; Segucdo, Coiifov -io, do hereby certify that the whole nvmbe, of membe,•s of the C:ty Ccunci! of the sad Cdy is U,e; 'hot the foregoing oAlronce, being O,dirance No. 10380, a o , is o fu-I, true and co,;ecl o,ig ;no! of O-dinoce No. ,1038 .... of the said City of El Segundo, Cchfcrrlo, entified. AN ORDINACE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE "EL SEGUNDO MUNI- CIPAL CODE" BY AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) RELATING TO THE LIGHT MANUFACTURING (M -1) ZONE; AND PROVIDING INTERIM ZONING FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY, Which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and s'gnisd by the Mayor of so,d Coy, and ottested by the City Cie,k of sold City, a -i at a reguia� meeting of the said Council held on the...Z.th __day day of, e December..., .... , !9, D2 and that the some was so passed and adopted by the foliowing sore: AVESe C0u1cilmis=bar8,. Art1tgtXQAg,, J. Qbnar,,. S,iarlek, and. „ooa o,a Mayor Bue NOESe CcuncilmedWUorso Synadjjn se e.e ABSENT; .. aao.,.,.o.o.eeNone°oe...e�,°000a oa000ao..oaoao.o. I do hereby fu•the- ce -tify that puas,.act to the previsions of Section 36933 of the Gove,ament Code of the State of Col'Horrlo, !hot the foregoing O- dinance No, 1028, 0. was duly a,.d regularly published occo -ding to law and the order of the City Council of said City i... the El Segundo He,a!d, a wee4ly newspopee of general c�: aulat cn, printed, published and circulated within the said City and that the same was so pub - Iished there;, on the fo!!owittg date, to w;i�.,,.., o City Clerk of the City of U Segundo, California, (SEAL) By..�.�oo,e� ,e,e°o.000e�e�ee°o°ee�e,e Deputy