ORDINANCE 1025F;aat; ORDINANCE NO. 1025 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DEVELOPMENT IN THE C -3, M -1 AND M -2 ZONES. WHEREAS, on May 4, 1982, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, adopted as an interim zoning ordinance, Ordinance No. 1023, entitled: "AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, PROHIBITING DEVELOP- MENT IN THE C -3, M -1 AND M -2 ZONES; DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN EXTENSION OF THIS ORDINANCE."; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1023 will expire on September 4, 1982; and WHEREAS, the City Council has given notice pursuant to Section 65856 of the Government Code and held a public hearing and, as authorized by Section 65858 of the Government Code, desires to extend said urgency Ordinance No. 1023 until May 3, 1983; and WHEREAS, the Planning Department and the Planning Com- mission of the City of E1 Segundo are undertaking a study of the Special Commercial District (C -3) Zone, the Light Manufac- turing (M -1) Zone and the Heavy Manufacturing (M -2) Zone; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning has recommended to the City Council that the prohibition contained in Ordinance No. 1023 be extended subject to certain exceptions and modifi- cations for a period of eight months; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The limitation contained in Ordinance No. 1023 is hereby extended for a period of eight months. SECTION 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, applications for any and all land use entitlements for buildings, as the same are defined in Sec- tion 20.08.075 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, including but not limited to building permits, for the uses permitted in the F;4Rt Special Commercial District (C -3) Zone, the Light Manufacturing (M -1) Zone and the Heavy Manufacturing (M -2) Zone, shall not be accepted by the City of E1 Segundo and no approval or permits for same shall be granted by the City for such properties. SECTION 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1 and Section 2 of this ordinance, applications may be accepted and approvals and permits may be granted in the Special Commer- cial District (C -3) Zone, the Light Manufacturing (M -1) Zone, and the Heavy Manufacturing (M -2) Zone in either of the following circumstances only: A. A land use entitlement or entitlements shall be permitted in said zones to modify existing or construct new commercial and industrial structures where the proposed entitle- ments in the aggregate do not increase the total usable square footage of the site by greater than ten percent of the existing square footage or 10,000 square feet of structure whichever is the lesser and the application meets all of the requirements of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code. B. A land use entitlement or entitlements shall be permitted in said zones to modify existing or construct new commercial and industrial structures where the City Council finds by resolution that the proposed development will be consistent with the purpose of the moratorium; and further, by resolution approves the issuance of the entitlement or entitlements provided the proposed development does not increase the usable square footage by more than 25,000 square feet of floor space and the application meets all of the requirements of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code. SECTION 4. This interim zoning ordinance shall be of no further force and effect on or after May 31 1983; provided, however, the City Council may extend such interim zoning ordi- nance for an additional period of time as permitted by law. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. -2- SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within the City of E1 Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of 1982. OayorofZthe City of E1 Segundo, California ATTEST: VALERIE A. BURROWES City Clerk (SEAL) Ey Deputy -3- :;4Rg Fi4R9 STATE OF CALTORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) i,� e. V,9LERIE,4, j3aVRHQWg$, o a , City Cle -k of the Cty of EI Segundo, Ca' ifoen %a, do hereby certify that the whole rumbe of members of the Clty Ccurci! of the said Csty is f, e; •hot the forego rg c,dirance, being O•dirance No, . 1025 , _ , is o fu;l, true and correct o,;q;ral of O-dinonce No. AM i.cf the sold City of El Segundo, Cal - forria, entitled-. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DEVELOPMENT INTHE C -3, M -I AND M -2 ZONES. which was dcly passed and odopted by the said City Council, apo-oved and s:'gned by the Mayor of said City, ord attested by the City Cierk of said City, wi of a regular meeting of the sold Council held on the,.,.. 7Qth. day of..... loaf ......a 19,,82.. and that the same was sic passed and adopted by the foliowing vote:: AYESD Cou ecilmembers. °Araxvsks.orsg.,�.JQIkS7SPd4,. Schack . o...... e. e... p5ynadinoQo�rk�o�'f,�.kQC.E3le, ..�.e...��e.... oa.o oa NOES-. Conedlmemhes®..... Noruc.... ..........e.ee....e.. ABSENTS „ ea.e _None___­ "1 .1.a11.,11,o '. ... .,<,00.0000 I do hereby f.rfhe- certify that pursuant to the p- c,isions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Calfforrlo, that the fo-egoing O- dirarce No., 1f)2i5... was duly o:-id regulo-ly published accoding to low and the o-de• of the City Ccurcil of said City 'r the El Segundo Herard, a weelriy newspaper of gee-al c[rculaticr, printed, published ord cuc,iiated wifhir the said City and that the satire was so pub- l asked there;,or the £ollowicg date, to wit°. ........ Valerie A. 8urrewes City Cle,k of the City of El Segundo, California, (SEAL) By, �.� a ✓d.����!?aa000ao YDeputy CITY OF EL SEGUN O INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Oa!- November 2. 1982 Te: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Fra m: Nicholas Romaniello, Director of Planning Sub,cl. Ordinance No. 1025 - Procedures for Granting Exemptions The Planning Commission has expressed its concern rel- ative to Sections 3A and 3B of City Council Ordinance No. 1025 and has asked me to bring those concerns to your attention. Sections 3A and 3B, in effect, create exemptions for certain building proposals in zones declared-to be under a building moratorium. While the Commission recognizes there may be cases where such exemptions will be consistent with the purpose of the moratorium, the Commission's primary concern is that the procedure bypasses the Commission's advisory role in such matters. A further anomaly exists because under current environ- mental regulations, the Planning Commission must approve all environmental assessments before they can be certified by the City Council. Thus, at their October 28th meeting, the Planning Commission had to consider an environmental assessment conducted for a project they have not reviewed; in actuality for a project already approved by the City Council. (RE: Environmental Assessment EA -001 for a 16,052 square foot building addition at III Maryland Street / Appli- cant, Wyle Laboratories and Burton Electrical Engineering) RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council amend Ordinance No.- 1025 as follows: Section 3A: Require that all applications for an exemption to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1025 under the conditions of Section 3A be subject to Planning Commission review; and 2. Section 3B: Require that all applications for an exemption to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1025 under the conditions of Section 3B be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council. NR: jh r, p Z-` E. J NOV 1 1982 CITY MANAGER EL SEGUNDO